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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jag tänker att man kommer bli en bra samhällsmedborgare om man kan leka" : En studie om förskollärares roll och uppfattning om barns fria lek / "I think you will become a good citizen of society if you can play" : A study on the preschool teacher's role and perceptions of children's free play

Bönström, Malin, Persson, Maria January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att fördjupa kunskaperna om barns fria lek genom att ta del av litteratur, tidigare forskning samt genom förskollärares erfarenheter och tankar om den fria leken. Kan den fria leken tolkas olika, hur ges den fria leken plats i förskolan och hur ser förskolläraren på dennes roll i den fria leken. När det kommer till förhållningsättet hos förskollärarna i förskolan upplever vi av egna erfarenheter att det kan se olika ut när det kommer till barns lek. Vi har genom tidigare forskning även fått till oss av olika roller som förskolläraren kan inta och betydelsen av de olika rollerna. Vad har förskollärarna för tankar när de intar olika roller och vad är deras syn på barns fria lek. Tio förskollärare intervjuades med frågor kopplade till studiens syfte och frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna har liknande syn gällande barns fria lek i förskolan, dock visar resultatet att förskollärarnas tolkning av den totala tiden för barns fria lek varierar mycket och att det även är av vikt hur stor del av dagen som barnen är på förskolan. Förskollärarna anser att allt lärande sker i leken, att barnen utvecklas med hjälp av leken, att lekmiljöerna spelar en viktig roll i barns fria lek samt att personal överlag i förskolan kan inta olika roller i barns fria lek. Resultatet visar även att avbrott ständigt sker i barns fria lek. Slutsatsen är att den fria leken har stor betydelse för barns utveckling och lärande. I vår studie använder vi oss av begreppen “fri lek” och “lek”, där båda begreppen syftar till barns fria lek överlag.

Učitel jako významný dospělý v životě žáka / Teacher as significant adult in the life of a student

Vondroušová, Věra January 2016 (has links)
(in English): This thesis deals with the current status of the teacher in the student's life in today's society. The theoretical part presents to the reader the basic issues concerning the two major subjects of education, teacher and pupil. The main goal of the practical part is to find out with the help of a questionnaire whether and to what extent is to identify the student with the teacher and with various forms of teachers' role in the student's life.

Učitel a možnosti rozvoje žákovy seberealizace ve výchovně vzdělávacím procesu / Teacher and opportunities to advance pupil's self-fulfillment in educational process

Smetanová, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
Text of thesis is focused on the development potential of students self-realization, using humanistic principles in the educational process. The work includes theoretical background of the issue, psychodidactic processed material, allowing the application of humanistic considerations in teaching process, and empirical research, verifying the real efficacy of theoretical knowledge and psychodidaktic processed material. In the introductory part, the theoretical concepts of self-actualization and humanistic psychology are defined, and also relationship between these concepts and explanations of the significance of these concepts in the educational process to support the holistic development of pupils and to help the student to use their capabilities and dispositions in life. Furthermore, in this part of the work, the possibility of transformation of elements of humanistic psychology, supporting the development of self-fulfillment in teaching, are discussed from a theoretical point of view. Individual chapters deal with the theoretical knowledge on the development of personality, philosophical conception of man in history, the emergence of humanistic psychology on the basis of philosophical orientations, context humanistic psychology and self-fulfillment and justification and utilization possibilities...

Školní poradenské pracoviště - realita a očekávání / School Counselling Centres - reality and expectations

Chrtková, Monika January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with the profession of school psychologist. We are wondering if there are any reasons that prevent or encourage the introduction of psychologists into schools. The first part of the thesis deals with the concepts of school psychology and school psychologist from the present and historical point of view. We are dedicated to the legislative anchoring of this profession and its ethical standards. We uncover the complex network of the school psychologist, including aspects that can be partaking of teachers' expectations of school psychologists. The second part of the thesis deals with the questionnaire survey which was carried out at the school, where the institution of the school psychologist is already established and where it is not. The data analysis was conducted the analysis. Through her, we found five areas of interest which affect expectations. The first area concerns the role of the school psychologist. The second area concerns of his work. The third is the idea of teachers about the " ideal " school psychologist. The fourth deals with the concerns of teachers and the fifth area concerns the financing of school psychologists. The main findings introduce together with the direct quote. In another part of the main findings offer a comparison between schools, which complement the...

