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Autogene Regenerationserscheinungen in erzgebirgischen Moorwäldern und deren Bedeutung für Schutz und Entwicklung der Moore / Autogenous regeneration phenomena in peatland forests of Erzgebirge Mountains and their importance for peatland protection and developmentWendel, Dirk 03 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
- Ziele der Arbeit -
Ziel vorliegender Arbeit ist, zu analysieren und zu beurteilen, in welchem Umfang autogene Moorregeneration nach anthropogenen Störungen auftritt, welche Voraussetzungen sie erfordert und welche Prozesse von Bedeutung sind. Forstliche und naturschutzfachliche Relevanz der Erkenntnisse sind zu prüfen.
- Versuchsanlage und Methoden -
Die Versuchsanlage umfasst verschiedene räumliche Skalenebenen und Zeitabschnitte. Im Untersuchungsraum sächsisches Erzgebirge befinden sich fünf Untersuchungsgebiete. Geschichtliche Aspekte werden auf Basis von Recherchen, der aktuelle Moorzustand anhand von Geländeerhebungen zu Vegetation und Standort analysiert. Langzeitbeobachtungen dienen dem Nachweis von Sukzessionsprozessen und den sie beeinflussenden Umweltfaktoren. Regenerationsprozesse werden anhand von Regenerationsmerkmalen, die eigens für diese Zwecke erarbeitet wurden, lokalisiert und im Kontext mit dem aktuellen Moorzustand und den Erfordernissen von Naturschutz und Forstwirtschaft interpretiert.
- Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen -
- Das Aufnahmematerial lässt die Differenzierung von 28 Vegetationstypen zu, die anhand von Artengruppen und Zeigerwerten charakterisiert und als Kartiereinheiten zur Bewertung der Moore verwendet werden. Die Moorfläche im Untersuchungsraum wird auf 8.500 ha geschätzt. Jedes untersuchte Moor weist eine spezifische Kombination abiotischer sowie biotischer Merkmale auf und ist deshalb individuell zu bewerten. Entwässerungen und Torfstiche führen zu starker Degeneration, Dominanz von Wald, Seltenheit moortypischer Pflanzenarten, Offengesellschaften, nässegeprägter hydromorphologischer Strukturen sowie ökosystemrelevanter Schlüsselarten. Hinzu kommt eine Schädigung der Baum- und Moosschicht durch SO2-Immissionen bis in die 1990er Jahre und eine nachfolgende Regeneration.
- Wiedervernässungen durch Graben- und Torfstichverlandung sind anhand von Zeitreihen und aktuellen Regenerationsmerkmalen nachweisbar. Autogene Moorregeneration kommt selbst in stark degenerierten Mooren vor. Regenerationsbereiche sind häufig, erreichen aber nur einen geringen Anteil an der Moorfläche (Untersuchungsraum: 1 %, Untersuchungsgebiete: 12 %). Sie haben meist mesotrophen Charakter. Eine erhöhte Regenerationsdisposition tritt u. a. bei konvergenten Wasserströmen und geringen Neigungen auf. Lokale Prozesse wie die Bildung von Fließhindernissen beeinflussen das Unwirksamwerden von Gräben. Die Etablierung torfbildender Vegetation nimmt eine Schlüsselstellung ein. Verschiedene Stufen eines diskontinuierlichen Regenerationsfortschritts sind zu unterscheiden und in bisher bekannte Prozessabläufe einzuordnen. Häufigkeit und Flächenverhältnis initialer und fortgeschrittener Regeration legen nahe, dass Regenerationsprozesse auf größerer Fläche ablaufen, jedoch nicht erkannt werden. Regeneration führt zu Standortsdrift und Ausbreitung moortypischer Arten. Das Regenerationspotenzial ist abiotisch vorgegeben. Irreversible Veränderungen der hydromorphologischen Struktur durch Entwässerung oder Torfabbau setzen der Regeneration Grenzen. Anthropogene Stoffeinträge und Mangel an Schlüsselarten bewirken weitere Einschränkungen.
- Soweit eine rentable Holzproduktion Ziel ist, stellen autogen regenerierende Moore schwer bis nicht bewirtschaftbare Standorte dar, die aufgrund von Standortsdrift und teils Gehölzfeindlichkeit ein hohes Produktionsrisiko bergen. Naturschutzfachlich sind Regenerationsprozesse eine Chance und ein bedeutendes Schutzgut, da sie zu höherwertigeren Moorlebensräumen führen. Bei fortgeschrittener Regeneration erübrigen sich kostenintensive Eingriffe. Ein statischer Schutz wird dem Prozesscharakter nicht gerecht. Initialstadien und Bereiche, die noch nicht regenerieren, aber ein hohes Potenzial aufweisen, lassen sich effizient fördern. Die starke Degeneration der Moore im Untersuchungsraum begründet bei geringem Anteil aktueller Regenerationsbereiche einen hohen Handlungsbedarf, einschließlich eines abschirmenden Schutzes sowie effizienter Kontrollmechanismen.
