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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det progressiva biblioteket : vänstervågen i biblioteksdebatten 1965-75 / The progressive library : the left wing movement in the library debate 1965-75

Strömbäck, Jesper January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to examine the Swedish publiclibrary-debate between 1965 and 1975, with a focus on theinfluence of the New Left movement. The empirical materialconsists of articles from two library journals, and is studiedwith the intent to achieve knowledge of the library ideologyexpressed in context of the socialist movements of the 1960sand 70s. The method used is ideology analysis. Threedifferent areas of debate have been included in the study:issues pertaining to library holdings, problems concerning theworkplace and social and outreach activities.Some of the salient and key ideas that often recurs in thematerial touch upon the dangers of mass market literature, thenecessity for an expanded workplace democracy, theimportance of social work and the need for a more politicallyactive library. The bureaucracy, centralism and authoritariantendencies in the library world are criticized, as well as thenotion that the library should remain a politically neutralinstitution. The need to create a library that can serve as asanctuary from commercial forces is also underlined, as wellas the problem with bourgeois high culture alienating users.Overall the left-leaning debate tends to be formulatedpolemically, and reflect an ongoing generational conflict witha strong criticism of the library world’s upper hierarchy. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Identitet, image och profil. En diskursiv studie av Malmö stadsbibliotek / Identity, Image and Profile. A Discourse Study of Malmö Public Library

Fagernäs, Elin, Håkansson, Ellen January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the discourses about Malmö public library that can be identified in several documents published by the library, articles, and various WebPages. Furthermore, our intention is to study the relation between the library’s identity, image and profile. The questions posed in the study are: Which identity discourses are Malmö public library giving expression for? What kind of conflicts between these discourses can we find? How is the identity, image and profile of the library in relation to one another? How does Malmö public library profile and market itself as a non-profit organization? Our theoretical and methodological building ground is in the discourse analytical field, with Enesto Laclau’s and Chantal Mouffe’s theories about discourse and society, as a starting-point. The method used is discourse analysis. The results of the analysis is that the library is influenced by two major discourses, the educational/informational discourse, which can be characterized by the concepts high culture, reading, books, adult education, tradition, nostalgia, production. The other major discourse is the joy/experience discourse which can be characterized by the concepts popular culture, new medias, experiences, renewal, future, consumption. Furthermore, our result implies that these two discourses operate in different levels within the organization. The educational/informational is more frequently seen in documents of a very broad and general function, hence the joy/experience discourse is observed on a more concrete level of the organization. This led us to the conclusion that a gap between identity, profile and image existed. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Är staten en eller flera? : Fråga om avtal mellan statliga myndigheter måste upphandlas

Thoms, Ebba January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Personuppgifter, anonymisering och pseudonymisering: En kritisk analys av begreppsbildningen i GDPR / Personal data, anonymization and pseudonymization: A critical definitional analysis of the GDPR

Coleman, Itai January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

En utvärdering av bestämmelserna om återupptagande av förundersökning och rätten till rättsligt biträde i resningsärenden / An evaluation of the regulations on resuming the preliminary investigation and the right to counsel in cases regarding relief for substantive defects

