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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De vuxna maskrosbarnen : en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Frost, Laila, Löfqvist, Marie January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie var att med hjälp av sociologiska teorier undersöka orsakerna till att maskrosbarn trots en destruktiv uppväxtmiljö kan utvecklas till socialt fungerande människor. Maskrosbarnen i denna studie har vuxit upp med missbruk och/eller psykisk sjukdom hos föräldrar i barndomen. Data samlades in via semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra olika teman: det sociala arvet, skola och arbete, socialt nätverk samt hälsa och välmående. Vilket vi sedan analyserade med hjälp av de teoretiska tolkningsramarna, Antonovskys teori KASAM och Bourdieus teori om Klassreproduktion. Resultaten visade att förekomsten av trygghetspersoner i barndomen samt möjligheten att uppleva en annan familjedynamik och miljö än deras egen hemmiljö har påverkat dem positivt. Även deras avhållsamma inställning till alkohol och droger samt deras starka ansvarskänsla har påverkat deras totala sociala kapital positivt. / The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to research with the help of sociological theories the reasons why resilient children despite a destructive childhood can evolve to social functioning humans. Resilient children in this study have grown up with addiction and/or mental illness among parents in childhood. Data was collected by semi structured interviews with four different themes: the social heritage, education and work, social network and health and well-being. Which we analyzed with the help of the theoreticalframeworks, Antonovskys theory Salutogenesis and Bourdieus Reproduction theory. The results showed that the presence of safety figures in childhood as well as the opportunity to experience a different family dynamic and another environment than their own home environment has affected them positively. Even their abstinence approach to alcohol and drugs, and that they have a strong sense of responsibility has affected their overall social capital positively.

Ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan ur ett lärarperspektiv : en kvalitativ studie / School-Based Health Promotion. Teachers’ Perspective : a qualitative study

Törnblom, Cia January 2010 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolan har visat sig vara en viktig arena för hälsofrämjande arbete. Det hälsofrämjande projektet Hälsoverkstaden genomfördes i 13 skolor i Helsingfors med omnejd under åren 2006-2008 med temaområdena kost, fysisk aktivitet och sömnvanor.Syftet: Att undersöka lärarnas erfarenheter och upplevelser av engagemang och deltagande i Hälsoverkstadsprojektet.Metod: Studien hade en kvalitativ ansats och fokusgrupper användes som datainsamlingsmetod. Fyra fokusgrupper genomfördes med 20 lärare från projektskolorna. Materialet analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys.Resultat: En god kommunikation och samverkan inom skolan och med projektorganisatören avgjorde hur fruktbart projektet i skolan hade varit. Faktorer som påverkade engagemanget var, hur skolan vid starten hade förbundit sig (commitment) och hur kollegiet förhöll sig, stödjande eller mindre stödjande, till projektarbetet. Commitment påverkades också av kommunikationen och informationsflödet. Ledarskapet i skolan hade en inverkan på organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan, vilket inverkade på hanterbarheten och lärarnas engagemang. Lärarna önskade väl utarbetade verktyg som utgick från skolans behov och var formade för att integreras i undervisningen. Skolan upplevdes som en bra arena för att arbeta med hälsa och de valda levnadsvanorna upplevdes som meningsfulla. Projektprocessen hade upplevts som fragmenterad, men också som logisk och lätt. Skolornas målsättningar för projektet var oklara, vilket också kom fram i svårigheten att beskriva implementeringen av verktygen. Trots detta upplevde lärarna att de hade fått nya insikter, positiva erfarenheter och mycket hade genomförts under projektåren.Slutsatser: En god kommunikation och dialog mellan alla berörda parter stöder engagemang och delaktighet i ett hälsofrämjande projekt i skolan. Ändamålsenligt utarbetat material och organiseringen av projektarbetet i skolan gör det hanterbart och begripligt för lärarna / Background: Schools have long been considered a good arena for health promotionactivities. The Health workshop was a health promotion project that was implemented in 13schools in the Helsinki area during 2006–2008. The three health habits used were physicalactivity, nutrition and sleeping patterns.Aim: This study aimed to explore how teachers experienced their participation andengagement in the Health Workshop project.Results: Good communication between schools and project administrators was crucial for afruitful process. Factors such as initial commitment and teachers’ approach, whethersupportive or unsupportive, influenced their experience, and communication andinformation flow influenced their commitment to the project. Internal management figuredimportantly in the project organization, affecting teachers’ ability to manage and participatein the work. Teachers wanted well-designed and easily integrated tools based on theparticular needs of the school. They perceived school as a good arena for health promotion,and they experienced the chosen health habits as meaningful. They ranked the projectprocess as logical and easy, but also as fragmented. The schools’ goals for the project wereunclear, making it difficult to describe the implementation of the tools. However, theteachers’ felt that they gained new insights and positive experiences, and that much had beenaccomplished during the project period.Conclusion: Good communication and active dialogue among all participants supportinvolvement and participation in school-based health promotion projects. Appropriatelydesigned tools and well-organized tasks make health promotion both manageable andunderstandable for teachers. / <p>ISBN 978-91-85721-96-2</p>