- Geeignete Datengrundlagen zur Lokalisierung von Flächen mit einem hohen Regenerationspotenzial fehlen weitgehend. Eine Behebung dieses Defizits ist möglich. / - Objectives -
The objective of this work is to analyse and to assess to which extent autogenous peatland regeneration occurs after anthropogenic disturbances, what preconditions it requires and what processes are important. Relevance of the findings for forestry and nature conservation is to be examined.
- Experimental set-up and methods -
The experimental set-up comprises various spatial scale levels and time periods. Five study sites are located in the study area Saxon Erzgebirge Mountains. Historical aspects are analysed based on investigations, the actual condition of the peatland is determined by ground surveys focusing on the vegetation and the site. Long-term observations serve to prove succession processes and the environmental factors influencing them. Regeneration processes are localized by means of regeneration characteristics, which were elaborated just for this purpose, localized, and interpreted in the context of the actual peatland condition and of the requirements of nature conservation and forestry.
- Results and conclusions -
- The material under survey allows distinguishing between 28 vegetation types which are characterised by means of species groups and indicator values and which are used as mapping units for evaluating the peatlands. The peatland area in the study area comprises an estimated 8500 ha. Each investigated peatland has a specific combination of abiotic and biotic characteristics and therefore needs to be evaluated individually. Drainage and peat cuttings lead to strong degeneration, dominance of forest, rarity of plants species typical of peatland, open-land associations, wetness-coined hydromorphological structures as well as ecosystem-relevant key species. In addition, the tree and moss layer had been damaged by SO2-pollution up to the 1990ies and a succeeding regeneration.
- Recurring wetting due to filling-up of ditches and peat cuttings by sedimentation are verifiable by time sequences and actual regeneration characteristics. Autogenous peatland regeneration occurs even in heavily degenerated peatlands. Regeneration areas are frequent, accounting, however, only for a small share at the peatland area (study area: 1 %, study sites: 12 %). Often they are of mesotrophic nature. An increased disposition to regeneration is found, among others, in case of convergent water flows and slight inclinations. Local processes like the formation of obstacles for the flowing may cause ditches to become ineffective. Establishing of peat-forming vegetation is a crucial phenomenon. Various stages of a discontinuous regeneration progress can be differentiated and allocated to the processes that are known so far. Frequency and the area ratio of initial and progressed regeneration suggest that regeneration processes take place on a larger area, but that they are not recognised. Regeneration leads to site drifting and the distribution of peatland species. The regeneration potential is given by abiotic conditions. Irreversible changes of the hydro-morphological structure due to drainage or peat cutting are limiting factors for the regeneration. Anthropogenic input of matter and lack of key species bring about other restrictions.
- If a profitable timber production is aimed at, autogenously regenerated peatlands are sites difficult to manage or that cannot be managed at all, involving a high production risk due to site drifting and partly inadequacy for woody plants. For nature conservation, regeneration processes are a chance and an important asset worth of protection, as they lead to high-grade peatland habitats. In the case of advanced regeneration cost-intensive operations are not necessary. A protection of static nature is inadequate for the process character. Initial stages and zones not yet under regeneration, implying, however, a high potential, can be promoted efficiently. Heavy degeneration of the peatlands in the study area, given a low proportion of actual regeneration zones, justifies a strong call for action, including a shielding protection as well as efficient control mechanisms.
- An appropriate data basis for localisation of areas, having a high regeneration potential, is largely missing. Remedying this deficit is possible.
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Rainfall-runoff modeling in arid areasAbushandi, Eyad 27 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The Wadi Dhuliel catchment/ North east Jordan, as any other arid area has distinctive hydrological features with limited water resources. The hydrological regime is characterized by high variability of temporal and spatial rainfall distributions, flash floods, absence of base flow, and high rates of evapotranspiration. The aim of this Ph.D. thesis was to apply lumped and distributed models to simulate stream flow in the Wadi Dhuliel arid catchment. Intensive research was done to estimate the spatial and temporal rainfall distributions using remote sensing. Because most rainfall-runoff models were undertaken for other climatic zones, an attempt was made to study limitations and challenges and improve rainfall-runoff modeling in arid areas in general and for the Wadi Dhuliel in particular.
