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Skolan och den politiska offentligheten - öppning eller tillslutning? : Styrning och skolutveckling utifrån "försöket utan timplan"Kristiansson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study concerns school-development and the political public sphere in a Swedish context. It draws on an earlier study in which school-leaders expressed political signals in relation to school-development as being ambiguous and contradictive. On one hand they saw a political support for openness and dialogue in school. On the other hand they perceived control and competition. Another point of departure for the study is what tentatively was suggested as a shift in focus for the state government of schools during the 1990:s, from decentralization as such to an increased emphasis on control of its consequences. The overriding aim of the study was to illuminate how this shift could be understood regarding the relation between school-development and the political public sphere.</p><p>The study was conducted within a larger, national project where almost 900 schools worked without the national time table. Policy texts behind the governments’ decision on starting the project were used in order to describe and analyse school policy. School-leaders´ accounts on school-work and school-development in the project was used for analysis and description of school practice.</p><p>Habermas’ theory of communicative action, particularly his notions on “the welfare-state crisis” as an opening for a revitalized political public sphere grounded upon communicative action, was used as a theoretical frame for the study.</p><p>The results support the assumption that school policy, as formulated in the studied documents, did shift over time from a focus on decentralization to an emphasis on control of its consequences. The school-leaders, however, gave voice to a school practice where the importance of a communicative direction was emphasized. The overall conclusion is that while a vital political public sphere in Habermas´ terms is supported in school practice, school policy seems to direct school development in the opposite direction, thereby closing the opportunity for school to support a revitalized public sphere.</p>
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Skolan och den politiska offentligheten - öppning eller tillslutning? : Styrning och skolutveckling utifrån "försöket utan timplan"Kristiansson, Martin January 2006 (has links)
This study concerns school-development and the political public sphere in a Swedish context. It draws on an earlier study in which school-leaders expressed political signals in relation to school-development as being ambiguous and contradictive. On one hand they saw a political support for openness and dialogue in school. On the other hand they perceived control and competition. Another point of departure for the study is what tentatively was suggested as a shift in focus for the state government of schools during the 1990:s, from decentralization as such to an increased emphasis on control of its consequences. The overriding aim of the study was to illuminate how this shift could be understood regarding the relation between school-development and the political public sphere. The study was conducted within a larger, national project where almost 900 schools worked without the national time table. Policy texts behind the governments’ decision on starting the project were used in order to describe and analyse school policy. School-leaders´ accounts on school-work and school-development in the project was used for analysis and description of school practice. Habermas’ theory of communicative action, particularly his notions on “the welfare-state crisis” as an opening for a revitalized political public sphere grounded upon communicative action, was used as a theoretical frame for the study. The results support the assumption that school policy, as formulated in the studied documents, did shift over time from a focus on decentralization to an emphasis on control of its consequences. The school-leaders, however, gave voice to a school practice where the importance of a communicative direction was emphasized. The overall conclusion is that while a vital political public sphere in Habermas´ terms is supported in school practice, school policy seems to direct school development in the opposite direction, thereby closing the opportunity for school to support a revitalized public sphere.
