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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestion du contexte pour des applications mobiles dédiées aux transports

Popovici, Dana 10 December 2012 (has links)
De nos jours, la façon d’utiliser les applications mobiles dans le domaine des transports offre de nouveaux défis liés aux spécificités de l’environnement, comme la forte mobilité des terminaux, leur répartition, ou encore le réseau instable de communication. La plupart des applications existantes ont des contraintes de fonctionnement qui les rendent inadaptées si les conditions d’exécution évoluent rapidement. Cela rend intéressant l’utilisation d’un cadre unifié de conception et d’exécution, capable de gérer ces applications. Nos travaux portent, dans un premier temps, sur une étude des applications mobiles et de leur comportement, en fonction du contexte d’exécution. Nous considérons le cas des applications dédiées aux transports, conçues pour accompagner et assister un usager dans son déplacement (navigation, sécurité routière, applications des moyens de transports, etc.). Nous identifions les éléments du contexte propres aux applications fortement mobiles et les modélisons. Dans un second temps, nous proposons un cadre dynamique et sensible au contexte, permettant le déploiement de nouveaux services « à la volée » ainsi que leur adaptation pour une meilleure utilisation des ressources dans des milieux très évolutifs. Nous nous focalisons sur le côté réactif, permettant d’adapter le comportement des applications à leurs nouvelles conditions d’utilisation. Les applications sont décomposées en services de base avec un couplage lâche pour une plus grande flexibilité. Nous utilisons une architecture orientée service, qui permet la réutilisation des services communs à plusieurs applications mais aussi la gestion du contexte au travers de services équivalents mais capables de fonctionner dans des conditions différentes.Nous montrons, grâce au prototype de notre plateforme CATS (Context-Aware Transportation Services), d’abord la faisabilité d’une plateforme à services sur des terminaux portables. Nous testons ensuite plusieurs scénarios afin de démontrer la réactivité des adaptations aux changements de contexte. Dans cette thèse nous proposons une vue d’ensemble sur la création et la gestion des applications sensibles au contexte pour le domaine des transports. Le but de notre démarche est d’assurer le bon fonctionnement de l’ensemble des applications d’un utilisateur, malgré les changements dynamiques du contexte. / The use of mobile applications in the transportation domain raises a multitude ofchallenges, related to the specific execution environment: highly mobile and distributed devices, unstable communication networks, etc. Most of the existing applications are not flexible enough to cope with the rapidly changing environment. It would be interesting to provide a unified frame for the design and execution of such applications, offering management capabilities as well. We propose a study of the mobile applications and their behavior in relation with thecontext. We consider a certain type of applications, designed to accompany and assist users on the move (navigation, traffic security, applications related to a means of transport, etc.). We identify the context elements which are characteristic to highly mobile applications and we propose a context model for the transportation domain. In order to handle multiple applications at a time, we propose a dynamic and contextaware framework, capable of deploying services “on the fly”. We consider applications built through the assembly of services, allowing them to adapt to the execution environment and make the best use of the available resources. We focus on the reaction of the applications to the changes in the environment. Applications are built of services and thus benefit from loose coupling, allowing them to be flexible. A service oriented architecture brings further advantages, notably that services can be shared between applications and that a service can have multiple implementations. We manage the adaptation to new conditions of use through equivalent services built for different context situations. The framework that we have proposed, called CATS (Context-Aware Transportation Services), has been tested thanks to a prototype. We were able to prove the feasibility of the framework as well as evaluate several testing scenarios, showing the reactivity of the applications to context changes. This work proposes a complete view of the design and management of context-aware applications for the transport domain. Our goal is to enhance user experience by ensuring the well functioning of his/her applications despite the ever changing context.

