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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Automation and Autonomy : Developing and Evaluating Open Learning Material on IR Cameras in Automation Applications / Automation och Autonomi

Ahlberg, Victor, Frid, Julia January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis project was based on the development and evaluation of an open learning material in thermal imaging for automation applications. The outsourcer – FLIR Systems – wanted a three-day course covering all necessary topics for infrared cameras in automation applications. These topics include thermography, optics, detectors, networks, protocols, and more. The open learning material was designed to function as a three-day, self-paced, distance course, and it was based on theories of andragogy, self-directed learning and transformative learning. The master thesis process was essentially divided into two phases: the development phase and the evaluation phase. The method for the development phase was based on a literature study. The literature on creating open learning material included ways of compensating for the lack of social interaction in distance courses, such as a friendly, warm narrator using the pronoun “I”, encouraging phrases, and self-assessment questions (SAQs). An SAQ is a framing of question intended to guide the learner towards self-assessment of his or her learning and knowledge. The vital part of the SAQ is the response, where not only the correct answer is given, but feedback on the wrong choices too. The development of the open learning material was an iterative process where discussion with supervisors at FLIR Systems and KTH Royal Institute of Technology led to improvements of the material. The evaluation phase consisted of two tests with test subjects. The first test was conducted by sending a sample unit of the material to test subjects around the world along with a questionnaire. The main objective was to test the tone and style of the material. There were variations in the result, but the majority found the material friendly and readable. The second test was an in-house test with three participants. Three sample units of the material was used, and the main objective was to test the usability of the material and the test subjects’ perceived learning process. The usability of the material varied with the three test subjects and depended on their technological prerequisites and reading comprehension in English. All test subjects responded positively to their perceived learning outcome. The following conclusions were drawn: the open learning material has the potential to promote autonomous and self-directed learners and can be used as a basis for further development – such as web-based courses and teacher-led classes. The open learning material as a whole and the results and analysis from the tests are included as appendices. / Detta examensarbete baserades på utveckling och utvärdering av ett öppet läromedel i termografi för automationstillämpningar. Uppdragsgivaren – FLIR Systems – hade uttryckt ett behov av en tredagarskurs som täckte alla nödvändiga ämnen för infraröda kameror för automationstillämpningar. Dessa ämnen var bland annat termografi, optik, detektorer, nätverk, protokoll med flera. Det öppna läromedlet var designat för att fungera som en tredagars distanskurs och det var baserat på teorier om andragogik, självstyrt lärande och transformativt lärande. Examensarbetets process bestod i huvudsak av två faser: utvecklingsfasen och utvärderingsfasen. Metoden för utvecklingsfasen baserades på en litteraturstudie. Litteraturen i skapande av öppet läromedel inkluderade tillvägagångssätt för att kompensera för bristen av social interaktion i distanskurser, så som en vänlig och varm berättarröst som använder pronomenet ”jag”, uppmuntrande fraser och självbedömningsfrågor (SAQ, Self-Assessment Question). En självbedömningsfråga är en frågeställning menad att leda den lärande mot självbedömning av hens lärande och kunskap. Den viktiga delen av självbedömningsfrågan är responsen, där inte bara det rätta svaret är givet, utan också feedback på de felaktiga svaren. Utvecklingen av det öppna läromedlet var en iterativ process där diskussion med handledare på FLIR Systems och Kungliga Tekniska högskolan ledde till förbättringar i materialet. Utvärderingsfasen bestod av två test med försökspersoner. Det första testet utfördes genom att skicka en provenhet av materialet till försökspersoner över hela världen tillsammans med en enkät. Huvudsyftet med testet var att testa tonen och stilen på materialet. Resultatet var varierande, men majoriteten av testpersonerna fann materialet vänskapligt och läsligt. Det andra testet var ett internt test med tre deltagare. Tre provenheter från materialet användes och huvudsyftet var att testa användbarheten av materialet och försökspersonernas upplevda läroprocess. Användbarheten av materialet varierade hos de tre försökspersonerna och berodde på deras tekniska förutsättningar och läsförståelse i engelska. Alla försökspersoner gav positiv respons om deras upplevda läranderesultat. Följande slutsatser drogs: det öppna läromedlet har potential att främja autonomt och självstyrt lärande, samt kan användas som en bas för fortsatt utveckling så som webbaserade kurser och lärarledda kurser. Det öppna läromedlet i sin helhet och resultat och analys av testen är inkluderade som bilagor.