"Okej, jag kan sitta och lyssna på musik men jag tänker inte äta!" : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om musikens funktion för patienter som gått i musikterapi för ätstörningsproblematik

Munkesjö, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Munkesjö, Maria: "Okej, jag kan sitta och lyssna på musik men jag tänker inte äta!" En kvalitativ intervjustudie om musikens funktion för patienter som gått i musikterapi för ätstörningsproblematik. Uppsats 15 hp inom ramen för Magisterprogrammet i musikpedagogik med inriktning musikterapi vid Kungl. Musikhögskolan i Stockholm. Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie har varit att undersöka hur patienter som gått i musikterapi för ätstörningsproblematik upplever och använder sig av musik. Frågeställningarna har handlat om vilken funktion musik har i deltagarnas liv och om detta har förändrats av musikterapi. I uppsatsen presenteras en genomgång av relevant litteratur och tidigare forskning inom områden som: musikterapi, musik och hälsa och ätstörningsproblematik. Sex kvinnliga patienter (medianålder 25 år) som genomgått musikterapeutisk behandling (i snitt 2,6 år) för sin ätstörningsproblematik intervjuades med hjälp av semistrukturerade dialogintervjuer. Utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv och med Health Musicking som teoretisk utgångspunkt, tolkades sedan de transkriberade intervjuerna. Metoden som användes var tematisk kvalitativ analys vilket kompletterades med konstnärlig form (bild och musik). Resultatet presenteras i form av fyra huvudteman: Musikens funktion som följeslagare genom livet; Musikens funktion som allierad med dikotomin; Musikens funktion som redskap för transformation och Musikens funktion som bundsförvant med känslan. Resultatet diskuteras utifrån syfte och frågeställningar. Med utgångspunkt i teorifältet Health Musicking visar denna studie att musik används och har en mångfald av funktioner för deltagarna under barndom och uppväxt. Under sjukdomstiden förändras detta markant och speglar ätstörningsproblematiken. I den musikterapeutiska behandlingen får musik genomgående en mer eller mindre central funktion som terapeutiskt redskap. Efter musikterapin återgår musikens funktion till en större mångfald men nu används musik i betydligt större utsträckning som medveten hälsoresurs; Health Musicking, i det dagliga livet. / Munkesjö, Maria: "Okey, I can sit and listen to music but I will not eat !" A qualitative study of music´s function for patients with eating disorders. A study carried out within the context of the Master Program in Music Education, profile Music Therapy at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to investigate how patients in music therapy for eating disorders perceive and use music. This by examining the function of music attributed to the participants' lives and if it has been altered by Music Therapy.The paper presents a review of relevant literature and previous research in the fields of Music Therapy, Music and Health and Eating Disorders. Six female patients (median age 25 years) were interviewed after music therapeutic treatment (average 2.6 years). With a hermeneutical approach the transcribed interviews was analyzed using thematic qualitative analysis and artistic interpretation (music and image). The result presented in four main themes; The music's function as a companion through life; The music's function as ally with the dichotomy ; The music's function as tool for transformation and The music's function as associate with feelings. The results are discussed on the basis of objective and issues. This study shows, based on the theory of Health Musicking, that music is used and has a multitude of functions for the participants during childhood and adolescence. When the eating disorders develop the use of music are significantly modified and reflect the eating disorders. During the music therapy sessions the music take a more or less central role as a therapeutic tool. After music therapy the function of the music return to a multitude of functions. But now the participants are more aware of music as a health resource; Health Musicking, in their daily lives.