The thesis is divided into three hierarchically ordered research topics. In the first part and research paper, the metric conceptual IHACRES model was applied to daily and storm events time scales, including data from 19 runoff events during the period 1986-1992. The IHACRES model was extended for snowfall in order to cope with such extreme events. The performance of the IHACRES model on daily data was rather poor while the performance on the storm events scale shows a good agreement between observed and simulated streamflow. The modeled outputs were expected to be sensitive when the observed flood was relatively small. The optimum parameter values were influenced by the length of a time series used for calibration and event specific changes.
In the second research paper, the Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP_MVK+) dataset was used to evaluate the precipitation rates over the Wadi Dhuliel arid catchment for the period from January 2003 to March 2008. Due to the scarcity of the ground rain gauge network, the detailed structure of the rainfall distribution was inadequate, so an independent from interpolation techniques was used. Three meteorological stations and six rain gauges were used to adjust and compare with GSMaP_MVK+ estimates. Comparisons between GSMaP_MVK+ measurements and ground rain gauge records show distinct regions of correlation, as well as areas where GSMaP_MVK+ systematically over- and underestimated ground rain gauge records. A multiple linear regression (MLR) model was used to derive the relationship between rainfall and GSMaP_MVK+ in conjunction with temperature, relative humidity, and wind speed. The MLR equations were defined for the three meteorological stations. The ‘best’ fit of the MLR model for each station was chosen and used to interpolate a multiscale temporal and spatial distribution. Results show that the rainfall distribution over the Wadi Dhuliel is characterized by clear west-east and north-south gradients. Estimates from the monthly MLR model were more reliable than estimates obtained using daily data. The adjusted GSMaP_MVK+ dataset performed well in capturing the spatial patterns of the rainfall at monthly and annual time scales, while daily estimation showed some weakness for light and moderate storms.
In the third research paper, the HEC-HMS and IHACRES rainfall runoff models were applied to simulate a single streamflow event in the Wadi Dhuliel catchment that occurred in 30-31.01.2008. Both models are considered suitable for arid conditions. The HEC-HMS model application was done in conjunction with the HEC-GeoHMS extension in ArcView 3.3. Streamflow estimation was performed on hourly data. The aim of this study was to develop a new framework of rainfall-runoff model applications in arid catchment by integrating a re-adjusted satellite derived rainfall dataset (GSMaP_MVK+) to determine the location of the rainfall storm. Each model has its own input data sets. HEC-HMS input data include soil type, land use/land cover map, and slope map. IHACRES input data sets include hourly rainfall and temperature. The model was calibrated and validated using observed stream flow data collected from Al-Za’atari discharge station. IHACRES shows some weaknesses, while the flow comparison between the calibrated streamflow results agrees well with the observed streamflow data of the HEC-HMS model. The Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (Ef) for both models was 0.51, and 0.88 respectively. The application of HEC-HMS model in this study is considered to be satisfactory.
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Risiken des Klimawandels für den Wasserhaushalt – Variabilität und Trend des zeitlichen Niederschlagsspektrums / Risks for the water budget due to climate change – variability and trend of the temporal spectrum of precipitationFranke, Johannes 02 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit wurde auf der Grundlage begutachteter Publikationen als kumulative Dissertation verfasst. Ziel war hier, das zeitliche Spektrum des Niederschlages unter sich bereits geänderten und zukünftig möglichen Klimabedingungen zu untersuchen, um daraus risikobehaftete Auswirkungen auf den Wasserhaushalt ableiten zu können. Ausgehend von den für Sachsen bzw. Mitteldeutschland jahreszeitlich berechneten Trends für den Niederschlag im Zeitraum 1951-2000 wurde hier der Schwerpunkt auf das Verhalten des Starkniederschlages im Einzugsgebiet der Weißeritz (Osterzgebirge) während der Vegetationsperiode gesetzt. Unter Verwendung von Extremwertverteilungen wurde das lokale Starkniederschlagsgeschehen im Referenzzeitraum 1961-2000 für Ereignisandauern von 1-24 Stunden und deren Wiederkehrzeiten von 5-100 Jahren aus statistischer Sicht beschrieben. Mittels eines wetterlagenbasierten statistischen Downscaling wurden mögliche Änderungen im Niveau des zeitlich höher aufgelösten Niederschlagspektrums gegenüber dem Referenzspektrum auf die Zeitscheiben um 2025 (2011-2040) und 2050 (2036-2065) projiziert. Hierfür wurden die zu erwartenden Klimabedingungen für das IPCC-Emissionsszenario A1B angenommen. Mittels eines problemangepassten Regionalisierungsalgorithmus´ konnte eine Transformation der Punktinformationen in eine stetige Flächeninformation erreicht werden. Dabei wurden verteilungsrelevante Orografieeffekte auf den Niederschlag maßstabsgerecht berücksichtigt.
