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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alternativní zdroje vody pro technologické procesy ve vybraných průmyslových odvětvích / Alternative water sources on technological process in selected sector of industry

Bártů, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The task of the master’s thesis is a study focused on re-use and process wastewater in the company Kostelecké uzeniny a.s. The thesis contains a description of wastewater treatment plants, sewage flow and metabolic load on each water treatment processes. The thesis describes the limit requirements for technological processes within the enterprise. Few variants of the use of alternative water sources for technological processes on the basis of health conditions that has been designed for treating waste water from truck wash were considered in the thesis. Treated waste water is being re-used within the truck wash. Part of the proposal is also economic calculation and evaluation of return on investment.

Adapting Snäckan 8

Thiem, Julia January 2021 (has links)
“Adapting Snäckan 8” aims to investigate material and immaterial value while transforming an existing built structure. Current development plans seek to demolish and replace the existing building by a new, 10 meter wider, 4.5 meter taller building of office spaces; increasing the scale of the Klara quarter once more, just as during the Norrmalm Regulation historically. Excluding both: plans for housing, as well as the so called “Culture House”. A space that included a café, a library and a cinema, for everyone, including especially the homeless people of Stockholm.Accompanied by a notion that when we demolish built structures, not only do we demolish material, but also social structures that have been built up over time; the ecological aspects of adaptive re-use are expanded by social urgency. In light of the housing crisis and increasing social segregation as well as the development of the pandemic, the accessibility of a home is now perhaps more pressing than ever. This project therefore aims to provide affordable, inclusive mixed-use living within the city centre, adapting Snäckan 8 to changing rhythms and patterns of daily life. Thereby hoping to continue writing the story of Snäckan 8, rather than erasing it.

Urban Uncertainties

Harold, Josephine January 2022 (has links)
Throughout the last decades the linear urban development in Stockholm can be retraced to the idea of supply and demand, society’s view on the elimination of risk, while increasingly detaching from natural processes. This thesis offers a critical evaluation of the socio-economic situation of space production, while trying to argue for a new semantic recodification of urban organisational processes while reconnecting to a socio-biodiverse narrative. Through the research, the defining parameters and actors of space production and urban planning are examined on their participational, circular and inclusive potential. Motivated by the need to renegotiate the current narrative of architecture, the site of exploration is Bergs Hamn in Nacka, an industrial oil cistern park built in the 50s. The project aspires to find new ways of thinking and communicating architecture within and outside of the academic field through architectural and theoretical actions and interactions, writing and dreaming about space as a fluid and changeable matter.

Study of Effect of Coverage and Purity on Quality of Learned Rules

Gandharva, Kumar 22 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Logistik för textilavfall inom Röda Korset : En analys av ekonomiska och miljömässiga aspekter / Logistics of textile waste in The Swedish Red Cross : An analysis of economic and environmental aspects

