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Herdefiniering van identiteit as 'n proses van wording tydens die adolessent se verlies van 'n geliefdeVan der Merwe, Susanna Johanna 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study is aimed at the development of strategies for therapists to be used with adolescents and late adolescents (15 to 20 years of age) who have lost a loved one. This will be done by focussing on the redefining of identity as a way of becoming. The starting point of the study is to be found in the problem formulation that the process of becoming of adolescents who have suffered the loss of a loved one, may be blocked because they do not have the necessary skills to overcome the loss. The second problem is that therapists do not have the necessary skills to empower these adolescents so that the redefining of identity can be achieved. / Social work / D. Diac. (Spelterapie)
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The relationship between perceived organisational ethical climate and employee commitment in the Australian hospitality industryDavies, Jennifer Olivia 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between perceived organisational ethical climate and employee commitment within an Australian hospitality organisation, with the objective of determining whether employees' perceptions of the organisational ethical climate influenced their commitment towards their organisation, as well as the associated implications. The Ethical Climate Questionnaire and the Employee Commitment Survey were utilised as measuring instruments.
The overall finding revealed a statistically significant relationship between the two variables with the results indicating that organisations possess numerous ethical climates which are perceived by employees in a manner which in turn affects their commitment towards their organisation. It is concluded that employees who are more committed to their organisations have improved attendance records and show lower absenteeism and turnover rates. The findings of this study confirmed existing research and generated new knowledge applicable to the hospitality sector. / Industrial & Organisational Psychology / MCOM (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Är det värre när Farrah kränker Zaid än när Daniel kränker Sara? : En multifaktoriell vinjettstudie om kränkningar på nätet ur ett intersektionellt perspektiv / Measuring the perceived impact of injury of Internet harassment through the lens of gender and ethnicity : A multi-factorial vignette study on Internet harassment in an intersectional perspectiveAndrén, Emil, Appelgren, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine how ethnicity and gender of victim and perpetrator might influence students’ assessment of the severity of cyber-harassment in three different contexts. One hypothesis was that severity is mediated by indicators of power (blame, control balance and status-difference), which in turn are dependent on dimensions of ethnicity and gender. A semi-factorial survey was conducted among 365 students in five different high schools in Stockholm county. The students assessed three different vignettes, which described 1) harassment on a blog, 2) grieving in a first-person-shooter video game and 3) the uploading of a nude picture on Facebook. The effects of the dimensions on participants’ perception of the harassment and choice of action were analysed using linear- and logistic regression analysis, respectively. The results showed the following in each respective vignette: 1) Male bystanders were more prone to choose a passive action if the victim was female and the perpetrator male. 2) Men attributed less blame to female victims while women made no such difference. 3) The results indicate that women deemed the situation more severe if the victim was female. To conclude, the effects of the dimensions seem to vary depending on the different contexts.
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Stereotyper och bedömningar : En kvantitativ vinjettstudie som undersöker om ADHD-diagnosen påverkar socialsekreterares förhandsbedömningar vid orosanmälningar som gäller unga / Stereotypes and assesments : A quantitative vignette study that investigates whether the ADHD diagnosis affects the social workers’ preliminary assessments regarding a notification of concern of adolescentsLundström, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka om socialsekreterares bedömningar vid orosanmälningar kring unga påverkas av om den unga har en ADHD-diagnos eller inte. Hypotesen var att socialsekreterares bedömningar kring behov av omedelbart skydd, skäl till oro för den unge, om utredning ska inledas eller inte samt identifierade risk- och skyddsfaktorer skiljer sig åt beroende på om den unge har en ADHD-diagnos eller inte. En kvantitativ vinjettundersökning med tillhörande enkätfrågor genomfördes. Två vinjetter utformades med den enda skillnaden att i den ena vinjetten fanns det information om att ungdomen har en ADHD-diagnos. Sammanlagt besvarade 86 socialsekreterare för barn och/eller unga undersökningen, 42 besvarade vinjetten med ADHD och 44 besvarade vinjetten utan ADHD. Resultatet visar statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i socialsekreterares bedömningar gällande fem orosområden (beteendeproblematik hos ungdomen, psykisk ohälsa hos ungdomen, fysisk eller psykisk funktionsnedsättning hos ungdomen, ungdomens förmåga att klara sig själv samt fysisk eller psykisk funktionsnedsättning hos mamman) och en riskfaktor (mammans alkoholanvändning) beroende på om ungdomen har ADHD-diagnos eller inte. Det påvisades inga statistiskt signifikanta skillnader i bedömningarna när det gäller omedelbar skyddsbedömning, förhandsbedömning eller uppmärksammade skyddsfaktorer. Resultaten diskuteras i relation till om socialsekreterarnas kunskap om ADHD, sociala representationer om ADHD och stereotyper om ADHD har påverkat resultaten. Resultatet från denna studien kan bidra till diskussionen om ADHD i social barnavård samt kan användas för att öka medvetenheten hos socialsekreterarna kring hur de hanterar bedömningar av ungdomar med ADHD-diagnos, för att främja att bedömningar fattas på reella grunder. Resultatet skulle också kunna utgöra en grund för vidare forskning exempelvis genom kvalitativa studier på området för att få en djupare förståelse och synliggöra orsakerna till skillnaderna mellan vinjetterna. / The purpose of this study was to examine social workers’ assessments regarding a notification of concern of adolescents are affected by whether the adolescent have an ADHD diagnosis or not. The hypothesis was that social workers’ assessments of need of immediate protection, reason for concern for the adolescent, whether an investigation should be initiated or not and their identification risk and protection factors differ depending on whether the adolescent has an ADHD diagnosis or not. A quantitative vignette survey with associated questionnaire was conducted. Two vignettes were designed with the only difference that in one vignette there was information that the adolescent has an ADHD diagnosis. Altogether, 86 social workers handling investigations of children and/ or young persons, participated in the study, whereof 42 handled the vignette with ADHD and 44 the vignette without ADHD. The result shows statistically significant differences in social workers’ assessments regarding five areas of concern (behavioral problems in the adolescent, mental illness in the adolescent, physical or mental disability in the adolescent, the adolescent’s ability to cope with herself and physical or mental disability in the mother) and one risk factor (mother's alcohol use), depending on whether the adolescent has ADHD diagnosis or not. There were no statistically significant differences in assessments regarding immediate protection assessment, preliminary assessment or identified protection factors. The results are discussed in relation to whether social workers´ knowledge about ADHD, social representations of ADHD and stereotypes of ADHD may have influenced the results. The results of this study can contribute to the discussion on ADHD in social childcare and can be used to raise awareness among social workers´ about how they handle assessments of adolescents with ADHD diagnosis in order to promote that assessments are made on real grounds. The result could also provide a basis for further research, for example through qualitative studies in the field, in order to gain a deeper understanding and to highlight the causes of the differences between the vignettes.
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Perceived job insecurity, wellbeing and transitions : from biographical interviews to diary study approach / Insécurité de l’emploi perçue, bien-être et transitions : des entretiens biographiques aux journaux de bord / Insicurezza lavorativa percepita, benessere e transizioni : dalle interviste biografiche al diary-studyGiunchi, Marianna 04 December 2017 (has links)
Objectifs - Les changements dans le monde du travail ont entraîné une augmentation de l’insécurité de l’emploi perçue chez les travailleurs, avec des conséquences négatives sur leur bien-être. Cette thèse vise à contribuer à la littérature sur l’insécurité de l’emploi en présentant trois études portant sur des aspects qui doivent être étudiés davantage : les expériences personnelles et subjectives d’insécurité, ses conséquences sur certains résultats de bien-être général, les ressources et les stratégies de coping pour y faire face comme facteurs qui peuvent réduire les perceptions et les conséquences de l’insécurité de l’emploi. Méthodologie - Les données ont été recueillies au moyen d’une approche multi-méthode, consistant en : une étude qualitative par entretiens biographiques, une étude quantitative par questionnaire auto-compilé et une étude par journaux de bord. Résultats - Dans l’ensemble, les résultats montrent que l’insécurité de l’emploi est une perception subjective et que les personnes dans la même situation peuvent rapporter différents niveaux d’insécurité. Les facteurs liés à la capacité des personnes à activer les ressources, personnelles et contextuelles, et à mettre en place des stratégies de coping efficaces contribuent à déterminer les niveaux d’insécurité perçus et ses conséquences sur le bien-être général et les trajectoires de vie. Limites – En général au niveau méthodologique les trois études ne permettent pas d’établir la direction de la relation entre les variables observées, elles utilisent des mesures d’auto-évaluation et une méthode d’échantillonnage de convenance. Implications pratiques - Les résultats de cette thèse encouragent le développement de l’accompagnement individuel et de l’orientation professionnelle et des pratiques d’assistance afin d’aider les personnes: a) à réfléchir sur leurs objectifs personnels et de travail; b) à identifier les meilleurs moyens d’activer les ressources personnelles et contextuelles; c) à élaborer des stratégies d’adaptation efficaces pour faire face à l’insécurité de l’emploi, aux