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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Observation et modélisation des interactions entre conditions d'enneigement et activité des stations de sports d'hiver dans les Alpes françaises / Observations and modelling of interactions between snow conditions and the activity of ski resorts

Spandre, Pierre 05 December 2016 (has links)
Les interactions dynamiques des conditions d'enneigement avec l'activité touristique des stations de sport d'hiver reposent sur de multiples enjeux sociaux, économiques, environnementaux et climatiques intégrés par les élus chargés du développement des territoires de montagne et industriels responsables de l'exploitation des domaines skiables. Depuis l'expérience vécue de la vulnérabilité des domaines skiables au déficit d'enneigement au début des années 1990 et plus encore depuis l'introduction des problématiques du changement climatique dans le débat public au début des années 2000, l'attente de la part des décideurs politiques et des professionnels de la neige pour des éléments fiables et pertinents sur l'impact du climat sur l'activité des sports d'hiver - dans laquelle s'intègre ce travail - n'a cessé de croître.Ce travail s'est attaché à la compréhension du rôle intégrateur de l'opérateur de domaine skiable dans son approche socio-économique d'une part et nivo-climatologique d'autre part de la gestion de la neige dans sa station dans le but de développer une chaîne de modélisation de la dynamique des interactions entre les conditions d'enneigement (variabilité, imprévisibilité) et les activités humaines (objectifs, moyens).Un état des lieux a été établi sur les priorités poursuivies, les moyens mis en œuvre (damage, neige de culture) et les contraintes subies (météorologiques, organisationnelles, structurelles) par les gestionnaires de domaines skiables dans leurs opérations quotidiennes de gestion de la neige grâce à une enquête auprès de 55 stations françaises et aux échanges réguliers avec quatre stations partenaires de ce travail (Autrans, Tignes, Chamrousse et Les Deux Alpes).Une modélisation physique des impacts de la gestion de la neige a été développée sur la base d'un modèle de neige et confrontée à des observations réalisées au cours de deux saisons hivernales consécutives dans ces quatre stations partenaires.Ces éléments ont été intégrés dans une chaîne de modélisation couplée permettant des études spatialisées des conditions d'enneigement et in fine la détermination d'indicateurs de la viabilité de l'enneigement à l'échelle de la station, dans l'ensemble des Alpes françaises. Cette méthode extrapolable à l'ensemble des massifs français a été appliquée dans les Alpes françaises sur la période passée 1958 – 2014 et a révélé la corrélation des indicateurs d'enneigement avec les données économiques des stations de sport d'hiver. Notre approche a ainsi montré sa pertinence pour des études prospectives de l'impact du changement climatique et/ou des infrastructures des domaines skiables sur la viabilité de l'enneigement et ses conséquences pour l'activité économique des stations de sport d'hiver. / The industrial activity of ski resorts is based upon multiple concerns including social, economic, environmental and climatic issues which ski resorts stakeholders have to cope with.In the early 1990's ski resorts experienced several consecutive seasons with poor snow conditions in the European Alps when climate and environmental questions were discussed as a global concern after the United Nations held their first international conferences on climate change. This raised the interest of ski resorts stakeholders and representatives of host communities for reliable and relevant indicators of climate induced impacts on snow conditions and on the related economic activity of ski resorts.This research focused on the role played by ski resorts operators in crossing socio-economic concerns with meteorological and snow concerns, to provide a modelling approach of dynamics and interactions between snow conditions (variability, low predictability) and human activities (defined by purposes and means). The objectives pursued by operators, the means they employ (grooming, snowmaking) and constraints they face (meteorological, structural or organization issues) have been investigated through a survey of 55 French ski resorts and frequent discussions with four partner ski resorts (Tignes, Autrans, Les Deux Alpes, Chamrousse). A physically based modelling approach of the impact of grooming and snowmaking on snow properties was integrated in a snowpack model and evaluated with respect to field observations in the four partner ski resorts over two consecutive winter seasons. This was crossed with a socio economic database of ski resorts to provide an explicit spatial modelling of managed snow conditions on ski slopes for the entire French Alps ski resorts. This method was applied for the 1958 - 2014 period and snow indicators were defined and computed, revealing a significant correlation of snow reliability indicators with economic data on ski resorts. This approach therefore proved its ability to provide relevant indicators of snow conditions in ski resorts with respect to economic implications and may be used for further prospective investigations of evolutions of facilities and/or climate change impacts on snow conditions and the related economy of the ski industry.

