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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Renal dysfunction associated with infrarenal cross clamping of the aorta during major vascular surgery

Van der Merwe, Wynand Louw 03 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (MD)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Acute renal failure still is, with the exception of cardiac deaths, the most important pathological process associated with perioperative mortality in patients operated for abdominal aortic aneurysms. The intraoperative change in renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular function have been investigated in human and animal models, particularly over the past 15 years. Despite large variation in study populations, measurement techniques and study designs in general, a significant body of evidence has developed which suggests infrarenal aortic clamp-induced renal ischemia to be the cause of postoperative acute renal failure when this complication does occur. It is rather surprizing then that, despite some recent studies which have reported on various pharmacological interventions to prevent intraoperative renal ischemia (with variable success), very little has apparently been done to unravel the pathogenesis and exact pathophysiology of this potentially lethal complication. Although a number of investigators suggest the possibility of hormonal involvement (particularly reninangiotensin, antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and catecholamines) in the process, the exact role of these mediators have not been explored (or reported) in a structured fashion. In an initial human study, renal hemodynamics and function were measured from the preoperative period, during the intraoperative phase and at least until 4 hours after aortic unclamping. To investigate the possibility of a temporal relationship between renal changes and fluctuations in hormonal concentrations, plasma concentrations of relevant hormones were determined at every sampling period where renal parameters were measured. The decrease in RBF and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) which we demonstrated to coincide with infrarenal aortic cross clamping, is consistent with results previously published. We demonstrated persistence of the impairment of these parameters as long as 4 hours into the postoperative phase; which has previously only been reported for the period until immediately after aortic unclamping with the abdomen still open. The persistence of a depressed GFR until the time of discharge of patients is cause for concern, particularly in patients with compromised renal function prior to surgery. Of the measured hormones with a potential influence on RBF and nephron function, renin was the only mediator where changes in plasma concentrations coincided with the depression of RBF and GFR after aortic cross clamping. The design of our study did not allow us to conclude whether the concomitant increase in angiotensin II was primarily responsible for the change in renal hemodynamics, or whether the raised renin (and angiotensin) levels were stimulated by the decrease in RBF induced by another mechanism. In another patient group, we demonstrated that the combination of mannitol and dopamine provided no protection against the deleterious effects of aortic cross clamping. In fact, the high urine volumes produced under the influence of these agents (which did not correlate with RBF at the corresponding periods), is likely to prompt a false sense of security. Given the lack of any objective benefit afforded by these agents, their use in these clinical circumstances should be discouraged. The animal studies were aimed at elucidation of the exact role of angiotensin in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of the renal changes associated with infrarenal aortic clamping, as well as the interaction of angiotensin with other modulators for which an interactive relationship had been described previously under other experimental and/or clinical circumstances. The first study showed that, although renin (and thus angiotensin) concentrations were high after aortic unclamping, the hormone had no pathogenic or pathophysiological role of significance in the observed renal changes during this period (since blocking angiotensin II activation by the prevention of renin release, or by inhibiting the conversion enzyme, did not prevent a substantial decrease in RBF or GFR during that period). Preventing angiotensin II activation did, however, prevent renal changes during aortic clamping. This beneficial effect did not establish a primary role for angiotensin during that period, since the favourable influence could also (at least partially) be explained by prevention of the permissive influence of angiotensin on other vasoconstrictors and/or other vasodilatory influences of ACE inhibition and [1- blockade which are unrelated to angiotensin. This study did indicate that (at least partially) different mechanisms are responsible for the renal changes seen during aortic clamping, and after aortic unclamping. The second study explored the role of calcium in the renal pathophysiological changes during aortic clamping and after unclamping. The protective influence effected by the administration of a Ca2 + -blocker suggest the dependence of the renal vasoconstrictive and glomerular pathophysiological process( es) on the cellular influx of Ca2 + through voltage-gated channels. It unfortunately provides no definitive insight into the primary instigators of these processes. However, it does offer a clinically useful method of preventing these changes and protecting the kidney against ischemic injury during abdominal aortic surgery. The third component of the animal studies demonstrates the importance of the protective effect of renal prostaglandins during the specific experimental (and probably also the clinical) circumstances. Again, it does not provide definitive information on the mediators responsible for the renal changes, since the deleterious effects of numerous endogenous substances have previously been shown to be counterbalanced by intrarenal synthesis of prostaglandins under various experimental and clinical circumstances. The extent of the pathophysiological and ultrastructural changes which occurred under the influence of a NSAID does, however, suggest that these drugs should not be used under these clinical circumstances. The last component of the study provides evidence that angiotensin only plays a secondary/supplementary role in the renal pathophysiological process even during aortic clamping. This may explain the contradictory evidence regarding the potential beneficial effect of ACE inhibition (on renal hemodynamics and glomerular function) during abdominal aortic surgery (Licker et al. 1996, Colson et al. 1992a). Based on our studies, ACE inhibition can not be supported for this purpose. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Akute nierversaking is met die uitsondering van kardiale sterftes, steeds die belangrikste patologiese proses wat geassosieer is met perioperatiewe mortaliteit in pasiënte wat opereer word vir abdominale aorta aneurismes. Die intraoperatiewe veranderinge in renale bloedvloei (NBV) en glomerulêre funksie is die afgelope 15 jaar ondersoek en gerapporteer in pasiënte- sowel as diere-modelle. Ten spyte van groot variasies in studie-populasies, meettegnieke en ontwerp van studies in die algemeen, dui 'n wesenlike hoeveelheid getuienis daarop dat infrarenale klemming van die aorta renale isgemie induseer, wat die oorsaak is van postoperatiewe akute nierversaking wanneer hierdie komplikasie voorkom. Dit is verbasend dat, ten spyte van sommige onlangse studies wat rapporteer oor 'n verskeidenheid farmakologiese ingrepe om intraoperatiewe renale isgemie te voorkom (met wisselende sukses), baie min oënskynlik gedoen is om die patogenese en die presiese patofisiologie van hierdie potensieel dodelike komplikasie te ontrafel. Hoewel verskeie outeurs die moontlikheid van hormonale betrokkenheid (veral renienangiotensien, antidiuretiese hormoon en katekolamiene) in hierdie proses suggereer, is die presiese rol van hierdie mediators nog nie op 'n gestruktureerde wyse ondersoek (of rapporteer) nie. In ons aanvanklike pasiënte-studie is renale hemodinamika en -funksie gemeet vanaf die preoperatiewe periode, gedurende die intra-operatiewe fase en tot minstens vier uur na ontklemming van die aorta. Serumkonsentrasies van relevante hormone is bepaal tydens elke metingsperiode waar renale parameters gemeet is, ten einde die moontlikheid van 'n temporale verwantskap tussen renale veranderinge en variasies in hormoonkonsentrasies te ondersoek. Die vermindering in NBV en glomerulêre filtrasiespoed (GFS) wat ons aangetoon het om saam te val met infrarenale aortaklemming, stem ooreen met resultate wat tevore deur ander navorsers publiseer is. Ons het aangetoon dat die inkorting van hierdie parameters voortduur tot minstens vier uur na aorta-ontklemming. Hierdie veranderinge is tevore slegs rapporteer vir periodes tot kort na aorta-ontklemming voor sluiting van die buikwond. Die feit dat die GFS steeds verlaag is met ontslag van hierdie pasiënte, skep rede tot kommer, veral in pasiënte wat alreeds ingekorte nierfunksie het voor die chirurgiese prosedure. Van die gemete hormone wat moontlik 'n invloed sou kon uitoefen op NBV eh nefronfunksie, was renien die enigste waarvan verandering in plasmakonsentrasies saamgeval het met die onderdrukking van NBV en GFS na aortaklemming. Die ontwerp van ons studie het ons nie toegelaat om 'n besliste uitspraak te maak of die geassosieerde verhoging in angiotensien II primêr verantwoordelik was vir die verandering in renale hemodinamika, of dat die verhoogde renien (en angiotensien) bloedvlakke moontlik sekondêr stimuleer is deur die verandering in NBV wat deur 'n ander meganisme induseer is. In 'n ander pasiëntegroep het ons aangetoon dat die kombinasie van mannitol en dopamien geen beskerming verleen het teen die nadelige effekte van aorta-klemming nie. Die groot volumes uriene wat uitgeskei is onder die invloed van hierdie middels (wat nie korreleer het met NBV tydens ooreenstemmende periodes nie), het inderwaarheid 'n ontoepaslike gerustheid uitgelok. Weens die ooglopende gebrek aan objektiewe voordeel wat verleen word deur hierdie middels, behoort hulle gebruik tydens hierdie kliniese omstandighede ontmoedig te word. Die doel van die diere studies was die identifisering van die presiese rol van angiotensien in die patogenese en patofisiologie van die renale veranderinge geassosieer met infrarenale aortaklemming, sowel as die interaksie van angiotensien met ander modulators waarvoor 'n interaktiewe verwantskap voorheen beskryf is onder eksperimentele en/of kliniese omstandighede. Die eerste studie het getoon dat alhoewel renien (en dus angiotensien) konsentrasies hoog was na aorta-ontklemming, die hormone geen betekenisvolle patogenetiese of patofisiologiese rol in die waargenome renale veranderinge gedurende hierdie periode het nie (aangesien blokkade van angiotensien aktivering deur voorkoming van renien vrystelling, of deur inhibisie van angiotensien omsettingsensiem (AOE), nie 'n daling in NBV of GFS kon voorkom nie). Voorkoming van angiotensien II aktivering het egter wel renale verandering voorkom gedurende aortaklemming. Dié voordelige effek het nie 'n primêre rol vir angiotensien gedurende die periode bevestig nie, aangesien die gunstige invloed ook (ten minste gedeeltelik) verduidelik kon word deur die voorkoming van die fassiliterende invloed van angiotensien op ander vasokonstriktore en/of ander vasodilator-invloede van die onderdrukking van AOE en ïs-blokkers (wat geen verband het met angiotensien of die blokkade daarvan nie). Die studie het aangetoon dat (ten minste gedeeltelik) verskillende meganismes verantwoordelik is vir renale veranderinge wat gesien is gedurende aortaklemming en na -ontklemming. Die tweede studie het die rol van kalsium in die renale patofisiologiese veranderinge gedurende aortaklemming en na ontklemming ondersoek. Die beskermende invloed wat deur die toediening van Ca2 + -blokkers bewerkstellig is, het bevestig dat die renale vasokonstriktoriese en glomerulêre patofisiologiese prosesse afhanklik is van sellulêre influks van kalsium deur spannings-afhanklike kannale. Dit het ongelukkig geen definitiewe insig verleen ten opsigte van die primêre inisieerders van die proses nie. Dit verskaf nogtans 'n bruikbare kliniese metode om daardie veranderinge te voorkom en die niere teen isgemiese besering gedurende abdominale aorta-chirurgie te beskerm. Die derde komponent van die diere-studies demonstreer die belangrikheid van die beskermende effek van renale prostaglandiene tydens die spesifieke eksperimentele (en waarskynlik ook die kliniese) omstandighede. Weereens gee dit nie definitiewe inligting oor die bemiddelaars wat verantwoordelik is vir die renale veranderinge nie, aangesien die skadelike effekte van verskeie endogene stowwe voorheen aangetoon is om beperk of voorkom te word deur die intrarenale vrystelling van prostaglandiene. Die omvang van die patofisiologiese en ultrastrukturele veranderinge wat ontstaan het onder die invloed van nie-steroïed anti-inflammatoriese middels (wat gebruik is om prostaglandien sintese te inhibeer), dui aan dat hierdie middels vermy moet word onder soortelyke kliniese omstandighede. Die laaste komponent van die studie verskaf 'n sterk aanduiding dat angiotensien slegs 'n sekondêre/aanvullende rol speel in die renale patofisiologiese proses, selfs gedurende aortaklemming. Dit mag die weersprekende getuienis oor die potensiële voordeel van AOE onderdrukking (op renale hemodinamika en glomerulêre funksie) gedurende abdominale aortachirurgie (Licker et al. 1996, Colson et al. 1992a) verklaar. Gebaseer op ons studies, kan AOE onderdrukking nie ondersteun word vir hierdie doel nie.