Ranung, Siri January 2022 (has links)
Varje år slänger svenskar nära 6 kg textil direkt i sitt restavfall, varav 60 procent ofta är i skick att fortsätta användas. I ett resursintensivt samhälle med alltmer sinande resurser är åtgärder för att minska textilkonsumtionen avgörande. Produktionen står för den största andelen av textilers klimatpåverkan i och med stor användning av vatten, energi och kemikalier. Därför är återanvändning av textil är en viktig åtgärd för att minska textilers klimatpåverkan.  Välgörenhetsorganisationer med second hand-verksamhet har en viktig roll i återanvändningen i Sverige, samtidigt återanvänds bara 20 procent av det som samlas in hos välgörenhetsorganisationer och resterande textil går främst till export och en liten andel till förbränning i Sverige. Att hantera den textil som inte säljs i Sverige kostar dock pengar som hade kunnat gå till välgörenhetsorganisationernas egentliga syfte. För Röda Korset, som denna studie är gjord för, är detta syfte att lindra och hindra katastrofer och kriser. Röda Korsets hantering av textilerna som inte kan säljas i Sverige behöver därmed vara kostnadseffektiv men också fortfarande ge en miljönytta, eftersom det är den främsta anledningen till att ta hand om textilavfallet.  Denna studie utgår från fem av Röda Korsets second hand-butiker och undersöker tre scenarier för hantering av detta textilavfall. Målet med studien är att undersöka vilket scenario som innebär den lägsta kostnaden för Röda Korset, störst miljönytta samt störst samhällsekonomisk nytta. Referensscenariot innebär att textilerna sorteras i butik där textilavfallet transporteras till närmaste återvinningscentral för förbränning. Scenario 1 innebär att textilerna sorteras i butik för att transporteras till depåer, för att sedan exporteras till Tyskland för återanvändning, materialåtervinning samt förbränning. Scenario 2 undersöker regional sortering av textilerna där textilavfallet transporteras till Tyskland för återanvändning, materialåtervinning samt förbränning.  Studien görs utifrån metoden för kostnads-nyttoanalyser där kostnader och nyttor för de olika scenarierna identifieras för att sedan monetäriseras. Data som används har erhållits av Röda Korset och har kompletterats med en litteraturstudie kring miljöpåverkan för de olika processerna samt monetäriseringen av dessa.  Resultatet av kostnads-nyttoanalysen var att regional sortering (Scenario 2) bidrar till störst samhällsekonomisk nytta och är samtidigt mest kostnadseffektivt för Röda Korset, medan Scenario 1 är mest miljömässigt fördelaktig på grund av de kortare transporter som scenariot innebär. En känslighetsanalys gjordes för felkällorna i rapporten, de som hade störst påverkan på resultatet var uppskattningen av arbetstid vid sortering i butik, exkluderandet av arbetstiden som görs av frivilliga samt vattenanvändningens miljöpåverkan i produktionen av textil. Trots deras stora påverkan på resultatet bedömdes de inte ha nog påverkan för att ändra det övergripande resultatet, att scenariot för regional sortering var mest lönsamt.  Eftersom Röda Korsets butiker har en stor variation i hur de drivs, geografisk placering och textilflöde skulle resultatet kunna skilja sig mycket beroende på vilka butiker som kopplas till en regional sortering. Detta gäller främst om butikerna har större avstånd, effektivare sorteringstakt eller extrema flöden jämfört med de som studerades i denna rapport. Utöver de kostnader och nyttor som tas med i denna rapport finns det även ytterligare fördelar med regional sortering för Röda Korset, dessa tas upp i diskussionen och är till exempel minskad sårbarhet för butikerna, mer specialiserad sortering som kan bidra till ökade intäkter samt minskade flöden till export.  Slutligen diskuteras även det producentansvar för textil som regeringen utreder som åtgärd för att minska andelen textil som slängs i restavfallet i Sverige. Slutsatsen från denna diskussion var att det skulle behövas ytterligare bredd i utredningen för producentansvaret. Dels kring de rekyleffekter som skulle kunna uppstå, som ökad konsumtion i vetande om att textiler man gör sig av med inte bara förbränns, dels kring hur man praktiskt ska genomföra producentansvaret för att textilflödena ska gå till återanvändning och inte direkt till materialåtervinning. På grund av den låga återanvändningsgraden i Sverige skulle också ytterligare studier behövas kring de hinder som finns för att svenskar ska öka sin återanvändning. / Every year, a Swede throws close to 6 kg textile directly into their residual waste, even though 60 percent of this textile waste often is in good condition and could be re-used. In a resource-intensive society with increasingly scarce resources, measures to reduce textile consumption are crucial. The production accounts for the largest part of textiles' climate impact due to the extensive use of water, energy, and chemicals. This is why re-use of textiles is an important measure to reduce the climate impact of textiles.  