Östlin, Lisa January 2019 (has links)
År 2013 infördes två lagbestämmelser som är tänkta att öka rättssäkerheten och förutsebarheten för enskilda i resningsärenden. Den ena är 58 kap. 6a § RB, som innebär en lagstadgad skyldighet för åklagare att i resningsärenden i brottmål återuppta en förundersökning om det framkommer nya omständigheter eller nya bevis som sannolikt utgör grund för resning. Den andra är 21 kap. 3b § RB som stadgar att en offentlig försvarare kan förordnas när den tidigare tilltalade är i behov av en försvarare med hänsyn till att förundersökningen har återupptagits, att det finns möjlighet att besluta om att återuppta förundersökningen eller om det annars finns synnerliga skäl. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att utreda och utvärdera de två bestämmelserna för att ta reda på om de har fått en lämplig utformning och om syftena med bestämmelserna uppfylls. För att fastställa gällande rätt används den rättsdogmatiska metoden, och för att utreda hur bestämmelserna fungerar i praktiken genomförs en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning. Den kvantitativa undersökningen består framförallt i att granska statistik kring hur ofta förundersökningar återupptas i resningsärenden, medan den kvalitativ undersökningen består av intervjuer med tre brottmålsadvokater som samtliga har erfarenhet av att vara rättsligt biträde i resningsärenden. Undersökningarna visar att bestämmelserna inte har fått en lämplig utformning med hänsyn till att kraven för att få förundersökningen återupptagen och för att få ett rättsligt biträde är för höga. De höga kraven medför att en ond cirkel bildas som är oerhört svår att bryta; förundersökningen återupptas om den tidigare tilltalade förebringar nytt material som sannolikt utgör grund för resning, men för att få fram sådant material behöver den tidigare tilltalade ofta hjälp från ett rättsligt biträde och ett sådant förordnas vanligen inte förrän förundersökningen återupptagits eller det finns möjlighet att besluta om att återuppta den. Detta leder till att de tidigare tilltalades rättssäkerhet inte tillgodoses. För att öka rättssäkerheten föreslår jag följande förändringar; det bör införas ett tillägg till 58 kap. 6a § 1 st. RB, tillämpningsområdet för 21 kap. 3b § RB bör utökas och en fristående resningskommission liknande den som finns i Norge bör införas, eftersom en sådan resningskommission skulle lösa många av de problem som diskuteras i uppsatsen. / In 2013, two regulations were introduced which intended to increase the legal security and predictability for individuals in cases regarding relief for substantive defects. One of them is chapter 58 section 6a in the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, which entails a statutory obligation for a prosecutor to resume a preliminary investigation in criminal cases when new circumstances or new evidence arise that are likely to form the basis of relief for substantive defects. The other regulation is chapter 21 section 3b in the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedure, which entails that a public counsel may be appointed when the former defendant needs a legal counsel because the preliminary investigation has been resumed, there is an opportunity to decide whether to resume the preliminary investigation or if there otherwise exists exceptional reasons. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and evaluate the two regulations to find out if they have been given a suitable formulation and whether the purposes of the regulations are fulfilled. In order to determine the applicable law, the traditional legal method is used and to investigate how the regulations work in practice, a quantitative and a qualitative study are performed. The quantitative study consists of examining statistics on how often preliminary investigations are resumed in relief cases, while the qualitative study consists of interviews with three criminal lawyers, whom have all been counsels in relief cases. The studies show that the regulationshave not been given a suitable formulationbecause the requirements for getting the preliminary investigation resumed and for getting a legal counsel are too high. The high requirements result in a vicious circle which is extremely difficult to break; in order to get the preliminary investigation resumed, the former defendant must bring forth new material that is likely to form the basis of relief, but in order to find such material, the former defendant often needs assistance from a legal counsel and a counsel is usually not appointed until the preliminary investigation has been resumed or until there is anopportunity to decide whether to resume the preliminary investigation.The legal security of the former defendants is therefore not met. In order to increase the legal security, I suggest the following changes;  a supplement to chapter 58 section 6a in the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedureshould be introduced, the scope of chapter 21 section 3b in the Swedish Code of Judicial Procedureshould be extended, and a commission of relief similar to the one in Norway should be introduced, for such a commission would solve many of the issues that are discussed in this thesis.