Revitalising the healing tradition - health tourism potential of thermal springs in the Western Cape

Boekstein, Mark Simon January 2011 (has links)
Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Technology: Tourism Management Faculty of Business at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2012 / There are 11 thermal springs in the Western Cape, seven of which have been developed into eight resorts. Only one of these resorts has a focus on health and wellness, with appropriate facilities, with the others functioning primarily as family leisure resorts. Internationally there has been a move by traditional thermal spring resorts to begin offering a combination of health (medical and wellness) services in combination with leisure activities. In light of current international trends, as well as perceived domestic needs, it appears that the Western Cape‟s thermal spring resources are not being optimally utilized as tourist attractions, neither for domestic nor for international tourist markets. This research sets out to evaluate the potential for health tourism development of thermal springs in the Western Cape. It analyses relevant aspects of both the supply and demand sides of thermal spring tourism in the Western Cape. A database is compiled of thermal spring resorts and undeveloped thermal springs in the Western Cape, which includes facilities and services, and relative locations with respect to tourist attractions and tourism routes. The mineral and radon gas contents of the respective thermal waters are measured and discussed in relation to known medicinal properties. A questionnaire-based survey was undertaken, involving 383 respondents at six resorts, and activity-based market segmentation was carried out using k-means cluster analysis. A four-segment user profile (typology) of current visitors, based on activity preferences, was compiled. It was found that there is considerable potential for the development of thermal spring health (medical and wellness) tourism products in the Western Cape, based on available resources. A framework for thermal spring health tourism product development in the Western Cape is proposed, and recommendations are made for future development and marketing. Key recommendations include the development of balneological treatments, and radon therapies, at certain resorts, and investigating of the availability of local resources that could be incorporated into medical or wellness tourism products.

Estância Hidromineral de Águas de São Pedro (SP) e a construção de um espaço voltado ao termalismo / Hidromineral Águas de São Pedro (SP) and the construction of tourist space dedicated to hydrotherapy

