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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Genová exprese vybraných genů v srdci potkana dlouhodobě adaptovaného na chlad v mírných podmínkách. / Gene expression of selected genes in heart of long-term cold acclimated rat under mild conditions

Marvanová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
Beneficial effect of hardening or cold adaptation for human health has been known for many decades. Beneficial or detrimental effect depends on the regimen and intensity of the adaptation and thus it is very important to pay attention to them. It has been shown in previous studies that cold adaptation of animals at a low temperature 0-4 žC is accompanied by dehydration and the damage of kidneys. As our best knowledge, the effect of mild cold adaptation on the molecular mechanisms in the heart has not been studied until now. The first aim of this study was to set up a new model of cold adaptation without any negative effects on the organism. The second aim was to assess mRNA levels of selected genes related to the important mechanisms associated with energy metabolism and cardio-protective signaling pathways in the left ventricle. Results obtained using the new model for cold adaptation at 102 řC did not show any negative changes in the blood or urine parameters and body fluid balance was maintained. Screening of mRNAs showed that chronic adaptation might affect the phenotype of the heart, transcriptional activity of the antioxidant system and of the pro-apoptotic genes, lowers adrenergic signaling and moderate glucose metabolism in cardiomyocytes. Key words: cold adaptation, heart, gene...

A medicalização no futebol brasileiro: discursos, saberes e práticas (1950-1966) / Medicalization in Brazilian football: discourses, knowledge and practices (1950-1966)

Machado, Tiago Rosa 31 March 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa aborda diferentes manifestações discursivas verificadas em um segmento da imprensa escrita brasileira nos processos de preparação das seleções brasileira ao longo dos anos delimitados pelas Copas do Mundo de 1950 e 1966. Nesse contexto, procuramos perquirir a emergência dos saberes associados à autoridade do médico da CBD e sua determinante correlação na autorização e assentamento de novas expertises acionadas com o intento de maximizar a eficiência atlética dos jogadores de futebol. Procuramos investigar de quais modos se manifestam alguns aspectos relacionados à afamada modernização da gestão inaugurada pela chegada de João Havelange à presidência da CBD, em 1958 e, dessa forma, como se encadeiam permanências e rupturas no âmbito das questões técnicas atinentes ao preparo dos futebolistas. O período aqui enfocado contempla os processos seminais de especialização do condicionamento físico dos jogadores, da submissão dos futebolistas a uma verdadeira plêiade de especialidades médicas, incluindo a preparação psicológica, e, por conseguinte, da afirmação de um regime de economia de poder e controle centrados no corpo dos sujeitos jogadores de futebol / This research deals with the different discursive expressions found in a segment of the Brazilian press during the preparations of the Brazilian national soccer team for the World Cups from 1950 to 1966. In this context, we aimed to investigate the emergence of a discourse of expertise among physicians of the Brazilian Sports Confederation (CBD) and their role in the authorization and implementation of new techniques intended to maximize the athletic efficiency of Brazilian footballers. We explored the ways in which some aspects of this process were related to the famous modernization of football management inaugurated by the arrival of João Havelange to the presidency of the CBD in 1958 and the subsequent consequences for continuities and discontinuities in technical questions related to the athletic preparation of players. During this period, the preparation of players on the national team involved initial specialized physical conditioning and the submission of players to a veritable host of medical specialties, including psychological preparation. As a result, this process contributed to the construction of a regime of power and control centered on the bodies of the footballers

Os limites da liberdade: a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento de crimes políticos durante o regime militar de 1964 (1964-1979) / The limits of liberty: the Supremo Tribunal Federal action in the political crimes judgement during the military regimen (1964-1979)

