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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Government as learnaucracy? Learning and performance in a Canadian public sector organization

Johnston, Carly 30 March 2012 (has links)
Few empirical studies have examined the relationship between learning organization dimensions and public sector performance. While others have argued that public organizations are important contexts to for the study of organizational learning, learning in public sector and government organizations has not been given the empirical attention that private sector learning has. The goal of this study is to assess to what degree a government bureaucracy can learn and to examine whether a relationship exists between learning (predictor variables) and performance (criterion variables) in a government organization. To evaluate this, the government department of Family Services and Consumer Affairs within the province of Manitoba, Canada was used as a case study. All non-political staff in the Department were invited to complete an online version of an adapted version of the Dimensions of the Learning Organization Questionnaire (DLOQ). The current study addresses several gaps in the literature. This study found that a relationship indeed exists between organizational learning and performance in a Canadian public sector context. Second, a fourth variable of performance (goal performance) was added to assess the relationship between organizational learning and an organization’s stated goals. Dimensions of the learning organization were found to be predictive of goal performance. Third and finally, this study offers recommendations on if and how a public sector organization can move from a bureaucracy, with its hierarchical authority and rules and order, to a learnaucracy, based on individual empowerment and a culture of reflexivity.

Lyčių lygybės politikos įgyvendinimas darbo rinkoje. Šiaulių miesto viešojo sektoriaus institucijų atvejis / The implementation of gender equality policy on the labor market. The case of the Public Sector Institutions in the Siauliai city

Račkauskaitė, Liuda 02 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama lyčių lygybės politikos įgyvendinimas Šiaulių miesto viešojo sektoriaus institucijose. Tiriamą problemą apibūdina šie klausimai: Kaip lyčių lygybė yra apibrėžiama teisės aktuose ir politinėse dokumentuose, kurie reguliuoja darbo rinkos santykius? Kokios institucijos įgyvendina lyčių lygybės politiką darbo rinkoje? Kokios priemonės gali būti taikomos siekiant lyčių lygybės darbo rinkoje? Šis darbas susideda iš įvado, keturių pagrindinių dalių, išvadų, rekomendacijų, literatūros sąrašo ir priedų. Teorinėje dalyje pateikiama lyčių lygybės samprata moksliniame ir teisiniame diskurse bei pristatomas lyčių lygybės politikos įgyvendinimo mechanizmas. Taip pat remiantis moksline literatūra ir įvairiais ataskaitos tyrimais, atskleidžiama Lietuvos darbo rinkai būdingos diskriminacijos formos. Empirinėje dalyje pristatomi kokybinio tyrimo metu apklaustų 10 informantų analizės rezultatai. Informantų vertinimai leidžia teigti, kad viešojo sektoriaus institucijos siekiant lyčių lygybės politikos darbo rinkoje taiko įvairaus pobūdžio priemones (lanksčias darbo formas, atostogas ir kt.). Taip pat tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad priemonių taikymas priklauso nuo organizacijos darbo veiklos specifikos, jos dydžio ir darbuotojų pasiskirstymo lyties bei amžiaus atžvilgiu. / Undergraduate thesis examines the implementation of gender policy of the Public Sector Institutions in the Siauliai city. The investigated problem is defined by the following questions: What is the meaning of gender equality in the legislation and policy documents that regulate the relationship of labor market? What are the institutions that implement gender equality policies in the labor market? What measures can be applied to achieve gender equality in the labor market? This work consists of introduction, the four main components, conclusions, recommendations, references and appendices. The theoretical part presents the conception of the gender equality in the scientific and political discourse and the mechanism for its implementation. Also on the basis of scientific literature and various research reports, the forms of discrimination typical of the Lithuanian labor market are disclosed. The empirical part presents the results of analysis of 10 informants interviewed during the qualitative study. Informants estimation suggests that public sector bodies to achieve gender equality in employment policy is applied by various means (flexible forms of work, holidays, etc.). Also, the study shows that the apllication of measures is depended on the organization's activities, its size and the distribution of employees in respect of gender and age.