Tatiana Heidorn Alvarez de Aquino Pereira 20 May 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho discorre sobre como o município de Águas de São Pedro, situado no centro do Estado de São Paulo, constituído na década de 1930 como um espaço voltado à atividade turística, destaca-se pelo potencial termal. Até hoje a estância hidromineral tem no turismo a principal atividade econômica; entretanto, nossa pesquisa busca compreender se o atrativo primordial do Município está atrelado às águas medicinais, ou se outras características singulares da pequena cidade, como tranquilidade, beleza paisagística e segurança, o tornam um lugar propício ao passeio. Buscamos entender por que, dentre tantas opções de cidades interioranas disponíveis em São Paulo, Águas de São Pedro é escolhida como local de residência fixa, lugar de estabelecimento de casas de veraneio, sendo palco de um grande crescimento imobiliário; assim, desvendamos quais fatores da estância são responsáveis por atrair os turistas e veranistas/turistas de segunda residência. Os dados da pesquisa foram obtidos por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica, observação direta, conversas informais, aplicação de questionários e entrevistas com vários atores socioeconômicos, tais como moradores, turistas, veranistas, rede hoteleira, comércios, imobiliárias e gestores municipais. Os resultados apontam que o município já passou por vários ciclos turísticos e, apesar de a estância hidromineral de Águas de São Pedro ser uma referência regional e até nacional de águas termais, e do poder público estar investindo para apresentar à sociedade um lugar cheio de qualidade de vida, símbolo de bem-estar, grande parcela dos turistas procura a cidade pelo passeio, gastronomia e compras, caracterizando um turismo excursionista, sem pernoite. Este é o motivo pelo qual a cidade vem passando por grande reestruturação paisagística, orquestrada pelo poder público e porque recebe incrementos do poder privado no que se refere à variedade de produtos e serviços ofertados. Percebemos que a maior parcela de moradores e turistas não têm o hábito de utilizar as águas medicinais, mesmo sabendo que a água sulfurosa, também chamada de \"Fonte da Juventude\", utilizada para ingestão e banhos terapêuticos, é a segunda melhor do mundo, superada apenas pela fonte de Pergoli, em Tabiano, na Itália (CAMARGO, 1990), porém o reconhecimento da Cidade como cidade das águas, cidade termal, cidade saúde, é resiliente. / This paper discusses how the waters of São Pedro, located in the center of São Paulo, formed in the 1930s as a space oriented to tourism, the thermal potential. To date the health resort has in the main tourism economic activity, however our research seeks to understand the primary attraction of the city is related to medicinal waters, or other unique characteristics of small town like tranquility, natural beauty and safety, make it a place conducive to walking. We try to understand why among so many choices of inner cities available in Sao Paulo Aguas de Sao Pedro is chosen as a fixed place of residence, place of establishment of second homes, the scene of a major real estate growth, thus unveil which resort factors are responsible to attract tourists and vacationers/second residence tourists. The survey data were obtained by means of literature, direct observation, informal conversations, questionnaires, and interviews with various socio-economic actors, such as residents, tourists, vacationers, hotel chain, trade, real estate and municipal managers. The results show that the city has had several tour cycles and that despite the health resort of Aguas de Sao Pedro is a regional and even national reference thermal waters, and the government is investing to present to society a place full of quality life, health symbol, a large proportion of tourists looking for the city by walking, dining and shopping, featuring a hiker tourism without overnight. Why the city has been undergoing major restructuring landscape orchestrated by the government, and receiving increments of private power as regards the variety of products and services offered. We realize that the largest share of locals and tourists do not have the habit of using medicinal waters, even though the source of sulphurous water, also called the \"Fountain of Youth\", used for intake and therapeutic baths, it is the second best in the world, surpassed only by the source of Pergoli in Tabiano, Italy (CAMARGO, 1990), but the recognition of the city as a city of water, spa town, city health, is resilient.

