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ES žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimas Lietuvoje / Implementation of EU green procurement policy in LithuaniaRudžionytė, Veronika 26 June 2008 (has links)
Žalieji pirkimai – tai tokie pirkimai, kurie integruoja aplinkosauginius reikalavimus į viešojo pirkimo sąlygas, siekdami sumažinti neigiamą poveikį aplinkai. Žalieji pirkimai yra nauja sfera viešojo administravimo studijose. Nors koncepcija teoriškai yra pagrįsta ir analizuota, tačiau praktiniai jos įgyvendinimo aspektai literatūroje nėra plačiai analizuoti, kadangi Lietuvoje žaliųjų pirkimų tiesioginis reglamentavimas pradėtas 2007 m. antroje pusėje.
Darbo tikslas yra išanalizuoti žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimą teisinio reglamentavimo, instituciniu, finansiniu aspektu, išskiriant įgyvendinimą įtvirtinančius instrumentus.
Darbas sudarytas iš penkių dalių, kurios pagal analizės objektą suskirstytos į smulkesnius skyrelius. Pirmajame skyriuje aptariamas viešosios politikos ciklas, kurio vienas iš etapų yra įgyvendinimas, aprašomi galimi įgyvendinimo mechanizmai ir instrumentai, kuriais remiasi žaliųjų pirkimų politikos įgyvendinimas. Antrajame skyriuje analizuojama ES reguliacinė politika, kurią pasitelkiama įgyvendinant žaliuosius pirkimus, bei Komisijos vaidmuo įgyvendinimo etape; teisinė bazė – ES direktyvos, jų perkėlimas į LR įstatymus, svarbiausios ES ir Lietuvos strategijos, programos, skirtos žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimui. Trečiajame skyriuje nagrinėjamos Lietuvos institucijos, dalyvaujančios įgyvendinimo procese ir nevyriausybinių organizacijų veikla. Kadangi žaliųjų pirkimų įgyvendinimas yra lėšų reikalaujanti sritis, apžvelgiami įgyvendinimo finansiniai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Green procurement is a way of public procurement, which integrates environmental considerations in public procurement process, seeking to reduce negative influence on environment. The relevancy of this paper is determined by novelty of green procurement policy in public administration studies. Even the concept is theoretically grounded but practical aspects of implementation are not strongly analysed, because reglamentation in Lithuania was started in second part of 2007.
The subject of this paper focuses on analysis of green procurement policy reglamentation, institutional, financial aspects, and exclusion instruments of implementation.
The paper is composed of the five main parts which are divided into smaller sections depending on the analyzing subject. The system of public policy cycle, which includes implementation stage and instruments of implementation, which are used in green procurement policy are analysed in the first part. EU regulation policy and Commission role in implementation of green procurements are analysed in the second part. This part of paper reveals policy reglamentation in EU directives and transfer of it to Lithuanian legislation. The most important are EU and Lithuanians strategies, programs, which implement green procurements. Lithuanian institutions and NGO are analysed in the third part of paper. This part focuses on financial instruments, because green procuremement is financal resources required policy... [to full text]
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Viešojo ir privataus sektorių bendradarbiavimo galimybių vertinimas / Public-Private sector cooperation: evaluation of opportunitiesGecevičiūtė, Vaida 26 June 2014 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu daugelyje šalių privatus sektorius yra vis intensyviau įtraukiamas finansuojant ir įgyvendinant valstybės ir savivaldybių investicijų projektus, susijusius su viešosios infrastruktūros plėtra ir viešųjų paslaugų teikimu. Vis dėlto Lietuvoje viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystė yra naujovė, bendrų projektų įgyvendinimui trukdo netobula įstatymų bazė, neigiamas visuomenės nuomonė, praktikos ir žinių šioje srityje trūkumas. Todėl tikslinga šiame darbe išanalizuoti ir įvertinti visas aplinkybes, kurios trukdo viešajam sektoriui bendradarbiauti su privataus sektoriaus atstovais, supažindinti su VPSP būkle ir perspektyvomis Lietuvoje. Darbe keliamas tikslas yra išanalizuoti viešojo ir privataus sektorių bendradarbiavimo Lietuvoje alternatyvas, daugiausia dėmesio skiriant pagal partnerystės principą įgyvendinamiems projektams. Šio tikslo siekiama pirmiausia supažindinant su viešojo ir privataus sektorių partnerystės samprata, svarbiausiais principais ir esme. Pateikiama pagal partnerystės schemas Lietuvoje įgyvendinamų projektų apžvalga ir vykdymo tendencijos, atlikta detalesnė VPSP reglamentuojančių teisės aktų analizė ir vertinimas. Taip pat pasitelkus anketinę apklausą siekiama įvertinti tarpsektorinio bendradarbiavimo savivaldose galimybes. Savivaldybėse atliktas tyrimas patvirtino iškeltą hipotezę, kad Lietuvoje nėra sudarytos pakankamos prielaidos viešojo sektoriaus institucijoms bendradarbiauti su privačiu verslu. Pastebėta tendencija, kad įtraukiant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Recently in many countries private sector are increasingly involved in financing and implementation of state and municipal investment projects related to public infrastructure and public service