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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Therapieprinzipien zur Unterstützung der rechtsventrikulären Funktion nach Implantation eines linksventrikulären Assist Device

Wagner, Frank-Dietrich 23 April 2002 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, neue Therapieprinzipien zu entwickeln und zu überprüfen, ob diese geeignet sind, ein Rechtsherzversagen nach Implantation eines LVAD bei Patienten mit terminaler Herzinsuffizienz zu verhindern. Bei Patienten mit chronischem Linksherzversagen erhöht sich der pulmonalvaskuläre Widerstand. Als Ursache wird eine Dysregulation des pulmonalen Gefäßendothels verstanden, die mit einer gestörten Freisetzung von NO und einer erhöhten Expression von Endothelin einhergeht und die bei längerem Bestehen auch strukturelle Veränderungen der Lungenstrombahn nach sich zieht. Bei Patienten mit chronischem Linksherzversagen führt dies zu einer sekundären pulmonalen Hypertonie, die direkt die rechtsventrikuläre Funktion beeinträchtigt und durch eine Vasodilatantientherapie zunächst noch reversibel ist. Nach LVAD-Implantation bei terminaler Herzinsuffizienz steigt häufig der pulmonalvaskuläre Widerstand unter anderem infolge der extrakorporalen Zirkulation weiter an, so daß bei vielen Patienten ein Rechtsherzversagen aufgund der sekundären pulmonalen Hypertonie mit hoher Morbidität und Mortalität auftritt. Weder positiv inotrope Pharmaka noch systemische Vasodilatantien oder gar die sekundäre Implantation eines RVAD konnten das Problem bisher lösen. Einen völlig neuen Therapieansatz stellt die inhalative Verabreichung von NO dar, welches durch die direkte Wirkung auf die glatte Gefäßmuskulatur eine selektive Vasodilatation in der pulmonalen Zirkulation bewirkt und somit konsekutiv die rechtsventrikuläre Nachlast senkt, ohne dabei den systemischen Widerstand zu beeinflussen. Zunächst wurden die klinischen Effekte einer inhalativen NO-Therapie bei Patienten untersucht, die nach Implantation eines LVAD aufgrund einer rechtsventrikulären Dysfunktion bei sekundärer pulmonaler Hypertonie ein postoperatives low-cardiac-output-Syndrom entwickelt hatten. Im ersten Teil der Untersuchungen konnte gezeigt werden, daß die ausgeprägtesten hämodynamischen Wirkungen bei einer individuellen NO-Dosis zwischen 25 und 40 ppm NO erreicht werden. Bis zu 40 ppm nahmen der pulmonalvaskuläre Widerstand und der pulmonalarterielle Mitteldruck progredient ab, während der Cardiac Index dosisabhängig signifikant stieg, ohne daß dabei eine Änderung der systemischen Druck- und Widerstandsverhältnisse zu bemerken war. Die pulmonalvaskuläre Selektivität der inhaltiven NO-Therapie sowie die teils dramatische hämodynamische Verbesserung waren somit bestätigt. Auch unter Dauerapplikation der jeweils individuell ausgetesteten optimalen NO-Dosierung zeigte sich über den gesamten Behandlungszeitraum die oben beschriebene signifikante hämodynamische Verbesserung mit Abnahme der rechtsventrikulären Nachlast bei gleichzeitiger Zunahme des Cardiac Index. Zusätzlich wurde mittels TEE ein stetiger Anstieg der RVEF und ein Abfall des RVEDV dokumentiert. Somit konnte bei den Patienten unter NO-Therapie zunächst die Katecholamingabe deutlich reduziert und die NO-Behandlung ausgeschlichen werden. Im Verlauf der Therapie kam es weder durch eine abrupte Unterbrechung der NO-Zufuhr bei täglich durchgeführten NO-Auslassversuchen noch bei Beendigung der Therapie zu einer hämodynamischen Verschlechterung, was indirekt die Erholung des rechten Ventrikels belegt. Trotz der insgesamt eindrucksvollen hämodynamischen Verbesserung unter Beatmung mit NO gab es einige Patienten, bei denen trotz hochdosierter Katecholamintherapie und adäquatem Volumenersatz die rechtsventrikuläre Dysfunktion persistierte. Dies wurde darauf zurückgeführt, daß durch Zunahme des Cardiac Index und somit des venösen Rückstromes nach LVAD-Implantation eine Erholung der Rechtsherzfunktion nicht möglich war. Um die Erholung der Rechtsherzfunktion über eine Minimierung der rechtsventrikulären Schlagarbeit zu ermöglichen, wurde ein zu sämtlichen anderen Therapiestrategien kontroverses Konzept entwickelt, das sowohl der rechtsventrikulären Vorlast und Nachlast als auch der inotropen Therapie Rechnung trägt. Statt wie bisher einen hohen Cardiac Index anzustreben wurde jetzt untersucht, ob nicht bei einem postoperativ recht niedrigen Cardiac Index von 2.5 L/min/m2 (( 2.3 L/min/m2 und ( 2.8 L/min/m2) mit daraus folgender Verminderung der Schlagarbeit eine Erholung des rechten Ventrikel möglich ist, ohne dabei jedoch die Organperfusion zu gefährden. Dies beinhaltete neben einer frühzeitig eingeleiteten NO-Beatmung eine minimale Katecholamintherapie und einen restriktiven Volumenersatz. Deshalb wurde mit der NO-Beatmung bereits intraoperativ bei Abgang vom kardiopulmonalen Bypass begonnen. Ein Cardiac Index von circa2.5 L/min/m2 erwies sich bei den analgosedierten und beatmeten Patienten für eine adäquate Organperfusion als ausreichend und zeigte sich darüber hinaus als geeignet, ein Rechtsherzversagen zu verhindern und eine Restitution der rechtsventrikulären Funktion sicherzustellen. Die inhalative NO-Therapie wurde auch hier bei allen Patienten ohne Auftreten eines Rebound-Phänomen beendet. Bekannt ist, daß Endothelin-1 als potenter endogener Vasokonstriktor (Produktion als auch Elimination hauptsächlich in der Lunge) eine pulmonale Hypertonie auslösen kann und damit als Antagonist zum wichtigsten endothelialen Mediator der pulmonalen Vasodilatation, dem NO, betrachtet wird. Zur Klärung weiterer pathophysiologischer Grundlagen wurden die Plasmaspiegel von ET-1 und Big ET-1 unter NO-Therapie nach LVAD-Implantation gemessen. Die präoperativen ET-1- und Big ET-1-Plasmaspiegel waren, wie bei terminaler Herzinsuffizienz zu erwarten, deutlich erhöht und korrelierten mit dem pulmonalvaskulären Widerstand. Dass die höchsten Plasmakonzentrationen von ET-1 intraoperativ gemessen wurden steht in Einklang mit anderen Untersuchungen und wurde mit einer durch den kardiopulmonalen Bypass ausgelösten endothelialen Dysfunktion erklärt. Unter inhalativer NO-Therapie fielen die Plasmaspiegel von ET-1 und Big ET-1 signifikant ab und waren nach Beendigung der Therapie am niedrigsten. Es bestand eine signifikante, inverse Korrelation zwischen der mittleren inhalativen NO-Dosis und den Plasmaspiegeln von ET-1 und Big ET-1. Simultan mit dem Abfall der Plasmaspiegel der Endotheline verbesserte sich die Hämodynamik. Der Abfall des pulmonalarteriellen Druckes korrelierte mit dem Abfall der ET-1-Plasmaspiegel. Die Ergebnisse lassen darauf schließen, daß eine inhalative NO-Therapie, welche die bei sekundärer pulmonaler Hypertonie pathophysiologisch defiziente endogene NO-Produktion ausgleicht, neben einer pulmonalselektiven Vasodilatation auch zu einer NO-vermittelten Inhibition der Endotheline ET-1 und Big-ET-1 führt. Da auch die Linksherzinsuffizienz durch die mechanische Entlastung mit einem LVAD suffizient behandelt ist, kann sich erneut ein physiologisches Gleichgewicht zwischen den Antagonisten NO und Endothelin in der Lungenstrombahn einstellen, das eine Dysfunktion des pulmonalen Gefäßendothels behebt. Dies erklärt, dass eine NO-Beatmung nur vorübergehend erforderlich ist und nach Beendigung der NO-Inhalation ein Rebound-Phänomen mit Wiederanstieg des pulmonalvaskulären Widerstands und konsekutiver Rechtsherzbelastung ausbleibt. Zur Unterstützung der rechtsventrikulären Funktion nach Implantation eines LVAD wurden folgende Therapieprinzipien etabliert: - Eine inhalative NO-Therapie sollte frühzeitig bereits zum Abgang vom kardiopulmonalen Bypass eingesetzt werden. - Eine intraindividuelle Dosistitration von NO ist sinnvoll um einen optimalen Behandlungseffekt mit der geringst möglichen Dosis zu erzielen. - Die inhalative NO-Therapie senkt selektiv den pulmonalvaskulären Widerstand und verursacht keine systemische Hypotension. Die rechtsventrikuläre Nachlast fällt ab, ohne dass die linksventrikulären Füllungsdrucke pathologisch ansteigen, da der linke Ventrikel durch das LVAD entlastet ist. - Tritt trotz NO-Beatmung eine rechtsventrikuläre Dysfunktion auf, so ist zur weiteren Entlastung des rechten Ventrikels ein niedriger Cardiac Index von circa 2.5 L/min/m2 angezeigt, um den venösen Rückstrom gering zu halten. - Dies ist durch eine minimale Katecholamintherapie und einen restriktiven Volumenersatz zu erzielen. Die Reduktion der rechtsventrikulären Schlagarbeit erlaubt eine Erholung der rechtsventrikulären Funktion. - Die ET-1- und Big-ET-1-Plasmaspiegel fallen um so rascher ab, je langsamer die NO-Dosis reduziert wird, da zwischen den Plasmaspiegeln der Endotheline und der mittleren