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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Produção local de IgE e outros mediadores imunológicos no lavado nasal dos pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após a realização de imunoterapia específica com o ácaro Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus / Local production of IgE and other immune mediators in the nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after the realization of specific immunotherapy with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus

Rodrigues, Adriana Teixeira 17 May 2016 (has links)
A rinite alérgica (RA) é a mais comum doença mediada por IgE, que afeta aproximadamente 500 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. A RA é a expressão clínica da ligação entre anticorpos do tipo IgE e antígenos na mucosa nasal resultando em inflamação. Estes anticorpos foram detectados na secreção nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica. Na abordagem da doença, temos a imunoterapia específica (IT) como único tratamento imunomodulatório antígeno específico. Foi demonstrado que IT gera uma diminuição da resposta tardia ao alérgeno tanto na pele como na mucosa do trato respiratório e esta redução se correlaciona com diminuição no número de células infiltrando os tecidos e na quantidade de mediadores inflamatórios. Objetivo: Determinar a resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses; determinar a resposta inflamatória padrão Th1/ Th2/ Th17 e avaliar escore de sintomas e contagem de células no lavado nasal. Método: Selecionamos pacientes sensibilizados ao Dermatophagoides pteronissinus com diagnóstico de rinite alérgica persistente. Realizamos as analises de sintomas nasais através da escala NIS e antes de iniciar o tratamento estes indivíduos realizaram provocação nasal com alérgeno e coleta de lavado nasal. Após 6 meses de tratamento IT e placebo estes pacientes foram reavaliados. Realizamos a analise de Imunoglobulinas (IgE especifica para Der p1 e 2, IgE total, e IgG4 especifica para Der p 1), contagem de células totais, citocinas padrão Th1/Th2 e Th17. Resultados: Analisamos 19 pacientes no grupo imunoterapia e 17 no grupo placebo. A avaliação dos sintomas pela escala NIS após 6 meses de intervenção, demonstrou diferença significativa nos grupos placebo e imunoterapia, em favor da IT. A concentração do extrato utilizado na provocação nasal foi maior no grupo imunoterapia após os 6 meses de tratamento mas sem significância estatística. Quanto a dosagem das imunoglobulinas observamos diminuição da IgE total após a intervenção assim como da contagem de células totais no lavado nasal. A dosagem das citocinas livres no lavado nasal não sofreram alterações significativas. Na provocação nasal observamos aumento de IL-13, IL-10 em ambos os grupos, independente da fase de tratamento. Conclusão: Não observamos nenhuma resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses. Houve melhora no escore de sintomas e diminuição da IgE total e da contagem de células no lavado nasal / Allergic rhinitis (AR) is the most common disease mediated by IgE, affecting approximately 500 million people worldwide. The AR is the clinical expression of the link between the IgE-antibodies and antigens in the nasal mucosa resulting in inflammation. Such antibodies were detected in nasal secretions of allergic rhinitis patients. As treatment for this morbidity there is specific immunotherapy (IT) as only immunomodulatory specific antigen approach. It was demonstrated that IT generates a decrease in the late response to the allergen both in the skin and in the mucosa of the respiratory tract and this reduction correlates with the decrease in the number of infiltrating cells and in the amount of inflammatory mediators. Objective: To determine the local response of specific IgE and IgG4 in nasal lavage fluids of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months; determine the standard inflammatory response of Th1 / Th2 / Th17 and evaluate symptom score and cell counts in nasal lavage. Method: We selected patients sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronissinus diagnosed with persistent allergic rhinitis. Nasal symptoms were assessed by Nasal Index Score, and before treatment, allergen nasal challenge and collection of nasal lavage fluid were performed. After 6 months of treatment or placebo, the patients were reevaluated. IgE specific for Der p 1 and 2, total IgE and IgG4 specific for Der p 1, total cell count were determined as well as Th1 / Th2 and Th17 cytokines. Results: We analyzed 19 patients in the immunotherapy group and 17 in the placebo group. The evaluation of symptoms by NIS scale after 6 months of intervention showed significant differences in favor of the immunotherapy group. The concentration of the extract used in the nasal challenge was higher in the immunotherapy group after 6 months of treatment but without statistical significance. The total IgE decreased after the intervention as well as the total cell count in nasal lavage. The dosage of the free cytokines in nasal lavage fluid did not change significantly. In the nasal provocation we observe an increasing in IL-13 and IL-10 in both treatment groups. Conclusion: We observed no local changes in specific IgG4 or specific IgE response in nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months. There was an improvement in symptom scores and a decreased of total IgE and cell counts in nasal lavage