development and improvement. However, in Lithuania, public-private sector partnership implementation remains a novelty, as joint projects implementation are hampered by imperfect legislation, negative public attitudes, practices and lack of knowledge in this field. It is therefore appropriate in this work to examine all the circumstances that prevent public sector to cooperate with the private sector. Accordingly, PPP condition and prospects in Lithuania are analyzed. The aim of this work is to analyze alternatives of public and private sector cooperation, focusing on projects that are implementing under partnership principle. This objective is reached presenting concept of public-private sector partnership, the main principles and point. Also in this work are presented a review of projects implementing under partnership schemes, a more detailed PPP legislation analysis and evaluation. There is also given a questionnaire survey to assess cooperation opportunities in municipality of Lithuania. Results of survey presented that raised hypothesis was approved. There are not enough good conditions for public and private sector cooperation in Lithuania. Observed trend that in a joint project with private partner are applied other more often used forms, like lease or public procurement... [to full text]
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Who is Driving the Bus? - An Exploratory Study of Actors’ Perceptions of Accountability in The Swedish Public Bus SectorBlom, Benjamin, Maliti, Gregory January 2014 (has links)
The past decades New Public Management (NPM) reforms in the public sector have changed how the mechanisms of accountability work. One type of reform is the privatization of public service provision. These services are today often procured with extensive regulations involved. Many academics argue, under the concept of juridification, that legal institutions have a bigger impact than policies in these activities today (Magnussen & Nilssen, 2013; Blichner & Molander, 2008; Laughlin & Broadbent, 1993) and that the legal contract plays an important role in governing them (Camén, 2011; Brown & Potoski, 2005). In this study we explore how the actors involved in provision of public services perceive accountability. We do this by investigating how politicians, civil servants and service providers involved in the provision of public bus services in Sweden perceive their roles, the procurement regulations’ roles and the legal contracts’ roles. We conclude that, in the case where the service provider is a private company, the legal contract plays an important role in how the accountability is perceived by the actors involved. Further research is needed to see if our results also apply to the contexts of other provisions of public services.
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The La Scala judgment and its consequencesfor the Swedish land development process / La Scala-domen och dess konsekvenser försvenska exploateringsförhållandenLandeman, Marc January 2014 (has links)
The municipalities in Sweden can use the PBL-legislation to request a land developer to fund new public infrastructure in the dwelling area where the developer are active. The municipality have had two options to choose between. To purchase a contract with an entrepreneur that build the infrastructure paid by the developer, or let the developer both build and pay the infrastructure. The La Scala-judgment came 2001 from the EG-tribunal. This judgment have by many people been interpreted as that as public infrastructure in Sweden should be purchased by the municipalities through LOU. Therefore, the purpose of this report is to discuss how the land development process has changed and which problems that have arisen since 2010, when it became customary that the municipality should procure public streets and sewage facilities under the Swedish Public Procurement Act (“LOU”). The purpose is also to discuss if this way to proceed satisfies the purpose of LOU and also discuss if their can be any alternative interpretations of the La Scalajudgment than have been done so far for Swedish conditions. The questions that became a consequence of the purpose where answered as follow in the report: Changes Today, the general rule is that the municipality is to purchase all public streets itself in the land development process. This rule has replaced the freedom of choosing whether to do so, that previously existed. Necessary land transfers take place today at an early stage of the process, often when the zoning plan becomes valid, as compared to before when it took place late in the land development process. Problems Some problems have arisen in cases when the municipality procures. This leads to the conclusion that the land development process today has become more risky, significantly more expensive, and that it takes longer time before the houses are ready for occupants to move in to, than previously was the case. To what extent does this new procedure implement LOU’s purpose? LOU's purpose, to get an effectively use of tax money, is not fulfilled by this procedure because the municipalities do not have any expenditures, which means that there are no funds which can be considered “effectively used”. As the municipality has no cost, it is questionable