Swensson Junior, Walter Cruz 26 April 2007 (has links)
Durante o regime militar de 1964, o Supremo Tribunal Federal não atuou de maneira uniforme. Fatores internos e externos interferiram nas decisões do tribunal. Resultantes do enfrentamento entre os militares e os movimentos de oposição; e de contradições internas do STF. As oscilações dessa dinâmica resultaram em momentos de independência de atuação do STF e de expansão e retração dos direitos civis. No trabalho foram analisados os julgamentos de crimes políticos pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) durante o regime militar de 1964. 137 habeas-corpus (HC) interpostos no STF, no período de abril 1964, após o golpe militar até o Ato Institucional nº 5 (AI-5) e 292 recursos ordinários criminais (RCR) impetrados no período de 1964, após o golpe militar, a 1979, antes da anistia. Com a análise dos julgamentos podemos perceber as tensões, as rupturas e o ideário político do Supremo Tribunal Federal / During the military regimen of 1964, the Supremo Tribunal Federal did not act in way uniform. Internal and external factors intervened with the decisions of the court. Resultant external factors of the confrontation between the military and the movements of opposition, and internal factors of the STF. The oscillations of this dynamics resulted at moments of independence of the STF and expansion and retraction of the civil rights. In the work I analyzed the sentences of the politic crimes by Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) during the military regime of 1964. 137 habeas-corpus (HC) petitioned in the STF, in the period of April 1964, after the military coup, until the Institucional Act nº 5 (AI-5) and 292 Recursos Ordinarios Criminais (RCR) petitioned in the STF in the period of 1964, after the military coup, the 1979, before the amnesty. With the analysis of the sentences we can perceive the tensions, the ruptures and the politic conduct of the STF

La médecine du sport chez Galien : corps athlétiques, corps sains, corps malsains / Sport medicine in Galen : athletic, healthy, unhealthy bodies

Felsenheld, Édouard 12 November 2011 (has links)
Galien de Pergame, médecin et philosophe grec du IIe siècle de notre ère, approfondit la critique des athlètes inaugurée à l’époque classique, notamment par Hippocrate, mais la sévérité de son jugement à l’égard des compétiteurs professionnels est compensée par une reconsidération pratique et théorique de la réalité sportive.Le corpus galénique permet en effet de dresser un tableau diagnostique complet des dérèglements sanitaires auxquels s’exposent les sportifs amateurs et, plus encore, les athlètes, dont l’activité et le statut se trouvent ébranlés jusque dans leurs fondements : mauvaise santé, procès généralisé et subversion générique viennent ainsi ternir l’image du sport antique.Toutefois, Galien procède en même temps à une réhabilitation du sport, dont il fait un instrument performant pour garantir le succès de son action et de sa pensée. La réconciliation de l’exercice physique et de la santé représente la première étape d’une revalorisation qui se manifeste également sur le plan théorique, non seulement à l’intérieur de l’argumentation médicale, mais aussi dans les rapprochements que Galien établit entre le sport et sa propre activité de médecin philosophe. / The physician and philosopher Galen of Pergamon (2nd century AC) criticizes athletes, even more strongly than Hippocrates and other intellectuals of the classical period did. But this denunciation is counterbalanced by another point of vue: sport is reappraised in a practical and theoretical way.On the one hand, Galen makes a diagnosis of all disorders that might affect amateur and, most of all, professional athletes. As a consequence, sportsmen involved in competitions are deeply depreciated. Physical activity is considered as producing bad health and, for many other reasons, it is the target of a general condemnation. In particular, the human nature of athletes comes into question.On the other hand, Galen rehabilitates sport as a usefull activity that is beneficial for health and indirectly for the intellect: physical exercise plays a role in the development of the medical argumentation and parallels can be drawn between sport and Galen’s activity both as a physician and as a philosopher.

La citoyenneté dégradée : recherches sur l'infamie à Rome de 312 avant J.-C. à 96 après J.-C. / The degraded citizenship : research on infamy in Rome from 312 BC to 96 AD

