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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Social Determinants of Health Inequality and Life Expectancy Among Women of Edo State, Nigeria

Odekina, Daniel Aromeh 01 January 2015 (has links)
Health inequality conflates a huge number of economic, social, and political issues. These issues, together described as social determinants, determine a population's health through influencing health status and life expectancy. The research purpose of this study was to examine how social determinants affected the life expectancy of the women of Edo State, based on secondary data from Nigeria's 2008 demographic and health survey (NDHS). The theories that guided the study were self-efficacy beliefs of the social cognitive theory and physical self-concept of the health belief model. This quantitative cross-sectional study examined the associations between socioeconomic status, nutritional status, literacy/educational attainment, access to household sanitation facilities, and life expectancy. The dependent variables were health status and life expectancy (assessed using parity and age at first delivery). The independent variables were employment, ability to read and write, listening to the radio, type of place of residence, and persons responsible for reproductive health decisions. The analysis was based on data from 950 completed face-to-face interviews in the 2008 NDHS covering 846 households in Edo State selected using a stratified 2-stage cluster sampling design. Regression analyses showed that listening to the radio, persons responsible for decisions on reproductive health issues, employment, and type of place of residence had significant positive effects on parity and age at first delivery. Employment was the best predictor of both dependent variables. Ability to read and write had a negative relationship with the age at first delivery. The social change implications include the attainment of longer lives in Edo State, Nigeria, through effective policies on employment and education.

Erinnerungen an Politikunterricht in der Schule: eine quantitative Erhebung unter Student*innen

Lewerenz, Rico 23 October 2018 (has links)
Die wissenschaftliche Arbeit wertet eine Umfrage unter 710 studentischen Teilnehmer*innen aus ganz Deutschland aus, die zu ihren Erinnerungen an Politikunterricht befragt wurden. Jenseits der deutlichen Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Anzahl an Schuljahren mit einem Fach für politische Bildung zeigt sich, dass der Politikunterricht in vielen Bundesländern auch nach dem Paradigmenwechsel im Zuge des „PISA-Schocks“ 2001 noch immer eine starke Fokussierung auf Faktenvermittlung und Auswendiglernen aufweist. Trotz dass Internetseiten und Nachrichten-Apps mit Abstand als häufigste Quelle der politischen Informationsbeschaffung angegeben wurden, kam in knapp 80 Prozent des erlebten Politikunterrichts nie das Handy oder ein Computer zum Einsatz. Dies entspricht nicht den Anforderungen eines modernen, an der Lebenswelt der Schüler*innen orientierten Unterrichts und macht es nicht verwunderlich, dass nur jeder zweite Befragte dem eigenen Politikunterricht einen Einfluss auf die eigene Urteilsbildung zuspricht. Wie schon frühere Studien konstatierten, wünschen sich Viele einen früheren Beginn des Unterrichtsfaches bzw. eine Ausweitung der schulischen politischen Bildung. In diesem Zusammenhang haben die Untersuchungen deutliche Zusammenhänge zwischen der Zeit politischer Bildung im Schulalltag und qualitativen Kriterien guter politischer Bildung ergeben. So steigt bspw. mit der Fachstundenanzahl auch die methodische Abwechslung im Politikunterricht. Deshalb sollte sich die Politikdidaktik bundesweit weiterhin für eine Stärkung und Verankerung der politischen Bildung an allen Schularten stark machen, da ausreichend unterrichtliche Zeit ein Bedingungsfaktor für eine nachhaltige Kompetenzausbildung darstellt. Des Weiteren muss es zu den primären Aufgaben der Politikdidaktik gehören, eine multimediale Lehramtsausbildung zu forcieren und die notwendige Medienkompetenz auf Seiten der Politiklehrer*innen auszubilden. Außerdem sollte sie politischen Bildner*innen bei Fragen der eigenen Meinungsäußerung beiseite stehen und ihnen bewährte Handlungsstrategien an die Hand geben, um dem Ruf der Indoktrination zu entgehen und politische Ideologisierung zu vermeiden, ohne dabei gleichwohl kontroverse und aktuelle Themen gänzlich zu vermeiden. Denn die Positionierung von Lehrkräften in der Schule weist in den Umfragedaten ambivalente Wechselwirkungen auf.:Vorwort Einleitung Zum aktuellen Stand schulischer politischer Bildung in Sachsen und Deutschland Forschungsinteresse und Fragebogen Umfragerealisierung und Stichprobenzusammensetzung Methodisches Vorgehen Untersuchungsergebnisse: Erinnerungen an Politikunterricht Schlussfolgerungen für die Politikdidaktik Ausblick und Methodenkritik Quellen Anhang Selbstständigkeitserklärung