inhalativen NO-Dosis eine inverse Korrelation gefunden wurde. Daher ist eine schrittweise Entwöhnung der inhalativen NO-Therapie erforderlich, um ein Rebound-Phänomen zu verhindern. - NO-Auslaßversuche sind geeignet, um in kritischen Fällen die Abhängigkeit von einer NO-Beatmung in der Entwöhnungsphase zu überprüfen. - Da eine Dysfunktion des pulmonalen Gefäßendothels nach Beendigung der inhalativen NO-Therapie offensichtlich nicht mehr fortbesteht, ist im weiteren klinischen Verlauf in der Regel nicht mit einer erneuten Rechtsherzbelastung durch einen Anstieg des pulmonalvaskulären Widerstands zu rechnen. / This thesis aimed to develop and evaluate new therapeutic principles to prevent right ventricular failure following LVAD implantation in patients with end-stage heart failure. Pulmonary vascular resistance increases in patients with chronic left ventricular failure. The mechanism is thought to be a dysregulation of the pulmonary vascular endothelium with an impaired release of NO and increased expression of endothelin, which in the long term leads to structural changes in the pulmonary circulation. In patients with chronic left ventricular failure this causes secondary pulmonary hypertension, directly compromising right ventricular function, but initially this is not fixed and is still reversible by vasodilator therapy. Following LVAD implantation in end-stage heart failure, pulmonary vascular resistance may further increase, partially due to cardiopulmonary bypass, and many patients develop frank right ventricular failure due to aggravation of secondary pulmonary hypertension, which is associated with a high morbidity and mortality. Neither positive inotropic drugs nor systemic vasodilators or even the secondary implantation of a RVAD were able to solve the problem. A novel therapeutic approach is the administration of inhaled NO, which directly acts on vascular smooth muscle cells causing selective pulmonary vasodilation and therefore decreases right ventricular afterload without altering systemic vascular resistance. The clinical effects of NO inhalation therapy were first studied in patients presenting with postoperative low cardiac output syndrome after LVAD implantation due to secondary pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular dysfunction. In this first study the greatest hemodynamic effects were demonstrated at individually titrated doses of 25 to 40 ppm NO. The pulmonary vascular resistance and the mean pulmonary artery pressure progressively decreased with increasing doses up to 40 ppm NO, as the cardiac index significantly increased dependent on dosage and without any noticeable change of the systemic arterial pressure or systemic vascular resistance. Thus a selective pulmonary vasodilating effect of inhaled nitric oxide along with a hemodynamic improvement, which in some patients was dramatic, was demonstrated. During continuous administration with the individually titrated optimal dose significant beneficial effects were shown during the entire treatment period with a decrease of the right ventricular afterload and a consequent increase of the cardiac index. In addition, a steady increase of the RVEF and a decrease of the RVEDV were demonstrated by TEE. This permitted us to first lower the catecholamine dose in these patients and then to wean them of the NO therapy. In the course of NO therapy hemodynamic deterioration was provoked neither by acute interruption of NO administration at daily performed "NO-off-trials", nor after weaning of NO therapy, which indirectly proved regeneration of the right ventricle. Although an overall impressive hemodynamic improvement was demonstrated with NO inhalation there were some patients in whom right ventricular dysfunction persisted despite maximal inotropic support and adequate volume replacement. This was thought to be due to the increase in cardiac index and thereby venous return after LVAD implantation preventing restoration of right ventricular function. To permit improvement of right ventricular function by minimizing right ventricular stroke work, a comprehensive concept contradictory to all other treatment strategies was developed, taking right ventricular preload, afterload and inotropic therapy into account. Instead of the intention being to generate a high cardiac index, it was studied whether a relatively low postoperative cardiac index of 2.5 L/min/m2 (= 2.3 L/min/m2 and = 2.8 L/min/m2) which decreases stroke work, enables the right ventricle to regenerate without compromising perfusion to vital organs. This meant early administration of inhaled NO, minimal catecholamine support and restrictive volume replacement. NO inhalation was initiated intraoperatively as soon as weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass had taken place. A cardiac index of 2.5 L/min/m2 proved to be sufficient in the analgosedated and ventilated patients to ensure sufficient organ perfusion and in addition proved to be successful in preventing right ventricular failure and permitting restitution of right ventricular function. Inhaled NO therapy was weaned successfully without rebound phenomena. The potent endogenous vasoconstrictor endothelin-1 (produced and eliminated primarily in the lungs) has been shown to cause pulmonary hypertension and is an antagonist of the most important endothelial mediator of pulmonary vasodilation, NO. To further elucidate the pathophysiology, plasma levels of ET-1 and big ET-1 were measured during NO therapy following LVAD implantation. As expected in end-stage heart failure, the preoperative ET-1 and big ET-1 plasma levels were considerably increased and correlated with the pulmonary vascular resistance. The highest plasma concentrations of ET-1 were measured intraoperatively, which is in keeping with other studies and has been explained by an endothelial dysfunction triggered by cardiopulmonary bypass. Plasma levels of ET-1 and big ET-1 fell significantly during NO therapy and were lowest after termination of inhaled NO. A significant inverse correlation was found between the mean inhaled NO dose and the ET-1 and big ET-1 plasma levels. Hemodynamics improved simultaneously with the drop in plasma levels of the endothelins. The decrease of the pulmonary artery pressures correlated with the decrease of the ET-1 plasma levels. It can be derived from the results that inhaled NO not only induces pulmonary selective vasodilation by replacing a deficient endogenous NO production in secondary pulmonary hypertension, but inhaled NO also inhibits the endothelins ET-1 and big ET-1. In addition, left ventricular failure is effectively treated by mechanical unloading through the LVAD, thus permitting a new physiologic balance to develop between the antagonists NO and endothelin in the pulmonary circulation and ameliorating dysfunction of the pulmonary vascular endothelium. This explains why NO inhalation is needed only as an intermediate therapy and the fact that a rebound phenomenon with increases in pulmonary vascular resistance and consecutive right ventricular constraint does not occur. To support right ventricular function after LVAD implantation, the following therapeutic principles have been established: - Inhaled NO therapy should be started early on weaning from cardiopulmonary bypass. - Intraindividual dose titration is useful to ensure maximal effects with minimal doses. - Inhaled NO selectively decreases pulmonary vascular resistance without inducing systemic hypotension. Right ventricular afterload decreases without pathologically increased left ventricular filling pressures, as the left ventricle is unloaded by the LVAD. - If right ventricular dysfunction presents despite NO inhalation, venous return should be lowered to relieve the right ventricle, by keeping the cardiac index low at around 2.5 L/min/m2. - This is accomplished by minimal inotropic support and restrictive volume replacement. Regeneration of right ventricular function is made possible by a reduction of right ventricular stroke work. - The slower the inhaled NO dose was lowered, the faster the ET-1 and big ET-1 plasma levels fell, as an inverse correlation was found between the plasma levels of the endothelins and the mean inhaled NO dose. Therefore stepwise weaning of inhaled NO therapy is essential in preventing rebound phenomena. - "NO-off-trials" are useful to monitor inhaled NO dependency during weaning from NO therapy in critical cases. - As dysfunction of the pulmonary vascular endothelium obviously does not persist after cessation of inhaled NO therapy, as a rule right ventricular compromise due to an increase in pulmonary vascular resistance does not occur during the further clinical course.