An exploratory study on social group work practice for end-stage gerenal failure patients in general hospital setting

Cheung, Sau-yin., 張秀賢. January 1988 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Social Work / Master / Master of Social Work

O impacto social da hemodiálise para classe trabalhadora /

Silva, Márcia Cristina Freitas. January 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Iris Fenner Bertani / Banca: Cléria Maria Lobo Bittar Pucci Bueno / Banca: Fernanda de Oliveira Sarreta / Resumo: As doenças crônicas têm recebido maior atenção dos profissionais nas últimas décadas. Isso se deve ao importante papel desempenhado na morbimortalidade da população mundial e no Brasil. Entre essas doenças, está a insuficiência renal crônica, que se traduz em uma série de mudanças na vida dos trabalhadores e está em evidência na atualidade. Os usuários em diálise encontram-se privados muitas situações e atividades que interferem em sua qualidade de vida, apesar dos avanços tecnológicos da hemodiálise. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo conhecer o impacto social decorrente do processo de hemodiálise na vida dos trabalhadores com insuficiência renal crônica. A metodologia utilizada é a pesquisa exploratória, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com 6 (seis) sujeitos em programa de hemodiálise, de ambos os sexos, na faixa etária de 20 a 45 anos, em período inicial de tratamento. O estudo tem natureza quanti-qualitativa, com dados obtidos pela análise documental e utiliza como base a orientação teórica do materialismo histórico-dialético. Os resultados dão visibilidade às expressões da questão social implicadas no processo de saúde-doença do sujeito em hemodiálise, decifrando a realidade, ampliando o conhecimento no campo de trabalho e suas particularidades, onde o impacto constitui um paradoxo, pois de um lado estão presentes o alívio dos sintomas da doença e a sobrevida e, de outro, a dependência do tratamento, as restrições e os reflexos que afligem a vida do usuário e de sua família, gerados por um sistema econômico que viola os direitos de saúde da classe trabalhadora / Abstract: Chronic diseases have received increased attention of professionals in recent decades. This is due to the important role played in morbi-mortality of the world population and in Brazil. Among these diseases are chronic renal failure, which translates into a series of changes in workers' lives and is in evidence today. Users on dialysis are deprived in many situations and activities that interfere with their quality of life, despite the technological advances of hemodialysis. This study aims to evaluate the social impact of the process of hemodialysis on workers with chronic renal failure. The methodology employed is the exploratory research, using semistructured interviews with 6 (six) patients on hemodialysis, both sexes, aged from 20 to 45 years in the early period of treatment. The study has both quantitative and qualitative elements, with data obtained by the documental analysis and uses as a basis theoretical orientation of the historic- dialectical materialism. The expected results give visibility to expressions of social issues involved in the process of health and illness of the patient in hemodialysis, deciphering the reality, expanding knowledge in the field of work and its peculiarities, where the impact is a paradox, because on one side are presents the symptom relief of the disease and survival and, secondly, the dependence on treatment, restrictions and reflections that affect the user's life and his family, generated by an economic system that violates the rights of health of the working class / Mestre

Influência do Diabetes mellitus e da insuficiência renal crônica em tratamento dialítico na farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica do carvedilol em pacientes hipertensos / Influence of Diabetes mellitus and chronic renal failure on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of carvedilol in hypertensive patients

Silva, Flávia Garcez da 29 August 2008 (has links)
O carvedilol é um fármaco utilizado na terapêutica da hipertensão e da insuficiência cardíaca congestiva. É disponível para uso clínico como racemato e seus enantiômeros apresentam atividade semelhante sobre os receptores 1-adrenérgicos, sendo que o enantiômero S-(-) é mais ativo como antagonista dos receptores adrenérgicos. O presente estudo visa investigar a influência do Diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 2 e da insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) em pacientes em diálise peritoneal ambulatorial contínua (DPAC) na farmacocinética enantiosseletiva e na farmacodinâmica do carvedilol em pacientes hipertensos. Os pacientes hipertensos investigados divididos nos grupos controle (n=8), DM tipo 2 (n=8) e IRC em DPAC (n=6) receberam dose única p.o. de 25 mg de carvedilol racêmico. Os enantiômeros do carvedilol e metabólitos 4-hidroxifenil e O-desmetilcarvedilol foram analisados no sistema LC-MS/MS empregando coluna quiral e fase móvel constituída por mistura de metanol: ácido acético: dietilamina. O método foi linear no intervalo de concentrações de 0,1-100 ng de cada enantiômero do carvedilol/mL de líquido de diálise, 0,2-200 ng de cada enantiômero do carvedilol/mL de plasma, 2,5-2500 ng de cada enantiômero do carvedilol, 4-hidroxifenil e O-desmetilcarvedilol/mL de urina. Os parâmetros farmacocinéticos foram calculados empregando o programa WinNonlin. O teste de Wilcoxon foi usado para avaliar as razões enantioméricas dentro dos grupos e o teste de Mann-Whitney foi utilizado para avaliar as diferença dos parâmetros farmacocinéticos entre os grupos. Na investigação do fenótipo oxidativo tipo metoprolol todos os pacientes incluídos no estudo foram fenotipados como metabolizadores extensivos. Os pacientes investigados com DM tipo 2 comparados com o grupo controle não apresentaram alterações na farmacocinética e farmacodinâmica (PK-PD) do carvedilol. Os pacientes com IRC em DPAC apresentaram valores de clearance (CL/F) dos enantiômeros R-(+) - e S-(-)-carvedilol de 25,17 e 27,89 L/h, respectivamente, sendo significativamente inferiores aos obtidos para os pacientes do grupo controle (76,76 e 142,0 L/h). As razões de AUCR/S foram de 2,27 para os pacientes do grupo controle e de 0,97 para os pacientes com IRC em DPAC. Os pacientes com IRC em DPAC não mostraram enantiosseletividade na farmacocinética do carvedilol em razão do acúmulo plasmático preferencial do enantiômero com atividade -bloqueadora S-(-)-carvedilol. / Carvedilol is used for the treatment of hypertension and congestive heart failure. The drug is available for clinical use as the racemate and its enantiomers exert similar activity on 1-adrenergic receptors, whereas the S-(-) enantiomer is more active as a -adrenergic receptor antagonist. The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of type 2 Diabetes mellitus (DM) and chronic renal failure (CRF) on patients receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) on the enantioselective pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of carvedilol in hypertensive patients. The hypertensive patients were divided into a control (n=8), type 2 DM (n=8) and CRF on CAPD (n=6) group and received a single oral dose of 25 mg racemic carvedilol. The enantiomers of carvedilol and of the metabolites 4-hydroxyphenyl and O-desmethylcarvedilol were analyzed by LC-MS/MS using a chiral column and a mobile phase consisting of a mixture of methanol:acetic acid-diethylamine. The method was linear within the following concentration ranges: 0.1-100 ng of each carvedilol enantiomer/mL dialysis fluid, 0.2-200 ng of each carvedilol enantiomer/mL plasma, and 2.5-2500 ng of each enantiomer of carvedilol, 4-hydroxyphenyl carvedilol and O-desmethyl carvedilol/mL urine. The pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated using the WinNonlin program. Enantiomer ratios within groups were evaluated by the Wilcoxon test and the Mann-Whitney test was used to determine differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters between groups. Determination of the metoprolol type oxidation phenotype showed that all patients included in the study were extensive metabolizers. Patients with type 2 DM presented no changes in the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of carvedilol when compared to the control group. Clearance (CL/F) of the R-(+)- and S-(-)-carvedilol enantiomers was significantly lower in patients with CRF on CAPD (25.17 and 27.89 L/h, respectively) compared to the control group (76.76 and 142.0 L/h). The AUCR/S ratios were 2.27 for control patients and 0.97 for patients with CRF on CAPD. Patients with CRF on CAPD showed no enantioselectivity in the pharmacokinetics of carvedilol due to the preferential plasma accumulation of the enantiomer with -blocker activity, S-(-)-carvedilol.