whether it really is to the municipality that an entrepreneur sells his services, rather than to the land developer paying for the services. Overall, this means that the purpose is probably not fulfilled by this new procedure. In what situations can the LOU procedure be questioned? The consequences of LOU can be questioned where it leads to major problems that would not occur if the legislation was more flexible. An example of this is when there is a lone land developer, who builds on his own property. If the municipality procures this, as happens today, problems arise in terms of money, time and coordination problems. This because it is more efficient if the developer that are already active in the area build all necessary infrastructure. Can any other interpretations of the La Scala-judgment and it´s relationship to the Swedish development process be found? One alternative interpret is that the municipal should use LOU on this kind of contracts when there is a risk that the municipal lose financial resources if they don´t do it. In the Italian development process there is always a risk that the municipal lose financial resources if they don´t purchase the contracts. The Swedish land development legislation are structured so the municipality never take a risk to lose financial recourses if they let the developer build everything in the area and therefore the municipality never can lose financial recourses in these cases. The Swedish municipalities don’t get any advantages if they use LOU here because the developer pays the real cost for all parts of the contract. Therefore, LOU is irrelevant in this part of the development process. / I Sverige kan en kommun med stöd av PBL begära att en exploatör ska bekosta utbyggnad av allmänna platser där exploatören bygger nya bostadsområden. Kommunen har historiskt haft två utförandealternativ att välja mellan. Man har haft möjlighet att själv upphandla en entreprenör med LOU som bygger och som bekostas av exploatören eller låta exploatören både bygga och bekosta anläggningarna. År 2001 kom en dom från EG-domstolen som av många tolkats som att allmänna platser ska upphandlas via LOU av kommunen. Som en konsekvens har det de senaste åren skett en övergång där kommunen idag som huvudregel tillämpar LOU på utbyggnad av allmänna platser. Syftet är därför att diskutera hur exploateringsprocessen har förändrats och vilka problem som uppstått sedan 2010 då kommuner som en konsekvens av La Scala-domen upphandlar allmänna platser enligt LOU. Syftet är även att diskutera om detta förfarande uppfyller LOU:s syfte och om det finns några alternativa tolkningar av La Scala-domen än dem som hittills gjorts i Sverige. De frågor som följde på syftet besvaras i rapporten enligt följande Förändringar Huvudregeln är idag att kommunen ska upphandla alla allmänna gator själv i exploateringsprocessen istället för som tidigare när det som huvudregel var exploatören som upphandlade dessa. Erforderliga marköverföringar sker idag i ett tidigt skede, ofta i samband med att detaljplanen vinner laga kraft, istället för som tidigare när det skedde i slutet av exploateringsprocessen. Problem Det finns risk för problem som tidigare inte funnits i lika stor utsträckning när kommunen upphandlar. Exempel är samordningsproblem och tidsproblem. Dessa leder sammanfattningsvis till att exploateringsprocessen idag riskerar att bli dyrare samt att det tar längre tid innan husen står inflyttningsklara än vad fallet var tidigare. Hur väl uppfyller detta nya förfarande LOU:s syfte? LOU:s syfte, att få ett effektivt utnyttjande av skattemedel, uppfylls inte eftersom det i dessa fall saknas skattemedel att få ett effektivt utnyttjande av. Syftet att alla företag ska ha möjlighet att sälja sin tjänst till kommunen kan starkt ifrågasättas eftersom det är exploatören som betalar för upphandlingen. I vilka situationer kan LOU-förfarandet ifrågasättas? De situationer där LOU-förfarandet kan ifrågasättas är där det uppstår stora problem som inte skulle uppstå om lagstiftningen medgav flexibilitet. Ett exempel på detta är de fall där det är en ensam exploatör som bygger på sin egen fastighet. Om kommunen upphandlar allmän gata, så som sker idag, uppstår problem i termer av pengar, tid och samordningsproblem eftersom det är mer effektivt att den exploatör som redan är verksam i området bygger all nödvändig infrastruktur. Finns alternativa tolkningar av La Scala-domen och dess förhållande till den svenska exploateringsprocessen? En alternativ tolkning är att kommuner ska upphandla den här typen an entreprenader i de fall kommunen kan förlora ekonomiska medel på att inte göra det. Så som den italienska exploateringsprocessen är uppbyggd finns alltid en risk att italienska kommuner gör en förlust i ekonomiska termer i de fall man väljer att inte upphandla infrastruktur offentligt. I Sverige är exploateringslagstiftningen däremot utformad så att kommunen aldrig tar någon ekonomisk risk och därför inte kan förlora ekonomiska medel i de fall man låter en exploatör upphandla en entreprenör. Kommunen har i det svenska fallet inte något att vinna på en offentlig upphandling eftersom det är exploatören som betalar den faktiska kostnaden. Offentlig upphandling saknar därför relevans och betydelse i den här delen av exploateringsprocessen.
