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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”En vansklig uppgift” : En rättsvetenskaplig studie av hur urfolksrätt implementeras i svensk rätt / ”A difficult task” : A legal study of how indigenous rights are implemented in Sweden

König, Felix January 2021 (has links)
This study considers international norms of indigenous right to land and compares them to Swedish law and preparatory works. In a Swedish context Samí land use, typically reindeer herding, is under increased pressure from mining, forestry and other extractions of natural resources. According to this study, the international norms are clear: there are customary rights to culture, encompassing land, and rights to consultation. There are also established rights to ownership of traditional lands and natural resources. There are disputes as to the strength of these rights but they can be considered international norms to different degrees. Furthermore, there are procedural requirements such as importance of customs and eased burden of proof.  These international norms are considered to a low degree in Swedish law. The only traces found are rights to culture, encompassing land rights, and reindeer herding rights, an expression of land rights. These rights are not implemented in relevant legislation. Critical Race Theory explains a lot: the importance of ethnicity and racism and their connection to power emerges clearly. The state has constructed the majority view of the Samí and distributed rights accordingly. Preparatory work underlines how difficult a task it is to define land rights. The law is allowed to remain indeterminate, a disadvantage for the Samí. When rights are adjudicated by the Supreme Court the meaning is weakened. At the bottom line is a colonial view which aids commercial interests.

Rätten till mineral : en studie om befogenheter och legala inskränkningar i äganderätten till fastighetens beståndsdelar

Bäckström, Lars January 2012 (has links)
Since long, Swedish land owners has been forced to accept that their land is claimed for mining activities. The utilization has taken place in accordance with different laws and legal rules. Also the current Minerals Act expresses a right for third parties to assimilate minerals from other people's property. The question of who owns the mineral prior the utilization is however not answered by the Minerals Act or by any other statute. In addition to being principally interesting, the ownership issue is also of practical importance, for instance regarding the right to exploit minerals covered by the Minerals Act for household use, or the right to exploit unregulated mineral as well as in future assessments regarding e.g. mineral compensation. In addition to the principal question of ownership, the Minerals Act also gives rise to a number of other issues that affect the land owner's right in relation to the extraction of minerals on the property. The main purpose of this study has thus been to identify who, if any, can be regarded as the principal owner of the elements of earth that contains minerals under Swedish law. To do this it has been necessary to define the concept of ownership in the property context. Furthermore, the study also contains an investigation regarding whether the minerals in the earth is to be considered a part of the property, and if the property ownership entails a principal right (power) for the owner to utilize minerals that may exist underground. The right with which third parties can reside on private land and there perform the preliminary studies that may be required to obtain exploration permit is also examined, as well as the conditions for – and the powers that comes with – permit and concession in accordance with the Minerals Act. The results of the study confirm that the ownership of property in Sweden is negatively determined and that all powers relating to the property therefore is due to the owner, unless law, custom, tradition or other source of law states otherwise. The results of the study also indicate that the mineral in the ground are to be considered a part of the property; the landowner is therefore in principle its owner and the function of the Minerals Act is that of a legal constraint. It is also concluded that it is possible to perform a large part of the necessary preliminary investigations with support of the Right of Common (Swe: Allemansrätten).

Förmögenhetsrättsliga regler och principer i äktenskapsbalken / Private law rules and principles in the marriage code

Torssell, Kevin January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Överlåtelseförbud : Avtalade överlåtelseförbud vid singularsuccession / Prohibitions of Assignment : Agreed Prohibitions of Assignment and Singular Succession

Gilljam, Samuel January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Skillnaden mellan finansiell leasing av fastigheter och lokalhyresavtal : En studie om gränsdragningen och dess redovisningsmässiga konsekvenser / The distinction between financial leasing of real estate and commercial lease agreements

Ghomri, Ofelia January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Efterlevnad av förvanskningsförbudet genom byggnadsinventeringar: Är det lämpligt? / Building preservation through inventory: Is it appropriate?

