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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolan – en plats för salutogent arbete? : En empirisk intervjustudie med skolsköterskor om deras samarbete med lärarna / School – a place for salutogenic work? : An empirical interview study of school nurses and their collaboration with teachers

Edvardsson, Maria, Svensson, Kristina January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: En god hälsa utgör en viktig grund för livet. Skolan har genom sin potential att inrymma alla barn och ungdomar goda möjligheter till att främja hälsa. Skolsköterskan tillsammans med elevhälsan, har till uppgift att arbeta hälsofrämjande och förebyggande samt bidra till elevernas lärande och utveckling. Lärarna som träffar eleverna dagligen, utgör en betydelsefull roll i detta arbete och är därmed en viktig samarbetspartner för skolsköterskan. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva skolsköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta salutogent tillsammans med lärare inom grundskolan. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats. Datainsamling skedde genom semistrukturerade intervjuer av nio skolsköterskor. Under intervjuerna användes en frågeguide med öppna frågor. Analysen genomfördes med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I studiens resultat framkom fyra huvudkategorier: Gemensamma möten underlättar, Skolsköterskan deltar i klassrummet, Skolsköterskans och lärarens olika uppdrag samt Tiden påverkar. Huvudkategorierna resulterade därefter i 10 subkategorier. Resultatanalysen mynnade ut i temat: Engagemang och intresse hos skolsköterskan och läraren spelar in på det salutogena arbetet. Slutsats: Genom elevhälsans möten samt skolsköterskans samarbete med lärarna, kunde ett salutogent arbete på skolan främjas. Dock utgjorde tiden ett hinder. Skolsköterskornas och lärarnas engagemang och intresse spelade emellertid in på omfattningen av ett salutogent arbete. / Background: A good health is an important foundation for life. The school, through its potential to include all children, has excellent opportunities to promote health. The school nurse should aspire to promote health as well as facilitate student learning and development. Teachers, as they are daily interacting with students, constitutes an important collaborator for the school nurse. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe school nurses’ experience working salutogenic together with teachers in elementary school. Method: The study uses a qualitative method with an inductive approach. Collection of data was conducted through semi-structured interviews with nine school nurses, using open questions. The analysis was performed using qualitative analysis of contents. Results: Four main categories were deducted from the study results: Common meetings facilitates, School nurse lesson participation, Separate tasks for the school nurse and teacher, Time is of essence. The main categories were further divided into 10 sub-categories. Conclusion: Salutogentic work at school was promoted by meetings within the student health care staff as well as collaboration with teachers. Time was a limiting factor. The level of commitment and interest among school nurses and teachers had an impact on the extent of salutogenic work.

Förändra individen eller anpassa omgivningen? : En kvalitativ studie om vad Pedagogiskt Förhållnings- och Arbetssätt kan bidra med inom socialpsykiatrin / Change the individual or adapt the environment? : A qualitative study on what a pedagogical approach and way of work (PFA) can contribute to the municipal psychiatric care.

Lindqvist, Catarina January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien har varit att undersöka vad ett Pedagogiskt Förhållnings- och Arbetssätt (PFA) kan bidra med inom socialpsykiatrin. Två PFA utbildare har intervjuats och insamlade data har analyserats med det teoretiska perspektivet salutogenes samt teorin Känsla av Sammanhang (KASAM). Resultatet visar att PFA kan bidra med ett salutogent arbetssätt i komplettering till ett patogent behandlingsinriktat synsätt som av PFA utbildare upplevts finnas inom socialpsykiatrin. PFA kan utifrån det PFA utbildare uppger om PFA även bidra med ett kognitivt fokus där brukare anses göra så gott de kan utifrån sina kognitiva förutsättningar. PFA uppges av utbildarna ha som mål att kompensera svårigheter och bygga på intressen och styrkor genom att anpassa omgivningen. PFA kan därför även bidra med ett kognitivt fokus i komplettering till behavioristiska metoder. / The purpose of this study has been to examine what a pedagogical approach and way of work (PFA) can contribute to the municipal psychiatric care. Two PFA educators was interviewed and the empirical data has been analyzed with the theoretical perspectives salutogenesis together with the theory Sense of Coherence (SOC). The result shows that PFA can add a salutogenic practice to a pathogenic treatment focused practice. PFA can also from what is said about PFA in the interview be considered to contribute with a cognitive focus where care takers are considered to do their best from their cognitive prerequisites. PFA is from the educators said to aim for compensation of difficulties and build on interest and strengths by adapting the environment. PFA can therefore with its cognitive focus be considered to add a cognitive perspective to behavioristic methods.

