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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O reuso da água : uma solução sustentável para a Amazônia

Ramalho, Oridete Aparecida Corrêa January 2011 (has links)
A tendência de aumento do custo da água e o grande custo do tratamento dos efluentes devido às novas restrições de descarte no meio ambiente têm induzido a necessidade de minimizar o consumo e favorecer o desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para a otimização desse recurso natural. Este estudo apresenta o cenário dos recursos hídricos no mundo e no Brasil, as iniciativas de gestão, suas dificuldades e os países que já convivem com a escassez de água. Aponta o quanto de água doce, própria ao consumo está disponível. Aborda uma das regiões mais privilegiadas do Brasil em abundância de água, a Região Amazônica. A prática de reuso, que apesar de ser considerado um tema atual e de reconhecida iniciativa para a racionalização dos recursos hídricos, depende da aceitação popular, aprovação mercadológica e vontade política para se efetivar como uma alternativa sistemática a ser aplicada com o objetivo de amenizar a escassez no mundo. Trata do custo-benefício do uso e as externalidades negativas ao meio ambiente, e do valor da água, discutido a partir dos conceitos de usuário e poluidor pagador, além de interpelar indicadores do comportamento do usuário. Considera o fato de o reuso já estar sendo praticado em algumas regiões do Brasil, e analisa a realidade da legislação específica, identificando a necessidade do estabelecimento de uma política de gestão associada ao REUSO. Conclui pela necessidade iminente de regulamentação e institucionalização eficiente da prática de reuso no Brasil. Constata que a Região Amazônica representa o maior potencial hídrico do país, apesar das condições de gerenciamento inadequadas, o poder público que tem buscado implementar legislação específica visando organizar os processos de desenvolvimento sustentável que a região carece, além das exigências da sociedade organizada, no sentido de uma sistematização adequada que possibilite o aproveitamento racional e que cumpra com todos os preceitos que diz respeito à utilização dos bens naturais disponíveis. / The trend of increasing cost of water and the great cost of effluent treatment due to new restrictions on disposal in the environment has prompted the need to minimize power consumption and encourage the development of new methodologies for the optimization of this natural resource. This study presents the scenario of water resources in the world and in Brazil, management initiatives, its difficulties and the countries already live with water scarcity. Points out how freshwater consumption itself is available. It addresses one of the most privileged regions of Brazil in plenty of water, the Amazon region. The practice of reuse, which despite being considered a hot topic and a recognized initiative for the rationalization of water resources, depends on popular acceptance, approval, marketing and political will to effect an alternative system to be applied in order to ease the scarcity in the world. This cost-effective use and negative externalities to the environment, and the value of water, discussed the concepts of user and polluter pays, and challenge indicators of user behavior. Consider the fact that reuse is already being practiced in some regions of Brazil, and examines the reality of specific legislation, identifying the need for the establishment of a management policy associated with reuse. Concluded by the imminent need for efficient regulation and institutionalization of the practice of reuse in Brazil. Notes that the Amazon is the largest hydro potential of the country, despite the inadequate management conditions, the government has sought to implement specific legislation aimed at organizing the processes of sustainable development that the region is needed, beyond the demands of organized society in the sense systematization of a suitable enabling the rational use and meets all the provisions concerning the use of natural resources available.

(Re)framing Daylight: A theoretical transformation of daylight approaches  in adaptive reuse architecture

Altındiş, Miray January 2022 (has links)
Adaptive reuse architecture is a multi-layered concept that tackles history, materials, memories, and structural concerns since it handles reusing an existing building and adapting a new function. Highlighting and preserving the characteristics of the old structure or revealing its muddied elements are important considerations for this architecture through its different categories of adaptive reuse methods. In this notion, daylight becomes a critical element to indicate the architectural design thinking of the past and emphasize it with interventions. The thesis aims to explore the impact of daylight transformation on the interior in adaptive reuse architecture by evaluating the architectural intentions and interventions. It is an investigation through literature review, analysis of reference projects, a case study and an experiment for a real case project Ångdomen, a flexible study room at KTH Main Library. Based on the theoretical investigation and the experiment conducted in the thesis, it is determined that daylight can be used as a tool to highlight the old building’s value in adaptive reuse projects through their transformations and impact the spatial perception. Most of the responses to the survey and the subjective observations conclude that daylight impacts spatial perception through the openings of architecture even when it doesn’t provide high brightness values.