Reatividade clínica em pacientes com asma sensibilizados aos ácaros Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus e Blomia tropicalis / Clinical reactivity in patients with asthma sensitized to dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus and Blomia tropicalis

Bisaccioni, Carla 22 May 2013 (has links)
A asma é uma doença crônica inflamatória das vias aéreas, de importância mundial pela sua elevada prevalência, com considerável impacto na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Dentre os diferentes fenótipos de asma, a asma alérgica constitui a maioria dos casos. Dentre os diferentes desencadeantes de exacerbações na asma, os aeroalérgenos têm papel de destaque, sendo os ácaros o grupo mais importante e prevalente. Entre os ácaros, os mais relevantes para estudo são o Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) e a Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), com importância significativa nos países tropicais. Pacientes podem ser sensibilizados a esses dois ácaros ou a um deles somente, mas a positividade do teste in vivo ou in vitro não significa reatividade clínica e que haja concordância com o alérgeno relevante para o desencadeamento dos sintomas. A reatividade cruzada entre esses dois ácaros vem sendo estudada. In vivo, há poucos trabalhos demonstrando a reatividade cruzada entre Der p e Blo t e analisando a correlação entre os testes cutâneos e os de provocação brônquica. O objetivo desse estudo é avaliar a reatividade clínica em pacientes com asma sensibilizados a ambos os ácaros, Der p e Blo t. Para isso, pacientes com asma do Ambulatório do Serviço de Imunologia Clínica e Alergia do HC-FMUSP foram selecionados. Broncoprovocações específicas foram realizadas com os dois ácaros, em diferentes momentos. Dezoito pacientes com asma foram selecionados, e trinta e seis provocações foram realizadas. Todas as provocações com o ácaro Der p foram positivas. Em relação à Blo t, o resultado foi positivo em 93% dos testes. No presente estudo, houve concordância na maioria dos casos entre a presença de sensibilização aos ácaros estudados e a positividade na boncoprovocação. Portanto, as sensibilizações aos ácaros identificados no teste cutâneo são relevantes para o desencadeamento dos sintomas de asma nesses pacientes / Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airways of global importance due to its high prevalence, with considerable impact on quality of life of patients. Among the different phenotypes of asthma, allergic asthma constitutes the majority of cases. Among the different triggers of asthma exacerbations, aeroallergens have the leading role, being mites group more important and prevalent. Among the mites, the most relevant to the study are Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p) and Blomia tropicalis (Blo t), with significant importance in tropical countries. Patients can be sensitive to these two mites or only one of them, but the positivity of test in vivo or in vitro clinical reactivity and does not mean that there is agreement with the relevant allergen for the triggering of symptoms. The cross-reactivity between these two mites has been studied. In vivo, there are few studies demonstrating the cross-reactivity between Der p and Blo t analyzing the correlation between skin tests and bronchial provocation. The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical reactivity in patients with asthma sensitized to both house dust mites, Der p and Blo t. For this reason, patients with asthma, Ambulatory Service of Clinical Immunology and Allergy HCFMUSP were selected. Specific bronchial provocation tests were performed with both mites at different times. Eighteen patients with asthma were selected, and thirty-six provocations were performed. All provocations with the mite Der p were positive. Regarding Blo t, the result was positive in 93% of tests. In the present study, there was agreement in most cases between the presence of sensitization to mites and positivity in bronchial provocation test. Therefore, sensitization to mites in skin test identified is relevant to the triggering of asthma symptoms in these patients

