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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kunskap och känslor i förskollärarens yrkespraktik : En vetenskaplig essä om en resa mellan teoretisk och praktisk kunskap / Knowledge and emotions in preschool teacher's professional practice : A scientific essay about a journey between theoretical and practical knowledge

Jarpe, Jannice January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this scientific essay is to examine the relationship between different forms of knowledge and emotions which can arise in relationships at work in preschool. I use writing as a method for reflection, which creates openings for new perspectives that brings me closer to the core of the dilemma. I start from two different events taken from induction at two different times in my work life and the dilemma is from my own experiences. I state these questions to myself; Which expectations do I have for myself and my colleagues in relation to theoretical perspective and emotions? What role does the collegial interaction when negative emotions arise? What place do emotions have in the activities? How can we use educational theory with practical knowledge so they interact with each other in the work at the preschool? In an attempt to answer these questions I write a discussion on the relationship between emotions and knowledge from different perspectives. In both situations I mention the attachment theory both because it has great significance in connection with induction but also to enforce that theories needs to coexist with other knowledge in the work in preschool. Aristoteles three forms of knowledge, confidence in relationships and the importance of reflection are some of the things I write about in my text. Through this essay I want to show that there are more than theoretical standpoints that makes us professional educators while highlighting that there is not a given truth for how we should do to become and be a professional educator in preschool. / Syftet med denna vetenskapliga essä är att undersöka relationen mellan olika kunskapsformer och känslor som kan uppstå i relationer i arbetet på förskola. Jag använder skrivandet som en metod för reflektion, som skapar öppningar för nya perspektiv vilket för mig närmare kärnan i dilemmat. Jag utgår från två olika händelser tagna ur inskolningen vid olika tidsepoker i mitt yrkesliv och dilemmat är egenupplevt. Jag ställer mig frågor som; Vilka förväntningar har jag  på mig själv och på mina kollegor i relation till teoretiska perspektiv och känslor? Vilken roll spelar det kollegiala samspelet när negativa känslor uppstår? Vilken plats får känslorna ta i verksamheten? Hur kan vi använda pedagogisk teori med den praktiska kunskapen så att de samspelar med varandra i arbetet på förskolan? I ett försök att svara på frågorna för jag i texten en diskussion kring relationen mellan känslor och kunskap utifrån olika perspektiv. I båda situationer nämner jag anknytningsteorin för den har stor betydelse i samband med inskolning men även för att tydliggöra att teorier behöver samspela med andra kunskaper i arbetet i förskolan. Aristoteles tre kunskapsformer, trygghet i relationer samt reflektionens betydelse är några av de saker jag tar upp i min text. Genom denna essä vill jag visa att det finns något mer än teoretiska ställningstaganden som gör oss till professionella pedagoger och samtidigt belysa att det inte finns en given sanning för hur vi ska göra för att bli och vara en professionell pedagog i förskolan.

Optimisation perceptive de la restitution sonore multicanale par une analyse spatio-temporelle des premières réflexions

