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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The role of diplomacy in the delivery of regional public goods with specific reference to the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) in southern Africa

Short, Henry William 18 July 2013 (has links)
This study explores the role of a foreign ministry within the context of diplomacy and regional cooperation, focusing on the delivery of regional public goods. Diplomacy is described as a state of mind, an approach to the conduct and/or management of international relations that emphasises the timeous and pacific application of intelligence and tact in the making and implementation of foreign policy. As the custodian of diplomacy and diplomatic practice within a national government, the foreign ministry constitutes the primary grouping of expertise on international matters, responsible for the execution of foreign policy but also involved in the process of foreign policy making. Regional cooperation is defined as an issue-focused arrangement, in terms of which participating states may cooperate for a joint development project and facilitation of exchange of information or best practices. Within the context of regional cooperation, regional public goods are defined as any goods, commodities, services, system of rules or policy regimes that are public in nature, that generate shared benefits for the participating states and whose production is a result of collective action by the participating states. Arguably, the provision of regional public goods is considered the most effective way for regional economic communities to reduce poverty and to develop economies of scale. As an assumption, this study contends that, because of the need for regional public goods agenda-setting and policy prioritising, and based on the utility of diplomacy, the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO) plays a central and catalytic role within the Southern African Development Community (SADC). This assumption is described and analysed at the regional strategic level, specifically related to the responsibility of SADC foreign ministries in terms of the management of regionalisation in Southern Africa; and at the national operational level, emphasising the role of DIRCO vis-à-vis the delivery of regional public goods. At the regional strategic level, it was found that diplomacy serves as an institution of regional relations; as an instrument of regional foreign policy; as an administrative function in SADC, specifically related to the responsibilities of foreign ministries; as an instrument in the formulation of regional foreign policy; and as a dialogue between regional actors. At the national operational level, it is evident that diplomacy serves as an institution in DIRCO‟s management of regional public goods delivery; as an instrument within DIRCO‟s participation in the execution of policies towards regional public goods delivery; as an administrative function within DIRCO; as an instrument in terms of DIRCO‟s role towards the formulation of policies towards regional public goods delivery; and as a dialogue between DIRCO and key regional actors in terms of regional public goods delivery. Due to the urgency and priority accorded to the delivery of regional public goods, DIRCO must consider the establishment of a core capability specialising in the technical competencies related to specific programmes within the delivery of regional public goods. / Dissertation (MDiplomatic Studies)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / Political Sciences / unrestricted

Regionalisierung von Hochwasserscheiteln auf Basis einer gekoppelten Niederschlag-Abfluss-Statistik mit besonderer Beachtung von Extremereignissen