Relação entre senso de coerência, impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida e condição bucal clínica em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos

Davoglio, Rosane Silvia January 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O Senso de Coerência (SOC) é um recurso individual para o enfrentamento de estressores que torna os sujeitos mais competentes para manter e melhorar sua saúde. O SOC está relacionado à qualidade de vida, sendo considerado um importante preditor da saúde. Existe relação entre forte SOC e adoção de comportamentos saudáveis, percepção positiva da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal, menor ocorrência de cárie dentária, perda dentária e melhor condição periodontal. Objetivo: Investigar a relação entre SOC, impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida (OIDP) e condição bucal clínica, em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos, em Porto Alegre/RS. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com uma amostra de 720 sujeitos, selecionados por processo de amostragem aleatória proporcional em múltiplos-estágios. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a escala SOC (SOC-13), o questionário OIDP, uma ficha de exame clínico e um questionário de avaliação socioeconômica e uso dos serviços odontológicos, adaptados do Projeto SB- Brasil 2003. As análises bivariada e multivariada foram realizadas por meio de Regressão de Poisson, com ajuste para variância robusta, utilizando o software Stata 9.0 Resultados: Na análise ajustada, SOC mais alto associou-se à ausência de impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida (RP=1,31; IC95%=1,09-1,56; p=0,003), baixo escore de OIDP (RP=1,42; IC95%=1,18-1,71; p=0,000) e ausência de impacto no desempenho sorrir (RP=1,29; IC95%=1,05-1,59; p=0,014). SOC mais alto também se associou aos desfechos clínicos estudados: ausência de necessidade de prótese (RP=1,34; IC95%=1,04-1,68; p=0,015) e maior número de dentes presentes (RP=1,05; IC95%=1,01-1,11; p=0,033), após ajuste para co-fatores. Conclusão: Os achados deste estudo demonstraram que o constructo SOC associa-se positivamente à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal, suportando a hipótese de que os indivíduos com SOC mais elevado apresentam menor impacto da saúde bucal no desempenho de atividades diárias do que aqueles com SOC mais baixo. Os resultados também sugerem que indivíduos com SOC mais alto apresentam melhor condição bucal do que aqueles com SOC mais baixo, tendo maior número de dentes presentes e menor necessidade de prótese. / Introduction: Sense of Coherence (SOC) is a resource for coping with stressors that can make individuals more able to maintain and improve their health condition. It is related to quality of life and considered a predictor of health. There is a strong relationship between SOC and adopting healthy behaviors, positive perceptions of quality of life related to oral health, lower incidence of dental caries, tooth loss and improved periodontal condition. Objective: To investigate the relationship between SOC, Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) and oral health clinical condition in individuals aged between 50 to 74 years in Porto Alegre/RS. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional population based study with a sample of 720 subjects, who were selected through stratified random sampling process in multiplestages. Data were collected through the SOC scale (SOC -13), the questionnaire OIDP, socioeconomic and use of dental services questionnaire, adapted from the Brazilian Oral Health Survey SB-Brazil 2003, and clinical examinations. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed by Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment using Stata 9.0 software. Results: In adjusted analysis, strong SOC was associated with absence of oral impact (PR=1.31; CI95%=1.09-1.56; p=0.003), low score of OIDP (PR=1.42; CI95%=1.18-1.71; p=0.000) and no impact on the performance smile (PR=1.29; CI95%=1.08-1.59; p= 0.014). Strong SOC was also associated with clinical outcomes, no need for prosthesis (PR=1.34; CI95%=1.04- 1.68; p=0.015) and greater number of teeth (PR=1.05; CI95%=1.01-1.11; p=0.033) after adjustment for co-factors. Conclusion: Our findings showed that the SOC construct was positively associated with quality of life related to oral health, supporting the hypothesis that individuals with strong SOC have a lower impact of oral health in the development of daily activities than those with weak SOC. The results also suggest that individuals with strong SOC have better oral health than those with a weak SOC, with higher number of teeth and less need for prosthesis.

The relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control sense of coherence in a market research organisation

Feldman, Janine 02 1900 (has links)
The primary objective was to determine whether there is a relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control and sense of coherence in a market research organisation. A secondary objective was to determine whether individuals from various biographical groups differed significantly in terms of emotional intelligence, locus of control and sense of coherence. A sample of 179 participants completed the Bar-On EQ-i, Locus of Control Inventory and Sense of Coherence Scale. There was a statistically significant relationship between emotional intelligence, locus of control and sense of coherence. No significant gender differences were found. Furthermore, the findings showed differences between occupational levels in terms of both internal locus of control and sense of coherence, but not for emotional intelligence. No significant differences were evident between education, work experience or age in terms of the three constructs. An emotional intelligence intervention programme was recommended, as well as the use of an emotional intelligence assessment instrument. Recommendations for future research included broadening the relevance of the results. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Associação entre senso de coerência e qualidade de vida em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos / Association between sense of coherence and quality of life in individuals among 50 to 74 years old

Massena, João Ricardo Hass January 2015 (has links)
O Senso de Coerência (SOC) reflete a forma como o indivíduo percebe a sua saúde e enfrenta os agentes estressores. O SOC está associado à qualidade de vida, sendo considerado um importante preditor de saúde. Este estudo têm o objetivo de investigar a associação entre o senso de coerência e os diferentes domínios da qualidade de vida (físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente) em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos residentes em Porto Alegre, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com uma amostra de 720 sujeitos, selecionados por processo de amostragem aleatória proporcional em múltiplos-estágios. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos: Sense of Coherence Scala (SOC 13) e o World Health Organization Abbreviated Instrument for Quality Of Life Assessment (qa21’WHOQOL-BREF). As análises univariada e multivariada foram realizadas por meio de regressão linear, observando-se associação significativa do escore senso de coerência com a qualidade de vida, mesmo quando ajustado para as variáveis sóciodemográficas (p<0,001). Para um aumento de 10 pontos no escore do senso de coerência, há um aumento médio de 6,8 pontos nos escores de qualidade de vida no domínio psicológico (b=6,80; IC 95%: 5,94 a 7,67); 6,45 pontos no domínio físico (b=6,45; IC95%: 5,38 a 7,53); 5,51 pontos no domínio de relações sociais (b=5,51; IC 95%: 4,53 a 6,49); e de 4,73 pontos nos escores do domínio meio ambiente (b=4,73; IC 95%: 3,84 a 5,61). O escore global de qualidade de vida aumenta, em média, 6,84 pontos a cada 10 pontos do escore do senso de coerência (b=6,84; IC 95%: 5,70 a 7,98). Os resultados deste estudo demostram que o constructo SOC associa-se positivamente a qualidade de vida; quanto mais elevado o senso de coerência, melhor será a qualidade de vida. / The Sense of Coherence (SOC) reflects how the individual perceives their health and face stressors. The SOC is associated with quality of life and is considered an important predictor of health. This study aims to investigate the association between the sense of coherence and the different domains of quality of life (physical, psychological, social relationships and environment) in subjects 50-74 years of age living in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 720 individuals selected by proportional random sampling process in multiple-stage. Two instruments were used: Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC 13) and the World Health Organization Abbreviated Instrument for Quality Of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF). The univariate and multivariate analyzes were performed by linear regression observing significant association between the sense of coherence score with quality of life, even when adjusted for sociodemographic variables (p <0.001). For a 10-point increase in the score of sense of coherence, there is an average increase of 6.8 points in scores for quality of life in the psychological domain (b = 6.80, 95% CI: 5.94 to 7.67); 6.45 points in the physical domain (b = 6.45, 95% CI: 5.38 to 7.53); 5.51 points in the field of social relations (b = 5.51, 95% CI: 4.53 to 6.49); and 4.73 points in the environment domain scores (b = 4.73, 95% CI: 3.84 to 5.61). The overall score for quality of life increases, on average, 6.84 points for each 10-point score of sense of coherence (b = 6.84, 95% CI: 5.70 to 7.98). The results of this study indicate that the SOC construct positively associates with quality of life, the higher the sense of coherence better the quality of life.