Deprez, Romain 07 December 2012 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est l'optimisation de la qualité perçue de la reproduction sonore par un système audio multicanal, dans un contexte de salle d'écoute domestique. Les travaux de recherche présentés s'articulent selon deux axes. Le premier concerne l'effet de salle, et plus particulièrement les aspects physiques et perceptifs liés aux premières réflexions d'une salle. Ces éléments sont décrits spécifiquement, et une expérience psychoacoustique a été menée afin d'étendre les données disponibles quant à leur perceptibilité, c'est à dire leur capacité à modifier la perception du son direct, que ce soit en termes de timbre ou de localisation. Les résultats mettent en évidence la dépendance du seuil en fonction du type de stimulus, ainsi que son évolution en fonction de la configuration spatiale de l'onde directe et de la réflexion. Pour une condition donnée, le seuil de perceptibilité est décrit comme une fonction de directivité dépendant de l'incidence de la réflexion.Le deuxième axe de travail concerne les méthodes de correction de l'effet de la salle de reproduction. Les méthodes numériques classiques sont d'abord étudiées. Leur principale lacune réside dans l'absence de prise en compte du rôle spécifique des propriétés temporelles et spatiales des première réflexions. Le travail de thèse se termine par la proposition d'une nouvelle méthode de correction utilisant un algorithme itératif de type FISTA modifié afin de prendre en compte la perceptibilité des réflexions. Le traitement est implémenté dans une représentation où l'information spatiale est analysée sur la base des harmoniques sphériques. / The goal of this Ph. D. thesis is to optimize the perceived quality of multichannel sound reproduction systems, in the context of a domestic listening room. The presented research work have been pursued in two different directions.The first deals with room effet, and more particularly with physical and perceptual aspects of first reflections within a room. These reflections are specifically described, and a psychoacoustical experiment have been carried out in order to extend the available data on their perceptibility, i.e. their potency in altering the perception of the direct sound, whether in its timbral or spatial features. Results exhibit the variation of the threshold depending on the type of stimulus, as well as on the spatial configuration of the direct sound and the reflection. For a given condition, the perceptibility threshold is given as a directivity function depending on the direction of incidence of the reflection.The second topic deals with room correction methods. Firstly, state-of-the art digital methods are investigated. Their main drawback is that they don't consider the specific impact of the temporal and spatial attributes of first reflections. A new correction method is therefore proposed. It uses an iterative algorithm, derivated from the FISTA method, in order to take into account the perceptibility of the reflections. All the processing is carried out in a spatial sound representation, where the spatial properties of the sound are analysed thanks to spherical harmonics.

Transformações geométricas na formação inicial e continuada de professores de Matemática: atividades investigativas envolvendo reflexões por retas e GeoGebra / Geometric transformations in initial and continuing education of mathematics teachers: investigative activities involving reflections in a line and GeoGebra

Azevedo, Herbert Wesley 23 November 2016 (has links)
O estudo das Transformações Geométricas do plano, mais particularmente das reflexões por retas, é recomendado em documentos oficiais que direcionam o ensino em nosso no país. Seu estudo é recomendado, dentre outros motivos, pelo seu grande auxílio na resolução de problemas e também pelas possibilidades de associação com outros assuntos de fundamental importância em Matemática como, por exemplo, a congruência de triângulos. Nestes documentos oficiais que balizam a Educação Básica, também é recomendada a implementação de outras metodologias em sala de aula. Na presente pesquisa, associamos essas duas recomendações ao trabalharmos o tópico reflexão por retas por meio de uma sequência de atividades, baseadas na metodologia da Investigação Matemática. Aplicamos essa sequência a dois grupos de professores de Matemática e a um grupo de estudantes de Licenciatura em Matemática. As produções feitas, por eles, nos cadernos de respostas e no software GeoGebra foram analisadas de acordo com a Teoria das Representações Semióticas, de Raymond Duval. Os resultados apontaram que as atividades investigativas em conjunto com o software auxiliaram na resolução dos problemas propostos. Este trabalho indica mais uma alternativa para os professores abordarem o tema reflexão por retas em suas aulas e esperamos estar, também, contribuindo para a formação inicial e continuada de docentes em Matemática. / The study of Geometric Transformations of the plane and, more particularly, reflections in a line, is recommended in official documents of the education in our country. It is recommended, among other reasons, due to its great help in solving problems and also by the possibilities of association with other matters of fundamental importance in mathematics like, as an example, the congruence of triangles. In those official documents that guide the Basic Education, is also recommended the implementation of other methods in classrooms. In this research, we associate these two recommendations in order to work with reflections in a line through a sequence of activities based on the methodology called Mathematics Investigation. We applied the sequence of activities in two groups of mathematics teachers and a group of undergraduate students in Mathematics. The productions made by them in the notebook answers and in the GeoGebra software were analyzed according to the Theory of Semiotic Representations, developed by Raymond Duval. The results showed that the investigative activities, together with the software, helped partially to solve the proposed problems. This work indicates one more alternative for teachers to address the topic reflections in a line in their classes and we hope to be also contributing to the initial and continued education of mathematics teachers.

