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Јавно - приватно партнерство у праву Европске уније и Републике Србије / Javno - privatno partnerstvo u pravu Evropske unije i Republike Srbije / Public-private partnership in the laws of theEuropean Union and the Republic of SerbiaTomić Jovana 11 March 2019 (has links)
<p>Поглед на јавно-приватно партнерство (у даљем тексту: ЈПП) у савременим условима даје слику о комплексном модерном концепту, економско-правној, али и политичкој категорији, институту који је на први поглед сасвим јасан, а суштински недовољно истражен. ЈПП посматрано под лупом научне и стручне јавности, углавном се описује као пожељан концепт у домену развоја инфраструктуре и пружања јавних услуга. Схватање да се путем ЈПП могу решити сви проблеми који не могу бити ефикасно решени од стране јавног сектора је готово митско. Оно никада неће бити доминантан модел у овој области, због своје комплексности, због чињенице да је за мале пројекте скуп метод, али и због тога што некада захтева коришћење много више ресурса него што је потребно. Успостављањем овог вида сарадње између јавног и приватног партнера може да се сложи<br />финансијска слагалица и реши проблем финансирања одређеног пројекта, поделом трошкова и одговорности јавног и приватног субјекта. Ипак ЈПП не треба приступати само као механизму помоћу ког ће се исправити недостаци на тржишту. Треба имати у виду појединачне предности овог модела и вредности које му се приписују.<br />Први део рада посвећен је истраживачком путу ка проналажењу адекватне дефиниције ЈПП, уз свевремено настојање да се овај концепт разликује од сличних модела. Указано је на основне предности и недостатке ЈПП, представљен историјски развој сарадње јавног и приватног партнера и анализирана су начела ЈПП.<br />Други део рада посвећен је правном оквиру ЈПП. Анализиране су правне норме којима је регулисано ЈПП, прво у Европској унији, а потом и у Републици Србији. Услов за примену ЈПП у свакој држави је доношење одговарајућих правних норми и обезбеђивање начина и средстава за примену ових норми. Када се у улози института који је потребно правно уредити јави хибридна творевина попут ЈПП, намеће се захтев за успостављањем баланса између приватног и јавног права и остваривањем разних циљева, попут економских, социјалних и правних, што комплексној мрежи јавно-приватних односа даје специфичност и универзалну вредност. Због значаја усклађивања националног законодавства са правом Европске уније, истраживачки рад усмерен је на утврђивање резултата досадашње хармонизације правила о ЈПП у домаћем праву са онима која важе у<br />праву Европске уније, у циљу давања закључка о томе у којој мери је овај посао успешно спроведен. У овом делу рада учињен је и кратак осврт на регулаторну делатност UNCITRAL-а и могућност стандардизације јавних уговора.<br />Трећи део рада посвећен је облицима ЈПП, при чему су детаљно анализирани уговорни облици ЈПП, а потом је указано на најзначајније карактеристике институционалног ЈПП.<br />Четврти део посвећен је субјектима ЈПП. Након детаљне анализе правног положаја јавног и приватног партнера, наметнуло се као питање од нарочитог значаја за обраду теме да се утврди које чињенице су утицале на то да локалне самоуправе постану субјект који се најчешће јавља у улози јавног партнера у пројектима ЈПП у Републици Србији, што представља изузетак у пракси која је забележена у Европској унији. У том циљу спроведено је емпиријско истраживање, а резултати истраживања унети су у овај део рада.<br />Због чињенице да се ЈПП смешта у режим јавних набавки када је потребно изабрати приватног партнера, односно доделити концесију, пети део овог рада односи се на право јавних набавки, а посебно се у овом делу рада говори о поступцима јавних набавки, критеријумима за избор приватног партнера, значају самоиницијативног предлога, правилима о заштити конкуренције, а због најуже повезаности са темом поступка доделе јавног уговора, у овом делу указано је на то какву улогу имају надлежне институције у поступку доделе јавног уговора и како се спроводи надзор над реализацијом јавног уговора.<br />Највећи део рада посвећен је јавном уговору о ЈПП, његовом појму, правној природи, садржини, изменама и престанку. Иако се у Републици Србији сматра да успех ЈПП зависи од добро сачињеног јавног уговора, у Европској унији влада став да је кључ успеха у природи односа између учесника, који треба да буде заснован на сарадњи и међусобном поверењу.<br />Уколико поверење изостане и дође до спора, уговорне стране користе неки од механизама за решавање насталог спора, који су анализирани у седмом делу рада. Осми део рада посвећен је закључним разматрањима и попису коришћене литературе.