Organização, estrutura e impactos das colônias de férias de trabalhadores: alguns estudos de caso / Organization, structure and impact of employee holiday resorts : some case studies

Luis Roberto Karklis 24 September 2008 (has links)
As colônias de férias de trabalhadores são uma modalidade de hospedagem voltada para o estrato das camadas sociais de poder aquisitivo que de uma forma geral necessitam de algum subsídio para o custeio da estadia. Comumente são ligadas ao Turismo Social praticados por entidades como associações e sindicatos. No Brasil sua maior concentração geográfica se dá no estado de São Paulo, sobretudo no litoral e nas regiões serranas. A importância do trabalho justifica-se porque as colônias de férias são um meio de democratização do turismo, pois, simplesmente em sua essência barateiam os custos de hospedagem e podem agregar atividades culturais que tornam o lazer mais ativo. Como objeto de estudo da Geografia nos revela importantes debates como as preocupações com a ocupação do território podendo agregar qualidade ambiental, paisagística e geração de empregos aos municípios. Despertam também a necessidade de se pensar em políticas públicas voltadas para o incentivo desse tipo de turismo, não apenas por conta das questões territoriais, mas principalmente por envolverem atores, como as associações e os sindicatos, que são as principais entidades ligadas ao fenômeno e merecem atenção por serem os responsáveis pelos empreendimentos e pela gestão. Neste estudo de caso deparamo-nos com o fenômeno da maior concentração mundial desse meio de hospedagem no município de Praia Grande, litoral do Estado de São Paulo. Exigindo atenção dos governantes e das próprias associações e sindicatos, que por sua vez, podem otimizar com qualidade o turismo e o lazer do trabalhador e de sua família. / Employee holiday resorts are a form of lodging for those on the social scale which would generally benefit from assistance with vacation expenses. They are commonly associated with Social Tourism practiced by entities such as workers associations and unions. In Brazil, the majority of these resorts are located in Sao Paulo, mainly on the coastline and in mountainous regions. The importance of work is substantiated because the holiday resorts are a way to democratize tourism, essentially lowering the cost of lodging and possibly adding cultural activities which allow for a more purposeful leisure time. As a geographical object of study, important debates are revealed such as concern for the use of the land, the ability to aggregate environmental and scenic quality and generate jobs in the surrounding municipalities. The need to contemplate political policy encouraging this type of tourism is also brought up, not only concerning territorial issues but also concerning the involvement of workers associations and unions which are the main entities connected with this phenomenon and deserve attention for being those responsible for management and enterprising. In this study we find that the worlds highest concentration of this type of lodging is located in the Praia Grande municipality on the Sao Paulo state coastline. This phenomenon demands governmental attention, as well as the attention of the workers associations and unions themselves, because they are able optimize the quality of tourism and leisure time for workers and their families.

