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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användargenererad data i tjänstedesignprocessen / User generated data in a Service Design process

Dahlqvist, Thea January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur tre olika innovativa tekniker kan användas för att samla in användarinsikter i en tjänstedesignprocess. Detta genomförs med ett designcase som handlar om besökarnas upplevelse av Norrköpings Symfoniorkesters konserter. Symfoniorkestern behöver hjälp med att locka fler besökare till konserterna och nya sätt behöver användas för att samla in användarinsikter för att få så många olika perspektiv som möjligt av konsertupplevelsen. Det var 20 personer som deltog i studien med en blandning av personer, dels de som idag går på Norrköpings Symfoniorkesters konserter och dels de som inte besöker dem. Deltagarnas uppgift i studien var att gå på två av deras konserter och dokumentera sina upplevelser med hjälp av tre olika innovativa tekniker: designsond, app och automatisk kamera. Resultatet av studien visar att den första tekniken designsonden gav en fördjupad bild av deltagarnas syn på konsertupplevelsen och hjälpte till att bredda fokus i tjänstedesignprocessen. Den andra tekniken,appen, kunde ge en mer detaljerad information i realtid om deltagarnas konsertupplevelse på plats. Den tredje tekniken, automatisk kamera, kunde ge ett detaljerat flöde automatiskt på plats över deltagarnas konsertupplevelse som visade mönster och beteenden som kunde kopplas till konsertupplevelsen. Studien visar på att de tre teknikerna gör att användaren hamnar i fokus under hela tjänstedesignprocessen, vilket är grunden för att kunna arbeta användarcenterat. Tillsammans blir teknikerna ännu mer kraftfulla att använda då de kan komplettera varandra i en tjänstedesignprocess. / The goal of the study is to find out how three different innovative techniques can be used to collect user experience in a service design process. This is carried out using a design case regarding the user experience of the Norrkoping’s Symphony Orchestras (SON) concerts. This is a symphony orchestra that has experienced increasing difficulty in attracting more visitors, and new methods are needed to tackle the problem. Therefore, in this study mobile ethnography and innovative methods will be used. There were 20 participants in the study, including a mix of people who regularly attend SON-concerts and those who do not. The participant’s task in this study was to attend two of SON-concerts and document their experience using three different innovative techniques: Probe, smartphone application and automatic camera. The result of the study shows that the probe gave a much more detailed look into the participants’ view of the concert experience, and contributed in widening the focus of the service design process. The application gave a more detailed information in real-time, on sight. The automatic camera gave a more detailed flow, automatically on sight, of the concert experience. That may show certain patterns and behaviors of the participants linked to the concert experience. The study shows that the three innovative techniques puts focus on the user throughout the entire service design process, which is the foundation for working user-centered. If the techniques are used in combination they become more effective as they complete each other in a service design process.

Ein Leitfaden für produzierende KMU zur Analyse und Gestaltung von produktbegleitenden Dienstleistungen

Gröllich, Daniel, Lehmann, Imme, Paritschkow, Silke, Schmauder, Martin January 2014 (has links)
In Unternehmen mit wissensintensiven Wertschöpfungsprozessen werden oft innovative und einzigartige Produkte hergestellt, die eine enge Zusammenarbeit mit dem Kunden erfordern. Das bedeutet einen hohen Entwicklungs- und Abstimmungsaufwand innerhalb des Unternehmens. Vor allem für kleinere und mittlere produzierende Unternehmen sind praktikable Werkzeuge wichtig, mit denen unter Einbezug der Mitarbeiter solche Dienstleistungsanteile analysiert und passende Dienstleistungsprozesse gestaltet werden können.:1 Der Leitfaden auf einen Blick 5 2 Dienstleistungen in Produktionsunternehmen 6 3 Dienstleistungen im Unternehmen etablieren - Vorbereitung auf eine veränderte Sichtweise 10 4 Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe - Ein Werkzeugkasten stellt sich vor 12 5 Anwendung der WEGANO-Werkzeuge 15 6 Dienstleistungen bewerten, integrieren und verstetigen 34 7 Die Pilotfirmen kommen zu Wort 39 / Enterprises with skill-intensive value added processes in many cases manufacture innovative and unique products. This requires a close collaboration with the customer, a high development effort and a high level of coordination within the company. Especially small and medium size enterprises need practicable instruments to involve their staff into analyzing refering service contents and into designing the related processes.:1 Der Leitfaden auf einen Blick 5 2 Dienstleistungen in Produktionsunternehmen 6 3 Dienstleistungen im Unternehmen etablieren - Vorbereitung auf eine veränderte Sichtweise 10 4 Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe - Ein Werkzeugkasten stellt sich vor 12 5 Anwendung der WEGANO-Werkzeuge 15 6 Dienstleistungen bewerten, integrieren und verstetigen 34 7 Die Pilotfirmen kommen zu Wort 39