Recherche statistique de biomarqueurs du cancer et de l'allergie à l'arachide

Collignon, Olivier 16 October 2009 (has links) (PDF)
La première partie de la thèse traite de la recherche de biomarqueurs du cancer. Lors de la transcription, il apparaît que certains nucléotides peuvent être remplacés par un autre nucléotide. On s'intéresse alors à la comparaison des probabilités de survenue de ces infidélités de transcription dans des ARNm cancéreux et dans des ARNm sains. Pour cela, une procédure de tests multiples menée sur les positions des séquences de référence de 17 gènes est réalisée via les EST (Expressed Sequence Tag). On constate alors que ces erreurs de transcription sont majoritairement plus fréquentes dans les tissus cancéreux que dans les tissus sains. Ce phénomène conduirait ainsi à la production de protéines dites aberrantes, dont la mesure permettrait par la suite de détecter les patients atteints de formes précoces de cancer. La deuxième partie de la thèse s'attache à l'étude de l'allergie à l'arachide. Afin de diagnostiquer l'allergie à l'arachide et de mesurer la sévérité des symptômes, un TPO (Test de Provocation Orale) est réalisé en clinique. Le protocole consiste à faire ingérer des doses croissantes d'arachide au patient jusqu'à l'apparition de symptômes objectifs. Le TPO pouvant se révéler dangereux pour le patient, des analyses discriminantes de l'allergie à l'arachide, du score du TPO, du score du premier accident et de la dose réactogène sont menées à partir d'un échantillon de 243 patients, recrutés dans deux centres différents, et sur lesquels sont mesurés 6 dosages immunologiques et 30 tests cutanés. Les facteurs issus d'une Analyse Factorielle Multiple sont également utilisés comme prédicteurs. De plus, un algorithme regroupant simultanément en classes des intervalles comprenant les doses réactogènes et sélectionnant des variables explicatives est proposé, afin de mettre ensuite en compétition des règles de classement. La principale conclusion de cette étude est que les mesures de certains anticorps peuvent apporter de l'information sur l'allergie à l'arachide et sa sévérité, en particulier ceux dirigés contre rAra-h1, rAra-h2 et rAra-h3.

In Search of Eros and Freedom : Four Portraits of Women by Kate Chopin / På spaning efter lust och frihet : Fyra kvinnoporträtt av Kate Chopin

Bate Holmberg, Elizabet January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this essay, Kate Chopin's portraits of women in three short stories, 'The Story of an Hour', 'A Respectable Woman', Athénaïse and the novel <em>The Awakening</em> are studied. It is argued that the outcomes depicted can be seen as increasingly provocative and extreme and that the main conflict and ending of <em>The Awakening </em>is a development and combination of the conflicts and resolutions in the three short stories.</p> / <p>I uppsatsen studeras Kate Chopins kvinnoporträtt i tre noveller, 'The Story of an Hour', 'A Respectable Woman', Athénaïse och i romanen <em>The Awakening.</em> Syftet är att visa att huvudhandlingen och slutet på <em>The Awakening</em> är en utveckling och kombination av de alltmer provokativa och extrema handlingarna och upplösningarna i novellerna.</p>

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the General Population

Frans, Örjan January 2003 (has links)
<p>This thesis explored the epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and different aspects of the disorder. Firstly, we investigated the lifetime prevalence of traumatic experiences and PTSD in the general adult population in Sweden and evaluated the impact of different trauma types, trauma frequency, and perceived distress. The results show that traumatic experiences are common and PTSD is not rare; roughly one out of ten traumatic events results in PTSD, with a 5.6% lifetime prevalence. The female/male ratio is 2:1. The risk for PTSD increases considerably with a high trauma-associated emotional impact. The distressing impact of a given trauma appears to be higher in women than in men, indicating an increased vulnerability in women. Secondly, we hypothesized that traffic road accidents (TRA’s) are one of the most prevalent types of traumatic events in Swedish society; therefore, we examined the impact of event and response characteristics associated with TRA’s on PTSD development. The data demonstrate that of those who had experienced a TRA (n=1074, 58.9%), 6.1% reported lifetime PTSD. TRA’s associated with fatal accidents and injury to oneself and related to high distress more than double the risk for PTSD. Thirdly, we compared the relative merits of the DSM-IV’s three-factor solution for PTSD symptoms to alternative models. We found that the symptomatology is equally well accounted for using all factor analytic models as yet presented in the literature; the DSM-IV, we found, provides as good a fit to data as other models. Fourthly, we examined the neurofunctional correlates of PTSD symptoms and whether a treatment-induced (serotonin reuptake inhibitor - SSRI) reduction of PTSD symptoms is associated with altered rCBF during symptom provocation. Our results indicate that PTSD symptoms correlates with areas involved in memory, emotion, attention, and motor control and that SSRI treatment normalizes provocation-induced rCBF in these areas.</p>