Efeitos da estratégia da ventilação mecânica na função renal de ratos normais / Effects of mechanical ventilation strategy on renal function in normal rat model

Luque, Alexandre 18 December 2008 (has links)
A ventilação mecânica (VM) tem sido recentemente associada ao desenvolvimento de falências orgânicas distais, como um fator contribuinte para a falência renal em pacientes com trauma e fator de risco para diálise e mortalidade em unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI). A estratégia ventilatória adotada pode influenciar estes efeitos. O objetivo do presente estudo é explorar a hipótese de que a estratégia de ventilação mecânica adotada pode influenciar na função renal. Delineamento: Randomizado, investigação animal experimental. Casuística: Ratos machos Wistar, anestesiados, paralisados e ventilados mecanicamente. Intervenção: Dois grupos com seis animais cada foram randomizados para receberem ventilação mecânica com volume corrente (VT) de 8ml/kg (VT8) ou 27ml/kg (VT27). Os parâmetros ajustados para grupo foram: a) VT 8ml/kg; Freqüência respiratória (FR) 60±7 rpm; pressão positiva expiratória final (PEEP) 3 cmH2O; Pico de pressão inspiratória (Pwap) 11.8±2 cmH2O; Pressão média de vias aéreas (Pawm) 6,33±0,22 e b) VT 27ml/kg; FR 30±5 rpm; PEEP 0 cmH2O; Pwap 22.7±4 cmH2O; Pawm 6,50±0,22. Mensurações e Resultados: O grupo VT27 apresentou redução significativa no clearance de inulina após 60 minutos de VM, indicando insuficiência renal aguda (0.6±0.05 ml/min/100g de peso corporal (PC)), e ainda mais acentuada após 90 minutos de VM (0.45±0.05 ml/min/100g de PC) comparada aos valores basais (0.95±0.07 ml/min/100g de PC), p<0.001. Nenhum dos dois grupos sofreram variações significativas em relação as variáveis hemodinâmicas e gasométricas. Conclusões: Observamos que o ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG) mensurado pelo clearance de inulina é afetado pela estratégia de volume corrente empregado após 60 minutos de VM com 27ml/kg e caindo a valores mais baixo após 90 minutos de VM / Mechanical Ventilation (MV) has been recently associated with development of distal organ failure and it is also a contributor factor for renal failure in trauma patients, and risk factor for dialysis and mortality rate in intensive care unit. The ventilatory strategy adopted might be influenced this effect. The aim of the present study was to explore the hypothesis that mechanical ventilatory strategy may contribute to decreased renal function. Design: Randomized animal laboratory investigation. Subjects: Anesthetized, paralyzed, and mechanically ventilated male Wistar rats. Interventions: Two groups of six rats each were randomized to receive tidal volume of either 8ml/kg or 27 ml/kg. Ventilation strategies for the two groups were as follows: a) 8ml/kg; frequency 60±7 beats/min; positive endexpiratory pressure, 3.0 cm H2O; and peak inspiratory airway pressure (Pawp), 11.8±2 cm H2O; and b) 27ml/kg; frequency 30±5 beats/min; positive end-expiratory pressure, 0 cm H2O; and peak inspiratory airway pressure (Pawp), 22.7±4 cm H2O; Both groups with the same mean airway pressure (Pawm), 6,33±0,21 and 6,5±0,22, respectively. Measurements and main Results: Rats ventilated with high tidal volume (27ml/kg) presented significantly decreased inulin clearance after 60 minutes of mechanical ventilation, indicating acute renal insufficiency (0.6±0.05 ml/min/BW) in comparison with basal values (0.95±0.07 ml/min/BW), p<0.001. We observed decreased in inulin clearance in rats that received high tidal volume, after 60 minutes of ventilation and even more significant at 90 minutes of ventilation (0.45±0.05 ml/min/BW) compared with basal values. No inulin clearance alteration was observed in control ventilation group (0.8±0.05 ml/min/BW basal vs. 0.72±0.03 ml/min/BW 120 min of MV). Conclusion: We concluded that GFR is affected by different strategies of mechanical ventilation, and after 60 minutes of high tidal volume (27ml/kg) ventilation the renal function marked decreased, getting worse after 90 minutes

Alterações clínicas, laboratoriais e eletrocardiográficas em gatos com obstrução uretral / Clinical, laboratorial, and electrocardiographyc abnormalities in cats with urethral obstruction