Charities with second-hand activities have a significant role for increasing re-use of textiles in Sweden. However, only 20 percent of what is collected by charities is reused and the remaining textile goes mainly to exports, and a small proportion to incineration in Sweden. On the other hand, managing the textiles that remain unsold in Sweden costs money that could have gone to the main purpose of the charities. For the Swedish Red Cross, which this study was conducted for, their main purpose is to alleviate and prevent disasters and crises. Thus, the Swedish Red Cross' handling of their unsold textiles needs to be cost-effective but also provide an environmental benefit, as this is the main reason for taking care of textile waste.  This study is based on five of the Swedish Red Cross' second-hand stores and examines three scenarios of logistics for managing their textile waste. The aim of the study is to investigate which scenario entails the lowest cost for the Swedish Red Cross, the greatest environmental benefit, and the greatest socio- economic benefit. In the reference scenario, the textiles are sorted in the stores where the textile waste later is transported to the nearest recycling center for incineration. Just as in the reference scenario, the textiles are sorted in the stores in Scenario 1, but the textile waste is instead transported to depots, and finally exported to Germany for reuse, material recycling and incineration. Scenario 2 examines regional sorting of textiles where the textile waste, as in Scenario 1, is transported to Germany for reuse, material recycling and incineration.  The study is based on the method for cost-benefit analyzes where costs and benefits for the different scenarios are identified and monetized. The data have been obtained from the Swedish Red Cross and have been supplemented with a literature study on the environmental impact of the various processes and their monetization.  The result of the cost-benefit analysis was that regional sorting (Scenario 2) both contributes to the greatest socio-economic benefit and is the most cost-effective scenario for the Swedish Red Cross, while Scenario 1 is most environmentally beneficial due to the shorter transports that the scenario entails. A sensitivity analysis was conducted for the sources of error in the report. The sources of errors that were assessed to have the greatest impact on the result were the estimate of working hours for sorting, the exclusion of working hours done by volunteers and the environmental impact of water use in textile production. Despite their substantial impact on the result, these sources of error were assessed not to have enough impact to change the overall result, that the scenario for regional sorting was most profitable.  Since the Swedish Red Cross' stores have a large variation in how they are administered, geographical location and textile flow, the result could differ greatly depending on which stores are linked to a regional sorting. These factors are particularly relevant if the stores have greater distances, more efficient sorting rates or extreme textile flows compared to the stores studied in this report. In addition to the costs and benefits included in this report, there are other benefits of regional sorting for the Swedish Red Cross. Some are discussed in this report, such as reduced vulnerability for the stores, more specialized sorting that can contribute to increased revenues and reduced flows to export.  Finally, the Swedish government is investigating a producer responsibility for textiles as a measure to reduce the proportion of textiles that are thrown away in residual waste in Sweden. The conclusion from this discussion was that further expanding of scope in this investigation is needed. For example, with an inclusion of the rebound effects that could occur, such as increased consumption with the knowledge that textiles you dispose are not just incinerated. Furthermore, how to practically implement producer responsibility so that textile flows go to re-use and not directly to material recycling. Due to the low degree of re-use in Sweden, further studies would also be needed on the obstacles that exist for Swedes to increase their re-use.

