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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning prerequisites for education for sustainable nutrition: high school students’ human-nature relationship and conceptions of sustainable nutrition / Lernvoraussetzungen für Bildung für nachhaltige Ernährung: Die Mensch-Natur-Beziehung von Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe und ihre Vorstellungen zu nachhaltiger Ernährung

Dornhoff-Grewe, Maximilian 27 April 2021 (has links)
Das derzeitige Lebensmittelsystem gilt als einer der Hauptverursacher zahlreicher globaler Probleme wie dem Klimawandel und dem Rückgang der Biodiversität. Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE), die eine nachhaltige Ernährung bei jungen Menschen fördert, kann wesentlich zur Überwindung dieser Probleme beitragen. Zudem stellt das Thema einer nachhaltige Ernährung einen in höchster Form geeigneten Beispielkontext für BNE dar, weil es so gut wie kaum ein anderes Thema die ökologische, soziale und ökonomische Dimension einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung in einem regional-globalen Bezugsrahmen vereint. Für die Entwicklung geeigneter Lehr-Lernarrangements sollten jedoch die Lernvoraussetzung bezüglich einer Bildung für nachhaltigen Ernährung berücksichtigt werden, welche sowohl die Präkonzepte zum Unterrichtsgegenstand als auch psychologische Faktoren umfassen, die nachhaltige Ernährungsabsichten und Ernährungsverhaltensweisen fördern. Aufgrund ihrer besonderen Bedeutung für die Ausführung umweltfreundlicher Verhaltensweisen, wie eine nachhaltige Ernährung, untersuchte die erste Studie die Mensch-Natur-Beziehung von 2173 deutschen (MAlter = 14,56 Jahre, SD = 1,45; weiblich: 55,1%) und 451 ecuadorianischen (MAlter = 14,63 Jahre, SD = 1,77; weiblich: 55,3%) Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe. Im Speziellen wurde die Rolle ausgesuchter grundlegender menschlicher Werte, des Geschlechts und der in der Natur verbrachten Zeit für die Entwicklung von Naturverbundenheit und Umweltbetroffenheit in den zwei Kulturen beleuchtet. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die ecuadorianischen Schüler*innen naturverbundener als Schüler*innen in Deutschland waren. Darüber hinaus wurden kulturspezifische Unterschiede hinsichtlich der dimensionalen Struktur von Umweltbetroffenheit sowie der Rolle des Geschlechts für die Entwicklung von Naturverbundenheit und biospherisch motivierte Umweltbetroffenheit ermittelt. Die Wertedimension Selbst-Überwindung sowie die in der Natur verbrachte Zeit stellten in beiden Kulturen Determinanten für Naturverbundenheit und biospherisch motivierte Umweltbetroffenheit dar. Mit Blick auf die unterrichtliche Praxis sprechen die Befunde der Studie dafür, dass die Wertedimension Selbst-Überwindung und Zeit in der Natur gefördert werden sollten, um die Mensch-Natur-Beziehung bei Schüler*innen sowohl in Ecuador als auch in Deutschland zu stärken. Die zweite Studie verfolgte das Ziel, Faktoren zu identifizieren, die nachhaltige Ernährungsabsichten und -verhalten bei Jugendlichen vorhersagen. Zu diesem Zweck wurden in einer zweiten quantitativen Studie 624 deutsche Schüler*innen der Sekundarstufe (MAlter = 16,63 Jahre; SD = 1,15; weiblich: 48,2%) hinsichtlich ihrer Intention, sich nachhaltig zu ernähren, zu ihren Ernährungsgewohnheiten (vegetarisch/vegan oder omnivor) und zu mehreren Faktoren befragt, die in früheren Studien im Zusammenhang mit umweltfreundlichen Verhaltensweisen standen. Die Studie identifizierte die wahrgenommene Konsument*inneneffektivität, biospherisch motivierte Umweltbetroffenheit sowie Wissen über nachhaltige Ernährung als Determinanten für die Intention sich nachhaltige zu ernähren und für die Ausführung einer vegetarischen Ernährungsweise, welche ein partielles Beispiel einer nachhaltigen Ernährung darstellt. Während Naturverbundenheit lediglich für die Erklärung von der Intention sich nachhaltige zu ernähren relevant war, sagte die dispositionelle Empathie gegenüber Tieren nur Vegetarismus vorher. Damit gibt die Studie wichtige Hinweise darauf, welche Faktoren bei der Entwicklung didaktischer Konzepte zur Förderung nachhaltiger Ernährungsweisen berücksichtigt werden sollten. Mittels semistrukturierten Einzelinterviews wurden in der dritten Studie die Vorstellungen von 46 deutsche Schüler*innen Sekundarstufe (MAlter = 15,59, SD = 0,78; weiblich = 47,8%;) bezüglich einer nachhaltigen Ernährung erhoben. Dabei wurde ermittelt, wie präsent die Dimensionen einer nachhaltigen Ernährung (Gesundheit, Umwelt, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Kultur) in den Vorstellungen der Schüler*innen sind. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Schüler*innenvorstellungen bezüglich einer nachhaltigen Ernährung von der gesundheitlichen Dimension dominiert wurden. Je mehr Dimensionen die Schüler*innen jedoch in Ihren Vorstellungen berücksichtigten, desto weniger wurde die gesundheitliche Dimension fokussiert und desto stärker war die Dimension Umwelt in den Vorstellungen vertreten. Die Dimensionen Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und besonders Kultur fanden insgesamt wenig Berücksichtigung in den Vorstellungen der Schüler*innen. Darüber hinaus verfügten einige Schüler*innen über alternative Vorstellungen bezüglich des Ausdrucks einer nachhaltigen Ernährung und konnten keine Beziehung zwischen einer nachhaltigen Ernährung und den Dimensionen Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft und Kultur herstellen, was auf eine vorherrschend egozentrische Sichtwiese auf Ernährung hindeutet, die die Grenzen des eigenen Körpers nicht überschritt. Da die Vorstellungen von Schüler*innen bezüglich einer nachhaltigen Ernährung, aber auch psychologische Faktoren, welche eine nachhaltige Ernährung begünstigen, wichtige Lernvoraussetzungen für eine Bildung für nachhaltige Ernährung darstellen, bilden die Ergebnisse die Grundlage für die erfolgreiche Entwicklung von Lehr-Lernarrangements zu dieser Thematik. Vorschläge zur Integration der Ergebnisse in die unterrichtliche Praxis werden gegeben.

