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Effect of Interactive Digital Homework with an iBook on Sixth Grade Students' Mathematics Achievement and Attitudes when Learning Fractions, Decimals, and PercentsZakrzewski, Jennifer 07 April 2015 (has links)
Over the past decade, technology has become a prominent feature in our lives. Technology has not only been integrated into our lives, but into the classroom as well. Teachers have been provided with a tremendous amount of technology related tools to educate their students. However, many of these technologically enhanced tools have little to no research supporting their claims to enhance learning.
This study focuses on one aspect of technology, the iBook, to complete homework relating to fractions, decimals, and percents in a sixth grade classroom. An iBook is a digital textbook that allows the user to interact with the book through various features. Some of these features include galleries, videos, review quizzes, and links to websites. These interactive features have the potential to enhance comprehension through interactivity and increased motivation.
Prior to this study, two pilot iterations were conducted. During each pilot study, students in two sixth grade classrooms used the iBook to supplement learning of fractions, decimals, and percents. A comparison group was not included during either iteration, as the goal was to fine-tune the study prior to implementation. The current study was the third iteration, which included a comparison and treatment group. During this study, three research questions were considered:
1) When learning fractions, decimals, and percents, in what ways, if any, do students achieve differently on a unit test when using an interactive iBook for homework as compared to students who have access to the same homework questions in an online static PDF format?
2) What are students' perceptions of completing homework regarding fractions, decimals, and percents with an interactive iBook compared to students who complete homework in an online static PDF format?
3) In what ways does students' achievement on homework differ when completing homework related to fractions, decimals, and percents from an interactive iBook and a static PDF online assignment?
Thirty students from a small charter school in southeast Florida participated in the third iteration of this study. Fifteen students were in the comparison group and fifteen were in the treatment group. Students in both groups received comparable classroom instruction, which was determined through audio recordings and similar lesson plans. Treatment group students were provided with a copy of the iBook for homework. Comparison group students were provided with a set of questions identical to the iBook questions in a static digital PDF format. The comparison group students also had access to the textbook, but not the iBook nor the additional resources available within the iBook.
The study took place over three weeks. At the commencement of the study, all students were given a pretest to determine their prior knowledge of fractions, decimals, and percents. Students were also asked to respond to questions regarding typical homework duration, level of difficulty, overall experience, and additional resources used for support. During the study, both classes received comparable instruction, which included mini lessons, manipulative based activities, mini quizzes, and group activities. Nightly homework was assigned to each group. At the conclusion of the study, both groups were given a posttest, which was identical to the pretest. Students were asked identical questions about their homework perceptions as prior to the study, but were asked to respond in regards to the study alone. All participating students completed a questionnaire to describe their perceptions of completing homework regarding fractions, decimals, and percents with an iBook as opposed to static digital PDF homework. Lastly, six students from the comparison group participated in a focus group and six students from the treatment group participated in a separate focus group.
Data were collected from the pretest and posttest, pre and post homework responses, collected homework, mini quizzes, audio recordings, teacher journal, questionnaires, and the focus group. No difference in achievement was found between the two groups. However, both groups improved significantly from the pretest to posttest. Based on the questionnaires and focus groups, both groups of students felt they learned fractions, decimals, and percents effectively. However, the questionnaire data showed the treatment group found the iBook more convenient than the comparison group did the textbook.
Data from this study provide a baseline for future studies regarding iBooks in middle school mathematics. Although the data show no difference in achievement between the two groups, further studies should be conducted in regards to the iBook. Questionnaire and focus group data suggest, with modifications, students may be more inclined to use the resources within the iBook, which may enhance achievement with fractions, decimals, and percents.