Wagner, Michael 30 March 2012 (has links)
Die Bemessung von Bauwerken an oder in Fließgewässern erfordert die Kenntnis des statistischen Hochwasserregimes. Beispielsweise legen Hochwasserschutzkonzeptionen häufig ein Hochwasser zu Grunde, welches in einem Jahr mit der Wahrscheinlichkeit von 1/100 auftritt. Ein extremeres Hochwasser wird für den Nachweis der Standsicherheit großer Stauanlagen nach DIN 19700-12 mit einem Hochwasser der jährlichen Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit von 1/10000 benötigt. Ein solches Hochwasser kann bereits wegen des instationären Klimas nicht allein aus Durchflussmessdaten abgeleitet, sondern lediglich idealisiert dargestellt werden. Das resultiert nicht zuletzt daraus, dass der Mensch natürlich Zeuge eines so unwahrscheinlichen Ereignisses werden kann. Jedoch kann er die Unwahrscheinlichkeit nicht nachweisen. Jedes Berechnungsschema, mit welchem ein so unwahrscheinliches Ereignis abgeschätzt werden soll, wird nur begrenzt zuverlässig sein. Das Ziel der Arbeit ist es daher, die Schätzung etwas zuverlässiger zu gestalten. Grundsätzlich gilt, dass ein Modell umso mehr bzw. sicherere Ergebnisse liefern kann, je mehr Daten in das Modell eingehen. Direkt mit dem Durchfluss gekoppelt sind Angaben zu historischen Hochwasserereignissen bzw. qualitative Einschätzungen kleinräumiger Ereignisse. Eine wichtige Datenquelle neben den Durchflussartigen ist der mit dem Durchfluss kausal verbundene Niederschlag und dessen zu vermutendes Maximum in einem Gebiet. Wird zusätzlich regional vorgegangen, können räumliche Aspekte und Strukturen in größeren Einzugsgebieten berücksichtigt werden. Diese stärken bzw. erweitern die lokalen Berechnungsgrundlagen und gewährleisten ein räumlich konsistentes Bild. Im Umkehrschluss kann das Durchflussregime regionalisiert werden, um Informationen an nicht bemessenen Orten bereitstellen zu können. Aus den genannten erweiterten Berechnungsgrundlagen lassen sich drei Anknüpfungspunkte schließen: (i) Es muss eine sehr flexible und dennoch plausible Darstellungsmöglichkeit des statistischen Niederschlagsregimes bis zum vermutlichen Maximum formuliert werden. (ii) Das entwickelte Niederschlagsregime muss mit dem Durchflussregime gekoppelt werden, um die Informationen nutzen zu können. (iii) Die anschließende Regionalisierung muss die verschachtelte baumartige Struktur hydrologischer Einzugsgebiete berücksichtigen. Punkt (i) wird durch eine zweigeteilte Verteilungsfunktion gelöst. Damit werden die ideale Darstellung des wahrscheinlicheren Bereiches und der plausible Verlauf bis zum Maximum miteinander verbunden. Bezüglich Punkt (ii) wird ein neues Kopplungsprinzip entwickelt. Dieses basiert auf der Annahme, dass ein je nach Gebiet gültiger maximaler Scheitelabflussbeiwert existiert, welcher asymptotisch erreicht wird. Im Ergebnis erhält die Durchflussverteilung mit der Abflussbeiwertapproximation einen oberen Grenzwert in Abhängigkeit von Niederschlagsmaximum und Scheitelabflussbeiwert. Entsprechend der Vorgaben in Punkt (iii) wird die Referenzpegelmethode entwickelt. Diese basiert darauf, dass ähnliche Einzugsgebiete äquivalente Hochwasserscheitel generieren. Damit können bekannte Hochwasserereignisse eines Referenzpegels auf unbeobachtete Teileinzugsgebiete übertragen werden. Bei der Wahl des Referenzpegels wird u.a. die Topologie der Einzugsgebiete berücksichtigt. Die gesamte Strategie kann auf große Untersuchungsgebiete angewandt werden. Am Beispiel sächsischer Flüsse wird die Vorgehensweise von der Datenhomogenisierung bis hin zum extremen Hochwasserdurchfluss an einem unbeobachteten Querschnitt erläutert. / The dimensioning of different constructions at and in streams respectively requires knowlegde on the flood situation at site. For instance flood protection concepts often base on a peak discharge of the annual recurrence probability of 1/100. A more severe flood of an annual recurrence probability of 1/10000 is used to confirm the stability of large dams following DIN 19700-12. Such a flood cannot be deduced from runoff data only, but rather shown in an idealised way. It results not least on the fact, that human can witness a very improbable flood event. But is it not possible to verify the improbability. Every modelling scheme that is confronted with the deduction of such an extreme flood event will be of limited reliability. The task\'s aim will therefore be to make the estimation more reliable. Generally the more data a model involves the more trustworthy the results will become. Directly coupled with runoff are historical flood data and qualitative details of small scale flood events respectively. Aside runoff information an important data source is precipitation data, which is coupled with runoff data in a causal way, and the possible maximum precipitation. If additionally whole regions are examined it is possible to consider regional facets and structures of larger catchments. These strengthen and expand local modelling basics and provide a regional consistent result. Vice versa the flood regime can be regionalised to gain information at unobserved cross sections. Out of the described expanded modelling basics follow three links: (i) It is necessary to find a flexible but still plausible formulation of the statistical precipitation regime until the probable maximum precipitation. (ii) The formulation of point i) has to be coupled with the flood regime to include these information. (iii) The adjacent regionalisation has to account for the nested and arboreal structure of hydrological catchments. Point (i) will be solved by a split distribution function. That allows the ideal display of the more probable domain as well as the characteristics until the probable maximum. Regarding point (ii) a new principle of coupling will be developed. It bases on the assumption that a regional maximum runoff coefficient exists and it will be gained asymptotically. As a result of the runoff coefficient approximation the runoff distribution function gets an upper limit depending on maximum precipitation and runoff coefficient. Respecting the guidelines in point (iii) the reference gauge method will be developed. It bases upon the fact, that likewise catchments generate equivalent peak discharges. For this reason it is possible to carry known peak discharges of a reference gauge onto unobserved subcatchments. Among other things the choice of a reference gauge accounts for the topology of the catchments. The whole strategy can be applied to large catchments what is exemplarily shown in Saxon streams. Beginning with a data homogenisation to the point of discharges of extreme low exceedance probabilities at unobserved cross sections the whole procedure is shown.