Practical Exploit Mitigation Design Against Code Re-Use and System Call Abuse Attacks

Jelesnianski, Christopher Stanislaw 09 January 2023 (has links)
Over the years, many defense techniques have been proposed by the security community. Even so, few have been adopted by the general public and deployed in production. This limited defense deployment and weak security has serious consequences, as large scale cyber-attacks are now a common occurrence in society. One major obstacle that stands in the way is practicality, the quality of being designed for actual use or having usefulness or convenience. For example, an exploit mitigation design may be considered not practical to deploy if it imposes high performance overhead, despite offering excellent and robust security guarantees. This is because achieving hallmarks of practical design, such as minimizing adverse side-effects like performance degradation or memory monopolization, is difficult in practice, especially when trying to provide a high level of security for users. Secure and practical exploit mitigation design must successfully navigate several challenges. To illustrate, modern-day attacks, especially code re-use attacks, understand that rudimentary defenses such as Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) will be deployed moving forward. These attacks have therefore evolved and diversified their angles of attack to become capable of leveraging a multitude of different code components. Accordingly, the security community has uncovered these threats and maintained progress in providing possible resolutions with new exploit mitigation designs. More specifically though, defenses have had to correspondingly extend their capabilities to protect more aspects of code, leading to defense techniques becoming increasingly complex. Trouble then arises as supporting such fine-grained defenses brings inherent disadvantages such as significant hardware resource utilization that could be otherwise used for useful work. This complexity has made performance, security, and scalability all competing ideals in practical system design. At the same time, other recent efforts have implemented mechanisms with negligible performance impact, but do so at the risk of weaker security guarantees. This dissertation first formalizes the challenges in modern exploit mitigation design. To illustrate these challenges, this dissertation presents a survey from the perspective of both attacker and defender to provide an overview of this current security landscape. This includes defining an informal taxonomy of exploit mitigation strategies, explaining prominent attack vectors that are faced by security experts today, and identifying and defining code components that are generally abused by code re-use. This dissertation then presents two practical design solutions. Both defense system designs uphold goals of achieving realistic performance, providing strong security guarantees, being robust for modern application code-bases, and being able to scale across the system at large. The first practical exploit mitigation design this dissertation presents is MARDU. MARDU is a novel re-randomization approach that utilizes on-demand randomization and the concept of code trampolines to support sharing of code transparently system-wide. To the best of my knowledge, MARDU is the first presented re-randomization technique capable of runtime code sharing for re-randomized code system-wide. Moreover, MARDU is one of the very few re-randomization mechanisms capable of performing seamless live thread migration to newly randomized code without pausing application execution. This dissertation describes the full design, implementation, and evaluation of MARDU to demonstrate its merits and show that careful design can uphold all practical design goals. For instance, scalability is a major challenge for randomization strategies, especially because traditional OS design expects code to be placed in known locations so that it can be reached by multiple processes, while randomization is purposefully trying to achieve the opposite, being completely unpredictable. This clash in expectations between system and defense design breaks a few very important assumptions for an application's runtime environment. This forces most randomization mechanisms to abandon the hope of upholding memory deduplication. MARDU resolves this challenge by applying trampolines to securely reach functions protected under secure memory. Even with this new calling convention in place, MARDU shows re-randomization degradation can be significantly reduced without sacrificing randomization entropy. Moreover, MARDU shows it is capable of defeating prominent code re-use variants with this practical design. This dissertation then presents its second practical exploit mitigation solution, BASTION. BASTION is a fine-grained system call filtering mechanism aimed at significantly strengthening the security surrounding system calls. Like MARDU, BASTION upholds the principles of this