Pathobiologie de la hernie diaphragmatique congénitale expérimentale induite par l'exposition au nitrofène chez le rat / Pathobiology of experimental congenital diaphragmatic hernia induced by nitrofen in rat

Makanga, Martine 29 April 2015 (has links)
Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

The effect of hypoxia on ER-β expression in the lung and cultured pulmonary artery endothelial cells

Selej, Mona M.A. 12 March 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / 17-β estradiol (E2) exerts protective effects in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension (HPH) via endothelial cell estrogen receptor (ER)-dependent mechanisms. However, the effects of hypoxia on ER expression in the pulmonary-right ventricle (RV) axis remain unknown. Based on previous data suggesting a role of ER-β in mediating E2 protection, we hypothesized that hypoxia selectively up-regulates ER-β in the lung and pulmonary endothelial cells. In our Male Sprague-Dawley rat model, chronic hypoxia exposure (10% FiO2) resulted in a robust HPH phenotype associated with significant increases in ER- β but not ER-α protein in the lung via western blotting. More importantly, this hypoxia-induced ER-β increase was not replicated in the RV, left ventricle (LV) or in the liver. Hence, hypoxia-induced ER-β up-regulation appears to be lung-specific. Ex vivo, hypoxia exposure time-dependently up-regulated ER-β but not ER-α in cultured primary rat pulmonary artery endothelial cells (RPAECs) exposed to hypoxia (1% O2) for 4, 24 or 72h. Furthermore, the hypoxia induced ER-β protein abundance, while not accompanied by increases in its own transcript, was associated with ER-β nuclear translocation, suggesting increase in activity as well as post-transcriptional up-regulation of ER-β. Indeed, the requirement for ER-β activation was indicated in hypoxic ER-βKO mice where administration of E2 failed to inhibit hypoxia-induced pro-proliferative ERK1/2 signaling. Interestingly, HIF-1α accumulation was noted in lung tissue of hypoxic ER-βKO mice; consistent with previously reported negative feedback of ER-β on HIF-1α protein and transcriptional activation. In RAPECs, HIF-1 stabilization and overexpression did not replicate the effects of ER- β up-regulation seen in gas hypoxia; suggestive that HIF-1α is not sufficient for ER-β up- regulation. Similarly, HIF-1 inhibition with chetomin did not result in ER-β down-regulation. HIF-1α knockdown in RPAECs in hypoxic conditions is currently being investigated. Hypoxia increases ER- β, but not ER-α in the lung and lung vascular cells. Interpreted in context of beneficial effects of E2 on hypoxic PA and RV remodeling, our data suggest a protective role for ER-β in HPH. The mechanisms by which hypoxia increases ER-β appears to be post-transcriptional and HIF-1α independent. Elucidating hypoxia-related ER-β signaling pathways in PAECs may reveal novel therapeutic targets in HPH.

The effects of administration of a nuclear factor kappa-B inhibitor on pulmonary endothelial dysfunction after cardiopulmonary bypass: impact on oxygenation and hemodynamics and development of therapeutic and preventive modalities in a porcine model

Rosu, Cristian 01 1900 (has links)
Introduction: La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) peut entraîner une dysfonction endothéliale pulmonaire et l’hypertension pulmonaire. Le SN50 agit au niveau de la signalisation cellulaire pour prévenir ces réactions à la CEC et pourrait renverser la dysfonction endothéliale pulmonaire post-CEC sans effets néfastes sur l’hémodynamie. Méthodes: Quatre groups de porcs ont reçu un parmi quatre traîtements avant de subir 90 minutes de CEC et 60 minutes de reperfusion: (1) milrinone nébulisé; (2) sildenafil nébulisé; (3) placebo nébulisé; et (4) SN-50 intraveineux. Un monitoring hémodynamique invasif a été utilisé. La réactivité vasculaire des artères pulmonaires de deuxième ordre a été évaluée face à l’acétylcholine et la bradykinine. Résultats: Le sildénafil produit une augmentation significative de la pression de l’artère pulmonaire (PAP) moyenne à 60 minutes de reperfusion par rapport au début de la chirurgie. Les relaxations dépendantes de l’endothélium face à la bradykinine étaient meilleurs dans les groupes milrinone et SN-50 et surtout dans le groupe sildénafil par rapport au groupe placébo. Le SN-50 produisait de moins bonnes relaxations dépendantes de l’endothélium face à l’acétylcholine que les autres traitements incluant placébo. Conclusion: Le sildénafil prévient mieux la dysfonction endothéliale pulmonaire que les autres traitements. Les bénéfices du SN-50 sont possiblement sous-estimés vu que la dose n’a pas pu être ajustée à la durée de CEC. Le sildenafil inhalé mérite une étude plus importante chez l’humain et le SN-50 dans un model de CEC animal. / Background: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) can lead to pulmonary endothelial dysfunction and consequent pulmonary hypertension. The novel agent SN-50 acts at the level of the transduction pathway to prevent these responses and may limit or reverse post-CPB pulmonary endothelial dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension without the untoward effects on hemodynamics seen with other known therapies. Methods: Four groups of Landrace-Yorkshire swine that received one of four treatments before undergoing 90 minutes of normothermic CPB and 60 minutes of reperfusion were compared: (1) Nebulized milrinone; (2) nebulized sildenafil; (3) placebo consisting of nebulized NaCl solution; and (4) intravenous SN-50. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring was used throughout all experiments. Vascular reactivity of second-degree pulmonary arteries was evaluated in response to acetylcholine and bradykinin. Results: Sildenafil produced a significant increase in mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) at 60 minutes after CPB compared to baseline. Both the sildenafil and milrinone groups had increased mean PAP/MAP ratio at 60 minutes after CPB compared to baseline, however this ratio was not different between the groups. Endothelial-dependent relaxations to bradykinin were improved in the SN-50 and milrinone groups and especially the sildenafil group as compared to placebo. SN-50 produced worse endothelium-dependent relaxations in response to acetylcholine compared to the other groups including placebo. Conclusion: Sildenafil better prevented pulmonary endothelial dysfunction than all other treatments. The improvements seen with SN-50 may be suboptimal as dose could not be titrated to length of CPB. Inhaled sildenafil and SN-50 both merit further study in human trials and animal models, respectively.