L'influence de la compétition alimentaire, des pressions de prédation, d'infanticide et de copulation sur les comportements dirigés vers soi des femelles Colobus vellerosus

St-Onge, Charlotte 12 1900 (has links)
Les comportements dirigés vers soi (CDS) tels que l'autotoilettage, les grattements et les bâillements peuvent être des indicateurs indirects de stress chez les mammifères. Comprendre si ces comportements associés au stress coïncident avec des facteurs de stress sociaux ou écologiques devrait permettre d'identifier les éléments de la vie en groupe qui causent plus de stress chez les femelles. Pour déterminer les pressions de la vie en groupe pouvant générer du stress chez les femelles Colobus vellerosus à Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (BFMS), au Ghana, j’ai cherché à savoir si les CDS variaient selon : H1) La compétition alimentaire, qui peut augmenter en intensité avec le nombre de congénères qui sont en compétition pour les mêmes ressources nutritionnelles ; H2) La pression de prédation, qui peut augmenter avec un nombre total d'individus moins élevé, car cela réduit la détection des prédateurs; H3) Le risque d'infanticide, qui augmente avec le nombre de mâles adultes et les renversements de pouvoir par les mâles, car les relations de dominance masculine sont souvent contestées dans les groupes multimâles ; et H4) La pression de copulation, qui augmente lorsque les femelles sont en oestrus et s'engagent dans des comportements sexuels, ce qui peut conduire les mâles à être agressifs et coercitifs envers elles. Pour ce faire, j'ai utilisé des données longitudinales sur les grattements, l’autotoilettage et les bâillements collectées auprès de 64 femelles adultes à BFMS de 2004 à 2019. J'ai comparé les taux mensuels de CDS des femelles en fonction de la taille des groupes, de l'interaction entre le nombre de mâles et la survenue ou non d'un renversement par les mâles, et de la présence de comportements sexuels féminins. Alors que l'autotoilettage et le bâillement ne variaient pas de manière significative en fonction de nos variables, les femelles se grattaient davantage au cours des mois où il y avait plus de mâles et/ou un renversement (équations d'estimation généralisées : P < 0,05), ainsi que lorsqu'elles ont exprimé plus de comportements sexuels (P < 0,05). Ces résultats soutiennent les hypothèses du risque d'infanticide et de la pression de copulation suggérant que les stratégies reproductives des mâles expliquent le mieux le stress chez les femelles. Ceci apporte une évidence supplémentaire que la pression d'infanticide, déjà connue pour influencer la composition des groupes et le développement de la progéniture chez C. vellerosus, affecte les comportements des femelles et leur réponse au stress. Cela permet donc une meilleure compréhension de la socialité chez les primates par l’étude des facteurs de stress vécus par les femelles qui déterminent, dans une certaine mesure, la formation des groupes. / Self-directed behaviors (SDB) such as self-grooming, scratching, and yawning can be indirect stress indicators in mammals. Understanding whether behaviors associated with stress co-occur with social or ecological pressures can help identify the elements of group life that cause more stress for females. To determine which pressures of group-living may lead to stress in female Colobus vellerosus at Boabeng-Fiema Monkey Sanctuary (BFMS), Ghana, I investigated whether SDBs varied according to: H1) Feeding competition, which may increase in intensity with the number of conspecifics competing for the same nutritional resources; H2) Predation pressure, which may increase with fewer total individuals, as this reduces predator detection; H3) Infanticide risk, which increases during male group take-over and with the number of adult males because male dominance relationships are often contested in multi-male groups in this population; and H4) Mating pressure, which increases when females are in estrus and engage in copulations, and may lead to males being aggressive and coercive toward females. I used longitudinal data on three SDBs, namely scratching, self-grooming and yawning, by 64 adult females at BFMS from 2004 to 2019. I compared female monthly SDB rates according to group size, an interaction effect between the number of males and whether a male group takeover occurred, and the presence of female sexual behaviors. While self-grooming and yawning did not vary significantly with the predictor variables, females scratched themselves more during months in which more males were present and/or a takeover occurred (Generalized Estimating Equations: P < 0.05), as well as when more sexual behaviors occurred (P < 0.05). The results support the infanticide risk and mating pressure hypotheses and suggest that the reproductive strategies of adult males best explain female stress. This provides further evidence that infanticide pressure, already known to influence group composition and offspring development in C. vellerosus, affects female behaviors and their stress response. This allows a better understanding of sociality in primates by studying the stressors experienced by females that determine, to some extent, group formation.