Streamline the ski rental process using RFID technology : Develop a solution that optimizes the ski rental process and is designed after the customer´s and staff´s needs. / Effektivisera skiduthyrningsprocessen med hjälp av RFID teknik. : Utveckla en lösning som optimerar skiduthyrningsprocessen och är utformad efter kundernas och personalens behov.

Lundgren, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Imagine you have booked a trip to the mountains and want to experience nature and the slopes. But unfortunately, you do not own your equipment and need to rent from a ski rental. As a customer, you then hope the rental process goes quickly, smoothly, and efficiently to avoid standing in long queues. That is exactly what this master thesis is about, is it possible to make the ski rental process more efficient and design a solution or service that optimizes the flow. Bottlenecks are something that slows down the process and by improving the bottlenecks hopefully a more optimized ski rental can be achieved. This master thesis is a collaboration with the company No More Boots. They have developed a tool called SkiClicker which makes the ski binding adjustment easier. SkiClicker had optimized the ski renting process by 40% and this master thesis is about to examine if more solutions could streamline the flow.    This project is built on human-centred design and service design. IDEO (2015) explain that human-centred design is about designing solutions after the users´ needs and believing the users who face the problems every day have the answer and the key to the solution. Performed interviews, surveys, and observations to understand the staff and the customer’s problems, needs and what they experience in a ski rental. Translated the problems into needs and according to Patnaik & Becker (1999) is better to build a project on the users´ needs because needs last longer than any specific solution. Further Patnaik & Becker (1999) describes it is more likely that the end-user will use the solution if it is built on their needs. Stickdorn et.al (2018) describe service design is about designing a whole service/ process after all stakeholders that are affected by the system and giving valuable experience to all stakeholders.  Used the Design Thinking process from IDEO in this project, the process involves three main phases Understand, Explore, and Materialize. The first phase is about empathize whit the user and understand their problems. Then define the needs and narrow down the information from the empathize phase and pinpoint the work further. The next phase is about generate ideas and create prototypes, to then test the ideas with the user. Last phase is about to materialize and implement the solution.  Radio Frequency Identification, RFID is a technology that enables wireless transmission of data by using radiofrequency waves (Smiley, 2020).  The advantage of RFID is that the tags can be detected through objects and at distance (Smiley, 2020). The result of this project became a service of renting, trying, and returning ski equipment by using RFID technology. Through guidance and recommendations is the goal to let the customer pick and try the ski boots by themselves without help from the staff. The return process is also something that was improved in this project. With this new return station, the customer no longer needs to take a queue note for returning the equipment. The customer can quick and easy just place the equipment in a return station and then is the equipment returned. Directly after new items had been placed on the return shelf, an icon will appear on a screen that the equipment is returned. All skis and ski boots are marked with RFID tags and the return station involves RFID readers to detect the tags. The staff already has a lot to do in a rental, so by allowing customers to perform more tasks on their own, a more time-efficient flow can probably be achieved. / Föreställ dig att du har bokat en resa till fjällen och vill uppleva naturen och backarna. Men tyvärr har du ingen egen utrustning och behöver hyra från skiduthyrningen. Som kund hoppas du att uthyrningsprocessen går snabbt, smidigt och effektivt för att slippa stå i långa köer, då det enda du vill är att åka skidor. Det är precis vad det här examensarbetet handlar om, är det möjligt att effektivisera skiduthyrningsprocessen och designa en produktlösning eller tjänst som optimerar flödet. Flaskhalsar är något som stoppar upp och saktar ner en process. Genom att förbättra flaskhalsarna kan förhoppningsvis ett mer optimerat skiduthyrningsflöde uppnås. Det här examensarbetet är ett samarbete med företaget No More Boots. De har tagit fram ett verktyg som heter SkiClicker som gör det lättare att justera skidbindningar. SkiClicker har optimerat skiduthyrningsprocessen med 40 % och det här arbetet handlar om att undersöka om det finns fler lösningar som kan effektivisera skiduthyrningen.  Projektet bygger på människocentrerad design och tjänstedesign. IDEO (2015) förklarar att människocentrerad design handlar om att designa lösningar efter användarens behov och inse att användaren som möter problemen varje dag har svaret och nyckeln till lösningen. Utförde intervjuer, enkäter och observationer för att förstå vad personalen och kunderna upplever i en skiduthyrning samt förstå vad de har för problem och behov. Enligt Patnaik & Becker (1999) bör man bygga ett projekt på användarens behov i stället för en specifik lösning eftersom behov varar längre. Vidare skriver Patnaik & Becker (1999) att det också är mer troligt att slutanvändaren kommer att använda lösningen om projekt är byggt på användarens behov. Stickdorn et.al (2018) beskriver att tjänstedesign handlar om att designa en hel tjänst/process efter alla intressenter som berörs av systemet, och genom tjänsten ge värde till alla intressenter. Designprocessen Design Thinking från IDEO användes i det här projektet, processen har tre huvud faser att Understand, Explore och Materialize. Den första fasen handlar om att empatisera med användaren och förstå deras problem. Sedan definiera användarens behov och smalna av informationen samt skapa en fortsatt riktning för projekt. Nästa fas handlar om att generera idéer, skapa prototyper och testa idéerna med användarna. Den sista fasen handlar om att materialisera och implementera lösningen. Radio Frequency Identification, RFID är en teknik som möjliggör trådlös överföring av data av radiofrekvensvågor, fördelen med RFID är att taggarna kan upptäckas genom objekt och via ett avstånd (Smiley, 2020). Resultatet av det här projekt blev en tjänst för att hyra, prova och lämna tillbaka skidutrustning med hjälp av RFID-teknik. Genom vägledning och rekommendationer är målet att låta kunderna hitta och prova pjäxor själva utan personalens hjälp. Returprocessen är också något som förbättrades i det här projektet. Med den här nya returstation behöver inte kunderna längre ta en kölapp för att lämna tillbaka utrustningen. Kunden kan smidigt och enkelt bara placera utrustningen i returstation för att lämna tillbaka utrustningen. Direkt efter att någon ny utrustning har placerats på returhyllan kommer en ikon upp på en skärm som visar att utrustningen är återlämnad. Alla skidor och pjäxor är märkta med RFID-taggar och returstationen har RFID-läsare för att kunna upptäcka taggarna. Personalen har redan mycket att göra i en skiduthyrning, så genom att låta kunderna utföra fler uppgifter på egen hand kan förhoppningsvis ett mer tidseffektivt flöde uppnås.