Dull Points : Surrounding Space as Wearables Through Digital Technology and Reused Lace

Kruse Demitz-Helin, Sofie January 2024 (has links)
The presented project utilises immersive digital technology to materialise the surrounding space of the human body for the development of sculptural wearables in fashion design. By considering Grosz’s framework on the individual’s personal surrounding space as the theoretical foundation for interpreting body-space interactions, the experimental practices in this project use the designer’s body across the digital and physical realms to transform the surrounding space into spatial bodies. These spatial bodies become wearable constructions in tangible materials, i.e., reused lace, as extensions of the self, showcasing one’s surrounding space.

Efterlevnadsliv : Att med formgivning som metod undersöka om det går att ge återvunnen plast ett nytt värde och liv

Ingman, Lovisa January 2022 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet ifrågasätter och undersöker vår användning och återanvändning av plaster, och går sedan vidare med att gestalta en sittmöbel i återanvänd och återvunnen plast. Syftet är att lyfta materialen, problematiken, och påvisa att vi faktiskt kan ge materialen fler liv. Plaster har revolutionerat våra samhällen och gjorde det modena livet möjligt, men vår linjära och därför också bristfälliga hantering av dem har gjort att de nu kommit att göra otroligt stor skada. Plaster är material som tillhör den tekniska sfären, men på grund av att de inte hålls där gör de skada i den biologiska sfären och allt som lever i den. Vi behöver ta ansvar och angripa problemet från flera olika håll samtidigt. Återvinning och återanvändning är två av många sätt. Syftet med arbetet är att ge nytt liv till två typer av plastavfall. Dels återvunnen plast (kylskåp och tangentbord) i form av skivmaterial från The Good Plastic Company, och det andra är återanvänd täckplast (engångsalternativ till pressening) från Bullandö marina AB.

Återbruk av fönster : -i nya byggnader fokuserat kring processen / Reuse of windows : -in new buildings focused on the process