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the General Population

Frans, Örjan January 2003 (has links)
This thesis explored the epidemiology of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and different aspects of the disorder. Firstly, we investigated the lifetime prevalence of traumatic experiences and PTSD in the general adult population in Sweden and evaluated the impact of different trauma types, trauma frequency, and perceived distress. The results show that traumatic experiences are common and PTSD is not rare; roughly one out of ten traumatic events results in PTSD, with a 5.6% lifetime prevalence. The female/male ratio is 2:1. The risk for PTSD increases considerably with a high trauma-associated emotional impact. The distressing impact of a given trauma appears to be higher in women than in men, indicating an increased vulnerability in women. Secondly, we hypothesized that traffic road accidents (TRA’s) are one of the most prevalent types of traumatic events in Swedish society; therefore, we examined the impact of event and response characteristics associated with TRA’s on PTSD development. The data demonstrate that of those who had experienced a TRA (n=1074, 58.9%), 6.1% reported lifetime PTSD. TRA’s associated with fatal accidents and injury to oneself and related to high distress more than double the risk for PTSD. Thirdly, we compared the relative merits of the DSM-IV’s three-factor solution for PTSD symptoms to alternative models. We found that the symptomatology is equally well accounted for using all factor analytic models as yet presented in the literature; the DSM-IV, we found, provides as good a fit to data as other models. Fourthly, we examined the neurofunctional correlates of PTSD symptoms and whether a treatment-induced (serotonin reuptake inhibitor - SSRI) reduction of PTSD symptoms is associated with altered rCBF during symptom provocation. Our results indicate that PTSD symptoms correlates with areas involved in memory, emotion, attention, and motor control and that SSRI treatment normalizes provocation-induced rCBF in these areas.

Asthma, bronchial hyperresponsiveness and body weight in children /

Mai, Xiao-Mei. January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. Linköping : Univ., 2003.

Identification of aggression of junior primary learners

Budhal, Richi 11 1900 (has links)
Identification of aggression in Junior Primary school learners often becomes a difficult task due to the lack of appropriate measuring instruments. The assessment instruments used presently are unable to identify the subtypes of aggression. In order to address this limitation in the field of aggression, the present investigation was undertaken. A literature study was done where the concept aggression was defined and the relationship and differences between the subtypes of aggression (physical, verbal, reactive and proactive aggression) were examined. The factors that relate to aggression, namely, biological, personality, environmental and social, parental influence, frustration and media influences were identified. A reliable measuring instrument was developed to identify the four main subtypes of aggression in junior primary learners. The results of the empirical investigation indicated that there were significant positive correlations between the subtypes of aggression. Gender and intellectual potential do not appear to have a significant bearing on childhood aggression. The educational implications of the findings are discussed and guidelines regarding treatment of childhood aggression are given for both educators and parents. / Education Studies / M.Ed.

In Search of Eros and Freedom : Four Portraits of Women by Kate Chopin / På spaning efter lust och frihet : Fyra kvinnoporträtt av Kate Chopin

Bate Holmberg, Elizabet January 2009 (has links)
In this essay, Kate Chopin's portraits of women in three short stories, 'The Story of an Hour', 'A Respectable Woman', Athénaïse and the novel The Awakening are studied. It is argued that the outcomes depicted can be seen as increasingly provocative and extreme and that the main conflict and ending of The Awakening is a development and combination of the conflicts and resolutions in the three short stories. / I uppsatsen studeras Kate Chopins kvinnoporträtt i tre noveller, 'The Story of an Hour', 'A Respectable Woman', Athénaïse och i romanen The Awakening. Syftet är att visa att huvudhandlingen och slutet på The Awakening är en utveckling och kombination av de alltmer provokativa och extrema handlingarna och upplösningarna i novellerna.