Salutogent perspektiv på arbetsmiljö och hälsa under distansarbete på en statlig myndighet

Wallberg, Hanna, Holmgren, Lotta January 2021 (has links)
Till följd av Covid-19 har distansarbetet ökat och med det behovet att undersöka medarbetares självskattade hälsa och upplevda arbetsförhållanden. Syftet med föreliggande studie var att ur ett slutogent perspektiv undersöka arbetsmiljö och hälsa vid distansarbete på en statlig myndighet. En webbaserad enkätstudie genomfördes innehållande en kvantitativ och en valitativ del. Statisktiska beräkningar utfördes i SPSS i form av t-test coh multipel regressionsanalys samt en induktiv tematisk analys. Resultatet visade att distansarbetet haft positiv påverkan på självskattad hälsa och upplevda arbetsförhållanden med vissa signigikanta skillnader mellan verksamhetsområden och mellan kön. Vidare visade resultatet att självskattad hälsa kan förklaras med 20 procent utifrån upplevda arbetsförhållanden. Den tematiska analysen genererade sex huvudteman med vissa underteman av viktiga faktorer vid fortsatt arbete på distans. Dessa var socialt stöd, teknik och friskvård (stödjande arbetsförhållanden), ledarskap, arbetsmiljö samt flexibilitet. Majoriteten av respondenterna önskade arbeta på distans två till tre dagar i veckan i framtiden. Ett främjande av upplevda arbetsförhållanden kan generera i fortsatt ökad hälsa bland medarbetarna. / As a result of Covid-19, teleworking has increased and with it the need to research employees self-rated health and working conditions. The purpose of this study was to examine empolyees self-rated health and perceived working conditions from a salutogenic perspective during teleworking at a government agency. A web-based survey was conducted containing a quantitative and a qualitative part. Statistical calculations were made in SPSS in the form of t-tests and multiple regression analysis and an inductive thematic analysis was made as well. The results showed that telework had a positive impact on self-rated health and preceived working conditions with some significant differences between business areas and between gender. Furthermore, the results showed that self-rated health can be explained by 20 percent based on perceived working conditons. The thematic analysis generated four main themes with certain sub-themes of important factors in continued work at a distance. These were supportive working conditions (social support, technology and wellness), leadershio, work enviroment and flexibility. The majority of respondents wnated to work remotely two to three days a week in the future. A promotion of perceived working conditions can generate continued increased health among empoyees.

Perceived growth following endeavors to isolated, confined, and extreme environments: salutogenesis in the aftermath of Antarctic expeditions

Nicoll, Patrick 08 October 2021 (has links)
The environmental and psychosocial adversity inherent in remote polar locales has historically been framed in pathological terms. However, a burgeoning body of evidence suggests that stressful conditions across isolated, confined, and extreme (ICE) environments may elicit positive growth outcomes as well. The purpose of this cross-sectional, retrospective study was to assess the incidence and correlates of PostExpedition Growth (PEG) in returned Antarctic expeditioners. The prevalence of five specific personal growth indicators – ‘new opportunities,’ ‘relating to others,’ ‘personal strength,’ ‘spiritual change,’ and ‘appreciation of life’ – along with individual and group variables that have been associated with growth in trauma-exposed populations (i.e., coping, mindfulness, personality traits, personal value priorities, adverse childhood experiences, and expedition/experience specific variables) were examined using a mixed methods approach. Quantitative results indicate a moderate, positive association between proactive coping and appreciation of life, as well as between universalism (i.e., a sense of harmony or oneness with humanity and the natural world), new possibilities, and appreciation of life. Qualitative findings provide a more nuanced understanding of the five dimensions of PEG and underscore the emergence of a sixth dimension, an enhanced relationship with nature. Further research is needed to illuminate knowledge gaps in ICE environment research, and to help identify potential countermeasures for individuals and groups faced with comparable adversity factors in their immediate environments (i.e., within the current context of COVID-19). A deeper understanding of PEG in ICE environments – as well as promotive factors that strengthen positive outcomes – will serve to inform the development of countermeasures to mitigate health and wellbeing risks following exposure to isolation and confinement in extreme environments. / Graduate / 2022-09-29

Young girls and eating disorders: A study about how school staff perceive and prevent eating disorders among young girls