Klientų aptarnavimo kokybė viešajame sektoriuje: Valstybinio socialinio draudimo fondo Tauragės skyriaus atvejis / The quality of customer service in the public sector: the case of Taurage's department of National social insurance fund

Noreikienė, Jovita 03 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbo tikslas - išanalizuoti klientų aptarnavimo kokybę viešajame sektoriuje remiantis „Sodros“ Tauragės skyriaus atveju. Darbe analizuojami klientų aptarnavimo kokybę įtakojantys veiksniai: klientų aptarnavimo kokybę gerinantys metodai ir priemonės, efektyvumo kriterijai, paslaugų teikimo ypatumai. Tyrimui atlikti pasirinkta klientų anketinių duomenų bei darbuotojų interviu analizė. Gauti duomenys parodė, kad „Sodros“ Tauragės skyriaus klientai aptarnaujami kokybiškai, o įstaigos darbuotojai vertinami kaip kvalifikuoti bei savo darbą išmanantys specialistai. Nustatyti pagrindiniai veiksniai įtakojantys klientų aptarnavimo kokybę: informatyvumas, konfidencialumas, aptarnavimo greitis bei kultūra. Patvirtinta darbe iškelta hipotezė, kad „Sodros„ klientų aptarnavimo standartai padeda užtikrinti klientų aptarnavimo kokybę. / The aim of the master thesis is to analyze the quality of customer service in National social insurance Taurage‘s department. The paper analyzes the customer service quality influencing factors for improving the quality of customer service techniques and tools, performance criteria, service providing features. The research was based on customer’s questionnaire data and staff interview analysis. The data of analysis showed that the National social insurance Taurage‘s department’s customers have a good quality service and the office staff are recognized as a qualified and knowledgeable specialists. The main factors influencing the quality of customer service are informative, confidentiality, service speed and culture. The hypothesis that National social insurance’s customer service standards help to ensure quality customer service was confirmed.

Organizational Involvement in Carbon Mitigation: The New Zealand Public Sector

Birchall, Stephen Jeffrey January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: New Zealand (NZ) ratified the Kyoto Protocol in 2002, committing to prudent greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions. In an effort to promote public sector carbon management, in 2004, Clark’s Labour-led Government funded local government membership in ICLEI’s Communities for Climate Protection - NZ (CCP-NZ) programme. In 2007, the same Government, in tandem with efforts to price carbon and develop an Emissions Trading Scheme, through the Carbon Neutral Public Service (CNPS) programme, sought to move the core public sector towards carbon neutrality (Clark, 2007c). In 2008, the NZ government changed from a Labour-led to a National-led Government, and this resulted in a shift in its carbon emission mitigation strategy, including the termination of the CNPS and the CCP-NZ programmes. Purpose: The research has two central objectives: First, to determine why NZ’s newly elected National -led Government cancelled the CNPS and the CCP-NZ programmes; and, second, to determine whether despite the discontinuation of these two programmes and in the absence of Government support, will NZ government organizations continue to strive for carbon emission reductions and neutrality. Approach: This empirical research is investigative and probing, and comprises a series of semi-structured interviews with senior managers responsible for the delivery of the CNPS and the CCP-NZ programmes within their respective organization. The architects of each programme (e.g. the NZ Prime Minister and CEO of ICLEI/ Director of ICLEI Oceania) are also investigated in order to glean insight into the rationale for the ultimate termination of these two programmes. Fieldwork is informed by publicly available information that provides insight into Government’s rationale for creating and discontinuing the CNPS and the CCP-NZ programmes. Narrative analysis and termination theory serve as the primary methodological tools for this study, providing insight into meaning, interpretation and individual experience as it relates to the dismantling of the CNPS and the CCP-NZ programmes. Findings: This study finds that though economic constraints and programmatic inefficiencies may have played a contributing role, political ideology is the primary rationale for the termination of the CNPS and the CCP-NZ programmes. With the ideological shift towards strong neoliberal market environmentalism, Government support for initiatives like the CNPS and the CCP-NZ programmes has declined markedly, with the desire to demonstrate leadership in this area in complete retreat. Ultimately, notwithstanding the desire of some government organizations to continue with programme objectives, albeit with less priority, NZ public sector organizational resolve towards these goals has weakened.