Ekholst, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Studien avser att behandla återbruk av fönster och mer specifikt återbruk av fönster i nya byggnader. Studien undersöker designprocessen kopplat till detta. Byggsektorn står för 21% av Sveriges totala utsläpp av växthusgaser, vilket motsvarar 9,8 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter. En tredjedel av allt avfall som uppstår i Sverige genereras från byggsektorn, vilket är cirka 9 miljoner ton icke-farligt avfall. Det återbrukas bara en liten mängd byggprodukter, där endast är ett tiotal ton bygg- och rivningsavfall som återanvänds på återvinningscentraler i Sverige i dagsläget. I Sverige så är målet att material som ska återbrukas och återvinnas från icke-farligt bygg- och rivningsavfall ska uppgå till minst 70% år 2025. Glas är ett material som kräver hög värme för att tillverkas vilket leder till en betydande del koldioxidutsläpp. Sanden i världen håller även på att ta slut, då efterfrågan på sand har tredubblats över två årtionden. Detta leder slutligen till att undersöka återbruk av fönster och processen kring det. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur arkitektens design- och gestaltningsprocess kan utvecklas och vara flexibel vid återbruk av fönster. Målet med studien är att få fram en ökad kunskap kring ämnet och vilka utmaningar och möjligheter som finns. Studien innefattar också ett gestaltningsförslag i en fallstudie genom ett projekt. För att uppnå syftet och målet med studien besvaras följande forskningsfrågor: Vilka utmaningar och möjligheter finns kring återbruk av fönster? Hur ser ett ramverk för designprocessen ut vid återbruk av fönster? Hur kan gestaltningsprinciper vid återbruk av fönster användas för att möjliggöra en flexibel process och skapa en estetisk tilltalande slutprodukt? Metoden för studien är uppdelad i tre delar: litteraturstudie och referensprojekt, intervjustudie samt projekt. Litteraturstudien ger en vetenskaplig grund för att sedan utföra kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer och sedan att testa teorierna i ett projekt. Projektet gjordes i samarbete med Liljewall Arkitekter som tillhandahöll material och råd. Slutsatserna i studien kan summeras genom att resultatet av studien ger en inblick i nuvarande utmaningar och möjligheter kopplat till återbruk av fönster. Studien visar behovet av fler genomförda exempel för att öka kunskapen kring ämnet. Den visar på potentialen och svårigheterna kring processen med återbruk av fönster. Studien förenar både teoretiska och praktiska perspektiv, till en ökad förståelse för hur man kan återbruka fönster i nya byggnader och hur man kan implementera det i designprocessen för att möjliggöra utveckling och flexibilitet. Studien bidrar till ökad kunskap kring återbruk av fönster och vilka möjligheter och utmaningar som finns. Projektet tillämpar även teorierna i en kontext för att ge förslag hur man kan implementera återbruk av fönster i praktiken. / The study intends to research reuse of windows and more specifically reuse of windows in new buildings. The study examines the design process linked to this. The construction sector accounts for 21% of Sweden's total emissions of greenhouse gases, which corresponds to 9,8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. One third of all waste generated in Sweden is generated from the construction sector, which is approximately 9 million tonnes of non-hazardous waste. Only a small amount of construction products is reused, with only about ten tons of construction and demolition waste being reused at recycling centres in Sweden. In Sweden, the goal is for materials to be reused and recycled from non-hazardous construction and demolition waste to amount to at least 70% by 2025. Glass is a material that requires intense heat to be manufactured, which leads to a significant amount of carbon dioxide emissions. Sand is also scarce worldwide, as the demand for sand has tripled over two decades. This leads to investigating reuse of windows and the process around it. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the architect's design and creation process can be developed and be flexible when reusing windows. The goal of the study is to obtain an increased knowledge of the subject and what challenges and opportunities exist. The study also consists of a design proposal in a case study. In order to achieve the purpose and goal of the study, the following research questions are answered: What challenges and opportunities exist around the reuse of windows? What does a framework for the design process look like when reusing windows? How can design principles when reusing windows be used to enable a flexibleprocess and create an aesthetically pleasing final product? The method of the study is divided into three parts: literature study and reference projects, interviews, and additionally a project/case study. The literature study provides a scientific basis to then carry out qualitative semi-structured interviews and then to test the theories in a project. The project was done in collaboration with Liljewall Arkitekter, who provided materials and advice. The conclusions of the study can be summarized by the fact that the results of the study provide an insight into current challenges and opportunities linked to the reuse of windows. The study shows the need for more completed examples to increase knowledge about the subject. It shows the potential and difficulties of the process connected to reuse of windows. The study combines both theoretical and practical perspectives, to an increased understanding of how to reuse windows in new buildings and how to implement it in the design process to enable development and flexibility. The study contributes to increased knowledge about the reuse of windows and what opportunities and challenges that exist. The case study also applies the theories in a context to provide suggestions on how to implement window reuse in practice.

Återbruk av tegel : En jämförelse mellan nyproducerat och återbrukat tegel / Reuse of bricks : A comparison between newly produced and recycled bricks