Avaliação de aspectos da dinâmica de florestas restauradas, com diferentes idades. / Evaluation of aspects of the dynamics in restored forests, with different ages.

Maria Claudia Mendes Sorreano 26 April 2002 (has links)
O projeto "Avaliação de Aspectos da Dinâmica de Florestas Restauradas, com Diferentes Idades", teve como objetivo geral identificar indicadores que possam ser utilizados na avaliação e monitoramento de áreas restauradas, através do restabelecimento da resiliência nessas áreas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas restauradas: Usina Açucareira Ester, no município de Cosmópolis-SP, sendo 9 ha submetidos ao plantio de espécies nativas e exóticas entre 1955 e 1960 (@ 46 anos); Área Experimental da Plantec, no município de Iracemápolis-SP, com 1ha de área plantada com espécies nativas e exóticas, em 1992 (@ 9 anos); área da Dedini S/A Agroindústria, no município de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras-SP, com 1ha submetido ao plantio de espécies nativas entre 1995 e 1997 (@ 6 anos). Estas áreas se diferenciam entre si pelo tempo de implantação, pelo número de espécies plantadas e pela metodologia de restauração utilizada. Em cada área foram alocadas 10 parcelas amostrais de 10x20m, com 6 sub-parcelas de 0.5x0.5m, com três repetições para cada tratamento analisado. Para avaliar a chuva de sementes, instalou-se 3 coletores de 0.5x 0.5m por parcela amostral (30 coletores por área), com coletas mensais. Para avaliação do banco de sementes, realizaram-se 2 coletas de solo e de folhedo (abr/01 e jun/01), por unidade O projeto “Avaliação de Aspectos da Dinâmica de Florestas Restauradas, com Diferentes Idades”, teve como objetivo geral identificar indicadores que possam ser utilizados na avaliação e monitoramento de áreas restauradas, através do restabelecimento da resiliência nessas áreas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas restauradas: Usina Açucareira Ester, no município de Cosmópolis-SP, sendo 9 ha submetidos ao plantio de espécies nativas e exóticas entre 1955 e 1960 (@ 46 anos); Área Experimental da Plantec, no município de Iracemápolis-SP, com 1ha de área plantada com espécies nativas e exóticas, em 1992 (@ 9 anos); área da Dedini S/A Agroindústria, no município de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras-SP, com 1ha submetido ao plantio de espécies nativas entre 1995 e 1997 (@ 6 anos). Estas áreas se diferenciam entre si pelo tempo de implantação, pelo número de espécies plantadas e pela metodologia de restauração utilizada. Em cada área foram alocadas 10 parcelas amostrais de 10x20m, com 6 sub-parcelas de 0.5x0.5m, com três repetições para cada tratamento analisado. Para avaliar a chuva de sementes, instalou-se 3 coletores de 0.5x 0.5m por parcela amostral (30 coletores por área), com coletas mensais. Para avaliação do banco de sementes, realizaram-se 2 coletas de solo e de folhedo (abr/01 e jun/01), por unidadeO projeto "Avaliação de Aspectos da Dinâmica de Florestas Restauradas, com Diferentes Idades", teve como objetivo geral identificar indicadores que possam ser utilizados na avaliação e monitoramento de áreas restauradas, através do restabelecimento da resiliência nessas áreas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas restauradas: Usina Açucareira Ester, no município de Cosmópolis-SP, sendo 9 ha submetidos ao plantio de espécies nativas e exóticas entre 1955 e 1960 (@ 46 anos); Área Experimental da Plantec, no município de Iracemápolis-SP, com 1ha de área plantada com espécies nativas e exóticas, em 1992 (@ 9 anos); área da Dedini S/A Agroindústria, no município de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras-SP, com 1ha submetido ao plantio de espécies nativas entre 1995 e 1997 (@ 6 anos). Estas áreas se diferenciam entre si pelo tempo de implantação, pelo número de espécies plantadas e pela metodologia de restauração utilizada. Em cada área foram alocadas 10 parcelas amostrais de 10x20m, com 6 sub-parcelas de 0.5x0.5m, com três repetições para cada tratamento analisado. Para avaliar a chuva de sementes, instalou-se 3 coletores de 0.5x 0.5m por parcela amostral (30 coletores por área), com coletas mensais. Para avaliação do banco de sementes, realizaram-se 2 coletas de solo e de folhedo (abr/01 e jun/01), por unidadeO projeto “Avaliação de Aspectos da Dinâmica de Florestas Restauradas, com Diferentes Idades”, teve como objetivo geral identificar indicadores que possam ser utilizados na avaliação e monitoramento de áreas restauradas, através do restabelecimento da resiliência nessas áreas. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido em três áreas restauradas: Usina Açucareira Ester, no município de Cosmópolis-SP, sendo 9 ha submetidos ao plantio de espécies nativas e exóticas entre 1955 e 1960 (@ 46 anos); Área Experimental da Plantec, no município de Iracemápolis-SP, com 1ha de área plantada com espécies nativas e exóticas, em 1992 (@ 9 anos); área da Dedini S/A Agroindústria, no município de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras-SP, com 1ha submetido ao plantio de espécies nativas entre 1995 e 1997 (@ 6 anos). Estas áreas se diferenciam entre si pelo tempo de implantação, pelo número de espécies plantadas e pela metodologia de restauração utilizada. Em cada área foram alocadas 10 parcelas amostrais de 10x20m, com 6 sub-parcelas de 0.5x0.5m, com três repetições para cada tratamento analisado. Para avaliar a chuva de