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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Academic Stress and Academic Self-Efficacy as Predictors of Psychological Health in College Students

Fanning, Golden G. 19 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Racial Identity and Resilience as Predictors of the Psychological Health of African American Men

Mu'min, Ameena S. 30 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Inre motivation och meningsfullhet, förutsättningar för god psykologisk hälsa

Sandström, Anna, Eriksson Strååt, Emilia January 2024 (has links)
Detta var en kvalitativ studie där sex personer medverkade i intervjuer. Syftet var att undersöka chefer och medarbetares upplevelser av inre motivation och meningsfullhet såsom begreppen defineras enligt teorierna om Kasam och Self Determination Theory, kopplat till en välfungerande organisation. Tematisk analysmetod användes för att svara på studiens syfte och frågeställning. Resultatet visade att meningsfullhet, så som det förstås enligt Kasam och inre motivation från Self Determination Theory, tillsammans bidrar till arbetsengagemang utifrån ett arbets- och organisationsperspektiv. Studien visar även att gemenskap och socialt stöd är viktigt för att individer ska uppleva en hög känsla av inre motivation på arbetsplatsen. Likaså visade resultatet att individer som upplever inre motivation och meningsfullhet bidrar till en välfungerande organisation där individerna är engagerade i sina arbeten. Individer som upplever inre motivation samt meningsfullhet har goda förutsättningar för att uppnå en god psykologisk hälsa. / This was a qualitative study with six people participated in interviews. The aim was to examine managers' and employees' experiences of intrinsic motivation and meaningfullness, as the concepts are defined according to the theories of Sense of Coherence and Self Determination Theory, linked to a well-functioning organization. Thematic analysis method was uused to answer the aim of the study and the study question. The result showed that meaningfullness, as understood within SOC and intrinsic motivation from Self Determination Theory, together contribute to work commitment based on a work and organizational perspective. The study also shows that kinship and social support are important for individuals to experience a high sense of intrinsic motivation in the workplace. Likewise, the results showed that individuals who experience intrinsic motivation and meaningfullness contribute to a well-functioning organization where the individuals feel strong work engagement. Individuals who experience intrinsic motivation and meaningfullness are prone to achieve good psychological health.

Exploration d'un geste critique et réflexif au service de l'expérimentation sociale : redynamisation d'un processus de recrutement et de formation d'apprentis (France) / Exploring a critical and reflexive gesture in the service of social experimentation : revitalization of a recruitment and training process for apprentices (France) / Erforschung einer kritischen und reflexiven Handlung zugunsten des sozialen Experimentierens : Revitalisierung eines Einstellungs- und Ausbildungsprozesses für Lehrlinge (Frankreich)