Lundin, Lucas, Persson, William January 2023 (has links)
Byggbranschen är idag en av de ledande faktorerna till både avfall och koldioxidutsläpp i Sverige. Detta beror till stor del på råvaruutvinning och användning av jungfruliga material. En stor del av både utsläpp och avfallsmängder skulle kunna minskas genom att nyttja mer återbruk. Ett material som lämpar sig för återbruk är tegel. Syftet med arbetet är att öka återbruk av tegel i Sverige för att minska utsläppen från byggsektorn. Målet med studien är att redogöra återbruksprocessen för tegel och att jämföra skillnader mellan nyproducerat tegel och återbrukat tegel. Metoderna för att ta reda på återbruksprocessen samt skillnader mellan nyproducerat och återbrukat tegel är genom en litteraturstudie och via praktiska tester. Litteraturstudien genomfördes för att skapa större förståelse kring tegel och dess egenskaper samt hur det kan återbrukas. För att jämföra nyproducerat och återbrukat tegel har fyra SIS-tester utförts på massivt nyproducerat, hålat nyproducerat, massivt återbrukat och hålat återbrukat tegel. Återbruksprocessen för tegel är en process som idag används av ett företag som heter Brukspecialisten. Återbruksprocessen har fyra steg som består av en inventering av byggnaden innan rivning, tegelpant på allt tegel som går att återbruka, transport av tegel och tegelhanteringsprocess. Processen bidrar till hållbara, miljösparande och ekonomiska byggnadsmaterial som återanvänds i stället för att slängas på deponi. Återbrukat tegel säljs med tillhörande produktinformation som beskriver tryckhållfasthet, färg, åtgång per m2och rekommenderad typ av murbruk. Dessa steg skapar en återbruksmarknad för tegel som är konkurrenskraftig mot nyproducerat tegel. Resultatet från studien visar att tegel från både 1900- och 1960-talet är återbrukbart och går att använda. Tegel som återbrukas testas och klassas om med hänsyn till tekniska egenskaper från testerna. Teglets nya klassning innebär att teglet kan återanvändas i nya projekt med nya förutsättningar. / The construction industry is currently one of the leading contributors to both waste and carbon dioxide emissions in Sweden. This is largely due to the extraction of raw materials and the use of virgin materials. A significant portion of both emissions and waste could be reduced by utilizing more reuse. One material that is suitable for reuse is bricks. The purpose of this work is to increase the reuse of bricks in Sweden in order to reduce emissions from the construction sector. The goal of the study is to outline the process of reusing bricks and to compare the differences between newly produced bricks and reused bricks. The methods used to understand the process of reusing bricks and the differences between newly produced and reused bricks are through a literature study and practical tests. The literature study was conducted to gain a better understanding of bricks and theirs properties, as well as how they can be reused. To compare newly produced and reused bricks, four SIS tests were conducted for solid newly produced, perforated newly produced, solid reused, and perforated reused bricks. The process of reusing brick is currently performed by a company called Brukspecialisten. The reusing process consists of four steps, which involve conducting a survey of the building before demolition, implementing a brick deposit system for all reusable bricks, transportation of the bricks, and brick handling processes. This process contributes to sustainable, environmentally friendly, and cost-effective building materials that are reused instead of being discarded in landfills. Reused bricks are sold with accompanying product information that describes compressive strength, color, consumption per square meter, and recommended type of mortar. These steps create a competitive market for reused bricks as an alternative to newly produced bricks. The results of the study indicate that bricks from both the 1900s and the 1960s are reusable and can be used. Reused bricks undergoe testing and are reclassified based on theirs technical properties from the tests. The bricks new classification means that they can be reused in new projects with new requirements.

Utiliza??o de microemuls?o na remo??o da cor de efluentes t?xteis contendo corantes dispersos