sementes, instalou-se 3 coletores de 0.5x 0.5m por parcela amostral (30 coletores por área), com coletas mensais. Para avaliação do banco de sementes, realizaram-se 2 coletas de solo e de folhedo (abr/01 e jun/01), por unidade amostral (0.25x0.25m), na profundidade de 0.05m. Para avaliação dos indivíduos jovens regenerantes, foram amostrados todos os indivíduos entre 0.30-1.30m de altura, em 2 sub-parcelas (1x1m) por parcela amostral (mai/01 e nov/01). Foram realizados cálculos de freqüência e de densidade absoluta através do teste do logaritmo da verossimilhança (teste G). As análises de variância (teste F) foram realizadas para verificar o crescimento em altura dos indivíduos amostrados nas diferentes avaliações. Quando diferenças significativas foram encontradas, aplicou-se o teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade para determinar entre quais grupos as médias diferiam significativamente. O fluxo de propágulo mensurado nas áreas em estudo, durante o período de oito meses, apresentou diferença altamente significativa (P = 0,001), ou seja a chuva de sementes apresentou-se de forma heterogênea, sendo que as espécies arbóreas predominaram sobre as herbáceas, lianas e arbustivas. A investigação do banco de sementes nas três áreas revelou variações altamente significativas (P = 0,001) na densidade de sementes nas duas avaliações (jan/01 e jun/01). Constatou-se que o número de espécies herbáceas que germinaram no banco de sementes nas três áreas tendeu a diminuir e as arbóreas a aumentar com a idade da restauração. Os indivíduos jovens amostrados nas áreas em estudo são compostos predominantemente por espécies arbóreas. A proporção de indivíduos jovens presentes nas avaliações apresentou diferença significativa (P = 0,32), entre as avaliações, isto é, houve um recrutamento de novos indivíduos na segunda avaliação. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo nos leva a concluir que recuperar uma área degradada não depende apenas do plantio de espécies nativas mas depende: i) do histórico do uso da terra a ser restaurada, ii) do grau de isolamento e iii) do monitoramento e da avaliação dos projetos de restauração, permitindo dessa forma, definir intervenções de manejo que garantam o sucesso do empreendimento em termos de perpetuação das áreas restauradas. / The project "Evaluation of aspects of the dynamics in restored forests, with different ages" had as main aim to define indicators that can be used in the evaluation and monitoring of restored areas, through the reestablishment of the resilience in those areas. This task was performed in three restored areas: Ester Sugar Mill, in Cosmopolis – SP, having 9ha been submitted to native and exotic species planting between 1955 and 1960 (@ 46 years); Experimental Area at Plantec, in Iracemapolis – SP, with 1ha of planted area, including native and exotic species, in 1992 (@ 9 years); Dedini Agro industry Area, in Santa Cruz das Palmeiras – SP, with 1ha submitted to native species planting between 1995 and 1997 (@ 6 years). These areas differ among themselves from implementing time, number of planted species and restoration methods. In each area, 10 samples of 10x20 m were selected, with 6 sub samples of 0.5x0.5 m, and three repetitions for each treatment analyzed. For evaluating the seeds rain, 3 collectors of 0.5x0.5 m were installed for each sample (30 collectors per area), with monthly samplings. For evaluating the seeds bank, 2 samplings of soil and foliage were performed (April/01 and June/01) per sample (0.25x0.25 m), at 0.05 m depth. For evaluating the regenerating young individuals, all the individuals between 0.30 – 1.30 m height were sampled, in 2 sub samples (1x1 m) per sample (May/01 and November/01). Frequency and absolute density calculations were performed through the logarithm of truthfulness test (test G). The variation analysis (Test F) were performed for verifying the height growth of the individuals sampled in different evaluations. When significant differences were found, the probability Tukey test at 5% was applied for determining between which groups the averages differed significantly. The propagation flow measured in the areas, during an 8- month period, presented highly significant differences (P = 0.001), i.e., the seeds rain occurred heterogeneously, when the arboreal species overwhelmed the herbaceous, lianas and bushy ones. The investigation of the seeds bank on the three areas revealed highly significant variations (P = 0.001) in the seeds density in both evaluations (January and June/01). It has been noted that the number of herbaceous species germinated on the seeds banks on the three areas tended to diminish, and the arboreal, to increase along the restoration phase. The young individuals shown on the study areas are mainly arboreal species. The young individuals proportion present at the evaluations presented significant variations (P = 0.32), between the evaluations, i.e., there was a recruiting of new individuals on the second evaluation. The results on this study lead us to conclude that for recovering a degraded area does not only depend on the planting of native species but depends on i) the studying of the land use, ii) the isolation grade and iii) the monitoring and evaluation of the restoration projects, thus allowing the definition of the intervening handlings that can guarantee the success of the undertaking in terms of the restored areas perpetuation.