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Give me a hand! Subcontracting in the Peruvian Public Procurement Law (Law No. 30225) / ¡Échame una mano!: La Subcontratación en la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado (Ley N° 30225)Soria Aguilar, Alfredo Fernando, Yamada Alpiste, Luis Minoru 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present article develops the legal concept of subcontracting on the frame of public procurement, according to the new Peruvian Public Procurement Law.Thus, different topics are treated: the differences between the outsourcing contract, derivative contract and subcontract; the new parameters that regulate subcontract; relevant aspects to consider for subcontracting on the frame of the new Public Procurement Law; and the lack of responsibility on the subcontractor towards the administrative entity. / El presente artículo desarrolla la figura jurídica de la subcontratación en los procesos de contratación pública, según la nueva Ley de Contrataciones con el Estado – Ley N° 30225. Así, se desarrollan temas como: las diferencias entre contrato de aprovisionamiento, contrato derivado y subcontrato; los nuevos parámetros bajo los cuales se circunscribe la figura de la subcontratación; aspectos que deben considerarse para la aplicación de la figura de subcontrato bajo la Ley Nº 30225; y, la falta de responsabilidad del subcontratista frentea la Entidad por la prestación brindada.
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Some Relevant Aspects of the New Public Procurement Law Interview with Dr. Jorge Danós Ordóñez / Algunos Aspectos Relevantes de la Nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado Entrevista al Dr. Jorge Danós OrdóñezEspino Layza, María Alejandra, Llique Ramírez, Rosa Natalí 10 April 2018 (has links)
The present interview discusses about the new Public Procurement Law and some of the more relevant changes occurred in the matter. In that line, focusing the discussion on the management by result new approach of the law, the role of the public official and the inclusion of the Dispute Boards, the interviewee gives us his authorized opinion about the propose of this reform. / La presente entrevista versa sobre la nueva Ley de Contrataciones del Estado y algunos de los cambios más importantes que presenta la misma. En ese sentido, enfocándose en el principio de gestión por resultados que inspira la reforma, en el rol del funcionario público en la nueva norma y en la inclusión de la Junta de Resolución de disputas, el entrevistado da su autorizada opinión sobre el objetivo deseado por la norma.
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The Arbitrability of Corruption: Is it Possible to Apply "Clean Hands Doctrine" in Arbitration in Public Procurement? / La Arbitrabilidad de la Corrupción: ¿Es Posible Aplicar «Clean Hands Doctrine» en el Arbitraje en Contratación Pública?Espinoza Quiñones, Sandro, Chunga Flores, Carmen 10 April 2018 (has links)
The arbitration proceeding is characterized for being an efficient, impartial, and above all a transparent mechanism, wherefore various private and public entities have aimed to it in order to solve their patrimonial controversies. Nevertheless, there is a sector within the doctrine that maintains that, on the assumption that the matter to arbitrate comes from legal relationships marked by corruption, the arbitration court should declare the unarbitrability of the matter, since it would violate the public order.The present paper will broach the impact of the entitled «Clean Hands Doctrine» on certain Law branches, its origins on the worldwide legal systems, the relation of it with other legal entities on which it is based on, and we will discuss international legal precedents on the matter, as well as the possible application of this doctrine to arbitration proceedings on a local context and in public procurements matter. / El arbitraje se caracteriza por ser un mecanismo imparcial, eficaz y sobre todo, transparente, motivo por el cual entidades privadas y estatales se abocan al mismo con la finalidad de resolver sus controversias patrimoniales. No obstante, existe un sector de la doctrina que sostiene que, cuando la materia a arbitrar provenga de relaciones jurídicas revestidas de corrupción, el tribunal arbitral debería declarar la inarbitrabilidad de la materia, pues se estaría vulnerando el orden público.El presente trabajo abordará la incidencia de la denominada «Clean Hands Doctrine» en determinadas ramas del Derecho, sus orígenes en los sistemas jurídicos del mundo, su relación con otras figuras jurídicas en las cuales se sustenta, y comentaremos tanto la jurisprudencia internacional al respecto, como la posible aplicación de esta doctrina al arbitraje en el contexto nacional, en materia de contrataciones con el Estado.