Att planera ett storskaligt krishanteringsprojekt : En fallstudie om MSB:s ebolainsats i Västafrika 2014-2015 / The Recipe for Planning a Large-Scale Crisis Management Project : A case study of MSB’s Ebola operation in West Africa 2014-2015

Forss Karlsson, Lina, Bråth, Rikki January 2015 (has links)
In 2014-2015 a large-scale Ebola epidemic occurred in West Africa. The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency was given the order to conduct the Swedish response. The purpose of this case study was to investigate the impact on project planning of the three factors: the nature of the crisis, political initiative and developing countries. In this case study the crisis was an epidemic, and the project was initiated by the Swedish Government and conducted in two developing countries. The results were intended to contribute to developed understanding and recommendations for future project managers in similar projects. The data collected came from six qualitative interviews, where all respondents were directly involved in the project planning. The project managers suggest that the three external factors had significant effects on project planning. The nature of the crisis led to impaired recruitment processes and personnel safety, and that it was difficult to predict the development of the epidemic, which led to frequent replanning. The political initialization generated pressure on project managers and executives, as well as an increased workload as more reports had to be compiled and presented. Developing countries have a less developed infrastructure, and political and economic aspects, that contributed to a complicated planning process. Many project managers had previous knowledge of the influencing factors but did not have sufficient routines for how to handle them. The study's main conclusion is therefore that project organizations increasingly need to learn from past experiences. / Mellan åren 2014 och 2015 pågick det en storskalig ebolaepidemi i Västafrika. Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap fick uppdraget att genomföra Sveriges respons. Syftet med denna fallstudie var att undersöka hur de tre faktorerna krisens karaktär, politisk initiering och utvecklingsland påverkade planeringsfasen i detta storskaliga krishanteringsprojekt. I det aktuella fallet var krisen en epidemi, projektet initierat av Sveriges regering samt utfört i två utvecklingsländer. Resultaten ämnade bidra med förståelse och rekommendationer för framtida projektledare vid liknande projekt. Den insamlade datan i studien kommer från sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer, där samtliga respondenter var direkt involverade i fallstudiens projektplanering. Projektledarna upplevde att de valda påverkansfaktorerna hade betydande influenser på projektplaneringen. Krisens karaktär medförde försvårad rekryteringsprocess och personalsäkerhet, samt att det var svårt att förutspå epidemins utveckling vilket ledde till frekvent omplanering. Den politiska initieringen skapade press på projektledare och chefer, samt ökade arbetsbördan då fler rapporter skulle sammanställas, men gav samtidigt bättre samarbetsmöjligheter med övriga aktörer och en ledande roll i dessa relationer. Utvecklingsländer har en mindre utvecklad infrastruktur samt politiska och ekonomiska aspekter vilket bidrog till att planeringen komplicerades. Många av dessa påverkansfaktorer hade projektledarna kunskap om sedan innan men inte tillräckliga rutiner för hur de skulle hanteras. Studiens främsta slutsats är att projektorganisationer i större utsträckning måste ta lärdom av tidigare erfarenheter.

Konsensus eller kompromiss? : En studie om det offentliga och civilsamhället inom ramen för en välfärdsomvandling

Andersson, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsens utgångspunkt är samverkansarbete mellan det offentliga och civilsamhället inom ramenför den nationella Överenskommelsen inom sociala frågor. Kontexten är den samhälleligaomvandling och de välfärdsförändringar som skett sedan 1970-talet. Tidigare forskning inom ämnethar visat att konfliktperspektivet saknats inom forskningen av samverkan mellan det offentliga ochcivilsamhället. Uppsatsen bygger på det emancipatoriska kunskapsintresset vars strävan är att identifiera orsakertill missförhållanden och missförståelse som ligger bakom vissa fenomen, i det här falletkonsensusbegreppet. Uppsatsen lyfter fram maktasymmetri som en begränsande faktor inomramen för samverkansarbete mellan det offentliga och civilsamhället. Uppsatsen visar att det råderen oklar rollfördelning inom samverkansarbetet och de idéburna organisationerna vet inte huruvidaman är en röstbärare eller en serviceutförare. De idéburna organisationerna är även rädda för attframstå som kritiska gentemot det offentliga eftersom man då riskerar att tappa ekonomiskt stöd. Uppsatsen lyfter det trilaterala sanningsbegreppet för att uppdaga dold mening, hur dennakorresponderar med verkligheten och slutligen hur detta kan komma till praktisk användning.Resultatet kan ses som både teorigenererande och kunskapsproducerande med anledning avambitionen att integrera den kritiska teorins metaperspektiv med konkret empiriskt material, dvs.den nationella Överenskommelsen inom sociala frågor.

