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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att bygga en profession : En kvalitativ studie om speciallärarstudenter med inriktning utvecklingsstörning i spänningsfältet mellan yrkesliv och påbyggnadsutbildning. / To build a profession : A qualitative study of special needs education students, focusing on working with children with intellectual disability, at the intersection between working life and postgraduate education

Bunar, Nihada, Nilsson, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Då behovet av specialpedagogisk kompetens ökar ute i skolorna, krävs det att speciallärarutbildningarna uppfyller en viss kvalitet angående yrkesutbildningen och dess profession. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur speciallärarstudenter med inriktning utvecklingsstörning upplever utbildningens innehåll, praktiskt genomförande och villkoren för det egna lärandet i spänningsfältet mellan akademisk påbyggnadsutbildning och professionell yrkesutövning. Detta är en kvalitativ studie som bygger på intervjuer med sju speciallärarstudenter, inriktning utvecklingsstörning. Det insamlade empiriska materialet har bearbetats utifrån tematisk analys. Tre teman framkom och blev fokus för vårt resultat: “Speciallärarutbildningens teoretiska inslag”; “Speciallärarutbildningen och studenternas yrkespraktik” samt “Gapet mellan utbildningsbaserade kunskaper och skolorganisationens förändringsbenägenhet”. Genom denna studie har vi konstaterat att de intervjuade speciallärarstudenterna upplever en stor diskrepans mellan vad som lärs ut i utbildningen och deras yrkespraktik. Vidare framkom önskemål och idéer om hur utbildningen borde justeras för att möta behoven som speciallärare, inriktning utvecklingsstörning väntas hantera och tillgodose i yrkeslivet. Denna studie är en del av en forskningsansökan till Vetenskapsrådet av Höstfält, G., Falkner, K. (2018, april), "The (re)emergence of a profession: Swedish special needs teachers in the field of tension of the day-to-day work and graduate education.". / As the need for special education skills increases in schools, special education courses need to meet a certain quality of academic standards and professional needs. The purpose of this study was to investigate how special needs teacher students, focusing on working with children with intellectual disability, experience the content and carrying out of the education, as well as the conditions for the student’s own learning at the intersection between academic education and occupational practice as a special teacher in schools.  This is a qualitative study, based on interviews with seven special needs teacher students, focusing on working with children with intellectual disability. The empirical data has been processed from the point of view of thematic analysis where three themes emerged and became the focus of our result: "Theorization of special education"; "Special Education and Student Occupational Practice" and "The gap between education-based knowledge and the lack of schools’ ability to change". Through this study, we have found that the interviewed students experience a major discrepancy between what is learned through education and their practical work experiences. Furthermore, the interviewed students presented ideas and suggestions for how the education should be adjusted to meet the needs special teachers, focusing on working with children with intellectual disability, are expected to deal with and fulfill in their profession.  The present study is a part of an application to Swedish Research Council, prepared by Höstfält, G., Falkner, K. (2018, April), "The (re)emergence of a profession: Swedish special needs teachers in the field of tension of the day-to-day work and graduate education.".

Fattar dom inte att dom behöver oss : En kvalitattiv studie av kuratorer inom hälso- och sjukvård

Rydberg, Pia January 2018 (has links)
Many social workers that are working within the current healthcare system, feel that their profession is being marginalized, and they are worried that the social perspective might be lost, which would affect both the healthcare system and the patient in an undesirable way. This is a situation that is described by the social workers that were interviewed for the work of this assay. There is a proposition about a special legitimisation for social workers within the healthcare system. The main aim of this proposition is to secure the patient safety.  A second aim is to secure that the social perspective will remain with in the healthcare system.   The governance of the public sector of today, focuses on increasing the efficiency by control and review of measurable goals, which has affected the professionals' use of their skills and lead to de-professionalization. In today's knowledge management, measurable treatment through manuals is seemingly more important than professional competence, which has weakened the curators' profession role in healthcare. This picture is clearly stated in this essay's empirical study and is confirmed by the literature studied.   The trust delegation has the task to develop a reform that will better use the employees' skills so that the Swedish citizens receive their needed services through trust-based governance. The proposed introduction of legitimisation and the work of the trust delegation can both lead to changes for the social workers and the social perspective. For the social workers, the proposal raises hope. A legitimisation might strengthen their occupational role and at the same time indicate that the social perspective in healthcare is a specific and necessary area, which can lead to the development of the profession's jurisdiction.

