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海峽兩岸中文電子期刊系統之比較研究 / A Comparative Study on Chinese Electronic Journal Systems between Taiwan and China徐嘉晧, Hsu, Chia-Hau Unknown Date (has links)
最後建議:1.依據本論文所提出之電子期刊構面與功能改善台灣中文電子期刊系統。2.建議未來國家圖書館與資料庫廠商合作發展台灣全文電子期刊系統。3.建議我國政府擬定全文電子期刊系統建置之長期重點發展計畫。4.建議台灣電子期刊系統建置期刊採編系統平台。5.建議台灣中文電子期刊系統建置引用文獻連結及引文數據分析功能。6.建議台灣中文電子期刊系統建置知識社群功能。7.建議華藝公司中文電子期刊服務系統以收錄台灣期刊為優先考量。 / The purpose of the study was to research the current status, system dimensions and function, as well as the motivation and success factors of Chinese journal systems. Through description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison, this study research the current status of Chinese journal systems, the advantages of development and the problems of Chinese journals and electronic journals, the history of electronic journal systems, summarized the motivation and success factors of Chinese electronic journal systems, and construct Chinese electronic journal systems dimensions and functions by empirical research. Finally come up with the specific model and suggestions of Chinese electronic journal systems.
The results of this study established the Chinese electronic journal systems includes 3 dimensions: management of publication, user services, and management of operation, as well as 19 features. management of publication includes: 1. Collection of journal; 2. Digital operations; 3. Journal classification and Metadata construction; 4. Database construction; 5. Electronic full-text management; 6.Vocabulary authority control; 7. Standard of journal selections. User services include: 8. Information retrieval and access; 9.Citation analysis; 10. Marketing and customer services; 11.Personal services; 12.Permanent access of electronic journals; 13.Value-added services; 14.Knowledge Community. Management of the operation includes: 15.Charges and account management; 16.Premium payments and check; 17. Copyright collection and management; 18. Statistics; 19. Mode of operation.
The conclusions of the study are: 1. The dimensions and functions of Chinese electronic journal systems; 2. The characteristics of electronic journal systems in Taiwan; 3. The characteristics of electronic journal systems in China; 4. The motivation of Chinese electronic journal system in Taiwan ; 5. The motivation of Chinese electronic journal system in China; 6.The success factors of Chinese electronic journal systems in Taiwan; 7. The success factors of Chinese electronic journal systems in China; 8. The problems of Chinese electronic journal systems in Taiwan and China; 9. At present, China is on the leading position in overall development of Chinese electronic journal systems..
The study make final suggestions as follows: 1. Pursuant the dimensions and function of electronic journals to improve the Chinese electronic journal systems in Taiwan; 2. National Central Library and database vendors can cooperate to develop full-text electronic journal systems in Taiwan; 3. Government can build long-term development plan of full-text electronic journal systems; 4. The proposed system of electronic journals in Taiwan Journal reporters and editors to build system platform; 5. Construct reference links and citation analysis functions to Chinese electronic journal systems in Taiwan; 6. Build knowledge group functions to Chinese electronic journal systems in Taiwan; 7. CEPS should put the first priority on Taiwan Journal collections.
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Open access scholarly communication in South Africa : current status, significance, and the role for national information policy in the national system of innovationDe Beer, Jennifer Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African science shows a decline in its global competitiveness in that its scholarly
publication rate has not kept pace with that of other countries, both developed and
developing. This, together with a decline in publication rate especially among junior South
African scholars, suggests a structural problem in the South African national system of
innovation. A declining publication rate indicates a problem of knowledge diffusion for
South Africa, and hints at a possible knowledge generation problem. This assignment limits
itself to the dynamics of knowledge diffusion with specific reference to Open Access
scholarly communication. Open Access scholarly communication is an overt intervention
regarding knowledge diffusion. The marginalisation of science in and of developing
countries, leading to a state of knowledge imperialism and knowledge dependence, is
addressed, and it is argued that knowledge diffusion and generation are at the heart of longterm
economic growth.
This assignment has been structured around two core sections, a theoretical framework
based in the literature, and empirical study. The central concepts of scholarly
communication and Open Access, national information policy (NIP), and national system
of innovation (NSI) are elaborated upon in the theoretical framework (Chapters 2 and 3).
The empirical part of this study (Chapters 4 and 5) in turn consist of two parts. Both parts
used the survey method, however the first part made use of a questionnaire instrument,
and the second part made use of a structured record review. Both empirical studies were
used to assess levels of activity and extent of adoption of Open Access within a defined
South African scholarly community, one discipline-based, the other institution-based.