Relação entre senso de coerência, impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida e condição bucal clínica em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos

Davoglio, Rosane Silvia January 2011 (has links)
Introdução: O Senso de Coerência (SOC) é um recurso individual para o enfrentamento de estressores que torna os sujeitos mais competentes para manter e melhorar sua saúde. O SOC está relacionado à qualidade de vida, sendo considerado um importante preditor da saúde. Existe relação entre forte SOC e adoção de comportamentos saudáveis, percepção positiva da qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal, menor ocorrência de cárie dentária, perda dentária e melhor condição periodontal. Objetivo: Investigar a relação entre SOC, impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida (OIDP) e condição bucal clínica, em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos, em Porto Alegre/RS. Materiais e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal com uma amostra de 720 sujeitos, selecionados por processo de amostragem aleatória proporcional em múltiplos-estágios. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a escala SOC (SOC-13), o questionário OIDP, uma ficha de exame clínico e um questionário de avaliação socioeconômica e uso dos serviços odontológicos, adaptados do Projeto SB- Brasil 2003. As análises bivariada e multivariada foram realizadas por meio de Regressão de Poisson, com ajuste para variância robusta, utilizando o software Stata 9.0 Resultados: Na análise ajustada, SOC mais alto associou-se à ausência de impacto da saúde bucal na qualidade de vida (RP=1,31; IC95%=1,09-1,56; p=0,003), baixo escore de OIDP (RP=1,42; IC95%=1,18-1,71; p=0,000) e ausência de impacto no desempenho sorrir (RP=1,29; IC95%=1,05-1,59; p=0,014). SOC mais alto também se associou aos desfechos clínicos estudados: ausência de necessidade de prótese (RP=1,34; IC95%=1,04-1,68; p=0,015) e maior número de dentes presentes (RP=1,05; IC95%=1,01-1,11; p=0,033), após ajuste para co-fatores. Conclusão: Os achados deste estudo demonstraram que o constructo SOC associa-se positivamente à qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal, suportando a hipótese de que os indivíduos com SOC mais elevado apresentam menor impacto da saúde bucal no desempenho de atividades diárias do que aqueles com SOC mais baixo. Os resultados também sugerem que indivíduos com SOC mais alto apresentam melhor condição bucal do que aqueles com SOC mais baixo, tendo maior número de dentes presentes e menor necessidade de prótese. / Introduction: Sense of Coherence (SOC) is a resource for coping with stressors that can make individuals more able to maintain and improve their health condition. It is related to quality of life and considered a predictor of health. There is a strong relationship between SOC and adopting healthy behaviors, positive perceptions of quality of life related to oral health, lower incidence of dental caries, tooth loss and improved periodontal condition. Objective: To investigate the relationship between SOC, Oral Impacts on Daily Performances (OIDP) and oral health clinical condition in individuals aged between 50 to 74 years in Porto Alegre/RS. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional population based study with a sample of 720 subjects, who were selected through stratified random sampling process in multiplestages. Data were collected through the SOC scale (SOC -13), the questionnaire OIDP, socioeconomic and use of dental services questionnaire, adapted from the Brazilian Oral Health Survey SB-Brazil 2003, and clinical examinations. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed by Poisson regression with robust variance adjustment using Stata 9.0 software. Results: In adjusted analysis, strong SOC was associated with absence of oral impact (PR=1.31; CI95%=1.09-1.56; p=0.003), low score of OIDP (PR=1.42; CI95%=1.18-1.71; p=0.000) and no impact on the performance smile (PR=1.29; CI95%=1.08-1.59; p= 0.014). Strong SOC was also associated with clinical outcomes, no need for prosthesis (PR=1.34; CI95%=1.04- 1.68; p=0.015) and greater number of teeth (PR=1.05; CI95%=1.01-1.11; p=0.033) after adjustment for co-factors. Conclusion: Our findings showed that the SOC construct was positively associated with quality of life related to oral health, supporting the hypothesis that individuals with strong SOC have a lower impact of oral health in the development of daily activities than those with weak SOC. The results also suggest that individuals with strong SOC have better oral health than those with a weak SOC, with higher number of teeth and less need for prosthesis.