Utveckling av rekommendationer för verifiering av standariserade analysmetoder och undersökning av utbildning inom anlysmetodik : Med verifiering av jonkromatografisk analys av klorat som exempel / Developments of Recommendations regarding Verification of Standardized Analytical Methods and a Survey of Training in Analytical Methods : With verification of ionchromatographic analysis of chlorate as an example

Nordström, Amanda January 2022 (has links)
Under produktionen av kartong vid det integrerade massa- och kartongbruket, som ägs av Holmen Iggesund Paperboard AB, bildas klorat som är giftigt för vattenlevande organismer. Därför är det väsentligt att utsläppet av klorat till havet, via avloppsvattnet från bruket, hålls under de gränsvärden som fastställts. För att övervaka kloratutsläppet analyseras prover på avloppsvattnet rutinmässigt, och en jonkromatograf ämnades tas i drift för ändamålet. Jonkromatografi är en standardiserad metod för analys av klorat, som måste verifieras innan den tas i bruk. Inga explicita krav fanns på hur omfattande verifieringen skulle vara. Ett syfte med studien var därför att utveckla generella rekommendationer för omfattningen av verifieringen av en standardiserad analysmetod. Litteratur angående verifiering eftersöktes och summerades, och utifrån den togs en verifieringsplan för jonkromatografisk analys av klorat fram. Mätresultat som erhölls utvärderades statistiskt. Slutsatserna var; att verifiering bör planeras på ett sätt så att kalibrering och underhåll av instrumentet sker i samma omfattning som är tänkt vid rutinanvändning av analysmetoden; selektivitet bör testas tidigt, och riktiga prover bör analyseras i ett tidigt skede; omfattningen av verifieringen med avseende på provmatriser och koncentrationsnivåer ska återspegla de provmatriser och koncentrationer som analysmetoden kommer att innefatta i rutinarbetet; antalet försök som bör inkluderas beror på kraven som ställs på de olika egenskaper som definierar prestandan. Minst 6 försök på varje provmaterial var ett riktmärke för precision och riktighet, medan ett försök räckte vid utvärdering av selektivitet och instrumentets mätområde. För att kunna säkerställa god analyskvalité, är utbildning i analysmetodik en viktig del. Ytterligare ett syfte med denna studie var att undersöka utbildningsverksamhetens lärandemål, samt vilka utmaningar som fanns inom utbildningen i analysmetodik. Genom fokusgruppintervjuer och observationer samlades information inom utbildningsverksamheten och dess utmaningar. Utifrån det teoretiska ramverket självstyrd inlärning utfördes en deduktiv tematisk analys av den insamlade datan. Slutsatserna av arbetet löd: Det övergripande syftet med upplärningen inom en analysmetod var att personen som genomgått utbildningen ska kunna ansvara för att tillämpa analysmetoden självständigt utifrån instruktionen, ha kunskap om rimliga mätresultat, kunna reflektera över sitt arbete, samt ha kunskap om syftet med analysmetoden. Ingen standardiserad mall för vad som ska ingå i utbildningen inom en analysmetod fanns, vilket bidrog till osäkerheter angående huruvida likvärdig kompetens uppnåddes för personer under utbildning; dagens utbildningsupplägg inbjöd inte till att personen under upplärning tog på sig ansvaret för uppfyllandet av lärandemålen i den utsträckning som önskades. För att möjliggöra detta föreslogs att ett förberedande moment skulle införas, samt att den lärande skulle få mer tid och möjlighet att genomföra delar av utbildningen självständigt. / During the production of paperboard at the integrated pulp and paperboard mill, owned by Holmen Iggesund Paperboard AB, chlorate is formed, which is a toxic compound for aquatic organisms. It is therefore essential that the chlorate levels in the wastewater from the mill, which is released to the ocean, are below the established limit. In order to monitor the effluent of chlorate, wastewater samples are routinely analyzed, and for this purpose an ion chromatograph was intended to be put to use. Ion chromatography is a standardized method for chlorate analysis, which needs to be verified before being used for routine analyses. No explicit requirements regarding the extent of the verification existed. One purpose of this study was therefore to develop general recommendations regarding the extent of verification of a standardized analytical method. Literature regarding verification was sought for and summarized. Based on the literature, a plan for verifying ion chromatographic analysis of chlorate was constructed. The measurement results obtained were evaluated statistically. Conclusions drawn were: calibration and maintenance of the instrument during the verification process should reflect the frequency of maintenance and calibration planned during the routine use; selectivity should be tested early on, as well as real samples; the extent of the verification with respect to matrices and concentration levels should reflect those that will be included in the routine use of the analytical method; the number of experiments included depends on the requirements imposed on the performance characteristics of the method. At least 6 experiments for each sample was a good aim for verifying precision and trueness, while one experiment was enough for verification of selectivity and the working range of the instrument. In order to ensure satisfactory analysis quality, training in analytical methods is an important aspect. Another purpose of this study was to investigate the learning objectives of the educational activities as well as what challenges could be identified with respect to training in analytical methods. Through focus group interviews and observations, data was collected about the educational activities and challenges. Based on the theoretical framework self-directed learning, a deductive thematic analysis was performed. Conclusions were: The overall purpose of the training in analytical methods was that the person who underwent training should be able to independently apply the analytic method, with the aid of the analytical instruction, have the necessary knowledge about reasonable results, be able to reflect about their work and have knowledge about the purpose of the analytical method. No standardized template regarding what should be included in the training existed, which contributed to uncertainties regarding if equivalent knowledge was achieved for persons under training. The educational approach of today did not encourage the person under training enough to take responsibility for fulfilling the learning objectives. To enable this, it was suggested that a preparation element should be included in the training, and also that the person under training should get more time and opportunities to complete some of the training independently.