</p> / <p>Pogled na javno-privatno partnerstvo (u daljem tekstu: JPP) u savremenim uslovima daje sliku o kompleksnom modernom konceptu, ekonomsko-pravnoj, ali i političkoj kategoriji, institutu koji je na prvi pogled sasvim jasan, a suštinski nedovoljno istražen. JPP posmatrano pod lupom naučne i stručne javnosti, uglavnom se opisuje kao poželjan koncept u domenu razvoja infrastrukture i pružanja javnih usluga. Shvatanje da se putem JPP mogu rešiti svi problemi koji ne mogu biti efikasno rešeni od strane javnog sektora je gotovo mitsko. Ono nikada neće biti dominantan model u ovoj oblasti, zbog svoje kompleksnosti, zbog činjenice da je za male projekte skup metod, ali i zbog toga što nekada zahteva korišćenje mnogo više resursa nego što je potrebno. Uspostavljanjem ovog vida saradnje između javnog i privatnog partnera može da se složi<br />finansijska slagalica i reši problem finansiranja određenog projekta, podelom troškova i odgovornosti javnog i privatnog subjekta. Ipak JPP ne treba pristupati samo kao mehanizmu pomoću kog će se ispraviti nedostaci na tržištu. Treba imati u vidu pojedinačne prednosti ovog modela i vrednosti koje mu se pripisuju.<br />Prvi deo rada posvećen je istraživačkom putu ka pronalaženju adekvatne definicije JPP, uz svevremeno nastojanje da se ovaj koncept razlikuje od sličnih modela. Ukazano je na osnovne prednosti i nedostatke JPP, predstavljen istorijski razvoj saradnje javnog i privatnog partnera i analizirana su načela JPP.<br />Drugi deo rada posvećen je pravnom okviru JPP. Analizirane su pravne norme kojima je regulisano JPP, prvo u Evropskoj uniji, a potom i u Republici Srbiji. Uslov za primenu JPP u svakoj državi je donošenje odgovarajućih pravnih normi i obezbeđivanje načina i sredstava za primenu ovih normi. Kada se u ulozi instituta koji je potrebno pravno urediti javi hibridna tvorevina poput JPP, nameće se zahtev za uspostavljanjem balansa između privatnog i javnog prava i ostvarivanjem raznih ciljeva, poput ekonomskih, socijalnih i pravnih, što kompleksnoj mreži javno-privatnih odnosa daje specifičnost i univerzalnu vrednost. Zbog značaja usklađivanja nacionalnog zakonodavstva sa pravom Evropske unije, istraživački rad usmeren je na utvrđivanje rezultata dosadašnje harmonizacije pravila o JPP u domaćem pravu sa onima koja važe u<br />pravu Evropske unije, u cilju davanja zaključka o tome u kojoj meri je ovaj posao uspešno sproveden. U ovom delu rada učinjen je i kratak osvrt na regulatornu delatnost UNCITRAL-a i mogućnost standardizacije javnih ugovora.<br />Treći deo rada posvećen je oblicima JPP, pri čemu su detaljno analizirani ugovorni oblici JPP, a potom je ukazano na najznačajnije karakteristike institucionalnog JPP.<br />Četvrti deo posvećen je subjektima JPP. Nakon detaljne analize pravnog položaja javnog i privatnog partnera, nametnulo se kao pitanje od naročitog značaja za obradu teme da se utvrdi koje činjenice su uticale na to da lokalne samouprave postanu subjekt koji se najčešće javlja u ulozi javnog partnera u projektima JPP u Republici Srbiji, što predstavlja izuzetak u praksi koja je zabeležena u Evropskoj uniji. U tom cilju sprovedeno je empirijsko istraživanje, a rezultati istraživanja uneti su u ovaj deo rada.<br />Zbog činjenice da se JPP smešta u režim javnih nabavki kada je potrebno izabrati privatnog partnera, odnosno dodeliti koncesiju, peti deo ovog rada odnosi se na pravo javnih nabavki, a posebno se u ovom delu rada govori o postupcima javnih nabavki, kriterijumima za izbor privatnog partnera, značaju samoinicijativnog predloga, pravilima o zaštiti konkurencije, a zbog najuže povezanosti sa temom postupka dodele javnog ugovora, u ovom delu ukazano je na to kakvu ulogu imaju nadležne institucije u postupku dodele javnog ugovora i kako se sprovodi nadzor nad realizacijom javnog ugovora.<br />Najveći deo rada posvećen je javnom ugovoru o JPP, njegovom pojmu, pravnoj prirodi, sadržini, izmenama i prestanku. Iako se u Republici Srbiji smatra da uspeh JPP zavisi od dobro sačinjenog javnog ugovora, u Evropskoj uniji vlada stav da je ključ uspeha u prirodi odnosa između učesnika, koji treba da bude zasnovan na saradnji i međusobnom poverenju.<br />Ukoliko poverenje izostane i dođe do spora, ugovorne strane koriste neki od mehanizama za rešavanje nastalog spora, koji su analizirani u sedmom delu rada. Osmi deo rada posvećen je zaključnim razmatranjima i popisu korišćene literature.