Elevers läsmotivation i årskurs F-3 : En kvalitativ intervjustudie kring elevers motivation till läsning utifrån Självbestämmandeteorins tre grundläggande psykologiska behov kompetens, autonomi och tillhörighet.

Kexel, Emelie, Rasmusson, Filippa, Hellstrand, Madléne January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur lärare i årskurs F-3 arbetar med att främja elevernas motivation till läsning. Studien utgår från Självbestämmandeteorin, som är en motivationsteori och som utgjorde studiens teoretiska ramverk. Självbestämmandeteorin grundar sig i tre grundläggande psykologiska behov, autonomi, kompetens och tillhörighet. För att en individ ska uppnå en känsla av motivation, enligt Självbestämmandeteorin, behöver dessa tre behov vara tillgodosedda, därav blev dessa behov utgångspunkt i vår analys. Det empiriska materialet samlades in genom en kvalitativ metod där 12 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med verksamma lärare i årskurs F-3. Intervjuerna bearbetades genom transkriberingar samt en tabell för att slutligen analyseras utifrån analysbegreppen. Studien visar att lärare använder sig av olika strategier på olika sätt för att motivera eleverna till läsning. Lärarnas resonemang kring hur de arbetade med olika strategier visade sig också gynna olika behov på olika sätt och gav oss således svar på våra frågeställningar. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how teachers in grades F-3 motivate their students to read. In our work, we relied on Self Determination Theory, which is a motivational theory and served as our theoretical framework. The Self Determination Theory is based on three fundamental psychological needs - autonomy, competence, and relatedness. According to the theory, in order for an individual to achieve a sense of motivation, these three needs must be fulfilled. Therefore, these needs served as the starting point for our analysis. The empirical data was collected through a qualitative method where 12 semi-structured interviews were conducted with active teachers in grades F-3. The interviews were processed through transcriptions and a table to finally be analyzed based on the analytical concepts. Our study resulted in the finding that teachers utilize different strategies in different ways to motivate students to read. The teachers' reasoning regarding how they worked with different strategies also revealed that they benefited different needs in different ways, thus providing answers to our research questions.