transitions professionnelles et préserver leur bien-être. / Purpose – The changes in the labour market have led to an increase in perceived job insecurity among workers, with negative consequences on their wellbeing. This thesis aims to contribute to the literature on job insecurity by presenting three studies that deepen several aspects that need to be explored further: the personal and subjective experiences of job insecurity, its consequences on some general wellbeing outcomes, resources and coping strategies as factors that may reduce job insecurity perceptions and consequences. Design/Methodology – Data were collected through a multi-method approach, consisting of a qualitative study through biographical interviews, a quantitative study through a self-reported questionnaire and a diary-study. Results – Overall, findings show that job insecurity is a subjective perception and that people in the same situation can report different levels of insecurity. Factors related to the ability of people to activate resources, personal and contextual, and to put in place effective coping strategies contribute to determine to what extent job insecurity is perceived and its consequences on general well-being and trajectories in life. Limitations – Limitations of this thesis concern the methodology: in general, the three studies do not allow to state any direction of causality between the studied variables, they all use self-reported measures and a convenience sampling method. Practical implications – The results of this thesis encourage the development of practices of career support and career guidance, at individual level, in order to help people: a) to reflect on their personal and professional goals; b) to identify their best ways to activate personal and contextual resources; c) to develop effective coping strategies to address job insecurity, work transitions and to preserve their well-being. / Obiettivi – I cambiamenti avvenuti nel mondo del lavoro hanno determinato nei lavoratori un aumento dell’insicurezza lavorativa percepita, con conseguenze negative sul loro benessere. Questa tesi si propone di contribuire alla letteratura sull’insicurezza lavorativa presentando tre studi che indagano alcuni aspetti che necessitano approfondimento: i vissuti personali e le esperienze soggettive d’insicurezza, le sue conseguenze su alcuni risultati di benessere generale, le risorse e le strategie di coping come fattori che possono ridurre le percezioni e le conseguenze dell’insicurezza lavorativa. Metodologia – I dati sono stati raccolti attraverso un approccio multi-metodo, composto da uno studio qualitativo tramite interviste biografiche, uno studio quantitativo tramite questionari auto-compilati e un diary-study. Risultati – Nell’insieme i risultati evidenziano che l’insicurezza lavorativa è una percezione soggettiva e che persone nella stessa situazione possono riportare diversi livelli d’insicurezza. Fattori legati alla capacità delle persone di attivare risorse, personali e contestuali, e di mettere in atto strategie di coping efficaci concorrono nel determinare i livelli d’insicurezza lavorativa percepita e le sue conseguenze su benessere generale e traiettorie di vita. Limiti – I limiti di questa tesi riguardano la metodologia: in generale tutti e tre gli studi non permettono di affermare la direzione di casualità tra le variabili osservate, utilizzano misure self-report e un metodo di campionamento di convenienza. Implicazioni pratiche – I risultati di questa tesi incoraggiano la messa a punto di interventi e pratiche di sostegno e orientamento alla carriera, a livello individuale, in modo da aiutare le persone: a) a riflettere sui loro obiettivi personali e di lavoro b) ad identificare i modi migliori per attivare risorse personali e contestuali c) a mettere a punto strategie di coping efficaci per affrontare l’insicurezza lavorativa, le transizioni lavorative e preservare il proprio benessere.
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Herdefiniering van identiteit as 'n proses van wording tydens die adolessent se verlies van 'n geliefdeVan der Merwe, Susanna Johanna 04 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study is aimed at the development of strategies for therapists to be used with adolescents and late adolescents (15 to 20 years of age) who have lost a loved one. This will be done by focussing on the redefining of identity as a way of becoming. The starting point of the study is to be found in the problem formulation that the process of becoming of adolescents who have suffered the loss of a loved one, may be blocked because they do not have the necessary skills to overcome the loss. The second problem is that therapists do not have the necessary skills to empower these adolescents so that the redefining of identity can be achieved. / Social work / D. Diac. (Spelterapie)
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The relationship between perceived organisational ethical climate and employee commitment in the Australian hospitality industryDavies, Jennifer Olivia 02 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between perceived organisational ethical climate and employee commitment within an Australian hospitality organisation, with the objective of determining whether employees' perceptions of the organisational ethical climate influenced their commitment towards their organisation, as well as the associated implications. The Ethical Climate Questionnaire and the Employee Commitment Survey were utilised as measuring instruments.