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The impact of an intervention program for the treatment of malaria in children in Papua New GuineaJoshua, Isaac B. January 2003 (has links)
Malaria is more prevalent today and the death toll is on the increase annually. It is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide and most of these deaths are in the poorest regions of the world. About 500 million cases are reported annually with more than 2 million deaths, and most are children. It is the major killer in the tropics and a major public health problem in developing countries and Papua New Guinea (PNG) is no exception. Resistant strains have been reported. This may be enhanced by inappropriate human behaviour in the use of anti-malarial drugs. Human factors include inappropriate prescribing and patient behaviour in using anti-malarial drugs. Despite the establishment of the standard treatment guidelines for malaria in PNG, three out of every four patients have chloroquine-resistant falciparum malaria and malaria remains a major health problem. The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of an education program on patients carers' understanding and effective use of anti-malarial drugs for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria in children in general health clinics in PNG. The trial design involved a pre-post intervention study with a control group. The study was undertaken in the National Capital District. Papua New Guinea using one Clinic as the intervention site and another as the control site. The two clinics were similar in characteristics as confirmed in the study by demographic data where there were no significant differences observed. The data collection took placed over the period February to April 2002. It included observation of drug provision at study sites and interviews of patient carers on the first day at the clinic and a follow up seven days later. Three questionnaires were developed to evaluate the process and outcomes of malaria drug treatment in the above health facilities. / Prescribing data were collected from prescriptions and patient carers' interviewed prior to the intervention program. Following the provision of drug information to patient carers. similar drug information and compliance questioning was undertaken. Differences in the pre-post elements of the study and in the control group over the study period were evaluated using Chi-Squared, Kruskal-Wallis, Fisher's Exact or Student's t-tests as appropriate. In excess of 100 patients in the pre- and in the post intervention phases were evaluated for their understanding and effective use of the anti-malarial drugs. In addition, 100 clients were in the control group at another clinic. Patients had attended the clinic up to 8 times in the previous year with a median of 2 visits. Amodiaquine, Fansidar, albendazole and paracetamol made up a total of 60% of the drugs prescribed. The use of medicines was strongly supported with 94.4% indicating no problems with the medication. Only 3% of patients received herbal or local remedies for malaria treatment. 1n patients 10 years or less or their carers, it was found, there was a significant improvement in the carers understanding of the medications. There was a statistically significant improvement in patient outcomes from 57.9% to 92.3% reported as cured following the intervention program. The study has also identified low levels of appropriate administration of antibiotic suspensions in children by patient carers. / For example, incorrect responses recorded for amoxycillin suspension were 80.8% (143). Septrim tablets 92% (23), Septrim suspension 86% (123), erythromycin suspension 100% (26), and chloramphenicol suspension 84.4% (38). In this study the face to face (one-to-one) education program was used to influence patient carers understanding and effective use of drugs. The intervention program involved advising, informing, encouraging, and counselling the patient carers verbally on the appropriate and effective use of medicines. The verbal message was reinforced by a suitable label typed in English and Pidgin-English where instructions were clear, simple and unambiguous. The label was then attached to the envelopes or containers containing the drugs. On feedback, the information on the understanding and effective use of drugs was re-emphasized to the carers to reinforce their understanding for future references. Results showed that the intervention program made an impact in improved patient carers understanding and effective use of drugs and children's health outcomes. In conclusion, it is evident that a patient intervention program designed to improve the dosages and frequency of administration of anti-malarial drugs in PNG had no statistically significant outcome. This may be because the current level of understanding was quite high (>70%) and the study experienced a ceiling effect. However, as shown in the results, the patient carers understanding on the appropriate and effective use of drugs was lower during the pre-intervention and control group. / When compared clinic-pre with clinic-post, there was a significant difference (P < 0.05) in the cured group and the improved cure rate increases from 57.9% to 92.3%. When compared control pre with control post groups, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) in the cured group. Therefore, the study identified an improvement in patient outcomes with respect to malaria. Hence. the simple intervention program in influencing patient carers understanding of the appropriate and effective use of medications led to a marked improvement in patient outcomes.
