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Superendividamento do consumidor : perspectivas jurídicas em direção à implementação do crédito responsávelBackes, Simone Regina January 2018 (has links)
Le surendettement des consommateurs, compris comme l'incapacité de l'individu, de bonne foi, de payer toutes ses dettes de consommation, actuelles et futures, sans compromettre son minimum existentiel, est un phénomène social qui nécessite une régulation spécifique. Cette législation qui se fait nécessaire se réfère non seulement à la réglementation du traitement du surendettement, mais aussi à la réglementation de la protection du consommateur sur le marché du crédit par la mise em place du crédit responsable et des normes visant à prévenir le surendettement. Dans ce contexte, on examine comment la loi a abordé les instruments de protection des consommateurs qui mettent en œuvre des limites et encouragent les contrats responsables avec les fournisseurs. Dans le présente étude, nous analyserons d'abord les devoirs des institutions financières dans l'octroi du crédit et le contenu du paradigme du crédit responsable comme mécanisme pour empêcher ce processus individuel d'appauvrissement qui pourrait avoir des répercussions globales sur la stabilité du système de crédit. Dans le deuxième point, nous discuterons du rôle du principe de confiance et de l'information en tant que mécanisme pour étendre la responsabilité du fournisseur envers le consommateur de bonne foi. Enfin, reconnaissant la condition de vulnérabilité du consommateur endetté et la nécessité d'une intervention de l'Etat dans la promotion de ses droits fondamentaux, nous proposons l'inclusion normative de nouveaux devoirs et de sanctions plus sévères pour encourager le respect du crédit responsable. / O superendividamento do consumidor, entendido como a incapacidade do indivíduo, de boafé pagar a totalidade de suas dívidas de consumo, atuais e futuras, sem comprometer seu mínimo existencial, é um fenômeno social que exige regulamentação específica. Essa necessária legislação refere-se não somente à regulamentação do tratamento do superendividamento, mas também à regulamentação da proteção do consumidor no mercado de crédito por meio de normas que busquem a prevenção do superendividamento e a implementação do crédito responsável. Nesse contexto, investigamos como o direito tem endereçado instrumentos de proteção ao consumidor que implementem limites e incentivem a contratação responsável pelos fornecedores. No presente estudo, analisaremos, primeiramente, os deveres das instituições financeiras no fornecimento de crédito e o conteúdo do paradigma do crédito responsável como mecanismo de prevenção a esse processo individual de empobrecimento que pode ter reflexos globais na estabilidade do sistema de crédito. No segundo ponto, discutiremos o papel do princípio da confiança e da informação como mecanismo de expansão da responsabilidade do fornecedor frente ao consumidor de boa-fé. Por fim, reconhecendo a condição de vulnerabilidade do consumidor endividado e a necessidade de intervenção do Estado na promoção dos seus direitos fundamentais, propomos a inclusão normativa de novos deveres e de penalidades mais rígidas para incentivar o cumprimento do crédito responsável. / Consumer over-indebtedness, understood as the person’s incapability, in good faith, of paying all of their current and future consumer debts, without compromising their existential minimum, is a social phenomenon that requires specific regulation. This necessary legislation refers not only to the regulation of the treatment of over-indebtedness, but also to the regulation of consumer protection in the credit market by means of norms that seek to prevent over-indebtedness and the implementation of responsible lending. In this context, we investigate how the law has addressed consumer protection instruments that implement limits and encourage responsible lending by suppliers. In the present study, we will first analyze the duties of financial institutions in the provision of credit and the content of the responsible lending paradigm as a mechanism to prevent this individual process of impoverishment that may have global repercussions on the stability of the credit system. In the second point, we will discuss the role of the principle of trust and information as a mechanism for expanding supplier responsibility towards the consumer in good faith. Finally, recognizing the vulnerability of the over-indebted consumer and the need for State intervention in promoting their fundamental rights, we propose the normative inclusion of new duties and more rigid penalties to encourage compliance with the responsible lending.