Sjölund, Filip January 2023 (has links)
Att skydda kulturhistoriskt värdefull bebyggelse från förvanskning är ett allmänt intresse. Många kommuner väljer idag att tillgodose efterlevnaden av förvanskningsförbudet i 8:13 PBL genom byggnadsinventeringar, ett verktyg som inte är reglerat genom lag, i stället för att använda de regler som finns i PBL. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka lämpligheten i byggnadsinventeringar som tillvägagångssätt för att efterleva förvanskningsförbudet.

Dolda fel i fastighet – 4:19 § JB : En köpares undersökningsplikt och en säljares upplysningsplikt

Göransson, Carl January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Religiösa ungdomars identitetsskapande i Sverige : Hur religion påverkar ungdomars identitet och identitetsskapande

Ali, Rania January 2023 (has links)
Alla människor i världen har en definition av sig själv samt en definition om hur omgivningen ser oss. Identitet är något ingen kan undgå, alla individer har skapat sig själv en identitet genom sina egna handlingar. Syftet med uppsatsarbetet är att undersöka hur religion formar och påverkar människans identitet samt identitetsskapande. Frågeställningarna som används i studien är vad religion har för betydelse, vilka religiösa faktorer som bidrar till identitetsskapande samt hur religionen påverkar våra livsval och identitet. Studien är baserad på en kvalitativ fokusgruppintervju bestående av fyra kvinnliga ungdomar som har samma tro, tillhör samma samfund, samt att de studerar på högskolan. Anledningen till varför jag valde samma kön var för att undersöka likheter och skillnader mellan deras åsikter. Tidigare forskning presenteras av både Fredrik Jahnke samt Manuell Castell, där de har forskat kring vad som påverkar och formar individens identitet. Studien kommer att analyseras genom att transkribera, bearbeta och tolka respondenternas svar i relation till socialisationsteorin, Anthony Giddens identitetsteori samt Thomas Ziehes identitetsteorier.                                                      Resultatet visade att religionen påverkar ungdomarnas identitet på grund av olika livsval de bör genomföra enligt religionens regler och ramverk. Ungdomarna väljer att klä sig på ett speciellt sätt, äter en speciell kost samt avstår från vissa aktiviteter på grund av religionens ramverk. Samtidigt som resultatet visade att det var olika nivåer på religiositet ju mer aktiv religiös du är desto mer följer du reglerna och detta påverkar din identitet ännu starkare. Slutsatsen av studien visade det sig att familjen och samhället är två viktiga bidragande faktorer som gör att religionen påverkar respondenternas identitet och identitetsskapande.                                                                                  Förslag på framtida forskning är att utföra projekt eller undersökningar där man jobbar med att normalisera öppna diskussioner kring religion för att kunna uppnå en djupare förståelse av vad ungdomarna försöker förmedla.

Anstiftarens ansvar vid error in persona : Betydelsen av den anstiftade gärningsmannens förväxling för gärningsmannen och anstiftarens ansvar i ljuset av NJA 2022 s. 675.