Modulation of Oxytocin Receptors in Right Ventricular Hypertrophy

Wang, Yang 04 1900 (has links)
L’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) est une maladie dont l’étiologie est inconnue et qui entraîne ultimement une défaillance du ventricule droit (VD) et le décès. L’HP peut être induite chez le rat par la la monocrotaline (MCT), un alcaloïde pyrrolizidique extrait de la plante Crotalaria Spectabilis, causant des lésions à l’endothélium des artères pulmonaires, menant à un épaississement de ces dernières et à une augmentation de la résistance vasculaire. Ceci à pour conséquence de causer une hypertrophie du VD, de l’inflammation, une dysfonction endothéliale NO-dépendante des artères coronariennes et une augmentation des peptides natriurétiques circulants. Objectif: Nous avons testé l’hypothèse selon laquelle l’étiopathologie de l’HP impliquerait le récepteur à ocytocine (OTR) dû à son implication fonctionnelle avec les cytokines inflammatoires et la libération du peptide natriurétique atrial (ANP) et du NO. Méthodes: Des rats mâles Sprague-Dawley pesant 220-250g reçurent une seule injection sous-cutanée de MCT (60 mg/kg). 6 à 7 semaines (46±1 jours) suivant l’injection, les rats furent sacrifiés et l’expression génique et protéique fut déterminée par PCR en temps réel et par western blot, respectivement, dans le VD et le ventricule gauche (VG) Résultats: Les rats traités au MCT démontrèrent une augmentation significative du VD. Une hypertrophie du VD était évidente puisque le ratio du VD sur le VG ainsi que le poids du septum étaient près de 77% plus élevés chez les rats traités au MCT que chez les rats contrôles. Le traitement au MCT augmenta l’expression génique d’ANP (3.7-fois dans le VG et 8-fois dans le VD) ainisi que le NP du cerveau (2.7-fois dans le VG et 10-fois dans le VD). Les transcrits de trois récepteurs de NP augmentèrent significativement (0.3-2 fois) seulement dans le VD. L’expression protéique de la NO synthase (iNOS) fut également augmentée de façon sélective dans le VD. Par contre, les transcripts de NOS endothéliale et de NOS neuronale étaient plus élevés (0.5-2 fold) dans le VG. L’ARNm et l’expression protéique d’OTR furent diminués de 50% dans le VD, tandis qu’une augmentation de l’expression des cytokines IL-1β and IL-6 fut observée. L’ARNm de Nab1, un marqueur d’hypertrophie pathologique, fut augmentée de deux-fois dans le VD. Conclusion: L’augmentation d’expression génique de NP dans le VD des rats traités au MCT est associée à une augmentation des transcripts du récepteur NP, suggérant une action locale de NP dans le VD durant l’HP. L’expression d’OTR est atténuée dans le VD, possiblement par des cytokines inflammatoires puisque le promoteur du gène de l’OTR contient de multiples éléments de réponse aux interleukines. Diminuer l’expression d’OTR dans le VD durant l’hypertension pulmonaire pourrait influencer de manière positive la fonction cardiaque car l’OTR régule la contractilité et le rythme cardiaque. Mots clés: hypertension pulmonaire, hypertrophie du ventricule droit monocrotaline, récepteur à ocytocine, inflammation, peptides natriurétiques. / Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a disease of unknown etiology that ultimately causes failure of right ventricle (RV) with a lethal outcome. PH can be induced in the rat with monocrotaline (MCT), a pyrrolizidine alkaloid from the plant Crotolaria spectabilis that damages the pulmonary artery endothelium leading to thickening of the pulmonary arteries and increased vascular resistance. This subsequently results in RV hypertrophy, inflammation, nitric oxide (NO)-associated coronary endothelial dysfunction and increment of natriuretic peptides (NP) in the circulation. Objective: We verified hypothesis that the etiopathogenesis of PH involves the oxytocin receptor (OTR) because of its functional association with inflammatory cytokines and release of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and NO. Methods: Male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 220-250g received a single subcutaneous injection of 60 mg/kg of MCT. Six to 7 weeks (46±1 days) following the injection, rats were sacrificed and gene and protein expression were detected by real-time PCR and western-blot analysis, respectively, in the RV and LV (left ventricle). Results: MCT-treated rats displayed significant increases in RV weight. RV hypertrophy was evident as the ratio of the RV to LV plus septum weight was nearly 77% higher in MCT-treated rats compared to control rats. MCT treatment increased transcripts of ANP (3.7-fold in the LV and 8-fold in RV) and brain NP (2.7-fold in the LV and 10-fold in RV). Transcripts for three NP receptors significantly increased (0.3-2 fold) only in the RV. iNOS (inducible NO synthase) protein expression also increased selectively in the RV. In contrast, the endothelial NOS and neural NOS transcripts heightened (0.5-2 fold) in the LV. Both OTR mRNA and protein were decreased by 50% in the RV, whereas an up-regulation of cytokines IL-1β and IL-6 was observed. Nab1 mRNA, a marker of pathological hypertrophy, increased two-fold in the RV. Conclusion: Increased gene expression of NP in the RV of the MCT-treated rat correlates with upregulation of NP receptor transcripts indicating local NP action in the RV during PH. OTR expression is decreased in the RV possibly by inflammatory cytokines, IL-1 and IL-6 because OTR promoter region contains multiple putative interleukin-response elements. Lowering OTR in RV during pulmonary hypertension can influence cardiac function since OT regulates heart rate and cardiac contractility and is linked with cardioprotective system ANP and NO. Keywords: pulmonary hypertension, right ventricular hypertrophy, monocrotaline, oxytocin receptor, inflammation, natriuretic peptides.

Conditionnement de l’endothélium de l’artère pulmonaire par thérapie d’inhalation avant la circulation extracorporelle