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Reframing the Climate Change Problem: Evaluating the Political, Technological, and Ethical Management of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the United StatesJanuary 2020 (has links)
abstract: Research confirms that climate change is primarily due to the influx of greenhouse gases from the anthropogenic burning of fossil fuels for energy. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the dominant greenhouse gas contributing to climate change. Although research also confirms that negative emission technologies (NETs) are necessary to stay within 1.5-2°C of global warming, this dissertation proposes that the climate change problem has been ineffectively communicated to suggest that CO2 emissions reduction is the only solution to climate change. Chapter 1 explains that current United States (US) policies focus heavily on reducing CO2 emissions, but ignore the concentrations of previous CO2 emissions accumulating in the atmosphere. Through political, technological, and ethical lenses, this dissertation evaluates whether the management process of CO2 emissions and concentrations in the US today can effectively combat climate change.
Chapter 2 discusses the historical management of US air pollution, why CO2 is regulated as an air pollutant, and how the current political framing of climate change as an air pollution problem promotes the use of market-based solutions to reduce emissions but ignores CO2 concentrations. Chapter 3 argues for the need to reframe climate change solutions to include reducing CO2 concentrations along with emissions. It presents the scientific reasoning and technological needs for reducing CO2 concentrations, why direct air capture (DAC) is the most effective NET to do so, and existing regulatory systems that can inform future CO2 removal policy. Chapter 4 explores whether Responsible Innovation (RI), a framework that includes society in the innovation process of emerging technologies, is effective for the ethical research and deployment of DAC; reveals the need for increased DAC governance strategies, and suggests how RI can be expanded to allow continued research of controversial emerging technologies in case of a climate change emergency. Overall, this dissertation argues that climate change must be reframed as a two-part problem: preventing new CO2 emissions and reducing concentrations, which demands increased investment in DAC research, development, and deployment. However, without a national or global governance strategy for DAC, it will remain difficult to include CO2 concentration reduction as an essential piece to the climate change solution. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2020
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Kartläggning av det museipolitiska fältet: museer och dess huvudmän : Analys av remissvaren till Ny museipolitikFlander, Samuel January 2019 (has links)
This Master’s thesis has the politics of museum in focus, as a subordinate governmental cultural policy, as a continuation of cultural reform in a time when legislation were to take place in Sweden. The aim of the study is to map out claims from museums and their responsible authorities in response to the governmental bill Ny Museipolitik. The study deem the subject area of politics of museums as a organizational field. By using the Toulmin model of argumentation several hundred claims about the works of museums and the effects on society were founds. The result could be arranged in eight different themes. In the analysis of the claims both unifying and disrupting tendencies could be observed. The themes presented in the result are: a new legislation, a new administrative authority, handling the collection, cooperation, fundings, museums and society, quality assurance and research at the museum and a round up theme called other. One conclusion showed that the different levels of authorities in particular produced diversified needs and challenges. Some findings point out how the field are contested concerning legitimacy. There is also conclusion indicated by the claims that showed how several isomorphic tendencies were apparent. Legislation are considered to heighten the state of affairs and the increased level of ambition are welcomed. A very apparent conclusion is that a much needed reform, according to the comment letters, is that governmental grants are increased and secured over time.
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Big Five Personality Traits andSustainable Investments : A survey study based on the Swedish private investors willingness to pay for ESG ratingBjörnström Hellbom, Amanda, Jigholm, Erika January 2021 (has links)
This thesis contributes to the currently still sprawling literature on the force of sustainable investing together with the “Big Five” personality structure (Openness to Experience, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism). By investigating which personality trait, based on the Big Five personality taxonomy, that was willing to exchange revenue for a higher ESG rating in a hypothetical investment fund, we were able to determine when private investors were willing to pay more for a more sustainable investment. We use new data from our own questionnaire where the respondents are adult individuals residing in Sweden who has invested in the stock market. The data was analyzed with an econometric approach and for the regression ordinary least square and tobit was used. The results revealed that two personality traits (conscientiousness and agreeableness) tended to be less interested in sustainable investments, as they were not willing to pay for a fund with a higher ESG rating, unlike Openness to Experience, where the willingness to pay was high. The other two traits also showed a positive relationship and thus willingness to trade revenue for sustainability. This thesis contributes to the knowledge on how the personality of the private investors can motivate investment decisions and the preference of companies they invest in.