"Cerchiamo un segno che superi la vita" : perception du sensible et de l'invisible dans l'oeuvre de Salvatore Quasimodo / "Cerchiamo un segno che superi la vita" : perception of the physical and invisibile worlds in Salvatore Quasimodo's work

Moschetto, Héloïse 03 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de mette en évidence la façon dont Salvatore Quasimodo perçoit le sensible comme un tissu de « signes » qu’il apparente à des messages de l’invisible. Celui-ci les guette dans une quête spirituelle et existentielle générée par son incapacité à habiter harmonieusement le sensible, qu’il tente de combler par un rapport fusionnel à l’invisible : ses premiers poèmes s’apparentent à une solipsiste et onirique sublimation de la souffrance du « je » lyrique dont Dieu est l’interlocuteur unique, dans un dialogue où les mots sont remplacés par les signes. La seconde guerre mondiale introduit un premier changement d’indexation dans le rapport du poète au monde, l’obligeant à une redéfinition de son rapport à l’invisible et, par conséquent, au sensible. Son catholicisme se mue alors en humanisme, manifestation laïque d’une foi qui, elle, ne vacille pas. Au moment où il cesse de croire en Dieu, le poète se met à croire en l’homme. Cet élan enthousiaste est cependant de courte durée : l’homme dont Quasimodo avait rêvé de faire un héros se révèle aussi décevant que Dieu. Le poète se sent alors trahi par l’un comme par l’autre et constate avec amertume la déréliction des signes. Le dernier recueil du Sicilien, Dare e avere, introduit une ultime rupture dans son rapport au monde : celui-ci apparaît soudainement comme réconcilié avec le sensible comme avec l’invisible, dans une plénitude épiphanique. Mais ce qui pourrait à première vue apparaître comme l’accomplissement heureux d’un douloureux parcours initiatique se révèle trompeur : ces derniers recueils sont en réalité une sublimation littéraire de la terreur que ressent le poète à l’approche de la mort. / This thesis aims to show that Salvatore Quasimodo apprehends the physical​​ world as a network of signs he identifies as messages from the invisible world.  He watches out for them in a spiritual and existential quest originating in his inability to live in harmony in the physical world, which he tries to overcome by developing a close relationship with the invisible world. His early poems display the solip​si​​stic sublimation of the sufferings of the poetic voice conversing with God, words being replaced with signs. The Second World War brings about the first major adjustment in the poet's relation to the world, leading him to reconsider his relation to the invisible and, consequently, to the physical world. This is when his Catholic faith turns into a form of humanism, the non-religious expression of an unfaltering faith. As the poet stops believing in God, he starts believing in man. But this fervour does not last, as Quasimodo understands that men are just as cruel as God. The poet Now feeling betrayed by both, the poet acknowledges the dereliction of signs. His last collection, Dare e avere, displays a last alteration in his relation to the world, as he appears to be reconciled with both the physical and the invisible worlds. But what might appear as the happy outcome of a painful initiatory journey proves deceptive : the last collections of poems are actually but a way for the poet to sublimate his growing terror of approaching death.

Un mode alternatif d’éducation familiale : formations réciproques et dialogue sensible inspirés de la philosophie pratique d’Itsuo Tsuda. Etude de sept familles en recherche / Family Education and sensitive listening : about co-apprenticeship parents-children