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The Inside Threat: European Integration and the European Court of JusticeDuncan, Gary January 2006 (has links)
<p>The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has long been recognized as a major engine behind the European integration project for its role in passing judgments expanding the powers and scope of the European Community, while member states have consistently reacted negatively to judgments limiting their sovereignty or granting the Community new powers. It is this interplay between the Court and member state interests that cause the ECJ to pose a threat to the future of integration. Using a combined framework of neofunctionalism and rational choice new institutionalism, six landmark cases and the events surrounding them are studied, revealing the motivations behind the Court’s and member states’ actions. From the analysis of these cases is created a set of criteria which can be used to predict when the ECJ will make an activist decision broadening the powers of the Community at the expense of the member states as well as when, and how, member states will respond negatively.</p>
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How to Enhance the Usefulness of Public Debates as a Support for Political Decision-MakingArvidsson, HG. January 2004 (has links)
<p>The objective for this study is to examine whether it is possible to use the method of reflective equilibrium in order to enhance the usefulness of public debates as a support for political decision-making. Since public debates from political quarters are seen as an important tool for policy-making, the need for a rational assessment of the views put forward in such debates are important. And since reflective equilibrium aims for coherence between judgments on different levels – intuitions, principles and theories, which all are put forward in public debates – the point of departure for this theses is that this method could be useful for the matter of bringing some kind of structure to public debates.</p><p>The analysis in this study shows that there actually are similarities between the method of reflective equilibrium and the course of public debates, since they both are characterized by the fact that viewpoints are mutually scrutinized in the light of one another. Further, it is argued that a more systematic applying of the method of reflective equilibrium would further the justification force of the outcome of public debates, since the method stresses the need of rationality and the importance of taking all relevant opinions into consideration. Therefore, the conclusion is that applying reflective equilibrium to public debates could make the political decision-making more democratic.</p>
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Det tvetydiga beslutsfattandet i styrelsearbete. : En problematiserande studie i beslut rörande energiförluster i värmenät / The equivocal decision making in a boards work : Decision concerning lost of energy in heat circuit lineJohansson, Hans, Horn, Martin January 2008 (has links)
<p>Syfte: Bakgrunden till detta arbete är att samfälligheten Långbacka där en av författarna bor har haft betydliga problem med värmeförluster. Vår uppsats bygger på att hjälpa styrelsen att lösa denna problematik. Till denna praktiska frågeställning har vi lagt en vetenskapsteoretisk aspekt genom att problematisera beslutsfattande i styrelsearbete.</p><p>I denna uppsats har vi haft som syfte att ikläda oss styrelsens roll och genom att själva vara en del i processen få känna på den komplexitet som uppstår kring beslut.</p><p>Metod: Vår teori är insamlad utifrån tre olika synvinklar. Dessa är rationell, icke rationell och en ekonomisk beräkningsmodell. Till dessa teorier har vi empiriskt samlat in information dels genom strukturerade intervjuer men även öppna samtal. Vi har i denna uppsats haft ett hermeneutisk förhållningssätt och ett deduktivt arbetssätt.</p><p>Resultat & slutsats: I denna del har vi utifrån ekonomiteknisk synvinkel kommit fram till tre praktiska svar till styrelsen. Den rationella modellen visar att Gävle Energi borde bli ny förvaltare av fjärrvärmenätet. I den icke rationella modellen är huvudbudskapet att använda sig av den tekniska utredningen och sedan gå vidare utifrån den. Den ekonomiska modell- beräkningen uppskattar huvudalternativets investeringskostnad till 503 kr/månad per hushåll. Nästa del är den vetenskapsteoretiska löpande texten där vi i korthet kommer fram till att beslutsfattande inte är antingen helt rationellt eller icke rationellt utan en blandning av båda.