Modèles d'aménagement et d'urbanisation des Zones d'Expansion Touristique de la wilaya de Skikda (Algérie) / Development patterns and urbanization of Tourism Expansion Zones of Skikda (Algeria)

Meghzili, Hamza 27 January 2015 (has links)
Le bassin méditerranéen est une zone touristique très développée, néanmoins, le taux dutourisme international varie d'un pays à l'autre. Cette recherche a donc pour but de situer letourisme algérien par rapport aux autres pays du Maghreb (Tunisie et Maroc) afin decomprendre le blocage de sa relance. Une analyse des différentes phases d’évolution dutourisme dans les trois pays a permis d’étudier les flux touristiques, la place du tourisme dansl’économie et les investissements touristiques. La wilaya de Skikda est l’objet de cette étudegrâce aux zones d’expansion touristiques considérées comme modèles pour le développementdu tourisme. Trois zones d’expansion touristiques (ZET) et une station balnéaires ont faitl’étude de cette recherche. Les projets d’aménagement de ces ZET s'inscrivent dans lavolonté d'un développement respectueux des principes de développement durable dutourisme, assurant la préservation de l'environnement, des ressources naturelles et dupatrimoine culturel. L’exploitation des résultats des enquêtes et des entretiens auprès desprofessionnels du tourisme, des collectivités locales et des touristes ont permis de bien situerles différents blocages. Le problème de gouvernance et la centralisation des décisions a eupour effet de retarder encore la relance du tourisme en Algérie. / The Mediterranean basin is a highly developed tourist area, however, the international tourismvaries from one country to another. This research aims to locate the Algerian tourismcompared to other Maghreb countries (Tunisia and Morocco) to understand the blocking ofhis recovery. An analysis of the different phases of development of tourism in the threecountries was used to study the flow of tourists, the place of tourism in the economy andtourism investments. The Skikda is the object of this study through the expansion of touristareas considered as models for the development of tourism. Three zones of tourist expansion(ZET) and a seaside resort made the study of this research. The development of these projectsare part of the ZET will of a respectful development of sustainable tourism developmentprinciples, ensuring the preservation of the environment, natural resources and culturalheritage. The exploitation of the results of surveys and interviews with tourism professionals,local authorities and tourists helped situate the various blocks. The governance issue andcentralization of decisions had the effect of further delaying the revival of tourism in Algeria.

Analyzing Winter Weather and Climate Trends of the Ski Resorts in North Carolina Through the Use of Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) Stations

Mosher, Danika L., Joyner, T. Andrew, Luffman, Ingrid 12 April 2019 (has links)
Changes in climate result in wide-ranging economic impacts, especially for businesses that rely on consistent weather patterns. The North Carolina ski resorts (Beech Mountain Ski Resort, Appalachian Ski Resort, Sugar Mountain Ski Resort, Wolf Ridge Ski Resort, Cataloochee Ski Area, and Sapphire Valley Ski Area) are the southernmost resorts on the east coast in the US. They are able to stay in business because of the diverse terrain and elevation of the Appalachian Mountains where they can see low record temperatures of -34°F. Observable increases in temperature and less snowfall accumulations generate concern for these businesses that rely not only on snow but temperatures low enough to produce their own snow. To understand what may happen in the future, it is pertinent to examine past and ongoing trends. Yearly snowfall data from fall 2010 to spring 2018 were obtained from the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) and interpolated using ordinary kriging. Teleconnections (Arctic Oscillation, El Niño Southern Oscillation, and North Atlantic Oscillation) were examined to help compare similar years to observe possible relationships. The stations that had data for all of the years observed were spatially analyzed through regression kriging (RK) to determine how climate change will affect those areas. A kernel density map was then created from active CoCoRaHS stations to observe which areas need more stations to generate better interpolation data for future years. The results are impactful for the ski resorts, helping them to make effective business decisions based on climate trends and to promote the use of citizen science to improve research efforts.

Формирование методических основ классификации горнолыжных комплексов и их практическое применение при финансово-экономическом обосновании строительства туристско-рекреационного объекта на территории «Гора Белая» : магистерская диссертация / Formation of methodological bases for the classification of ski complexes and their practical application in the financial and economic justification of the construction of a tourist and recreational facility on the territory of «Mount Belaya»

Бондарь, К. М., Bondar, K. M. January 2021 (has links)
Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения и библиографического списка. Проанализированы основные характеристики российских и зарубежных горнолыжных комплексов, оставлена карта позиционирования горнолыжных комплексов, разработано финансово-экономическое обоснование реализации девелоперского проекта строительства объекта туристско-рекреационного назначения. В заключении сформулированы основные выводы и обобщены результаты исследования. / The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, and a bibliographic list. The main characteristics of Russian and international ski complexes are analyzed, a map of the positioning of ski complexes is left, and a financial and economic justification for the implementation of a development project for the construction of a tourist and recreational facility is developed. In conclusion, the main conclusions are formulated and the results of the study are summarized.