Gottwald, Kathleen 14 December 2018 (has links)
Dans son rapport rédigé en 2014, le Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche et de la Technologie (France) ouvrait une interrogation d’enjeu majeur : alors même que les connaissances ne cessent de progresser nous sommes de plus en plus confrontés à des crises et des retours de réalité. La diversité et la persistance de leurs manifestations interrogent le monde de la recherche et la société dans son ensemble. Ce questionnement, partagé avec le partenaire industriel avec lequel nous avons engagé cette recherche, nous a conduits à retenir que l’Entreprise était un lieu particulièrement fécond pour aborder cette problématique. Dans ce cadre de recherche partenarial, nous avons retenu d’y contribuer en investiguant la tension entre les espaces saturés de réponses (exigence apocritique) dans lesquels nous opérons, et les retours de réalité auxquels le monde que nous constituons se cogne (exigence problématologique).Notre thèse vise à rendre compte de l’exploration d’un geste critique et réflexif que nous avons mobilisé au service de l’expérimentation sociale. Elle défend une perspective qui peut permettre d’articuler et de travailler le rapport entre « critique » et « possible », en vue de soutenir, le cas échéant, l’émergence de modalités alternatives ou de nouveaux arrangements sociaux auparavant ignorés et qui deviendraient dès lors perceptibles. Cette recherche a été conduite :- avec comme terrain un domaine de gestion emblématique de la GRH à savoir celui du recrutement de nouveaux collaborateurs,- et en lieu et place des acteurs en charge de la direction de celui-ci.En quoi et comment cette typologie d’acteurs, dans ce type de contexte, peuvent-ils soutenir un geste critique et réflexif en vue de permettre des sauts qualitatifs conséquents en matière de relevance sociétale ? S’il pouvait se déployer, ne se traduirait-il pas par des transformations sociales ? Telles sont les questions qui ont guidé notre travail. La recherche présentée a comporté 2 phases : - la première qui a consisté à interroger dans quelle mesure ces « travailleurs du savoir » peuvent ou non déployer un geste critique et réflexif à même de faire émerger de la ressource pour proposer des alternatives.- la seconde qui a pris la forme d’une proposition de reconceptualisation du territoire de la situation de recrutement que nous avons ensuite mise à l’épreuve sur un terrain spécifique, à savoir celui portant sur la famille des « techniciens gaziers ». Elle dégage trois ensembles de résultats :- un premier d’ordre méthodologique dès lors que tout à la fois nous avons retenu une démarche visant à explorer par les possibles et que nous avons opéré en terrain sensible,- un second qui résulte de la mise à l’épreuve de la plasticité des frontières du système des relations industrielles et qui a conduit au déploiement d’une expérimentation sociale d’envergure,- un troisième qui rend compte de l’étude quasi-expérimentale que nous avons réalisée en vue d’expérimenter dans quelle mesure le déploiement d’un environnement capacitant était en mesure d’améliorer la santé psychologique des candidats. / In its report written in 2014, the Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche et de la Technologie (France) faced a major problem: even as knowledge continues to grow, we are increasingly confronted with crises and returns of reality. The diversity and persistence of their manifestations challenge the world of research and society as a whole. This questioning has been shared with the industrial partner with whom we engaged this research. We conclude that the company was a particularly fertile place to address this issue. In this kind of research partnership, we hold on to contribute to the tension between the aeras saturated with responses (apocritical requirement) in which we operate and the returns of reality to which the world encounter (problematic requirement). Our thesis aims the exploration of a critical and reflexive gesture that we have mobilized in the service of social experimentation. It advocates a perspective that allows to work on the relationship between the "critical" and "possible", in order to support the emergence of alternative conditions or new social arrangements that were previously ignored or unseen and would therefore become perceptible. This research has been conducted by using as field an emblematic management situation, namely the recruitment of new collaborators and the actors in charge of it. In which way and how can this typology of actors « knowleadge workers » support a critical and reflexive gesture in order to allow more significant qualitative leaps in terms of societal relevance? If it could be deployed, would it not result in social transformations ? These are the questions that have guided our work. The research we undertook involved two main phases:- The first was to question the extent to which these "knowledge workers" may or may not deploy a critical and reflexive gesture capable of coming up with the resources to propose alternatives.- The second, which proposes to reconceptualize the territory of the recruitment situation, which we then tested on a specific field, namely that of the "gas technicians". Three groups of results have been identified:- a first of a methodological nature since we have both adopted an approach aimed at exploring through the possible and operating in sensitive areas,- a second which results from testing the plasticity of the borders of the industrial relations systems and which has led to the deployment of a large-scale social experimentation,- a third that t reports on a quasi-experimental study conducted to test the extent to which the use of an enabling environment was able to improve the psychological health of candidates. / In seinem Bericht aus dem Jahr 2014 stand der Conseil Supérieur de la Recherche et de la Technologie (CSRT in Frankreich) vor einer großen Herausforderung: Auch wenn das Wissen und die Kenntnisse der Forschug weiter wachsen, sind wir zunehmend mit Krisen und Rückflüssen aus der Realität (retours de realité) konfrontiert. Die Vielfalt und Beständigkeit ihrer Erscheinungsformen wirft Fragen für die Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes auf. Diese Problematik stiess bei dem Industriepartner, mit dem wir diese Forschung durchgeführt haben, ebenfalls auf Gehör. Wir kommen zu dem Schluss, dass das Unternehmen ein optimaler Ort ist, um das Thema anzugehen. In dieser Art von Forschungskooperation möchten wir dazu beizutragen, die Kontroverse, den "Response Mode" (apokritische Anforderung) zu verwenden und die Tatsache mit Rückflüssen aus der Realität konfrontiert zu werden, untersuchen. Unsere Doktorarbeit zielt auf die Erforschung einer kritischen und reflexiven Handlung ab, welche wir zugunsten des sozialen Experimentierens mobilisiert haben. Dieser Blickwinkel ermöglicht es, das Verhältnis zwischen "kritisch" und "möglich" zu artikulieren, um im Anschluss das Entstehen alternativer Vorgehensweisen oder neuer sozialer Agreements zu unterstützen, die bisher ignoriert oder nicht wahrgenommen wurden. Diese Forschung wurde durchgeführt : - durch die Verwendung eines emblematischen Bereichs des Managements (HRM), nämlich der Einstellung neuer Mitarbeiter, - mit den dafür verantwortlichen Schlüsselfiguren. In welcher Weise und wie kann diese Typologie der Akteure (in diesem Kontext) eine kritische und reflexive Geste unterstützen, um bedeutendere qualitative Optimierungen in Bezug auf die gesellschaftliche Relevanz zu ermöglichen? Wenn dies möglich wäre, würde es dann zu sozialen Veränderungen führen? Diese Fragen haben unsere Arbeit begleitet. Die von uns durchgeführte Forschung umfasste zwei Hauptphasen : - die erste bestand darin, das Ausmaß in Frage zu stellen, in dem diese "Wissensarbeiter" eine kritische und reflexive Handlung entfalten können oder auch nicht, um dann in der Lage zu sein, Ressourcen zu entwickeln, die Alternativen hervorbringen können, - die zweite, schlägt eine Rekonstruktion im Bereich der Personaleinstellung vor, die wir dann im bestimmten Berufszweig des "Gastechniker", getestet haben. Drei Typen von Ergebnissen wurden identifiziert : - ein erster methodischer Ansatz, der darauf abzielt, das Mögliche zu erforschen und auf sensiblen "Terrain" tätig zu sein, - ein zweiter, der sich aus der Prüfung der Plastizität der Grenzen des Systems der Arbeitsbeziehungen ergibt und zur Durchführung eines großen sozialen Experiments geführt hat, - ein dritter, der über die von uns durchgeführte quasi-experimentelle Studie berichtet, mit dem Ziel zu testen, inwieweit der Einsatz eines "kapazitätzreichen Umfelds" (enabling environment) die psychische Gesundheit der Kandidaten verbessert und stabilisiert.