The overall finding revealed a statistically significant relationship between the two variables with the results indicating that organisations possess numerous ethical climates which are perceived by employees in a manner which in turn affects their commitment towards their organisation. It is concluded that employees who are more committed to their organisations have improved attendance records and show lower absenteeism and turnover rates. The findings of this study confirmed existing research and generated new knowledge applicable to the hospitality sector. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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Investeringars mål och valet av kapitalbudgeteringstekniker : En studie av medelstora företag med humankapital som betingad faktor / The relationship between the target goal of an investment and the choice of capital budgeting techniques : A study of medium-size companies with human capital as a moderating factorEriksson, Kim, Kjellberg, Lovisa January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka sambandet mellan målet med en investering och en beslutsfattares val av kapitalbudgeteringstekniker i medelstora företag. Vidare har beslutsfattarens humankapital lagts till som modererande faktor för att kontrollera dess påverkan på det generella sambandet mellan målet med en investering och valet av kapitalbudgeteringstekniker. Baserat på 51 kvantitativa svar från beslutsfattare i medelstora företag visar resultatet att valet av kapitalbudgeteringstekniker varierar beroende på vilket mål investeringen syftar till att uppfylla medan beslutsfattarens humankapital inte visat någon modererande effekt. Vidare bidrar studien med en alternativ uppdelning av kapitalbudgeteringstekniker som frångår den teoretiska uppdelningen, en uppdelning som är mer praktiskt orienterad och ser till intressenters målsättningar. / This study aims to explore the relationship between the target goal of an investment and the choice of capital budgeting techniques made by decisionmakers in medium-size companies. Furthermore, the decisionmaker’s human capital has been added as a moderating factor to control for its impact on the general relationship between the goal of an investment and the choice of capital budgeting techniques. Based on 51 questionnaires from decisionmakers in medium- size companies, the results show that the choice of capital budgeting techniques varies depending on the target goal of the investment, where shareholders generally chose sophisticated techniques and stakeholders tend to use the unsophisticated techniques. Contrastively, the decisionmaker’s human capital shows no moderating effect. Finally, this study provides an alternative structuring of capital budgeting techniques incongruent with theoretical approaches, one that is more practically oriented and conscientious of the end target of interested parties.
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Utbildning för hållbar utveckling : en studie av svenska civilekonomprogrammed redovisningsinrikting / Education for Sustainable Development : a study of Swedish programs ofMaster of Science in Business and Economics with major accountingHallberg, Isabell, Öhman, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Hållbar utveckling är utveckling som syftar till att möta nutidens behov utan att riskera attframtida generationer inte ska kunna möta deras egna. Människans snabba resursförbrukningskapar idag bristvaror som riskerar att ta slut. Internationella organisationer kom under 1970-talet fram till att en god miljö måste prioriteras för att nå samhällelig utveckling ochekonomisk tillväxt. För att hållbar utveckling ska bli möjligt att nå blir det därför viktigt attbalansera ekonomiska, sociala och miljömässiga aspekter av hållbar utveckling. Med ettväxande samhällsintresse för hållbar utveckling har ett ökat behov av utbildning för hållbarutveckling uppstått. Ekonomer och redovisare har ett stort ansvar i att implementera ett sådantsynsätt i sitt yrke. Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till ökad förståelse för integrering avhållbar utveckling i svenska universitet och högskolors civilekonomutbildningar medredovisningsinriktning.Vår studie innefattar Sveriges samtliga civilekonomprogram med redovisningsinriktningvilket uppgår till nio universitet och högskolor. För att besvara våra frågeställningar har vivalt att göra en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. En tvärsnittsdesign är ett vanligt inslag iinnehållsanalys och har använts i vår studie då den tar hänsyn till variationen som återfinns ide lärosäten som studeras. Studien har egenskaper av både deduktiva och induktiva inslagvilket resulterar i en abduktiv ansats. En analysmodell har utformats för att säkerställa entydlig definition av hållbar utveckling. Tidigare litteratur och forskning ligger till grund för deoperationaliserade orden som användes för att kategorisera studiens material.Genom att analysera frekvens och fördelning av ekonomisk, social och miljömässig hållbarutveckling bidrar således studien till ökad förståelse för hur svenska civilekonomutbildningarmed redovisningsinriktning