Associação entre senso de coerência e qualidade de vida em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos / Association between sense of coherence and quality of life in individuals among 50 to 74 years old

Massena, João Ricardo Hass January 2015 (has links)
O Senso de Coerência (SOC) reflete a forma como o indivíduo percebe a sua saúde e enfrenta os agentes estressores. O SOC está associado à qualidade de vida, sendo considerado um importante preditor de saúde. Este estudo têm o objetivo de investigar a associação entre o senso de coerência e os diferentes domínios da qualidade de vida (físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente) em indivíduos de 50 a 74 anos residentes em Porto Alegre, Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal com uma amostra de 720 sujeitos, selecionados por processo de amostragem aleatória proporcional em múltiplos-estágios. Foram utilizados dois instrumentos: Sense of Coherence Scala (SOC 13) e o World Health Organization Abbreviated Instrument for Quality Of Life Assessment (qa21’WHOQOL-BREF). As análises univariada e multivariada foram realizadas por meio de regressão linear, observando-se associação significativa do escore senso de coerência com a qualidade de vida, mesmo quando ajustado para as variáveis sóciodemográficas (p<0,001). Para um aumento de 10 pontos no escore do senso de coerência, há um aumento médio de 6,8 pontos nos escores de qualidade de vida no domínio psicológico (b=6,80; IC 95%: 5,94 a 7,67); 6,45 pontos no domínio físico (b=6,45; IC95%: 5,38 a 7,53); 5,51 pontos no domínio de relações sociais (b=5,51; IC 95%: 4,53 a 6,49); e de 4,73 pontos nos escores do domínio meio ambiente (b=4,73; IC 95%: 3,84 a 5,61). O escore global de qualidade de vida aumenta, em média, 6,84 pontos a cada 10 pontos do escore do senso de coerência (b=6,84; IC 95%: 5,70 a 7,98). Os resultados deste estudo demostram que o constructo SOC associa-se positivamente a qualidade de vida; quanto mais elevado o senso de coerência, melhor será a qualidade de vida. / The Sense of Coherence (SOC) reflects how the individual perceives their health and face stressors. The SOC is associated with quality of life and is considered an important predictor of health. This study aims to investigate the association between the sense of coherence and the different domains of quality of life (physical, psychological, social relationships and environment) in subjects 50-74 years of age living in Porto Alegre, Brazil. It is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 720 individuals selected by proportional random sampling process in multiple-stage. Two instruments were used: Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC 13) and the World Health Organization Abbreviated Instrument for Quality Of Life Assessment (WHOQOL-BREF). The univariate and multivariate analyzes were performed by linear regression observing significant association between the sense of coherence score with quality of life, even when adjusted for sociodemographic variables (p <0.001). For a 10-point increase in the score of sense of coherence, there is an average increase of 6.8 points in scores for quality of life in the psychological domain (b = 6.80, 95% CI: 5.94 to 7.67); 6.45 points in the physical domain (b = 6.45, 95% CI: 5.38 to 7.53); 5.51 points in the field of social relations (b = 5.51, 95% CI: 4.53 to 6.49); and 4.73 points in the environment domain scores (b = 4.73, 95% CI: 3.84 to 5.61). The overall score for quality of life increases, on average, 6.84 points for each 10-point score of sense of coherence (b = 6.84, 95% CI: 5.70 to 7.98). The results of this study indicate that the SOC construct positively associates with quality of life, the higher the sense of coherence better the quality of life.

Föräldrars kännedom om skolsköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete. : en enkätstudie / Parents' knowledge of the school nurse's health promotion work.