EMANUEL SANDRO DE BRITO 20 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] Esta pesquisa empenhou-se em aprofundar a compreensão da influência, associações e efeitos da liderança transformacional, liderança instrumental e da qualidade da relação líder-liderado (leader-member exchange – LMX) no desempenho efetivo no trabalho. O estudo propõe e investiga associações entre os estilos de liderança transformacional e instrumental e a qualidade da relação entre líderes e seus liderados, bem como o impacto desses estilos de liderança e do LMX no desempenho de funcionários. As hipóteses foram testadas através da análise de regressão multivariada, com dados de 310 colaboradores de uma empresa brasileira privada de médio-porte do segmento médico-hospitalar com mais de sete décadas de tradição no mercado nacional. Verificou-se a influência complementar dos estilos de liderança transformacional e instrumental sobre a qualidade da relação líder-liderado (LMX) e desta última com o desempenho efetivo observado, através de métricas objetivas aplicadas no acompanhamento do desempenho dos colaboradores. Esta pesquisa contribui com os demais estudos sobre o tema, porque aprofunda o entendimento sobre o fenômeno da liderança, suas implicações práticas e teóricas para a gestão organizacional, além de fortalecer a literatura acadêmica nacional contemporânea. / [en] This research endeavored to deepen the understanding of the influence, associations and effects of transformational leadership, instrumental leadership and the quality of leader-member exchange (LMX) on effective performance at work. The study proposes and investigates associations between transformational and instrumental leadership styles and the quality of the relationship between leaders and their subordinates, as well as the impact of these leadership styles and LMX on employee performance. The hypotheses were tested through multivariate regression analysis, with data from 310 employees of a medium-sized private Brazilian company in the medical-hospital segment, with more than seven decades of tradition in the national market. The complementary influence of transformational and instrumental leadership styles on the quality of the leader-member relationship (LMX) was verified, as well as the effects of the latter on effective performance as observed through objective metrics applied to monitor employee performance. This research contributes to other studies on the subject, because it deepens the understanding of the phenomenon of leadership, its practical and theoretical implications for organizational management, in addition to strengthening the contemporary national academic literature.


ANA CARLA GOMES BIBIANO 22 June 2023 (has links)
[pt] A refatoração de código é uma transformação de código que visa aprimorar a estrutura interna do código. Uma refatoração isolada raramente é suficiente para remover completamente uma estrutura de código ruim, como uma anomalia de código. Os desenvolvedores então aplicam refatorações compostas para remover totalmente uma anomalia de código. Uma refatoração composta consiste em duas ou mais refatorações inter-relacionadas. Um refatoração composta é considerada completa quando elimina totalmente a anomalia de código alvo. Estudos relatam que os desenvolvedores geralmente falham em remover completamente as anomalias de código alvo por meio de refatorações compostas. Refatorações compostas concluídas podem não ser totalmente benéficas para a estrutura do código. Pois, estas podem induzir efeitos colaterais, como a introdução de anomalias de código ou a propagação de anomalias existentes. Há uma compreensão limitada sobre a completude das refatorações compostas e seus possíveis efeitos colaterais. Esta tese investiga como as refatorações compostas removem totalmente as anomalias de código sem induzir efeitos colaterais. Descobrimos que 64 por cento das refatorações compostas completas são formadas por tipos de refatoração não recomendados anteriormente. Dessa forma, derivamos um catálogo de recomendações para apoiar os desenvolvedores na aplicação de refatorações compostas. Na avaliação do catálogo, 85 por cento de 21 desenvolvedores relataram que usariam as recomendações do catálogo e que suas próprias soluções de refatoração teriam induzido efeitos colaterais. Também avaliamos qualitativamente três abordagens existentes para recomendar automaticamente refatorações compostas. Nesse estudo, a maioria (80 por cento) dos 10 desenvolvedores relatou que as abordagens existentes frequentemente induzem efeitos colaterais. No geral, as descobertas e o catálogo proposto podem ajudar os desenvolvedores a realizar refatorações compostas completas. / [en] Code refactoring is a code transformation that aims to enhance the internal code structure. A single refactoring is rarely sufficient to achieve the full removal of a poor code structure, such as a code smell. Developers then apply composite refactorings to fully remove a code smell. A composite refactoring (or, simply, composite) consists of two or more interrelated single refactorings. A composite is considered complete when it fully eliminates the target smell. However, studies report that developers often fail in completely removing target code smells through composites. Even when composite refactorings are complete they may still not be entirely beneficial to the code structure. They may induce side effects, such as the introduction of new smells or the propagation of existing ones. There is a limited understanding of the completeness of composite refactorings and their possible effects on structural quality. This thesis investigates whether and how composite refactorings fully remove smells without inducing side effects. We found that 64 per cent of complete composites in several software projects are formed of refactoring types not previously recommended in the literature. Based on this study, we derived a catalog of recommendations for supporting developers in applying composite refactorings. Out of twenty one developers evaluating our catalog, 85 per cent reported that they would use the catalog recommendations and that their own refactoring solutions would have induced side effects. We also qualitatively evaluated three existing approaches to automatically recommend composite refactorings. In our study with ten developers, most (80 per cent) developers reported that existing approaches frequently induce side effects. Overall, the findings and the proposed catalog can help developers to perform complete composite refactorings with better awareness of possible side effects.