De l'analyse des besoins professionnels à l'élaboration d'un dispositif de formation à l'enseignement du F.L.E. : vers une professionnalisation contextualisée des futurs enseignants et des enseignants de F.L.E. du second degré au Yémen / From the analysis of preofessional needs to the development of a trainig curriculum for teaching FLE : towards a contextualized professionalization of teachers of French and future teachers of French in secondary schools in Yemen

Moftah, Suzanne 25 June 2013 (has links)
La thèse porte sur la formation des enseignants de FLE exerçant dans les écoles secondaires au Yémen. Notre idée directrice est de démontrer l’importance d’une formation spécialisée, touchant l’enseignement des langues étrangères, en l’occurrence le français - une formation qui n’existe pas au Yémen.Notre problématique s’est construite autour de trois axes principaux : une étude des contextes socioculturel, sociolinguistique, éducatif et institutionnel au Yémen. Le second axe tourne autour d’une étude portant sur les concepts et les notions traitant de la question de la formation des enseignants de FLE. Enfin le troisième axe tourne vers l’élaboration d’un dispositif de formation.Pour mener à bien notre travail, nous avons réalisé des enquêtes sur le terrain au Yémen. Nous avons administré deux questionnaires destinés aux étudiants de 4ème année de licence et aux enseignants de français. Nous avons également réalisé des observations de classes de français dans certaines écoles secondaires à Taëz.Notre travail de thèse a abouti par la conception d’un dispositif de formation des enseignants de FLE, qui prend en compte toutes les composantes et toutes les variables du domaine dans lequel nous avons réalisé notre étude. / The thesis focuses on the training of teachers of FLE (Francais Langue Étrangère) who work in secondary schools in Yemen. Our idea is to demonstrate the importance of specialized training of teaching foreign languages, namely French – a training that does not exist in Yemen.Our research questions are based on three main axes: the first one investigates the sociocultural, sociolinguistic, educational and institutional contexts in Yemen. The second axis explores the concepts and notions which deal with the issue of teacher training of FLE. Finally, the third axis revolves around the development of a training curriculum.Concerning the practical part, we carried out the fieldwork in Yemen. We administered two questionnaires for university students of the fourth year and teachers of French in secondary schools. We also made observations of French classes in some secondary schools in Taiz.Our thesis has resulted in the design of a teacher training curriculum of FLF, taking into account all the components and all the variables of the domain in which we conducted our study.

O poder legislativo municipal: estrutura, composição e produção / The municipal legislative body: structure, composition and production

Silva, Patrick Cunha 09 December 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como motivação a pergunta: Como é o Poder Legislativo Municipal no Brasil? É comumente assumido que Câmaras municipais são menos importantes que o Poder Executivo para elaboração e produção de políticas nos municípios brasileiros. Argumento que este é um entendimento equivocado baseado em estudos conduzidos com poucas informações em que não existem evidências empíricas suficientes para sustentar isto. A fim de apresentar um novo e mais completo entendimento sobre as Câmaras Legislativas Municipais, analiso três tópicos. Primeiro, se as Câmaras são profissionalizadas e bem estruturadas. Segundo, o perfil sócio educacional e ocupacional dos candidatos e vereadores comparados com o da população municipal. Terceiro, o conteúdo dos projetos de lei apresentados pelos vereadores. Utilizo dados do Censo do Legislativo, do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral e de um banco de dados original, conduzo uma série de testes que incluem da estatística descritiva a modelos de regressão. A análise mostra que (1) as Câmaras Municipais são pouco profissionalizadas e parcamente estruturadas; (2) candidatos e vereadores possuem escolaridade mais alta e são provenientes de ocupações mais prestigiosas do que a média da população. Todavia, as Câmaras são as instituições representativas mais acessíveis a indivíduos das camadas mais baixas da população; (3) vereadores podem propor leis em importantes áreas e que se algumas destas áreas são muito regulamentadas (como a saúde e educação), outras não são (por exemplo, habitação e regulamentação do solo). Portanto, não é correto dizer que não existem políticas importantes no Poder Legislativo Municipal. / This dissertation has as its motivation the question: How is the Municipal Legislative Branch in Brazil? It is commonly assumed that Municipal Chambers are less important than Executive Branch to elaborate and produce policies in Brazilian municipalities. I argue this is an equivocal understanding based on studies conducted with few information and that there are not sufficient empirical evidences to sustain it. In order to present a new and more complete knowledge about Municipal Legislative Chambers, I analyze three issues. First, if the Chambers are professionalized and well structured. Second, the socio-educational and socio-occupational profiles of candidates and council members compared with the municipal population. Third, the content of the bills presented by council members. Using data from Legislative Census, Superior Electoral Court and an original dataset, I conduct a series of tests including descriptive statistics and regression models. The analysis shows that (1) Legislative Chambers are little professionalized and poorly structured; (2) candidates and council members are better educated and from more prestigious occupations than the population mean. However, they are the most accessible representative institution in Brazil for individuals from lower layers of the population; (3) council members can propose bills in important areas and if some are very regulated (such as health and education), others are not (for instance, housing and soil regulation). Therefore, it is not correct to say that there are not key policies in Municipal Legislative Branch.