Bur, Clément 12 September 2013 (has links)
Ce travail propose une approche globale et diachronique de l'infamie, sur quatre siècles, afin de décloisonner son étude et de la replacer dans son contexte socioculturel. L'infamie désigne la dégradation résultant de l'actualisation par un représentant de la cité d'un mépris jusqu'alors latent. Pour comprendre les fonctions et les modalités de cette formalisation, nous sommes partis d'un catalogue prosopographique duquel découlent les trois parties de notre recherche. Lors de cérémonies de dégradation, l'infamie était actualisée au cas par cas par une instance civique qui appréciait la dignité du citoyen. Ces spectacles du déshonneur favorisaient la diffusion des valeurs de l'aristocratie et la légitimait en rappelant son excellence. À partir du II" siècle av. J.-C., l'infamie connut un phénomène de juridicisation: elle découlait désormais de l'application d'une règle juridique sanctionnant certaines catégories de citoyens. Enfin, l'infamie concernait tous les citoyens, n'était pas contagieuse, et plaçait dans une situation de paria dont il était rare de sortir. La stigmatisation renforçait la cohésion du groupe et redéfinissait son système normatif Sans être un concept juridique unifié, l'infamie avait une unité conceptuelle. Elle affectait le citoyen qui ne se conformait pas au fonctionnement de la société et qui suscitait la défiance parce qu'il avait brisé l'intégrité de sa personne. Elle lui redonnait une place dans la hiérarchie civique en institutionnalisant une sorte d'anti-auctoritas. Rome étant une société d'ordres, l'infamie s'inscrivit toujours dans une perspective de classement des citoyens afin d'organiser leurs rapports entre eux et avec l'État. / This work intends to propose a global and diachronic approach to infamy, from 312 BC to 96 AD, in order to decompartmentalize its study, and put it back in its sociocultural context. Infamy refers to the degradation which results from the fulfilment of some latent contempt by a representative of the city. To understand the functions and the forms of this formalization, we started from a prosopographic catalogue from which the three parts of our research are taken. During the degradation ceremonies, infamy was actualized case by case by a civic authority which gauges the citizen's value. These dishonour shows favoured the spread of the values of aristocracy and, by reminding its excellence, made it legitimate. From the 2nd century BC, infamy experienced a phenomenon of juridicisation : it stemmed now from the application of a legal rule affecting some groups of citizen. Finally, infamy affected all the citizens, was not contagious, and made its target a social outcast. It was rare to get through this. The stigmatisation reinforced the cohesion of the rest of the group and contributed to redefine his normative system. Infamy was not a unified legal concept, but it had a ideational unity. It affected the citizen who did not conform to the society functioning and who aroused distrust because he had broken his personal integrity. It replaced him in the civic hierarchy by institutionalizing a kind of anti-auctoritas. Rome was an order society, infamy always fell within a perspective of ordering citizens so as to organise their relationships between them and with the State.

Em busca do convívio social: o regime semi-aberto no Instituto Penal Oscar Stevenson / In search of the social conviviality: the half-open regimen in the Criminal Institute Oscar Stevenson

Vanessa Costa Neves de Souza 30 September 2010 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo central analisar o Sistema Penitenciário do Estado do Rio de Janeiro a partir do regime semi-aberto, tendo como campo de análise o Instituto Penal Oscar Stevenson, situado em Benfica, no município do Rio de Janeiro, voltado para um público carcerário feminino. Buscou-se verificar, sob o enfoque das presas, a expectativa e possibilidades de retorno ao convívio social; analisar os aspectos jurídico-institucionais referentes ao regime semi-aberto, no que tange a obtenção dos benefícios, junto a Lei de Execução Penal e identificar quais as parcerias que viabilizam a inserção delas no mercado de trabalho. Para a efetivação desse trabalho utilizou-se, preferencialmente os pressupostos teóricos e metodológicos da pesquisa quali-quantitativa, pois foi trabalhado não só no nível da objetividade, mas também no significado das ações e relações humanas, sabendo que a realidade prisional é perpassada por questões de cunho opressor, punitivo, em função de preconizar a segurança. Foram realizados também levantamentos de dados bibliográficos e censitários, bem como entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto aos agentes penitenciários do setor de educação e classificação e principalmente as presas. A análise do material coletado permitiu confirmar as hipóteses da pesquisa: i) que a ausência de oportunidades que garantam às presas os benefícios do regime semi-aberto não se dá por falta de instrumentos legais, mas sim pela burocracia no cadastramento e poucas parcerias de cursos profissionalizantes, empresas privadas que absorvam mão-de-obra das presas do regime semi-aberto; e ii) e que no momento em que as presas ainda estavam no regime fechado, não tiveram oportunidades de se capacitarem e também os vínculos familiares não foram mantidos, com isso dificultando que estas usufruam dos benefícios do regime semi-aberto. E, conseqüentemente, sendo cada vez mais adiado o seu retorno gradativo ao convívio social, através da progressão de regime. / The present work has as objective central office to analyze the Penitentiary System of the State of Rio De Janeiro from the half-open regimen, having as analysis field the Criminal Institute Oscar Stevenson, situated in Benfica, in the city of Rio De Janeiro, come back toward a feminine jail public. One searched to verify, under the approach of the canine tooth, the expectation and possibilities of return to the social conviviality; to analyze the referring legal-institutional aspects to the half-open regimen, in what it refers to the attainment of the benefits, next to Law of Criminal Execution and to identify to which the partnerships that make possible the insertion of them in the work market. For the efetivação of this work it was used, preferential the estimated theoreticians and methodological of the quail-quantitative research, therefore it was worked not alone in the level of the objectivity, but also in the meaning of the actions and relations human beings, knowing that the prison reality is purposed by questions of oppressing matrix, punitive, in function to praise the security. Bibliographical and tax data-collectings had also been carried through, as well as interviews half-structuralized next to the penitentiary agents of the sector of education and classification and mainly the canine tooth. The analysis of the collected material allowed to confirm the hypotheses of the research: i) that the absence of chances that guarantee to the canine tooth the benefits of the half-open regimen not if of the one due to legal instruments, but yes for the bureaucracy in the cadastre and few partnerships of professionalizing courses, private companies who absorb man power of the canine tooth of the half-open regimen; e II) and that at the moment where the canine tooth still was in the closed regimen, they had not had chances of if to enable and the familiar bonds had also not been kept, with this making it difficult that these usufruct of the benefits of the half-open regimen. E, consequently, being each time more postponed its gradual return to the social conviviality, through the regimen progression.