Unlocking Product Lifecycle Management Potential: A Self-Assessment framework for maturity. : A case study on Tetra Pak, Sweden

Lande, Tejas January 2023 (has links)
In the fluctuating and competitive business world, the significance of Product Lifecycle Management is on the rise. It's becoming a pivotal strategy for organizations keen on preserving their market competitiveness. However, the practical execution of PLM often poses tangible difficulties. Even though businesses recognize the potential benefits of PLM, the challenges in its effective deployment tend to create hurdles, making the implementation process complex and formidable. This study centered on Tetra Pak applying a distinct framework and a statistical approach to assess the level of PLM maturity. Utilizing a quantitative research methodology, a survey tool that was specifically designed to be in line with this framework was adopted. The research carefully examined the PLM-related business dimensions and components, and the results ultimately revealed Tetra Pak’s overall PLM maturity levels. This method produced a thorough understanding of the company's PLM framework and uncovered potential areas that could use improvement. The findings from this study contribute to a wider comprehension of PLM's role in bolstering sustainability and competitiveness in the contemporary business landscape. The maturity framework, developed as part of this research specific to Tetra Pak, serves as a versatile instrument to steer PLM implementation. This framework assists businesses in adapting to shifting strategies, thereby helping them to maintain a competitive advantage in an ever-changing market.

COVID-19 and the Academic Performance in Sweden´s Elementary Schools : Investigating the change in schools´ average merit scores in upper level of elementary education due to the COVID-19 outbreak

Music, Jasmin, Sporn, Zachary January 2022 (has links)
Sweden was one of the few countries in the EU that in most cases decided to keep their elementary schools open during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to investigate potential outcomes COVID-19 has had on students´ average merit scores as well as group-specific effects across genders and school types. To further estimate which factors might have also influenced students´ success, we decided to consider the share of higher educated parents and the municipality income for compulsory schools in our research. Using the fixed effects method, a few models were constructed to analyze the different effects. We found that in general, COVID-19 had a significant and positive effect on the average merit score of students across all elementary schools in Sweden, suggesting that there have been other factors influencing their academic performance. Furthermore, it was found that gender disparities and the share of higher educated parents have affected the average academic performance, whereas the municipality income for compulsory schools did not. Lastly, private schools were found to perform less positively compared to public schools.

Effekterna av distansarbete : En kvantitativ studie om distansarbetets påverkan på arbetsmotivationen / The effects of teleworking

Farhan, Ronya, Sjöberg, Sara, Lorentzon, Elsa January 2022 (has links)
Efter att corona pandemin sveptes över världen ändrade detta det traditionella arbetssättet, människor runtom i världen fick anpassa sina arbetssätt efter pandemin och distansarbete blev standard. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur distansarbete påverkar arbetsmotivationen och dess samband. De aspekter i arbetsmotivationen som har undersökts är autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet och hur de har påverkats av distansarbete och motivationsteorierna som behandlas i undersökningen är Maslows behovsteori och självbestämmandeteorin. Insamling av data har skett med en kvantitativ metod genom en egenutformad enkät. Resultat visar att det inte finns något samband vad gäller distansarbete och arbetsmotivation överlag, men lägger man till variabler som ålder och antal år på arbetsplatsen kan man se svaga samband. Resultatet visar inte heller något signifikant samband mellan autonomi och distansarbete, däremot visar resultatet ett negativt samband mellan distansarbete och aspekterna kompetens och samhörighet. / When the corona pandemic swept across the world, it changed the traditional way of working, people around the world had to adapt their ways of working when the pandemic ended and teleworking became the standard. The purpose of this study is to examine the way teleworking has affected work motivation among employees and its relations. The aspects of work motivation that have been examined in this study are competence, autonomy and relatedness, and how these aspects have been affected by telework and the motivation theories that are going to be discussed in this study are Maslow's Hierarchy of Need and the Self-Determination Theory. Data collection has been done with a quantitative method through a self-designed survey. Results show that there is no relation between telework and work motivation in general. When adding variables such as age and the number of years the employees have been at the current workplace, we would see weak relations. The result also does not show any significant relation between autonomy and telework, however, the result shows a negative connection between telework and the aspects of competence and relatedness.