Campini, Christine 16 December 2016 (has links)
Partie d’une question faisant écho à celle de La Boétie sur la Servitude volontaire, dont la reproduction semble fondée sur l’éducation, cette recherche étudie les interactions parents-enfants et leur « éducation réciproque » (Baker) au sein de familles engagées à plein temps auprès de leurs enfants dans une démarche spécifique, hors institutions.Ces parents ont en commun une pratique inspirée de l’enseignement d’I. Tsuda, l’aikido, et le katsugen undo (mouvement régénérateur), qu’ils transfèrent au domaine éducatif, où l’enfant est perçu également comme un maître, pour ce qui concerne l’écoute des sens et le dialogue qu’il suscite, ce dialogue sensible ou « dialogue du silence ». Dans cette relation avec l’enfant, le corps,et tout le domaine du sensible sont centraux.A travers leurs expériences, il s’est agi de voir en quoi la prise en charge d’un enfant peut être un moment de rupture autoformatrice pour le parent devenu « expert profane », en quoi ce souci de l’autre est ou non producteur d’un « souci de soi », en quoi l’enfant, révélateur pour l’adulte de son enfance, agit comme un analyseur de ses conduites et peut devenir par sa « négatricité » (Ardoino),porteur d’instituant. Qu’est-ce qui, par cet « apprentissage transformateur » (Mezirow), voit la maïeutique, dans cet accompagnement, jouer sur les deux pôles, en mettant en valeur le spontané,l’intuition et l’autoformation chez l’enfant, formes éducatrices (plus qu’éducatives) qui se voient restaurées chez le parent. Avec le développement chez l’enfant de sa capacité à s’autodéterminer dans une relative liberté. / This research originates from a question in relation to La Béotie's work on voluntary servitude.As the perpetuation of voluntary servitude seems to stem from education, we shall examine parentchildinteraction and the « reciprocal educational effects » (Baker) it produces within those familieswhich are fully involved with and committed to a de-institutionalized, home education approachwith their children.The parents in these families have in common a practice inspired by the teachings of I. Tsuda,aikido, and katsugen undo (regenerative movement), which they apply to the educative field,whereby the child is seen also as a master as regards perceiving with all senses (which incites dialogue: « sensitive dialogue » or a « silent dialogue »). In this creation with the child, the body as wellas the whole field of perception are central.Through the experience of these families, this research proposes to examine how child education,as revealing of childhood to the parent, can bring in the latter a "self-educational"breakthrough –the parent being both a profane and an expert. It proposes to examine what parenthoodinvolves as a process for the parent, how caring for another person entails caring for oneself,how the child acts as an analyst of adult behaviour and, through his/her « negatricity » (Ardoino),how the child can bring about a change. It also proposes to examine the process through whichthis « transforming learning experience » (Merizow), where maieutics acts on both ends (child-parent)and where emphasis – as regards the child - is given to spontaneity, intuition and self-education,restores a form of self-education for the parent. How this, for the child, fosters an individualcapacity for self-determination in a context of relative freedom.

Le sol urbain : un arrière-plan de l’expérience somatique des ambiances urbaines / Urban ground : a basis for the somatic experience of urban atmospheres