Hjelström, Therese, Lindskog, Stina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Skolsköterskans huvudsakliga arbetsuppgift är att arbeta med hälsofrämjande och förebyggande åtgärder. I samarbete med föräldrarna kan de gemensamt främja god hälsa för barnet. Genom att föräldrarna känner sig delaktiga i barnets hälsa och skolgång och har en god kommunikation med skolsköterskan gynnas förutsättningar att barnet uppnår skolmålen. Syfte Syftet med studien var att beskriva föräldrars kännedom om skolsköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete Metod Studien genomfördes med hjälp av en webbaserad enkät med kvantitativ ansats och riktade sig till föräldrar med barn i grundskoleåldern. Enkäten delades via sociala medier och analyserades därefter med hjälp av deskriptiv statistik. Resultat Det var 121 deltagare som svarade på enkäten varav 86% var kvinnor. Resultatet visar att 58% av föräldrarna inte visste hur många dagar som skolsköterskan fanns på plats. Föräldrarna värderade hälsosamtalen, akuta insatser och vaccinationer högt. Hälften av föräldrarna fick återkoppling om vad som framkommit under hälsosamtalet. Temadagar ansågs som ett bra komplement för ökade hälsofrämjande kunskaper. Slutsats Skolsköterskan har ett övergripande hälsoansvar för elever i grundskolan. Det hälsofrämjande arbetet handlar om att stärka elevens egen förmåga till att främja och bibehålla hälsa. Föräldrar värderar skolsköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete högt och visade intresse till att vara delaktiga i barnets hälsoutveckling. De uttryckte även en önskan om att skolsköterskan skulle vara mer tillgänglig. / Background The school nurse's main task is to work with health education and preventive measures. In collaboration with the parents, they can jointly promote good health for the child. When the parents feel involved in the child's health and schooling and have a good communication with the school nurse, the prerequisites are that the child achieves the school goals. Aim The aim of the study was to describe parents' knowledge of the school nurse's health promotion work. Method The study was conducted with the help of a web-based survey using a quantitative approach, focusing on parents with children in primary school age. The questionnaire was shared via social media and then analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results There were 121 participants who answered the questionnaire, of which 86% were women. The result shows that 58% of the parents did not know how many days the school nurse was present. The parents put value on and rated the health talks, emergency interventions and vaccinations highly. Half of the parents received feedback on what emerged during the health conversation occurred. Theme days were considered as a good complement for increased health promoting knowledge. Conclusion The school nurse has a core and overall health responsibility for students in primary school. The health promotion work is about strengthening the student's own ability to promote, upkeep and maintain health. Parents value the school nurse's health promotion work highly, and showed sincere interest in being involved in the child's health development. In addition, they also expressed a desire for the school nurse to be more accessible.

Arbetsterapeuter i kommunal hälso- och sjukvård : En tvärsnittsstudie om psykosocial arbetsmiljö / Occupational therapists in municipal health care : A cross-sectional study about psycho-social work environment

Enell, Maria, Nordqvist, Nathalie January 2020 (has links)
Forskning har visat att arbetstillfredsställelse inom vårdyrken kan vara en källa till tillfredsställelse, en indikator på god psykosociala arbetsmiljön, och till och med öka anställdas välbefinnande. Detta i och med vetskapen kring de positiva effekterna av mänskliga möten. Syftet med examensarbetet var att beskriva den självupplevda psykosociala arbetsmiljön hos arbetsterapeuter inom kommunal hälso- och sjukvård i södra Sverige. Examensarbetet genomfördes i form av en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie, där 51 respondenter deltog genom att svara på enkäten WEMS (Work Experience Measurement Scale). Resultatet visade att arbetsterapeuterna hade relativt god upplevelse av sitt arbete och sin arbetsplats. Antalet år på nuvarande arbetsplatsen, antalet yrkesverksamma år och arbetsprocent var demografiska data som inte påverkade arbetsterapeuternas arbetsupplevelser. Slutsatsen visade att respondenterna överlag var relativt nöjda med sitt arbete och sin arbetssituation. Förbättringar kan dock göras inom alla områden, framförallt inom tidsupplevelse. / Research has shown that job satisfaction in healthcare professions can be a source of satisfaction, an indicator of a good psychosocial work environment, and even increase employees’ well-being. This can be found in the cognizance about the positive effects that human encounters come with. The thesis aimed to describe the self-perceived psychosocial work environment of occupational therapists in municipal health care in southern Sweden. The thesis was conducted in the form of a quantitative cross-sectional study, in which 51 respondents participated by answering the WEMS (Work Experience Measurement Scale) survey. The result showed that occupational therapists had a relatively good experience of their work and their workplace. The number of years at the workplace, the number of working years, and work percentage were demographic data that did not affect the occupational therapists’ work experience. In conclusion, the respondents were generally satisfied with their work and work situation. However, improvements can be made in all areas, especially within the time dimension.

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