Regional Authority in Cross Border Dynamics. A study of the Öresund Committee’s formal authority between the years 2003-2007

Sjöklint, Mimmi January 2008 (has links)
The Öresund Region is a historical cross border region working over the national borders of Sweden and Denmark. The regional administration, the Öresund Committee, is the only political forum that encompasses the whole region and serves its interests collectively. Not only is it cooperating with the national governments but also has a close relationship with the Nordic Council and especially with the European Union. According to a method developed by Liesbet Hooghe, Gary Marks and Arjan H. Schakel, it is possible to retrieve a Regional Authority Index which mirrors the formal authority of a region. The method is evaluated in accordance to the complications of the Öresund Region’s dual nationality and finds that the Öresund Committee has a rather concealed role with greater indirect impact than it is given credit for. However, in terms of formal authority, the Öresund Committee has a weak position and shares no rule with higher political entities, such as the Danish, Swedish and European central administrations.

Prospects for political integration in Southern Africa

Spies, Yolanda Kemp 06 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines regional integration in Southern Africa and the evolution of SADC. Regional developments are evaluated with the yardsticks of integration theory, against the background of international regionalisation, and in terms of the region's practical record, its rhetoric and future agenda. The extent to which economic integration is progressing, is determined, after which the thesis focuses on political integration within SADC - both de Jure and de facto. Finally, developments within the region are evaluated in light of normative prerequisites for increased political integration. The thesis finds that the integration process in SADC does not fit into traditional integration theory, and concludes that successful economic integration in the region is not necessarily a prerequisite to political integration, but would facilitate it. The research finally concludes that there is evidence of embryonic political integration within SADC, which will wane or grow depending primarily on the political will of its constituents / Political Science / M.A. (Politics)

L'Azerbaïdjan, les hydrocarbures et les pipelines : réseaux sociotechniques et régionalisation / Azerbaïdjan, hydrocarbon resources and pipelines : sociotechnical networks and regionalization

Lussac, Samuel 14 November 2011 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse aux impacts sociopolitiques des gazoducs et des oléoducsmis en oeuvre depuis 1991 au Caucase du Sud. S’appuyant sur un cadre théoriquemêlant principalement sociologie de l’Acteur-Réseau, sociologie éliasienne etapproches managériales, elle postule que la construction d’un système complexe detransport de pétrole et de gaz azerbaïdjanais est révélatrice de l’évolution de laconfiguration sud-caucasienne. Cette thèse étudie tout d’abord les interactions qui senouent autour de la mise en oeuvre des voies d’exportation des hydrocarburesazerbaïdjanais. Elle met en lumière l’émergence de nouvelles formes de régulation, dontla plupart profite à la compagnie pétrolière BP. Elle démontre ensuite comment lesréseaux sociotechniques construits autour de ces nouvelles voies participent d’uneévolution de la configuration sud-caucasienne. Ces réseaux débordent du cadrepurement économique pour aboutir au développement de la régionalisation entrel’Azerbaïdjan, la Géorgie et la Turquie. Cette recherche souligne enfin les gains queretire l’Etat-entreprise azerbaïdjanais de cette régionalisation fondée sur leshydrocarbures. Bakou se sert de ces derniers pour étendre son influence économique etpolitique au sein de la configuration sud-caucasienne. La sociologie de l’Acteur-Réseaunous permet donc de souligner le rôle non seulement économique mais égalementpolitique des hydrocarbures dans la montée en puissance de l’Azerbaïdjan qui, d’Etat enfaillite, est devenu puissance régionale. / This dissertation looks at the socio-political impacts of the pipelines that have beenimplemented in the South Caucasus since 1991. It is based on a theoreticalframework mixing Actor-Network Theory, Norbert Elias’s sociology andmanagement approaches. It assumes that the construction of an Azerbaijanihydrocarbons transportation complex system sheds light into the evolution of theSouth Caucasian configuration. First, this research studies interactions that emergeLUSSAC Samuel | Science Politique | Doctorat | 201114around the implementation of export routes for Azerbaijani oil and gas resources.It highlights the development of new forms of governance, which mostly benefit tothe oil company BP. Second, this dissertation demonstrates that the sociotechnicalnetworks built around these new export routes contribute to the evolution of theSouth Caucasian configuration. These networks overflow the economic sphere tofoster regionalization between Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. Third, thisresearch underlines the benefits the Azerbaijani ‘state-company’ retrieves fromthis hydrocarbons-based regionalization. Baku takes advantage of oil and gasresources to increase its economic and political influence within the SouthCaucasian configuration. Therefore, the Actor-Network Theory helps to shed lightinto the economic and political role of hydrocarbons in the rise of Azerbaijan.From a failed state, this country has now established itself as a regional power.