</p> / <p>The view of public-private partnership (hereinafter: PPP) in contemporary conditions gives an image of a complex modern concept, in an economic-legal, but also a political category. This is an institution that is quite clear at first glance, but essentially inadequately explored. The PPP, viewed by the scientific and professional public, is generally described as a desirable concept in the field of infrastructure development and public service provision. The viewpoint according to which all problems the public sector may fail to solve can be solved through PPP is almost mythical. It will never be a dominant model in this area due to its complexity and the fact that it is expensive for small projects, but also because it sometimes requires the use of much more<br />resources than necessary. By establishing this type of cooperation between the public and private partners, a financial jigsaw puzzle can be made and the problem of financing of a particular project may be solved by the division of costs and responsibilities of the public and private entities. However, PPP should not be regarded only as a mechanism by which the shortcomings in the market will be amended. One should bear in mind the individual advantages of this model and the values attributed to it.<br />The first part of the paper deals with finding an appropriate definition of PPP, while<br />simultaneously trying to distinguish this concept from similar models. This part points out the basic advantages and disadvantages of PPP, presents the historical development of public and private partner cooperation and analyzes the principles of PPP.<br />In the second part of the paper, which is devoted to the legal framework of PPP, there is an analysis of the legal norms regulating the PPP, first in the European Union, and then in the Republic of Serbia. The requirement for the implementation of PPPs in each country is the adoption of appropriate legal norms and the provision of means for the application of these standards. When the role of the institute that needs to be regulated is taken by a hybrid formation such as PPP, then this leads to the demand for establishing a balance between private and public law and achieving various goals, such as economic, social and legal ones, which gives a specific and universal value to the complex network of public-private relations. Due to the importance of aligning the national legislation with the law of the European Union, the research focused on<br />determining the results of the previous harmonization of the rules on PPP in domestic law with the law of the European Union, in order to give a conclusion on the extent to which this work has been successfully implemented. In this part of the paper, there is a short overview of the regulatory activity of UNCITRAL and the possibility of standardizing public contracts.<br />In the third part of the paper, which is the result of the research on the forms of PPP, there is a detailed analysis of the contractual forms of PPP and the most significant characteristics of the institutional PPP.<br />The fourth part of the paper is dedicated to PPP subjects. After a detailed analysis of the legal position of the public and private partners, a question of particular importance for the topic arose and it refers to the necessity to find out which facts influenced the local self-government to become the subject that most often appears as a public partner in PPP projects in the Republic of Serbia, which is an exception in practice seen in the European Union. Hence, the empirical research was conducted and the results of the research are given in this part of the paper.<br />Owing to the fact that PPP is placed in the system of public procurement when it is necessary to choose a private partner, i.e. to grant a concession, the fifth part of this paper deals with the law on public procurement, in particular public procurement procedures, selection criteria for the private partner, the importance of a self-initiative proposal and regulations on protection of competition. Due to the closest connection with the topic of awarding the public contract, in this part there was an emphasis on the role of the competent institutions in the procedure of awarding a public contract and how the supervision over the implementation of the public contract is carried out.<br />The largest part of the paper is devoted to the public contract on PPP, its concept, legal nature, content, changes and termination. Although in the Republic of Serbia it is considered that the success of PPP depends on a well-made public contract, the European Union believes that the key to success lies in the nature of the relationship between the participants, which should be based on cooperation and mutual trust.<br />If the confidence fails and the dispute arises, the contracting parties may use one of the<br />mechanisms for resolving the dispute, which are analyzed in the seventh part of the paper. The eighth part of the paper is devoted to the concluding reviews and the list of references.</p>
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Progress on the Economic Empowerment of Female Entrepreneurs in Kenya's 30% Preferential Public Procurement PolicyMohammed, Rukaya 01 January 2019 (has links)