Germon, Olivia 21 March 2017 (has links)
Le sol en tant que support de la vie urbaine est encore peu pensé par la recherche architecturale et urbaine. Dans un monde où la concurrence entre villes se joue entre autres sur la qualité des espaces publics, il est pourtant un élément essentiel des usages pédestres. Le pied le foule, l’œil le fait entrer dans l’horizon perceptif sans qu’on s’y attarde, et sans qu’une recherche approfondie nous en ait montré toutes les dimensions sensibles.Après un rappel historique des enjeux de l’aménagement du sol urbain, nous nous penchons sur la façon dont celui-ci est très tôt intégré dans la structuration de l’expérience vécue par tout un chacun, notamment lors de l’apprentissage de la marche. Le sol est une donnée première de l’environnement et joue un rôle dans la formation de l’équilibre, du sens de la proprioception. Il participe ainsi à l’arrière-plan corporel de l’expérience, en même temps qu’il est une surface d’échanges. En matière d’architecture et d’urbanisme, nous faisons l’hypothèse que le sol fait partie du fond de l’ambiance : il contribue à l’arrière-plan ambiantal de l’expérience sensorielle des espaces publics. Pour avancer sur ces hypothèses, trois corpus sont constitués : le premier, à partir d’une écoute réactivée de vingt sons enregistrés à Paris, analyse la part du sol dans la qualité sonore de l’ambiance vécue ; le second, issu d’observations et de relevés vidéo sur deux terrains comparés à Barcelone et La Défense, permet d’évoquer les relations entre topographie et mobilité ; le troisième, issu de l’expérimentation de dix parcours commentés effectués les yeux fermés sur une partie du site de La Défense, tente d’approcher l’expérience somatique dans le rapport au sol : comment se joue la relation entre le sol et le « soma » ? Pour conclure, nous discutons les apports réciproques entre Ambiances et Somatiques, deux disciplines au cœur desquelles le sentir est exploré. Que peuvent apporter les somatiques aux ambiances en terme de méthode d’étude, du point de vue théorique et pour l’approche du projet ? / The ground as a support for urban life remains a largely understudied topic in architectural and urban research. In a world where towns compete to offer a better quality of public spaces, pedestrian use is considered as an essential aspect. Felt underfoot and seen on the perceptual horizon without being consciously considered, very little in-depth research has revealed its sentient dimensions.After some brief historical considerations on the importance of urban ground, the study focuses on how the ground is integrated into the lived experience of our environment, beginning with how we learn to walk. The ground is a fundamental dimension and plays an essential role in keeping balance and creating a sense of proprioception. It participates as a basis for bodily experience by providing a surface of exchange. In terms of architecture and urban design, this study posits the ground as part of the ambiance as it constitutes the ambient background of the sensory experience of public spaces. In order to develop this hypothesis three case studies are considered: the first, based on a reactivated listening of twenty sounds recorded in Paris to provide an analysis of the role that the ground plays in experiencing the ambiance; the second, a comparative set of observations and video recordings taken in two sites in Barcelona and La Défense in Paris; the third, is based on ten blind-folded commented walks carried out at La Défense. It tries to examine what the somatic experience of the ground entails, how does the relationship between the ground and the “soma” take place? In conclusion, the reciprocal contributions of Ambiances and Somatics are considered in relation to this material as we ask what new theoretical approaches these disciplines can provide in exploring body experience.

O desenho como via de acesso a uma gramática da natureza /

Furquim, Melina Cesar January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Luiz Fogliano / Resumo: Esta dissertação pretende mostrar, à partir de uma pesquisa estética e discursiva, que o desenho é uma ferramenta possível para captar e acessar o mundo, e que ambos (desenho e mundo) se manifestam através de uma gramática. Considerando essa premissa, a pesquisa inicia-se com a demonstração da necessidade de dialogo entre as áreas do conhecimento, e da complementaridade entre a objetivade e subjetividade como formas de pensar. Afirmando assim, que cada especialidade acessa e descreve o mundo à partir de suas capacidades especificas e que a conexão entre todas essas potencialidades é capaz de nos guiar em direção à expansão do conhecimento e da consciência. Em seguida é apresentada uma pesquisa prática (visual) que utiliza a classificação e o desenho para isolar e perceber diferentes padrões dessa gramática. Por fim, a ação de desenhar e de perceber demonstra-se também como produtora de nova informação (Arte) que deve ser acrescentada à tal gramática, pois a natureza e o ser humano são vistos como integrantes (em oposição à dicotomia natureza x cultura) e que a linguagem do desenho produzida pelo ser humano durante a historia da nossa espécie, nossos símbolos, expressões, e registros, manifestam alguma força presente dentro e fora de nossos corpos, a qual materializa-se sob a forma de padrões de crescimento e organização. O objetivo último é demonstrar que a espécie humana é apenas mais uma das espécies pertencentes a uma rede extremamente complexa de agentes, em diferentes es... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: This dissertation aims to show, from an aesthetic and discursive research, that drawing is a possible tool to capture and access the world, and that both (drawing and world) manifest themselves through a grammar. Considering this premise, the research begins with the demonstration of the need for dialogue between the areas of knowledge, and the complementarity between objectivity and subjectivity as ways of thinking. Thus affirming that each specialty accesses and describes the world from its specific capabilities and that the connection between all these potentialities is able to guide us towards the expansion of knowledge and consciousness. Then, a practical (visual) research that uses classification and drawing to isolate and perceive different patterns of this grammar is presented. Finally, the action of drawing and perceiving also demonstrates itself as a producer of new information (Art) that must be added to such grammar, since nature and human beings are seen as integral (as opposed to the nature x culture dichotomy). and that the language of drawing produced by human beings during the history of our species, our symbols, expressions, and records, manifest some force present within and outside our bodies, which materializes in the form of patterns of growth and organization. The ultimate goal is to demonstrate that the human species is just one of the species belonging to an extremely complex network of agents, at different scales, all carriers of language. / Mestre