Formação continuada e profissionalização docente na Rede Municipal de São Paulo / Continued training and teachers\' professionalization in the Education System of the City of São Paulo

Trevizan, Andressa Christina 23 February 2016 (has links)
Essa pesquisa situa-se no âmbito da problemática da formação continuada de professores da educação básica, especialmente daqueles que trabalham nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Considerando a importância da educação continuada e a diversidade de modelos e espaços de formação de professores, que são oferecidos pela Secretaria Municipal de Educação de São Paulo, a pesquisa propõe-se a investigar experiências diversas que nesse sentido foram desenvolvidas no período pós LDBEN 9394/96, tendo por objetivo principal compreender a contribuição de tais cursos para a profissionalização e a melhoria da competência docente. A metodologia é de natureza qualitativa, envolvendo dois tipos de coleta de dados: (a) documentais: textos oficiais e outros produzidos no âmbito dos programas analisados; e (b) depoimentos orais colhidos por meio de entrevistas gravadas com um grupo de 5 professoras polivalentes do Ensino Fundamental I da rede municipal de ensino de São Paulo. A análise dos dados se respalda em vários autores que sob diferentes enfoques têm teorizado sobre o trabalho e a profissão docente, dentre os quais, Nóvoa, Dubar, Tardif, Bourdoncle e Popkewitz. A articulação entre os dados empíricos e o referencial teórico foi feita por meio dos principais conceitos que orientam a investigação: profissão, profissionalização, desenvolvimento profissional, competência e saberes docente. A expectativa é a de poder contribuir com elementos novos a propósito da questão da formação continuada de professores e, também, sobre os diferentes modelos de formação propostos para a profissionalização docente, identificando as concepções que têm se incorporado à prática dos professores por meio desse processo. As análises permitiram concluir que a educação continuada pode ser um dos elementos constitutivos do processo de profissionalização docente, no entanto, sem outras ações conjuntas torna-se inviável a sua efetivação, pois esse processo está intimamente relacionado a uma gama de fatores sociais, econômicos e políticos e a níveis elevados de rigorosidade correlacionados à formação, organização e prestígio. / This study is about the problems related to continued teacher training on the basic education level, especially those teachers who work in first grades of elementary school. Considering the importance of continued teacher training and the diversity of models and instances of teacher training that are currently offered, the study intends to investigate a variety of experiences that have been implemented in the period after the passing of LDBEN 9394/96 (act of the guidelines and grounds of the national education). The main purpose is to understand how such training courses and programs offered by the Education Secretariat of São Paulo City have contributed for the professionalization and improvement of teacher competence. The methodological approach is qualitative, involving two types of data collection: (a) documents: official texts and other texts produced under the sphere of the programs being analyzed; and (b) oral testimonies obtained by means of recorded interviews with a group of five (5) female teachers from elementary schools of the education system in the city of São Paulo. Data analysis is based on several authors who have built different theoretical approaches about the teaching as a type of work and profession, including Nóvoa, Dubar, Tardif, Bourdoncle, and Popkewitz. The articulation between empirical data and theoretical references utilized the major concepts which guide this research: profession, professionalization, professional development, competence, and teaching knowledge. The intent is to contribute with new elements about continued teacher training and, also, about the different training models proposed for the professionalization of teachers, by identifying the conceptions which have been incorporated to the teachers´ practice through this process. Analyses allowed to conclude that continued education may be one of the constitutive elements of the teachers´ professionalization process, however, without other joint actions it is unfeasible to make it effective as this process is closely associated with a range of social, economic and political factors and with high levels of rigor related to training, organization, and prestige.

