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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riskprofilering inom förmögenhetsrådgivning och privatrådgivning : En studie inom banksektorn

Ennen, Maximilian, Persson, Hanna January 2017 (has links)
Sveriges största banker erbjuder både förmögenhetsrådgivning och privatrådgivning till sina kunder. Förmögenhetsrådgivare ger råd till bankkunder som innehar ett stort kapital, där storleken varierar från bank till bank, medan privatrådgivare ger råd till kunder som inte kvalificeras som förmögenhetskunder. Det som både förmögenhetsrådgivare och privatrådgivare har gemensamt är skapandet av kundernas riskprofiler som görs innan finansiella råd ges. De väsentliga påverkansfaktorerna i denna uppsats är reglering, styrsystem, kundens demografiska attribut, professionalism samt rådgivaren som individ. Det har tidigare studerats hur olika faktorer kan tänkas påverka generell risksättning men då har jämförelsen mellan förmögenhetsrådgivning och privatrådgivning inte tagits i bejakande. Syftet med denna uppsats är hur de olika faktorerna kan tänkas påverka den riskprofil som fastställs inom förmögenhetsrådgivning i jämförelse med privatrådgivning. Två hypoteser har konstruerats utifrån uppsatsens syfte och de teorier som är inkluderade. I denna uppsats används ett positivistiskt synsätt och en deduktiv ansats, där data har samlats in med hjälp av en enkätundersökning för att undersöka studiens syfte. Resultatet kan inte påvisa att faktorerna påverkar den riskprofilering som de finansiella rådgivarna fastställer och därför gick inte hypoteserna att acceptera. En antydan finns dock i att förmögenhetsrådgivare har högre precision i att fastställa kundens risktolerans. En annan antydan är att förmögenhetsrådgivare överskattar kundens risktolerans. Slutsatsen visar att forskningen ger en antydan till att rådgivarens professionalitet samt rådgivaren som individ påverkar den riskprofilering som förmögenhetsrådgivarna och privatrådgivarna sätter på kunden. Slutligen bidrar studien till en diskussion om skillnader mellan förmögenhetsrådgivare och privatrådgivare när de fastställer kundens risktolerans. Idén i denna studie har därmed bidragit till nya tankar gällande uppsatsens koncept. / Sweden's largest banks offer financial advice regarding the customer’s wealth. Wealth management advises bank customers who hold large capital where the size varies between the banks. Private advisers provide consulting to bank customers who do not qualify for wealth management. What both wealth managers and private advisors have in common is the creation of customer risk profiles that are made before any financial advice is given. The key impact factors in this paper are regulation, control systems, customer demographic attributes, professionalism and the advisor as an individual. It has previously been studied how different factors may affect general risk setting but not focusing on the professions of wealth managers and private advisors and the comparison between them. The purpose of this paper is how the various factors may affect the risk profile from wealth management in comparison to private advising. Two hypotheses have been constructed from the purpose of this paper and the theory’s that are included. This essay uses a positivistic approach and a deductive approach, in which data has been gathered through a questionnaire survey for studying the purpose of this paper. The result cannot show that the factors affect the risk profile set by the financial advisors and the hypotheses where therefore rejected. However, there is an indication that wealth managers have higher precision in determining the client's risk tolerance. Another indication is also that wealth managers overestimate the client's risk tolerance compared to private advisors. The research conclusions indicate that the advisor's professionalism and the adviser as an individual influence the risk profile that wealth managers and private advisor’s determents for the customers. Finally, the study contributes to a discussion of differences between wealth managers and private advisors when they determent the customers risk profile. The idea of this study has contributed to new thoughts about the essay concepts.