The aims of this study were two-fold: to assess levels of awareness of and investment in
Open Access modes of scholarly communication within defined scholarly communities;
and to create a benchmark document of South Africa's involvement to date in various
Open Access initiatives. The argument is made for the openness of scholarly systems, and
furthermore that the disparate and uncoordinated nature of Open Access in South Africa
needs a policy intervention. The policy intervention so identified would exist within an
enabling policy environment and would be minimally disruptive to the South African
science system. Said policy intervention would constitute a National Information Policy
since it would address the storage, dissemination, and retrieval of scholarly research output. This assignment recommends the amendment of the current statutory reporting
mechanism - used by scholars to report and obtain publication rate subsidies - which
would require that scholars make their research available via an Open Access mode of
scholarly communication, and moreover, would require scholars to report on having done
so. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die wetenskap as praktyk in Suid-Afrika toon 'n afname in internasionale
mededingendheid. Laasgenoemde is sigbaar in die tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse
vakpublikasies nie tred hou met dié van ander nasies nie, beide ontwikkelde en
ontwikkelende lande. Hierdie afname, gepaardgaande met 'n afname in publikasiegetalle
van veral junior navorsers, sou kon dui op 'n strukturele probleem in Suid-Afrika se
nasionale innovasiestelsel. 'n Afname in die vakpublikasietempo dui daarop dat Suid Afrika
'n probleem het ten opsigte van die distribusie van kennis. Hierdie werkstuk is beperk tot
die dinamiek van kennisdistribusie met spesifieke verwysing na 'Open Access'
wetenskaplike kommunikasie. 'Open Access' wetenskaplike kommunikasie is 'n eksplisiete
intervensie gemik op kennisdistribusie. Wetenskap binne en vanuit ontwikkelende lande
word al hoe meer onbelangrik geag en kennis-imperialisme and kennis-afhanklikheid neem
toe. Aan hierdie laasgenoemde aspekte word ook aandag geskenk. 'n Deel van die argument
wat geopper word is dat kennisdistribusie en kennis-generering kern aspekte van langtermyn
ekonomiese groei is.
Hierdie werkstuk bestaan uit twee kern afdelings: 'n teoretiese raamwerk gebaseer op 'n
literatuuroorsig, en 'n empiriese studie. Die sentrale konsepte van wetenskaplike
kommunikasie en 'Open Access', nasionale inligtingsbeleid, en nasionale innovasiestelsels
word beskryf in die teoretiese raamwerk (Hoofstukke 2 en 3). Die empiriese deel van
hierdie studie (Hoofstukke 4 en 5) bestaan uit twee dele. Beide laasgenoemde dele maak
gebruik van 'n opname as metodiek, maar die eerste deel het gebruik gemaak van 'n vraelys,
en die tweede deel het gebruik gemaak van gestruktureerde studie van rekords (in die vorm
van Webtuistes). Albei empiriese studies was gebruik om die vlak en mate van aktiwiteit
rondom 'Open Access' binne 'n beperkte Suid-Afrikaanse wetenskaplike gemeenskap vas te
stel. Hierdie gemeenskappe is gedefinieer óf volgens dissipline óf volgens instansie.
Die doel van hierdie werkstuk was veelvoudig: om die vlak van kennis van en
betrokkenheid by 'Open Access' inisiatiewe vas te stel binne Suid-Afrika; sowel as om 'n
basis-dokument te skep insake Suid-Afrika se betrokkenheid tot op hede by verskeie 'Open
Access' inisiatiewe. Die argument vir 'n oop wetenskaplike stelsel word gestel. Verder word geargumenteer dat
die lukrake en ongekoordineerde manier waarop 'Open Access' tot dusver in
Suid-Afrika bevorder is, daarop dui dat 'n intervensie op die vlak van beleid benodig word.
Laasgenoemde beleid sou binne die bestaande beleidsomgewing geformuleer word, en sou
relatief min ontwrigting meebring in die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse navorsingsopset. Die
spesifieke beleid wat ter sprake is, is die nasionale inligtingsbeleid aangesien dit regulasies
daarstel ten opsigte van die berging, distribusie, en herwinning van navorsingsuitsette.
Hierdie werkstuk stel voor 'n verandering van die huidige statutêre
verslagdoeningsmeganisme - wat gebruik word deur wetenskaplikes om verslag te doen
oor hul gepubliseerde navorsing om navorsingsubsidie te kry - wat sou vereis dat
wetenskaplikes hul navorsingsuitsette beskikbaar stel via 'n 'Open Access' kanaal, en
verder, dat navorsers verslag doen oor laasgenoemde.