Les relations extérieures du Parlement écossais : 1999-2007 / The external relations of the Scottish Parliament : 1999-2007

Aliyeva Potier, Elmira 28 June 2013 (has links)
L’action extérieure du Parlement écossais est l’objet de notre étude. D’abord, nous avons identifié la capacité opérationnelle de cette institution au sein du système institutionnel britannique, sur la scène communautaire et dans les échanges internationaux. Puis, nous avons détecté les facteurs structurant cette action. Selon notre étude, trois pôles prennent forme dans l’action parlementaire tels que les îles Britanniques, l’Europe qui couvre l’espace géographique européen, l’environnement institutionnel communautaire. Enfin, le troisième pôle est l’espace hors d’Europe, notamment les pays du Commonwealth et les Etats-Unis d’Amérique. Nous avons également établi une certaine spécialisation des méthodes et des moyens d’action dans les trois pôles évoqués. / The focus of my dissertation is the external action of the Scottish Parliament. My study identifies the operational capacity of this institution within the British institutional system, on the European Union arena and in international relations. I have identified the factors structuring the parliamentary action that shaped three poles such as the British Isles, Europe and outside the geographic European space. The pole of Europe covers both Continental Europe and the EC institutional environment. I have also identified the specialisation of methods and tools of action within the above mentioned poles

Predictive Modelling of Aquatic Ecosystems at Different Scales using Mass Balances and GIS

Gyllenhammar, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents models applicable for aquatic ecosystems. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) form an important part of the thesis. The dynamic mass balance models focus on nutrient fluxes, biotic/abiotic interactions and operate on different temporal and spatial scales (site, local, regional and international). The relevance and role of scale in mass balance modelling is a focal point of the thesis.</p><p>A mesocosm experiment was used to construct a model to estimate the nutrient load of phosphorus and nitrogen from net cage fish farming (i.e., the site scale). The model was used to estimate what feeding conditions that are required for a sustainable aquaculture scenario, i.e., a zero nutrient load situation (a linkage between the site scale and the regional scale). </p><p>A dynamic model was constructed for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sedimentation in coastal areas (i.e., the local scale) with different morphometric characteristics and distances to the Sea. The results demonstrate that the conditions in the Sea (the regional and international scale) are of fundamental importance, also for the most enclosed coastal areas.</p><p>A foodweb model for lakes was transformed and recalibrated for Baltic Sea conditions (i.e., the international scale). The model also includes a mass balance model for phosphorus and accounts for key environmental factors that regulate the presuppositions for production and biomasses of key functional groups of organisms. The potential use of the new model for setting fish quotas of cod was examined.</p><p>For the intermittent (i.e., regional) scale, topographically complex areas can be difficult to define and model. Therefore, an attempt was made to construct a waterscape subbasin identification program (WASUBI). The method was tested for the Finnish Archipelago Sea and the Okavango Delta in Botswana. A comparison to results from a semi-random delineation method showed that more enclosed basins was created with the WASUBI method.</p>

Predictive Modelling of Aquatic Ecosystems at Different Scales using Mass Balances and GIS