Användbarhet vs Integritet : En fallstudie om hur användbarhet påverkar villighet att dela personlig information på Facebooks plattformar

Blume, Pontus, Ekberg, Filip January 2021 (has links)
Increased participation in various social media platforms have led to large amounts of user data being generated, creating an opportunity for businesses that run the platforms to store and sell the data. This has created a situation where users are forced to weigh the benefits of using the platforms against sharing their personal information, which is a risk to their privacy. To address this issue, this study investigates how users weigh usability benefits against the perceived risks of sharing personal information. A case study was conducted on platforms run by Facebook (FP). Data collection was done through interviews and by gathering previous research before the result was analyzed using a qualitative method. The interview questions addressed usefulness, perceived risk and integrity management and were, among other research, formulated from the Technology Acceptance Model. The study made several interesting findings about usefulness, users’ need for integrity and how they perceive and tolerate various risks. Conclusions could then be drawn about how these findings affect users’ decision making process regarding their intention to use FP.

Asymmetry of Gains and Losses: Behavioral and Electrophysiological Measures

Flores, Diego Gonzalo 01 December 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to explore the effects of small monetary or economic gains and/or losses on choice behavior through the use of a computerized game and to determine gain/loss ratio differences using both behavioral and electrophysiological measures. Participants (N=53) played the game in several 36 minute sessions. These sessions operated with concurrent variable-interval schedules for both rewards and penalties. Previously, asymmetrical effects of gains and losses have been identified through cognitive studies, primarily due to the work of nobel laureates Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky (1979). They found that the effect of a loss is twice (i.e., 2:1) that of a gain. Similar results have been observed in the behavioral laboratory as exemplified by the research of Rasmussen and Newland (2008), who found a 3:1 ratio for the effect of losses versus gains. The asymmetry of gains and losses was estimated behaviorally and through event-related brain potentials (ERPs) and the cognitive (Kahneman and Tversky) and behavioral (Rasmussen and Newland) discrepancy elucidated. In the game, the player moves an animated submarine around sea rocks to collect yellow coins and other treasures on the sea floor. Upon collecting a coin, one of three things can happen: The player triggers a penalty (loss), the player triggers a payoff (gain), or there is no change. The behavioral measures consisted in counting the number of clicks, reinforces, and punishers and then determining ratio differences between punished (loss) and no punished condition (gain) conditions. The obtained gain/loss ratio corresponded to an asymmetry of 2:1. Similarly ratio differences were found between male and female, virtual money and cash, risk averse versus risk seeking, and generosity versus profit behavior. Also, no ratio difference was found when players receive information about other player's performances in the game (players with information versus players without information). In electroencephalographic (EEG) studies, visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and ERPs components (e.g., P300) were examined. I found increased ERP amplitudes for the losses in relation to the gains that corresponded to the calculated behavioral asymmetry of 2:1. A correlational strategy was adopted that sought to identify neural correlates of choice consistent with cognitive and behavioral approaches. In addition, electro cortical ratio differences were observed between different sets of electrodes that corresponded to the front, middle, and back sections of the brain; differences between sessions, risk averse and risk seeking behavior and sessions with concurrent visual and auditory stimuli and only visual were also estimated.

Perceived risk and entry mode strategies of Danish firms in Central and Eastern Europe

Brüniche-Olsen, Lau January 2009 (has links)
In his assessment of the theory development within international market entry mode, Cumberland (2006) outlines the importance of devoting more attention to the research linking the theoretical level and the operational level. Other researchers have shown the performance of a firm is highly affected by its internationalisation process and selecting the right entry mode is one of the most critical managerial decisions. Despite many years of interest from researchers, the entry choice strategy area is still considered a frontier issue. Researchers have suggested that managing risk is one of the major strategic objectives for managers of multinational firms. Furthermore, risk is regarded as a key determinant in relation to entry mode choice. Research has found that the various risk variables should be regarded as an integrated measure in relation to entry mode choice and not single measures. By looking at a single risk variable, the firm might analyse the situation incorrectly, which may lead to an incorrect entry mode. This study investigates the relationship between entry mode choice, perceived risk and risk tolerance for Danish firms entering Central and Eastern Europe by using a probabilistic model. The results indicate risk should be regarded as an integrated measure in relation to entry mode. Despite not all risk variables showing significant correlation with entry mode, some relations were found. The preferred model for predicting entry mode included years of CEE experience, number of competitors, cultural difference, consumer taste and future market potential. In addition, the analysis showed that Danish firms generally are relatively risk averse. Regardless of entry mode, the analysis showed that Danish firms regard CEE as politically stable and do not see a potential risk in government involvement in their activities. Furthermore, Danish firms experience relatively high and increasing competition in CEE, however, they indicate the same methods are available for marketing in CEE as in Denmark.