Det påtvingade distansarbetets påverkan på anställdas motivation : En självbestämmandeteoretisk ansats / The impact of forced remote work on employee’s motivation

Andersson, Sandra, Bergström, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
Syfte: Under Covid-19 pandemin som påverkade hela världen behövde alla i Sverige följaregeringens rekommendationer och restriktioner för distansering i hopp om att begränsaspridningen av sjukdomen. Många organisationer behövde då tillämpa att arbete skulle ske pådistans för de anställda. Studier om distansarbete har således blivit mycket aktuella för dagenssamhälle men få studier har gjorts på den svenska marknaden om distansarbete utifrån ettmotivationsperspektiv. Denna studie ser därför i syfte att undersöka hur påtvingatdistansarbete har påverkat anställdas upplevda autonomi, kompetens och samhörighet, vilkamöjligheter till högre motivation som har tillkommit till följd av det påtvingade distansarbetetsamt hur de anställdas psykologiska välmående har påverkats av påtvingat distansarbeteutifrån självbestämmandeteorin. Metod: Denna studie har utförts med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod som bestod av tiosemistrukturerade intervjuer för insamling av data. Varje intervju utfördes via ett digitaltmötesrum och spelades även in. Data har sedan analyserats med en tematisk dataanalys ochredovisats. Urvalet var målstyrt och bestod av tio respondenter som hade arbetat i sin roll påden svenska marknaden i minst ett år och som hade blivit tvingad att arbeta på distans. Resultat och slutsats: Resultaten visar att påtvingat distansarbete påverkar autonomi,kompetens och samhörighet, både positivt och negativt. Undersökningen visar att autonomioch kompetens tillfredsställs i hög grad men att samhörigheten inte uppnås i lika storutsträckning. Resultaten tyder även på att påtvingat distansarbete skapar möjligheter för ökadmotivation samt ökat psykologiskt välmående. Resultaten tyder på att hög motivation ochvälmående kan uppnås genom distansarbetets positiva påverkan på autonomi, kompetens ochsamhörighet. Examensarbetets bidrag: Detta examensarbete förväntades bidra med att minska detforskningsgap som har identifierats med distansarbetets påverkan på motivation utifrånsjälvbestämmandeteorin. Distansarbete är en ny och mycket relevant arbetsform för ett flertalintressenter. En djupare förståelse för hur distansarbetet påverkar de anställdas motivation kanvara värdefull för både organisationer och intressenter inom organisationerna för attförhoppningsvis kunna förbättra, effektivisera och utveckla sina arbetssystem samt deanställda. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Utifrån studiens resultat och begränsningar kan ytterligarestudier utföras. Ett förslag till fortsatt forskning är att studera forskningsområdet inom en endavald bransch för att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur distansarbete påverkar motivationeninom en specifik branschstandard. Ännu ett förslag skulle kunna vara att se forskningsområdetutifrån ett annat teoretiskt perspektiv, exempelvis genom en teori med psykologisk ansats. / Aim: Everyone in Sweden had to follow the government’s recommendations and restrictionsto limit the Covid-19 virus during the pandemic that affected the whole world. Manyorganizations had to enforce remote work for their employees. Studies on remote work havesince become very relevant for today’s society, however, few studies have been executed onthe Swedish market about remote work from a motivational perspective. Therefore, this studysees an interest in investigation how forced remote work has affected the employees’perceived autonomy, competence, and relatedness, what opportunities for higher motivationthere are with forced remote work and how the employees’ psychological well-being has beenaffected by forced remote work based on the self-determination theory. Method: This study has been conducted using a qualitative research method that consisted often semi-structured interviews for data collection. Each interview was conducted via a digitalmeeting room and was also recorded. The data has then been analyzed with a thematic dataanalysis and reported. The sample was targeted and consisted of ten respondents who hadworked in their role in the Swedish market for at least one year and who had been forced towork remotely. Results and conclusions: The results show that forced remote work does affect autonomy,competence, and relatedness, both positively and negatively. The study shows that autonomyand competence are achieved on a high level while relatedness is not achieved as high. Theresults also indicate that forced remote work creates opportunities for increased motivationand better psychological well-being. The results indicate that high motivation and well-beingcan be achieved through the positive impact on autonomy, competence and relatedness thatforced remote work has. Contribution of the thesis: This study has contributed to reducing the research gap that has been identified with the impact of distance work on motivation based on the self-determination theory. Remote work is a new and very relevant configuration of work for several stakeholders. A deeper understanding of how remote work affects employees'motivation can be valuable for both organizations and stakeholders within the organizations tohopefully improve, streamline and develop their work systems and the employees. Suggestions for future research: Based on the results and limitations of the study, furtherstudies can be carried out. A suggestion for further research is to study the research areawithin a single chosen industry to create a deeper understanding of how remote work affectsmotivation within a specific industry standard. Another suggestion could be to see theresearch area from a different theoretical perspective, for example through a theory with apsychological approach.