Analyse de vitesse par migration itérative : vers une meilleure prise en compte des réflexions multiples / Iterative Migration Velocity Analysis : extension to surface-related multiple reflections

Cocher, Emmanuel 03 March 2017 (has links)
Les expériences de sismique active sont couramment utilisées pour estimer la valeur d'un modèle de vitesse de propagation desondes P dans le sous-sol. Les méthodes dites d'« analyse de vitesse par migration » ont pour but la détermination d'un macro-modèle de vitesse, lisse, et responsable de la cinématique de propagation des ondes. Dans une première étape de « migration », une image de réflectivité est obtenue à partir des données enregistrées en utilisant une première estimation du macro-modèle. Cette image dépend d’un paramètre additionnel permettant dans un second temps d’estimer la qualité du macro-modèle puis de l'améliorer. Les images de réflectivité obtenues par les techniques de migration classiques sont cependant contaminées par des artefacts, altérant la qualité de la remise à jour du macro-modèle. En particulier, elles ne prennent pas en compte les réflexions multiples, habituellement retirées des données avant traitement. Cette étape reste cependant délicate et on se prive alors de l'information supplémentaire contenue dans les multiples.Nous proposons dans cette étude une stratégie d’optimisation imbriquée en itérant l'étape de migration avant de remettre à jour le macro-modèle. La migration itérative produit des images de réflectivité satisfaisantes pour l'analyse de vitesse et s’étend naturellement aux réflexions multiples. Un désavantage de la méthode est son coût de calcul. Un pseudo-inverse de l'opérateur de modélisation est alors utilisé comme préconditionneur pour limiter le nombre d’itérations dans la boucle interne. Une autre difficulté est l'instabilité de la remise à jour du modèle de vitesse calculée pour des modèles de réflectivité successifs proches les uns des autres. Une nouvelle approche plus robustesse est proposée, valide aussi dans le cas de multiples. Son efficacité est testée sur des jeux de données synthétiques 2D. / Active seismic experiments are commonly used to recover a model of the P-wave propagation velocity in the subsurface. “Migration Velocity Analysis” techniques aim at deriving a smooth background velocity model controlling the kinematics of wave propagation. First, a reflectivity image is obtained by “migration” of observed data using a first estimate of the background velocity. This image depends on an additional “subsurface-offset” parameter allowing to assess the quality of the background velocity model with a focusing criterion and to correct it. However classical migration techniques do not provide a sufficiently accurate reflectivity image, leading to inconsistent velocity updates. In particular they do not take into account multiple reflections, usually regarded as noise and removed from the data before processing. Multiple removal is however a difficult step, and additional information contained in multiples is discarded.In this thesis, we propose to determine the reflectivity model by iterative migration before subsequent velocity analysis, leading to a nested optimisation procedure. Iterative migration yields accurate reflectivity image and extends naturally to the case of multiples. One of its disadvantages is the associated increased computational cost. To limit the number of iterations in the innerloop, a preconditioner based on a pseudo-inverse of the modelling operator is introduced. Another difficulty is the instability of the velocity update obtained with very close successive reflectivity models. We propose a modified approach, valid in the presence of multiples, and discussed through applications on 2D synthetic data sets.

Hälsofrämjande faktorer ur barns perspektiv : En intervjustudie med barn i förskola och förskoleklass

Svensson, Linda, Trulsson, Karin January 2019 (has links)
This essay is about children’s voices and their reflection in what causes them Wellbeing duringschool. The aim is also to clarify children’s reflections when they learned something difficult and how they are experiencing support. The theoretical foundation is based on Antonovsky KASAM theory and Scheffs theory with the processing and interpretation toward hermeneutics perspective. This essay is based on a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. The empirical foundation is based on interviews with 7 children in preschool and 6 children from kindergarten. The resultat shows that being with friends and participations with other pupils are important for young children’s prosperous and wellbeing. Result also shows that mathematics and science are subject which pupils found difficulty and leaned on friends for help. Majority of children experience that their teacher listened and were there to help when they needed support.The conclusion is that health-promoting factors from children’s perspective is showing us that feeling safe and being able to participate with other friends promote wellbeing for children.Children who didn´t have any friends or stable friendship also didn´t like school. This study shows that liking school has a connection with meaningful friendship and a feeling off belonging.