Psykisk hälsa i skolan, ett förebyggande arbete : En enkätstudie över lärare i ämnet Idrott och hälsas uppfattning om arbetet med psykisk hälsa på lektionstid / A survey of teachers in the subject Physical education´s view on the work of mental health in class

Andersson, Anna, Melandsö, Kajza January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to study how Swedish teachers in Physical education work with mental health, their own perceived level of knowledge and how they wish to work.   A quantitative survey has been conducted via Facebook. In total 146 respondents participated in the survey. The results were analyzed with the theories KASAM and OCB role perception taken into account, and linked to previous research.   The result shows that teachers plan for mental health in the education quite rarely, but nevertheless talk about mental health relatively often outside of scheduled time. Most teachers consider themselves to have a fairly good knowledge of mental health. However, more than half of them perceive that the subject has been treated to a low degree during their own education. Most teachers want mental health to take a greater part in lessons. Several teachers suggest that mental health should become an own subject. / Studiens syfte var att studera hur lärare i Idrott och hälsa arbetar med psykisk hälsa, deras upplevda kunskapsnivå samt hur de önskar arbeta med psykisk hälsa.   En kvantitativ enkätundersökning har genomförts via Facebook. I denna deltog totalt 146 respondenter. Resultatet har analyserats och tolkats utifrån teorierna KASAM och OCB rolluppfattning, samt utifrån tidigare forskning inom området.   Resultatet visar att nästan alla respondenter anser att skolan har ansvar för undervisning i psykisk hälsa. Lärare planerar ganska sällan för psykisk hälsa på lektionstid, men berör ändå ämnet relativt ofta utanför schemalagd lektionstid. De flesta lärare anser sig ha en ganska god kunskap om psykisk hälsa, dock upplever mer än hälften att ämnet behandlats i låg omfattning under lärarutbildningen. De flesta lärare vill att psykisk hälsa ska utgöra en större del av undervisningen även om bristande tid och utrymme utgör hinder. Flera lärare föreslår att psykisk hälsa borde bli ett eget skolämne.

From young to adult : health consequences of unemployment from a gender perspective

Reine, Ieva January 2009 (has links)
Background The point of departure in this thesis is that unemployment is a recognised determinant of health, which may vary between different ages and among men and women. Despite governmental policies to tackle unemployment and ease its effects on health, unemployment continues to bea growing public health problem. Aim The objective of the thesis was to analyse, from a gender perspective, the relationships between ill health and unemployment as well as other unstable labour market positions in the transition from youth to adulthood. The aim of each paper was: I. Does the association between ill health and unemployment differ between young people and adults? II. Is the transition from an unstable labour market position to permanent paid job health-protective? III. Is participation in labour market programmes related to mental health? IV. What is the association between ill health among men and women and how could it be analysed with a relational theory of gender? Methods The longitudinal study was carried out in Luleå - a medium-sized industrial town in the Northern Sweden. The cohort, consisting of all 1083 pupils (506 girls and 577 boys) aged 16 who attended the last year of compulsory school in 1981, was followed up at the ages of 16, 18, 21 and 30. The response rates were high e.g. 96.4% at 14 years follow-up. The cohort was followed with extensive and well-validated questionnaires. Multivariate logistic regression was used in all papers, while propensity score matchingwas used in Paper III. Results Paper I. Health effects of long-term unemployment differed between young people and adults. Long-term unemployment was more related to psychological ill health and smoking in young people than in adults. Paper II. The results indicated that after controlling for gender as well as for an indicator of health-related selection, possible confounders and mediators transition from an unstable labour market position to permanent employment could be health-promoting. Paper III. No association was found between participation in active labour market programmes and psychological symptoms. Due to methodological shortages the results have to be interpreted with caution. Adjustment for either all background selection variables or the propensity score in multivariate logistic regression showed similar associations suggesting that propensity score could be used to adjust for background selection variables. Paper IV. A strong association between unemployment and suboptimal self-rated health among women and high alcohol consumption among men was found and a theory of structural relations was used to discuss the gendered patterns for ill health. Conclusion The thesis indicated gendered patterns of relations between unemployment and the health outcomes, in the transition from youth to adulthood. The policy implications of my thesis are that full employment policies should be promoted to reduce the health inequalities associated with unemployment. / The Northern Swedish Cohort study