Ara?jo, Beth Aluana Tavares de 17 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:41:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 BethATA_DISSERT.pdf: 4261945 bytes, checksum: f9ef7f539e59502be1e168b17a14bf4a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-17 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / Polyester fibers are the most used fibers in the world and disperse dyes are used for dyeing these fibers. After dyeing, the colorful dyebath is discharged into effluent streams, which needs a special treatment for color removal. Surfactants interaction with dyes has been evaluated in several studies, including the textile area, specifically in the separation of dyes from textile wastewater. In this work a cationic surfactant was used in a microemulsion system for the extraction of anionic dyes (disperses dyes) from textile wastewater. These microemulsion system was composed by dodecylamonium chloride (surfactant), kerosene oil (organic phase), isoamyl alcohol (cosurfactant) and the wastewater (aqueous phase). The wastewater that results after the dyeing process is acid (pH 5). It was observed that changing the pH value to above 12.8 the extraction could be made, resulting in an aqueous phase with low color level. The Scheff? net experimental design was used for the extraction process optimization, and the obtained results were evaluated using the program "Statistica 7.0". The optimal microemulsion system was composed by 59.8wt.% of wastewater, 30.1wt.% of kerosene, 3.37wt.% of surfactant and 6.73wt.% of cosurfactant, providing extraction upper than 96%. A mix of reactive dyebath (50%) and disperse dyebath (50%) was used as aqueous phase and it presented extraction upper than 98%. The water phase after extraction process can be reused in a new dyeing, being obtained satisfactory results, according to the limits established by textile industry for a good dyeing. Tests were accomplished seeking to study the influence of salt addition and temperature. An experimental design was used for this purpose, which showed that the extraction doesn't depend on those factors. In this way, the removal of color from textile wastewater by microemulsion is a viable technique (that does not depend of external factors such as salinity and temperature), being obtained good extraction results even with in wastewater mixtures / Fibras de poli?ster s?o as fibras sint?ticas mais utilizadas no mundo e corantes dispersos s?o empregados para o tingimento destas fibras. Depois do tingimento, o banho colorido ? descarregado no efluente, que precisa de um tratamento especial para remo??o de cor. A intera??o de tensoativos com corantes foi estudada em diversas pesquisas inclusive na ?rea t?xtil, especificamente na separa??o de corantes de efluentes t?xteis. Neste trabalho foi usado um tensoativo cati?nico em um sistema de microemuls?o para extra??o de corantes n?oi?nico (corantes dispersos) de efluente t?xtil. Esse sistema de microemuls?o foi composto por cloreto de dodecil am?nio (tensoativo), querosene (fase org?nica), ?lcool isoam?lico (cotensoativo) e o efluente l?quido (fase aquosa). O efluente que resulta depois do processo de tingimento ? ?cido (pH 5). Foi observado que mudando o valor do pH para acima de 12,8 a extra??o poderia ser feita, resultando em uma fase aquosa com baixo n?vel de cor. Um planejamento experimental do tipo rede de Scheff? foi usado, para a otimiza??o do processo de extra??o, e os resultados obtidos foram avaliados usando o programa "Statistica 7.0". O ponto ?timo do sistema de microemuls?o ? composto por 59,8% em massa de efluente, 30,1% de querosene, 3,37% de tensoativo e 6,73% de cotensoativo, promovendo uma extra??o superior a 96%. Foi analisada a efici?ncia da remo??o da cor em um efluente composto por 50% de banho de corante reativo e 50% de banho de corante disperso, obtendo-se uma extra??o superior a 98%. A fase aquosa obtida ap?s a extra??o do corante pode ser reutilizada em um novo tingimento, obtendo-se resultados satisfat?rios, dentro dos limites estabelecidos para um bom tingimento na ind?stria. Tamb?m foram realizados testes que mostravam a influencia de fatores como a adi??o de sal e a varia??o da temperatura. Para isso foi utilizado um planejamento experimental, o qual mostrou que a extra??o n?o depende desses fatores. Dessa forma, a remo??o da cor de efluentes t?xteis por microemuls?o ? uma t?cnica vi?vel (que independe de fatores externos como salinidade e temperatura), obtendo-se inclusive bons resultados de extra??o em misturas de efluentes

Polímeros de hidrogéis com água de reúso e de abastecimento no desenvolvimento de mudas de espécies arbóreas da floresta estacional semidecidual