Os limites da liberdade: a atuação do Supremo Tribunal Federal no julgamento de crimes políticos durante o regime militar de 1964 (1964-1979) / The limits of liberty: the Supremo Tribunal Federal action in the political crimes judgement during the military regimen (1964-1979)

Walter Cruz Swensson Junior 26 April 2007 (has links)
Durante o regime militar de 1964, o Supremo Tribunal Federal não atuou de maneira uniforme. Fatores internos e externos interferiram nas decisões do tribunal. Resultantes do enfrentamento entre os militares e os movimentos de oposição; e de contradições internas do STF. As oscilações dessa dinâmica resultaram em momentos de independência de atuação do STF e de expansão e retração dos direitos civis. No trabalho foram analisados os julgamentos de crimes políticos pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) durante o regime militar de 1964. 137 habeas-corpus (HC) interpostos no STF, no período de abril 1964, após o golpe militar até o Ato Institucional nº 5 (AI-5) e 292 recursos ordinários criminais (RCR) impetrados no período de 1964, após o golpe militar, a 1979, antes da anistia. Com a análise dos julgamentos podemos perceber as tensões, as rupturas e o ideário político do Supremo Tribunal Federal / During the military regimen of 1964, the Supremo Tribunal Federal did not act in way uniform. Internal and external factors intervened with the decisions of the court. Resultant external factors of the confrontation between the military and the movements of opposition, and internal factors of the STF. The oscillations of this dynamics resulted at moments of independence of the STF and expansion and retraction of the civil rights. In the work I analyzed the sentences of the politic crimes by Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) during the military regime of 1964. 137 habeas-corpus (HC) petitioned in the STF, in the period of April 1964, after the military coup, until the Institucional Act nº 5 (AI-5) and 292 Recursos Ordinarios Criminais (RCR) petitioned in the STF in the period of 1964, after the military coup, the 1979, before the amnesty. With the analysis of the sentences we can perceive the tensions, the ruptures and the politic conduct of the STF

Avaliação dos efeitos adversos às drogas (minocilina, ofloxacina e clofazimina) do esquema alternativo para tratamento da hanseníase multibacilar