Teoria, prática e crenças no ensino: essência e harmonia na formação de professores de espanhol como língua estrangeira / Theory, practice and beliefs in education: essence and harmony in the training of teachers of Spanish as a foreign language

Maciel, Alexandra Sin 04 August 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação é o resultado da pesquisa que realizamos acerca das crenças subjacentes à teoria metodológica e suas relações com a prática, no âmbito do ensino e aprendizagem de língua estrangeira (LE). Partimos dos questionamentos elaborados por nós desde a Licenciatura, como estudante, até o labor atual como professora de espanhol como língua estrangeira (ELE). No que se refere aos objetivos de nossa pesquisa, procuramos: 1) investigar como a teoria relaciona-se à prática docente, 2) averiguar quais são as crenças mais comuns de professores sobre atuação, papel do docente, materiais didáticos e desenvolvimento da aula, 3) analisar como os procedimentos aplicados revelam as crenças a respeito da teoria e da prática. Justificamos a relevância de nosso estudo ao investigar as representações, crenças ou percepções que tanto os professores quanto os alunos criam sobre uma boa atuação pedagógica e os componentes a ela referidos. Consideramos alguns aspectos filosóficos apresentados por Dewey (1959) referentes à importância da reflexão sobre teoria e prática didática, acerca do fundamento teórico-metodológico relacionado à competência comunicativa, abordagens e métodos expostos por Almeida Filho (2005, 2010) e Richards e Rodgers (2001) bem como as crenças no ensino e aprendizagem explanadas por Barcelos (2004, 2006). As contribuições teóricas apontadas por Barcelos e Vieira Abrahão (2006); Cortés Cárdenas, Cárdenas Beltrán e Nieto Cruz (2013); Eres Fernández (2000, 2009); Figueiredo (2012); Sánchez Pérez (1997, 2009); Sánchez Lobato e Santos Gargallo (2004) embasam nosso estudo. Centramos nossa análise nas características qualitativas e adotamos uma perspectiva etnográfica de estudo de caso. Para a pesquisa de campo foram realizadas entrevistas com questões abertas direcionadas às professoras e aos seus alunos na rede pública de ensino, em Centros de Estudos de Línguas do estado de São Paulo (CEL) e também observamos aulas nesse mesmo espaço educacional. As informações coletadas relacionam-se ao contexto em que se insere a pesquisa e a ida a campo teve o intuito de conhecer em que momento(s) a teoria, a prática e as crenças subjacentes dialogam. Os dados obtidos e analisados por nós revelam as competências docentes esperadas no profissional, entre as quais ressaltamos a competência comunicativa que se refere à capacidade de utilizar a LE e de promovê-la nos aprendizes, além da competência pedagógica, que está relacionada ao contexto educativo, aos métodos, às reflexões sobre a atuação docente. As considerações finais ressaltam a importância dos estudos sobre abordagens, métodos, aspectos emocionais, análise de materiais didáticos e em especial a reflexão sobre a atuação didática na formação inicial ou continuada do docente, pois a partir da conscientização é possível melhorar a prática pedagógica, para facilitar o ensino e a aprendizagem. Ao conhecer as crenças no ensino, o professor pode promover uma (re)significação da atuação docente, em busca da formação pedagógica integral. / This dissertation is the result of the research that we have made about the intrinsic beliefs related to the methodological theory and its correlation to the practice, as far as the learning/teaching of a foreign language (FL) is concerned. We have started with enquiries which have been carried on from the time we were finishing our Bachelors Degree up to present as Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) teacher. Concerning the objectives of our research, we have attempted: 1) to investigate how the theory connects to the teaching practice; 2) to verify which are the most common teachers beliefs about their acting, the role of the educators, the didactic materials and the development of the classes; 3) to analyze how the applied procedures reveal these beliefs about the theory and the practice. We justify the relevance of our study through the investigation of representations, beliefs or perceptions that both teachers and students create about a good pedagogical action and its components. We have considered some philosophical aspects presented by Dewey (1959), linked to the importance of the thinking about the theory and the didactical practice, regarding the theoretical - methodological fundaments associated to the communicative competence, approaches and methods exposed by Almeida Filho (2005, 2010) and Richards and Rogers (2001) as well as the teaching/learning beliefs elucidated by Barcelos (2004, 2006). The theoretical contributions pointed by Barcelos and Vieira Abrahão (2006); Cortés Cárdenas, Cárdenas Beltrán and Nieto Cruz (2013); Eres Fernández (2000, 2009); Figueiredo (2012); Sánchez Pérez (1997, 2009); Sánchez Lobato and Santos Gargallo (2004) support our study. Our analysis is centered in qualitative characteristics and we adopted an ethnographic perspective in our case. For the field research were provided interviews with open questions directed to the teachers and their public schools students in the Language Study Centers of the State of São Paulo (CEL), as well as classes observation at the same educational centers. The collected information is related to the context in which the investigation is inserted and the field study had the objective of showing the moment that the theory, the practice and the fundamental beliefs interact. The obtained and analyzed data revealed the educational competences expected to be developed by the teachers, among which we emphasize the communicative competence that refers to the ability of using the FL. We also promote it to the learners, along with a pedagogical aptness that is connected to the educational context and with the methods and the reflection on the educators actions. The final considerations focus the attention on the importance of academic studies about different approaches, methods, emotional aspects and analysis of didactic material. They especially consider the initial and continual formation of the educators, because from their consciousness it is possible to improve the pedagogical practice in order to make the learning/teaching process easier. Being aware of the learning beliefs, the teachers are able to promote a new connotation to their actions, searching for an intrinsic pedagogical formation.