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The Public Procurement Administrative Court in the Period 2012-2014 / El Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado en el Período 2012-2014Becerra Farfán, María Hilda 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article shows the results of the Public Procurement Administrative Court’s performance from 2012 to 2014, mainly referred to opportunity and predictability on resolutions issuing process, supporting on statistics the evolution of the caseload as well as the time record of closing the procedures related to matters of Administrative Court’s jurisdiction which had a direct effect on the public procurement contracts’ efficiency.Additionally, we go through some Plenary Chamber Rulings, witch jointly with uniform interpretation criteria are the best mechanism to ensure equality in law application and thus institutional framework of Public Procurement Administrative Court. / En el presente artículo, se muestran los resultados de la gestión del Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado en los años 2012 a 2014, referidos, principalmente, a la oportunidad y predictibilidad en la emisión de resoluciones.Apoyada de algunos datos estadísticos, se muestra la evolución de la carga procesal del Tribunal de Contrataciones y los tiempos de atención de los procedimientos de competencia del Tribunal y que inciden, directamente, en la eficiencia de la compra pública. Asimismo, se revisan algunos de los Acuerdos de Sala Plena emitidos, que junto a criterios de interpretación uniforme, son el mejor mecanismo para garantizar la igualdad en la aplicaciónde la ley y por tanto, la institucionalidad del Tribunal de Contrataciones del Estado.
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The Procurement System of Public Administrations: Object, Evolution and Prospective of the Public Contract / El Sistema de Contratación de las Administraciones Públicas: Objeto, Evolución y Prospectiva del Contrato PúblicoBermejo Vera, José 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper discusses the basics and the ways that generally develops the «Public procurement system» between the government and private sector operators. If the material activity of the Public Administrations usually develops through its own means, economic, material and personal, it is also essential collaboration of the private sector through public procurement. The positive connection to the law is unavoidable in public contracts, but it is also very relevant public expenditure savings applying procurement rules to advertising, equal competition and competitiveness. It serves as a reference the substantive core of Spanish law which, as most of the states of Europe, faithfully follows the rules to compliance with the European Union, undoubtedly one of the forms of state integration policies with greater depth and success in the world. / En este trabajo se analizan los fundamentos y las formas en que se desenvuelve generalmente el «sistema de la contratación pública», una de las instituciones jurídicas en que se manifiesta más explícitamente la actuación colaborativa entre las Administraciones Públicas y los agentes económicos del sector privado. Si la actividad material de las Administraciones Públicas se desarrolla generalmente a través de sus propios medios, económicos, materiales y personales, también es fundamental la colaboración del sector privado a través de los contratos públicos.La vinculación positiva a la ley resulta ineludible en los contratos públicos, pero es muy relevante el ahorro de gasto público aplicando normas de contratación con publicidad, igualdad de concurrencia y competitividad. Sirve como referencia el núcleo sustancial del Derecho español que, como la mayor parte de los Estados de Europa, sigue fielmente las normas de obligado acatamiento de la Unión Europea, sin duda una de las fórmulas políticas de integración estatal con mayor calado y éxito en el mundo.
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Compliance Programs as a Mechanism to Fight Corruption: Special Reference to Self-Regulation of Companies / Programas de Cumplimiento Como Mecanismo de Lucha Contra la Corrupción: Especial Referencia a La Autorregulación de Las EmpresasAstudillo Meza, Guillermo, Jiménez Montes, Sandra 10 April 2018 (has links)
This article analyzes the influence self-regulation has had in the recent years as a law instrument that helps monitor corporate organizations, as well as its consequences in the fight against public corruption through corporate compliance programs. / El presente artículo analiza la influencia que en los últimos años ha tenido el fenómeno de la autorregulación para el derecho como mecanismo de supervisión de las organizaciones empresariales y sus implicancias en la lucha contra la corrupción pública a través de los programas de cumplimiento para las empresas.
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