Die signifikanten Niederschlagsabnahmen im Sommer bzw. in der Vegetationsperiode sind in Sachsen mit einer Zunahme und Intensivierung von Starkniederschlägen kombiniert. Hieraus entsteht ein Konfliktpotenzial zwischen Hochwasserschutz auf der einen und (Trink-) Wasserversorgung auf der anderen Seite. Für die zu erwartenden Klimabedingungen der Zeitscheiben um 2025 und 2050 wurden für das Einzugsgebiet der Weißeritz zunehmend positive, nicht-lineare Niveauverschiebungen im zeitlich höher aufgelösten Spektrum des Starkniederschlages berechnet. Für gleich bleibende Wiederkehrzeiten ergaben sich größere Regenhöhen bzw. für konstant gehaltene Regenhöhen kleinere Wiederkehrzeiten. Aus dem erhaltenen Änderungssignal kann gefolgert werden, dass der sich fortsetzende allgemeine Erwärmungstrend mit einer Intensivierung des primär thermisch induzierten, konvektiven Starkniederschlagsgeschehens einhergeht, was in Sachsen mit einem zunehmend häufigeren Auftreten von Starkregenereignissen kürzerer Andauer sowie mit einer zusätzlichen orografischen Verstärkung von Ereignissen längerer Andauer verbunden ist.
Anhand des Klimaquotienten nach Ellenberg wurden Effekte des rezenten Klimatrends auf die Verteilung der potenziellen natürlichen Vegetation in Mitteldeutschland beispielhaft untersucht. Über eine Korrektur der Berechnungsvorschrift konnte eine Berücksichtigung der trendbehafteten klimatologischen Rahmenbedingungen, insbesondere dem negativen Niederschlagstrend im Sommer, erreicht werden.
Insgesamt konnte festgestellt werden, dass die regionalen Auswirkungen des globalen Klimawandels massive Änderungen in der raum-zeitlichen Struktur des Niederschlages in Sachsen zur Folge haben, was unvermeidlich eine komplexe Wirkungskette auf den regionalen Wasserhaushalt zur Folge hat und mit Risiken verbunden ist. / This paper was written as a cumulative doctoral thesis based on appraised publications. Its objective was to study the temporal spectrum of precipitation under already changed or possible future climate conditions in order to derive effects on the water budget which are fraught with risks. Based on seasonal trends as established for Saxony and Central Germany for precipitation in the period of 1951-2000, the focus was on the behaviour of heavy precipitation in the catchment area of the Weißeritz (eastern Ore Mountains) during the growing season. Using distributions of extreme values, the local heavy precipitation behaviour in the reference period of 1961-2000 was described from a statistical point of view for event durations of 1-24 hours and their return periods of 5-100 years. Statistical downscaling based on weather patterns was used to project possible changes in the level of the high temporal resolution spectrum of precipitation, compared with the reference spectrum, to the time slices around 2025 (2011-2040) and 2050 (2036-2065). The IPCC A1B emission scenario was assumed for expected climate conditions for this purpose. Using a regionalisation algorithm adapted to the problem made it possible to achieve a transformation of local information into areal information. In doing so, distribution-relevant orographic effects on precipitation were taken into consideration in a manner true to scale.
Significant decreases in precipitation in summer and during the growing season are combined with an increase and intensification of heavy precipitation in Saxony. This gives rise to a potential for conflict between the need for flood protection, on the one hand, and the supply of (drinking) water, on the other hand. For the expected climate conditions of the time slices around 2025 and 2050, increasingly positive, non-linear shifts in the level of the high temporal resolution spectrum of heavy precipitation were calculated for the catchment of the Weißeritz. Higher amounts of rain were found if the return periods were kept constant, and shorter return periods were found if the rain amounts were kept constant. It may be concluded from the change signal obtained that the continuing general warming trend is accompanied by an intensification of the primarily thermally induced convective behaviour of heavy precipitation. In Saxony, this is associated with an increasingly frequent occurrence of heavy precipitation events of short duration and with an additional orographic intensification of events of long duration.
Using the Ellenberg climate quotient, effects of the recent climate trend on the distribution of potential natural vegetation in Central Germany were studied by way of example. Underlying climatological conditions subject to a trend, in particular the negative trend of precipitation in summer, were taken into consideration by a modification of the calculation rule.
All in all, it was found that regional effects of global climate change bring about massive changes in the spatiotemporal structure of precipitation in Saxony, which inevitably leads to a complex chain of impact on the regional water budget and is fraught with risks.