La profession enseignante au Cameroun de la période post coloniale à nos jours dans le contexte social, politique et syndical : le processus de professionnalisation des enseignants camerounais / The teaching profession in Cameroon of period comment colonial in our days in the social, political and labor-union context : the process of professionalization of the Cameroonian teachers

Lekoa, Aime 11 December 2015 (has links)
Les Etats généraux de l’éducation tenus à Yaoundé en 1995, conséquences des mouvements enseignants à la suite des baisses de salaires de 1993, sur pression syndicale, ont permis de faire le diagnostic du système éducatif camerounais en général et de la profession enseignante en particulier. Si les conclusions des assises pointent de nombreux dysfonctionnements, elles en indiquent également des recommandations. De ces nombreux dysfonctionnements, on peut parler de la gestion globale d’un système éducatif calquée sur un modèle hyper centralisé. Dysfonctionnements et limites qu’on constate également en termes de ressources tant humaines, que matérielles et infrastructurelles. Qualitativement et quantitativement, les faiblesses et les limites d’un corps enseignant hétérogène ne sont plus à démontrer. Par leurs différents statuts – fonctionnaires ou agents contractuels, le mode de recrutement, exerçant dans l’enseignement privé ou public, il apparaît d’emblée improbable de parler du métier d’enseignant au Cameroun comme une profession au sens que l’entend la sociologie des professions. S’agissant donc de la quantité et de la qualité des enseignants, il a été constaté que malgré les efforts de recrutement pour palier au déficit abyssal, il restait beaucoup à faire en vue de se rapprocher des normes internationales. Malgré l’agrandissement de la carte scolaire par la création et l’ouverture parfois de façon incohérente de nombreux établissements publics, leur dotation en personnels enseignants qualifiés reste profondément insuffisante, toutes choses qui sont une entrave au bon fonctionnement et l’efficacité du système éducatif. Cette recherche nous a permis d’évaluer le niveau de professionnalisation d’un métier qui occupe une position charnière dans la formation des futurs citoyens d’un pays. C’est pourquoi la question de la formation et du recrutement des enseignants est au cœur de ce travail. Pour ce faire, il est indéniable que les objectifs du système éducatif camerounais ne peuvent être atteints que si l’Etat réévalue son niveau d’exigence dans le recrutement de son personnel. Elever son niveau de formation pour avoir des enseignants compétents, motivés et qui se sentent socialement considérés. Il paraît paradoxal qu’au moment où différents acteurs- enseignants, syndicats, parents d’élèves et institutions- cohabitent pour une meilleure gestion du système éducatif, la crise de confiance persiste. Une crise de confiance accentuée par le fait que les enseignants ne se sentiraient pas suffisamment socialement considérés. Un fait qui a pour conséquence la baisse de la qualité de l’enseignement et par ricochet celle du niveau des élèves. En effet, les enseignants reprochent aux pouvoirs publics le manque de considération à leur égard, le manque de moyens et le mauvais traitement salarial qui leur est réservé par rapport à d’autres catégories socioprofessionnelles relevant de l’Etat ou de la fonction publique.... / The general States of the education held in Yaoundé in 1995, consequences of the teaching movements following the wage cuts of 1993, on labor-union pressure, allowed to make the diagnosis of the Cameroonian education system generally and the teaching profession in particular. If the conclusions of the assizes clock of numerous dysfunctions, they also indicate it recommendations. Of these numerous dysfunctions, we can speak about the global management of an education system traced on a centralized hyper model. Dysfunctions and limit which we also notice in terms of resources so human, that material and infrastructural. Qualitatively and quantitatively, the weaknesses and the limits of a heterogeneous teaching profession are not to be any more demonstrated. By their various statutes - state employees or contract employees, the mode of recruitment, practicing in the private or public education, it seems straightaway improbable to speak about teacher's job as a profession in the sense that understands it the sociology of the occupations. Thus involving the quantity and the quality of the teachers, it was noticed that in spite of the efforts of recruitment for landing in the abyssal deficit, it stayed a lot to be done to move closer to international standards. In spite of the enlargement of the map of school catchment areas by the creation and the opening sometimes in a inconsistent way of more public institutions, their subsidy in qualified teachers remains profoundly insufficient, any things which are an obstacle in the smooth running and the efficiency of the education system. This research allowed us to estimate the level of professionalization of a job which occupies a pivotal position in the training of the future citizens of a country. That is why the question of the training and the recruitment of the teachers is at the heart of this work. To do it, it is undeniable that the objectives of the Cameroonian education system can be reached only if the State revalues its level of requirement in the recruitment of his staff. Raise his level of training to have competent, motivated teachers and who feel socially considered. We seem paradoxical that as various teaching actors, labor unions, parents and institutions live for a better management of the education system, the crisis of confidence persists. A crisis of confidence stressed by the fact that the teachers would not feel enough socially considered. A fact which has for consequence the reduction in the quality of the teaching and on the rebound that of the level of the pupils. Indeed, the teachers blame public authorities for the lack of consideration, ways and their wage treatment with regard to other socio-professional groups of the public service. If a particular status of the staff of the Education was create since 2000, his application which stays an assault course makes difficult but progressive the process of professionalization of the Cameroonian teachers. The teaching professional body gradually established in twenty years. On one hand, many labor unions were born and stood out as main interlocutors of public authorities. By their actions labor unions want to weigh in the choices of the programs, the training and the recruitments. Thus remain to spread these requirements in the private education where the sector still escapes the control with an absence of collective agreement. On the other hand, by reforming teacher's training colleges, public authorities granted to revise the access mode in the profession. But the training to her alone will not be enough for professionalizing the job of teacher in Cameroon if the political will did not already agree to apply all which is registered in the above-mentioned decree....