In Kenya, a 2013 presidential directive reserved 30% of government procurement opportunities for enterprises owned by women, youth, and persons with disabilities to promote economic empowerment; however, as of 2016, female entrepreneurs continued to be outpaced by their male counterparts. The lack of policy evaluation from the female entrepreneur perspective limits the ability to assess progress and identify obstacles. Through purposeful sampling and semistructured interviews, this qualitative phenomenological study obtained the perceptions of the implementation and impact of Access to Government Procurement Opportunities (AGPO) on economic empowerment from the perspective of 20 female entrepreneurs in Kenya previously awarded procurement contracts. Responses were coded and analyzed thematically using Moustakas's modified van Kaam method in the context of the policy feedback theory and empowerment. Five themes emerged from the female entrepreneurs' experiences: (a) enhanced economic empowerment; (b)improved potential to earn new government contracts motivated enrollment in the AGPO; (c) access to business development services enhanced competitiveness to obtain government tenders; (d) negative financial impact due to government-delayed payments for goods and services; and (e) success impeded by procurement officers' incompetence, corruption and harassment. Social change may be promoted through the economic empowerment of women being maximized with stronger implementation and regulation of this affirmative policy primarily through a streamlined application process, prompt payments for services rendered, flexible funding, and regulated competent and ethical procurement practices.
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Evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the regional procurement service depots in the Philippines : a case of region 1 : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master in Public Policy at Massey University, Albany, New ZealandVicente, Ria S. January 2008 (has links)
The focus of this research is to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of recent procurement reform done by the Government of the Philippines, particularly the centralized procurement system for common-use supplies, materials, and equipment. The centralized procurement system is adopted with the intent of taking advantage of the savings inherent to bulk purchasing, streamlining procurement procedures, and reducing opportunities for corruption in the procurement of the abovementioned items. By legislative authority under Republic Act No. 9184, the centralized procurement system was made mandatory among all government agencies, government owned and controlled corporations and local government units in the purchase of their supplies, materials and equipment requirements. With the introduction of tighter budget and the stronger pressure for good governance, the contributions of procurement policy and institutions of procurements to the achievement of good governance and potential relation to development has been gaining global recognition. Given the association of procurement to the way public money is spent, the issue on corruption is also central to this research. There has been a growing recognition of the relationship between corruption and development – the more corrupt a country is, the more underdeveloped it becomes. With the daunting task of battling against corruption, the country’s strategy is to direct its efforts in combating corruption in specific areas, like public procurement. This thesis demonstrates that the centralized procurement system offers a significant reduction in processing times in the conduct of procurement. Additionally, it offers opportunities for savings generation with the cheaper prices of goods and the reduction of administrative cost associated with procurement. More over, it provides a procurement framework where opportunities for administrative corruption are reduced. This leads to the conclusion that the centralized procurement system is efficient in that it reduces administrative processing time and concomitant costs. This, in the long run, will benefit the procuring entities and ultimately the tax payers. However, the emphasis placed on achieving administrative savings is at the expense of other measures of effectiveness such as quality of goods being supplied and the quality of services being extended to client agencies. Moreover, the lack of effective inventory and control system may pave the way to greater waste. Without an effective inventory and control system as well as an improved quality control system, the centralized procurement system that works faster and cheaper may not be better after all.