Ferreira, Alexandre José Domingues 07 August 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T18:55:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6339.pdf: 1320900 bytes, checksum: ceafdc5598f1fbb6c687c57d58657bc1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-08-07 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / The seasonal semideciduous forests from southeastern Brazil have high plant species richness, but have been strongly affected by human interferences, which let them very degraded: nowadays they are represented by small isolated fragments, immersed in a landscape dominated by agriculture and large urban centers. In this sense, the ecology of restoration arises in order to facilitate, accelerate and direct the processes of secondary succession to manage such areas, considering the knowledge about theoretical concepts that aim to review the effectiveness of natural ecosystem management techniques and practices. In such a perspective, we aimed in this experiment to test the following question: During de production of seedlings of the native forest tree species, Ceiba speciosa (Malvaceae) and Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Bignoniaceae), different dilutions of hydrogel associated to irrigation with reused water, could improve their development? To answer this question, we selected three treatments (1g, 4g and 8g of hydrogel), beyond the witness (no hydrogel). The seedlings of both species were irrigated during one month with water reused and water supply. After this period, we estimated the growth of seedlings: roots, height and diameter. We used ANOVA (p = 0.001), and Tukey s test to verify significative differences between the mean of the treatments. We found significative differences in both height and diameter growth from 4g of hydrogel as to C. speciosa as H. heptaphyllus. In relation to the growth of root system of both tree species, the mean of superficial root area differed significantly from 4g of hydrogel when compared to the witness, confirming our initial assumption that the roots would grow in a lower proportion of area because they are in their hydric comfort zone. With such results added to theoretical knowledge in the ecology of restoration, the association of hydrogels with reused water comes to stand up for the sustainable use of water in the irrigation of native seedlings. / Apesar das florestas estacionais semideciduais do interior do estado de São Paulo possuir elevada riqueza de espécies, as interferências humanas deixaram esses ecossistemas degradados e representados por pequenos fragmentos isolados, imersos numa paisagem dominada pela agricultura e centros urbanos. Diante essa problemática, a restauração ecológica surge com o objetivo de facilitar, acelerar e direcionar os processos sucessionais naturais a fim de manejar essas áreas, considerando os novos teóricos da ecologia de comunidades vegetais tropicais, que pretendem revisitar a eficácia de técnicas de manejo em restauração ecológica. Nesta perspectiva, surge como objetivo desse trabalho, testar a pergunta científica: O uso de polímeros hidrogéis em diferentes concentrações na produção de mudas nativas de Ceiba speciosa (Malvaceae) e de Handroanthus heptaphyllus (Bignoniaceae), associados à irrigação com água de reúso tratada, interfere significativamente no crescimento de seu sistema radicular, sua altura e diâmetro, e aumenta a longevidade das mudas? Para responder a essa pergunta, utilizou-se mudas das duas espécies nativas, em três tratamentos (1g, 4g e 8g de hidrogel), além da uma testemunha, contendo apenas o solo. As mudas foram irrigadas por um mês com água de abastecimento e água de reúso tratada; depois de cessadas as irrigações, foram avaliadas os estimadores citados. Foram realizadas análises de variância (p = 0,001), seguidas do teste de Tukey para verificar diferenças significativas entre as médias dos tratamentos. Verificaram-se diferenças significativas no crescimento em altura e diâmetro a partir do uso de 4g de hidrogel, tanto para C. speciosa quanto para H. heptaphyllus. Em relação ao sistema radicular, as médias de área superficial diferiram-se estatisticamente a partir de 4g de hidrogel quando comparadas às testemunhas, tanto para C. speciosa quanto para H. heptaphyllus, confirmando a expectativa inicial de que com hidrogel, as raízes cresceriam em menor proporção em área porque estariam na zona de conforto hídrico. Com esses resultados aliados aos conhecimentos teóricos da ecologia da restauração, a associação de polímeros hidrogéis com água de reúso vem defender a racionalização do uso da água na irrigação de mudas de espécies nativas, reaproveitando águas de reúso que seriam descartadas em águas superficiais.

Konsumenters syn på återanvändning av kläder : En jämförelsestudie i Sverige om konsumentbeteende i olika åldrar. / Consumers view on reuse of apparel : A comparative study in Sweden of consumer behavior in different ages.