Tolv år av professionalisering : En kvalitativ studie av Sverigedemokraternas professionalisering av valaffischer. / Twelve years of professionalization : A qualitative study of Sverigedemokraterna’s professionalisation ofelection posters.

Dahlberg, Anna, Forslund, Elsa January 2019 (has links)
Valaffischer är ett gammalt traditionellt medium för politiska partier att nå ut med sin kommunikation med. Men trots de nya tillvägagångssätten att nå ut med sin kommunikation tack vare digitaliseringen, är valaffischer fortfarande ett aktuellt medium trots att de har använts under så pass lång tid. Sverigedemokraterna är ett relativt “ungt” parti. De blirintressanta att studera då de har sina rötter i nazismen och därifrån har de snabbt vuxit till att bli Sveriges tredje största parti. Studien redovisar en analys av Sverigedemokraternas professionalisering och hur deras utveckling av valaffischer sett ut under valrörelserna 2006, 2010, 2014 och 2018. Totalt har det analyserats femton valaffischer som ingått i Sverigedemokraternas valkampanjer under de fyra senaste valrörelserna. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad professionaliseringen av politiken har haft för betydelse för Sverigedemokraternas visuella politiska kommunikation, i form av deras valaffischer. Därav formades frågeställningar för att svara påsyftet: “Hur har Sverigedemokraternas kommunikation genom valaffischer förändrats från2006 till 2018?” och “Hur har professionaliseringen av visuell politisk kommunikation tagit form i Sverigedemokraternas valaffischer?” Valaffischerna i denna studie utgår från en kvalitativ textanalys och med fokus på ett parti. Den kvalitativa textanalysen utgår från en semiotisk analys, där den analysmodell som använts är en sammansättning av 5 teman, 14 kategorier och 1 underkategori. Valaffischerna i studien har framförallt analyserat med hjälp av tidigare forskning av Nicklas Håkansson, Bengt Johansson och Orla Vigsø (2014), som ofta ses som referenser i samband med studier av valaffischer. Teorierna politisk kommunikation och professionalisering ligger till grunden för denna studie. Resultatet av analysen har applicerats på fyra tidsperioder i valaffischernas utveckling och slutsatsen visar på att Sverigedemokraterna har genomgått en förändring i professionaliseringen av valaffischer mellan åren 2006 och 2018, fast under kortare tid än de fyra tidsperioderna. Det är en förändring som anpassats i takt med utvecklingen i samhället, bland annat i form av den digitala utvecklingen och utvecklingen av specialistyrken inom marknadsföring och visuell kommunikation. Förändringen av Sverigedemokraternas kommunikation i valaffischer har bland att visats i att de har gått från att använda tydliga budskap och starka åsikter, till att deras budskap har blivit mer och mer abstrakt och att de inte längre behöver argumentera för sin sak. Deras åsikter har normaliserats till den grad att de inte längre behöver övertyga väljarna på samma sätt genom sina valaffischer. / Election posters are an old traditional medium for political parties to reach out with their communication. Despite the new approaches to reach out with political communication thanks to digitalization, election posters are still a relevant medium despite having been used for a long time. Sverigedemokraterna are a relatively "young" party. They became interesting for this study as they have their roots in nazism and therefrom quickly grew to become Sweden's third largest party. This study presents an analysis of Sverigedemokraterna’s professionalization of electionposters during the electoral campaigns 2006, 2010, 2014 and 2018. A total of fifteen electionposters were analyzed, all of which were included in Sverigedemokraterna’s electioncampaigns during four different electoral movements. The purpose of this study is to investigate the importance of professionalization of politics for Sverigedemokraterna’s visualpolitical communication, in form of their election posters. From this, questions at issue were formulated to answer the purpose: How has the communication through election posters from Sverigdemokraterna changed from 2006 to 2018? and How has the professionalization of visual political communication shown in Sverigedemokraternas election posters? The election posters in this study are processed on the basis of a qualitative textanalysis and with focus on one party. The qualitative textanalysis is based on a semiotic analysis, where a analysis model is used. The analysis model is a composition of 5 themes, 14 categories and 1 subcategory. The results of the study have primarily been analyzed with the help of previous research by Nicklas Håkansson, Bengt Johansson and Orla Vigsø (2014), who are often seen as references in connection with studies of election posters. The theories of political communication