Kan du ens förstå vilka risker du utsätter dig för? : En kvantitativ undersökning om personers riskuppfattning när de kör bil till och från skidorter i Sverige under vinterhalvåret / Do you even know what risks you put yourself into? : A quantitative study of people’s risk perception when driving to and from ski resorts in Sweden during the winter

Thörnquist, Susanna January 2021 (has links)
Trafikolyckor är ett stort samhällsproblem som många gånger kan förhindras då nästan samtliga olyckor sker till följd av mänskliga faktorer. Under vinterhalvåret är det många som kör bil till och från skidorter i Sverige där olika väderförhållanden kan ha inverkan på antalet trafikolyckor och dess konsekvenser. Syftet med det här arbetet var att undersöka hur personer som kör bil till och från skidorter i Sverige under vinterhalvåret uppfattar risker och om det finns några skillnader i riskuppfattning mellan könen. Den valda metoden för undersökningen var webbenkät som genomfördes på det webbaserade verktyget Survey&Report, där det insamlade datamaterialet har sammanställts och analyserats i Excel. Det har även gjorts en tematisk innehållsanalys på de fritextsvar som inkom i enkäten. Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader mellan kvinnor och mäns riskuppfattning där män funderar mindre över risker i trafiken jämfört med kvinnor. Ju mer mil en bilförare kör per år desto mer funderar bilföraren över risker i trafiken och är också mer medveten om de risker som finns jämfört med yngre och mer oerfarna bilförare. Kvinnor tar mindre risker i trafiken och tenderar att vara mer ödmjuka i skattningen av sin egen körförmåga jämfört med män. Slutsatsen är att hur bilförare agerar och skattar olika risker beror på vilken riskuppfattning de har och den varierar utifrån kön, ålder, erfarenhet, värderingar samt kultur. / Traffic accidents are a major problem that many times can be prevented, due to the fact that almost all accidents occur as a result of human error. During the winter months, many people in Sweden are driving to ski resorts, where weather conditions can have an impact on the number of traffic accidents and their consequences. The purpose of the paper is to investigate how people who drive to and from ski resorts in Sweden during the winter months perceive risks in traffic and whether there are any differences in risk perception between the genders. The chosen method for this paper was a web survey conducted on the web-based tools Survey&Report, where the collected data material has been compiled and analysed in Excel. A  thematic analysis of the free text responses was also applied. The results show that there are differences between women and men’s perception of risk, where men seems to think less about risks in traffic compared to women. The result also shows that the more miles a driver drives per year the more the driver thinks about risks in traffic and is also more aware of the risks that exist compared to younger and more inexperienced drivers. Women takes less risks in traffic and tend to be humbler in estimating their own driving ability compared to men. The conclusion of this paper is that how car drivers act and estimate different risks depends on the risk perception they have, and that varies based on gender, age, experience, values and culture.

Travel behaviour of visitors to ATKV-Natalia Resort / Clarise Letitia van Vuuren

Van Vuuren, Clarise Letitia January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the travel behaviour of tourists to a ATKV resort, more specifically ATKV-Natalia. Numerous studies on travel behaviour has been done, but none of them indicated that it was focused on ATKV resorts. Travel behvaiour is concerned with the way in which tourists react towards specific inherent aspects. There are various internal and external factors which influence and determine travel behaviour. Travel motivations and reasons for travel are two of the most important factors influencing travel behaviour. Travel motivations can be defined as internal forces influencing a tourist and reasons for travel can be conceptualised as external forces influencing a tourist to travel. Another important factor influencing travel behaviour is the stage of the family life cycle in which the tourist finds him- or herself. Every stage has its own certain needs and wants. Thus, every stage implies different needs and wants in terms of traveling. The information of this study was gathered by means of a questionnaire. The questionnaire was distributed at ATKV-Natalia Resort during the weekend of 17-19 July 2009, by two. fieldworkers. A total of 159 questionnaires were distributed (one per family). Another 150 questionnaires were distributed by means of email. Respondents were identified by the existing database of ATKV which indicated the tourists who visited the resort during the 2009 December school holidays. Statistical analysis of the data was used to determine the findings of this study. For the first article, factor analyses were done in order to determine the travel motivations and reasons for travel of tourists to ATKV-Natalia. Correlation analysis was also done. in order to determine the correlations which exist between travel motivations and reasons for travel. In the second article, only the data of the respondents who indicated that they were married were used for statistical analysis. Cross tabulations were done in order to determine the most important similarities and differences which exist between tourists married with children and tourists married without children. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010

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