Gran, Åsa, Ljungberg, Julia January 2019 (has links)
Dagens modekonsumtion har lett till att en stor mängd kläder slängs utan anledning vilket har en mycket stor inverkan på miljön. Modeindustrin har identifierats som en stor bidragande faktor till plastföroreningen i haven och är även ansvarig för 20 procent av det globala vattenspillet och 10 procent av planetens totala koldioxidutsläpp. I denna kvalitativa studie har en undersökning gjorts för att se om konsumenter i Sverige är villiga att köpa sina kläder i andra hand istället för nyproducerade och även hur andrahandsmarknaden kan växa och bli bättre och mer attraktiv. För att kunna lära oss om konsumenters vanor kopplade till shopping har skribenterna genomfört en enkätstudie med människor i alla åldrar. Semistrukturerade intervjuer har även genomförts med företag från second hand-sektorn för ytterligare kännedom om branschen. Resultatet av studien visar att andrahandsmarknaden har vuxit under de senaste åren och att den främsta anledningen till varför konsumenter väljer andrahandsplagg är av miljömässiga skäl. Vidare visar studien att den yngsta generationen, människor under 20 år, är den grupp som visar lägst intresse för second hand vilket är oroande då detta är framtidens konsumenter. / Today’s fashion consumption has led to a big amount of clothes being thrown away for no reason, greatly impacting the environment. The fashion industry has been identified as a big contributor to the plastic pollution of the oceans and is also responsible for 20 percent of the global water waste and 10 percent of the globe’s total carbon dioxide emissions. In this qualitative study, an investigation is made as to whether consumers in Sweden are willing to buy their clothes second hand instead of newly-produced and how the second hand market can grow and become better and more attractive. In order to learn about the consumers’ habits linked to shopping, a survey was conducted by people of all ages. Semi-structured interviews were also done with companies within the second hand sector to further learn about the business. The outcome of this study shows that the second hand market has grown over the last few years and that the biggest reason for people to choose second hand is because of environmental factors. Furthermore, the study finds that the youngest generation, people under the age of 20, is the group that is the least interested in second hand, which is a cause for concern since this group is the consumers of the future.

Prefabricerat fasadsystem med återanvänt trä : en undersökning med FEM modelleringar och varierande materialparametrar / Prefabricated facade system with recycled wood : an investigation with FEM modeling and varying material parameters

Almestrand, Lovisa January 2024 (has links)
Sammanfattning Denna studie undersöker möjligheten att använda återanvänt trä från rivningsvirke i prefabricerade fasadsystem, med fokus på att minska bygg- och fastighetssektorns koldioxidutsläpp. Syftet är att med hjälp av finita elementmetoden (FEM) modellera och dimensionera fasadelement som kan användas i FÅTT-projektet och Arctic Center of Energy (ACE) i Skellefteå. Studien jämför mekaniska egenskaper mellan gammalt och nyproducerat trä samt undersöker hur fuktinducerade rörelser påverkar fasadelementen. Studiens resultat visade på att Fasadelement 1 med dimension 70x195 mm i ramen alternativt Fasadelement 3 med 45x145 i ramen var bäst lämpade för projektet. Resultaten från litteraturstudien visar att återanvänt trä kan uppfylla de nödvändiga kraven för hållbarhet och formstabilitet, vilket innebär att det finns stor potential för industriell produktion av fasadelement med återbrukat virke. Denna studie bidrar med underlag och kunskap för framtida utveckling och användning av hållbara byggmaterial inom byggindustrin. / Abstract This study investigates the potential of using reclaimed wood from demolition waste in prefabricated facade systems, aiming to reduce carbon emissions in the construction and real estate sector. The purpose is to model and design facade elements using the Finite Element Method (FEM) for the FÅTT-project and the Arctic Center of Energy (ACE) in Skellefteå. The study compares the mechanical properties of old and newly produced wood and examines how moisture-induced movements affect the facade elements. The results of the study showed that Facade Element 1 with dimensions 70x195 mm in the frame or alternatively Facade Element 3 with 45x145 mm in the frame were best suited for the project. The findings from the literature review show that reclaimed wood can meet the necessary requirements for durability and dimensional stability, indicating significant potential for industrial production of facade elements using recycled wood. This study provides insights and a solid foundation for future development and use of sustainable building materials within the construction industry.

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