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The Barriers for Voluntary Environmental Management Systems—The Case of EMAS in HospitalsSeifert, Christin 11 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The adoption of formal environmental management systems (EMS) according to EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) represents a voluntary approach that aims to increase corporate environmental performance. Though EMAS can offer several advantages for organizations, registration numbers are falling. In the hospital sector, the dissemination of EMAS is low. The question arises as to what hinders hospitals when planning, implementing, and maintaining such voluntary environmental management initiatives. The results from interviews with environmental managers in EMAS registered hospitals reveal problems such as high initial effort for creation of the required documents, or lacking knowledge and staff awareness. The barriers are presented in a model synthesizing the problems chronologically on the organizational, group, and individual level. The challenges for the adoption of EMAS as a voluntary environmental management approach in hospitals are discussed. This paper contributes by creating an understanding of the barriers organizations might face when implementing an EMS. Thus, measures to actively manage and overcome barriers can be developed by organizations, consultants, reviewers, policy makers, and researchers.
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Environmental Indicators for the Evaluation of Wood Products in Consideration of Site-Dependent Aspects: A Review and Integrated ApproachMay, Nadine, Guenther, Edeltraud, Haller, Peer 06 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
On the way towards a more biobased economy, the sustainable use of global wood resources remains a challenge as several trade-offs arise, e.g., from an increased energetic use of wood, an increased use of innovative but probably less recyclable wood composites, or from the need to conserve other forest ecosystem services. The aim of this study is to identify existing environmental indicators and methods for an evaluation of the sustainability of wood products in consideration of all life cycle stages, site-dependent aspects and later use in corporate decision-making. We chose a systematic literature review to answer the research questions explicitly and comprehensively. Qualitative content analysis was used to code indicators and scientific methods according to the Pressure-State-Response (PSR) framework. The sample (N = 118) is characterized by a high number of life cycle assessment (LCA) case studies. In 51% of all studies, the study authors use a combination of different methods. A total of 78 indicators and 20 site-dependent aspects could be identified in the sample. The study findings represent a first step towards a holistic environmental assessment of wood products.
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Studies on the interaction of chemicals with cellular efflux transporter proteins Danio rerio Abcb4 and Homo sapiens ABCB1Burkhardt-Medicke, Kathleen 06 June 2018 (has links) (PDF)
ABCB1, a member of the ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter family, hydrolyses ATP as energy source for the translocation of substrate chemicals across the cell membrane. ABCB1-like transporters are found in all studied species. Typically, these transporters are abundant in tissues that separate compartments of the body such as the blood-brain barrier. Among the ABC transporters the ABCB1-like transporter proteins are of particular interest because they accept a broad variety of substrates and are therefore able to confer multidrug resistance (MDR) and multixenobiotic resistance (MXR) in wildlife, respectively. Inhibitors of the ABCB1-like transporter function can cause chemosensitisation, i.e. accumulation and increased sensitivity of organisms towards potentially harmful (natural/man-made) ABCB1-like substrate chemicals. In zebrafish (Danio rerio) Abcb4 was identified as functionally homologous to ABCB1.
The aim of this study was to further characterise Danio rerio Abcb4 and to provide a database to approach the question to what extent ABCB1-like transporter related functions/effects are of ecotoxicological relevance. Main objectives are whether and how known ABCB1 ATPase stimulators and inhibitors interact with Abcb4 ATPase activity; to what extent ABCB1 ATPase assay data are transferable to Abcb4 ATPase assay data; and whether and how environmental chemicals interact with Danio rerio Abcb4 ATPase activity.
In this study we established a test system – the ATPase assay with recombinant Danio rerio Abcb4 – to study the interaction of chemicals with the ATPase activity of the transporter protein. To relate obtained data to data for the well-known Homo sapiens ABCB1 and because available data for Homo sapiens ABCB1 were not in all cases suitable for a comparison, the ATPase assay with recombinant ABCB1 was adapted accordingly. Chemicals were tested up to concentrations in the range of their water solubilities to modulate basal and stimulator co-treated Abcb4 and/or ABCB1 ATPase activities. ATPase stimulators are often transported substrates. However, lipophilic compounds stimulating the transporter ATPase activity are not or little transported by transporter action. Therefore, experiments revealing whether compounds are translocated by transporters chemical interference with the transporter protein will not be indicated. Chemicals inhibiting the stimulator (here verapamil) co-treated ATPase activity compete with the verapamil to stimulate ATPase activity or are non-competitive inhibitors. When tested individually, these chemicals can be stimulators or inhibitors of basal ATPase activity, or do not interact with basal ATPase activity. ATPase inhibitors mitigate ATPase activity and ABCB1-like transporter mediated translocation of substrate chemicals. Obtained ATPase assay data were analysed with regard to concentrations at half-maximal effects (EC50s) and effect strengths (percent modulation).