and professionalization form the basis of this study. The result of the analysis has been applied to a four time period in the development of the election posters and the conclusion shows that Sverigedemokraterna has gone through a change in the professionalization of election posters between 2006 and 2018, though for shorter periods than the four time periods of election posters. It is a change that has been adapted in line with developments in society, including in the form of digital development and the development of specialist professions in marketing and visual communication. The professionalization has also shown through the normalization of the party. The change inSverigedemokraterna’s communication in election posters has among other things been shown in their use of clear messages and strong opinions in their election posters to that their message has become more and more abstract and that they no longer need to argue for their cause. Their opinions have been normalized to the point that they no longer need to convince voters and other parties with their election posters.

Les unités territoriales de la Fédération Française de Tennis : professionnalisation et reconfiguration / The territorial units of the French Tennis Federation : professionalization and the making of a new model of action

Olexa, Kevin 17 December 2015 (has links)
A partir d’une sociologie de l’action organisée attentive à la mise en œuvre de la politique de la Fédération Française de Tennis (FFT) dans et par ses unités territoriales, notre travail analyse les effets induits par le double processus de « déconcentralisation » et de professionnalisation plus particulièrement sur la gouvernance de ces organisations. Nous montrons ici que le siège FFT, face aux menaces qui pèsent sur le tournoi « Roland-Garros » et afin de préserver son modèle, a engagé une transformation de la territorialisation de son action. Ayant défini à ce titre un nouveau mode de régulation entre les différentes organisations qui la composent, un changement est désormais à l’œuvre au sein des ligues régionales et des comités départementaux. Dans la première partie, nous montrons comment le siège FFT se sert du contexte économique pour faire évoluer sa gouvernance et pour mettre en œuvre un nouveau mode de pilotage de ses unités territoriales. La deuxième partie analyse, ensuite, le développement de cette action fédérale qui se veut plus processuelle que contractuelle, action marquée, en outre, par le caractère inter-organisationnel donnée à la résolution des problèmes de gouvernance territoriale afin de gagner en flexibilité et cohérence. Enfin, dans la troisième partie, nous relativisons les effets des nouvelles règles fédérales en démontrant que la FFT a finalement pleinement profité de l’antériorité de la dynamique de changement déjà à l’œuvre au sein des ligues même si celle-ci se déployait avec de fortes différenciations temporelles et fonctionnelles selon les territoires. / Our study is based on the sociological side of the numerous organized actions dealing with the implementation of the politics of the French Tennis Federation (FFT) among and throughout its territorial units. The goal of this research was to analyze the effects engendered by the double process of devolution –the passing of power- and professionalization, especially on the governance of these organized actions.We wanted here to show that the French Tennis Federation’s head office, confronted with the well-known threats concerning the French Grand Slam Roland Garros and in the objective of preserving its model of functioning, has engaged into a transformation of the territorialisation of its actions. To this end, it defined a new model of regulation between the different organizations it is composed of. This change is now being implemented within the regional tennis leagues and departmental committees.First, we will show how the French Tennis Federation’s head office is using the economic context in order to make its governance better and to implement a new model of management of its territorial units. Then, the second part is an analysis of the development of this federal action that is more of a process than a contract. Furthermore, this action is marked by the inter-organizational nature given to the manner of solving problems of territorial governance so that the French Tennis Federation can become more flexible and consistent. In the last part of the dissertation, we try to put the effects of these new federal rules into perspective. This is done by showing that the French Tennis Federation has in fact largely taken advantage of the changing dynamics that was already being put into action among the regional tennis leagues, even if this dynamics was highly different in matters of time and functioning depending on the territories concerned.