Somatosensory evoked potentials and their relation to microstructural damage in patients with multiple sclerosis: A whole brain DTI study

Hamann, Jan, Ettrich, Barbara, Hoffman, Karl Titus, Bergh, Florian Then, Lobsien, Donald 27 November 2023 (has links)
Introduction: Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP) play a pivotal role in the diagnosis and disease monitoring of multiple sclerosis (MS). Delayed latencies are a surrogate for demyelination along the sensory aerence. This study aimed to evaluate if SSEP latencies are representative of demyelination of the brain overall, by correlating with cerebral microstructural integrity as measured by Magnetic resonance (MR) diusion tensor imaging (DTI). Analysis was performed in a hypothesis-free whole brain approach using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Material and methods: A total of 46 patients with MS or clinically isolated syndrome were included in the study. Bilateral SSEPs of the median nerve measuring mean N20 latencies (mN20) and Central Conduction Time (CCT), were acquired. MRI scans were performed at 3T. DTI acquisition was done with a single-shot echoplanar imaging technique with 80 diusion directions. The FSL software package was used to process the DTI datasets and to calculate maps of fractional anisotropy (FA), axial diusivity (AD), and radial diusivity (RD). These maps were then further analyzed using the TBSS module. The mean N20 and CCT and the right- and left-sided N20 and CCT were separately correlated to FA, AD, and RD, controlled for age, gender, and EDSS as variables of non-interest. Results: Widespread negative correlations of SSEP latencies with FA (p = 0.0005) and positive correlations with RD (p = 0.0003) were measured in distinct white matter tracts, especially the optic tracts, corpus callosum, and posterior corona radiata. No correlation with AD was found in any white matter tract. Conclusion: Highly significant correlations of FA and RD to SSEPs suggest that their latency is representative of widespread microstructural change, and especially demyelination in patients suering from MS, reaching beyond the classic somatosensory regions. This points to the usefulness of SSEPs as a non-invasive tool in the evaluation of microstructural damage to the brain.

The Afterimage of Violence : Frames and Responsiveness in the Three Films Also Known as Jihadi, Umdrehen and When Things Occur

Bähler Lavér, Karin January 2023 (has links)
Abstract The Afterimage of Violence: Frames and Responsiveness in the Three Films Also Known as Jihadi, Umdrehen and When Things Occur This thesis explores the intersection of aesthetics, ethics, and politics in relation to artistic strategies that confront political violence in artistic lens-based media. It aims to expand understandings of the possibilities and limitations of depicting violent real-world events and investigates how images of violence elicit responses from viewers. This study focuses on three art films—Also Known as Jihadi (2017), Umdrehen (2022), and When Things Occur (2016)—that grapple with different instances of violence, examining their affective, embodied, and non-representational perspectives. The films are analyzed through a triangulation of Jacques Rancière's concept of the "distribution of the sensible," Judith Butler's notion of the frame, and Jill Bennett's idea of the transactive potential harbored in artworks. Drawing on Butler's question regarding the norms that govern which lives are recognized as human and worthy of protection, the thesis argues that the three art films function as afterimages of violence, which orchestrate affective responses and ethical engagement with the suffering of others. The analysis delves into the artistic strategies employed by the films to generate a more nuanced understanding of political violence, highlighting the interplay between cognitive associations, affective forces, and embodied perception. It explores the relationship between representation and responsiveness, investigating how art can disrupt established notions and judgments surrounding violent events and the lives affected by them. By analyzing the three selected films, the thesis articulates how art can generate critical engagement with political violence and cultivate empathic concern. The research aims to contribute to a broader understanding of the aesthetic and ethical implications of representing violence, emphasizing the potential of art to transform perceptions, foster new modes of seeing, and engender ethical responses.