Mobbningscen och lärarens roll : En kvalitativ studie om lärarnas arbete mot mobbning / Bullying stage and the teacher's role : A study of teachers' work against bullying

Klikovac, Sasha, Kiserud, Sajra January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolan som institution har existerat i olika former under många århundraden, samtidigt som den hela tiden har följt samhällsutvecklingen. Om problematiken med mobbning inom skolmiljön har det vittnats åtminstone i flera decennier, trots att skolan påvisar den genom aktivt arbete med främjande och förebyggande åtgärder. Vittnesmål kring mobbning kommer oftast från personer som har varit utsatta, ofta långt efter att kränkningarna ägt rum, och ger oss ett perspektiv på problemet. Vår intention med denna uppsats har varit att lyfta upp mobbning från ett annat perspektiv, genom att fånga upp lärarnas upplevelse kring det praktiska arbetet mot mobbning. Syfte: Studiens övergripande syfte är att med hjälp av Goffmans teori om scen, skapa en fördjupad förståelse för vad lärarna inom ett antimobbningsteam på en grundskola har för upplevelse kring deras arbete mot mobbning mellan eleverna. De frågeställningar studien förhåller sig till är: 1. Hur beskriver grundskollärare från antimobbningsteam sin roll i förhållande till elever i mobbningssammanhang? 2. Hur kan Goffmans begrepp scen, roll, aktör, publik, team, inramning och uppsättning användas för att förstå lärarnas upplevelse kring mobbning? Metod: En kvalitativ ansats har använts med fem semistrukturerade intervjuer med lärare från antimobbningsteamet. Analysen av skapad data gjordes utifrån Goffmans dramaturgiska teori om scen samt tidigare forskning. Resultat: Resultatet visar på att vid mobbningen mellan skoleleverna är det hela gruppen som deltar, antingen aktivt genom att utöva kränkningar, eller passivt genom att uppmuntra till det via positiv respons. Detta sker oftast bortom lärarnas synhåll, på scener och vid sådana tillfällen som lärare inte kan bevittna. Studien synliggör att lärare upplever sig ha bristfälliga kunskaper kring problematiken samt att det saknas tidsmässiga resurser för att motarbeta problemet. Scenen för mobbning ramas in av skolans styrdokument men även genom skolans bristande satsningar på resurser och lärarutbildningar. / Background: The school as an institution has existed in various forms for many centuries, and constantly followed the development of society. Regarding the problem of bullying in the school environment, it has been testified as a problem during at least several decades. This despite the fact that the school demonstrates it through active efforts of promotion and prevention. Testimony about the bullying usually comes from people who have been exposed, often long after the violations occurred, and gives us a perspective on the issue. Our intention with this essay has been to illustrate the bullying from a different perspective, by capturing the teachers' experience on the practical work against bullying. Purpose: The overall aim is that by using Goffman's theory about stage, creating a deeper understanding of what teachers in an anti-bullying team at a primary school experience within their work with bullying among students. The issues the study relates to are: 1. How primary school teachers from the anti-bullying team describes their role in relation to students in bullying context? 2. How can Goffman's concept stage, role, actor, audience, teams, setting and set be used to understand the teachers' experience concerning bullying? Method: A qualitative approach has been used with semi-structured interviews in which the analysis of the created data was based on Goffman's dramaturgical theory about the stage and previous research. Results: The results show that the whole group is involved at the bullying between school children, either actively by exercising violation, or passively by encouraging it through positive feedback. This usually occurs beyond the teachers' sight, on stages and at such times the teachers cannot witness. The study reveals that teachers feel they have insufficient knowledge about the problem and a lack of time resources to address the problem. The stage of bullying is framed by the school's governing documents and also by the school's lack of investment in resources and teacher training.

What is the role of the art teacher in state-funded secondary schools in England?

Page, Troy January 2017 (has links)
For many years, and particularly since the 1980s, the state has taken an interest in the curriculum of state-funded secondary schools. This interest has focused largely on utilitarian imperatives for employment and economic sustainability. A consequence of this utilitarian conception of state education is that art viewed, as a less useful subject within the curriculum, is threatened by this. Against an historic discourse about the nature of art itself and why it is taught and its value in society, the question of 'What is art'? and 'What is the role of the art teacher'? continue to defy a consensus that is useful to teachers. Concurrently, these important arguments have inevitably impinged on the practice of art teachers who find themselves distanced from cherished liberal and social imperatives, and confused about what is expected of them. This study looks at how these pervasive arguments make an impact on teachers who, although studied as artists and trained to teach art, now find themselves dubbed 'art and design' teachers as the requirements of the state and its increasingly utilitarian system exerts more control over their working lives. More than twice as many art graduates (3.4% of fine art graduates in 2016) enter teaching than design graduates (1.3% design graduates in 2016) (Logan and Prichard, 2016). A piece of qualitative research was completed with a combined sample of 23 teachers. Building on Efland's streams of influence underpinning the development of art education: Expressionist, Scientific Rationalist and Reconstructivist; and Hickman's rationales for art education: Social Utility, Personal Growth and Visual Literacy, a tentative theory is proposed and hypotheses explored. Some teachers questioned revealed sadness at a perceived reduction in time for lessons devoted to self-expression, art history, cultures, critical evaluation, experimentation, imagination, risk taking, and creativity. Some teachers felt deeply that they and their subject is misunderstood, undervalued and under threat. Many were not comfortable with a role that was at variance with the one they had been trained for. Some teachers suggested their role was no longer concerned with developing children's individual talents but had become too design-based, too predictable, too linear, and too concerned with measurable outcomes and results. Capturing the words of 23 teachers in interviews and surveys contributes to the literature and provides teachers, policy makers and future researchers with vital insights into what an art teacher is and why they teach art, and how this is at variance with National Curriculum aims. These insights are vital because the present lack of consensus about such fundamental arguments has contributed to a devaluing of art in the curriculum to a point where the future of art in state-funded secondary schools is no longer guaranteed.