Pandemins påverkan på psykosociala och sociala aspekter av psykisk hälsa hos studenter på Karlstads universitet. : En studie om Pandemins påverkan på psykosociala och sociala aspekter av psykisk hälsa hos studenter på Karlstads universitet. / A study of the impact of the pandemic on psychosocial and social aspects of mental health in students at Karlstad University

Elia, Dunya January 2023 (has links)
During the Covid-19 pandemic, the well-being of university students has become an important issue to investigate and understand. The pandemic has had a significant impact on students' lives and study experiences. Even after the pandemic, it is important to examine the health and well-being of university students as it is a crucial factor for their academic performance and lifelong health. Further research on the pandemic can help better understand how various aspects of student life, such as social interactions and study environment, affect students' health and well-being. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected psychosocial and social aspects of mental health among students at Karlstad University. The study uses quantitative methods to achieve the purpose. A survey is conducted to collect data. The study's results show similar findings as highlighted by researchers who have previously studied within the research field. The findings of this study, however, revealed that the respondents experienced that distance learning had a generally negative impact on what they learned, as well as the enjoyment they derived from the lessons. This was a result that was also confirmed regarding the university's other activities. The study concludes that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a clear negative impact on the psychosocial and social aspects of the mental health of students at Karlstad University. / Under Covid-19-pandemin har universitetsstudenters välmående blivit en viktig fråga att undersöka och förstå. Pandemin har haft en betydande påverkan på studenters liv och studieupplevelse. Även efter pandemin är det viktigt att undersöka universitetsstudenters hälsa och välmående eftersom det är en avgörande faktor för deras studieprestationer och livslånga hälsa. Vidare forskning om pandemin kan bidra till att bättre förstå hur olika aspekter av studentlivet, såsom sociala interaktioner och studiemiljö, påverkar studenternas hälsa och välbefinnande. Syftet med denna studie är därför att undersöka hur Covid-19-pandemin har påverkat psykosociala och sociala aspekter av den psykiska hälsan hos studenter på Karlstads universitet. Studien använder kvantitativa metoder för att uppfylla syftet. En enkätundersökning genomförs för att samla in data. Studiens resultat visar på liknande fynd som belysts av forskare som tidigare studerat inom forskningsfältet. Vad som framkommer i detta studieresultat är däremot att respondenterna upplevde att distansundervisningen hade en generellt negativ påverkan på det som de lärde sig, samt den njutning som de fick av lektionerna. Detta var ett resultat som också fastställdes beträffande universitetets övriga aktiviteter. Studien drar en slutsats att Covid-19-pandemin har haft en tydlig negativ påverkan på psykosociala och sociala aspekter av den psykiska hälsan hos studenter på Karlstads universitet.