</p><p>Förslag till fortsatt forskning: I den ekonomitekniska delen av uppsatsen har vi hittat ett förslag på fortsatt forskning. Detta förslag bygger på problemet med tidsbristen hos Gävle Energi som gav att vi inte fick tillgång till något jämförelsematerial. Avsaknaden av detta material ledde till att vi inte kunde ställa deras kostnad i jämförelse mot investeringskostnaden. Det vore dock intressant att fortsätta arbeta med denna punkt efter färdigställandet av uppsatsen för att kunna presentera en sådan kalkyl för samfällighetens styrelse. I den vetenskapsteoretiska delen så skulle vi gärna se att man vidare utreder konkreta förslag på mixade modeller av ickerationell och rationellt tänkande.</p><p>Uppsatsens bidrag: Vi anser att vår uppsats på ett bra sätt belyser de bakomliggande processerna när ett beslut tas. Vi belyser det rationella och det icke rationella sambandet vilket ger läsaren en god uppfattning om vad man bör ta i beaktning när man till exempel blir tilldelad ekonomiska rapporter.</p> / <p>Aim: The background for this work is that the community Långbacka, where one of the authors is living, has had considerable problems with heat loss. Our thesis is based on helping the board to solve this problem. At this practical issue, we have a scientific aspect to problematize the decision-making in the Board. In this paper, we have intended to take upon ourselves the Board's role and be a part of the process and get to know the complexities that arise around the decision.</p><p>Method: Our theory is gathered on the basis of three different angles: the rational, non-rational and an economic calculation. To these theories, we have empirical information gathered through interviews but also open conversations. We have in this paper had a hermeneutic approach and have worked deductive.</p><p>Result & Conclusions: In this part, which is based on a economic technological point of view, come to the three pieces of practical answers to the Board. One, according to the rational model, gives that Gävle Energi becomes the new manager of district heating network. In the non-rational model is the main message the use of the technical investigation and then proceed on the basis of it. The economic model suggests that the alternative investment cost is estimated at 503 sek / months per household. The next part is the current scientific text in which we briefly come to that decision making is not either totally rational or non-rational, but a mixture of both.</p><p>Suggestions for future research: In the economic technological part of the paper, we have found a proposal for further research. This proposal is based on the problem of shortage of time at Gävle Energi, which gave that we have not had access to any comparison material. The absence of this material led to that we could not make their cost in comparison to the investment cost. However, it would be interesting to continue working with this point after the completion of the paper to be able to present such a calculation for the community board. In the scientific part, we would like to see that it is investigating further concrete proposals in mixed models of non-rational and rational thinking.</p><p>Contribution of the thesis: We believe that our thesis highlights the underlying processes when a decision is taken in a good way. We highlight the rational and the non-rational relationship which gives the reader a good idea of what one should take into consideration when one for example, is assigned financial reports.</p>
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Systemintegration med Rational Unified Process : Utveckling av riktlinjer för inledande faser av en systemintegration med hjälp av RUPNordin, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>Det existerar i dagsläget många färdigutvecklade mjukvaror för att underlätta olika organisationers processer. Dessa mjukvaror täcker ofta stor del av den funktionalitet som organisationen behöver – till ett förhållandevis lågt pris.</p><p>Priset för att skräddarsy mjukvara, i motsats till färdigutvecklad mjukvara, efter sin egen organisation kan, speciellt när företaget är litet, vara väldigt högt i förhållande till lönsamheten. Då alla organisationer är olika, och således har olika funktionalitetskrav kan flera system behövas för att täcka dem. Överlappningen som sker mellan systemen ger plats för redundant data, som utan noggrann kontroll kan bli felaktig data.</p><p>En lösning är att integrera mjukvaror med varandra för att skapa bryggor emellan och således ta bort risken för felaktig data. Detta är ursprungspunkten för denna undersökning. Bristen på information om hur en sådan systemutveckling bör ske är motivet för denna utredning. Utredningens syfte är att täcka detta kunskapsbehov.</p><p>Genom att använda aktionsforskning, som förespråkar nära samarbete mellan praktiker och forskare, har ett organisationsspecifikt problem studerats. Artefakter från vissa delar av systemutvecklingsmetoden Rational Unified Process(RUP) har utvecklats för att ge organisationen ett praktiskt bidrag, samtidigt som ett akademiskt bidrag i form av riktlinjer har utvecklats. Eftersom avgränsning till vissa delar av RUP är gjord utvecklades inte ett fullt system utan artefakter för att underlätta själva utvecklingen – en slags förstudie.