ATPase assays with recombinant Abcb4 (at 27 °C) are comparable to ABCB1 ATPase assay data obtained at 37 °C. Danio rerio Abcb4 seems less temperature-sensitive than ABCB1. Calculated activation energies for Abcb4 ATPase activities (40.75 kJ/mol for basal ATPase activity) were up to half as high as those for ABCB1 ATPase activities (81.61 kJ/mol for basal ATPase activity). Larger activation energies were previously proposed to be indicative for larger conformational rearrangements and hence possibly smaller rearrangements take place in Abcb4 compared to ABCB1. Known standard modulators of Homo sapiens ABCB1 ATPase activity interacted specifically with Danio rerio Abcb4 ATPase actitiy. The EC50s of the tested chemicals – 16 of 17 tested chemiacals interacted with the ABCB1 and the Abcb4 ATPase activity – ranged from 0.09 to 296 µM for ABCB1 and from 0.14 to 171 µM for Abcb4. Qualitative ATPase assay data for ABCB1, as interaction or not, seems transferable to Danio rerio Abcb4. Furthermore, when aligning amino acid sequences of mammalian ABCB1 transporter proteins and Danio rerio Abcb4 and comparing ABCB1 residues known to bind to (lipophilic) chemicals no obvious hints were found that chemical binding to Abcb4 is certainly different from ABCB1. Twenty-five of 33 studied environmental chemicals modulated the Abcb4 ATPase activity as stimulators and/or inhibitors. Stimulation of basal Abcb4 ATPase activity was lower for environmental chemicals than for known standard modulators. EC50s of environmental chemicals ranged from below 10 to 357 µM. Effects by environmental chemicals on Abcb4 ATPase activity with EC50s close to their water solubilities may be rather unspecific.
The results of this work underline that Abcb4 function is of ecotoxicological importance as on the one hand several environmental chemicals were identified to inhibit Abcb4 ATPase activity – likely acting as chemosensitisers, while on the other hand chemicals stimulating basal ATPase activity suggest that these chemicals are possibly transported. A number of environmental chemicals also inhibited the basal Abcb4 ATPase activity. Especially non-transported inhibitors of the basal Abcb4 ATPase activity would be of ecotoxicological relevance as organisms (here Danio rerio) exposed to these chemicals would not be protected by Abcb4 mediated multixenobiotic resistance and were moreover threatened by chemosensitisation.
Future studies should systematically elucidate under which circumstances chemicals are apparently net transported by ABCB1-like transporters and relate these findings to concentrations of environmental chemicals and ABCB1-like transporter protein abundance in wildlife.
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Tiefenverteilung von Radionukliden in Fichtenwald- und HochmoorbödenSchleich, Nanette 20 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In der Umwelt vorkommende Radionuklide wurden als Tracer für Migrationsverhalten verwendet. Low-level-γ-Spektrometrie und zusätzliche Plutoniumanalysen ermöglichten den Nachweis sehr geringer Konzentrationen radioaktiver Nuklide. Der atmosphärische Eintrag wurde über Regenwasser- und Staubfilterproben gemessen. Untersuchungen an Filterstäuben ermöglichten eine nachträgliche Charakterisierung der Eintragssituation vor und nach dem Tschernobyl-Unfall im Freiberger Raum. Die Radionuklidtiefenverteilungen in Fichtenwald- und Hochmoorböden und deren weiterführende Analyse erlaubten Aussagen zum Stofftransport und zu bodenbildenden Prozessen. Die Migrationsdynamik in weitgehend ungestörten Hochmooren unterscheidet sich von der anthropogen überprägter Moore. Die Eignung verschiedener Radionuklide zur Datierung bzw. zeitlichen Markierung von Moorbodenschichten und damit zur Verwendung in der Moorstratigraphie wurde geprüft. Eine gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse verschiedener Datierungs- und Markierungsmethoden zeigte sich v. a. für die Profile der ungestörten, rezent wachsenden ombrogenen Hochmoore.