Game Theory and Prospect Theory: Ultimatum Bargaining and Entrepreneurship in a Non-Laboratory Environment

Beck, Zachary Jacks 02 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Google-generationen : En kvantitativ studie i hur generation Z skiljer sig från äldre generationer ur ett börspsykologiskt perspektiv / The Google Generation

Elfstrand, Simon, Persson, Philip January 2022 (has links)
Generation Z har under sin korta tid som investerare på den finansiella marknaden varit med om en säregen börskrasch till följd av coronapandemin 2020. Börskraschen 2020 var unik i förhållande till tidigare börskrascher såsom IT-kraschen 2000 och finanskrisen 2008 eftersom marknaden återhämtade sig och nådde nya rekordnivåer inom ett halvår. Samtidigt stod svenska investerare under de första månaderna av 2022 inför ett nytt ras där den genomsnittliga aktien på Stockholmsbörsen sjunkit med ungefär 36% från dess högsta nivå under perioden 2020–2022 till följd av en hög inflationstakt samt Rysslands invasion av Ukraina. Forskningen kring den yngsta gruppen investerare, generation Z, som saknar erfarenhet av långvariga osäkra marknadsförhållanden är bristfällig och ger därmed upphov till en ny grupp investerare att studera. Studiens syfte är att studera hur riskbenägenhet samvarierar med börspsykologiska bias, kognitiv reflektionsförmåga och erfarenhet från tidigare finansiella kriser samt hur dessa faktorer skiljer sig mellan generation Z och tidigare generationer. Studien finner att generation Z till större del faller för samtliga börspsykologiska bias förutom överreaktion och visar på ett flertal signifikanta skillnader mellan generation Z och äldre generationer. Resultatet visar även att anchoring och konfirmeringsbiassamvarierar signifikant med riskbenägenhet och att den största skillnaden mellan generation Z och äldre generationer kan hänföras till börspsykologiska bias. / Generation Z has during their short time as investors experienced a market crash due to the covid-pandemic in 2020 but also a quick recovery in the same year where the market reached a new all-time high. The market crash in 2020 was unique compared to the crash following the burst of the Dot-com bubble in 2000 and the financial crisis in 2008 because of the quick recovery of the stock market that led to new all-time highs. However, during the first months of 2022, Swedish investors were once again experiencing a market crash where the average stock on the Stockholm stock exchange had lost more than 36% of its value since their peak between 2020-2022 due to high inflation and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The youngest group of investors, generation Z, lacks experience from long-lasting uncertainties in the stock market. Research regarding generation Z is insufficient which gives rise to a new group of investors to study. The purpose of the thesis is to study the relationship between risk tolerance and psychological biases, cognitive reflection and experience from previous stock market crashes and how these factors differ between generation Z and older generations. The thesis finds that generation Z is indicated to be more affected by every psychological bias except overreaction and finds several significant differences between generation Z and the older generations. The result also shows that confirmation bias and anchoring have a significant relationship to risk tolerance and that the largest differences between generation Z and older generations are derived from psychological biases.

Сравнительное исследование мотивации предпринимательской деятельности студентов-выпускников : магистерская диссертация / Comparative studies of the entrepreneurial motivation of graduated students