Investment appraisal in the public sector : Incorporating flexibility and environmental effects

Lindvall, Nils January 2015 (has links)
The public sector often invests in large projects in different sectors, such as education, health care and infrastructure. It can be argued that investment appraisal process in these projects should differ from conventional approaches due to the complex interests the public sector holds, which often implies that several aspects need to be considered. Conventional techniques may not suffice and therefore this thesis aims to investigate the applicability of real options analysis and multi-criteria analysis in a combined approach. The study is conducted in the form of a case study at publicly owned Sundsvalls Logistikpark, where options in the form of the utilization of development areas and the non-monetary aspect reduction of carbon dioxide are included in the appraisal. The model developed compares two alternative strategies where one is based upon conventional usage of the area and the other represents the environmentally friendly alternative. The results show that including the value of flexibility in the appraisal significantly raises the initial valuation, whereas the comparison of the strategies show that the results either details which strategy is preferred, if input to both strategies are available, or where the threshold for indifference lies. It is concluded that this model is applicable in terms of its ability to capture the value of flexibility and inclusion of several aspects of the decision problem. However, it is also concluded that the numerous simplifications made may lead to unreliability in the results, and the process of obtaining accurate input may time-consuming, depending on the case. The usability of the model is high in terms of its potential, but lower in terms of the knowledge-based threshold required of the user.

Valfrihetssystem enligt LOV : Ur ett biståndshandläggar- och organisationsperspektiv

Andersson, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Sweden has one of the best elderly cares in Europe and the Swedish care work is also one of the best in terms of quality, compared to other European countries. In recent years, higher demands have been set on the care work and the number of privatizations of public services has increased. In 2009 a new law came into force, the Act on System of Choice (LOV) which increased individual’s right to a greater participation and a free choice in the selection of health and social care providers. This paper aims to highlight the impact of the law, system of choice. By using the method of qualitative surveys and interviews with care managers, and an exploration of relevant studies and reports, I was able to complete this study. With institutional theory and other sociological concepts such as isomorphism and street-level bureaucracy, I made an analysis of both the care managers and also at an organizational level. In the conclusions I argue that the system of choice has had a greater impact at an organizational level rather than on the care managers. The paper also highlights the fact that the knowledge of processes of implementation and political governance has had a significant role. The three main issues are how the law has influenced care managers work, how organizations have changed, how and if the active choices work in practice.

Kulturkrock eller samarbete? : en analys av en organisationskultur / Clash of culture or collaboration : an analysis of an organozational culture