dissertation and was implemented with practicality in mind. BASTION's design is based on empirical observation of what a legitimate system call invocation consists of. BASTION introduces System Call Integrity to enforce the correct and intended use of system calls within a program. In order to enforce this novel security policy, BASTION proposes three new specialized contexts for the effective enforcement of legitimate system call usage. Namely, these contexts enforce that: system calls are only invoked with the correct calling convention, system calls are reached through legitimate control-flow paths, and all system call arguments are free from attacker corruption. By enforcing System Call Integrity with the previously mentioned contexts, this dissertation adds further evidence that context-sensitive defense strategies are superior to context-insensitive ones. BASTION is able to prevent over 32 real-world and synthesized exploits in its security evaluation and incurs negligible performance overhead (0.60%-2.01%). BASTION demonstrates that narrow and specialized exploit mitigation designs can be effective in more than one front, to the point that BASTION not only revents code re-use, but is capable of defending against any attack class that requires the utilization of system calls. / Doctor of Philosophy / Limited security defense deployment and weak security has serious consequences, as large scale cyber-attacks are now a common occurrence. This may be surprising since many defense techniques have been proposed; yet in reality, few have become dopted by the general public. To elaborate, designing an ideal defense that is strong security-wise but does not use any computer resources is challenging. In practice, there is no free lunch, and therefore a design must consider how to best balance security with performance in an effort to be practical for users to deploy their defense. Common tradeoffs include adverse side-effects such as slowing down user applications or imposing significant memory usage. Therefore, practical and strong defense design is important to promote integration into the next generation of computer hardware and software. By sustaining practical design, the needed jump between a proof-of-concept and implementing it on commodity computer chips is substantially smaller. A practical defense should foremost guarantee strong levels of security and should not slow down a user's applications. Ideally, a practical defense is implemented to the point it seems invisible to the user and they don't even notice it. However, balancing practicality with strong security is hard to achieve in practice. This dissertation first reviews the current security landscape - specifically two important attack strategies are examined. First, code re-use attacks, are exactly what they sound like; code re-use essentially reuse various bits and pieces of program code to create an attack. Second, system call abuse. System calls are essential functions that ordinarily allow a user program to talk with a computer's operating system; they enable operations such as a program asking for more memory or reading and writing files. When system calls are maliciously abused, they can cause a computer to use up all its free memory or even launch an attacker-written program. This dissertation goes over how these attacks work and correspondingly explains popular defense strategies that have been proposed by the security community so far. This dissertation then presents two defense system solutions that demonstrate how a practical defense system could be made. To that end, the full design, implementation, and evaluation of each defense system, named MARDU and BASTION, is presented. This dissertation leverages attack insights as well as compiler techniques to achieve its goal. A compiler is an essential developer tool that converts human written code into a computer program. Moreover, compilers can be used to apply additional optimizations and security hardening techniques to make a program more secure. This dissertation's first defense solution, MARDU, is a runtime randomization defense. MARDU protects programs by randomizing the location of code chunks throughout execution so that attackers cannot find the code pieces they need to create an attack. Notably, MARDU is the first randomization defense that is able to be seamlessly deployed system-wide and is backwards compatible with programs not outfitted with MARDU. This dissertation's second defense solution, BASTION, is a defense system that strictly focuses on protection of system calls in a program. As mentioned earlier, system calls are security critical functions that allow a program to talk a computer operating system. BASTION protects the entire computer by ensuring that every time a system call is called by a user program, it was rightfully requested by the program and not maliciously by an attacker. BASTION verifies this request is legitimate by confirming that the current program state meets a certain set of criteria.