From young to adult health consequences of unemployment from a gender perspective /

Reine, Ieva, January 2009 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Umeå universitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser. Även tryckt utgåva.


Hardy, Jaime 01 January 2015 (has links)
Affective intra-individual variability (IIV) and affective psychological flexibility (PF) are both types of within-person variability. Affective IIV is defined as the range of emotions experienced by an individual assessed at multiple time points. PF is defined as the ability to vary one’s responses in a contextually dependent manner in order to appropriately meet situational demands. Currently, there are no comparisons between affective IIV and PF demonstrating how these constructs might be uniquely different from each other. The current study proposed to examine affective IIV and PF in order to establish discriminant and convergent validity, and stability data for each construct. The National Study of Daily Experiences (NSDE) waves 1 and 2, an 8-day daily diary portion of the Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS I) and MIDUS II surveys was used for this study (n =793 adults completed both waves of the NSDE). Affective IIV was related to higher mean NA and neuroticism, and lower perceived control. Affective PF was related to lower mean NA, neuroticism, and higher mean PA and perceived control. Higher affective IIV was associated with more psychological distress when assessed concurrently at both waves and predicted more psychological distress and physical ill-health 10 years later. Higher affective PF was related to less psychological distress and physical ill-health when assessed concurrently at wave 1 and less psychological distress and physical ill-health 10 years later. When situational context is included in the calculation of emotional variability, changes in emotional response may represent emotional complexity and increased control rather than emotional lability and are related to better psychological and physical outcomes.

Labour market status and well-being during the Great Recession : a changing relationship?

Bayliss, David January 2016 (has links)
This thesis investigates the relationship between labour market statuses and well-being in the UK working age population, and the moderating role of the Great Recession. Research on the relationship between labour market statuses and well-being outcomes identifies negative associations with unemployment and economic inactivity. These findings are typically presented as independent of macroeconomic conditions, but to what extent does this assumption hold? The central proposition of this thesis, is that economic crises moderate the way in which labour market statuses affect well-being, thereby changing the value of statuses, not just their prevalence. The main research question addressed is ‘for the UK working age population, to what extent did labour market and employment statuses contribute to the greater or lesser effects of the economic crisis (2007/8–2011) on well-being, compared to the pre-recession ‘boom’ period (2003/4–2006/7)?’I make use of a national panel data series from the British Household Panel Survey and Understanding Society. Firstly, after critiquing the reliance on subjective well-being (SWB) measures, confirmatory factor analysis is used to develop a measure of positive psychological health, representing a single dimension of well-being. This is then compared to a measure of SWB in a series of latent growth models to investigate individual trajectories over the study period. Secondly, multilevel models are used to estimate the relationship between five labour market and employment statuses and positive psychological health, comparing the pre-recession and recession periods. Finally, a dynamic structural equation modelling approach is used to investigate selection and causation in the relationship between labour market status and positive psychological health. Aggregate positive psychological health was associated with a recession period decline, in contrast to SWB which remained stable. Labour market statuses were found to moderate the impact of recession. People who were economically inactive were associated with the largest declines in positive psychological health during the recession period, compared to the pre-recession period, followed by those in standard employment. In contrast, the relationship between non-standard employment and unemployment and positive psychological health remained constant over time. Finally, despite evidence of selection into labour market statuses, the findings show a strong causal impact of statuses on positive psychological health. The findings provide a different take on those hardest hit by recession, showing that some of the most vulnerable to low psychological health were most exposed to the impact of recession by virtue of their labour market status. The protective value of standard employment was also diminished relatively. Evidence in favour of a causal interpretation suggests policy makers should use employment and welfare policy to prevent an accumulation of welfare issues.

Exploration de la dynamique entre les demandes, ressources au travail et la santé psychologique au travail

Lapointe, Dominic 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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