Horta, Pedro Villela Pedroso 14 July 2006 (has links)
Obstruções uretrais em felinos geralmente são secundárias à doença do trato urinário inferior felino (DTUIF), afecção comum em gatos. A doença pode ser auto-limitante, mas a obstrução uretral leva à parada da função renal, gerando uma série de distúrbios no organismo, que necessitam tratamento imediato. A maioria dos estudos sobre as alterações decorrentes da obstrução foi feito em animais em estado crítico ou experimentalmente. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever as principais alterações observadas em gatos obstruídos atendidos na rotina clínica e correlacioná-las. Foram avaliados 32 gatos machos com obstrução uretral e sem tratamento prévio. A avaliação constou de exame clínico, hemograma, bioquímica sérica (uréia, creatinina, proteína total, ALT, AST, fosfatase alcalina, sódio, potássio, cálcio, fósforo, magnésio, glicemia e lactato), gasometria venosa, exame e cultura de urina e eletrocardiograma (ECG). Os animais foram agrupados conforme o tempo de obstrução (mais e menos de 36 horas). As alterações mais comuns no histórico foram disúria (100% dos animais), disorexia (84,4%), apatia (71,8%), vocalização (68,7%) e oligodipsia (68,7%); no exame físico, desidratação (71,8%), taquipnéia (53,1%) e hipotermia (53,1%). As alterações laboratoriais mais freqüentes foram hipermagnesemia (100%), acidose metabólica (89,6%), hiperglicemia (88,9%), hiperazotemia (84,4%) e hiperpotassemia (80,6%). Vinte por cento dos gatos tinham infecção urinária. Alterações no ECG foram evidenciadas em 39,3% dos casos, sendo a parada atrial com ritmo sinoventricular a mais freqüente. Não houve relação entre as alterações no ECG e os níveis de potássio sérico. A análise dos grupos sugere agravamento da hiperazotemia, hiperpotassemia, hipermagnesemia e do estado geral com a evolução do processo. Nas correlações, a temperatura e a freqüência cardíaca apresentaram relação direta com pH sanguíneo, excesso de base e bicarbonato, e relação inversa com uréia, creatinina, potássio e fósforo. A uréia e creatinina se correlacionaram inversamente com sódio, pH sanguíneo, excesso de base e bicarbonato, e diretamente com potássio e fósforo. O estado geral correlacionou-se com a temperatura, uréia, creatinina, potássio, pH sanguíneo, excesso de base e bicarbonato. / Urethral obstruction is a frequent complication in cats with feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), considered a common disease in cats. Most cases are self-limiting, but the urethral obstruction causes renal failure and metabolic alterations which needs immediate treatment. Previous reports selected cats that were critically ill or had a experimental induction of the disease. The goal of this study was to describe the clinical signs, laboratory and electrocardiographyc abnormalities in cats with urethral obstruction and to correlate these results. Thirty-two male cats with natural urethral obstruction and without previous therapy were studied. Complete blood count, serum chemistry profile (urea, creatinine, plasma protein, alanine transferase, aspartate transferase, alkaline phosphatase, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, glucose and lactate), venous blood gas, urinalysis, urine culture and electrocardiogram (ECG) were performed. Two groups of 16 cats were composed (animals under and over 36 hours of obstruction). The most frequent abnormalities described were dysuria (100%), anorexia (84,4%), lethargy (71,8%), vocalization (68,7%), hypodipsia (68,7%), and dehydration (71,8%), tachypnea (53,1%) and hypothermia (53,1%) in physical evaluation. The laboratorial abnormalities most frequently observed were hypermagnesemia (100%), metabolic acidosis (89,6%), hyperglicemia (88,9%), azotemia (84,4%) and hyperkalemia (80,6%). Twenty per cent of cats had urinary infections. Abnormalities in ECG, such as atrial standstill with sinoventricular rhythm, were seen in 39,3% of cases, and there were no correlation with hyperkalemia. The analyses of the groups suggest worsening of azotemia, hyperkalemia, hypermagnesemia and lethargy with evolution of obstruction. Temperature and heart rate were positively correlated with blood pH, base excess and bicarbonate, and inversely correlated with urea, creatinine, potassium and phosphorus. Lethargy was correlated with temperature, blood pH, base excess and bicarbonate.

Balanço hídrico, injúria renal aguda e mortalidade de pacientes em unidade de terapia intensiva / Fluid balance, acute kidney injury and mortality of intensive care unit patients

Avila, Maria Olinda Nogueira 03 November 2014 (has links)
Injúria renal aguda (IRA) é doença de elevada incidência, associada a altas taxas de morbimortalidade. Sepse, pós-operatório de grandes cirurgias e baixo débito cardíaco são as principais causas de IRA em todo o mundo. Na maioria destas situações, expansão volêmica é parte do manejo preventivo e terapêutico da IRA. Contudo, a manutenção de uma estratégia de infusão liberal de fluidos pode causar balanço hídrico positivo (BH+), que tem sido associado a desfechos desfavoráveis em pacientes criticamente enfermos. BH+ frequentemente ocorre nestes pacientes que recebem grandes infusões de volume, mesmo que apresentem volume urinário considerado satisfatório ou acima de 0,5ml/kg/h. Nesta situação, se não houver elevação da creatinina sérica, não será feito o diagnóstico de IRA pelos critérios do Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO), ainda que haja claro déficit na eliminação da sobrecarga hidrossalina. Este estudo observacional prospectivo, com controle pareado por dias de exposição ao BH+ avaliou a associação entre BH+ e diagnóstico subsequente de IRA (pelos critérios do KDIGO) e mortalidade em 233 pacientes admitidos em uma unidade de terapia intensiva (UTI) geral. Observamos por análise de regressão logística que cada 100 ml de aumento no BH se associou a elevação de 4% na chance de desenvolver IRA (OR 1,04; IC 95% 1,01 a 1,08). Comparado ao primeiro quartil de BH médio, o quarto quartil de BH médio (BH > +1793 ml/dia) se associou a chance 3,12 vezes maior de desenvolver IRA (OR 3,12; IC 95% 1,13 a 8,65). Comparado ao BH de zero até +1500 ml/dia, o BH médio > +1500 ml/dia se associou a chance 3,4 vezes maior de desenvolver IRA, (OR 3,4; IC 95% 1,56 a 7,48). Um modelo de efeito fixo mostrou que BH+ estava presente pelo menos seis dias antes do diagnóstico de IRA pelos critérios do KDIGO. Para avaliar o desfecho óbito, consideramos o BH durante toda internação na UTI. Observamos que cada 100 ml de aumento no BH se associou a incremento de 7% na mortalidade (OR 1,07; IC 95% 1,02 a 1,12). Comparado ao primeiro quartil, o quarto quartil de BH médio (BH > +1652 ml/dia) se associou a chance 2,8 vezes maior de evoluir para óbito (OR 2,8; IC 95% 1,04 a 7,66). Comparado aos pacientes com BH de zero a +1500 ml/dia, os pacientes com média de BH > +1500 ml/dia apresentavam chance 3,8 vezes maior de evolução para óbito (OR 3,8; IC 95% 1,55 a 9,16). Em conclusão, BH+ como variável contínua, em quartis ou utilizando ponto de corte maior do que +1500 ml/dia se associou de maneira independente a maior chance de desenvolvimento subsequente de IRA e evolução para óbito em pacientes criticamente enfermos. No presente trabalho, o BH + foi biomarcador precoce de IRA. Estes achados sugerem que BH+ deve ser incluído nos critérios de definição de IRA, ao lado da creatinina e diurese / Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a disease with high incidence, which is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. Sepsis, major surgery and low cardiac output are the main causes of AKI worldwide. In the majority of these situations, volume expansion is part of both prevention and therapeutic management of AKI. However, maintaining liberal fluid infusion strategy can cause fluid overload and it is associated to poor outcomes in critically ill patients. Positive fluids balance (FB) frequently occurs in these patients receiving high volume infusion, even if the urinary output is adequate (above 0.5ml/kg/h). In this situation, if there is no serum creatinine (SCr) increase, AKI will not be diagnosed by current Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcome (KDIGO) criteria, even with a clear kidney inability to eliminate the body excess of fluid. This prospective, paired control, cohort study aimed to evaluate the association between positive FB and subsequent development of AKI by KDIGO criteria and mortality in 233 critically ill adults. By multiple logistic regression, we showed that each 100 ml increase in FB was independently associated to a 4% increase in the chances for developing subsequent AKI (OR 1.04; 95% CI 1.01 to 1.08). When compared to the first quartile, the fourth FB quartile (FB > +1793ml/day) was associated with a 3.12 times greater chance of developing AKI (OR 3.12; 95% CI 1.13 to 8.65). Compared to FB zero to 1,500ml/24h, the mean FB above +1,500 ml/24h was associated with an OR of 3.4 for AKI (OR 3.4; 95% CI 1.56 to 7.48). A mixed effect model demonstrated that a positive FB predicted AKI development defined by KDIGO criteria within 6 days. To assess the outcome mortality, we evaluated the mean FB during the whole ICU hospitalization. Each 100 ml increase in FB was associated to a 7% increase in the chances for death (OR 1.07; 95% CI 1.02 to 1.12). Compared to the first quartile, patients in the fourth FB quartile (FB > +1652 ml/day) showed an OR of 2.8 for death (OR 2.8; 95% CI 1.04 to 7.66). Mean FB above +1,500 ml/24h was associated with an OR of 3.8 for death, as compared to FB zero to 1,500ml/24h (OR 3.8; 95% CI 1.55 to 9.16). In conclusion, positive FB, as continuum variable, as quartiles and as absolute thresholds, was independently associated with subsequent AKI development and death in critically ill patients. In this study, the positive FB was early biomarker of AKI. These findings suggest that positive FB should be included in the criteria for AKI in addition to serum creatinine and urine output