Sustainability and the Circular Economy

Clift, R., Martin, G., Mair, Simon 08 November 2021 (has links)
No / Sustainability is a triad including techno-economic efficiency, compatibility with the “Planetary Boundaries”, and equity - enabling a decent quality of life for all. Circular Economy models often focus only on closing material flows in order to increase economic activity or market share. This overlooks the equity dimension. Here we focus on the Performance Economy, which extends the Circular Economy in ways that can enhance equity. The Performance Economy model concentrates on making best use of stocks in the economy, including labour which is a renewable resource. Extending product life through re-use, remanufacturing and reprocessing and shifting from non-renewable inputs (including energy) to renewable inputs (including labour) can improve resource efficiency and increase the supply of rewarding employment. The Performance Economy requires changes in business practices more than technological innovation, including a different view of the functions of value chains, and can be promoted by different approaches to taxation.

Plastex slöserier : En undersökning i syfte att kartlägga och reducera kostnader relaterade till slöserier på ett företag som tillverkar plastprodukter

Hollström, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
Plastex är ett företag med 20 anställda i Skellefteå som tillverkar strängsprutade plastprodukter. I dagsläget försöker de återanvända och återvinna plaster så mycket de kan, men möter svårigheter i återanvändningen eftersom blandprocessen mellan nytt och återvunnet material är komplicerad. Detta skapar mycket spill som i sin tur kostar företaget onödigt mycket.   Syftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka ifall det finns smidigare och billigare sätt att återanvända och återvinna material, jämfört med hur Plastex gör i dagsläget. Detta genom att först kartlägga produktionen och sedan ta fram förbättringsförslag gällande materialhanteringen. Målet med arbetet har varit att presentera lösningsförslag till Plastex, som eventuellt kan leda till minskade spill och kostnader, och därmed även en effektivare produktion.   Relevant teori togs också fram för att underlätta vid idégenereringen. Teorin användes också för att utvärdera och vidareutveckla de olika idéerna.   Genom arbetet användes den iterativa metoden projektcirkeln och projektspiralen vilket innebar att alla faser skulle genomgås flera gånger. Ett Gantt-schema upprättades också för att få koll på givna deadlines. Olika metoder användes sedan för att samla in relevant information om Plastex, bland annat intervjuer och enkäter. Denna analyserades medan idégenereringen påbörjades, genom bland annat Gordonmetoden, brainstorming, och diskussionsmetoden. Alla idégenereringsmetoder resulterade i ett antal lösningsförslag vilka vidareutvecklades och sedan utvärderades med hjälp av grovsållning, för- och nackdelar, en relativ beslutsmatris, och en kriterieviktmetod. Här användes även kravspecifikationen för att kunna vikta de olika idéerna mot krav och önskemål som ansågs viktiga.   Till sist kvarstod några lösningsförslag som ansågs relevanta att gå vidare med i ett framtida arbete. Plastex rekommenderas utbilda sin personal i hantering av spill och sedan även förenkla sorteringen av detta genom att skapa tydligare markeringar på återvinningskärl. Företaget rekommenderas också köpa in automatiska sugar för att förbättra arbetsförhållandena för de anställda som i dagsläget tvingas tömma spillådorna under stansarna manuellt. Vidare rekommenderas företaget också sträva mot att bli bättre på att ta vara på sina medarbetares kunskaper och idéer, eftersom det är arbetarna som är experter på sina respektive områden och vet vad som fungerar och vad som bör förbättras. / Plastex is a company with 20 employees in Skellefteå, which manufactures extruded plastic products. Today, they are trying to re-use and recycle as much as they can, but they face difficulties in the re-use process since the mixing procedure between new and re-used material is complicated. This creates a lot of waste, which in turn cost the company unnecessary amounts of money.   The purpose with this work has been to examine if there is a smoother and cheaper way to re-use and recycle materials, compared to the way Plastex does today. This by first mapping the production and then create suggestions regarding the material handling. The objective has been to present suggestions to Plastex that may lead to a reduced amount of waste and costs in the future, and therefore also a more effective production.   A search for relevant theory was completed to facilitate the idea generation. The theory was also used to evaluate and further develop the different ideas.   The iterative method called project circle and project spiral was used throughout the project, which meant that each phase was reviewed several times. A Gantt chart was also created to keep track of given deadlines. Different methods were used to gather information about Plastex, including interviews and polls. This was analyzed while the idea generation began, using the Gordon method, brainstorming, and the discussion method to name a few. All idea generation methods resulted in a number of solutions which were further developed and then evaluated with coarse screening, pros and cons, a relative decision matrix, and a criteria-weighted method. A requirement specification was also used to weigh the different ideas against demands and wishes that were considered important.   Finally, there were some solutions that were considered relevant to proceed with in a future work. Plastex is recommended to educate its personnel in waste management and also to simplify the sorting of waste by creating clearer markings on recycling containers. The company is also advised to purchase automatic suction machines to improve the working conditions for the employees who currently have to manually empty the bins under the punches. Furthermore, the company is advised to strive towards being better of taking care and use their employees’ knowledge and ideas, since it is the workers who are experts in their respective areas and know what works and what should be improved.

”Ska vi byta grejer?” … för hållbar utveckling : En enkätstudie om åsikter angående en låne-/bytesverksamhet av material bland verksamma inom förskolan / "Should we change stuff?" ... for a sustainable development : A survey based on opinions regarding a cooperation/ exchange of materials amongst preschools