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Offentlig upphandling och Kundval : Hur skall kundvalsmodellen tillämpas i förhållande till lagen om offentlig upphandling?Karlsson, Niklaz January 2007 (has links)
<p>The overriding purpose of this graduate thesis is to evaluate if municipalities and county councils can deviate from the legislation of public procurement during procurement of customer choice agreements within the health and social care area. The intention of this Quasi-market is to provide the users with competition in terms of quality rather then the general principal rule of economic value.</p><p>My conclusion results in a legal situation without rules of general procedure. So far the authorities make their own regulation in the field of customer choice agreements. The problem lies within the authorization of new contractors and their right to make an appeal against resolutions made by the authorities social care divisions.</p><p>One solution is to legislate within the present law of public procurement. Another way to solve the problem is to create a lex specialis apart from the present public procurement regulation.</p> / <p>Det generella syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda om kommuner och landsting kan frångå upphandlingsregleringen vid tillsättningar av kundvalsföreträdande tjänster, vilken påverkan kundvalssystem har på mindre oetablerade företag samt hur detta påverkar det traditionella upphandlingssystemet. I samband med att två nya EG-direktiv på upphandlingsområdet inte implementerats i svensk rätt inom den angivna tidsfristen, belyses frågan ur både ett de lege lata- och de lege ferendaperspektiv.</p><p>Uppsatsen uppdelas i tre sammankopplade avsnitt där det första utgör bakgrund för studien. I det andra kapitlet påvisas gällande rätt utifrån ett deskriptivt förhållningssätt för att i det tredje penetrera kundvalssystemet utifrån ett mer praktiskt, analyserande, perspektiv. Denna sammanställning har utmynnat i följande slutsatser.</p><p>Kundvalssystem har sedan starten i början på 1990-talet utvecklats till att bli ett användbart alternativ till traditionella upphandlingsförfaranden och till stor del har frågan om laglig tillämplighet förbisetts. För att upprätthålla ett rättssäkert förfarande bör sannolikt officiella procedurregler skapas för att undvika en splittrad kvalitet och en olikartad bedömning mellan de olika kommunerna och landstingen i Sverige.</p><p>Ett ökat entreprenörskap kan resultera i högre kvalitet och ökad effektivitet, som i förlängningen genererar lägre kostnader. Ur ett genusperspektiv främjar systemet kvinnligt företagande genom att bidra till privatiseringen av den historiskt sett kvinnodominerande yrkeskategorin.</p><p>Jag anser med stöd av det anförda, att kundvalssystemet kan utmynna i en utvidgning av LOU, där ett ytterligare förenklat upphandlingsförfarande tillser att marknaden konkurrensutsätts vilket tryggar sättssäkerheten vid tillsättningen av leverantörerna och ger en möjlighet till överprövning. Alternativet är främst att lagreglera området separat vilket medför en skräddarsydd reglering genom hela förfarandet, men detta kan medföra en längre lagstiftningsprocess.</p>
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Offentlig upphandling och Kundval : Hur skall kundvalsmodellen tillämpas i förhållande till lagen om offentlig upphandling?Karlsson, Niklaz January 2007 (has links)
The overriding purpose of this graduate thesis is to evaluate if municipalities and county councils can deviate from the legislation of public procurement during procurement of customer choice agreements within the health and social care area. The intention of this Quasi-market is to provide the users with competition in terms of quality rather then the general principal rule of economic value. My conclusion results in a legal situation without rules of general procedure. So far the authorities make their own regulation in the field of customer choice agreements. The problem lies within the authorization of new contractors and their right to make an appeal against resolutions made by the authorities social care divisions. One solution is to legislate within the present law of public procurement. Another way to solve the problem is to create a lex specialis apart from the present public procurement regulation. / Det generella syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda om kommuner och landsting kan frångå upphandlingsregleringen vid tillsättningar av kundvalsföreträdande tjänster, vilken påverkan kundvalssystem har på mindre oetablerade företag samt hur detta påverkar det traditionella upphandlingssystemet. I samband med att två nya EG-direktiv på upphandlingsområdet inte implementerats i svensk rätt inom den angivna tidsfristen, belyses frågan ur både ett de lege lata- och de lege ferendaperspektiv. Uppsatsen uppdelas i tre sammankopplade avsnitt där det första utgör bakgrund för studien. I det andra kapitlet påvisas gällande rätt utifrån ett deskriptivt förhållningssätt för att i det tredje penetrera kundvalssystemet utifrån ett mer praktiskt, analyserande, perspektiv. Denna sammanställning har utmynnat i följande slutsatser. Kundvalssystem har sedan starten i början på 1990-talet utvecklats till att bli ett användbart alternativ till traditionella upphandlingsförfaranden och till stor del har frågan om laglig tillämplighet förbisetts. För att upprätthålla ett rättssäkert förfarande bör sannolikt officiella procedurregler skapas för att undvika en splittrad kvalitet och en olikartad bedömning mellan de olika kommunerna och landstingen i Sverige. Ett ökat entreprenörskap kan resultera i högre kvalitet och ökad effektivitet, som i förlängningen genererar lägre kostnader. Ur ett genusperspektiv främjar systemet kvinnligt företagande genom att bidra till privatiseringen av den historiskt sett kvinnodominerande yrkeskategorin. Jag anser med stöd av det anförda, att kundvalssystemet kan utmynna i en utvidgning av LOU, där ett ytterligare förenklat upphandlingsförfarande tillser att marknaden konkurrensutsätts vilket tryggar sättssäkerheten vid tillsättningen av leverantörerna och ger en möjlighet till överprövning. Alternativet är främst att lagreglera området separat vilket medför en skräddarsydd reglering genom hela förfarandet, men detta kan medföra en längre lagstiftningsprocess.
