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The graphic language of vernacular literacy primers in West AfricaEade, Frederick Robert January 1993 (has links)
No description available.
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Utilization of Phoneme-Grapheme Relative Frequency Data as an Effective Method of Developing Reading Materials for Navajo StudentsRoberts, Wesley K. 01 May 1972 (has links)
This thesis suggests a new method of developing reading materials for Navajo students. The core of this method is based on phoneme- grapheme relative frequency correspondence data.
A short story was phonetically edited and rewritten using the phoneme-grapheme relative frequency method. This short story was one of the major products of the thesis.
This short story and three other short stories previously phonically rewritten, were presented in both this form and in original text to 38 Navajo students for reading.
Reading speed and reading comprehension were measured for each student on the short stories. The students performed with superior reading speed and with superior reading comprehension on two stories and equal comprehension on two stories. The difference on reading speed was significant at the .01 level. On the two stories with reading comprehension differences, the difference was significant at the .05 level.
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The Relationship of Selected Factors Associated with Middle-class Oriented Reading Materials and the Preferences of Socio-economic Groups for Pictorial Representations and Story ThemesMcEwin, Charles Kenneth 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the preferences of two racial and two socio-economic groups for selected aspects of class-oriented reading materials. This was accomplished by checking each subject's visual perception of pictorial representations typical of both the lower-class and the middle-class, and by checking his preferences of story themes typical of both the middle and lower-classes.
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Läsfrämjande i fritidshemmet : -en kvalitativ studie om hur lärare i fritidshemmet resonerar kring och arbetar läsfrämjande. / Readingpromotion in the Leisure Time Centre : - a qualitative study of how teachers in the LTC reason about and work to promote reading.Berglund, Angelica January 2022 (has links)
På politisk och samhällelig nivå pratas det om de sjunkande resultat elever visar inom läskunnighet och om barns och ungas låga intresse för att läsa. Olika aktörer pekar på fritidshemmet som en arena för att stötta elevers läsning. Syftet med min studie har varit att belysa hur fritidslärare resonerar om begreppet ”läsfrämjande” och deras avsikter med läsfrämjande undervisning samt åskådliggöra hur lärmiljöer organiseras och iscensätts för att verka främjande för elevers lust att delta i sammanhang där läsning ingår. Mina frågeställningar; Hur definierar fritidshemslärarna begreppet läsfrämjande, Varför anser fritidshemslärarna att läsfrämjande insatser är viktiga? samt Hur organiseras och iscensätts fritidshemmets läsfrämjande undervisning och lärmiljö?. Studien har utförts med kvalitativ metod, genom semistrukturella intervjuer och genom observation av lärmiljöer. Till stöd för analysen har teorier om literacy och didaktisk design använts. Studiens resultat visar att fritidshemslärarnas läsfrämjande arbete sker utifrån att de vill väcka elevers lust till läsning och samtidigt ge eleverna goda förutsättningar under skolgång och i livet, men också för avkoppling, fantasi och nöjes skull. Genomförandet skiftar en del, det sker både obligatoriskt och frivilligt genom olika aktiviteter, miljöer och material som erbjuder eleverna tillfällen att utveckla förmågor inom området literacy.
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A Critical Analysis of Two Decades of Fourth Grade Texas State Adopted Readers (1928-1937 and 1938-1947)Lambert, Ruth Cora 08 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study is to make investigation of the reading materials, both basal and supplementary provided for fourth grade pupils in the public schools of Texas for the last twenty years.
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The Use of Easy Reading Materials with Junior High School PupilsAnthony, Eunice Roach 08 1900 (has links)
The problem in this study is to determine the effectiveness of the use of easy reading material in improving the reading ability of retarded students in the junior high school.