Terapia com células-tronco na nefropatia crônica experimental: é possível bloquear a progressão da doença renal? / Stem celll therapy in experimental chronic nephropathy: is it possible to block the progression of renal disease?

Cavaglieri, Rita de Cássia 08 February 2010 (has links)
Células-tronco (CT) apresentam potencial terapêutico para a doença renal pela possibilidade de regeneração tecidual e recuperação funcional, possivelmente por efeitos parácrinos. Diversos trabalhos mostraram seu efeito renoprotetor em modelo de insuficiência renal aguda. No entanto, existem poucos trabalhos que avaliaram o efeito da CT em doença renal crônica. Neste contexto, a via de inoculação e o número das CT na região da lesão podem desempenhar um papel crucial. Assim, o transplante de CT pela via EV não parece ser o mais apropriado para prover CT em número expressivo no órgão alvo. Uma técnica alternativa consiste em inocular as CT localmente, na região subcapsular renal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar, em modelo experimental de doença renal crônica por nefrectomia 5/6 (Nx), a migração, a distribuição e o possível efeito renoprotetor da inoculação via subcapsular renal de 2 tipos de CT: derivadas da medula óssea (CTdmo) e mesenquimais (CTm). As CT foram coletadas de fêmur e tíbia de ratos doadores através da técnica de flushing. As CTdmo foram isoladas por gradiente de concentração e as CTm pela sua capacidade de aderência ao plástico e ambas marcadas com DAPI para a visualização no tecido. A caracterização das CT foi feita por citometria de fluxo e pela diferenciação celular in vitro. Foram realizados 2 protocolos experimentais. No protocolo I, CTdmo (1x106) foram inoculadas em ratos fêmeas e, no protocolo II, CTm (2x105) foram inoculadas em ratos machos. A região inoculada foi a subcapsula renal e os animais foram acompanhados por 15 e 30 dias. Os animais foram subdivididos nos grupos: Sham, ratos submetidos à cirurgia fictícia; Sham+CT, ratos submetidos à cirurgia fictícia que receberam CT (CTdmo ou CTm); Nx, ratos submetidos a nefrectomia 5/6; Nx+CT, Nx ratos que receberam CT (CTdmo ou CTm). Para avaliar a localização das CTdmo no tecido renal, utilizou-se a coloração de tricrômio de Masson e foi realizada uma análise semiquantitativa para avaliar o grau de infiltração. Foram analisadas a pressão arterial (PA), a albuminúria e a creatinina sérica. Para os animais que receberam CTm foi realizada a análise de parâmetros histológicos e a análise de marcadores inflamatórios, de células em atividade proliferativa, de miofibroblastos e de podócitos. Os resultados do Protocolo I avaliando a análise da infiltração no tecido renal das CTdmo marcadas com DAPI mostrou, em 5 dias, evidente infiltração das células da região subcapsular em sentido ao córtex e medula, inclusive presente em glomérulos. Ratos fêmeas Nx que receberam a inoculação das CTdmo na região da subcapsular renal não apresentaram melhora nos parâmetros que avaliaram a função renal. Protocolo II: as CTm cultivadas mostraram grande capacidade de aderência, crescimento em colônia e de diferenciação em células osteogênicas. A análise por citometria mostrou-se positiva para CD44 e CD90, com uma pequena população de células de CD34, CD45 e CD31, confirmando a presença preponderante de CTm. A inoculação de CTm em ratos Nx proporcionou um bloqueio da progressão da doença renal. Enquanto ratos Nx machos apresentaram elevada PA com 15 e 30 dias (149,6±9,1 e 191,7±2,8 mmHg) a inoculação de CTm promoveu significante redução após 30 dias (145,2±6,8 mmHg; p<0,05 vs Nx). Em ratos Nx foi observado um aumento na creatinina aos 15 e 30 dias (1,13±0,08 e 1,16±0,26 mg/dL) e a inoculação de CTm promoveu uma marcante redução aos 15 dias (0,58±0,03 mg/dL; p<0,05 vs Nx). A albuminúria foi elevada nos ratos Nx aos 15 e 30 dias (41,7±10,8 mg/24h e 138,7±33,6 mg/24h) enquanto os animais do grupo Nx+CTm aos 15 e 30 dias apresentaram diminuição significativa (4,6±1,5 mg/24h e 23,4±7,7 mg/24h; p<0,0001 vs Nx). A glomeruloesclerose do grupo Nx+CTm apresentou aos 30 dias uma redução significativa em relação ao grupo Nx (5,4±2,5% vs 22,0±6,1%, respectivamente; p<0,0001). A análise da fibrose intersticial não revelou diferença após 15 dias e 30 dias no grupo Nx+CTm em relação ao grupo Nx. Com relação ao número de macrófagos, linfócitos e de células em atividade proliferativa, os animais que receberam CTm apresentaram uma discreta diminuição de sua expressão no tecido renal. A expressão de -actina se reduziu significativamente no grupo Nx+CTm. Quanto à expressão de WT-1, específico para podócitos, os animais Nx+CTm tiveram aumento significativo da marcação em relação ao grupo Nx. Em resumo, após a inoculação de CT na região da subcapsula renal, houve marcante migração e distribuição das mesmas em direção à cortical e à medular. A inoculação de CTm proporcionou um efeito renoprotetor no modelo de nefrectomia 5/6. Sendo assim, a inoculação subcapsular renal pode representar uma importante via de