</p><p>Riktlinjerna, som speglar det praktiska bidraget, visar på ett ökat behov av att beskriva och illustrera arkitekturen hos det system som ska utvecklas. Men även ytterligare kunskap om de system som skall integreras bör utvecklas, detta innebär ett behov av närmare samarbete med organisationen.</p><p>RUP kan kompletteras med ytterligare metoddelar för att täcka speciella behov som projektet kan ha – detta inkluderar metoddelar för att hantera integrationsprojekt. Det är denna undersöknings slutsats att sådan komplettering inte är nödvändig i mindre projekt då RUP redan beskurits ordentligt under situationsanpassningen. Artefakter för att beskriva arkitektuella aspekter av projektet finns i RUP och inkluderingen av dessa bör täcka de behov ett mindre projekt har.</p><p>Undersökningen har även studerat hur integrationsfokuset påverkat valda delar av RUP. Resultatet av denna frågeställning är ytterligare modell-element i några artefakter samt ett antal ytterligare artefakter för att beskriva arkitektur.</p></p>
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Kampen om eleverna : en studie kring en marknadsanpassad skolaHumble, Martin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Studien syftar till att sätta den svenska skolan i ett marknadsperspektiv och ställer frågan om en eventuell marknadsanpassning av skolväsendet lett till ett närmande mellan offentligt ägda och privat ägda skolor. Tio gymnasieskolors</p><p>Internetbaserade marknadsföring från fem kommuner, i syfte att vara representativt för hela Sverige, undersöks. Resultatet visar att politiska omstruktureringar ökat marknadsinslaget i den svenska skolan, särskilt tydligt genom den ”peng” som följer till de gymnasieskolor som aktivt väljs av elever, en summa som går förlorad för de skolor som väljs av färre elever. Resultaten visar ytterligare att det är via reklam denna tävlan sker – något som inte skiljer offentligt ägda eller privat ägda skolor åt. Slutsatsen är att det har skett en marknadsanpassning av skolan och att det går att tala om en svensk ”skolmarknad” där offentliga som privata skolor ”tävlar” om eleverna.</p>
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Is it rational to buy eco-labelled food? : A study of the knowledge of, willingness to pay for and reasons to purchase eco-labelled seafood in SwedenSöderström, Sara January 2007 (has links)
<p>Eco-labelling is a way to promote sustainable development. This is a quantified study about purchase behaviour regarding eco-labelled seafood in Sweden, based on interviews with a convenience sample of consumers in situ. The objectives were to establish how large the knowledge of eco-labelled seafood is, to investigate the reasons for acquiring the product and thus determine the prime driving force to do it. The willingness to pay for eco-labelled seafood was also investigated. The results show a low awareness where just about a quarter of the respondents knew that eco-labelled seafood existed. The willingness to pay was high; four out of five were ready to spend additional money on an eco-labelled product. Women displayed a higher willingness to pay than men, which supports previous research. Regarding the reasons to purchase the only options presented to the respondents were environmental concern, enhanced health or both alternatives in combination. Health as the single factor was the least preferred choice and the two other alternatives were favoured to an equal amount. A difference in purchase behaviour can be detected among respondents with awareness of ecolabelled seafood when compared to those without. Those aware stated a willingness to pay to a higher degree and also displayed more environmental concern and less health interest than those unaware of eco-labelled seafood.</p>
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Införande och anpassning av Rational Unified ProcessLindgren, Veronica January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Information Dissemination and Aggregation in Asset Markets with Simple Intelligent TradersChan, Nicholas, LeBaron, Blake, Lo, Andrew, Poggio, Tomaso 01 September 1998 (has links)
Various studies of asset markets have shown that traders are capable of learning and transmitting information through prices in many situations. In this paper we replace human traders with intelligent software agents in a series of simulated markets. Using these simple learning agents, we are able to replicate several features of the experiments with human subjects, regarding (1) dissemination of information from informed to uninformed traders, and (2) aggregation of information spread over different traders.
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