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Scripting Corruption in Public Procurement: The Italian CaseZANELLA, MARCO 05 March 2012 (has links)
La corruzione negli appalti pubblici ha sempre destato particolare interesse. Nondimeno, un’attenta analisi della letteratura di settore dimostra come scarsa attenzione sia stata dedicata allo studio delle scelte strategiche adottate da corrotti e corruttori nel mentre decidono come pagare la tangente, come identificare il partner dell’accordo corruttivo, come contattarlo, come gestire le trattative, come raggiungere i propri obiettivi e come proteggersi da inadempimenti e tradimenti. Questa tesi si propone di studiare tali strategie, applicando per la prima volta in questo settore una particolare metodologia detta della script analysis, al fine di rispondere alle seguenti domande: come avvengono gli accordi corruttivi nel settore degli appalti pubblici? Quali sono le tattiche e i modi operandi adottati da corrotti e corruttori? Quali sono i “passaggi” necessari per la conclusione di accordi corruttivi? Come possono essere spiegati? Quali sono gli elementi che “facilitano” i protagonisti del pactum sceleris? Dopo aver passato in rassegna la letteratura (capitolo 1) ed illustrato la metodologia adottata (capitolo 2), la tesi risponde alle domande della ricerca, individuando i singoli passaggi dell’accordo corruttivo, soffermandosi sulle procedure adottate (capitolo 3) fino a circoscrivere e commentare gli elementi facilitatori (capitolo 4) nell’incontro tra domanda e offerta di utilitas. / Despite the growing concern over corruption in public procurement, there is little knowledge regarding the corruption-commission process. Scant attention has been paid to the event-decisions of corrupt agents in order to explore how an agent decides to pay, how he identifies his partner, how he contacts him, how he negotiates with him, how he manages to achieve his goal, and how he protects himself against “lemons”. The aim of this thesis is to understand the corruption-commission process by using crime script analysis to delve into the event-decisions of corrupt agents. Therefore, within the Italian context, this thesis seeks to answer the following research questions: how do corrupt deals in public procurement take place? What are the tactics, dynamics and the modi operandi of corrupt agents? What are the steps of corruption-commission in the specific area of public procurement? How can these steps be explained? What are the facilitators of corruption-commission? After the relevant literature has been reviewed (Chapter 1) and the methodology has been discussed (chapter 2), the results of the research are presented in chapters 3 and 4, where the procedural aspects and the procedural requirements of the crime are presented and discussed. Some concluding remarks close the thesis.
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Arbetsrättsliga krav vid offentlig upphandlingTingström, Lina January 2013 (has links)
Offentlig upphandling är inte endast ett sätt att tillförskaffa sig varor, utan kan också användas som ett samhällspolitiskt instrument för att verka för sociala mål som ställts upp. Hur de varor och tjänster som upphandlas produceras inverkar på de arbetsrättsliga och sociala förhållandena i leverantörskedjan, och genom att ställa sociala krav vid en offentlig upphandling kan den upphandlande myndigheten förstärka förtroendet hos invånarna. Trots en omfattande EU-rättslig reglering på området är det idag dock osäkert vilka möjligheter den upphandlande myndigheten ges att ställa arbetsrättsliga krav på leverantören av upphandlingsföremålet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda i vilken omfattning en upphandlande myndighet kan ställa arbetsrättsliga krav vid en offentlig upphandling, samt utreda om förslaget till nytt klassiskt upphandlingsdirektiv kommer innebära några förändringar för den upphandlande myndigheten vad gäller möjligheten att ställa arbetsrättsliga krav. Av uppsatsen framkommer att det inte finns någon klar gräns vilka arbetsrättsliga krav den upphandlande myndigheten får ställa på leverantören vid en offentlig upphandling. Den största möjligheten att ställa ett arbetsrättsligt krav torde föreligga om kravet ställs såsom ett tilldelningskriterium, då EU-domstolen har klargjort att sociala krav får ställas för att tillgodose behov hos personer samt att ett tilldelningskriterium inte behöver vara kopplat till upphandlingsföremålet, utan det kan vara kopplat till hur en vara eller tjänst produceras. Förändringarna i förslaget till nytt klassiskt upphandlingsdirektiv innebär inte att möjligheterna att ställa arbetsrättsliga krav vid en offentlig upphandling ökar, dock ges den upphandlande myndigheten genom förslaget mer stöd i valet av vilka arbetsrättsliga krav som är tillåtna att ställa. / Public procurement is not only a method to acquire goods, but can also be used as a sociopolitical device to gain social visions. The method that supplied goods and services are produced by affect the labor and social conditions in the supply chain. By acquiring social conditions in a public procurement the procuring authority may strengthen the reliance of the citizens. Despite a comprehensive EU legislation in the area, it is uncertain which labor requirements the procuring authority may impose the supplier. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate to what extent a procuring authority may impose labor requirements in a public procurement, and to investigate if the proposal to a new procurement directive will result in an opportunity to impose labor requirements on the supplier. This thesis has concluded that it is not clear what labor requirements the procuring authority may demand the supplier of a public procurement. The biggest opportunity to demand a labor requirement to a supplier is by using award criteria. The Court of Justice of the European Union have clarified that social requirements may be used to meet needs of individuals and that award criteria do not need to be connected to the object of the procurement, but can be connected to the production of the goods or services of the contract. The thesis has also shown that the changes in the proposal to a new procurement directive do not increase the possibilities to require labor requirements in a public procurement. However, it does give the procuring authority further support in the choice of which labor requirements it may require.