Matriz de massa de ordem elevada, dispersão de velocidades e reflexões espúrias / High order mass matrix, velocity dispersion and spurious wave reflection

Noronha Neto, Celso de Carvalho 16 May 2008 (has links)
O assunto principal deste trabalho é qualificar, quantificar e implementar o comportamento numérico de estruturas discretizadas através do método dos elementos finitos. Serão abordados apenas os elementos lineares unidimensionais dinâmicos, porém a aplicabilidade da formulação proposta pode se estender para elementos bi e tridimensionais lineares dinâmicos. Inicia-se com uma introdução ao tema. Com certo desenvolvimento matemático, pode-se isolar analiticamente a parcela relacionada ao erro numérico. Elevando a ordem do erro de truncamento, obtém-se precisão elevada na resposta numérica. Inspirado no integrador temporal de Newmark, projetam-se elementos que apresentam estabilidade incondicional para os chamados efeitos espúrios. O efeito evanescente é um fenômeno espúrio onde a onda se propaga ao longo da estrutura acompanhada de um amortecimento puramente numérico ao longo do domínio do espaço. Outro efeito analisado é a reflexão espúria. Quando dois elementos adjacentes têm comprimentos diferentes, surge uma onda de reflexão (ou duas, no caso do elemento de viga) na interface deles. Tal onda, também de origem puramente matemática, existe devido à diferença entre as massas e as rigidezes absolutas dos elementos envolvidos, independente do fato de que eles tenham as mesmas características físicas. A relação entre o incremento de tempo e o período de oscilação é convenientemente empregada como principal parâmetro para quantificar a discretização no domínio temporal. No domínio do espaço, a relação empregada é entre o comprimento do elemento e o comprimento de onda. / The main subject of this work is to qualify, quantify and implement the numerical behavior of discrete structures through the finite element method. It will be investigated only the dynamic onedimensional linear elements, but the applicability of the proposed formulation can be extended to the bi and tri-dimensional cases. It begins with an introduction to the theme. With some mathematical development, the related numerical error can be isolated analytically. Once the truncation error is isolate, a high precision numerical response is obtained. Inspired in the Newmark time integrator, unconditionally stable elements for spurious effects are idealized. The evanescent effect is a spurious phenomenon where the wave propagates along the structure subjected to a numerical damping in the spatial domain. Another effect analyzed here is the spurious wave reflection. When two adjacent elements have different lengths, a reflected wave exists (two waves for the beam element) at their interface. This wave, which meaning is purely mathematical, exists due to the difference of their absolute mass and stiffness between the finite elements involved, even when both elements have the same physical properties. The rate between the time increment and the period of oscillation is conveniently employed as the main parameter to quantify the time discretization. In the spatial domain, the used parameter is the relation between the element and the wave length.