Christoforidou, Vivi, Olofsson, Pia January 2018 (has links)
Idén till denna studie kom när ett barn talade om att vår planet skulle må bättre om vi återanvände saker. Däri väcktes vår idé om en låne-/bytesplattform mellan förskolor av material som tillfälligt inte används på förskolan. Vår studie har förankrats teoretiskt i läroplansteori samt forskning om utbildning inom hållbar utveckling i barns tidiga levnadsår. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur verksamma inom förskolan förhåller sig till en låne-/bytesplattform, där material som inte används på en förskola återanvänds på en annan förskola, i arbetet för hållbar utveckling. Studien har genomförts i två delar, delstudie I och delstudie II utifrån kvantitativ metodik. Delstudie I omfattade 13 förskolor inom ett förskoleområde och bestod av ett projekt med en epostplattform för utbyte som skulle följas upp i form av en enkät. Delstudie I upphörde efter utebliven aktivitet bland verksamma inom förskoleområdet. Delstudie II genomfördes därefter i form av webbenkät publicerad på Facebook, för att nå ut till olika delar i landet med flera verksamma personer inom förskolan. Resultatet från delstudie II visade att en större del av de 60 respondenterna ansåg att en låne/bytesplattform kunde ha en positiv effekt på den hållbara utvecklingens tre dimensioner dvs. ekonomisk, social och ekologisk hållbarhet. Dels uppfattade respondenterna att låne-/bytesplattformen var miljövänligt och ekonomiskt fördelaktigt men också ett sätt för barnen att skapa förståelse för andra människors livssituationer. Dock visade resultatet från båda delstudierna att olika faktorer kan påverka låne-/bytesplattormens tillämpning på förskolorna. Studien i sin helhet visar att det finns en potential för en låne-/bytesplattform och att den har inverkan på arbetet med hållbar utveckling inom förskolan.

La transparence publique à l'ère de l'Open Data. Etude comparée Italie-France / Public transparency in the age of Open Data. A comparative study of the italian and and french legal systems / La trasparenza pubblica nell ’ era Open Data. Studio comparato Italia - Francia

Mancosu, Giorgio 29 March 2016 (has links)
Les objets, les supports, les sources, la gouvernance, les contenus, les acteurs, les fins et les formes de la transparence publique connaissent à présent une évolution rapide et profonde, qui dépasse les frontières nationales et dépend de l’interaction entre facteurs politiques, technologiques, juridiques et socio-culturels. Cela s’avère notamment lorsque la transparence se prévaut des moyens du paradigme de l’"Open Government Data" et s’inscrit dans les perspectives de la doctrine de l’"Open Government".Ce travail de recherche vise à esquisser les mutations et les axes de progrès de la transparence publique, à l’aune de l’évolution des systèmes juridiques italien et français. On se penchera à titre liminaire sur l’articulation entre les notions de transparence et d’ouverture, afin de cerner les questions juridiques soulevées par l’ouverture des données publiques à des fins de transparence. Ensuite, on parcourra le niveau supranational, à la fois un forum et un lieu d’élaboration des orientations fondamentales en la matière. Une place de choix sera réservée au droit (et à la politique) de l’Union Européenne, dont on examinera les développements les plus récents. Enfin, on analysera les ordres juridiques susmentionnés, qui font à l’heure actuelle de la refonte du droit à l’information publique l’un des chantiers majeurs, dans le cadre de partenariats multi-parties prenantes tels que l’"Open Government Partnership". / Objects, medium, sources, governance, content, actors, purposes and forms of public transparency are experiencing a rapid and profound evolution, which transcends national borders, and depends on the interaction between political, technological, legal and socio-cultural drivers. This happens when transparency exploiting the Open Government Data means and falls under the Open Government framework.Through the Italian and French legal systems, this thesis aims to highlight the recent advancements in public transparency. At first, we will look at the interplay between the concepts of transparency and openness, to identify the legal issues raised by the disclosure of public data. Subsequently, we will turn to the supranational context, which plays a key role in developing guidelines, standards and recommendations. A special place will be reserved to the right (and political) of the European Union. In the second part, we will analyse the above-mentioned legal systems, which are actively engaged in the wider reform of their Public Information Acts, within the framework of multi-stakeholder initiatives, such as the Open Government Partnership.On the whole, we will see how the shift from “transparency through documents” ” to “transparency through data” challenges the public action models.

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