Hammarlund, Charlotta, Waldenvik, Isabelle January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att beskriva och förstå hur chefer upplever samarbetet mellan enheterna inom den organisationskultur de är verksamma i. Analysen baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med 11 chefer inom en sektor i en kommunal vård- och omsorgsförvaltning, som utifrån LEAN önskar samla sin personalstyrka mot gemensamma mål för att bättre kunna klara sitt uppdrag. Studiens frågeställningar syftar till att undersöka hur cheferna upplever kulturen inom sin organisation och enhet samt hur de värderar samarbetet mellan enheterna. Undersökningen, som tillämpar en kvalitativ metod med hermeneutisk fenomenologisk ansats, analyserar intervjudata utifrån kulturteori och symbolisk interaktionism, med fokus på gemensamma symboler och mönster.  Studien fann att cheferna har nog med sitt och deras upplevelse av samarbetet är att det präglas av konkurrens, revirtänkande och oförenliga perspektiv. Arbetet med att stärka organisationens gemensamma kultur har ännu inte uppnått någon märkbar effekt och de gemensamma symbolerna är få. Enheterna utgör egna subkulturer som krockar med varandra, vilket gör att det gemensamma samarbetet saknar färdriktning och är flegmatiskt. Vår slutsats är att en gemensam kultur är av avgörande betydelse för att samarbete skall värderas och ge goda resultat. / The purpose of the study was to describe and understand how managers perceive the cooperation between units in their own organization. The analysis was based on semi structured interviews with 11 managers from a municipal social services organization. In order to better handle it´s agenda the organization used LEAN to mobilize staff towards common goals. The study questions aimed towards understanding how the managers experience the culture of their organization and unit and how they value cooperation between the units. The study used a qualitative method with a hermeneutic phenomenological approach analyzing data from interviews with culture theory and a symbolic interactive perspective focusing on common symbols and patterns. The results showed that the managers were busy with their own work and that cooperation with other units was seen as full of competition, territorial thinking, and incompatible perspectives. Little had been achieved as far as strengthening the common culture of the organization and common symbols were few. The units were subcultures of their own colliding with each other and giving a lack of direction. The conclusion was that for cooperation to be valuable and give good results a common culture is essential.

Implementering av affärssystem i en offentlig verksamhet : En studie om ledarskapet och medarbetarnas delaktighet i enimplementeringsprocess

Zatloukalova, Lenka, Malmrot, Catarina January 2013 (has links)
Undersökning i denna uppsats har utgjorts av en fallstudie. Fokus i vårt arbetehar legat på implementering, ledarskap och delaktighet.Syftet med vårt examensarbete har varit att studera hur implementeringen avaffärssystem kan gå till i en offentlig organisation och hur medarbetarnasdelaktighet samt chefernas ledarskap ser ut under implementeringen. Detövergripande syftet har varit att identifiera förbättringsområden och ge förslagtill lösningar. Vi har utgått från att kombinera en kvantitativ enkät medkvalitativa djupintervjuer för vår fallstudie.Sammanfattningen av våra slutsatser var följande: Den studeradeorganisationen inom offentliga sektorn är stor, komplex, hierarkisk samt har enspecifik ansvarsfördelning med befattningar och behörigheter och därför har enstegvis implementering tillämpats. Styrkor i implementeringsprocessen harvarit: projektmetodik, planering, stegvis införande, nyckelpersonerna somavancerade användare, testverksamhet och en egen förvaltningsorganisation.Svagheter i implementeringsprocessen har varit: ledarskap, förändringsledning,delaktighet, utbildning, kommunikation, resursplanering, oklart syfte, otydligamål samt vision som inte kommunicerats ut till medarbetarna i organisationen.Svagheter och styrkor sammanfattades i en egenutvecklad modell som delarimplementeringsprocessen i två delar – den tekniska och den organisatoriska.Den avgörande faktorn i implementeringsprocessen visade sig vara denorganisatoriska delen med aspekter som handlar om organisation och ledning. / The investigation in this paper consisted of a case study. The focus of our workhas been on implementation, leadership and participation.The aim of this thesis was to study how the implementation of ERP can go to apublic organization and how employee participation and managers' leadershiplooks during implementation. The overall aim has been to identify areas forimprovement and suggest solutions. We have combined a quantitative surveyand qualitative interviews for our case study.The summary of our conclusions were the following: The studied organizationin the public sector is large, complex, and hierarchical and has a specificresponsibility with roles and permissions and that is why a stagedimplementation with sixth insertion step has been applied. Strengths in theimplementation process were: project methodology planning, gradual entry keypersonnel, and advanced users, testing activities and its own managementstructure. Weaknesses in the implementation process were: leadership, changemanagement, empowerment, education, communication, resource planning,unclear purpose, unclear objectives, and vision that are not communicated tothe employees in the organization. Weaknesses and strengths were summarizedin a proprietary model that shares the implementation process in two parts- thetechnical and the organizational. The decisive factor in the implementationprocess proved to be the organizational part, aspects of which involveorganization and management.

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