Laflamme, Maxime 08 1900 (has links)
La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) déclenche une réaction inflammatoire systémique, un dommage d’ischémie-reperfusion (I-R) et une dysfonction de l’endothélium dans la circulation pulmonaire. L’hypertension pulmonaire (HTP) est la conséquence de cette cascade de réactions. Cette HTP augmente le travail du ventricule droit et peut causer sa dysfonction, un sevrage difficile de la CEC et une augmentation des besoins de vasopresseurs après la chirurgie cardiaque. L’administration de milrinone et d’époprosténol inhalés a démontré une réduction de la dysfonction endothéliale dans l’artère pulmonaire. Le but de ce travail est d’évaluer différents types de nébulisateur pour l’administration de la milrinone et d’évaluer l’effet du traitement préventif de la combinaison de milrinone et époprosténol inhalés sur les résultats postopératoires en chirurgie cardiaque. Deux études ont été conduites. Dans la première, trois groupes de porcelets ont été comparés : (1) groupe milrinone avec nébulisateur ultrasonique ; CEC et reperfusion précédées par 2,5 mg de milrinone inhalée, (2) goupe milrinone avec nébulisateur à simple jet ; CEC et reperfusion précédées par 2,5 mg de milrinone inhalée et (3) groupe contrôle ; CEC et reperfusion sans traitement. Durant la procédure, les paramètres hémodynamiques, biochimiques et hématologiques ont été mesurés. Après sacrifice, la relaxation endothélium dépendante de l’artère pulmonaire à l’acétylcholine et à la bradykinine a été étudiée en chambres d’organe. Nous avons noté une amélioration de la relaxation de l’endothélium à la bradykinine et à l’acétylcholine dans le groupe avec inhalation de milrinone avec le nébulisateur ultrasonique. Dans la deuxième étude, une analyse rétrospective de 60 patients à haut risque chirurgical atteints d’HTP et opérés à l’Institut de Cardiologie de Montréal à été effectuée. Deux groupes ont été comparés : (1) 40 patients ayant reçu la combinaison de milrinone et d’époprosténol inhalés avant la CEC (groupe traitement) et (2) 20 patients avec des caractéristiques préopératoires n’ayant reçu aucun traitement inhalé avant la CEC (groupe contrôle). Nous avons observé que les besoins en support pharmacologique vasoactif était réduit à 12 heures et à 24 heures postopératoires dans le groupe traitement. L’utilisation de la nébulisation ultrasonique a un impact favorable sur l’endothélium de l’artère pulmonaire après la CEC lorsque comparée à la nébulisation standard à simple jet. Le traitement préventif des patients atteints d’HTP avec la combinaison de milrinone et d’époprosténol inhalés avant la CEC est associé avec une diminution importante des besoins de support vasoactif aux soins intensifs dans les 24 premières heures après la chirurgie. / Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) triggers a systemic inflammatory response, an ischemia-reperfusion (I-R) injury and endothelial dysfunction in the pulmonary circulation. Pulmonary hypertension (PH) is a consequence of this insult. The latter increases right ventricle work and may cause difficult separation from cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and increased vasoactive requirements after cardiac surgery. Administration of inhaled milrinone or epoprostenol has been shown to reduce endothelial dysfunction in the pulmonary artery. The aim of this work is to evaluate different nebulisators for the administration of milrinone and to evaluate the effect of pre-emptive treatment with inhaled milrinone and epoprostenol on postoperative outcome in cardiac surgery. Two different studies were done. In the first, three groups of swine were compared: (1) ultrasonic nebulisator inhaled milrinone group; CPB and reperfusion preceded by 2.5 mg inhaled milrinone, (2) simple jet nebulisator inhaled milrinone group; CPB and reperfusion preceded by 2.5 mg inhaled milrinone, and (3) control group; CBP 90 minutes followed by 60 minutes of reperfusion without treatment. During the procedure, hemodynamic, biochemical and hematologic parameters were measured. After sacrifice, pulmonary arterial endothelium-dependent relaxations to acetylcholine and bradykinin were studied in organ chamber experiments. There was a greater improvement in endothelium-dependent relaxations to bradykinin and acetylcholine in the ultrasonic nebuliser inhaled milrinone group compared with the control group and the simple jet nebulisator inhaled milrinone group. In the second study, a retrospective analysis of 60 high-risk surgical patients with PH operated at the Montreal Heart Institute was conducted. Two groups were compared: (1) 40 patients received both inhaled milrinone and inhaled epoprostenol before CPB (treatment group); (2) 20 patients with equivalent preoperative data did not receive any inhaled medication before CPB during the same period (control group). Post-operative vasoactive requirement was reduced at 12 hours and 24 hours post-operatively in the treatment group. Use of ultrasonic nebulisation has a favourable impact on the pulmonary endothelial dysfunction induced by CPB when compared to the simple jet nebulisation traditionally used. Pre-emptive treatment of PH with a combination of inhaled milrinone and epoprostenol prior to CPB was associated with a significant reduction in vasoactive support in the intensive care unit during the first 24 hours after cardiac surgery.

The effects of administration of a nuclear factor kappa-B inhibitor on pulmonary endothelial dysfunction after cardiopulmonary bypass: impact on oxygenation and hemodynamics and development of therapeutic and preventive modalities in a porcine model

Rosu, Cristian 01 1900 (has links)
Introduction: La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) peut entraîner une dysfonction endothéliale pulmonaire et l’hypertension pulmonaire. Le SN50 agit au niveau de la signalisation cellulaire pour prévenir ces réactions à la CEC et pourrait renverser la dysfonction endothéliale pulmonaire post-CEC sans effets néfastes sur l’hémodynamie. Méthodes: Quatre groups de porcs ont reçu un parmi quatre traîtements avant de subir 90 minutes de CEC et 60 minutes de reperfusion: (1) milrinone nébulisé; (2) sildenafil nébulisé; (3) placebo nébulisé; et (4) SN-50 intraveineux. Un monitoring hémodynamique invasif a été utilisé. La réactivité vasculaire des artères pulmonaires de deuxième ordre a été évaluée face à l’acétylcholine et la bradykinine. Résultats: Le sildénafil produit une augmentation significative de la pression de l’artère pulmonaire (PAP) moyenne à 60 minutes de reperfusion par rapport au début de la chirurgie. Les relaxations dépendantes de l’endothélium face à la bradykinine étaient meilleurs dans les groupes milrinone et SN-50 et surtout dans le groupe sildénafil par rapport au groupe placébo. Le SN-50 produisait de moins bonnes relaxations dépendantes de l’endothélium face à l’acétylcholine que les autres traitements incluant placébo. Conclusion: Le sildénafil prévient mieux la dysfonction endothéliale pulmonaire que les autres traitements. Les bénéfices du SN-50 sont possiblement sous-estimés vu que la dose n’a pas pu être ajustée à la durée de CEC. Le sildenafil inhalé mérite une étude plus importante chez l’humain et le SN-50 dans un model de CEC animal. / Background: Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) can lead to pulmonary endothelial dysfunction and consequent pulmonary hypertension. The novel agent SN-50 acts at the level of the transduction pathway to prevent these responses and may limit or reverse post-CPB pulmonary endothelial dysfunction and pulmonary hypertension without the untoward effects on hemodynamics seen with other known therapies. Methods: Four groups of Landrace-Yorkshire swine that received one of four treatments before undergoing 90 minutes of normothermic CPB and 60 minutes of reperfusion were compared: (1) Nebulized milrinone; (2) nebulized sildenafil; (3) placebo consisting of nebulized NaCl solution; and (4) intravenous SN-50. Invasive hemodynamic monitoring was used throughout all experiments. Vascular reactivity of second-degree pulmonary arteries was evaluated in response to acetylcholine and bradykinin. Results: Sildenafil produced a significant increase in mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) at 60 minutes after CPB compared to baseline. Both the sildenafil and milrinone groups had increased mean PAP/MAP ratio at 60 minutes after CPB compared to baseline, however this ratio was not different between the groups. Endothelial-dependent relaxations to bradykinin were improved in the SN-50 and milrinone groups and especially the sildenafil group as compared to placebo. SN-50 produced worse endothelium-dependent relaxations in response to acetylcholine compared to the other groups including placebo. Conclusion: Sildenafil better prevented pulmonary endothelial dysfunction than all other treatments. The improvements seen with SN-50 may be suboptimal as dose could not be titrated to length of CPB. Inhaled sildenafil and SN-50 both merit further study in human trials and animal models, respectively.