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Přesvědčení a spotřeba. Případ Fair Trade v České republice / Conviction and Consumption - The Case of Fair Trade in the Czech RepublicHumhej, Jan January 2014 (has links)
As documented in previous research, the attitude-behaviour gap (inconsistency between declared values and actual purchases) is phenomena which affects consumption in many different markets of ethical consumption. The diploma thesis analyses this phenomena, specifically in Czech Fair trade market. The attitude behaviour gap in the Czech Fair trade market was found to be in around third of the population, confirming the presence of the gap, which replicated the results of previous research in the field. From people with pro Fair trade values who do not buy Fair trade products, approximately half is not aware of Fair trade existence, indicating that lack of Fair trade awareness could be possibly hurting Fair trade sales. When analyzing respondents with pro Fair trade values who also have Fair Trade awareness, the skepticism towards ability of Fair trade movement to fulfill their declared goals and high quality perception of Fair trade products turned out to be the strongest and statistically significant predictors of whether one buys Fair trade or not. Focus on raising awareness about Fair trade existence, improving quality perception and decreasing skepticism towards Fair trade conversion is suggested for Fair trade marketers for helping to convert people with pro Fair trade values into Fair trade buyers.
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The impact of branding on support intentions towards supported social enterprises: The case of The Big Issue South AfricaSimons, Aaqib 01 March 2021 (has links)
A rising problem for social enterprises within South Africa is that consumers tend to display mixed interests towards their marketing campaigns. The technological revolution has allowed consumers to become more adept and ethically sensitised at identifying deceptive marketing ploys. In light of the growing competition among many SSEs in attaining donations, managers of these organisations have realised the value in managing their organisations as brands. However, SSEs should remain aware of distinguishing their marketing from corporate brands. Past literature revealed that organisations which behave socially responsibly elicit more positive attitudes from consumers. Thus, SSEs adopting socially responsible marketing could allow them to be perceived as devoted towards their social missions, which could attract more volunteering and monetary donations. The study investigated the impact of branding on support intentions towards supported social enterprises: the case of The Big Issue South Africa. A descriptive research design was adopted. This included an online survey method that was used to acquire quantitative data from 200 participants in Cape Town, which was required to interpret conclusive findings to this investigation. The findings of the study were that consumer-brand relational authenticity (CBRA), brand trust, and customer-brand identification (CBI)] had a direct positive influence on support intentions. Attitude toward helping others (ATHO) was determined as a negative moderator between the relationship of CBI and support intentions. Alternatively, altruistic values were determined to not possess any moderating influence on the relationship between brand trust and support intentions. The findings therefore fill theoretical gaps on CBRA, brand trust and altruistic values that remained unexplored in the past. The study produced a conceptual framework explaining the branding factors that have the most significant impact in driving support intentions. This framework can be beneficial to managers of SSEs with regard to leveraging support from a local and international standpoint. However, marketers in the corporate field who are designated to attracting corporate social investment (CSI) can also draw on insights from the study in order to attract support for these CSI initiatives. The study is thus beneficial to corporate organisations as well.