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A Teoria dos jogos e as ciências sociais /Souza, Ádamo Alberto de. January 2003 (has links)
Orientador : Marcos César Alvarez / Resumo: Neste trabalho, foi feita uma análise crítica da relação da Teoria dos Jogos com as Ciências Sociais. Antes disso, é elucidada a história da Teoria dos Jogos, sendo destacado que esta teoria surgiu com o objetivo de atuar na Economia, que é uma Ciência Social. Conforme a Teoria dos Jogos evoluiu, mais ampliou e aprofundou suas aplicações em diferentes âmbitos, visto que em todas as suas aplicações a Teoria dos Jogos é usada para se compreender e até mesmo prever como diferentes agentes se comportarão de forma interdependente em situações de conflito, cooperação ou até mesmo o misto de ambos contextos (conflito e cooperação). Ao longo deste trabalho, é abordada a Teoria dos Jogos no contexto das Ciências Sociais, assim como a possibilidade de se aplicar a teoria no aspecto macro-social da sociedade. Dando seqüência à discussão, é também exposta a aplicação da teoria dos Jogos nas Relações Internacionais; em seguida, é elucidada a grande afinidade da Teoria dos Jogos com a Teoria da Escolha Racional. Para mais aprofundarmos o objeto desta pesquisa (a relação da Teoria dos Jogos com as Ciências Sociais), o Homo Sociologicus de Dahrendorf é analisado como um jogador, em condições de decidir e optar por estratégias alternativas, levando-se em consideração os diferentes comportamentos dos demais agentes inseridos nos mesmos contextos sociais que o Homo Sociologicus se encontra. Por fim, procuramos apresentar uma visão crítica à Teoria dos Jogos, assim como possíveis afinidades e obstáculos no que se referem à relação da teoria com as Ciências Sociais. Quanto mais a Teoria dos Jogos é aperfeiçoada, mais ela se aproxima da possibilidade de ser aplicada nas Ciências Sociais, tendo como base o aprofundamento de relações sociais em que as condutas dos agentes são interdependentes, podendo vigorar a cooperação e a competição simultaneamente. / Abstract: This written work was carried out as a critical analysis about the relation between Games Theory and Social Sciences. First, the Games Theory history is made clear, putting in relief the fact that this theory arouse with the purpose of actuating on Economy which is a Social Science. According to the evolution of Games Theory, its applications to different areas increased an deepened, since all of its applications, the Games Theory is used to comprehend and even to foresee how different agents will behavior on an independent way within conflict, cooperation or a mix of both situations. In the course of this work, the Games Theory is taken within the Social Sciences context, as well as the possibility of applying this theory to the society macrosocial aspect. Afterwards, its is showed the application of this theory to the International Relations; and after that it is made clear the very close affinity between Games Theory and Rational Chose Theory. In the sake of deepen the object of this research (the relation between Games Theory and Social Sciences), Homo Sociologicus of Dahrendorf is analyzed as a player, in conditions of opting and deciding for alternative strategies, considering the different behaviors of the others agents among the same social contexts in which Homo Sociologicus has been in. Finally, it is intended to show a critical view of Games Theory, as well as, possible affinities and obstacles relating to the relation between this theory with Social Sciences. The most improved Games Theory is, the closest it gets to be applied on Social Sciences, based on the fact of the deepening of social relationships in which the agents procedures are interdependent, being possible the cooperation and competition rule simultaneously. / Mestre
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A Teoria dos jogos e as ciências sociaisSouza, Ádamo Alberto de [UNESP] 10 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
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souza_aa_me_mar.pdf: 358518 bytes, checksum: ec188cb5ee5feaa87e381764160f86c9 (MD5) / Neste trabalho, foi feita uma análise crítica da relação da Teoria dos Jogos com as Ciências Sociais. Antes disso, é elucidada a história da Teoria dos Jogos, sendo destacado que esta teoria surgiu com o objetivo de atuar na Economia, que é uma Ciência Social. Conforme a Teoria dos Jogos evoluiu, mais ampliou e aprofundou suas aplicações em diferentes âmbitos, visto que em todas as suas aplicações a Teoria dos Jogos é usada para se compreender e até mesmo prever como diferentes agentes se comportarão de forma interdependente em situações de conflito, cooperação ou até mesmo o misto de ambos contextos (conflito e cooperação). Ao longo deste trabalho, é abordada a Teoria dos Jogos no contexto das Ciências Sociais, assim como a possibilidade de se aplicar a teoria no aspecto macro-social da sociedade. Dando seqüência à discussão, é também exposta a aplicação da teoria dos Jogos nas Relações Internacionais; em seguida, é elucidada a grande afinidade da Teoria dos Jogos com a Teoria da Escolha Racional. Para mais aprofundarmos o objeto desta pesquisa (a relação da Teoria dos Jogos com as Ciências Sociais), o Homo Sociologicus de Dahrendorf é analisado como um jogador, em condições de decidir e optar por estratégias alternativas, levando-se em consideração os diferentes comportamentos dos demais agentes inseridos nos mesmos contextos sociais que o Homo Sociologicus se encontra. Por fim, procuramos apresentar uma visão crítica à Teoria dos Jogos, assim como possíveis afinidades e obstáculos no que se referem à relação da teoria com as Ciências Sociais. Quanto mais a Teoria dos Jogos é aperfeiçoada, mais ela se aproxima da possibilidade de ser aplicada nas Ciências