Zad, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Det huvudsakliga syftet i denna studie var att ta reda på skolpersonals uppfattning om varför ätstörningar uppstår bland unga flickor samt vilka metoder de använder sig av i förebyggande syfte för att motverka ett ätstörningsutvecklande. Empirin bygger på kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer bestående av två skolkuratorer, två skolsköterskor samt en skolpsykolog i en mellanstor svensk stad. Fyra huvudteman identifierades i intervjuerna vilka var: Olika typer av yttre påverkan, Tonåringar har störst tendens att utveckla ätstörningar, Preventiva metoder samt Skolpersonal saknar hållbara metoder. Analysen av de teman som framkom i studien kan ge en förståelse för hur skolpersonal preventivt arbetar med unga flickor och ätstörningsproblematik samt vilka faktorer som uppfattas vara bidragande till ett ätstörningsutvecklande. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att skolpersonal i stort uppfattar att faktorer såsom självkänsla, krav och stress, koncentrationssvårigheter samt media och skönhetsideal kan bidra till ett ätstörningsutvecklande. Vidare visar studien att skolpersonal gör försök att arbeta preventivt med ätstörningsproblematik genom att reagera på förändrat beteende och samtala med vårdnadshavare och elev men även genom att arbeta med självkänslan hos flickorna. Det framkommer dock inga gemensamma hållbara metoder i skolpersonalens arbetssätt med unga flickor som tenderar att utveckla en ätstörning där flertalet informanter tycks vara i behov av detta. / The main purpose of this study was to find out the view of the school staff on why eating disorders arise among young girls and which methods the school staff use for prevention. The empirical data is based on qualitative semi-structured interviews with two school counselors, two school nurses and a school psychologist in a medium-sized Swedish town. Four main themes were identified in the interviews which were: Different kinds of external influences, Adolescents have the greatest tendency to develop eating disorders, Prevention methods and School staff lack sustainable methods. The analysis of the themes that emerged from the study can provide an understanding of how school staff preventively work with young girls and eating disorder problems and the factors that are perceived to be contributing to a developing eating disorder. In summary, the study showed that school staff, at large, perceive that factors such as self-esteem, demands and stress, concentration difficulties, as well as the media and beauty ideals can contribute to a developing eating disorder. Furthermore, the study showed that school staff do try to work preventively with the eating disorder problems by reacting to changes in behavior and talking with both parents and students, but also by working with the self-esteem amongst girls. No common sustainable methods were found in the school staff’s work with young girls that tend to develop an eating disorder in which the majority of respondents appear to be in need of this.

Salutogent perspektiv på gymnasielärares hälsa i arbetslivet

Dzubur, Mia January 2023 (has links)
Läraryrket är en viktig komponent i ett fungerande samhälle, men det råder lärarbrist vilket ökar arbetsbördan för verksamma. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka gymnasielärares upplevda hälsa i arbetslivet ur ett salutogent perspektiv (dvs hälsofrämjande) genom att undersöka vilka generella och specifika motståndsresurser gymnasielärare upplever i sitt arbete. Följande frågeställningar undersöktes: vilka faktorer upplever gymnasielärare påverkar deras hälsa och välbefinnande positivt? och vilka faktorer anser gymnasielärare har hjälpt dem att hantera stressfulla situationer? Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och analyserades utifrån en tematisk analys, som resulterade i fem friskfaktorer: (1) förmågan att avgränsa, (2) goda relationer till kollegor, elever och skolledning, (3)kompetensutveckling, (4) personlighetsfaktorer och (5) erfarenhet. De slutsatser som kan dras är att lärare i läraryrket behöver vissa generella och specifika motståndsresurser för att kunna hantera den stressfyllda miljön. Men för att bättre förbereda lärare i yrkeslivet kan simuleringsspel, att försöka återskapa verkligheten i en kontrollerad miljö, användas.

Ett övermänskligt uppdrag : En narrativ analys baserad på självbiografier skrivna av föräldrar till barn med NPF-diagnos

Alm, Sebastian, Eddegård, My January 2024 (has links)
Parents of children with a neuropsychiatric disorder faces a lot of difficulties regarding their role as a parent. The purpose of this study is to gain a better knowledge of the challenges and needs the parents experience due to their child’s disorder. The study was based on theories of stigma and salutogenesis. By analyzing autobiographies with a narrative thematic method, we studied the subject from the parents’ perspective. Earlier studies have found that parents of children with neuropsychiatric disorders faces a variety of challenges but also find ways to cope with the situation. We found two major challenges and a variety of ways in which the parents cope with this. The main difficulties we found was the stigmatization, including both general stigmatization as well as family stigmatization and self-stigmatization, and the lack of time and energy the parents experience. When it comes to handling the everyday life, we identified four key aspects: support, a general life balance, interpersonal traits and understanding and acceptance from others.  The findings indicate that there is a connection between stigmatization and how the everyday life is handled due to stigmatization interfering with all aspects of the parents’ life.