Investigating opportunities for Service Design in Education for Sustainable Development

Kuzmina, Ksenija January 2014 (has links)
This research investigates opportunities for Service Design in Education. The focus is on a particular type of change happening within education that of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) where Service Design has little presence and limited knowledge. This research has been carried out through grounded theory and contextualised in English institutions of primary education. As a result it identified Service Design as an approach to enable transformational change within educational institutions that seek to move towards ESD. To establish the basis for the research, a literature review has been carried out on Service Design, the vision of ESD and its application in the context of English schools. As a result, Service Design capability to re-design services at organisational level was linked to the gap in normative re-educative change processes towards ESD in English schools. The rest of the research sought to build on these findings. In-depth case studies with five primary schools and a cross-case analysis have been carried out to establish an understanding of ESD change at organisational level. It focused on elements relevant to normative re-educative change processes, which included social and personal norms and values residing within organisational systems. From the case studies, principles, concepts and processes were identified that enabled schools to engage with ESD at the deepest level. The knowledge derived from the case studies was further developed in order to relate the ESD phenomenon to Service Design. Service thinking and organisational change theory were applied to develop a Sustainable Education as a Service Model (SES MODEL) to understand ESD as a phenomenon in a service system. A SES Model was presented back to Service Design community. The sense-making of ESD was undertaken with seven service design practitioners by conducting semi-structured interviews during which they explored the SES Model. The outcome of the interviews showed the model to build service designer s capacity to engage with ESD, while the use of the model showed that designers could envision using it at a normative re-educative change level. The research shows that ESD is a new concept, which is relevant to Service Design. It therefore offers opportunities for further service design research and practical applications.