The Influence of Performance Level and Setting on Collegiate Athletes' Motivational Profiles

Smith, Shareen Brooke 20 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to determine if motivational profiles of individual collegiate team sport athletes differ across ability levels (High, Middle, and Low) and settings (Team Practice, Competition, and Personal Practice). The athletes task and ego disposition, autonomy, and contextual motivation, were assessed using the Perception of Success Questionnaire (POSQ), Sport Climate Questionnaire (SCQ), and Sport Motivational Scale (SMS), pre and postseason. Their anxiety levels and situational motivation were measured using the Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) and the Situational Motivational Scale (SIMS) during the season. The General Causality Orientations Scale (GCOS) was used pre and postseason to assess the strength of different motivational orientations in the coaches and the strength of association to the athletes' various motivational, anxiety and dispositional profiles. Results revealed that the athletes are functioning with high task and ego orientations almost equally across settings. They were also relatively high overall in perceived autonomy support. Anxiety and worry existed in all three settings, but in only low to moderate amounts. In addition, athletes reported higher levels of concentration disruption in competition settings over team or personal practice. Finally, individual athletes experienced significantly higher levels of self-determination behavior in both the competition and personal practice settings over team practice. No significant differences were found between the pre and postseason surveys for either the athletes or the coaches, or in the ability levels (H, M, and L) of the athletes.


JAVIER GUILLOT JIMENEZ 04 November 2021 (has links)
[pt] O problema do relacionamento de entidades refere-se à questão de explorar uma base de conhecimento, representada como um grafo RDF, para descobrir e entender como duas entidades estão conectadas. Esta questão pode ser resolvida implementando-se uma estratégia de busca de caminhos que combina uma medida de similaridade de entidades, um limite para o grau das entidades, e um limite de expansão para reduzir o espaço de busca de caminhos, e uma medida de ranqueamento de caminhos para ordenar os caminhos relevantes entre um determinado par de entidades no grafo RDF. Esta tese inicialmente apresenta um framework, chamado CoEPinKB, juntamente com uma implementação, para experimentar estratégias de busca de caminhos. O framework apresenta como pontos de flexibilização a medida de similaridade entre entidades, o limite máximo do grau das entidades, o limite de expansão, a medida de classificação de caminhos, e a base de conhecimento. Em seguida, a tese apresenta uma avaliação de desempenho de nove estratégias de busca de caminhos usando um benchmark envolvendo dois domínios de entretenimento sobre o OpenLink Virtuoso SPARQL protocol endpoint da DBpedia. Por fim, a tese apresenta o DCoEPinKB, uma versão distribuída do framework baseado em Apache Spark, que suporta a avaliação empírica de estratégias de busca de caminhos, e apresenta uma avaliação de seis estratégias de busca de caminhos em dois domínios de entretenimento sobre dados reais coletados da DBpedia. Os resultados fornecem intuições sobre o desempenho das estratégias de busca de caminhos e sugerem que a implementação do framework, instanciado com o par de medidas de melhor desempenho, pode ser usado, por exemplo, para expandir os resultados dos motores de busca em bases de conhecimento para incluir entidades relacionadas. / [en] The entity relatedness problem refers to the question of exploring a knowledge base, represented as an RDF graph, to discover and understand how two entities are connected. This question can be addressed by implementing a path search strategy that combines an entity similarity measure with an entity degree limit and an expansion limit to reduce the path search space and a path ranking measure to order the relevant paths between a given pair of entities in the RDF graph. This thesis first introduces a framework, called CoEPinKB, together with an implementation, to experiment with path search strategies. The framework features as hot spots the entity similarity measure, the entity degree limit, the expansion limit, the path ranking measure, and the knowledge base. The thesis moves on to present a performance evaluation of nine path search strategies using a benchmark from two entertainment domains over the OpenLink Virtuoso SPARQL protocol endpoint of the DBpedia. The thesis then introduces DCoEPinKB, a distributed version of the framework based on Apache Spark, that supports the empirical evaluation of path search strategies, and presents an evaluation of six path search strategies over two entertainment domains over real-data collected from DBpedia. The results provide insights about the performance of the path search strategies and suggest that the framework implementation, instantiated with the best performing pair of measures, can be used, for example, to expand the results of search engines over knowledge bases to include related entities.