Positive psychological functioning among civil servants

Patrick, Moira Antoinette 02 1900 (has links)
Employees in the workplace face many challenges that cause stress. Despite these stresses many cope and remain positive. This study investigated positive psychological functioning among civil servants and explored how they functioned despite stressors in the work environment. The constructs of locus of control, sense of coherence, engagement and their relationship to the burnout construct (viewed as the opposite end of the wellness continuum) were used to examine this behaviour. Results showed that high sense of coherence, locus of control and engagement scores resulted in low burnout scores. Internal control and meaningfulness were found to be significant predictors of engagement. Employees will therefore be engaged in their work only if and when they display and/or are allowed to exhibit emotional meaningfulness in their work and their relationships, and when they behave and make decisions from an internal motivation. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / MA (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Hardiness and tenure in shiftwork as predictive variables for coping with shiftwork

Potgieter, Tracy Elizabeth 01 1900 (has links)
The aim of this study was to establish whether hardiness and tenure are predictive variables for coping with shiftwork. The extent of shiftwork and shiftwork research has expanded internationally in the past decade. It has been established that shiftwork has a negative effect on shiftworkers who are predisposed to certain strain symptoms such as inefficiency, impaired health and domestic problems. However, certain inter individual differences do moderate coping with shiftwork through a process of cognitive and behavioural protective acts which modify the stressful situation and neutralise the experience of problems. Using questionnaires (Biographical, Hardiness Index and Coping with Shiftwork Questionnaire), a sample group of 75 cases was analysed. A 95 percent confidence level was used throughout with a multiple stepwise regression analysis computed. The significant r2 value = 0.18. Focus group discussions were conducted to· add qualitative information to the areas of social, domestic, work and sleep problems as well as coping strategies. The predictive variables were regressed onto a number of criterion variables, namely coping with shiftwork, work, sleep, domestic and social problems, as well as engagement and diseng.agement strategies including both strategies in all four domains (work, sleep, social and domestic). It was found that hardiness and tenure are not predictive variables for coping with shiftwork. However, hardiness, commitment and challenge are predictors for disengagement strategies so that hardy, challenged and committed individua1s will use less disengagement coping strategies and more specifically, use less domestic disengagement coping strategies. The research established hardiness as an additional personality variable linked to a primary scale of coping with shiftwork, namely disengagement. The longer term adjustment of shiftworkers (through tenure) was not established. Recommendations were made for targeted shiftwork coping programmes and more extensive classical shiftwork research in South Africa / Economics and Management Sciences / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)

Enhance your workplace! : a dialogue tool for workplace health promotion with salutogenic approach

Nilsson, Petra January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to develop and make a quality assessment of a tool, which includes a questionnaire and a dialogue process that could be useful for workplace health promotion from a salutogenic point of view. The studies have been performed within two health care organizations between 2005 and 2009, together with hospital staff. Two questionnaire studies were conducted (n=446 n=505, respectively). A focus group interview study was performed (n=78), and meetings were held in an action research process for applying a questionnaire process at two wards (n=69). The result shows a development process for a multi-dimensional questionnaire, the Work Experience Measurement Scale (WEMS), which can be used to measure work experiences from a salutogenic perspective. WEMS was shown to be a functional workplace health promotion questionnaire with the ability to discriminate between groups. Its psychometric properties support its applicability in health care settings and offer a possibility to measure trends over time regarding employees´ work experiences. A dialogue structure for progress in the questionnaire process is presented. It describes what to precede and how to proceed through a workplace questionnaire process to foster applicability, meaningfulness, and sustainability. Through WEMS, the outcome of work-related Specific Enhancing Resources (SER) may be highlighted and strengthened in workplace activities. When used as a dialogue tool in a continuous questionnaire process, WEMS has the potential of being a useful assessment tool in workplace health promotion. Such a dialogue tool is useful in discussions and tangible for the work of enhancing positive human capabilities and resources (SER) that improve work performance.

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