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Taking responsibility: A responsible research and innovation (RRI) perspective on insurance issues of semi-autonomous drivingBaumann, Martina F., Brändle, Claudia, Coenen, Christopher, Zimmer-Merkle, Silke 25 September 2020 (has links)
Semi-autonomous driving is an emerging – though not unprecedented – technology which cannot necessarily be seen as safe and reliably accident-free. Insurance companies thus play an important role as influential stakeholders in the negotiation and implementation processes around this new technology. They can either push the technology (e.g. by offering beneficial, promotional insurance models for semi-autonomous car owners) or constrain it (e.g. by providing restrictive insurance models or no insurance cover at all). Insurers face questions concerning ethical or societal consequences on various levels: not only when it comes to promoting the technology – whose impact is not yet certain and may range from saving to endangering lives – but also with respect to insurance models such as “pay as you drive”, which may involve discriminatory elements. The concept of responsible research and innovation (RRI) is well suited to accompanying and guiding insurers, policy makers and other stakeholders in this field through a responsible negotiation process that may prove beneficial for everyone. Part of the RRI approach is to make stakeholders aware of “soft” factors such as the ethical, societal or historical factors which influence innovation and of the need to include these aspects in their activities responsibly.
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Socialt ansvarsfulla fonder under olika marknadsstadier: positivt eller negativt?Bahri, Adam, Tallberg, Eddie January 2020 (has links)
Research has shown that the selection criteria, so-called screens, of socially responsible funds (SRF) affect their financial performance. The difference is particularly distinguishable during market crisis, where the exclusion of unethical industries (negative screening) has proven to be an inferior strategy compared to selecting companies with good social performance (positive screening). Few academic papers compare SRF with different screens to each other under market turmoil, instead comparing them to conventional funds. We examined the Swedish fund market during crisis and non-crisis by dividing SRF according to their screens. The results indicated that the financial performance between SRF with positive and negative screening was not significantly different during neither the crisis nor non-crisis period. In contrast to previous literature, SRF did not exhibit any risk reducing characteristics during market crisis. / Forskning som utvärderat socialt ansvarsfulla fonder (SRF) har sett indikationer på att deras investeringsstrategier som berör sociala och miljömässiga aspekter, så kallade screens, påverkar deras finansiella prestanda. Skillnaden mellan SRF med olika screeningstrategier har visat sig extra tydligt under marknadskriser, där exkluderingen av oetiska branscher (negativ screening) har visat sig vara en sämre strategi än att välja in företag med god social prestanda (positiv screening). Studier som undersöker SRF under olika marknadsstadier jämför sällan screeningstrategierna mot varandra, utan drar istället paralleller mot konventionella fonder. För att belysa hur olika screeningstrategier påverkar den finansiella prestationen undersöktes den svenska fondmarknaden under kris samt icke-kris genom att dela in svenskförvaltade SRF efter vilken typ av screening de tillämpade. Fonderna utvärderades genom regressionsanalyser för att kalkylera alpha. Resultatet indikerade att den finansiella prestationen mellan SRF med positiv och negativ screening inte var signifikant skild under varken kris eller icke-kris. I kontrast till tidigare studier uppvisade SRF inte riskreducerande egenskaper under dåliga ekonomiska tider.