Maia, Marina Valente 30 April 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-22T22:14:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marina Valente Maia.pdf: 5078341 bytes, checksum: 01644b70bc08b473565219d3cfbca193 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-04-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / After introduction of multi-drug therapy (MDT/OMS) there were decline in prevalence coefficients and new cases detections, however, the records of drug resistance and relapse cases are threatening factors against lepra control, therefore, the importance of new alternative schemes and monitoring adverse effects, avoiding abandonment or irregularity to treatment. Objectives: Describe side-effects of multi-drug regimen containing minocycline, ofloxacin and clofazimine in multibacillary (MB) leprosy patients and analyse the clinicalbacteriologic indices. Materials and Methods: A prospective, descriptive and observational study, in multibacillary patients, including intolerance cases of standard MDT and relapse cases, carried out in Alfredo da Matta Foundation, Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil, during april 2010 and january 2012. The side-effects were recorded of every individual patient, filled during the course of alternative treatment. The patients received alternative therapy with daily self-administered doses of 100mg of minocycline, 400 mg of ofloxacin and 50mg of clofazimine and a month supervised dose of 300mg of clofazimine for 06 months, thereafter 18 months of daily self-administered doses of ofloxacin 400mg, clofazimine 50mg and month supervised dose of clofazimine 300mg. Results and Discussions: During research 26 patients were treated, however, of these, only 21 cases were included in this study. The mild and not persistent side-effects occurred in 33,3% of patients. From the 37 side-effects, 45,9% episodes was attributed to ofloxacin, such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, headache and insomnia; 21,6% due to clofazimine, 100% of patients with skin pigmentation; however, no side-effets due to minocycline. Mean duration for the development of adverse effects from the start of therapy was 15,2 days. The media interval of follow-up was 13,7 months and 23,8% of patients completed the 24 months trerapy. All the patients tolerated the drugs well and the adhesion was satisfactory, among 15 patients that completed the first treatment year, 14 took 12 doses at 12 months from alternative regimen. Conclusion: The alternative therapy had a similar feasibility and operational mode from MB/MDT, with safe, well tolerated and good adhesion with no serious events. The side-effects attributed to alternative regimen were comparable to previous studies, however this new three drugs combination indicates the importance of these research results. No drug was stopped unlike others standard MDT studies which had treatment interruption by side-effects. There was significant correlation (p<0,001) between clinical classification and histopatologic diagnosis. At the end of first year, there was clinical improvement and bacteriologic index reduction. Nevertheless, it s necessary a follow-up and new inclusions to guarantee the efficacy and safe for the alternative regimen. / Após introdução do esquema poliquimioterápico padrão (PQT/OMS), houve declínio nos coeficientes de prevalência e detecção de casos novos, entretanto, os registros de resistência medicamentosa e casos de recidiva representam ameaça para o controle da hanseníase, por isso a importância da proposição de novos esquemas alternativos e a necessidade de monitorar seus efeitos adversos, evitando-se casos de abandono ou irregularidade ao tratamento. Objetivos: Descrever os efeitos adversos do esquema terapêutico alternativo, contendo a associação clofazimina, ofloxacina e minociclina, em pacientes com hanseníase multibacilar e análise da evolução clínico-baciloscópica dos pacientes. Materiais e Métodos: Estudo prospectivo, descritivo e observacional, de casos multibacilares, incluindo casos de recidiva da doença ou intolerância à poliquimioterapia padrão, realizado na Fundação Alfredo da Matta, Manaus, Amazonas, Brasil, no período de abril de 2010 e janeiro de 2012. Os efeitos adversos foram registrados em formulários individuais para cada paciente, preenchidos ao longo do tratamento. Os indivíduos receberam o esquema alternativo, composto de doses diárias auto-administradas de 100mg de minociclina, 400mg de ofloxacina e 50mg de clofazimina e dose mensal supervisionada de 300mg de clofazimina por seis meses, seguida de 18 meses de doses diárias autoadministradas de ofloxacina 400mg, clofazimina 50 mg e dose supervisionada mensal de clofazimina 300mg. Resultados: Durante o período foram selecionados 26 pacientes, dos quais 21 foram incluídos no estudo. Efeitos adversos leves e transitórios foram observados em 33,3% dos pacientes. Do total de 37 efeitos secundários, 45,9% foram atribuídos à ofloxacina, como dor abdominal, náuseas, vômitos, cefaléia e insônia; 21,6% associados à clofazimina, com relatos e observação em 100% dos pacientes de hiperpigmentação cutânea; entretanto, nenhum efeito foi relacionado à minociclina, especificamente. O tempo médio de desenvolvimento das reações adversas a partir do início do esquema foi de 15,2 dias. A duração média do acompanhamento dos pacientes foi de 13,7 meses, sendo que 23,8% dos pacientes já concluíram o tratamento em 24 meses. A adesão e regularidade ao esquema foram satisfatórias, dos 15 pacientes que já completaram o primeiro ano de tratamento, 14 indivíduos realizaram 12 doses do esquema proposto em 12 meses. Discussão/Conclusão: O esquema alternativo demonstrou viabilidade e operacionalização semelhantes ao esquema PQT/MB, com segurança, boa tolerabilidade e adesão dos pacientes. A porcentagem de efeitos adversos às drogas foi compatível a de outros trabalhos, contudo, a inovação na combinação das três drogas acima, demonstra a importância dos resultados desta pesquisa. Não houve registros de casos graves que indicassem à suspensão ou interrupção do tratamento. Houve correlação significativa (p<0,001) entre a classificação clínica e o diagnóstico histopatológico. Ao fim do primeiro ano do esquema alternativo, os pacientes apresentaram melhora clínica e redução do índice baciloscópico médio. Todavia, há necessidade de acompanhamento dos indivíduos e aumento do número amostral para garantir a eficácia e segurança ao tratamento em longo prazo.