Ser na língua do outro: uma investigação heurística do ensino-aprendizagem de FLE / Being in the language of the other: an heuristic research of the FLE teaching-learning

Oliveira, Guiomar Marins Justino de 06 October 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo tem por objetivo analisar as reflexões sobre a prática de ensino, feitas pelo próprio pesquisador enquanto professor de francês, língua estrangeira, em contexto exolíngue de ensino-aprendizagem, por meio da análise de seus relatos de vida ou narrativas (auto)biográficas (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) acompanhados de seus diários de aula. Como forma discursiva, os relatos permitem ao narrador a rememoração e o resgate de experiências vividas; dessa forma, a narrativa apresenta-se, igualmente, como um retrato da situação no momento acontecido, trazendo consigo uma significação social, cheia de descrições e informações sobre um determinado contexto sociocultural e permitindo aos indivíduos, envolvidos no relato ou não, a compreensão do vivido pela perspectiva do narrador. Os relatos aqui trazidos dizem respeito à minha formação docente como um todo. Quanto aos diários de aula, eles concernem as atividades didáticas que realizei nos cursos FLE, FOS, FOU do CFIPOLI- USP. A presente pesquisa se define como uma investigação qualitativa, feita à luz da metodologia de pesquisa heurística de Clark E. Moustakas (1994). O registro de vida e das aulas constituem um espaço de expressão e de elaboração do pensamento do professor, no qual ele se expõe como profissional e pessoa; ao (se) expor, ele explica e interpreta sua ação pedagógica em aula e fora dela. Desta forma, como sujeitonarrador trago questões que influenciaram minhas ações e decisões pedagógicas e complemento os relatos com estudos específicos e analíticos, além de reflexões sobre práticas de aulas apresentadas. Todo esse processo, apenas possível pela ação reflexiva docente, contamina todos os envolvidos gerando um processo consciente e reflexivo também no(s) aluno(s). / The present study aimed to analyze the reflections about the teaching practice performed by the researcher as a French teacher, foreign language, in exolingual context of teaching and learning, by analyzing his life reports or autobiographical narratives (Connelly & Clandinin, 1995; Zabalza, 2002; Souza, 2008; Holly, 2013; Nóvoa, 2013) together with his class diary. As discursive form, the reports allows the narrator the recalling and the rescue of past experiences, thus, the narrative is presented as a picture of the situation from the that moment, bringing with it a social meaning, full of descriptions and information about a certain sociocultural context and allowing the subjects, involved in the report or not, the understanding of moment by the narrator perspective. The reports of this article are about the authors graduation being a teacher as a whole. About the class diary, they report the didactics activities performed in courses of FLE, FOS, FOU of CFI-POLI-USP. The present research is defined as a qualitative investigation, done by the methodology of heuristic research of Clark E. Moustakas (1994). The class and life records constitute a space of expression and development of teachers thought, exposing him professionally and as a person, doing it, the teacher explains and interprets his pedagogical actions inside and outside the class. Thus, as narrator subject, bringing issues that influenced the actions and pedagogical decisions and adding the reports with specific and analytics studies, besides the reflections about the practice of presented classes. All this process, only is possible by the teachers reflective action, contaminates everyone involved promoting a conscious and reflective process for students also.

A escassez de água para abastecimento público e seus reflexos socioeconômicos no município de Itu-SP / The shortage of water for public supplyng and it socioeconomics reflections in the municipality of Itu-SP