Investigating the development and delivery of integrated product-service systems

Clayton, Richard J. January 2011 (has links)
Driven by the highly cyclical nature of their increasingly commoditised product offerings, many capital goods manufacturers are seeing the benefits of delivering services integrated with their core product offerings. Whilst existing research is almost unanimous in advocating the value of a servitization strategy, understanding how these product-service systems (PSSs) can be developed and delivered remains a significant challenge. The closely related PSS field, which has its heritage in the environmental and social science disciplines, is more mature in this area and a number of models have been proposed. The research reported within this thesis contributes to knowledge by investigating whether the approaches to PSS development, reported within the PSS literature, reflects the PSS development practice of servitized manufacturers. More specifically, soft systems methodology was used to explore the delivery of PSSs within the UK railway industry in order to gain an understanding of the implications for developing new PSSs. With this understanding, the existing approaches to PSS development were evaluated with respect to one servitized manufacturer through an in-depth single case study. The findings highlighted a number of significant differences between the practice of the servitized manufacturer and the literature. A survey was used to investigate whether the differences were generalisable to a larger sample of servitized manufacturers. The findings point towards the simplification of the reported phases within PSS development and the inclusion of a number of previously unreported processes and activities. Based on these results a new model of PSS development is proposed to better reflect the practice of servitized manufacturers. The model, consisting of four phases and seventeen processes, was operationalised in the form of a workbook and tested through application. Applying the workbook resulted in the successful creation of a number of new PSS concepts.

Designing sustainable product service systems : a business framework for SME implementation

Hernandez-Pardo, Ricardo January 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the conditions under which traditional Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) can be involved in the design of sustainable Product Service Systems (PSS). The integration between design and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the context of sustainable business development was used to define the space for this exploration. The research was carried out through a case study with a group of Colombian Manufacturing SMEs. As a result of the case study a business framework was developed to guide the design of sustainable PSS. In order to establish the basis of the research a review of the literature on sustainable business development, ICT, design, product service systems and SMEs was carried out. This review brought to light the main features of a sustainable PSS and the challenges associated with its design. These challenges were further investigated in the context of SMEs with a scoping study involving a group of 38 Colombian SMEs. Additionally, 36 PSS already on the market were analysed to identify the possible relationships between design and ICT, and to determine how they could contribute to develop sustainable PSS. The scoping study and the analysis of the 36 PSS gave structure to the case study with a second group of Colombian Manufacturing SMEs. This case study aimed to build understanding of the connection between the characteristics of these SMEs and the main features of a sustainable PSS. As a result of this case study a set of concepts, drivers and barriers to take into account to design sustainable PSS formed the basis of a business framework developed and validated in the final part of the research. The business framework proposed can help to understand the resources and changes needed to develop a sustainable PSS, reducing the uncertainty that it may cause. The integration between product and service design and ICT is used in the framework to outline the areas of opportunity in the design of sustainable PSS. This business framework developed as a result of the research promises to be a helpful tool for organisations working to support the transformation of SMEs toward competitive and sustainable business models using as a basis the integration between product and service design and ICT. Despite the Colombian context the results and outcomes of this research are described in general terms to be applicable in other contexts around the world working with SMEs in the design of sustainable PSS.

Kundinvolvering i modern tjänsteutveckling : Kundens roll och bidrag i en kundcentrerad tjänsteutvecklingsprocess / Customer involvement in modern service development : The customers role and contributions in a customer focused service development process

