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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

När ett hem blir en arbetsplats : Om skärningspunkten mellan den enskildes självbestämmanderätt och arbetstagarens rätt till en god arbetsmiljö vid insatser enligt LSS / When a home becomes a workplace : The intersection between the individual's right to autonomy and the worker's right to a good work environment by activities under LSS

Olsson, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
The essay is based on the constitutional differences between two swedish laws and the fact that they appear collaterally in practice. The topic is the legal aspects of the conflict of interests that appears in the relationship between the Swedish Act concerning Support and Service for Persons with Certain Functional Impairments and the Work Environment Act. The separate interests are rediscovered in several different sources of law. This essay aims to find guidance for operators within care and welfare on how to make a correct consideration between these interests, in a legal purposive way. The legal dogmatic method has been used to achieve the purpose. The main conclusions is that the risk for a conflict of interests between the Work Environment Act and other laws has been foreseen by the swedish legislator. Although, the legislator states that it is impossible to find a general solution for the conflict and leaves to concerned authorities to issue further regulation if necessary. Today, these regulations does not provide for any guidance regarding the conflict of interest between the concerned laws. Although the consideration has a tendency to be subjective, some implications can be made regarding the argumentation of the court and authority. Case law takes self determination, integrity, participation and the functional impairments into account, when discussing the rights for persons with functional impairments. Regarding the workers’ rights, case law indicate that the psychological strain, the professional precondition and the regularity of the events are relevant factors. In summary, case law show that the person with functional disability has an unconditional right to the entitled assistance. How the assistance shall be performed is depending on a consideration whether the measures taken in order to improve the working environment are reasonable on the results that can be achieved. Further, some examples of taken measures estimated as being comfortable and not are rediscovered. Finally, the outcome for individuals is discussed followed by a further evolved analysis of the dilemma, with connection to specific cicumstances within care and welfare.

Chefers anställningsskydd : Tillämpningen av kravet på tillräckliga kvalifikationer ur ett genusperspektiv / Protection of employment for managers : the application of the requirement for sufficient qualifications from a gender perspective

Sjöholm, Amanda January 2017 (has links)
Since redundancy is considered as just cause for dismissals, the employees protection of theemployment mostly lies in his or her right to redeployment. The requirement for the employee to beconsidered for such redeployment, and thus a continued employment, is that he or she must possesssufficient qualifications for the post in question. The employer has the right to set up qualificationrequirements relating to the employees’ personal attributes and it is the employer who does theassessment whether the qualifications are sufficient. The purpose of this thesis is to examine thelegal framework of the concept ’sufficient qualifications’ within 7 § 2 st. and 22 § 4 st in LAS, inorder to highlight the problems arising from the employers right to set up qualification requirementsrelated to personal attributes of managers. Secondly this thesis aims at investigate how requirementsrelating to personal attributes may lead to disadvantages for female managers, by analyzing thefinds from a gender perspective.In order to fulfill the overall purpose of this thesis, various methods have been used. Theessay mainly consists of a judicial inquiry intended to investigate de lege lata, and therefor thedoctrinal method has been used. The doctrinal method has been supplemented with qualitativeinterviews in order to get a deeper understanding for the managerial role.From the finds in this thesis it can be concluded that managers are poorly protected by therules according to LAS, because of the subjectivity related to the requirements of reliance betweenthe employer and the manager, which has proven to be significative for the managerial role. Equaltreatment between men and women is a well developed area with provisions regarding nondiscriminationset out in several sources of law, both international as well as in the SwedishDiscrimination Act. Despite the strong legal protection women are struggling to get access toleadership positions. Subjective elements tend to be influenced by the norms of society and thelabour market. Within the labour market there is a perception that men’s roles are more congruentwith the leadership role, which can result in prejudice against female leaders. Since the employer isallowed to demand requirements related to reliance, it seems that reliance trumps the legalprotection provided by both LAS and the Discrimination Act.

Same-sex parental leave : Legislation and equality

Bernelf, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
Sweden is known to have one of the world's most generous parental insurances, both in length and flexibility which has led to a high maternity rate and more women in paid work. The political work on equality in Sweden has the goal that women and men shall have the same power to shape society and their own lives. This has led to legislation aimed at getting fathers to stay more at home with their children. There has been plenty of research on this subject so this study goes off the main track and looks at how legislation around parenthood works for same-sex couples and if paternal leave is shared more equally between same-sex parents than heterosexual parents. Discourse analysis of the legislation and a survey with same-sex families followed by interviews indicate that samesex couples share parental leave more equally than heterosexual couples. Legislation works well for most same-sex families except for the process of related adoption. Reasons for more equal sharing of parental leave is hard to find but could depend on the fact that same-sex couples have been couples for a longer time, than heterosexual couples, before deciding to have children. Wage gap between men and women is a reason why heterosexual couples do not share equally and it could be vice versa for same-sex couples.