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Langue d'oc v učeneckém diskursu před a po Velké francouzské revoluci / Langue d'oc in the scientists' discourse before and after the French RevolutionKřivánková, Alena January 2018 (has links)
The master thesis The Langue d'oc in the Scholarly Discourse Before and After The Great French Revolution considers the image of the Occitan language in the lexico-graphical and grammatico-graphical works that have been written between the beginning of the 18th and the mid-19th century. During this epoch, in the framework of a diglossic model, the language in question had been suffering a status of a dominated language. At the same time, however, it had awaken an interest of many scholars whose motivations for their studies ranged from a will to contribute to a proliferation of Francization to an effort to save the Occitan language and restore its own dignity. It is precisely this motivation, as well as the denominations which our authors had given to the language in question and also their strategies for its valorization or devalorization, that this text engages with. The socio-linguistic situation in the Pays d'Oc and the impact of The French Revolution and of its linguistic politics on the presence and the representation of the Occitan are also being examined. These phenomena are studied in the framework of a theory of the formation of nations by Miroslav Hroch as the phase A of the Occitan movement which had remained, at least during this phase, a purely cultural phenomenon, that is to say a...
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De la revue au collectif : la conversation comme dispositif d'éditorialisation des communautés savantes en lettres et sciencesSauret, Nicolas 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse en cotutelle a été co-dirigée par Marcello Vitali-Rosati, professeur au département des littératures de langue française de l'Université de Montréal et titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les écritures numériques et par Manuel Zacklad, professeur de Sciences de l'information et de la communication au CNAM et directeur du laboratoire Dicen-IDF. Louise Merzeau, anciennement professeure de Sciences de l'information et de la communication à l'Université Paris Nanterre et co-directrice du laboratoire Dicen-IDF, a initié la co-direction en 2015 avant de nous quitter en juillet 2017.
La thèse a été réalisée dans le cadre du labex Les passés dans le présent et a donc bénéficié de l’aide de l’Etat gérée par l’ANR au titre du programme Investissements d’avenir portant la référence ANR-11-LABX-0026-01.
Elle a également bénéficié du soutien de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les écritures numériques, du FRQSC (Programme international 2017) et du CRIHN.
Elle a été déposée en août 2020 et est diffusée depuis en libre accès sur le site https://these.nicolassauret.net. / Si l'on s'accorde à dire que les outils numériques ont modifié en profondeur nos pratiques d'écriture et de lecture, l'influence que ces nouvelles pratiques exercent sur les contenus d'une part, et sur la structuration de notre pensée d'autre part, reste encore à déterminer.
C'est dans ce champ d'investigation que s'inscrit cette thèse, qui questionne la production des connaissances à l'époque numérique : le savoir scientifique aurait-il changé en même temps que ses modalités de production et de diffusion ? Je traiterai ce sujet à travers le prisme de la revue savante en lettres et sciences humaines, dont le modèle épistémologique, encore attaché au support papier, se voit profondément questionné par le numérique dans sa dimension technique aussi bien que culturelle. Je fais l'hypothèse que les modalités d'écriture en environnement numérique sont une opportunité pour renouer avec les idéaux de conversation scientifique qui présidaient l'invention des revues au 17eme siècle. La thèse propose une réflexion en trois temps, articulée autour de trois conceptions de la revue : la revue comme format, comme espace et, tel que je le propose et le conceptualise, comme collectif.
La revue comme format, d'abord, émerge directement de la forme épistolaire au 17eme, favorisant alors la conversation au sein d'une communauté savante dispersée. Mais les limites conceptuelles du format nous invite à considérer la revue davantage comme un media. Pour penser alors sa remédiation, je montrerai que cette conversation trouve son incarnation contemporaine dans le concept d'éditorialisation. La revue comme espace, ensuite, où s'incarnait jusque-là l'autorité scientifique, fait émerger de nouvelles possibilités conversationnelles, en raison des glissements de la fonction éditoriale des revues et de leurs éditeurs dans l'espace numérique. Enfin, la revue comme collectif émerge d'une écriture processuelle, en mouvement, propre à l'environnement numérique. Un des enjeux de cette thèse réside dans la mise en évidence des dynamiques collectives d'appropriation et de légitimation. En ce sens, la finalité de la revue est peut-être moins la production de documents que l'éditorialisation d'une conversation faisant advenir le collectif.