Rodrigues, Murilo Rogério 06 October 2008 (has links)
O município de Itu-SP já foi um dos mais importantes da província de São Paulo, sobretudo entre meados do século XIX e início do século XX. Nesta época Itu tinha grande participação na economia do estado com o cultivo do café, e na vida política do país, pois foi nele que se deu a convenção republicana de 1873. Porém, da metade do século XX em diante, o município passou a enfrentar diversos problemas internos o que atrapalhou o seu desenvolvimento, e acarretou numa diminuição significativa de importância no cenário estadual e nacional. Um desses problemas foi a escassez de água para abastecimento público ao longo de séculos, mas que se intensificou durante o século passado trazendo prejuízos em diversos setores. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar esta problemática, seus reflexos para o município e para população ituana ao longo das últimas décadas. Os resultados obtidos e aqui apresentados permitiram-nos conhecer a atual situação dos recursos hídricos e do serviço de abastecimento público de água municipal. Revelaram também características peculiares, mostraram a relação existente entre o problema do abastecimento público de água e o quadro socioeconômico ituano como, por exemplo, um aumento dos gastos com saúde e uma menor produção industrial em anos de racionamento. / The municipality of Itu-SP was already one of the most important districts of São Paulo province, above all between the nineteenth century and the turn of the twentieth century. At this time Itu had great participation in the state economy with the coffee cultivation, and the political life of the country, because it was in Itu that the republican convention of 1873 took place. However, from the mid twentieth century on, the municipality started facing several internal problems that hindered its development, and it brought about a significant decrease of importance in the state and national scenery. One of these problems was the water shortage for public supply along centuries, which was intensified during the last century resulting losses in several sectors. This case study had the objective to analyze this problem, its reflections on the municipality and on Itu population along the last decades. The obtained results and presented here allowed us to know todays situation of the hydric resources and the municipal water supply public service. They also revealed peculiar characteristics, they showed the existent relationship between the problem of the public water supply and Itus socioeconomic picture such as, for instance, an increase in health expenses and a smaller industrial production in years of rationing.

Matriz de massa de ordem elevada, dispersão de velocidades e reflexões espúrias / High order mass matrix, velocity dispersion and spurious wave reflection

Celso de Carvalho Noronha Neto 16 May 2008 (has links)
O assunto principal deste trabalho é qualificar, quantificar e implementar o comportamento numérico de estruturas discretizadas através do método dos elementos finitos. Serão abordados apenas os elementos lineares unidimensionais dinâmicos, porém a aplicabilidade da formulação proposta pode se estender para elementos bi e tridimensionais lineares dinâmicos. Inicia-se com uma introdução ao tema. Com certo desenvolvimento matemático, pode-se isolar analiticamente a parcela relacionada ao erro numérico. Elevando a ordem do erro de truncamento, obtém-se precisão elevada na resposta numérica. Inspirado no integrador temporal de Newmark, projetam-se elementos que apresentam estabilidade incondicional para os chamados efeitos espúrios. O efeito evanescente é um fenômeno espúrio onde a onda se propaga ao longo da estrutura acompanhada de um amortecimento puramente numérico ao longo do domínio do espaço. Outro efeito analisado é a reflexão espúria. Quando dois elementos adjacentes têm comprimentos diferentes, surge uma onda de reflexão (ou duas, no caso do elemento de viga) na interface deles. Tal onda, também de origem puramente matemática, existe devido à diferença entre as massas e as rigidezes absolutas dos elementos envolvidos, independente do fato de que eles tenham as mesmas características físicas. A relação entre o incremento de tempo e o período de oscilação é convenientemente empregada como principal parâmetro para quantificar a discretização no domínio temporal. No domínio do espaço, a relação empregada é entre o comprimento do elemento e o comprimento de onda. / The main subject of this work is to qualify, quantify and implement the numerical behavior of discrete structures through the finite element method. It will be investigated only the dynamic onedimensional linear elements, but the applicability of the proposed formulation can be extended to the bi and tri-dimensional cases. It begins with an introduction to the theme. With some mathematical development, the related numerical error can be isolated analytically. Once the truncation error is isolate, a high precision numerical response is obtained. Inspired in the Newmark time integrator, unconditionally stable elements for spurious effects are idealized. The evanescent effect is a spurious phenomenon where the wave propagates along the structure subjected to a numerical damping in the spatial domain. Another effect analyzed here is the spurious wave reflection. When two adjacent elements have different lengths, a reflected wave exists (two waves for the beam element) at their interface. This wave, which meaning is purely mathematical, exists due to the difference of their absolute mass and stiffness between the finite elements involved, even when both elements have the same physical properties. The rate between the time increment and the period of oscillation is conveniently employed as the main parameter to quantify the time discretization. In the spatial domain, the used parameter is the relation between the element and the wave length.

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