inoculação, permitindo assim que um número maior de células atue na proteção da progressão da doença. / Stem cells (SCs) offer therapeutic potential for the treatment of renal diseases, due to the possibility of tissue regeneration and functional recovery. Various studies have shown renoprotection by SCs in experimental models of acute kidney disease. However, only a few studies have studied their effect in chronic kidney disease. The beneficial effect of SCs seems related to their capacity to differentiate or to secrete paracrine/endocrine factors. In this context, the inoculation route or the number of SCs homing in the injured region can play a crucial role. Therefore, transplantation of MSC through the intravenous route does not seem to be best suited for delivery of an important number of cells to the target organ. An alternative technique consists in local delivery of SCs in the subcapsular region of the kidney. The objective of the present study is to analyze the migration, distribution and potential renoprotective effect of the subcapsular inoculation of two types of SC - BSMC and mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) - in an experimental model of chronic kidney disease, the 5/6 nephrectomy (Nx). SCs were collected from the femur and tibia of donor rats by flushing. BSMC were isolated by centrifugation on a concentration gradient and MSCs were isolated by their capacity to adhere to plastic. Both types of SC were stained with DAPI to allow visualization in tissues. SC characterization was carried out by flow cytometry and differentiation in culture. Two experimental procedures were performed. In protocol I, BSMC (106 cells) were injected in female rats and in protocol II, MSCs (2x105 cells) were injected in male rats. Animals were divided into 4 groups: SHAM, sham-operated rats; SHAM+SC, sham-operated rats receiving BSMC or MSCs; Nx, rats undergoing 5/6 nephrectomy; Nx+SC, 5/6 Nx rats receiving BSMC or MSCs. We used Massons Trichrome staining and a semiquantitative analysis according to the degree of infiltration to follow the localization of BSMC in the renal tissue and to quantify their infiltration, respectively. The following parameters were studied: arterial blood pressure (AP), proteinuria (Uprot), albuminuria (Ualb) and serum creatinine (Screat). For the animals receiving SCs, analysis of histology, of inflammatory markers, of proliferating cells and of podocytes was performed. Results from Protocol I assessing DAPI-stained BSMC showed marked infiltration in 5 days from the subcapsular region to the cortex and the medulla, including presence in the glomeruli, over a period of 15 days. Female rats that received subcapsular injection of BSMC did not show improvement of the parameters used to assess kidney function. Protocol II: cultured MSCs demonstrated an ability to adhere to plastic, to grow in colonies and to differentiate in osteogenic cells. Quantitative analysis of cell markers by flow cytometry showed that isolated cells were positive for CD44 and CD90, with a small population of cells positive for CD31, CD34 and CD45, confirming a preponderant presence of MSCs. Inoculation of MSCs in Nx rats blocked the progression of the renal disease. Elevated AP in Nx rats at 15 and 30 days (149.6 ± 9.1 and 191.7 ± 2.8 mm Hg, respectively) was significantly reduced by inoculation of MSCs at 30 days (145.2 ± 6.8 mm Hg, p<0.05 vs Nx). Nx rats showed increased creatinine at 15 and 30 days (1.13 ± 0.08 and 1.16 ± 0.26 mg/dL, respectively) that was significantly reduced by injection of MSCs at 15 days (0.58 ± 0.03 mg/dL, p<0.05 vs Nx). Albuminuria was increased in Nx rats at 15 and 30 days (41.7 ± 10.8 and 138.7 ± 33.6 mg/24h, respectively) and was reduced in the Nx+MSC group at both time points (4.6 ± 1.5, and 23.4 ± 7.7 mg/24h, respectively; p<0.0001 vs Nx). Histologic analysis showed that glomerulosclerosis at 30 days in the Nx+MSC group was significantly reduced as compared to the Nx group (5.4 ± 2.5 % vs 22.0 ± 6.1 %, p<0.0001). Analysis of interstitial fibrosis did not show difference after 15 and 30 days in the Nx+MSC group compared to Nx group. Nx rats receiving MSCs showed slightly decreased inflammation markers, macrophages and lymphocytes, and proliferating cells in the renal tissue when compared to Nx rats. Analysis of myofibroblasts showed a significant decrease in expression of -smooth muscle actin in Nx+MSC rats compared to Nx rats. Podocyte number was analyzed by detection of WT-1, a specific marker. Nx rats receiving MSC had a significantly higher number of podocytes than Nx rats. In conclusion, our results show that after inoculation in the subcapsular region, SCs migrate throughout the cortex in direction of the medulla. Subcapsular inoculation of MSC provides a renoprotective effect in the model of 5/6 nephrectomy. Therefore, subcapsular inoculation could represent an important route of delivery of SCs to the kidney that allows a higher number of cells to act in the protection from progression of the disease.