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Modelling surface runoff and soil erosion for Yen Bai Province, Vietnam, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) / Mô Hình Hóa Nước Chảy Mặt và Xói Mòn Đất cho Tỉnh Yên Bái, Việt Nam Sử Dụng Mô Hình SWATNguyen, Hong Quang, Le, Thi Thu Hang, Pham, Thi Thanh Nga, Kappas, Martin 24 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Applications of the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) are common. However, few attempts have focused on the tropics like in the Yen Bai province, Vietnam. Annual water-induced soil erosion (WSE) rates and surface runoff (SR) were estimated. The Nam Kim and Ngoi Hut watersheds were calibrated with accepted agreement between simulated and observed discharge. Correlations between precipitation, land covers, surface runoff and WSE were indicated. Although the estimated average WSE 4.1 t ha−1 year−1 (t ha−1 y−1) was moderate, some steep-bare areas were suffering serious soil loss of 26 t ha−1 y−1 and 15% of the province was calculated at the rate of 8.5 t ha−1 y−1. We found that the changes in WSE significantly correlated with land use changes. As calibrated SR matched closely with the measured data, we recommend SWAT applications for long-term soil erosion assessments in the tropics. / Những ứng dụng của mô hình công cụ đánh giá đất và nước (SWAT) đã được sử dụng phổ biến. Tuy nhiên có rất ít nghiên cứu tập trung vào khu vực nhiệt đới như tỉnh Yên Bái của Việt Nam. Trong nghiên cứu này, giá trị trung bình năm (2001-2012) nước chảy bề mặt (NCM) và xói mòn đất do nước (XM) đã được đánh giá trên cơ sở mô hình SWAT. Các thông số thủy văn của hai lưu vực sông là Nậm Kim và Ngòi Hút được tính toán và kiểm nghiệm với sự trùng hợp tương đối tốt giữa kết quả mô hình và số liệu thực đo. Mối liên hệ giữa lượng mưa, phủ bề mặt, NCM và XM cũng được phân tích và trình bầy chi tiết. Mặc dù giá trị XM năm được ước lượng ở mức trung bình cho toàn Tỉnh (4,1 tấn/ha/năm) nhưng ở một số khu vực nơi có độ dốc lớn và phủ mặt ít lại có lượng XM năm ở mức cao, 26 tấn/ha/năm và 15% tổng diện tích của Tỉnh có giá trị XM là 8,5 tấn/ha/năn. Kết quả nghiên cứu cho thấy sự liên hệ mật thiết giữa sự thay đổi phủ mặt tới giá trị XM. Trên cơ sở kết quả kiểm nghiệm mô hình khả quan, chúng tôi đề xuất sử dụng mô hình SWAT để đánh giá XM trong thời gian dài cho vùng nhiệt đới.
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Vorkommen und Abbau von Teerölschadstoffen unter instationären Fließ- und RedoxbedingungenSalowsky, Helena 21 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Teeröl verarbeitende Betriebe, Gaswerke und Altablagerungen mit Gaswerksrückständen haben in der Vergangenheit eine Vielzahl lang andauernder Boden- und Grundwasserkontaminationen verursacht. Natürliche Abbauprozesse (NA) haben sich zur Reduktion der Schadstofffrachten bereits an vielen Standorten als wirksam erwiesen, wobei bisher in erster Linie Standorte mit stationären Grundwasserfließbedingungen betrachtet wurden. Deutschlandweit existieren jedoch viele Industrieanlagen und Altstandorte in der Nähe großer Flüsse, da über die Flüsse kostengünstig Ausgangsmaterialien an- und Produkte abtransportiert werden konnten. Die Nähe zum Fließgewässer sorgt hierbei an vielen Standorten für instationäre Grundwasserfließ- und Redoxbedingungen.
In dieser Studie wurden erstmals die Auswirkungen instationärer Bedingungen auf NA-Prozesse untersucht. Am Beispiel eines ehemaligen Gaswerks und drei Vergleichsstandorten wurden anhand von Grundwasseruntersuchungen das Schadstoffspektrum umfassend analysiert, die Auswirkungen der instationären Bedingungen auf Schadstoffkonzentrationen und Redoxbedingungen untersucht, sowie in Abbauversuchen in Labormikrokosmen der mikrobiologische Abbau teerölbürtiger Schadstoffe unter instationären Bedingungen nachgewiesen.