Gyllenhammar, Andreas January 2004 (has links)
This thesis presents models applicable for aquatic ecosystems. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) form an important part of the thesis. The dynamic mass balance models focus on nutrient fluxes, biotic/abiotic interactions and operate on different temporal and spatial scales (site, local, regional and international). The relevance and role of scale in mass balance modelling is a focal point of the thesis. A mesocosm experiment was used to construct a model to estimate the nutrient load of phosphorus and nitrogen from net cage fish farming (i.e., the site scale). The model was used to estimate what feeding conditions that are required for a sustainable aquaculture scenario, i.e., a zero nutrient load situation (a linkage between the site scale and the regional scale). A dynamic model was constructed for suspended particulate matter (SPM) and sedimentation in coastal areas (i.e., the local scale) with different morphometric characteristics and distances to the Sea. The results demonstrate that the conditions in the Sea (the regional and international scale) are of fundamental importance, also for the most enclosed coastal areas. A foodweb model for lakes was transformed and recalibrated for Baltic Sea conditions (i.e., the international scale). The model also includes a mass balance model for phosphorus and accounts for key environmental factors that regulate the presuppositions for production and biomasses of key functional groups of organisms. The potential use of the new model for setting fish quotas of cod was examined. For the intermittent (i.e., regional) scale, topographically complex areas can be difficult to define and model. Therefore, an attempt was made to construct a waterscape subbasin identification program (WASUBI). The method was tested for the Finnish Archipelago Sea and the Okavango Delta in Botswana. A comparison to results from a semi-random delineation method showed that more enclosed basins was created with the WASUBI method.

Improving Runoff Estimation at Ungauged Catchments

Zelelew, Mulugeta January 2012 (has links)
Water infrastructures have been implemented to support the vital activities of human society. The infrastructure developments at the same time have interrupted the natural catchment response characteristics, challenging society to implement effective water resources planning and management strategies. The Telemark area in southern Norway has seen a large number of water infrastructure developments, particularly hydropower, over more than a century. Recent developments in decision support tools for flood control and reservoir operation has raised the need to compute inflows from local catchments, most of which are regulated or have no observed data. This has contributed for the motivation of this PhD thesis work, with an aim of improving runoff estimation at ungauged catchments, and the research results are presented in four manuscript scientific papers.  The inverse distance weighting, inverse distance squared weighting, ordinary kriging, universal kriging and kriging with external drift were applied to analyse precipitation variability and estimate daily precipitation in the study area. The geostatistical based univariate and multivariate map-correlation concepts were applied to analyse and physically understand regional hydrological response patterns. The Sobol variance based sensitivity analysis (VBSA) method was used to investigate the HBV hydrological model parameterization significances on the model response variations and evaluate the model’s reliability as a prediction tool. The HBV hydrological model space transferability into ungauged catchments was also studied.  The analyses results showed that the inverse distance weighting variants are the preferred spatial data interpolation methods in areas where relatively dense precipitation station network can be found.  In mountainous areas and in areas where the precipitation station network is relatively sparse, the kriging variants are the preferred methods. The regional hydrological response correlation analyses suggested that geographic proximity alone cannot explain the entire hydrological response correlations in the study area. Besides, when the multivariate map-correlation analysis was applied, two distinct regional hydrological response patterns - the radial and elliptical-types were identified. The presence of these hydrological response patterns influenced the location of the best-correlated reference streamgauges to the ungauged catchments. As a result, the nearest streamgauge was found the best-correlated in areas where the radial-type hydrological response pattern is the dominant. In area where the elliptical-type hydrological response pattern is the dominant, the nearest reference streamgauge was not necessarily the best-correlated. The VBSA verified that varying up to a minimum of four to six influential HBV model parameters can sufficiently simulate the catchments' responses characteristics when emphasis is given to fit the high flows. Varying up to a minimum of six influential model parameters is necessary to sufficiently simulate the catchments’ responses and maintain the model performance when emphasis is given to fit the low flows. However, varying more than nine out of the fifteen HBV model parameters will not make any significant change on the model performance.  The hydrological model space transfer study indicated that estimation of representative runoff at ungauged catchments cannot be guaranteed by transferring model parameter sets from a single donor catchment. On the other hand, applying the ensemble based model space transferring approach and utilizing model parameter sets from multiple donor catchments improved the model performance at the ungauged catchments. The result also suggested that high model performance can be achieved by integrating model parameter sets from two to six donor catchments. Objectively minimizing the HBV model parametric dimensionality and only sampling the sensitive model parameters, maintained the model performance and limited the model prediction uncertainty.