Sociais, tendo como base o aprofundamento de relações sociais em que as condutas dos agentes são interdependentes, podendo vigorar a cooperação e a competição simultaneamente. / This written work was carried out as a critical analysis about the relation between Games Theory and Social Sciences. First, the Games Theory history is made clear, putting in relief the fact that this theory arouse with the purpose of actuating on Economy which is a Social Science. According to the evolution of Games Theory, its applications to different areas increased an deepened, since all of its applications, the Games Theory is used to comprehend and even to foresee how different agents will behavior on an independent way within conflict, cooperation or a mix of both situations. In the course of this work, the Games Theory is taken within the Social Sciences context, as well as the possibility of applying this theory to the society macrosocial aspect. Afterwards, its is showed the application of this theory to the International Relations; and after that it is made clear the very close affinity between Games Theory and Rational Chose Theory. In the sake of deepen the object of this research (the relation between Games Theory and Social Sciences), Homo Sociologicus of Dahrendorf is analyzed as a player, in conditions of opting and deciding for alternative strategies, considering the different behaviors of the others agents among the same social contexts in which Homo Sociologicus has been in. Finally, it is intended to show a critical view of Games Theory, as well as, possible affinities and obstacles relating to the relation between this theory with Social Sciences. The most improved Games Theory is, the closest it gets to be applied on Social Sciences, based on the fact of the deepening of social relationships in which the agents procedures are interdependent, being possible the cooperation and competition rule simultaneously.
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Forhåbninger og skuffelser i kvindeerhvervene : kvinders møde med ny teknologi og organisatorisk forandring / Hopes and disappointments in female-occupations : women's meeting with new technology and organizational changeSchreiber, Trine January 1994 (has links)
In the meeting between women from office- and library work and the computer technology and organizational changes, different actions were found. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse this meeting to consider the situation of the employed when computer technology and new organization are implemented, to discuss the importance of prior social and working life with regard to the understanding of the meeting and to address the working conditions in the 1980s with special attention to women. The starting point for the analysis of the meeting is an empirical study. The study uses qualitative data from interviews with 30 women. 24 women expresses criticism, 6 expresses consent, with the renewals. The analysis has three levels. At the first level the contents of the interviews are described. At the second level, from a theory of action, criticism and consent are considered for both foundations and forms of action. At the third level these forms of action are discussed in relation to a list of historical conditions for the social and working life of women generally. The thesis shows, firstly, that in the criticism and the consent there are three forms of action. These are the department-based form of action, the solidarity form and the individual form. Secondly, that in light of the socio-historical structures it becomes possible to see the three forms of action as three types of interest for development of work and organization. Thus behind both criticism and consent there is an interest in development and change. In the context of the socio-historical perspectives this interest is emphasized. The thesis shows, thirdly, that both the hopes and the disappointments of womens prior working life are reproduced in the 1980s. Lastly, that the forms of action and the types of interest reflect the limited possibilities for women in the female-occupations to change their position in the working life. / digitalisering@umu
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Volba školy v primárním vzdělávání jako důležitý mechanizmus ovlivňující spravedlivý přístup ke vzdělávání / Primary school choice - an important mechanism influencing equity in educationSimonová, Jaroslava January 2015 (has links)
Primary school choice - an important mechanism influencing equity in education Jaroslava Simonová Abstract This dissertation describes the process of school choice in primary education and the factors influencing it. Using a qualitative grounded theory design, the work builds on data from 41 interviews with parents from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. Parents' decision-making about school choice is shaped primarily by the organizational needs of parents and their inner need to be a "good parent". When being interviewed, parents report a number of criteria, which, according to them, are important in school choice. However, for many of them they fail to obtain relevant and reliable information. Therefore, they may eventually make a decision based on criteria other than those referred to as important, although they are rarely aware of this shift and the change in criteria. There are three unavoidable criteria in decision-making: availability, reputation and the emotions that parents experienced at school during their visit. The child's needs are the important intervening conditions. They play an important role, especially if the parents feel that their child has some particular needs. The parents' experience with the education system and their personality characteristics are also important. The significant...