Byström Öhrnell, Martina, Ekström, Adam January 2016 (has links)
Problemformulering: I och med kundens roll i värdeskapandet måste företag få kunskap i hur deras kunder kan involveras, och även utveckla formella processer för det. I och med tjänsternas allt större roll i världen krävs en ständig utveckling av teorier kring området. Forskning kring tjänsteutveckling har vidare mestadels bara har bidragit till det teoretiska området och inte gett något större bidrag till de som faktiskt arbetar med tjänsteutveckling i praktiken i dagsläget. De här aspekterna är några av de faktorer som ledde fram till studiens syfte. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att förstå hur kunder involveras i tjänsteutveckling i praktiken och hur deras roll ser ut i utvecklingsprocessen, samt att undersöka kopplingen mellan tillvägagångssätten i praktiken jämfört med vad som står i teorin. Metod: Studiens metod är av en kvalitativ karaktär med en fallstudiedesign. Tack vare nio stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer med både tjänstedesignbyråer och tjänsteföretag som arbetar med kundinvolvering kunde värdefull data samlas in och ge en förklaring kring ”fallet”. Slutsats: De slutsatser som har kunnat dras utifrån studien är till att börja med att de traditionella tjänsteutvecklingsmodellerna har fasats ut till förmån för designmodeller med iterativa faser. Det visade sig även att en sådan uppdelning av kunder som återfinns i teorin, inte är aktuell i praktiken, utan baseras snarare på behov än egenskaper. Slutligen kunde, förutom de traditionella effekterna av kundinvolvering, en annan typ av effekt identifieras. Nämligen att kundinvolvering kan leda till stora organisationsförändringar på grund av ett nytt kundfokus. / Problem: Given the role of the customer in value creation organizations need knowledge on how their customers can get involved, and develop formal processes to do so. Given services role in today’s world there is a need for continuous research and development in the field. Furthermore, the research surrounding service development has mostly contributed to the theoretical field without much contribution to those who work with service development today. These aspects are part of the reasoning leading up to this studies purpose. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop an understanding on how customers are involved in service development in practice and the role of the customer in the development process, as well as examine the practice with the current literature. Method: The study is of a qualitative character with a case study design. Due to nine semi-structured interviews with both service design firms and service businesses both working with customer involvement in their service development processes valuable data could be collected to explain the case. Conclusion: The conclusions that were made from the study is that the traditional service development models have been phased out in favor of design based models with iterative phases. Furthermore, the theoretical classification of a services user is not as widespread in practice, it is more based on the needs of the customer than the customer’s characteristics. Finally, the study could identify that besides the traditional effects of customer involvement, there is an additional effect. Namely, that customer involvement can lead to large organizational changes as a result of a new customer focus.

En användarvänlig offentlig sektor : Med hjälp av tjänstelogik, systemsyn och nya verktyg

Frisk, Kajsa, Mattsson, Anna January 2016 (has links)
Tjänstelogiskt perspektiv, systemtänkande och organisatoriskt lärande främjar innovation i organisationer. Utmaningen är att ta reda på användarens behov och välja en anpassad organisatorisk struktur som metod för att skapa värde. Grunden är att öka bredden och djupet på lärandet i organisationen för ökad flexibilitet. Konsten är att välja och implementera främjande perspektiv. Studiens undersökning utgår från ett tjänstelogiskt perspektiv för att förstå användarnas behov i ett mindre problem. I studien diskuteras ett ramverk att förbättra innovationsmiljön på ett socialkontor i mellersta Sverige. Metoden är inspirerad av aktionsforskning. Nio intervjuer genomfördes i syfte att skapa förförståelse för användarnas behov. En transparent kommunikation med uppdragsgivarna hölls frekvent i syfte att öka medvetenhet för nya metoder och perspektiv. Författarna höll en workshop med åtta deltagare i syfte att skapa en gemensam mental modell, transparens mellan enheter som är beroende och för att låta författarnas problembild valideras. En slutpresentation hölls inför ledningsgruppen i syftet deltagarvalidering. Resultatet visar att det standardiserade IT-systemet skapar en komplex manuell administration. IT- utvecklare och enhetschefer upplever att integrationen mellan systemen brister. Medarbetarnas involvering är inte tillräcklig och kommunikationen brister i viktig detaljerad information mellan enheterna. / Service logic perspective, systems thinking and organizational learning promotes innovation in organizations. The challenge is to find out the users’ needs and to select a custom organizational structure as a method to create value. The foundation is to increase the breadth and depth of learning in the organization for increased flexibility. The trick is to select and implement promotion perspective. The study's survey is based on a service logic perspective to understand the needs of users in a minor problem. There is a discussion in this study of a framework to improve the innovation environment in a social office in central Sweden. The method is inspired by action research. Nine interviews were conducted in order to create pre-understanding of user needs. A transparent communication with clients held over time in order to increase awareness and understanding of different approaches and perspectives. The authors held a workshop with eight participants in order to create a shared mental model, transparency between entities that are dependent and to allow authors problem scenario validated. A final presentation was held for the management team for the purpose of a respondent validation. The results show that the standardized IT- system creates a complex manual administration. IT- developers and unit managers feel that the integration between the systems has flaws. Employee involvement is not sufficient and communication gaps in important detailed information between entities.