Au plan méthodologique, cette thèse a la particularité de s'appuyer sur une recherche-action ancrée dans une série de cas d'étude et d'expérimentations éditoriales que j'ai pu mener en tant que chercheur d'une part, et éditeur-praticien d'autre part. La présentation des résultats de cette recherche-action, ainsi que leur analyse critique, fournissent la matière des concepts travaillés dans la thèse. / Digital tools have profoundly modified our writing and reading practices. Yet the influence that these new practices exert on content and on the structuring of our thinking has to be determined.
This thesis falls within this field of investigation and questions the production of knowledge in the digital age: has scientific knowledge changed along the transformation of its production and distribution means? I will deal with this subject through the prism of the scholarly journal in the humanities, whose epistemological model, still attached to the paper medium, is profoundly questioned by the digital age in its technical as well as cultural dimension. I hypothesize that the modalities of writing in a digital environment are an opportunity to revive the ideals of scientific conversation that presided over the invention of journals in the 17th century. The thesis proposes a reflection in three stages, articulated around three conceptions of the journal : the journal as a format, as a space and, as I propose and conceptualize it, as a collective.
The journal as a format, first of all, emerges directly from the epistolary form in the 17th century, thus favoring conversation within a dispersed scholarly community. But the conceptual limits of the format invite us to consider the journal more as a _media_. In order to grasp its remediation, I will show that this conversation finds its contemporary incarnation in the concept of editorialisation. Then the journal as a space, where scientific authority was previously embodied, brings out new conversational possibilities due to the shifts in the editorial function of journals and their publishers in the digital space. Finally, the journal as a collective emerges from a processual and writing, in movement, peculiar to the digital environment. One of the challenges of this thesis is to highlight the collective dynamics of appropriation and legitimation. In this sense, the purpose of the journal is perhaps less the production of documents than the editorialisation of a conversation that brings the collective to life.
From a methodological point of view, this thesis is the result of a practice-based research anchored in a series of case studies and editorial experiments that I have been able to carry out as a researcher on the one hand, and as an editor-practitioner on the other.
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Från isolering till socialisering : Formeringen av 1890-talets kvinnliga universitetsstudenters akademiska identiteter / From Isolation to Socialization : The Formation of Female Students’ Academic Identities in 1890s SwedenHanérus, Liv January 2024 (has links)
An expanding field of historical study is interested in examining the connection between gendered spaces in academia and the dynamic identities available within them, inspired by the theoretical framework of the “scientific persona”. By drawing on this discussion, the thesis aims to showcase the institutional and social circumstances through which early female university students came to produce and reshape academic identities in Sweden in the 1890s. It focuses on the establishment of “Uppsala kvinnliga studentförening” (UKSF), the first local university association for women students in Sweden, thus locating the process that produces academic identities at the crossroad of individual and collective strategies and forums. To this end, the thesis analyzes UKSF’s protocols in addition to autobiographical documents by two early members, Lydia Wahlström and Gulli Petrini. The study shows that by providing a collective forum, UKSF managed to enable a wholly new way of being a female student. This process, which shaped both collective and individual identities, was linked to socialization and assimilation. A complete assimilation through the embodiment of an available male academic persona was, however, not possible. Rather, the female students merged identities based on several repertoires. For instance, Lydia Wahlström crystallized a persona drawing on the position as president of UKSF. At times, however, she seems to have embodied male academic personae in male dominated academic spheres. The essay additionally offers approaches to analyzing the long-lasting challenge for female students to aspire an academic career.
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Policy och predikament : En kvalitativ studie av kemisternas erfarenhet av Chalmers implementering av OA-policyArpe, Dennis January 2015 (has links)
The starting point of this study is a letter to the Swedish Research Council which maintained the difficulty to reconcile chemistry with open access. Previous studies show that when other sciences is increasing in both the deposition rate and selection of OA journals, there is a lull in chemistry. The purpose of the master thesis is to gain an understanding of chemists reluctance to open access in the light of the implementation of Chalmers' mandating open access policy and through field theoretical perspectives understand why. The survey is conducted with a qualitative approach and the empirical data consist of interview material from nine interviews that took place at Chalmers Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. The interviews show that chemists believe that the idea of open access is certainly sympathetic but incompatible with the chemical sciences. It is believed that the discipline´s traditions, practice and publishing culture as well as opportunities for career differs from other sciences, including what open access is concerned. This uniqueness has not been taken into account in the implementation of OA policies of funding agencies and universities, according to the informants. Evaluations of other universities implementations of open acces policies have identified success factors like support, legal advice and hands-on help in self-archiving. According to the results of this thesis, functionality and infrastructure appears to be less significant if university management and funders does not establish an atmosphere of alliance and thus undermines confidence in the policy and its proponents. The study confirms the importance of the researchers feel invited and involved in the process of change.