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The Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats Idea Development 2010-2018 : Comprehending the Parties Migration Policy Development Through Rational Action, Societal Discourses and Critical JuncturesUjkani, Venera January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to analyse the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats idea development in the issue of migration in 2010-2018. The inquiry consists of the following two research questions. How has the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats positions regarding migration developed in 2010-2018? How can institutional theories explain the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats idea development? The study is encompassed by three theoretical perspectives also recognised as rational-choice institutionalism, historical institutionalism and discursive institutionalism. In regard to the methodological approach, the study employs the comparative case study design with the most-similar system and is essentially an idea analytical study. The main results reveal that both the Moderate Party and the Swedish Democrats have adjusted their migration policies but to different degrees. The Swedish Democrats promote similar policies in 2010 as in 2018 with smaller alterations while the Moderate Party has customised larger alterations, distinguishing the party’s migration policy from 2010 and 2018. These policy alterations are primarily explained as a result of rational action, societal discourses and critical junctures.
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F. A. Hayek's Critique of LegislationHolm, Cyril January 2014 (has links)
The dissertation concerns F. A. Hayek’s (1899–1992) critique of legislation. The purpose of the investigation is to clarify and assess that critique. I argue that there is in Hayek’s work a critique of legislation that is distinct from his well-known critique of social planning. Further that the main claim of this critique is what I refer to as Hayek’s legislation tenet, namely that legislation that aims to achieve specific aggregate results in complex orders of society will decrease the welfare level. The legislation tenet gains support; (i) from the welfare claim – according to which there is a positive correlation between the utilization of knowledge and the welfare level in society; (ii) from the dispersal of knowledge thesis – according to which the total knowledge of society is dispersed and not available to any one agency; and (iii) from the cultural evolution thesis – according to which evolutionary rules are more favorable to the utilization of knowledge in social cooperation than are legislative rules. More specifically, I argue that these form two lines of argument in support of the legislation tenet. One line of argument is based on the conjunction of the welfare claim and the dispersal of knowledge thesis. I argue that this line of argument is true. The other line of argument is based on the conjunction of the welfare claim and the cultural evolution thesis. I argue that this line of argument is false, mainly because the empirical work of political scientist Elinor Ostrom refutes it. Because the two lines of argument support the legislation tenet independently of each other, I argue that Hayek’s critique of legislation is true. In this dissertation, I further develop a legislative policy tool as based on the welfare claim and Hayek’s conception of coercion. I also consider Hayek’s idea that rules and law are instrumental in forging rational individual action and rational social orders, and turn to review this idea in light of the work of experimental economist Vernon Smith and economic historian Avner Greif. I find that Smith and Greif support this idea of Hayek’s, and I conjecture that it contributes to our understanding of Adam Smith’s notion of the invisible hand: It is rules – not an invisible hand – that prompt subjects to align individual and aggregate rationality in social interaction. Finally, I argue that Hayek’s critique is essentially utilitarian, as it is concerned with the negative welfare consequences of certain forms of legislation. And although it may appear that the dispersal of knowledge thesis will undermine the possibility of carrying out the utilitarian calculus, due to the lack of knowledge of the consequences of one’s actions – and therefore undermine the legislation tenet itself – I argue that the distinction between utilitarianism conceived as a method of deliberation and utilitarianism conceived as a criterion of correctness may be used to save Hayek’s critique from this objection.
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