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The effect of social relationships on employee retention in a remote working context : A qualitative case study on which Talent Management practices an organisation use to retain talented employees in a remote context / Effekten av sociala relationer för att behålla anställda i en kontext avdistansarbete : En kvalitativ fallstudie om vilka Talent Management-aktiviteteren organisation använder för att behålla talangfulla anställda i en kontext avdistansarbeteSvensson, Julia, Danielsson Wiksell, Linn January 2021 (has links)
Talent Management (TM) is a well-used practice to identify, attract, develop, and retain the most valuable resource in an organisation: talented employees. The concept TM emerged when organisations started to detect increased demands and technological changes in the business market. Additionally, due to the retirement of baby boomers, organisations have started to experience a shortage of talents creating “The War for Talent” (Chambers et al., 1998). However, ethical aspects create a demand for an inclusive approach of TM which includes all employees, as opposed to only focusing on a selected few. Responsible Talent Management (RTM) considers talent to be obtained and developed within the organisation. Employees who experience job satisfaction and commitment are more likely to stay in the organisation (Deery, 2008), whereas work-life balance, employee well-being, leadership, and learning have become important factorsfor increasing job satisfaction and commitment as well as employee retention (Radda et al., 2015: Deery, 2008). Especially due to new challenges associated with the working environment and social relationships in this new remote working context. Researchers express the need for further research regarding RTM as well as the inclusive approach. This thesis, therefore, aims to understand how an organisation work with TM practices to retain talented employees in a remote working context. Based on the scientific issue and the purpose, a qualitative case study was conducted. Eight employees within the HR department were interviewed using semi-structured interviews. The analysis of the empirical data identified a great need for genuine social relationships. Regardless of which TM retainment practices used, supporting employees with tools and opportunities to build and nurture social relationships may be an instrumental driver to retain talented employees in a remote working context. / Talent Management är ett välanvänt begrepp för att identifiera, attrahera, utveckla och behålla den mest värdefulla resursen i en organisation: talangfulla medarbetare. Begreppet TM blev uppmärksammat när organisationerna upptäckte ett ökat krav och teknologiska förändringar på marknaden. På grund av att generationen “babyboomers” har börjat gå i pension har organisationer börjat uppleva en brist på talang, vilket har skapat ”The War for Talent” (Chambers et al., 1998). Dock skapar de etiska aspekterna ett krav på ett inkluderande synsätt på TM som inkluderar alla anställda och inte bara fokuserar på ett fåtal utvalda. Begreppet Responsible Talent Management (RTM) anser att talang kan erhållas och utvecklas inom organisationen. Anställda som upplever jobbnöjdhet och engagemang är mer benägna att stanna kvar i organisationen (Deery, 2008), medan balans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv, anställdas välmående, ledarskap och lärande har blivit viktiga faktorer för att öka jobbnöjdhet och engagemang samt att behålla de anställda (Radda et al., 2015: Deery, 2008). Framförallt med tanke på de nya utmaningarna gällande arbetsmiljön och de sociala relationerna i den nya kontexten av distansarbete. Forskare uttrycker ett behov av vidare forskning gällande RTM och det inkluderande synsättet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att förstå hur en organisation arbetar med aktiviteter inom TM för att behålla talangfulla medarbetare i en kontext av distansarbete. Baserat på forskningsproblemet och syftet har en kvalitativ fallstudie utförts. Åtta anställda tillhörande HR-avdelningen har intervjuats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. I analysen av empirin identifierades ett stort behov av genuina sociala relationer. Oavsett vilka aktiviteter inom TM som organisationen använder för att behålla talanger, så uppfattas organisationens stöd i termer av olika verktyg och möjligheter för att skapa och vårda sociala relationer, vara en stark drivkraft för att behålla talangfull kompetens i en kontext av distansarbete.
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Zhodnocení priorit ve vytváření čínské politiky klimatické změny: domácí a mezinárodní perspektivy / Assessing the Priorities in China's Climate Change Policy-Making: Domestic and International PerspectivesDu, Yiyi January 2021 (has links)
This thesis investigates the factors that can sufficiently explain China's policy change on climate change issue. We utilize interest-based theory in environmental politics and constructivism to explore the drivers behind China's climate change policy formulation. The theories are tested by process tracing the historical development of China's policy on climate change. The analysis is further complemented by other explanatory factors based on empirical findings, including domestic policy process and the impact of non-state actors. The study finds out that China's climate change policy has experienced positive changes with growing policy stringency. The result shows that China's climate change policy cannot be sufficiently explained by the interest-based theory, the factor regarding ecological vulnerability can be only partially confirmed. Instead, international norms can provide plausible incentives for policy change through the process of socialization. The final policy outcomes are also connected to the interest of the most influential domestic political actor. The study results help us to better understand the environmental politics in China and provides guidelines to predict China's role in international climate change negotiation after the Conference of Parties in Paris.
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