Automatically Acquiring A Semantic Network Of Related Concepts

Szumlanski, Sean 01 January 2013 (has links)
We describe the automatic acquisition of a semantic network in which over 7,500 of the most frequently occurring nouns in the English language are linked to their semantically related concepts in the WordNet noun ontology. Relatedness between nouns is discovered automatically from lexical co-occurrence in Wikipedia texts using a novel adaptation of an information theoretic inspired measure. Our algorithm then capitalizes on salient sense clustering among these semantic associates to automatically disambiguate them to their corresponding WordNet noun senses (i.e., concepts). The resultant concept-to-concept associations, stemming from 7,593 target nouns, with 17,104 distinct senses among them, constitute a large-scale semantic network with 208,832 undirected edges between related concepts. Our work can thus be conceived of as augmenting the WordNet noun ontology with RelatedTo links. The network, which we refer to as the Szumlanski-Gomez Network (SGN), has been subjected to a variety of evaluative measures, including manual inspection by human judges and quantitative comparison to gold standard data for semantic relatedness measurements. We have also evaluated the network’s performance in an applied setting on a word sense disambiguation (WSD) task in which the network served as a knowledge source for established graph-based spreading activation algorithms, and have shown: a) the network is competitive with WordNet when used as a stand-alone knowledge source for WSD, b) combining our network with WordNet achieves disambiguation results that exceed the performance of either resource individually, and c) our network outperforms a similar resource, WordNet++ (Ponzetto & Navigli, 2010), that has been automatically derived from annotations in the Wikipedia corpus. iii Finally, we present a study on human perceptions of relatedness. In our study, we elicited quantitative evaluations of semantic relatedness from human subjects using a variation of the classical methodology that Rubenstein and Goodenough (1965) employed to investigate human perceptions of semantic similarity. Judgments from individual subjects in our study exhibit high average correlation to the elicited relatedness means using leave-one-out sampling (r = 0.77, σ = 0.09, N = 73), although not as high as average human correlation in previous studies of similarity judgments, for which Resnik (1995) established an upper bound of r = 0.90 (σ = 0.07, N = 10). These results suggest that human perceptions of relatedness are less strictly constrained than evaluations of similarity, and establish a clearer expectation for what constitutes human-like performance by a computational measure of semantic relatedness. We also contrast the performance of a variety of similarity and relatedness measures on our dataset to their performance on similarity norms and introduce our own dataset as a supplementary evaluative standard for relatedness measures.

Resiliency in Youth Who Have Been Exposed to Violence

Ghali, Nancy 12 July 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Influence of Food Distribution and Relatedness on the Social Behaviours and Proximities of Free-Roaming Cats (Felis silvestris catus)

Shreve, Kristyn R. 06 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Assessment of Genetic Diversity and Relatedness in an Emerald Ash Borer-Resistant Green Ash Population

Held, Jeremy B. 24 April 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Elevers motivation och emotionella engagemang för interaktiva digitala läromedel i matematikundervisning / Students’ motivation for and emotional engagement to interactive digital textbooks in mathematics education

Bouzina, Habib January 2024 (has links)
Motivation is vital to student learning. Previous research suggests that interactive digital textbooks may enhance students’ motivation in mathematics education. Nevertheless, this claim is not based on motivation theory. According to self-determination theory, the basic psychological needs of autonomy, competence and relatedness must be fulfilled to achieve intrinsic motivation. The present investigation utilizes a 17-item questionnaire to assess high school students’ sense of basic psychological needs when using interactive digital textbooks in mathematics. Moreover, the study investigates the relationship between these needs and emotional engagement, which reflects enjoyment and interest. Among the 74 students invited to participate, 63 returned the questionnaire. The results indicate that students’ senses of autonomy and relatedness were relatively high when using the e-book, whereas the sense of competence was low to moderate. Most notably, the e-book’s reward system only provided a moderate sense of progress. Emotional engagement correlated with autonomy (r=0.71, p<0.001), relatedness (r=0.63, p<0.001) and weakly to competence (r=0.39, p=0.003). The e-book’s reward system did not contribute to the weak association between competence to emotional engagement. The study provides new insights on interactive digital textbooks and motivation, that are based on motivation theory. However, the present sample is small, limiting the result’s generalizability. Larger studies are therefore encouraged to validate and further expand on the results.

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