Effet préventif de la milrinone inhalée chez les patients avec hypertension pulmonaire subissant une chirurgie cardiaque sous circulation extracorporelle : une approche pharmacométrique

Nguyen, Anne Quynh-Nhu 05 1900 (has links)
La circulation extracorporelle (CEC) est une technique utilisée en chirurgie cardiaque effectuée des milliers de fois chaque jour à travers le monde. L’instabilité hémodynamique associée au sevrage de la CEC difficile constitue la principale cause de mortalité en chirurgie cardiaque et l’hypertension pulmonaire (HP) a été identifiée comme un des facteurs de risque les plus importants. Récemment, une hypothèse a été émise suggérant que l'administration prophylactique (avant la CEC) de la milrinone par inhalation puisse avoir un effet préventif et faciliter le sevrage de la CEC chez les patients atteints d’HP. Toutefois, cette indication et voie d'administration pour la milrinone n'ont pas encore été approuvées par les organismes réglementaires. Jusqu'à présent, la recherche clinique sur la milrinone inhalée s’est principalement concentrée sur l’efficacité hémodynamique et l'innocuité chez les patients cardiaques, bien qu’aucun biomarqueur n’ait encore été établi. La dose la plus appropriée pour l’administration par nébulisation n'a pas été déterminée, de même que la caractérisation des profils pharmacocinétiques (PK) et pharmacodynamiques (PD) suite à l'inhalation. L'objectif de notre recherche consistait à caractériser la relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone inhalée administrée chez les patients subissant une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC. Une méthode analytique par chromatographie liquide à haute performance couplée à un détecteur ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) a été optimisée et validée pour le dosage de la milrinone plasmatique suite à l’inhalation et s’est avérée sensible et précise. La limite de quantification (LLOQ) était de 1.25 ng/ml avec des valeurs de précision intra- et inter-dosage moyennes (CV%) <8%. Des patients souffrant d’HP pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque sous CEC était prévue ont d’abord été recrutés pour une étude pilote (n=12) et, par la suite, pour une étude à plus grande échelle (n=28) où la milrinone (5 mg) était administrée par inhalation pré-CEC. Dans l'étude pilote, nous avons comparé l'exposition systémique de la milrinone peu après son administration avec un nébuliseur pneumatique ou un nébuliseur à tamis vibrant. L’efficacité des nébuliseurs en termes de dose émise et dose inhalée a également été déterminée in vitro. Dans l'étude à plus grande échelle conduite en utilisant exclusivement le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, la dose inhalée in vivo a été estimée et le profil pharmacocinétique de la milrinone inhalée a été pleinement caractérisé aux niveaux plasmatique et urinaire. Le ratio de la pression artérielle moyenne sur la pression artérielle pulmonaire moyenne (PAm/PAPm) a été choisi comme biomarqueur PD. La relation exposition-réponse de la milrinone a été caractérisée pendant la période d'inhalation en étudiant la relation entre l'aire sous la courbe de l’effet (ASCE) et l’aire sous la courbe des concentrations plasmatiques (ASC) de chacun des patients. Enfin, le ratio PAm/PAPm a été exploré comme un prédicteur potentiel de sortie de CEC difficile dans un modèle de régression logistique. Les expériences in vitro ont démontré que les doses émises étaient similaires pour les nébuliseurs pneumatique (64%) et à tamis vibrant (68%). Cependant, la dose inhalée était 2-3 fois supérieure (46% vs 17%) avec le nébuliseur à tamis vibrant, et ce, en accord avec les concentrations plasmatiques. Chez les patients, en raison des variations au niveau des facteurs liés au circuit et au ventilateur causant une plus grande dose expirée, la dose inhalée a été estimée inférieure (30%) et cela a été confirmé après récupération de la dose de milrinone dans l'urine 24 h (26%). Les concentrations plasmatiques maximales (Cmax: 41-189 ng/ml) et l'ampleur de la réponse maximale ΔRmax-R0 (0-65%) ont été observées à la fin de l'inhalation (10-30 min). Les données obtenues suite aux analyses PK sont en accord avec les données publiées pour la milrinone intraveineuse. Après la période d'inhalation, les ASCE individuelles étaient directement reliées aux ASC (P=0.045). Enfin, notre biomarqueur PD ainsi que la durée de CEC ont été identifiés comme des prédicteurs significatifs de la sortie de CEC difficile. La comparaison des ASC et ASCE correspondantes a fourni des données préliminaires supportant une preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du ratio PAm/PAPm comme biomarqueur PD prometteur et justifie de futures études PK/PD. Nous avons pu démontrer que la variation du ratio PAm/PAPm en réponse à la milrinone inhalée contribue à la prévention de la sortie de CEC difficile. / Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) is a technique used during cardiac surgery performed thousands of times each day worldwide. Hemodynamic complications associated with difficult separation from CPB represent a leading cause of mortality in cardiac surgery and pulmonary hypertension (PH) was identified as one of the most important predictor and risk factor. Recently, inhaled milrinone administration prior to CPB was hypothesized to have a preventive effect and facilitate separation from CPB in patients with PH. However, this indication and route of administration have not yet been approved by regulatory agencies for milrinone. So far, research efforts on inhaled milrinone have mainly focused on evidence supporting hemodynamic efficacy and safety in cardiac patients although no biomarker has been established. The most appropriate dose for nebulization has never been determined, nor have pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) profiles been characterized after inhalation. The objective of the current research consisted of characterizing the exposure-response relationship for milrinone administered by inhalation in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. An improved high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analytical assay using UV detection was validated for the quantification of milrinone in plasma after inhalation and proved to be sensitive and accurate. The lower limit of quantification (LLOQ) was 1.25 ng/ml with mean intra-assay and inter-assay precisions (CV%) <8%. Pulmonary hypertensive patients scheduled for cardiac surgery with CPB were first recruited for a pilot (n=12) and, subsequently, a full-scale (n=28) study where milrinone (5mg) was administered by inhalation pre-CPB. In the pilot study, milrinone early systemic exposure was investigated using a jet nebulizer or a mesh nebulizer. Nebulizers performance in terms of emitted and inhaled doses were also determined in vitro. In the full-scale study, using a mesh nebulizer exclusively, in vivo inhaled dose was estimated and milrinone definite pharmacokinetics fully characterized based on blood sampling and urine collection. Mean arterial pressure to mean pulmonary arterial pressure ratio (mAP/mPAP) was selected as the PD biomarker. Milrinone exposure-response relationship was characterized during the inhalation period by studying the relationship between individual area under the effect-time curve (AUEC) and corresponding area under the plasma concentration-time curve (AUC). Finally, the mAP/mPAP ratio, among other variables, was explored as a potential predictor of difficult separation from bypass in a multiple logistic regression model. In vitro experiments demonstrated that emitted doses were similar for the jet (64%) and the mesh (68.0%) nebulizers. However, the inhaled dose was 2-3 fold higher (46% vs 17%) after mesh nebulization, which was in agreement with plasma concentrations. In patients, due to variations in circuit-related and ventilator-related factors, the inhaled dose was estimated to be lower (30%) and this was confirmed by 24-h recovery in urine (26%). Milrinone peak plasma concentrations (Cmax: 41-189 ng/ml) and magnitude of peak response ΔRmax-R0 (0-65%) were observed at the end of inhalation (10-30 min). Data obtained from PK analysis agreed with published data for intravenous milrinone. After the inhalation period, individual AUEC were directly related to AUC (P=0.045). Finally, our PD biomarker, expressed as ΔRmax-R0, as well as CPB duration, were both identified as significant predictors of DSB. The comparison of corresponding AUC and AUEC provided preliminary evidence of a proof of concept for the use of the mAP/mPAP ratio as a promising PD biomarker and warrants future PK/PD studies. Indeed, mAP/mPAP ratio variation in response to inhaled milrinone was found to contribute in the prevention of DSB.