Dolgih, D. A., Долгих, Д. А. January 2014 (has links)
The research work is dedicated to the essence, details and specification of the entrepreneurship including the youth entrepreneurship in particular. It outlines the trends of the youth entrepreneurial development in Russia and abroad. The research analyzes restrains and limits of the youth entrepreneurship in order to propose the ways to overcome them. Thus, there were identified three groups of factors that prevent the graduated students to start their own business: 1) personal characteristics, fear of risk or failure; 2) lack of knowledge, skills, funds; 3) politico-social and economic instability, intense competition, etc. Moreover, the majority of the students have no or have just hint of information about the youth entrepreneurship support programs. The scientific work showed up that among the UrFU graduated students sample (Psychology Department and Economic Department, 78 persons, in total) 58 persons (74%) wanted to be an entrepreneur. The comparative analysis of both groups of students who willing and unwilling to be an entrepreneur irrespectively of their study programs results in fact that the students who are inclined to entrepreneurship have high level of risk tolerance combined with the high level of achievement motivation and the low level of motivation to avoid failure. In addition, the economy students have the high level of risk tolerance and the psychology students have the average one. In conclusion, the outcomes of the research can be used as an informational pool for the development of the youth entrepreneurial projects and as a reference framework for further monitoring of the graduation students attitude toward the entrepreneurship issue. / В исследовании определено содержание, сущность и специфика предпринимательской деятельности, а также молодежного предпринимательства в частности. Описаны тенденции развития молодежного предпринимательства за рубежом и в России. Охарактеризованы сдерживающие факторы, барьеры предпринимательской деятельности молодых людей и меры преодоления этих барьеров. Так, выделено три группы факторов, препятствующих студентам-выпускникам создавать свой бизнес: 1) личностные качествами, боязнь риска и неудачи; 2) отсутствие знаний, навыков, финансов; 3) социально-политическая и экономическая нестабильность, высокий уровень конкуренции и т.п. При этом большинство студентов вообще не слышали о программах поддержки предпринимательства или имеют весьма смутное представление о них. Выявлено, что из выборки студентов-выпускников УрФУ (психологи и экономисты, всего 78 чел.) 58 человек (74%) хотели бы стать предпринимателями. Сравнительный анализ мотивации склонных и не склонных к предпринимательской деятельности независимо от профессионального направления подготовки показал, что, студенты склонные к предпринимательству отличаются высоким уровнем готовности к риску в сочетании с высоким уровнем мотивации успеха и низким уровнем мотивации избегания неудач. При этом экономисты отличаются высоким, а психологи средним уровнем готовности к риску. В целом, полученные данные могут служить информационной основой по развитию проектов, вовлекающих студентов в предпринимательство, а также проведения последующих мониторингов отношения выпускников к данной деятельности.

影響企業服務創新的因素與服務創新對企業績效表現的影響-以台灣銀行業為例 / The determinations of service innovation and how service innovation affect firm’s performance in Taiwan’s bank industry

沈哲緒, Shen, Che Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
創新是否能有助於企業成長與績效提升從過去以來一直是各文獻致力於探討的議題,隨著近年來服務業在各國產值比重有明顯上升的趨勢,許多學者更開始把較無型、較屬於服務業的創新從創新中獨立出來,並稱之為「服務創新」。每家企業的服務創新程度都會隨著企業內部資源與外部環境因素的不同而有所差異,因此本研究將著重在探討企業內外部有哪些因素可能會影響企業發展服務創新,以及在發展服務創新後是否真的能對企業績效表現有著正面的影響。 本研究透過質化的方法對四家台灣的銀行進行深入的訪談,從訪談結果和過去文獻中找出許多影響企業服務創新的因素,這些因素可以被歸納為資源基礎理論所稱的資源,企業透過強化這些內外部的資源將將可在市場上獲得競爭優勢,進而獲得較多的利潤。歸納結果後本研究做出以下論述:就企業內部資源而言(1)企業策略、組織資源與企業網絡、企業風險忍受程度、領導、市場導向皆對企業發展服務創有正面的幫助。(2)資訊科技整合平台應用在銀行業對於服務創新的幫助並不大。(3)就外部因素而言,政府因素、競爭對手模仿創新的能力將不利於企業發展服務創新。(4)企業發展服務創新將可提升整體企業形象與客戶忠誠度,這些都會促使企業績效成長。   最後,本研究根據訪談結果與次級資料發現企業內部因素中的組織資源與企業網絡是目前台灣銀行業要發展服務創新致勝的重要關鍵。此外,就企業外部因素來說,台灣目前銀行業的外部環境是不是很有利於服務創新發展,銀行應與政府主管機關多溝通協調,以改善發展環境。 / Whether innovation can affect firm’s performance is an important issue from past literature review. Since service industry become higher share in GDP in many countries, Scholars has departed service innovation from innovation. Every firms have different service innovation level because of different inner and outside resources. Therefore, this research will emphasize on discussing what kind of factors might affect firm to develop service innovation, and whether service innovation can really contribute to firm’s performance. In this research I collect many factors which might affect firms to develop service innovation from deep interviews four banks in Taiwan and past literature review. With those factors, firms can create competitive advantage and earn more profit. And I sort out few proposition as below: (1) If one firm do well at Company Strategy , Network of organizations , Leadership , Risk Tolerance , Market Orientation, then it will develop service innovation better than others firms. (2) IT Integration is not an important factor for developing service innovation in Taiwan’s bank industry. (3) Government Regulation , Competitor Imitate will make disadvantage for developing service innovation. (4) Service innovation will lead better Company Image and Customer Loyalty. Finally, according to the result from interviews and secondary data, I find that Network of organizations is the most important element for bank to get advantage in service innovation. And banks should be more emphasize on reduce disadvantage from external factors.