An intention-based service design discipline for the product-service architecture. / Uma disciplina de design de serviços baseada em intenções para a arquitetura produto-serviço.

Dutra, Diogo de Souza 20 December 2016 (has links)
From the 1990\'s onwards, service science field has experienced a great growth, taking the Marketing academic field as the precursor, next gathering Management and also Engineering academic field. From business tool (i.e., e-commerce), new approaches in service delivery (e.g., IT-based self-service technology such as on-line ticketing and reservation, on-line bank account access, on-line package tracking, and so forth), and new ways of relating to customers (i.e., e-Customer Relationship Management), internet based and IT services prompted researchers to an infusion of Software Engineering concepts and techniques into Service field (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). The beginning of 2004 was marked by the introduction of the service dominant logic (SDL), advocating a transition from an good-based exchange economy to a service-based one. Also, at the same year, IBM launched a call to action on the Service Science, Management and Engineer (SSME) initiative, pushing service research towards a more formal science field (MAGLIO et al., 2006). Researchers and practitioners are studying and developing ways to consolidate service theories, laws, and principles in order to effectively manage and control service systems in practice. On the other hand, Service Systems are defined as systems with an intense relationship (or collaboration) with the customer. This collaborative relationship characteristic changes the current (good-based) idea of services: from a one way informational channel, to a multiple resource exchange and adaptable process with the costumer. In fact, it changes not only the way service systems are understood, but specially how to design it. In terms of the impact of the service dominant logic on different economic sectors, the impact over manufacturing industry had the attention of several different researchers over the world (AURICH; MANNWEILER; SCHWEITZER, 2010; CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012; TOMIYAMA, 2001). The Service Engineering research field then advocate for the incursion of Service Design in manufacturing, changing entirely the current idea of a production chain transformation process from suppliers raw materials inputs until distribution to the final consumer. However, the new perspective on manufacturing services understand services that encompass products, surpassing the notion of a product\'s function design, to reach a receiver\'s state change design. To support adaptation and intense relationship to address customer individual needs, a manufacturing service initiative must be root on technologies that brings more freedom and flexibility into the production process. A production processes for manufacturing services must be formed be a new sophisticated network arrangement supported by internet and combined with intelligent machines. In fact, manufacturing has to be supported to reach the concept of smart (virtual) factories producing smart products. The Product-Service Architecture (or just PSA) was proposed firstly by(SILVA; NOF, 2015) with the objective of answering the needs for a serviceoriented approach to manufacturing industries. As defined by the authors, PSA is a distributed architecture where a service provider is defined as an open set of production unities (which could deliver products, services, or even product/services) that could be independent or commercially connected to the service provider corporation. It is an approach to address the problem of Service Systems from a Design perspective, based on an high-level architecture. The current design approach for PSA is imported from the Service Information Systems, forming a collection of design methods and languages highly connected to object oriented and service-oriented architecture (SOA) approaches. However, to achieve the provider-customer relationship, intense and collaborative, improvements on PSA design approach should be placed in order to allow an internal design that could achieve new solutions that adapt to meet the customer\'s needs. Our main hypothesis is that major problems are on the early phases of the design. Modifying the approaches of the PSA design discipline to approaches more connected to agent-oriented modeling could offer the necessary tools to improve the service design using PSA. Goal-Oriented Requirement Engineering (GORE) emerged as approach very consistent modeling approach strongly based on agent-oriented concepts. Adding the concepts of goals and softgoals to the design process, that could be understood as a high-level