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An international multidisciplinary analysis of scholarly communication through investigating citation levelsLevitt, Jonathan January 2008 (has links)
This thesis seeks to demonstrate that the new facilities of Web of Science (WoS) online can be used in new ways to enhance understanding of scholarly communication. It investigates four aspects of scholarly communication: characteristics of highly cited articles, citation levels of collaborative articles, citation levels of multi-disciplinary articles, and patterns of annual citation of highly cited articles. For the first two topics it investigates the WoS category of ‘Information Science & Library Science’ (IS&LS), whereas for the other topics it compares diverse WoS categories in science and social science. Although its main data source is WoS, its investigation of disciplinarity also uses Scopus. The thesis finds: (a) Highly cited IS&LS articles tend to be multidisciplinary and cited late, but are not necessarily first-authored by influential IS&LS researchers, (b) Amongst un-cite IS&LS articles the proportion of collaborative articles has remained almost constant over the past three decades whereas for higher cited articles it has grown steadily with time, (C) In social science subjects the level of citation of multi-disciplinary research are generally similar to that of mono-disciplinary research, whereas in science the citations levels for multi-disciplinary research are substantially lower than that of mono-disciplinary research, and (d) In both science and social science many very highly cited articles continue to be heavily cited more than twenty years after publication. This thesis also introduces and uses an indicator for measuring the extent of collaboration called ‘average partner scores’ and indicates a way in which the subject categories of WoS can be investigated without requiring a licence for the WoS database. Finally, it identifies and addresses some of the technical problems of using WoS online to investigate scholarly communication.
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Design researchers' information sharing : the enactment of a disciplinePilerot, Ola January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is about information sharing in interdisciplinary research practices. It reports one conceptual and three empirical studies. The studies have been conducted through focusing on the field of design research, and in particular on a Nordic network of design researchers. From a practice-based perspective, the exploration of the study object oscillates between three nested and interconnected frames. The main contribution of this thesis is that it illustrates how activities of information sharing not only contribute to, but actually play a central role in the shaping of the practice of design research. It is shown how information sharing works as a contributor to the development, maintenance and shaping of practices in 1) design research as it is conducted in the Nordic network; 2) in the field of design research; and 3) within interdisciplinary research. Without losing sight of the empirical material, the theoretical analysis has made it possible to illuminate the connection between activities of sharing and the enactment of a discipline. Through analysis and discussion of the four studies as a whole, the reciprocal relationship between information sharing and the area of design research is elucidated. It is shown how information sharing, as it emerges in this interdisciplinary practice, functions as a unifying force towards the probable goal of establishing a discipline. / <p>Academic dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Library and Information Science at the University of Borås to be publicly defended on Friday 25 April 2014 at 13:00 in lecture room E310, the University of Borås Allégatan 1, Borås.</p>
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The Scholarly Trickster in Jacobean Drama: Characterology and CultureOh, Seiwoong 08 1900 (has links)
Whereas scholarly malcontents and naifs in late Renaissance drama represent the actual notion of university graduates during the time period, scholarly tricksters have an obscure social origin. Moreover, their lack of motive in participating in the plays' events, their ambivalent value structures, and their conflicting dramatic roles as tricksters, reformers, justices, and heroes pose a serious diffculty to literary critics who attempt to define them. By examining the Western dramatic tradition, this study first proposes that the scholarly tricksters have their origins in both the Vice in early Tudor plays and the witty slave in classical comedy. By incorporating historical, cultural, anthropological, and psychological studies, this essay also demonstrates that the scholarly tricksters are each a Jacobean version of the archetypal trickster, who is usually associated with solitary habits, motiveless intrusion, and a double function as selfish buffoon and cultural hero. Finally, this study shows that their ambivalent value structures reflect the nature of rhetorical training in Renaissance schools.
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Performance on Selected Mathematics and Reading Assessment Tests as Predictors of Achievement in Remedial MathematicsBranum, Barbara K. (Barbara Kay) 12 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was performance on selected mathematics and reading assessment tests as predictors of achievement in remedial mathematics. The purpose of the study was twofold. The first was to determine the internal consistency of a locally developed remedial mathematics placement test and the mathematics section of the Pre-TASP Test. The second was to determine the predictive validity of performance on (a) the local remedial mathematics placement test, (b) the mathematics section of the Pre-TASP Test, and (c) the Descriptive Tests of Language Skills, Reading Comprehension Test in combination with demographic variables for mid-semester achievement, end-of-semester achievement, and course success in three levels of remedial mathematics at Richland College, Dallas, Texas.
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