Le rôle de l'enseignant dans les interactions en classe de FLE : analyses de cas des pratiques enseignantes en classeavec le public coréen / The role of the teacher in the interaction of FLE (French as a Foreign Language) Students : case Studies of Teaching Practices with Korean Students

Lee, Eunja 24 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de l’étude est de mettre en valeur les fonctions de l’enseignant remplies dans les interactions en classe du FLE et de trouver des pistes didactiques optimisant au maximum les résultats de l’enseignement en classe de FLE en Corée du Sud. Nous avons recueilli les corpus oraux des enseignants coréens et des enseignants français en classe avec les apprenants coréens pour comparer leurs techniques et apercevoir comment les objectifs pédagogiques et la compréhension des apprenants s’accomplissent. Les classes observées, enregistrées ont été analysées pour observer la méthode de constitution du scénario didactique et les stratégies didactiques que chaque enseignant choisit selon ses propres expériences et sa culture, et leurs effets didactiques. L’analyse des interactions en classe est accompagnée des entretiens avec les enseignants effectuées avant/après le cours ; la planification et l’auto-évaluation de chaque enseignant nous permettent de comprendre leurs choix en matière de méthodologies didactiques. Cette étude nous amène enfin à réfléchir sur le type d’enseignement contextualisé au public coréen ; des interviews et une enquête effectuées auprès des apprenants sont présentés afin de cerner leurs envies et besoins, et discutés ensuite en rapport avec le travail de l’enseignant. L’étude vise à établir les différents rôles de l’enseignant adaptés à un public coréen. / The objective of the study is to highlight the functions of the teacher in FLE classroom interactions and to discover teaching methods that can lead to optimal teaching results of FLE in South Korea. We collected the oral corpus of both Korean and French teachers in class with Korean learners to compare their techniques and to identify how the learning objectives and learners' understanding are accomplished. The observed, recorded classes were analyzed in order to observe the method of constitution of the didactic scenario and the didactic strategies that each teacher chooses according to his own experiences and culture and their didactic effects. Interaction analysis in the classroom is accompanied by interviews with teachers before/ after the class ; The planning and the self-evaluation of each teacher enables us to understand their didactic choices. This study finally leads us to reflect on the type of teaching contextualized for Koreans; Interviews and a survey of learners are presented to identify their wants and needs and then discussed in relation to the work of the teacher. The study aims to establish the different roles of the teacher adapted to the Korean public.

Étude des annotations d’un enseignant à la suite de l’enseignement explicite des stratégies de résolution de problèmes mathématiques