Die Anbindung des Grundwasserleiters an das Oberflächengewässer und dessen Einfluss auf Grundwasserfließverhalten und Redoxbedingungen wurden mithilfe engmaschiger Beprobungen und einer Multiparametersonde belegt. Grundwasserproben des Standorts wurden mittels GC MS auf insgesamt mehr als 100 teerölbürtige Verbindungen untersucht. Neben den routinemäßig an teerölbelasteten Standorten untersuchten BTEX-Aromaten und EPA-PAK wurde eine Vielzahl weiterer mono- und polyzyklischer aromatischer Kohlenwasserstoffe, kurzkettiger Alkylphenole sowie insbesondere heterozyklischer Kohlenwasserstoffe (NSO-HET) analysiert. Zusätzlich zu den EPA-PAK und BTEX-Aromaten erwiesen sich Indan und Inden, sowie viele NSO-HET als besonders relevant. Schadensherdnah sind dies vor allem Chinolin, 2-Methylchinolin, Dibenzothiophen, Benzofuran und Dibenzofuran, im weiteren Abstrom werden insbesondere 2,4 und 2,6-Dimethylchinolin, 3- und 5-Methylbenzothiophen, 2- und 3-Methylbenzofuran sowie 2-Methyldibenzofuran nachgewiesen. Auf Basis der Felddaten (Schadstoffe, Toxizität, Redoxzonierung) und der mikrobiologischen Abbauversuche im Labor wurden natürliche mikrobiologische Abbauprozesse unter wechselnden Redoxbedingungen nachgewiesen und erstmals die Wirksamkeit von natürlichen Abbauprozessen auch unter instationären Bedingungen gezeigt. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse können bei der Bearbeitung anderer Standorte mit instationären Bedingungen eingesetzt werden.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich periodische Wechsel der Redoxverhältnisse, verbunden mit dem Eintrag von Sauerstoff in einen Grundwasserleiter, ausgesprochen günstig auf den Schadstoffabbau und damit die Länge einer Schadstofffahne auswirken können. Für Standorte mit instationären Grundwasserfließverhältnissen ist die Frage relevant, ob und wie weit sich mit der Fließrichtungsumkehr tatsächlich auch die Redoxverhältnisse im Grundwasserleiter ändern und ob es zum Beispiel zu einem Eintrag von Sauerstoff kommt. Durch kontinuierliche Messungen mit Hilfe einer Multiparametersonde über den Zeitraum von zwei Jahren konnte der Eintrag von Sauerstoff in Zeiten mit erhöhten Rheinwasserständen nachgewiesen werden. In Abhängigkeit hierzu ändert sich auch das Redoxpotential. Der Nachweis des periodischen Eintrags von Sauerstoff in den Grundwasserleiter ist von besonderer Bedeutung. Zum einen konnte durch Abbauversuche die schnelle aerobe Umsetzung vieler am Standort gemessenen Substanzen nachgewiesen werden. Zusätzlich kann der in den Grundwasserleiter eingetragene Sauerstoff genutzt werden, um reduziertes Eisen(ll) wieder zu oxidieren. Das so entstandene dreiwertige Eisen steht den Mikroorganismen dann wieder als Elektronen-akzeptor zur Verfügung. Die Bedeutung von Eisen(lll) als Elektronenakzeptor wurde ebenfalls anhand von Labormikrokosmen nachgewiesen. Die günstigen Auswirkungen instationärer Redoxbedingungen sind demnach anhand von Feld- und Labordaten belegt.
Auch hinsichtlich des Parameterumfangs der an teerölkontaminierten Standorten relevanten Schadstoffe wurden durch das erweiterte Schadstoffspektrum wichtige Erkenntnisse gewonnen, welche unmittelbar auf andere Standorte übertragbar sind.
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Variable-Density Flow Processes in Porous Media On Small, Medium and Regional ScalesWalther, Marc 03 November 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays society strongly depends on its available resources and the long term stability of the surrounding ecosystem. Numerical modelling has become a general standard for evaluating past, current or future system states for a large number of applications supporting decision makers in proper management. In order to ensure the correct representation of the investigated processes and results of a simulation, verification examples (benchmarks), that are based on observation data or analytical solutions, are utilized to evaluate the numerical modelling tool.
In many parts of the world, groundwater is an important resource for freshwater. While it is not only limited in quantity, subsurface water bodies are often in danger of contamination from various natural or anthropogenic sources. Especially in arid regions, marine saltwater intrusion poses a major threat to groundwater aquifers which mostly are the exclusive source of freshwater in these dry climates. In contrast to common numerical groundwater modelling, density-driven flow and mass transport have to be considered as vital processes in the system and in scenario simulations for fresh-saltwater interactions.
In the beginning of this thesis, the capabilities of the modelling tool OpenGeoSys are verified with selected benchmarks to represent the relevant non-linear process coupling. Afterwards, variable-density application and process studies on different scales are presented. Application studies comprehend regional groundwater modelling of a coastal aquifer system extensively used for agricultural irrigation, as well as hydro-geological model development and parametrization. In two process studies, firstly, a novel method to model gelation of a solute in porous media is developed and verified on small scale laboratory observation data, and secondly, investigations of thermohaline double-diffusive Rayleigh regimes on medium scale are carried out.
With the growing world population and, thus, increasing pressure on non-renewable resources, intelligent management strategies intensify demand for potent simulation tools and development of novel methods. In that way, this thesis highlights not only OpenGeoSys’ potential of density-dependent process modelling, but the comprehensive importance of variable-density flow and transport processes connecting, both, avant-garde scientific research, and real-world application challenges.
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