The Role of Distinctiveness in Assessing Vocational Personality Types

Glavin, Kevin W. 17 March 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Q Methodology as a Needs Assessment Tool for Biology Graduate Teaching Assistants Participating in an Instructional Training Program

Hollingsworth, Amy B. January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

A vision of the curriculum as student self-creation: A philosophy and a system to manage, record, and guide the process

Beese, Elizabeth Brott 31 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution à une étude de la place de la médiation pédagogique humaine dans un contexte d'autoformation: Penser les motifs d'engagement et leurs implications psychopédagogiques :"Approche du rapport à l'égard de l'autoformation par l'analyse des représentations et des attitudes des apprenants" / Contribution to a study of the human teaching mediation's place in a context of self-learning: The reasons for engagement and their psychopedagogical implications :"Approach of the perception with regard to self-training by the analysis of the representations and the attitudes of self-directed learners"

Jamaoui, Samare 02 September 2008 (has links)
Cette recherche aborde la problématique de la relation à la formation dans un processus d’autoformation en ligne. Elle pose la question du rapport au pouvoir dans ce type de situation d’apprentissage. La médiation pédagogique humaine et la médiatisation technologique y sont au centre des préoccupations. Il s’agit d’aborder, au travers de la conception même des instruments d’investigation, les concepts: de contrôle, d’autodirection, d’autonomie, d’efficacité, de compétence, d’autodétermination en relation avec la notion de motif d’engagement. Les dispositions et les prédispositions liées à l'autoformation sont également observées. On se propose de comprendre les orientations motivationnelles et les motifs qui éclairent l’engagement au regard de la perception de soi dans un contexte d’autoformation. Nos réflexions portent également sur le concept d'alterdidaxie par opposition aux démarches autodidactes dans un contexte d'autoformation./<p><p>This research approaches the problems in relation to training in the process of e-learning. It raises the question of the self-directed learning’s power in this type of training situation. The human teaching mediation and the technological mediatization are both in the center of the concerns. This research is an approach, through the design even of instruments of investigation, to the concepts :control, autodirection, autonomy, effectiveness, competence, self-determination in relation with the engagement. Competences and readiness scales related to the adults’ self-training are also observed. One proposes to observe motivational directions and the engagement’s reasons in relation with the perception of oneself as self-directed learners in a context of self-training. Our reflections also relate to the concept of Alterdidacticism in opposition to the self-educated steps, to the Autodidacticism in a context of adults’ self-training.<p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Applied competence in a distance learning programme for the professional development of foundation phase teachers / Corné Gerda Kruger

Kruger, Corné Gerda January 2015 (has links)
The ongoing debate about the capacity of distance learning (DL) to assist in the development of teaching skills and to improve teaching practice is the focus of many inquiries in the field of teacher education. The practice-based nature of Foundation Phase teaching poses unique challenges for professional development of teachers through DL programmes. In order to address inadequacies identified in the literature and previous research, a practical component was designed and included in the revised version of the Advanced Certificate: Education - Foundation Phase, as part of a bursary project. In 2011 the Northern Cape Department of Education (NCDoE) enrolled 50 practising Foundation Phase teachers for this distance learning programme as the first of three cohorts in the bursary project. A learning portfolio and audio-visual resources, designed according to principles derived from previous research and related literature, formed part of this practical component. The aim was to support teacher applied competence through developing pedagogical content knowledge, self-directedness, and a professional attitude, and through guiding the application of new knowledge and skills in practice. The completed portfolios further served as an instrument for the assessment of teacher performance with regard to applied competence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of the practical component of the revised Foundation Phase ACE programme delivered by the NWU via distance learning with specific focus on the way this component facilitates the development of applied competence and the way the portfolio provides for the assessment of professional classroom competencies of practising Foundation Phase teachers. The study further aimed to put forward a model for the development of applied practice based on the findings of the study. In order to attain the aims of the study, the literature was explored to firstly determine the elements which contribute to applied competence in effective teacher professional development programmes. The literature was further explored to determine what the body of scholarship indicates with respect to programme design features that support applied competence in DL programmes for teacher professional development. An implementation evaluation study was then conducted on the programme by collecting data from 50 Foundation Phase teachers as the first of three cohorts enrolled for the bursary project. Data were primarily collected through multiple qualitative methods including a focus-group interview, individual interviews, written expectations as well as open ended questions of questionnaires. Descriptive data were also collected through semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis to determine the theoretical and conceptual implications of the profile and teaching context of the Northern Cape Foundation Phase teacher enrolled for the DL Foundation Phase ACE programme, the expectations of these teachers regarding the way the practical component would support their applied competence in their contexts, and the teachers’ experiences of the way the programme component supported the development of their applied competence. The study further determined the extent to which the learning portfolios interrogate the elements of applied competence. Quantitative data collected through semi-structured questionnaires were statistically analysed and served to support the interpretation of qualitative data. The investigation was approached from a constructivist paradigm; an approach that falls under an interpretivist philosophical orientation. Although quantitative methods were used to gather descriptive statistical data in support of the qualitative data, the study is grounded in qualitative research methodology where the concern is with the formative evaluation of the DL programme component The findings strongly confirm the value of such a practical component as part of a DL programme to support the elements of applied competence. However, the way the programme accommodates teacher profiles and teaching contexts will greatly influence the sustainability of the programme outcomes in practice. The findings further show that the portfolio as instrument for the assessment of applied competence requires careful planning and should provide strong guidance in the reflective process to support sustained outcomes of the programme in practice. A suggested model for a DL programme for the professional development of Foundation Phase teachers is based on the findings of the study. / PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Applied competence in a distance learning programme for the professional development of foundation phase teachers / Corné Gerda Kruger