Avaliação do impacto de mudanças técnicas introduzidas na operação de tromboendarterectomia pulmonar ao longo de 10 anos: estudo retrospectivo no InCor-HCFMUSP / Evaluation of the impact of technical changes introduced in the operation of pulmonary thromboendarterectomy over 10 years: retrospective study in InCor-HCFMUSP

Scudeller, Paula Gobi 03 May 2018 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A hipertensão pulmonar tromboembólica crônica (HPTEC) é uma doença vascular pulmonar progressiva, cuja incidência varia de 0,56% a 3,2% em indivíduos com embolia pulmonar aguda (EPA) recorrente. Apesar do avanço nas opções de tratamento para HPTEC, a tromboendarterectomia pulmonar (TEAP) continua sendo padrão ouro, levando a melhora hemodinâmica e aumento da sobrevida. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o impacto que mudanças técnicas intraoperatórias implementadas tiveram na evolução dos pacientes submetidos à TEAP em relação à morbimortalidade imediata e tardia, e também sobre o desenvolvimento do ato operatório. MÉTODOS: Estudo retrospectivo em portadores de HPTEC, submetidos à TEAP, no período de janeiro/2007 a maio/2016, divididos em 3 grupos, de acordo com intervenções implementadas. A 1ª intervenção consistiu em mudanças na circulação extracorpórea (CEC) e no tempo de parada circulatória total (PCT), e a 2ª intervenção incluiu alterações na CEC, técnicas anestésica e cirúrgica. A avaliação dos dados incluiu análise univariada para associações entre intervenções com variáveis de morbimortalidade e técnica operatória. O modelo de regressão multivariado foi aplicado para validar se as melhorias resultaram das intervenções implementadas. A análise de sobrevida foi feita por Kaplan-Meier. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 102 indivíduos, 62,8% mulheres, idade média de 49,1±14,8 anos, 65,7% estavam em classe funcional III-IV (NYHA). A avaliação hemodinâmica demonstrou hipertensão pulmonar importante, com valores médios elevados de pressão média na artéria pulmonar (PmAP; G1=52,9±14,45mmHg; G2=53,2±12,4mmHg; G3=53,3±12,5mmHg, p=0,992) e resistência vascular pulmonar (RVP; G1=828,4±295,13 dynas.s.cm-5; G2=838,9±428,4 dynas.s.cm-5; G3=969±417,3 dynas.s.cm-5, p=0,313). Os pacientes submetidos à TEAP mostraram aumento do tempo total de CEC entre os grupos (G1=192,3±39,4min; G2=251,7±33,4min; G3=298,2±40,2min, p < 0,001), como resultado da padronização dos tempos de esfriamento (G1=47,9±18,5min; G2=66,9±5,9min; G3=70,6±3,7min, p < 0,001), aquecimento (G1=66,8±17,7min; G2=87,2±8,1min; G3=107,7±23,5min, p < 0,001) e reperfusão (G1=25,5±7,6min; G2=20,7±8,4 min; G3=18,6±9,4min, p=0,007). A diminuição do número de operações com mais de 2 PCT (G1= 89%; G2= 60%; G3: 55%, p=0,002) foi decorrente do aumento da duração média de cada PCT (G1=15,5±2,9min; G2=17,8±1,7min; G3=19,2±2,0min, p < 0,001). Complicações pós-operatórias foram observadas em 88,5% dos pacientes, havendo redução significativa das complicações cirúrgicas (p=0,035), infecciosas (p=0,017) e neurológicas com sintomas permanentes (p=0,048) na comparação entre os 3 grupos. No seguimento após a alta, 85% estavam em classe funcional I-II (NYHA), sem melhora hemodinâmica significativa entre os grupos. Após a análise multivariada, o G3 apresentou 4,7 menos chances de complicação cirúrgica que G1 (p=0,034) e tempo de aquecimento menor que 83 minutos aumentou 4 vezes a chance de complicação infecciosa (p=0,002). A redução da mortalidade hospitalar e da sobrevida não foi significativa entre os grupos. CONCLUSÕES: Em relação à morbimortalidade imediata e tardia, o impacto das intervenções foi evidenciado pela redução das complicações neurológicas com sintomas permanentes, complicações cirúrgicas e infecciosas. Em relação ao ato operatório, o impacto foi evidenciado pelo aumento dos tempos totais de CEC, de esfriamento, de aquecimento, tempo médio das PCT, redução nos números de PCT e no tempo total de reperfusão / INTRODUCTION: Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is a progressive pulmonary vascular disease which incidence varies from 0.56% to 3.2% in individuals with recurrent acute pulmonary embolism (APE). Despite advances in treatment options for CTEPH, pulmonary endarterectomy (PE) remains a gold standard, leading to hemodynamic improvement and increased survival. OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the impact of intraoperative technical changes on the evolution of patients submitted to PE related to immediate and late morbimortality, as well as on the development of the operative procedure. METHODS: Retrospective study of patients with CTEPH, submitted to PE, between January 2007 and May 2016, divided into 3 groups, according to the implemented interventions. The first intervention consisted of changes in cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) and total circulatory arrest time (CAT), and the second intervention included changes in CPB, anaesthetic and surgical techniques. The data analysis included a univariate analysis for associations between interventions with morbidity variables and operative technique. The multivariate regression model was applied to validate whether the improvements resulted from the interventions implemented. Survival analysis was performed using Kaplan-Meier. RESULTS: We evaluated 102 individuals, 62.8% were women, mean age was 49.1 ± 14.8 years, and 65.7% were in functional class III-IV (NYHA). The hemodynamic evaluation showed significant pulmonary hypertension, with mean values of mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP, G1 = 52.9 ± 14.45 mmHg, G2 = 53.2 ± 12.4 mmHg, G3 = 53.3 ± 12.5 mmHg, p = 0.992) and pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR, G1 = 828.4 ± 295.13 dynas.s.cm-5, G2 = 838.9 ± 428.4 dynas.s.cm-5, G3 = 969 ± 417.3 dynas.s.cm-5, p = 0.313). The patients submitted to PE showed an increase in the total CPB time between the groups (G1 = 192.3 ± 39.4min, G2 = 251.7 ± 33.4min, G3 = 298.2 ± 40.2min, p < 0.001), as a result of the standardization of cooling times (G1 = 47.9 ± 18.5min, G2 = 66.9 ± 5.9min, G3 = 70.6 ± 3.7min, p < 0.001), heating (G1 = 66.8 ± 17.7min, G2 = 87.2 ± 8.1min, G3 = 107.7 ± 23.5min, p < 0.001) and reperfusion (G1 = 25.5 ± 7.6min, G2 = 20.7 ± 8.4 min, G3 = 18.6 ± 9.4min, p = 0.007). The decrease in the number of operations with more than 2 CAT (G1 = 89%, G2 = 60%, G3: 55%, p = 0.002) was due to the increase in the average duration of each CAT (G1 = 15.5 ± 2, 9min, G2 = 17.8 ± 1.7min, G3 = 19.2 ± 2.0min, p < 0.001). Postoperative complications were observed in 88.5% of the patients, with a significant reduction in surgical (p = 0.035), infectious (p = 0.017) and neurological complications with permanent symptoms (p = 0.048) in the comparison between the three groups. In the post-discharge follow-up, 85% were in functional class I-II (NYHA), with no significant hemodynamic improvement between groups. After the multivariate analysis, G3 presented 4.7 less chance of surgical complication than G1 (p = 0.034) and warming time less than 83 minutes increased 4 times the chance of infectious complication (p = 0.002). The reduction in hospital mortality and survival was not significant between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Regarding immediate and late morbimortality, the impact of interventions was evidenced by the reduction of neurological complications with permanent symptoms, surgical and infectious complications. Regarding the operative event, the impact was evidenced by the increase in total CPB, cooling, heating, mean CAT time, CAT reduction and total reperfusion time