Produção local de IgE e outros mediadores imunológicos no lavado nasal dos pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após a realização de imunoterapia específica com o ácaro Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus / Local production of IgE and other immune mediators in the nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after the realization of specific immunotherapy with Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus

Adriana Teixeira Rodrigues 17 May 2016 (has links)
A rinite alérgica (RA) é a mais comum doença mediada por IgE, que afeta aproximadamente 500 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo. A RA é a expressão clínica da ligação entre anticorpos do tipo IgE e antígenos na mucosa nasal resultando em inflamação. Estes anticorpos foram detectados na secreção nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica. Na abordagem da doença, temos a imunoterapia específica (IT) como único tratamento imunomodulatório antígeno específico. Foi demonstrado que IT gera uma diminuição da resposta tardia ao alérgeno tanto na pele como na mucosa do trato respiratório e esta redução se correlaciona com diminuição no número de células infiltrando os tecidos e na quantidade de mediadores inflamatórios. Objetivo: Determinar a resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses; determinar a resposta inflamatória padrão Th1/ Th2/ Th17 e avaliar escore de sintomas e contagem de células no lavado nasal. Método: Selecionamos pacientes sensibilizados ao Dermatophagoides pteronissinus com diagnóstico de rinite alérgica persistente. Realizamos as analises de sintomas nasais através da escala NIS e antes de iniciar o tratamento estes indivíduos realizaram provocação nasal com alérgeno e coleta de lavado nasal. Após 6 meses de tratamento IT e placebo estes pacientes foram reavaliados. Realizamos a analise de Imunoglobulinas (IgE especifica para Der p1 e 2, IgE total, e IgG4 especifica para Der p 1), contagem de células totais, citocinas padrão Th1/Th2 e Th17. Resultados: Analisamos 19 pacientes no grupo imunoterapia e 17 no grupo placebo. A avaliação dos sintomas pela escala NIS após 6 meses de intervenção, demonstrou diferença significativa nos grupos placebo e imunoterapia, em favor da IT. A concentração do extrato utilizado na provocação nasal foi maior no grupo imunoterapia após os 6 meses de tratamento mas sem significância estatística. Quanto a dosagem das imunoglobulinas observamos diminuição da IgE total após a intervenção assim como da contagem de células totais no lavado nasal. A dosagem das citocinas livres no lavado nasal não sofreram alterações significativas. Na provocação nasal observamos aumento de IL-13, IL-10 em ambos os grupos, independente da fase de tratamento. Conclusão: Não observamos nenhuma resposta local de IgE específica e IgG4 específica no lavado nasal de pacientes com rinite alérgica antes e após o tratamento com imunoterapia alérgeno específica para Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus por um período de 6 meses. Houve melhora no escore de sintomas e diminuição da IgE total e da contagem de células no lavado nasal / Allergic rhinitis (AR) is the most common disease mediated by IgE, affecting approximately 500 million people worldwide. The AR is the clinical expression of the link between the IgE-antibodies and antigens in the nasal mucosa resulting in inflammation. Such antibodies were detected in nasal secretions of allergic rhinitis patients. As treatment for this morbidity there is specific immunotherapy (IT) as only immunomodulatory specific antigen approach. It was demonstrated that IT generates a decrease in the late response to the allergen both in the skin and in the mucosa of the respiratory tract and this reduction correlates with the decrease in the number of infiltrating cells and in the amount of inflammatory mediators. Objective: To determine the local response of specific IgE and IgG4 in nasal lavage fluids of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months; determine the standard inflammatory response of Th1 / Th2 / Th17 and evaluate symptom score and cell counts in nasal lavage. Method: We selected patients sensitized to Dermatophagoides pteronissinus diagnosed with persistent allergic rhinitis. Nasal symptoms were assessed by Nasal Index Score, and before treatment, allergen nasal challenge and collection of nasal lavage fluid were performed. After 6 months of treatment or placebo, the patients were reevaluated. IgE specific for Der p 1 and 2, total IgE and IgG4 specific for Der p 1, total cell count were determined as well as Th1 / Th2 and Th17 cytokines. Results: We analyzed 19 patients in the immunotherapy group and 17 in the placebo group. The evaluation of symptoms by NIS scale after 6 months of intervention showed significant differences in favor of the immunotherapy group. The concentration of the extract used in the nasal challenge was higher in the immunotherapy group after 6 months of treatment but without statistical significance. The total IgE decreased after the intervention as well as the total cell count in nasal lavage. The dosage of the free cytokines in nasal lavage fluid did not change significantly. In the nasal provocation we observe an increasing in IL-13 and IL-10 in both treatment groups. Conclusion: We observed no local changes in specific IgG4 or specific IgE response in nasal lavage fluid of patients with allergic rhinitis before and after treatment with specific allergen immunotherapy to house dust mite for a period of 6 months. There was an improvement in symptom scores and a decreased of total IgE and cell counts in nasal lavage

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