Understanding Perspectives of Risk Awareness

Park, Byunguk Randon 01 August 2014 (has links)
Research in risk awareness has been relatively neglected in the health informatics literature, which tends largely to examine project managers’ perspectives of risk awareness; very few studies explicitly address the perspectives held by senior executives such as directors. Another limitation evident in the current risk literature is that studies are often based on American data and/or they are restricted to American culture. Both factors highlight the need to examine how senior executives (i.e., directors) who oversee or direct eHealth projects in Canada perceive risk awareness. This research explores and discusses the perspectives of risk awareness (i.e., identification, analysis, and prioritization) held by directors and project managers who implement Canadian eHealth projects. Semi-structured interviews with nine directors and project managers uncovered six key distinctions in these two groups’ awareness of risk. First, all project managers valued transparency over anonymity, whereas directors believed that an anonymous reporting system for communicating risks had merit. Secondly, most directors emphasized the importance of evidence-based planning and decision making when balancing risks and opportunities, an aspect none of the project managers voiced. Thirdly, while project managers noted that the level of risk tolerance may evolve from being risk-averse to risk-neutral, directors believed that risk tolerance evolved toward risk-seeking. Directors also noted the importance of employing risk officers, a view that was not shared by project managers. Directors also believed the risk of too little end-user engagement and change management was the most important risk, whereas project managers ranked it as the least important. Finally, when directors and project managers were asked to identify and define the root cause(s) of eHealth risks, directors identified the complexity of health care industry, while project managers attributed it to political pressure and a lack of resources where eHealth projects are concerned. This research proposes that the varied perspectives of risk awareness held by directors and project managers must be considered and integrated to properly align expectations and build partnerships for successful eHealth project outcomes. Understanding risk awareness offers a means to systematically identify and analyze the complex nature of eHealth projects by embracing uncertainties, thereby enabling forward thinking (i.e., staying one step ahead of risks) and the ability to prevent avoidable risks and seize opportunities. / Graduate / 0723 / 0489 / 0454 / randbpark@gmail.com

Řízení rizik ve stavebním podniku / Risk Management inside Construction Company

Resl, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to analyse issues of risk management in a construction company, especially in the context of construction contracts implementation. The first part is devoted to applied terminology and interpretation of relevant terms, followed by a classification of risks from different perspectives, including the risks’ possible further sub classification. Furthermore, significant risk resources and construction participants who might be affected by the risks are presented. The third chapter deals with risk management; individual phases of this complex process are described herein, including their correct sequences, as well as a selection of methods and techniques that are standardly used in risk management. The last, fourth chapter summarises the problems of risk management on a practical example, where a construction company implements a construction contract by applying selected risk management methodologies.

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