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Utvärderingsmodeller vid offentlig upphandling : En granskning av förekommande modeller och möjlighet till ett enhetligt val av en modellAdjoudani, Soheil January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att behandla utvärderingsfasen inom offentliga upphandlingar och mer specifikt från ett leverantörsperspektiv. Offentliga upphandlingar utförs för att få bra kvalitet till ett lågt pris. De kan utföras genom lägsta pris eller ekonomiskt mest fördelaktiga anbud. Genom begärda avslutade upphandlingar kunde modeller som använts identifieras ända ner till dess korresponderande matematiska modell. Poängvägningsmodeller anses inte konsistenta på grund av att de påverkas av irrelevanta variabler likaså den relativa kvalitetsvärderingsmodellen i teorin. Detta betyder att icke intressanta anbud påverkar utfallet för de andra anbuden. Studien visade att det med fördel går att välja den relativa kvalitetsvärderingsmodellen över poängvägningsmodellerna då den inte lider av problemet med irrelevanta variabler. Genom analys likställs den relativa kvalitetsvägningsmetoden med den mer resurskrävande kvalitetsvägningsmetoden som använder sig av absolut påslag/avdrag. Analys visade att rangordningen av anbuden inte förändrades. Genom en känslighetsanalys visades att viktningen för kvalitet och pris från poängvägningsmetoden inte spelade någon roll i den relativa kvalitetsvärderingsmodellen, även detta till fördel då den många gånger godtyckligt sätts av upphandlaren. / The purpose of this study was to address the evaluation phase within the area of public procurement and more specifically, from a supplier perspective. Public procurement is carried out in order to get good quality at a low price. The procurement can be performed by the lowest price or by the most economically advantageous tender. Previously concluded contracts were requested and the evaluation model that they used was identified and also it’s corresponding mathematical model. The score-weighted models were not consistent because they depended on irrelevant variables, as did the relative quality-weighted model in theory. This means that non-competitive tender affects the outcome of the other tenders. The study showed that it is more beneficial to choose the relative quality-weighted model over the score-weighting model, as it does not suffer from the irrelevant variable situation. The relative quality-weighted model is equivalent to the more superior quality-weighted model with discrete premium/discounts. This is the case as the ranking of the tenderers bids were the same in the two models. Furthermore, it was shown through a sensitivity analysis, that the weighting for the quality and the price from the score-weighted model played no role in the relative quality-weighted model; this is also an advantage as the purchaser often arbitrarily sets it.