integrerat hållbar utveckling. Genomförd studie leder till enslutsats om en obalans mellan de tre aspekterna av hållbar utveckling samt förklarar enharmonisering mellan svenska civilekonomutbildningars innehåll utifrån isomorfismen.Studien påvisar en tonvikt på den sociala aspekten av hållbar utveckling där ekonomiska ochmiljömässiga aspekter integreras mindre. Vi har visat på en relevans för kunskap i ekonomisk,social och miljömässig hållbar utveckling i redovisningsprofessioner. / Sustainable development is a development aiming to meet the needs of today withoutjeopardizing the needs of future generations. The fast consumption creates a lack of resources,risking to completely run out. International organizations discovered during the 1970`s that ahealthy environment needs to be prioritized to reach a societal development and an economicgrowth. To be able to reach sustainable development a balance between economic, social andenvironmental aspects of sustainable development is necessary. With a growing societalinterest for sustainable development a growing need of right education has emerged.Economists and accountants have a great responsibility in the implementation of a sustainableapproach in their professions. The aim of this study is to contribute with a greaterunderstanding for the integration of sustainable development in the Swedish programs ofMaster of Science in Business and Economics with major in accounting.Our study includes all of the nine programs of Master of Science in Business and Economicsof Sweden with major in accounting. To answer our research questions we have chosen toimplement a quantitative content analysis. A cross-sectional design is a common element incontent analysis and has been used to consider the variation of our selection. An abductiveapproach has been applied. An analytical model has been designed to secure a clear definitionof sustainable development. Previous literature and research has developed theoperationalized words of the four categories to be used in the study.By analyzing the frequency and distribution of economic, social and environmentalsustainable development our study contributes to a greater understanding for the integration ofsustainable development in the programs of Master of Science in Business and Economics ofSweden with major in accounting. The accomplished study leads to the conclusion of anunbalance between the three aspects of sustainable development. It also explains aharmonization of the content in the programs of Master of Science in Business andEconomics of Sweden by implementing an isomorphistic perspective. The result of the studyemphasizes the societal aspect of sustainable development where economic andenvironmental aspects of sustainable development are less integrated. We have proven arelevance of knowledge in economic, social and environmental aspects of sustainabledevelopment in the accounting profession.This paper is written in Swedish.
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Operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar av operation med vaken patient : En kvantitativ enkätstudie / The operating room nurses perceptions of surgery with awake patient : A quantitative surveyAldenlöv, Maria, Lundbäck, Rebecca January 2017 (has links)
Att gå från att vara en person till att bli en patient innebär att livet kan förändras. Sårbarhet, utsatthet, förlust av kontroll, rädsla för det okända och stress är vanligt förekommande känslor i samband med operation. Patienter har beskrivit att de upplever operation som att balansera mellan att vara delaktig och osynlig, inte vilja störa men samtidigt bli sedd, samt att känna sig ensam, övergiven och exponerad. Som blivande operationssjuksköterskor är det viktigt att ha kunskap om patientens upplevelse, samt reflektera över det egna arbetet. Flertalet studier har fokuserat på patientens upplevelse och visar att personalens bemötande och kommunikation är avgörande för patientens upplevelse. Studies syfte var att kartlägga operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar av operation med vaken patient. Studien var en tvärsnittsstudie med kvantitativ ansats, och tillämpade enkätformulär som datainsamlingsmetod med bekvämlighetsurval. Analysen genomfördes med deskriptiv analys, samt hypotesprövning för att stärka resultatet. Resultatet presenterades med tabeller, grafer och text. Den öppna kvalitativa frågan sammanställdes i kategorier och presenterades med citat. Resultatet visade att operationssjuksköterskor uppfattade att vid en operation med vaken patient skedde förändringar av kommunikationen och bemötandet, samt att operationssalen uppfattades lugnare och mer harmonisk när musik spelades. Författarna rekommenderar fortsatta studier för djupare förståelse av operationssjuksköterskors uppfattningar av förändringar av kommunikationen och bemötandet vid operation med vaken patient, samt musikens påverkan. Resultatet från denna studie kan användas som reflektionsstöd dels hos arbetsgivaren och dels hos den enskilda operationspersonalen, samt som stöd vid handledning av studenter och nyutbildade operationssjuksköterskor.
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