Relação entre padrões hemodinâmicos e mediadores de inflamação em cardiopatias congênitas com comunicações sistêmico-pulmonares / Relation between hemodynamic patterns and mediators of inflammation in congenital heart disease with systemic to pulmonary shunts

Zorzanelli, Leína 15 March 2019 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Pacientes pediátricos portadores de defeitos septais cardíacos não restritivos podem apresentar, em cerca de 5% a 10% dos casos, remodelamento vascular pulmonar progressivo, com evolução para hipertensão arterial pulmonar (HAP) de grau moderado ou acentuado. A inflamação e a imunidade exercem papel central na patogênese da HAP, porém são ainda pouco exploradas neste grupo específico de pacientes. O presente estudo, prospectivo, longitudinal e de coorte, teve como objetivo avaliar níveis circulantes de mediadores inflamatórios segundo grupos de pacientes hemodinamicamente distintos. Concomitantemente foram analisadas possíveis correlações com dados histopatológicos e com resposta à intervenção medicamentosa. MÉTODOS: Estabelecida a forte suspeita de hipertensão pulmonar por exame à beira leito, foram incluídos no estudo 47 pacientes, com idade de dois a 37 meses (mediana 10 meses), sendo 32 portadores de síndrome de Down. Pacientes classificados como Grupo 1 (n=16) apresentavam sinais clínicos de hiper-resistência pulmonar e foram aqueles submetidos ao cateterismo cardíaco, com níveis comprovadamente elevados de resistência vascular pulmonar (5,2 (4,2-8,9) U x m2, mediana e intervalo interquartílico). Pacientes classificados como Grupo 2 (n=31) apresentavam sinais clínicos de hiperfluxo com congestão pulmonar, não necessitando de cateterismo pré-operatório. A relação entre fluxo pulmonar e sistêmico (Qp/Qs), estimada por ecocardiografia, foi de 1,9 (1,3-2,6) no Grupo 1 e 2,8 (2,3-3,3) no Grupo 2 (p=0,008). Foram analisadas 36 citocinas séricas através de quimioluminescência. RESULTADOS: Observando-se os pacientes como um todo (n=47), os níveis séricos da quimiocina MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor) estavam aumentados (7510±2755 pixels x 5697±2051 pixels em controles pediátricos, média±desvio padrão). Entretanto, os níveis de MIF estiveram especificamente aumentados no Grupo 1 quando comparados ao Grupo 2 e controles (respectivamente, 8494±619 pixels, 6618±477 pixels e 6548±726 pixels, média ajustada para idade±erro padrão, p=0,037). Por outro lado, níveis da quimiocina RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) estavam aumentados especificamente no Grupo 2 quando comparados ao Grupo 1 e controles (respectivamente, 74183±3865 pixels, 60130±6455 pixels e 59332±3970 pixels, média±erro padrão, p=0,039). Este comportamento foi semelhante quando analisados apenas os pacientes com síndrome de Down. Em todos os pacientes, a quimiocina GRO-Alfa (growth-regulated oncogene alpha) esteve aumentada nos primeiros meses de vida, com subsequente declínio exponencial (R2= -0,47, p < 0,001), enquanto a interleucina 17E (também conhecida como IL-25) apresentou relação direta com a idade (R2=0,44, p=0,002). A interleucina 16 apresentou relação inversa com o fluxo sanguíneo pulmonar (rs= -0,34, p=0,018) e níveis mais elevados em pacientes com evidência de doença vascular avançada em biópsia realizada no intra-operatório (p=0,021). Pacientes do Grupo 1 receberam sildenafila no pré-operatório, o que resultou em aumento do fluxo sanguíneo pulmonar (p=0,012) e da saturação periférica de oxigênio (p=0,010), além de redução dos níveis de interleucina 6 (p=0,027) e ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule 1) (p=0,011). Não foi observado comportamento particular em pacientes com síndrome de Down. CONCLUSÕES: Os dados apresentados indicam uma relação entre níveis séricos de algumas citocinas e gravidade da doença vascular pulmonar, com potenciais implicações fisiopatológicas e clínicas. Além disso, o envolvimento da interleucina 17E e do MIF enfatizam o papel da resposta imune Th2, já descritas na HAP. Os resultados também permitem um questionamento a respeito das generalizações correntes relacionadas à vasculopatia pulmonar na síndrome de Down, anteriormente considerada como fator de risco em todos os casos / INTRODUCTION: Pediatric patients with nonrestrictive cardiac septal defects may present progressive pulmonary vascular remodeling with progression to pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), which might range from moderate to severe in about 5% to 10% of the patients. Inflammation and immunity play a central role in the pathogenesis of PAH, but are still poorly explored in this specific group of patients. This current study - prospective, longitudinal and cohort - was aimed at evaluating circulating levels of inflammatory mediators according to hemodynamically distinct groups of patients. At the same time, possible correlations with histopathological data and response to vasodilator intervention were analyzed. METHODS: After the establishment of a strong suspicion of pulmonary hypertension at bedside, 47 patients aged 2 to 37 months (median 10 months) were included in the study, of which 32 had Down syndrome. Patients classified as Group 1 (n = 16) had clinical signs of elevated pulmonary vascular resistance and were subjected to cardiac catheterization, with proven levels of increased pulmonary vascular resistance (5.2 (4.2-8.9) U x m2, median and interquartile range). Patients classified as Group 2 (n = 31) presented clinical signs of increased blood flow with pulmonary congestion, requiring no preoperative catheterization. The pulmonary to systemic blood flow ratio (Qp/Qs), estimated by echocardiography, was 1.9 (1.3-2.6) in Group 1 and 2.8 (2.3-3.3) in Group 2 (p = 0.008). Thirty-six cytokines and related proteins were analyzed in serum by chemiluminescence. RESULTS: Observing patients as a whole (n = 47), serum levels of the chemokine MIF (macrophage migration inhibitory factor) were increased (7510 ± 2755 pixels x 5697 ± 2051 pixels in pediatric controls, mean ± standard deviation). However, MIF levels were specifically increased in Group 1 when compared to Group 2 and controls (respectively, 8494 ± 619 pixels, 6618 ± 477 pixels and 6548 ± 726 pixels, mean age adjusted ± standard error, p = 0.037). On the other hand, RANTES (regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted) levels were specifically increased in Group 2 when compared to Group 1 and controls (respectively 74183 ± 3865 pixels, 60130 ± 6455 pixels and 59332 ± 3970 pixels, mean ± standard error, p = 0.039). This behavior was similar when only patients with Down syndrome were analyzed. In all patients, GRO-Alpha (growth-regulated oncogene alpha) was increased in the first months of life, with subsequent exponential decline (R2 = -0.47, p < 0.001), while interleukin 17E (also known as IL-25) presented a direct relationship with age (R2 = 0.44, p=0.002). Interleukin 16 was negatively related to pulmonary blood flow (rs = -0.34, p = 0.018) and was higher in patients with evidence of advanced vascular disease by intraoperative lung biopsy (p = 0.021). Patients in Group 1 received sildenafil in the preoperative period, which resulted in increased pulmonary blood flow (p = 0.012) and peripheral oxygen saturation (p = 0.010), as well as decreased levels of interleukin 6 (p = 0.027) and ICAM-1 (intercellular adhesion molecule 1) (p = 0.011). There was no particular behavior of subjects with Down syndrome at all. CONCLUSION: The presented data indicate a relationship between serum levels of some cytokines and the severity of pulmonary vascular disease, with potential pathophysiological and clinical implications. In addition, the involvement of interleukin 17E and MIF emphasizes the role of Th2 immune response, already described in PAH. The results also raise doubts if Down syndrome should be considered as a risk factor in a generalized way

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