stakeholder objectives, it opened a new level of analysis capturing the \"why\" dimensions of the stakeholders(YU, 1997). Following modeling representations to increase agency for the PSA design Discipline, the concept of Intentionality, brought by the GORE method i*, meaning interests and motivation of agents, seems to fit to the objectives of service design. Therefore, we present on this work our proposal for an Intentional PSA Service Design Discipline to support modeling and design for service system that could be even applied to new manufacturing approaches. For the purposes of this work, we understand discipline as a set of rules, involving steps and tools, to achieve a proposed goal. Discipline, as it does not admit a formalism that allows it to be called a method. Therefore, it is a theoretical conceptual proposal that aims practical incursions to demonstrated improvements of the modeling process. Therefore, what we want to demonstrate is that the steps gathered, aligned to a framework improves the quality of the design process. It is not possible to formalize it completely since there is no formal definition of the elements (even for services). It should be noted that the conceptual basis of the intention-based method lies in the preliminary stage of requirements elicitation and analysis, which as we know can not be formalized. We seeks the enrichment of the current PSA design discipline approach with Goal-oriented and Intentional approaches to form a new Service Design Discipline applied for the PSA architecture. / A partir da década de 1990, o campo das ciências de serviço vivenciou um grande crescimento, tendo o Marketing como campo acadêmico precursor, seguido pela área de gestão e logo depois pelo campo acadêmico da engenharia. Desde ferramentas de negócios (ie, comércio eletrônico), passando por novas abordagens na prestação de serviços (por exemplo, tecnologia de autoatendimento baseada em TI, emissão de tickets e reservas on-line, acesso à conta bancária on-line, entre outras), novas formas de relacionar-se com clientes (por exemplo, e-Customer Relationship Management), os serviços baseados na Internet e TI levaram os pesquisadores a uma infusão de conceitos e técnicas relacionadas ã engenharia de software dentro do campo dos serviços (MOUSSA; TOUZANI, 2010). Já o início de 2004 foi marcado pela introdução da lógica dominante de serviço (SDL), defendendo a transição de uma economia de trocas baseadas em bens para uma baseada em serviços. Além disso, no mesmo ano, a IBM lançou um \"call to action\"para uma iniciativa chamada Service Science, Management e Engineer (SSME), provocando uma maior formalização ao campo de pesquisa das ciências de serviço (MAGLIO et al., 2006). Porém, hoje ainda pesquisadores e profissionais estão estudando e desenvolvendo maneiras de consolidar as teorias, leis e princípios das ciências de serviço, a fim de gerenciar e controlar os sistemas de serviços na prática. Por outro lado, os Sistemas de Serviço são definidos como sistemas com uma intensa relação (ou colaboração) com o cliente. Esta característica de relacionamento colaborativo altera a idéia atual de serviços (baseada em bens): de um canal informacional unidirecional, para um intercâmbio de recursos múltiplos através de um processo adaptável com o cliente. Na verdade, esta mudança altera não apenas a forma como os sistemas de serviço são entendidos, mas especialmente como são projetados. Em termos de impacto da lógica dominante de serviço sobre os diferentes setores econômicos, a indústria de manufatura acabou obtendo grande atenção de vários pesquisadores pelo mundo. (AURICH; MANNWEILER; SCHWEITZER, 2010; CAVALIERI; PEZZOTTA, 2012; TOMIYAMA, 2001). O campo de pesquisa de Engenharia de Serviços, que estuda o impacto da lógica de serviços sobre a manufatura, defende então a incursão do Design de Serviço no processo de fabricação, mudando inteiramente a idáia atual de uma cadeia de produção que se iniciava a partir dos insumos e matárias-primas vindas dos fornecedores, passando pela manufatura, atá a sua distribuição ao consumidor final. No entanto, a nova perspectiva sobre serviços de manufatura compreende serviços que englobam os produtos, superando assim a noção do design como projeto da função de um produto, para alcançar a ideia de design como o projeto da mudança de estado de um receptor. Com o objetivo de apoiar a adaptação e o relacionamento intenso em busca de atender às necessidades individuais de cada cliente, uma proposta para um manufatura orientada à serviços deve ter como base tecnologias que trazem mais liberdade e flexibilidade ao processo de produção. Um processo de produção para os serviços de manufatura deve ser, portanto, formado por um novo e sofisticado arranjo em rede conectados à internet, combinando