A produção brasileira sobre a atuação do psicólogo junto a pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica em diálise: uma análise crítica / The Brazilian production of the psychologist with patients with chronic renal failure on dialysis: a critical analysis

Farias, Luiza de Andrade Braga 02 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:38:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Luiza de Andrade Braga Farias.pdf: 677617 bytes, checksum: 6999275e80d58d54e7ff7b5257f0e3ae (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-02 / This research aimed to develop a critical analysis of the Brazilian production of the psychologist with patients with chronic renal failure on dialysis, performing literature review on the subject. The analysis seeks to understand how the psychologist is developing its work, if the work is characterized by interdisciplinary and possible interventions related to the impact of dialysis on patients and their families. The literature review consisted of articles on the topic of online journals indexed in SciELO and BVS-Psi, using intersection keyword that addressed the goal, from broader issues for more specific, as in the following examples: Chronic Renal Failure X Psychology; Chronic Renal Failure X X Psychologist Psychology; Chronic Renal Failure Treatment X X Psychology. We used the following criteria for selection of articles: (a) published in journals with review CAPES / Qualis ANPEPP A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 and B4 (b) available online (c) published from 2001 to 2011 (d) produced in Brazil, (e) authoring psychologist(s) or at least a psychologist in coauthoring. The search results indicated that 16 studies were analyzed according to the following categories: identification (of the academic authors, local research institution to which the authors belong, Qualis classification of the journal, year of publication); characteristics of the item (typestudy and method) the psychologist (type of care, focus on the patient or the family health team; dialysis modalities, and most recurring themes). The results indicate that most articles are written by psychologists, focusing on empirical research with patients on hemodialysis. Universities in the Southeast stand out with the highest concentration. The articles are divided into regular assessed Qualis A2 to B4, and most of them concentrated in categories B3 and B4 (total of 11 articles). There was also predominant in the publications of the psychologist during maintenance of the disease and in subjects such as quality of life and treatment compliance.There is a shortage in the scientific production on the theme proposed in this study. It is necessary that the psychologist goes beyond the walls, disclose and publish their work in reputable journals for their work is valued and recognized for their own psychology and other areas, besides helping to constantly improve their work. (Support by CAPES, CNPq) / A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo elaborar uma análise crítica sobre a produção brasileira da atuação do psicólogo junto a pacientes com insuficiência renal crônica em diálise, realizando revisão bibliográfica sobre este tema. A análise busca entender como o psicólogo está desenvolvendo seu trabalho, se a atuação é caracterizada por interdisciplinaridade e possíveis intervenções relacionadas aos impactos da diálise nos pacientes e familiares. A revisão bibliográfica constou de artigos online sobre o tema de periódicos indexados nas bases SciELO e BVS-Psi, utilizando-se cruzamento de palavras-chave que contemplassem o objetivo, a partir de temas mais amplos para os mais específicos, como nos exemplos seguintes: Insuficiência Renal Crônica X Psicologia; Insuficiência Renal Crônica X Psicologia X Psicólogo; Insuficiência Renal Crônica X Psicologia X Tratamento. Foram utilizados os seguintes critérios para a seleção dos artigos: (a) publicados em periódicos com avaliação CAPES/ANPEPP Qualis A1, A2, B1, B2, B3 e B4; (b) disponíveis online; (c) publicados no período de 2001 a 2011; (d) produzidos no Brasil; (e) autoria de psicólogo(s) ou, pelo menos um psicólogo, na coautoria. Os resultados da busca indicaram 16 pesquisas que foram analisadas de acordo com as seguintes categorias: identificação (formação acadêmica dos autores, local da pesquisa, instituição a qual os autores pertencem, classificação Qualis do periódico, ano de publicação); características do artigo (tipo de estudo e método); atuação do psicólogo (tipo de atendimento; foco no paciente, nos familiares ou na equipe de saúde; modalidades de diálise; e temas mais recorrentes). Os resultados indicam que a maioria dos artigos é de autoria de psicólogos, com foco em pesquisas empíricas junto a pacientes em hemodiálise. As universidades da região Sudeste sobressaem-se com o maior número de produções. Os artigos distribuem-se por periódicos avaliados Qualis A2 a B4, sendo que maioria deles concentra-se nas categorias B3 e B4 (total de 11 artigos). Observou-se, também, predominância nas publicações da atuação do psicólogo durante a manutenção da doença e em temas como: qualidade de vida e aderência ao tratamento. Há uma escassez na produção científica a respeito do tema proposto neste estudo. É preciso que o psicólogo vá além dos muros, divulgue e publique seus trabalhos em revistas bem conceituadas para que sua atuação seja valorizada e reconhecida pela própria Psicologia e por outras áreas, além de ajudar a aprimorar cada vez mais seu trabalho. (Apoio CAPES; CNPq)

Impacto da Insuficiência renal crônica associada à insuficiência Cardíaca Crônica Sistólica em pacientes com Cardiomiopatia Chagásica: Prevalência e Prognóstico.

Ardito, Sabrina Queiroz 16 December 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 sabrinaqueirozardito_dissert.pdf: 404181 bytes, checksum: cc58335cbd6ac86952c065cd2a36213e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-12-16 / This study aimed at determining the prevalence and the prognostic significance of chronic renal impairment in patients with chronic systolic heart failure secondary to Chagas cardiomyopathy. A total of 245 patients followed at the Cardiomyopathy Outpatient service from January, 2000 to December, 2008 with the diagnosis of chronic systolic heart failure secondary to Chagas cardiomyopathy were included. Chronic renal impairment was diagnosed in 42 (17%) patients. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to evaluate the role of chronic renal impairment as a prognostic index, and a Kaplan-Meier survival curve to study its association with all-cause mortality. Baseline characteristics of patients with and without chronic renal impairment were similar. Beta-Blocker therapy (Hazard ratio=0,42; 95% Confidence Interval 0,27 to 0,63, p value <0,005), left ventricular ejection fraction (Hazard Ratio=0,97; 95% Confidence Interval 0,95 to 0,99; p value=0,005), serum sodium levels (Hazard ratio=0,94; 95% Confidence Interval 0,90 to 0,98; p value=0,004), inotropic support (Hazard Ratio= 1,85; 95% Confidence Interval 1,21 to 2,64; p value= 0,03), and digoxin use (Hazard ratio=2,35; 95% Confidence Interval 1,15 to 4,81; p value=0,02) were independent predictors of all- cause mortality. Survival probability at 12, 24, 36, and 60 months was 74%, 60%, 52%, and 37%, respectively, in patients with chronic renal impairment, and 84%, 70%, 70%, and 35% ,respectively, in patients without (p>0,05). Chronic renal impairment has a low prevalence and no prognostic significance in patients with chronic systolic heart failure secondary to Chagas Cardiomyopathy. / Este estudo tem por objetivo determinar a prevalência e a significância prognóstica da disfunção renal crônica em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca crônica sistólica secundária à cardiomiopatia chagásica. Duzentos e quarenta e cinco pacientes seguidos no Ambulatório de Cardiomiopatia de Janeiro de 2000 a Dezembro de 2008 com o diagnóstico de insuficiência cardíaca crônica secundária a cardiomiopatia Chagásica foram incluídos no estudo. Disfunção renal crônica foi diagnósticada em 42 (17%) pacientes. Um modelo proporcional de Cox foi usado para avaliar a evolução da disfunção renal crônica como um indice prognóstico, e uma curva de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier para estudar sua associação com todas as causas de mortalidade. As características basais dos pacientes com e sem disfunção renal crônica foram semelhantes. Terapia com betabloqueador (Razão de Risco=0,42; Intervalo de Confiança 95% de 0,27 a 0,63, p<0,005)], fração de ejeção ventricular esquerda(Razão de Risco=0,97; Intervalo de Confiança 95% de 0,95 a 0,99; p=0,005), nível sérico de sódio(Razão de Risco=0,94; Intervalo de Confiança 95% de 0,90 a 0,98; p=0,004), suporte inotrópico(Razão de risco = 1,85; Intervalo de Confiança 95% de 1,21 a 2,64; p= 0,03) e uso de digoxina(Razão de Risco =2,35; Intervalo de Confiança 95% de 1,15 a 4,81; p=0,02) foram fatores de predição independentes de mortalidade geral. A probabilidade de sobrevida em 12, 24, 36, e 60 meses foi 74%, 60%, 52%, e 37%, respectivamente, em pacientes com disfunção renal crônica e 84%, 70%, 70% e 35%, respectivamente, em pacientes sem disfunção renal crônica(p>0,05). A disfunção renal crônica tem baixa prevalência e não tem significância prognóstica em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca crônica sistólica secundária a cardiomiopatia chagásica.

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