Profissionalização do tutor na educação a distância / Tutor professionalization on distance education

Silva, Fernanda Casqueiro Souza da 17 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Rosina Valeria Lanzellotti Mattiussi Teixeira (rosina.teixeira@unisantos.br) on 2015-04-23T19:34:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Casqueiro Souza da Silva.pdf: 2087364 bytes, checksum: 635c797af6817fe3047d13dae94c0349 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-23T19:34:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Fernanda Casqueiro Souza da Silva.pdf: 2087364 bytes, checksum: 635c797af6817fe3047d13dae94c0349 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-17 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / This study is the result of the investigation carried out during my Master's course in Education at Universidade Católica de Santos ¿ UNISANTOS, on Teacher Training and Professionalization line of research. The research aimed to investigate the professionalization of tutors on Distance Learning courses (EaD), in order to have a glimpse of the perception this professional might have about his professionalization and understand, within the context in which these professionals are inserted, the difficulties they face when working as tutors on Undergraduate Distance Learning courses. The research adopted a qualitative approach, was conducted with tutors who work in undergraduate courses in a higher education institution in Santos/SP, and had as theoretical basis studies of Gonzalez (2005), Moraes (1997), Tardiff & Lessard (2011), Valente (2002), Belloni (2009), Santos (1991), Garcia (1999), among others, who dealt with issues concerning distance learning, teaching work and the latest educational paradigms. The empirical research used initially, as a methodological tool for data collection, 39 questionnaires, which were answered by tutors of undergraduate courses. On the second phase, a focus group was created, with participation of three tutors. The investigated issues were related to the area in which the tutors operate: continuing education, working conditions, relationship with peer teachers, mentoring experiences and difficulties found within this work environment. The data from this survey revealed conflicts regarding tutor role and his identity, as well as difficulties to understand what the mentoring job entails, and the lack of knowledge about cyber education settings, involving professionalism based on actions and changes, for which there are scarce opportunities for reflection. Results also pointed to controversies, among which, lack of structure for the mentoring work, including number of students per tutor and the small number of continuing education courses. Aspects on the devaluation of this professional suggest further investigation, once there is a remarkable growth on the field of distance learning, and teachers need to be prepared to perform their role as teacher trainers. / Universidade Católica de Santos (UNISANTOS), na linha de pesquisa Formação e Profissionalização Docente. A pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar a profissionalização do tutor na EaD, com vistas a conhecer a percepção desse profissional sobre a sua profissionalização e compreender o contexto no qual está inserido e as dificuldades que os professores enfrentaram na tutoria dos cursos de graduação a distância. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, foi realizada com tutores que atuam em cursos de Graduação em uma instituição de ensino superior de Santos-SP, e teve como base teórica os estudos de Gonzalez (2005), Moraes (1997), Tardiff e Lessard (2011), Valente (2002), Belloni (2009), Santos (1991), Garcia (1999) entre outros autores, que trataram de temas ligados à educação a distância e ao trabalho docente. A pesquisa empírica utilizou inicialmente, como instrumento metodológico de coleta de dados, 39 questionários, que foram respondidos por tutores de cursos de Graduação. No segundo momento, foi realizado um grupo focal, que contou com a participação de três tutores. As questões investigadas versaram sobre assuntos relacionados à área em que atuam: formação continuada, condições de trabalho, relações com os professores envolvidos, experiências de tutoria e dificuldades encontradas neste contexto de trabalho. Os dados da pesquisa revelaram alguns conflitos existentes em relação à identidade e o papel do tutor, como também dificuldades de compreensão sobre a tutoria, além da falta de conhecimento sobre o cenário educacional virtual, que envolve profissionalização embasada em ações e mudanças, para as quais existem poucas oportunidades de reflexão. A pesquisa apontou também controvérsias, entre elas, a falta de condições para o trabalho da tutoria, incluindo o número de alunos sob a responsabilidade dos tutores e as poucas ofertas de cursos de formação continuada. Além disso, foram sinalizados aspectos quanto à desvalorização desse profissional, o que demanda novos estudos, já que há um crescimento notável da modalidade de ensino a distância e os professores precisam estar preparados para exercer seu papel de formadores de professores.