Lapointe, Joanne 05 1900 (has links)
Le Programme de formation de l’école québécoise situe l’élève au cœur de ses apprentissages. L’enseignant peut faciliter le développement des compétences en offrant une rétroaction permettant à l’élève de progresser dans ses apprentissages. Il est difficile pour les enseignants de faire des annotations pertinentes et efficaces en mathématique, car l’accent est mis sur le concept travaillé et non sur la démarche mathématique. C’est pourquoi, nous avons porté notre regard sur l’incidence que peut avoir l’enseignement explicite des stratégies ainsi que sur les annotations faites par l’enseignant sur les copies des élèves en ce qui a trait au développement de leurs compétences à résoudre des problèmes complexes en mathématique. Nous avons opté pour une recherche qualitative et collaborative pour vivre un échange avec l’enseignant et vivre une interinfluence entre le praticien et le chercheur. La qualité des sujets a été favorisée. La technique d’échantillonnage retenue pour le choix de l’enseignant a été celle de cas exemplaires, tandis que celle que nous avons choisie pour les élèves était l’échantillonnage intentionnel critérié. La recherche a duré du mois de novembre au mois de mai de l’année scolaire 2008-2009. Comme instruments de cueillette de données, nous avons opté pour des entrevues avec l’enseignant et des mini-entrevues avec les élèves à deux moments de la recherche. Nous avons consulté les travaux corrigés des élèves dans leur portfolio. Notre étude fait ressortir l’apport de l’enseignement stratégique de la démarche mathématique. Les résultats précisent que les annotations de type méthodologique ont été celles qui ont été les plus utilisées et ont permis une meilleure compréhension chez l’élève. De plus, elles favorisent le transfert d’une situation à l’autre et permettent à l’élève d’obtenir de meilleurs résultats. / The Programme de formation de l’école québécoise (PFEQ) places the student in the center of his learning. The teacher can facilitate the development of the student’s skills by offering a feedback that allows the student to progress in his learning. It is difficult for the teacher’s to make relevant and effective annotations in math, because the emphasis is placed on the concept that was worked on and not on the mathematical process. This is the reason why we decided to concentrate our research on the incidence the teacher’s annotations can have on the development of the student’s mathematical skills. We opted for a qualitative and collaborative research to experiment an exchange with the teacher and live an inter influence between the practitioner and the researcher. The quality of the subjects was favoured. The teacher was chosen according to the sampling of exemplary case techniques and the students were chosen according to the intentional criteria sampling technique. The research lasted from november till may of the school year 2008-2009. Interviews with the teacher and mini interviews with the students at two moments of the research were used to collect data. We also consulted the corrected work placed in the pupil’s portfolios. Our study highlights the contribution of strategic teaching of the mathematical approach. The results specify that methodological annotation was mostly used and aims at a better understanding of the student. Furthermore, this type allows the transfer from a situation to another and allows the student to obtain better results.

Specifika výuky anglického jazyka na druhém stupni základní školy s výchovně vzdělávacím programem podle Marie Montessori / Teaching English at Secondary School Level and its Specifics Considering the Educational Theory of Maria Montessori

HÁKOVÁ, Lada January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with teaching English at Secondary school level considering the educational theory of Maria Montessori. The aim of the thesis is to find out specifics of teaching English. The theoretical part presents Maria Montessori, who is considered to be a founder of Montessori pedagogy, her methods, principles and specifics. In the next part the thesis is focused on the role of the teacher and the pupil in this educational system. Next part is focused on the language teaching and on the acquisition of mother tongue and foreign language. In the conclusion of the theoretical part there is an introduction of General Educational Program of English language. The practical part describes teaching English at the Secondary school level considering the General Educational Program and thus by observing the classes and thanks to conversations with the teacher of English and pupils.

Jona och Isa stannar hemma idag... : - en kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av språk och kommunikation i samband med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Jona and Isa stays home today ... : - a qualitative study on the importance of language and communication in connection with problematic school absence

Sahlin, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker orsaker till problematisk skolfrånvaro, hur språk och kommunikation kan ha betydelse för problematisk skolfrånvaro, samt hur mönstret kan brytas och frånvaro vändas till närvaro. I studien avgränsas undersökningen till problematisk skolfrånvaro kopplad till elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Undersökningen vill ta reda på hur några skolor i en kommun arbetar kring elever i problematisk skolfrånvaro, om det finns en särskild handlingsplan för detta och huruvida man agerar utifrån den. Teoretisk ram för studien utgörs av relationellt specialpedagogiskt perspektiv, samt relationell pedagogik. Studiens data samlades in genom tre formella, semistrukturerade och djupgående intervjuer med vårdnadshavare, samt två surveyundersökningar online i form av enkäter, en till rektorer och en till specialpedagoger och lärare som arbetar med problematisk skolfrånvaro. Konklusionen i studien synliggör betydelsen av tidiga insatser, genuina relationer, samt individanpassade åtgärder. Resultaten visade att många orsaker till problematisk frånvaro samverkar, att språk och kommunikation är en central del i denna problematik, att skolor har goda rutiner och handlingsplaner vid problematisk frånvaro, samt att vikten av personliga relationer och specialpedagogisk kompetens i mötet med dessa barn behöver utvecklas. / This study investigates the causes of problematic school absence, how language and communication can be important for problematic school absence, as well as how the pattern can be broken and turn absence to attendance. In the investigation, the study is delimited to problematic school absence linked to students with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF). The survey wants to find out how some schools in a municipality are working on students with problematic school absence if there is a specific action plan for this and whether they act on the basis of it. Theoretical framework for the study consists of a relational special pedagogical perspective, as well as relational pedagogy. The study data was collected through three formal, semi-structured and in-depth interviews with custodians, as well as two surveys online, one to the rectors and one to special educators and teachers who work with problematic school absence. The study concludes the importance of early efforts, genuine relationships, as well as individualized measures. The results showed that many causes of problematic absence co-operate, that language and communication are key parts of this problem, that schools have good practices and action plans in case of problematic absence, and that the importance of personal relationships and special educational skills in meeting with these children needs to be developed.

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