Kriminella och normbrytande beteenden bland unga: Fältarbetares förebyggande arbete och utmaningar : - En kvalitativ studie

Haddad, Martin January 2023 (has links)
The objective of this research is to enhance comprehension of the strategies employed by field workers to prevent criminal and deviant behaviour among young people in marginalised areas. The data collected from the interviews were examined using thematic analysis and theoretical frameworks such as social capital and social bond theory. The study found that field workers prioritise building strong relationships, trust and creating a sense of purpose for youth. They achieve this by being open and inclusive, showing interest, and socialising with the youth. The activities organised by the field operations were crucial in fostering a sense of purpose in the youth’s daily lives, by catering to their interests and helping them progress.Two key tools that field workers use in their preventive work were identified in this study; field specific competence and a sense for your surroundings.The study also revealed that field workers face challenges such as uncertainty due to lack of clear guidelines, difficulties in managing some youth, and obstacles like limited resources and issues with collaborating with other organisations.

An Exploratory Study of Preschool Teachers' Perceived Knowledge, Behaviors and Attitudes/Beliefs Regarding the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) Process Standards

Stoll, Julia A. 05 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.


ANA CARLA GOMES BIBIANO 04 November 2019 (has links)
[pt] Refatorar código-fonte consiste em aplicar transformações sobre a estrutura de código-fonte de projetos de software. Refatoração é bastante usada para remover estruturas pobres que dificultam a manutenção de sistemas de software. Poucas transformações isoladas são capazes de remover por completo estruturas pobres, mesmo as mais simples. Por exemplo, encurtar um método longo usualmente requer a extração de vários métodos. Até 60 por cento das transformações são inter-relacionadas e aplicadas em lotes, durante a dita refatoração em lote, ao invés de aplicadas isoladamente. Embora lotes serão frequentes na prática, o conhecimento sobre as características que constituem lotes está fragmentado na literatura. Qual o tamanho usual de lotes? As transformações internas a lotes costumam variar? Não há uma sumarização de conhecimento que responda tais questões. Ademais, são poucas as evidências sobre o efeito de lotes sobre a manutenção de sistemas. Lotes tendem a introduzir ou remover estruturas pobres, especialmente aquelas indicadas por anomalias de código-fonte? A resposta a perguntas como essa é insuficiente para apoiar a aplicação de lotes. Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta dois estudos experimentais complementares visando resolver as limitações supracitadas. A dissertação começa com uma revisão da literatura sobre refatoração em lote baseada em 29 estudos. Nós identificamos sete características de lotes tais como o escopo de código-fonte afetado pela aplicação de um lote, mais sete tipos de efeito de lotes sobre a manutenção de sistemas, tais como a remoção de anomalias. As características e tipos de efeito identificadas foram sumarizadas por um mapa conceitual. A dissertação encerra-se com uma análise quantitativa de 57 projetos de sistemas abertos e fechados. Ao computar 4.607 lotes com uma heurística, nós descobrimos que a maioria dos lotes leva um único commit para ser aplicada (93 por cento) mas afeta mais do que um só método (90 por cento). Surpreendentemente, a maioria dos lotes introduz (51 por cento) ou não remove (38 por cento) anomalias. Revelamos também lotes até então desconhecidos mas capazes de remover por completo certas anomalias. Esta dissertação sugere trabalhos futuros com base em conflitos identificados na literatura quanto a características e tipos de efeito de lotes. / [en] Code refactoring means applying transformations on the code structure of a software project. Refactoring usually intends to remove poor code structures that harm the software maintenance. Each single transformation rarely suffices to fully remove poor code structures, even the simplest ones. For instance, shortening a long method often requires many method extractions. Up to 60 percent of the refactorings in software projects are constituted of a set of interrelated transformations, the so-called batches, rather than single transformations applied in isolation. Although batches are frequent in practice, the knowledge of batch characteristics is fragmented across studies. What is the usual size of batches? How do transformations vary within a batch? There is no summary that helps to address these questions. More critically, there is little empirical evidence of the batch effect on maintenance. Are batches more likely to introduce or remove poor code structures, especially those spotted by code smells? The current answer to questions like this is insufficient to support the batch application in practice. This Master s dissertation presents two complementary empirical studies that address both aforementioned literature gaps. The dissertation starts with a literature review of batch refactoring with 29 studies. We identified seven batch characteristics such as the scope in which batches are applied to code structures, plus seven types of batch effect on software maintenance, including code smell removal. All batch characteristics and types of effect were summarized in a conceptual map. The dissertation ends with the quantitative analysis of 57 open and closed software projects. From 4,607 heuristic-computed batches, we found that most batches occur entirely within one commit (93 percent) but affect more than just one method (90 percent). Surprisingly, batches mostly end up introducing (51 percent) or not removing (38 percent) code smells. Our results enabled us to reveal certain forms of batches, not documented by previous studies, that are useful to fully remove certain types of code smells.

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