Le professionnalisme de traducteurs “natifs” et “professionnels” judiciaires : une étude exploratoire et contrastive en France et en Espagne / Professionalism in “native” and “professional” legal translators and interpreters : an exploratory and comparative research in France and in Spain / El profesionalismo de traductores e intérpretes « nativos » y « profesionales » : estudio exploratorio y comparativo en Francia y en España

Lomeña Galiano, Maria 19 October 2018 (has links)
Comment définir un professionnel de la traduction et de l’interprétation judiciaire ? Aujourd’hui le métier de traducteur et d’interprète judiciaire en France et en Espagne est en voie de professionnalisation. Les structures professionnelles – formation, associations, régulation de l’État – contribuent à cette transformation de même que les attitudes favorables à la professionnalisation des praticiens, autrement dit le professionnalisme. Nous avons constaté que les travaux en traductologie n’ont pas développé la notion de professionnalisme et ont accordé une place centrale à la formation, laissant souvent de côté les aspects attitudinaux. Par ailleurs, la formation se révèle comme un critère de différenciation des traducteurs et interprètes, distinguant ceux qui sont diplômés en traduction – qualifiés de « professionnels » – de ceux qui ont acquis des compétences en traduction par la pratique – qualifiés de « natifs » (« naturels » ou « non-professionnels »). Cette thèse interroge cette dernière distinction et propose un modèle pour l’étude du professionnalisme centré sur cinq dimensions : l’idéal de service, l’intérêt pour les associations professionnelles et pour la qualité-efficacité dans la réalisation des tâches, les souhaits d’amélioration des conditions de travail et enfin les références en principes éthiques. Par le recours à ce modèle, notre travail explore les différences de professionnalisme entre traducteurs et interprètes judiciaires « natifs » et « professionnels » travaillant en France et en Espagne à partir d’entretiens biographiques. Les résultats avancent que l’interaction entre les acteurs interviewés et les structures professionnelles autres que la formation, détermine la définition du professionnalisme et du professionnel de la traduction. / What defines a professional on the field of legal translation and court interpretation? Nowadays, France and Spain are in the process of professionalizing this field. Even now, professional structures like a formal education, organizations and state regulations are contributing to this transformation, as well as demonstrating a favorable attitude towards the professionalization from its practitioners. In other words, professionalism. We have noticed that translation studies do not have a notion of professionalism, but keep a central role in formal education, which in effect neglects its attitudinal aspects. Furthermore, a formal education becomes the differentiation between translators and interpreters, distinguishing those who are certified in translation (qualified as “professionals”) from those who have acquired their translation skills through practice (qualified as “natives”, “naturals” or “non-professionals”). This thesis draws into question the above differentiation and proposes a model that studies professionalism focused on five aspects: the ideals of service, the interest for professional associations and quality-efficiency in task completion, the desire to improve working conditions and finally the standards in ethical principles. Through the use of this model, we performed biographical interviews to explore the differences in professionalism between “natives” and “professional” legal translators and court interpreters who work in France and Spain. The results indicate that, the interaction between the interviewees and the professional structures, other than a formal education, determines the definition of professionalism and of a translation professional.

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