Barnets bästa vid tvångsomhändertagande av barn som far illa i Sverige och Norge : En komparativrättslig studie av svensk och norsk rätt

Jändel, Viktor, Kolaric, Lira January 2019 (has links)
This study in comparative public law analyses if the courts have decided in the best interest of the child when judging for immediate care due to domestic violence. Both Sweden and Norway have transformed the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) article 3 in parts of their national legislation. The difference between the countries is that Norway in 2003 incorporated CRC as a part of their legal policy, Sweden, on the other hand, has not integrated CRC in their national laws. There is a need for research if and how the local authorities and the courts in the two countries live up to the concept for the best interest of the child. Six court decisions from both countries as well as the development of the national legislation will be analyzed. To achieve our purpose, we will use the comparative and dogmatic legal method. The comparative method will be used when we compare the similarities and differences between their national legal system and the court's judgment for immediate care for the best interest of the child. The dogmatic legal method will be used for defining the current law. The results of this study indicate that Norway has more appropriate laws for the best interest of the child. The difference between the countries is that in Norway the court can decide based on their child specific law. While the courts in Sweden only can decide for the best interest of the child with the interpretation based on the two laws but the code is not just for the child. Despite the differences, both Sweden and Norway have appropriate laws for how the local authorities and the court should promote the best interest of the child. In the future, we hope that it would be easier for the Swedish courts to apply the best interest of the child when CRC has been incorporated into the national legislation.

The temporal scope of Unwilling or Unable : a case study on Syria

Ljuslin, Linda January 2018 (has links)
The purpose with this paper is to analyze the temporal scope of the doctrine of Unwilling or Unable and focus on when the right to use force in self-defense ends. According to the doctrine a State has a right to use force in self-defense towards a non-state actor on another States territory, if the harboring state is Unwilling or Unable to suppress the non-state actor. This paper will first analyze which factors governs the right to use force in self-defense according to the Unwilling or Unable doctrine and secondly the findings will be applied to the situation in Syria, where the United States are using force in collective self-defense on Iraq’s request, towards ISIL. The conflict will be analyzed in three different time periods, 2014, 2016 and 2018 to identify for how long the United States has a right to use force in self-defense in Syria. The conclusion in this paper is that in 2014 and 2016 the United States has a right to use force in self-defense towards ISIL on Syria’s territory according to the doctrine, but in 2018 the circumstances has changed and the United States’ right to use force in self-defense in Syria has ended.

Företagsbot ur ett straffprocessuellt perspektiv / Corporate Fines from a Criminal Procedure Perspective

Näs, Elvira January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Erkännande av samkönade parbildningar när fri rörlighet står mot nationell identitet : Särlösningarna för samkönade par i EU-förordningarna om makars och partners förmögenhetsförhållanden

Olsson, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Svenska modellen i relation till allmängiltiga kollektivavtal / The swedish model in relation to collective agreements with a general application

Skoko, Melisa January 2017 (has links)
The Swedish labour market has developed a system were the relationship between employers and employees is in the largest extent regulated through collective agreements. A principle of the Swedish model has long been that the government should not interfere in wage setting and that the regulation on the wage settings is provided for the organisations on the labour market, however, a system of collective agreements that are generally applicable are very common in many European countries. The significance of this system is that the collective agreement is binding on all parties on the labour market which includes, both employers and employees that are members and also non-members in a trade union. A method with doctrinal and labour law in context has been used. This essay has examined how an imposition of the collective agreements with a general effect could affect the protection of workers in the Swedish model, and what kind of consequences such imposition could contribute to. Collective agreements are very important for the Swedish model and the employer has an obligation to apply conditions of collective agreements on employees that are non-members in a trade union or members in a different union. Employers who do not apply these conditions to workers can be guilty of violation of the collective agreement. In Sweden, collective agreements have a very high coverage despite the absence of collective agreements that are generally applicable. The high coverage is important because collective agreements offers workers a safer protection with more rights and opportunities to influence their workplace. In practice, it is also established that collective agreement in a workplace should be the central, and that it should have a normative effect on workers. However, the employer can bypass a few rules, which may affect workers negatively because they do not get equal rights or an equally strong protection. In order to maintain the Swedish model, a high number of trade union memberships are necessary. On the other hand, it has been shown that the number of trade union memberships has been decreased which can contribute to a diminished position on the labour market for workers and the trade unions. An adoption of collective agreements with a general effect as a complement to the system we have today would have been a good solution to include more employees. However, it can also be considered as an invasion on the Swedish model.

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