Centralitet och periferi i det nya Europa : Städer som regionala nav i samarbete och konkurrens / Centrality and Periphery in the New Europe : Cities as Regional Hubs in Cooperation and Competition

Rhen, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>European cities of today are under the challenge to find ways to stay competitive and flourish in a rapidly changing world, where the old patterns of centrality and periphery not necessarily holds true. New and improved communication networks, a changed political geography in Europe, and the globalisation of not only the financial and industrial markets but also to a certain extent the globalisation of people, have all led to great challenges for cities and regions.</p><p>In a changed spatial reality the classic monocentric models are challenged by newer models of urbanisation. The polycentric urban region is one such model which has been used to describe urban regions like the Randstad in the Netherlands and the Rhein-Ruhr region in Germany. Regions which lack the single dominant central city of the monocentric models of old, and instead shows a high degree of more equal-sized and sometimes more specialised cities in regional cooperation. The polycentric urban region is in that aspect a possible model for how other urbanised regions in Europe may act to be able to position themselves as attractive urban regions and regional hubs in the European urban network.</p><p>Polycentric urban regions are not a universal solution, though. For such regions to work there are a number of prerequisites to be filled, something that makes it a possible future for regions like Haute-Normandie in France, where the two cities of Le Havre and Rouen have the possibility to form one urban region and already show signs of heading in that direction, while a region like Dolnośląskie in Poland – where the city of Wrocław is the dominant city in what makes for a more classic monocentric region – has much less opportunity to use a polycentric strategy on the regional level to become competitive. On the other hand such a city and region can instead benefit from the fact that Poland is to a high degree a polycentric nation, and as one of the larger cities in such an environment, Wrocław has the opportunity to position itself as a hub in the European urban network in a way that Le Havre and Rouen cannot, due to their physical location close to the giant European urban region of Paris.</p> / <p>Dagens europeiska städer står inför en utmaning att finna sätt att förbli konkurrenskraftiga och framgångsrika i en snabbt föränderlig värld, där de gamla mönstren vad gäller centralitet och periferi inte längre nödvändigtvis gäller. Nya och förbättrade kommunikationsnätverk, en förändrad politisk geografi i Europa, globaliseringen av inte bara de finansiella och industriella systemen, utan även till viss del en globalisering av människorna, har alla lett till stora utmaningar för städer och regioner.</p><p>I en förändrad rumsgeografisk verklighet utmanas de klassiska monocentriska modellerna av nyare urbaniseringsmodeller. Den polycentriska urbana regionen är en sådan modell som har använts för att beskriva urbana regioner som Randstad i Nederländerna och Rhein-Ruhrregionen i Tyskland. Regioner som saknar den ensamt dominierande centrala staden från de klassiska monocentriska modellerna, och istället uppvisar en hög grad av mer jämnstora och ibland mer specialiserade städer i regionalt samarbete. Den polycentriska urbana regionen är mot den bakgrunden en möjlig modell för hur andra urbaniserade regioner i Europa kan agera för att positionera sig själva som attraktiva urbana regioner och regionala nav i det Europeiska urbana nätverket.</p><p>Polycentriska urbana regioner är däremot inte någon universallösning. För att sådana regioner ska fungera krävs att ett antal punkter är uppfyllda, något som gör det till en möjlig framtid för regioner som exempelvis Haute-Normandie i Frankrike, där de två städerna Le Havre och Rouen tillsammans kan bilda en urban region och redan visar tecken på att gå i den riktningen, medan en region som Dolnośląskie i Polen – där staden Wrocław är den dominerande staden i vad som utgör en mer traditionell monocentrisk region – har betydligt mindre möjlighet att använda sig av en polycentrisk strategi på det regionala planet för att bli konkurrenskraftig. Å andra sidan kan en sådan stad och region istället utnyttja det faktum att Polen är en ovanligt polycentrisk stat, och som en av de större städerna i en sådan miljö har Wrocław möjligheten att positionera sig själv som ett nav i det europeiska urbana nätverket på ett sätt som Le Havre och Rouen inte kan, till följd av deras fysiska lokalisering nära den gigantiska europeiska urbaniserade regionen Paris.</p>

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