Grigoryan, Viktorya January 2022 (has links)
This is a thesis regarding the instigator’s intent in a case where the perpetrator, due to confusion, attacks another person, other than what the instigator had intended. The doctrine of error in persona and aberratio ictus is one of criminal law's most classic problems and highlights the conflict of intent when the act causes an intended result in an object other than intended. Another aspect being analyzed is what is known as the "coverage principle" and how it should be applied regarding differences between the perpetrator’s action and the instigator’s perception of the imagined events. Should the instigator then be charged with intent for the attack that takes place, even though the course of events developed in a completely undesirable way from the instigator's point of view? And if so, what should the instigator be charged for: instigation of attempted murder of the intended victim, instigation of murder of the actual victim, or both? The overarching purpose of the thesis is to examine how intent coverage should be assessed and what the perpetrator’s mistake means for the instigator’s liability. The thesis consists of analyzing jurisprudential and theoretical aspects as well as elements of comparative law regarding this issue. When exploring the intent of the instigator, it is necessary to determine what the perpetrator's mistake means for his or her liability. Two alternative models have been presented within Swedish legal doctrine: the model of equivalence and the model of specialty. My conclusion is that the model of equivalence should be applied concerning the perpetrator’s liability for error in persona, and after analyzing cases from the Swedish courts of appeal, the model of specialty will most likely be applied in cases of aberratio ictus. The Swedish Supreme Court addresses the instigator’s criminal liability in NJA 2022 s. 675. In this thesis, I scrutinize the case to pinpoint what this implies for the instigator’s liability, despite the perpetrator's mistake. The Supreme Court rules that if two conditions are met, the instigator has intent to commit the act committed by the perpetrator. Firstly, that the act intended by the instigator is criminally equivalent to the act that is committed, and secondly, that the outcome of the instigation is a conceivable consequence of the course of events that the instigator has set in motion. My conclusion is that the assessment of the instigator's intent should be made separately from the assessment of the perpetrator's intent. For the “coverage principle” this means that all the details of the course of events can never be predicted and cannot rule out intent. Furthermore, I suggest that there are two ways to judge the instigator’s intent: a subjective assessment that aims at the instigator’s intention at the time of the act and the circumstances of the individual3incident, or an objective assessment that aims at the risk-taking relevance and "principles derived from experience." Finally, despite the perpetrator's confusion about his identity, the instigator has the intent to the act committed by the perpetrator, despite that the outcome wasn’t desired by the instigator.

Anstiftarens ansvar vid error in persona : Betydelsen av den anstiftade gärningsmannens förväxling för gärningsmannen och anstiftarens ansvar i ljuset av NJA 2022 s. 675. / The instigator’s criminal liability in case of error in persona. : The meaning of the instigated perpetrator’s confusion for the perpetrator and the instigator’s criminal liability considering NJA 2022 s. 675.

Grigoryan, Viktorya January 2023 (has links)
This is a thesis regarding the instigator’s intent in a case where the perpetrator, due to confusion, attacks another person, other than what the instigator had intended. The doctrine of error in persona and aberratio ictus is one of criminal law's most classic problems and highlights the conflict of intent when the act causes an intended result in an object other than intended. Another aspect being analyzed is what is known as the "coverage principle" and how it should be applied regarding differences between the perpetrator’s action and the instigator’s perception of the imagined events. Should the instigator then be charged with intent for the attack that takes place, even though the course of events developed in a completely undesirable way from the instigator's point of view? And if so, what should the instigator be charged for: instigation of attempted murder of the intended victim, instigation of murder of the actual victim, or both? The overarching purpose of the thesis is to examine how intent coverage should be assessed and what the perpetrator’s mistake means for the instigator’s liability. The thesis consists of analyzing jurisprudential and theoretical aspects as well as elements of comparative law regarding this issue. When exploring the intent of the instigator, it is necessary to determine what the perpetrator's mistake means for his or her liability. Two alternative models have been presented within Swedish legal doctrine: the model of equivalence and the model of specialty. My conclusion is that the model of equivalence should be applied concerning the perpetrator’s liability for error in persona, and after analyzing cases from the Swedish courts of appeal, the model of specialty will most likely be applied in cases of aberratio ictus. The Swedish Supreme Court addresses the instigator’s criminal liability in NJA 2022 s. 675. In this thesis, I scrutinize the case to pinpoint what this implies for the instigator’s liability, despite the perpetrator's mistake. The Supreme Court rules that if two conditions are met, the instigator has intent to commit the act committed by the perpetrator. Firstly, that the act intended by the instigator is criminally equivalent to the act that is committed, and secondly, that the outcome of the instigation is a conceivable consequence of the course of events that the instigator has set in motion. My conclusion is that the assessment of the instigator's intent should be made separately from the assessment of the perpetrator's intent. For the “coverage principle” this means that all the details of the course of events can never be predicted and cannot rule out intent. Furthermore, I suggest that there are two ways to judge the instigator’s intent: a subjective assessment that aims at the instigator’s intention at the time of the act and the circumstances of the individual3incident, or an objective assessment that aims at the risk-taking relevance and "principles derived from experience." Finally, despite the perpetrator's confusion about his identity, the instigator has the intent to the act committed by the perpetrator, despite that the outcome wasn’t desired by the instigator.

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