Al-Ghamdi, Abdulmajeed Saeed 12 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

The Relationship Between Line and Tone

Lawson, Michael Wayne 26 June 2018 (has links)
This project is the search for a room. The search included that which is sensible through tone, and that which is intelligible through line. Tone and color were used to paint the sensible, geometric constructions were used to understand the intelligible. The constructed axonometric drawings became both sensible and intelligible in the way that their very construction is an active reconstitution of the charred contours of a dream. This project began with a glass of Scotch, which is a container of a world; dreamlike, smoky, and ethereal. It ended with drawings of a room; a reconstitution of a dream. / Master of Architecture

Eddy Covariance in a Tallgrass Prairie: energy balance closure, water and carbon budgets, and shrub expansion

Arnold, Kira Brianne January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Jay Ham / The exchange of water, carbon, and energy between grasslands and the atmosphere is an important biogeochemical pathway affecting ecosystem productivity and sustainability. The eddy covariance (EC) technique directly measures this mass and energy exchange. However, questions remain regarding the accuracy of EC-derived H[subscript]2O and CO[subscript]2 fluxes in landscapes with irregular topography and variable vegetation. These concerns stem from the "energy balance (EB) closure problem" (i.e., measured energy in does not equal measured energy out). My main objectives were to examine EB closure at two topographical positions within an annually burned tallgrass prairie watershed and to examine the effect of landscape position and woody encroachment on carbon and water exchanges. In tallgrass prairie, 14 km south of Manhattan, KS, USA, EC towers were deployed at three sites in 2007 and 2008. One upland and lowland tower were within an annually burned watershed dominated by C[subscript]4 grasses. Another lowland tower was deployed in a separate quadrennial-burned watershed where significant woody vegetation occupied the tower's sampling area. All towers measured EB components (net radiation, R[subscript]n; soil heat flux, G; sensible heat flux, H; and latent heat flux, [lambda]E). In the annually burned watershed, landscape position had little effect on G, H, and R[subscript]n with differences [less than] 2% between sites. However lowland [lambda]E was 8% higher, owing to larger plant biomass/leaf area and greater soil moisture. Energy balance closure (i.e., [[lambda]E + H] / [R[subscript]n - G]) was 0.87 and 0.90 at the upland and lowland sites, respectively. A nearby large-aperture scintillometer provided good validation of EC-derived H in 2007. Data suggested that underestimates of [lambda]E may have accounted for the closure problem; sample calculations showed that increasing [lambda]E by 17% would have resulted in near prefect closure. Data from this study suggests that EB closure does not strongly correlate with topographical position; however these data raise questions regarding accuracy of the [lambda]E term. Mass exchange analysis shows that the prairie carbon cycle is highly dependent on burning. The lowland and upland annually burned sites saw carbon gains of 281 to 444 g C m[superscript]-[superscript]2 yr[superscript]-[superscript]1 before burning with the shrub lowland showing the least (e.g. 159 and 172 g C m[superscript]-[superscript]2 yr[superscript]-[superscript]1). After the prescribed burn, the upland and lowland sites remained slight carbon sinks (68 to 191 g C m[superscript]-[superscript]2 yr[superscript]-[superscript]1), whereas the unburned shrub site was a carbon sink in 2007 (159 g C m[superscript]-[superscript]2 yr[superscript]-[superscript]1, because no carbon loss was incurred via burning) and a large carbon source in 2008 when it was burned the following year (336 g C m[superscript]-[superscript]2 yr[superscript]-[superscript]1 loss). Evapotranspiration (ET) was highest at the shrub lowland where greater soil moisture and abundance of deep-rooted C[subscript]3 shrub vegetation allowed greater uptake and loss of water.

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