Omprövningsrätten enligt skadeståndslagen i förhållande till rättskraft

Ulriksson, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
5 kap. 5 § SkL innebär ett avsteg från rättskraftsinstitutet och inbegriper två rättsliga principer som kolliderar. Principen om full kompensation för den skadelidande och principen om domens orubblighet, där framförallt skadevållaren ska kunna räkna med att när ersättningen är slutreglerad har den fullgjort sina förpliktelser. Naturligtvis blir paragrafen därför motsägelsefull och dess innehåll har fått utvecklas genom praxis. Tyngdpunkten i praxis har särskilt legat på vad som omfattas av väsentlighetsrekvisitet i 5 kap. 5 § SkL. Framförallt är det fem domar från högsta domstolen som förtydligar vad som anses vara väsentligt förändrade förhållanden. Sammanfattningsvis har det i dessa domar konstaterats att väsentlighetsrekvisitet är uppfyllt när en ekonomisk kumulativ differens om 10 % uppstått efter att skadeståndersättningen avgjorts slutligt. Ett område som dock inte närmare har studerats gällande omprövningsrätten i SkL är vilka förhållanden som kan tas upp till omprövning. Syftet med uppsatsen är att utreda vilka delar av ett skadestånd som kan tas upp till omprövning enligt 5 kap. 5 § SkL. Uppsatsen avser därför att klargöra vilka omständigheter som omfattas av rättskraft och vad som initierar att rättskraften bör frångås inom skadeståndsrätten. Vidare kommer andra juridiska discipliners förhållanden till omprövningsrätten som rättslig företeelse att analyseras för att få ett helhetsperspektiv av vilka motiv som föranleder avsteg från rättskraftsinstitutet. För att uppnå syftet utreds förlajnde frågeställning: - Är hela skadeståndsfrågan öppen för omprövning i alla delar eller gäller den bara ändrade förhållanden?

Förhandsavtalens giltighet vid nyproducerade bostadsrätter : Särskilt om tolkningen av villkoret beräknad tidpunkt för upplåtelse i 5 kap. 3 § Bostadsrättslagen / The validity of the provisional agreement in construction of new built tenant-owner apartments : Particularly regarding the interpretation of the requirement calculated time for tenure in Chapter 5 Section 3 in the Tenant-owner property Act

Risberg, Hanna January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Produktansvarsrättsliga direktkrav : Utomobligatoriskt tillverkaransvar för produktskador som drabbar näringsidkare / Direct action for claims relating to product liability : Non-contractual liability of a manufacturer for claims arising from injury suffered by a commercial actor and caused by a faulty product

Lindell, Reid January 2018 (has links)
I denna uppsats tar jag mig an problemet med produktskadekrav i situationer där produktskadan har drabbat egendom som tillhör en näringsidkare, och där näringsidkaren inte står i avtalsförhållande till tillverkaren av produkten. I sådana situationer gäller inte produktansvarslagen, vilket medför att frågan måste lösas med hjälp av den praxis som växte fram innan den lagens ikraftträdande. Praxis i denna fråga är splittrad, men visar sammantaget att produktansvaret i dessa förhållanden är en form av utomobligatoriskt skadeståndsansvar som kan göras gällande utanför kontraktsförhållanden. Detta väcker frågan om den praxis som på senare tid bildats angående så kallade utomobligatoriska direktkrav påverkar möjligheten att få sådana produktskador ersatta av tillverkaren. Om det skulle vara fallet så innebär det stora materiella förändringar på produktansvarsområdet utanför produktansvarslagen. Det finns därmed ett behov av att utreda vilka följder utvecklingen beträffande utomobligatoriska direktkrav medför för att avgöra vilka möjligheter den skadelidande har att kräva en tillverkare som den skadelidande inte har ett avtal med på ersättning för en produktskada. Framställningen leder fram till slutsatsen att det i princip inte finns några hinder för att reglerna om utomobligatoriska direktkrav även får verkningar när ett utomobligatoriskt skadeståndskrav görs gällande på produktskaderättslig grund. Tillämpningen av reglerna medför emellertid i de flesta fall inte att skadeståndskravet hindras. I vissa speciella situationer medför dock regleringen för utomobligatoriska direktkrav att produktskadekrav hindras. / In this paper I examine the problem of liability for injury caused by faulty products in situations where the injury has been suffered by a commercial actor, and when this actor is not in a contractual relationship with the manufacturer ofthe product. In these situations, the Product Liability Act is not applicable, which means that the problem must be solved using the case law that was developed before that act came into force. Case law on the matter is fragmented but shows that product liability in Swedish law is a form of tort that can be called upon outside of contractual situations. This issue raises the question of whether the case law that has been forming during recent years concerning direct action for non-contractual torts has bearing on the field of product liability. If this were to be the case it would entail substantial material alterations to the part of the field of product liability that is not regulated by the aforementioned act. Evidently there is a need to examine how the evolution in the field of direct action may alter the possibility for an injured party to pursue a manufacturer with whom the injured party does not have a contract, for reparations for an injury caused by a faulty product. The following presentation arrives at the conclusion that current case law does not hinder an application of the rules of direct action for non-contractual torts when the injury is caused by a faulty product. An application of the rules concerning direct action does not however typically deny the injured party the possibility of pursuing the manufacturer. In certain situations, however, these rules will hinder a tort claim based on injury caused by a faulty product.

Kränkningsersättning vid våldtäkt utan fällande brottmålsdom: en jämförelse mellan Sverige och Norge : Non-Pecuniary damages to victims of rape when there is no conviction of the crime – a comparison between Sweden and Norway

Esping, Emma January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Klimatanpassning av marina skyddsområden på de fria haven : En analys i ljuset av det framtida implementeringsavtalet under FN:s havsrättskonvention / Marine Protected Areas on the High Seas and Climate Change Adaptation

Bagge, Stina January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Barnets bästa i ett mångkulturellt Sverige : Särskilt om barnäktenskap och omskärelse av pojkar / The Child’s best interest in a multicultural Sweden : Regarding child marriage and male circumcision in particular

Nesic, Miki January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Rent spel? - En rättsutredning av Finansinspektionens ägar- och ledningsprövning / Fair play? – A judicial requiry on assessment of suitability by the Swedish Financial Securities Authority

Djerf, Meri January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

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