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Fem för en - från komplexitet till simplicitet : En fallstudie om avgörande faktorer och riskkällor utifrån en multidimensionell IT-investering / Five for one – from complexity to simplicityStafström, Anna, Lundberg, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Dagens snabbföränderliga värld och höga konkurrenstryck ställer krav på innovativa investeringar för en verksamhets fortskridning. Nytt paradigm inom IT-branschen är molntjänst, där utbjudande leverantör bör ta hänsyn till vissa faktorer för att erhålla ett gynnsamt utfall. Vanligt förekommande inom IT-branschen är att nyttja Business Case i beslutssituationer där olika faktorer noga övervägs innan investeringsbeslut fattas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att med hjälp av Business Case identifiera och belysa avgörande faktorer och riskkällor vid investeringsbeslut. De identifierade riskkällorna ska också undersökas i syfte att söka minimera dem. Med hjälp av teoretisk och empiriskt underlag ämnar studien sammanställa ett Business Case för säkrare investeringsbeslut vid multidimensionella IT-investeringar. Metodik: Detta är en fallstudie utifrån en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Studien är uppbyggd kring semi-strukturerade intervjuer, där tre representanter ifrån fallföretaget IST låtit svara på djupgående intervjufrågor. Slutsats: Samtliga faktorer som granskats har mer eller mindre betydande roll för beslutstagande vid multidimensionell IT-investering. De faktorer som anses ha störst betydelse vid ett investeringsbeslut är också de faktorer som utgör störst risk. Dessa är marknadsbehov IT-branschen och tekniska förutsättningar vilka besvarar kandidatuppsatsens frågeställningar. Med Business Case som utgångspunkt reduceras osäkerheter och säkrare investeringsbeslut möjliggörs. / Background: In today’s rapidly changing society, the high competitive pressures require innovative investments in order for companies to proceed. A new paradigm within the IT-industry is Cloud service, where the vendor needs to take into account certain factors to obtain a favourable outcome. Therefore, it is common to use Business Case in the IT-industry during the decision making process where different factors are carefully considered before deciding whether or not to make an investment. Purpose: By using Business Case, the aim of this study is to identify and highlight the critical factors and sources of risk when making an investment-decision. The identified hazards should also be explored in order to seek to minimize them. With the help of theoretical and empirical data the study intends to compile a Business Case for safer investment for multidimensional IT-investments. Methodology: In this study qualitative research has been used. The study is based on semi-structured interviews, where three representatives from IST have been asked to answer essential interview questions. Conclusion: All factors examined in this study were more or less of a significant role in the decision making process of a multidimensional IT-investment. However, the most important factors when making a decision are also the factors that constitute the greatest risk. These are the market needs in the IT industry and technological conditions, which respond to the questions asked in this particular thesis. Using the Business Case as a starting point, uncertainties are reduced and the possibilities of a safer investment decisions are improved.
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Policy by Public Procurement : Opportunities and PitfallsStrömbäck, Elon January 2015 (has links)
In Paper [I], we theoretically assess green public procurement (GPP) as an environmental policy instrument and its ability to lead to the achievement of environmental objectives. Central to our analysis is the extent to which polluting firms choose to adapt to the public sector's environmental requirements and to invest in greener technologies. Our main finding is that the potential of GPP to function as an objective-effective instrument of environmental policy is limited and can actually be counterproductive. From an environmental policy point of view, it is crucial that GPP aims for environmental standards beyond just the technology of the polluting firms and that it is designed with reference to defined environmental objectives. In Paper [II], we use data on Swedish public procurement auctions for internal regular cleaning service contracts to provide novel empirical evidence regarding GPP and its effect on the potential suppliers' decision to submit a bid and their probability of being qualified for supplier selection. We find only a weak effect on supplier behavior, and this suggests that GPP, as used in practice, does not live up to its political expectations. However, several environmental criteria appear to be associated with increased complexity, as indicated by the reduced probability of a bid being qualified in the post-qualification process. As such, GPP appears to have limited or no potential to function as an environmental policy instrument. In Paper [III], I examine how GPP is organized in Sweden and how the potential suppliers respond to varying buyer market shares using data on Swedish public procurement auctions for internal regular cleaning service contracts. The level of GPP stringency is found to vary systematically across authority types, buyer market share, and political coalition in the relevant council or in Parliament. The results also indicate quite a substantial dispersion in GPP stringency, suggesting a low degree of coordination among contracting authorities when implementing the policy. After controlling for GPP stringency and other covariates, increased buyer market share is associated with a significant increase in the probability of potential suppliers submitting a bid. The European Commission encourages public authorities to split procurement contracts into multiple contracts in order to increase the competiveness of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs). In Paper [IV], I use data from Swedish public procurement auctions for internal regular cleaning service contracts to study the effect of contract size and number of contracts on SME participation and probability of winning. The results indicate that SME participation is negatively related to both contract size and the number of contracts in the procurement. A possible interpretation is that reduced contract size in order to stimulate SME participation is counteracted by reduced incentives for them to enter into procurements with multiple contracts. Medium-sized firms are also more successful when bidding for smaller contracts relative to large firms. Nevertheless, the results indicate that the award rate for SMEs is positively correlated with the number of contracts in the procurement. / Green Public Procurement: An Efficient Environmental Policy Tool?
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