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Type de discours et stratégies de lecture sur écran d'ordinateur, livre électronique et support papier. Situation de lecture en Français langue étrangère : le cas des italophones apprenant le français / Types of discourse and reading strategies on computer screens, eBooks and paper. Reading french : the study of a group of italian speakers learning FrenchDei, Stefania 08 April 2011 (has links)
De la peau de l’être humain aux écrans d'ordinateur et d'eBook en passant parl'argile, les papyrus, la peau des animaux et le papier, les supports de l'écrit ont varié etévolué tout au long de ces siècles. Le lecteur a dû s'adapter à cette évolution des supports et,par là, de l'écriture et il a changé sa manière de lire.Avec la diffusion des nouvelles technologies, leur présence incontournable dansnotre quotidien et l'apparition de nouveaux outils comme l'eBook et l'iPad, cette rechercheexploratoire s'est intéressée aux changements de stratégies utilisées par des étudiantsuniversitaires qui lisent en situation d'apprentissage du Français Langue Etrangère surdifférents supports : l'écran d'ordinateur, le livre électronique et le support papier.Les types de discours sont également pris en compte. La nouvelle, qui relève dudiscours du raconter, et l'article d'opinion journalistique, qui relève du discours de l'exposer,ont également influencé les stratégies de reconstruction du sens des textes lus. Pour le recueildes données, les principaux outils d'investigation ont été le questionnaire et l'entretien.L'analyse du corpus a débouché sur l'établissement de figures de lecteurs et la miseen évidence de la manière de lire. Sur le plan didactique, ce travail met l'accent surl'importance de l'enseignement des stratégies en fonction des supports et des types dediscours dans le cadre de l'apprentissage d'une langue étrangère ou non. / From human skin to computer screens and eBooks, with clay, papyrus, animal skinsand paper in between writing materials have varied and evolved throughout the centuries.Readres have had to adapt to this evolution in the materials and the wrinting and they havechanged the way they read.With the wide spread use of new technologies and their omnipresence in our dailylives, the arrival of new tools, such as the eBook or the iPad. This study has sought to explorethe changes in the strategies used by university students learning French as a foreignlanguage. When reading with different reading materials : the computer screen, the eBook orpaper.The types of discourse have also been taken into consideration. The short story andthe newspaper editorial influence the strategies of the reconstruction of the meaning of thetexts that were read. To gather the data, the main tolls of investigation were questionnairesand interviews.The analysis of this data has permitted us to establish readers' types and to showhow they read. This study insists on the importance of teaching strategies that take intoconsideration the materials being used as well as the types of discouse being read, whetherin language learning or not.
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Selecting And Utilizing Recreational Reading Materials For The Middle School ClassroomJones, Danielle N. 05 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Challenges faced by English (as a second language) teachers in primary schools : the case of Mokane, Rethatoleng and Seaseole primary schools in Boteti sub-districtHughes, Virginia Kgosietsile 09 April 2021 (has links)
This study investigated the challenges English (as a second language) teachers face in primary schools. The objectives of the study were to identify particular challenges encountered by teachers of English as a second language to young learners and explore how training and development programmes can support teachers in meeting those challenges, describe the reading policies, where they are in place, of Letlhakane Primary Schools and devise solutions/ recommendations on how to tackle the challenges that teachers face in English reading. The sample for the study was drawn from the teachers serving at government primary schools. A sample of 30 teachers was purposively selected from three (3) primary schools identified as large in Letlhakane. The study adopted the following qualitative data collection strategies: focus group discussion, individual interviews and classroom observations. The findings revealed that there are many challenges that teachers face in teaching reading in the schools observed. Some of the challenges include exceptionally large numbers of children in class, limited time, lack of expertise in the teachers and shortage of materials and resources for teaching reading in English. The study recommends that class size be reduced, reading be made the main subject and timetabled, which will give it more time to be taught, teaching of reading must be introduced and made a compulsory course at all levels in colleges of education for primary school teachers. Teachers should be given regular in-service training in the teaching of reading. The Ministry of Basic Education should supply primary schools with the necessary materials for teaching reading and increase those that have a shortage of such resources. It is also recommended that building of libraries furnished with appropriate readers be done and the use of English as a language of instruction in all subjects except for Setswana should be started as early as in standard/grade 1. Reading policies should also be developed in schools so that teachers know what to do or follow when it comes to the teaching of reading. / Educational Management and Leadership / M. Ed. (Education Management)
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