Mesure d'exposition, d'adhérence et d'impact économique réel des antirétroviraux génériques / Measurement of exposure, adherence and real economic impact of generic antiretroviral drugs

Rwagitinywa, Joseph 21 November 2017 (has links)
Depuis la mise à disposition de génériques des médicaments antirétroviraux (ARV), leur utilisation dans les pays en développement a permis de réduire considérablement le coût de la trithérapie antirétrovirale et d'augmenter l'accès au traitement, contribuant à la diminution du nombre de décès liés au VIH et à l'augmentation de l'espérance de vie. Les premiers génériques ARV ont été commercialisés en Europe à partir de 2012. Cela devrait contribuer à une augmentation de la consommation d'ARV en Europe où l'incidence du VIH reste stable depuis dix ans. Cependant leur utilisation en pays développés suscite autant d'intérêt que d'interrogations. Une étude Française a souligné les réticences des médecins à prescrire et des patients à prendre des ARV génériques. Notre premier objectif a été d'estimer le niveau d'exposition aux ARV génériques en vie réelle en France depuis 2013, à partir des données du SNIIRAM, de définir le profil des patients exposés aux génériques versus ceux non-exposés mais susceptibles de l'être et déterminer les facteurs associées à cette exposition. Notre second objectif a été d'évaluer l'adhérence au régime incluant des ARV génériques et de la comparer à celle des patients non exposés aux génériques mais susceptibles de l'être. Enfin, les études de simulations ont estimé d'importantes économies réalisables grâce à la substitution de princeps par les génériques en pays développés. Notre troisième objectif a été de quantifier le niveau de consommation des ARV et les dépenses associées en Europe ces dix dernières années et de déterminer l'impact réel de l'utilisation des ARV génériques sur la réduction des dépenses. / Generic antiretroviral (ARV) drugs use in developing countries has significantly reduced the cost of and increased the access to HIV treatment which contributed to the decrease in HIV related deaths and the increase of life expectancy. WHO recommendations since 2015 suggest that antiretroviral therapy should be initiated upon discovery of HIV status, regardless of immune, virological or clinical status. Since the first generic ARVs were marketed in Europe from 2012, this should contribute to an increase in the consumption of ARVs, particularly in Europe where the incidence of HIV has remained stable for ten years. However, generic ARV drugs use in developed countries arouses as much interest as interrogations. A French study highlighted the reluctance of physicians to prescribe and patients to take generic ARVs. Our first objective was to estimate the level of exposure to generic ARVs in real life in France since their commercialization from the SNIIRAM (Système National d'Information Inter-régimes de l'Assurance Maladie) database, to define the profile of patients exposed to generics versus those likely to be exposed but who were not, and to determine the factors associated with this exposure. Substitution of brands by the available generics may increase the daily number of tablets the patient should take and consequently decrease treatment adherence, however crucial for therapeutic success. Our second objective was to assess adherence to the regimen that incorporate generic ARV drugs and compare it to that of patients likely to be switched to generic ARVs but who were not. Furthermore, simulation studies have estimated large savings due to the substitution of brand ARVs by generics in developed countries. However, this strongly depends on the level of generic use. Our third objective was to quantify the level of consumption of ARV drugs and associated expenditures in Europe over the past decade and to determine the real impact of generic ARVs use on cost reduction. This work provides new data on ARV exposure in the general population, showing the low penetration of generics since they were made available, despite treatment adherence similar to that observed under brand-names. For each study, an innovative methodological approach was developed to use the SNIIRAM databases in this area.

The Effectiveness of a Lunch and Learn Intervention on the Intake of Fruits and Vegetables among Middle School Students

Irven, Bethany January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (Masters) -- The College of Saint Elizabeth, 2010. / Typescript. Available at The College of Saint Elizabeth - Office of Graduate Programs. "March 2010"

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