Kruger, Corné Gerda January 2015 (has links)
The ongoing debate about the capacity of distance learning (DL) to assist in the development of teaching skills and to improve teaching practice is the focus of many inquiries in the field of teacher education. The practice-based nature of Foundation Phase teaching poses unique challenges for professional development of teachers through DL programmes. In order to address inadequacies identified in the literature and previous research, a practical component was designed and included in the revised version of the Advanced Certificate: Education - Foundation Phase, as part of a bursary project. In 2011 the Northern Cape Department of Education (NCDoE) enrolled 50 practising Foundation Phase teachers for this distance learning programme as the first of three cohorts in the bursary project. A learning portfolio and audio-visual resources, designed according to principles derived from previous research and related literature, formed part of this practical component. The aim was to support teacher applied competence through developing pedagogical content knowledge, self-directedness, and a professional attitude, and through guiding the application of new knowledge and skills in practice. The completed portfolios further served as an instrument for the assessment of teacher performance with regard to applied competence. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the value of the practical component of the revised Foundation Phase ACE programme delivered by the NWU via distance learning with specific focus on the way this component facilitates the development of applied competence and the way the portfolio provides for the assessment of professional classroom competencies of practising Foundation Phase teachers. The study further aimed to put forward a model for the development of applied practice based on the findings of the study. In order to attain the aims of the study, the literature was explored to firstly determine the elements which contribute to applied competence in effective teacher professional development programmes. The literature was further explored to determine what the body of scholarship indicates with respect to programme design features that support applied competence in DL programmes for teacher professional development. An implementation evaluation study was then conducted on the programme by collecting data from 50 Foundation Phase teachers as the first of three cohorts enrolled for the bursary project. Data were primarily collected through multiple qualitative methods including a focus-group interview, individual interviews, written expectations as well as open ended questions of questionnaires. Descriptive data were also collected through semi-structured questionnaires. Qualitative data were analysed through content analysis to determine the theoretical and conceptual implications of the profile and teaching context of the Northern Cape Foundation Phase teacher enrolled for the DL Foundation Phase ACE programme, the expectations of these teachers regarding the way the practical component would support their applied competence in their contexts, and the teachers’ experiences of the way the programme component supported the development of their applied competence. The study further determined the extent to which the learning portfolios interrogate the elements of applied competence. Quantitative data collected through semi-structured questionnaires were statistically analysed and served to support the interpretation of qualitative data. The investigation was approached from a constructivist paradigm; an approach that falls under an interpretivist philosophical orientation. Although quantitative methods were used to gather descriptive statistical data in support of the qualitative data, the study is grounded in qualitative research methodology where the concern is with the formative evaluation of the DL programme component The findings strongly confirm the value of such a practical component as part of a DL programme to support the elements of applied competence. However, the way the programme accommodates teacher profiles and teaching contexts will greatly influence the sustainability of the programme outcomes in practice. The findings further show that the portfolio as instrument for the assessment of applied competence requires careful planning and should provide strong guidance in the reflective process to support sustained outcomes of the programme in practice. A suggested model for a DL programme for the professional development of Foundation Phase teachers is based on the findings of the study. / PhD (Curriculum Development Innovation and Evaluation), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

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