máquinas inteligentes e colaborativas. A manufatura dessa maneira caminhará para uma proposta no qual fábricas inteligentes (virtuais) produz produtos inteligentes. A Arquitetura de Produto-Serviço (ou apenas PSA) foi proposta pela primeira vez por (SILVA; NOF, 2015) com o objetivo de responder às necessidades de uma abordagem orientada a serviços para indústrias de manufatura. Conforme definido pelos autores, o PSA é uma arquitetura distribuída no qual um provedor de serviços é definido como um conjunto aberto de unidades de produção (que poderiam fornecer produtos, serviços ou mesmo produtos / serviços) que poderiam ser independentes ou comercialmente conectados à empresa prestadora de serviços. O PSA é portanto uma abordagem para tratar do problema dos Sistemas de Serviço a partir de uma perspectiva de Design, baseada em uma arquitetura de alto nível. A abordagem de projeto atual para o PSA foi importada de tácnicas vindas dos Sistemas de Informação de Serviço, formando uma coleção de métodos de design e linguagens altamente conectados à abordagens orientadas a objetos e à arquitetura orientada a serviços (SOA). No entanto, para alcançar a relação fornecedor-cliente, intensa e colaborativa, algumas melhorias na abordagem de design utilizando o PSA devem ser feitas a fim de permitir um projeto interno que poderia alcançar novas soluções que se adaptem às necessidades do cliente. Nossa principal hipótese é de que os principais problemas estão concentrados nas fases iniciais do design. Por tanto, é necessário realizar modificações na disciplina de design atual do PSA em busca de abordagens mais conectadas à modelagem orientada à agentes que poderia oferecer as ferramentas necessárias para tal alteração. A Engenharia de Requisitos Orientada para o Objetivo (GORE), portanto, surge como uma candidata importante dado que é uma abordagem de modelagem muito consistente e também fortemente baseada em conceitos orientados a agentes. Esta adiciona conceitos como goals e softgoals, que podem ser entendidos como uma representação alto nível dos interesse dos stakeholders. Assim, permitindo um novo espaço de análise capturado através da dimensão dos \"porquês\"dos stakeholders (YU, 1997). Seguindo as representações de modelagem que buscam aumentar a agência com foco para uma possível aplicação na disciplina de design do PSA, o conceito de Intencionalidade, trazido pelo método GORE i*, que representa os interesses e motivação dos agentes, parece ajustar-se aos objetivos do design de serviço. Portanto, apresentamos neste trabalho a nossa proposta para uma Disciplina Intencional para o Design de Serviço usando o PSA para apoiar a modelagem e o design de sistema de serviço que poderiam ser aplicados até mesmo em conjunto com novas abordagens para manufatura. Para os fins desse trabalho, entendemos disciplina como um conjunto de regras, um código de conduta, envolvendo etapas e ferramentas, para alcançar um objetivo proposto. Discilpina, pois esta não admite formalismo que permita chamá-la de método. Portanto trata-se de uma proposta de base teórica conceitual que visa a incursão prática demonstrada pela melhoria do processo de modelagem. Logo, o que se quer demonstrar é que a reunião de passos, alinhado a um framework melhora a qualidade do pocesso. Não é possível formalizar completamente este método já que não há uma definição formal dos elementos (e nem mesmo de serviços). Note-se que ainda que a base conceitual do método baseado em intenções se encontra na fase preliminar da eliciação e análise de requisitos, que como se sabe não pode ser formalizada. Buscamos portanto o enriquecimento da atual abordagem de disciplina de projeto usando PSA com abordagens orientadas por objetivos e intencionais para formar uma nova disciplina de design de serviços aplicada para a arquitetura PSA.

Forensic jewellery : a design-led approach to exploring jewellery in forensic human identification

Maclennan, Maria January 2018 (has links)
Jewellery as a tool in the identification of the deceased is increasingly referenced within the scientific process of Forensic Human Identification (FHI). Jewellery’s prevalence in society, connection to both place and geographic region, potential to corroborate primary methods of identification (such as DNA, fingerprinting, or odontology), and robust physical form, means it progressively contributes to practices surrounding identification in a number of forensic fields. Physical marks or characteristics such as hallmarks or serial numbers, personal inscriptions or engravings, representational symbols (such as medals, badges of office, religious iconography or military insignia), and genealogical or gemmological markings, may also prove useful in informing investigators much about a piece - and potentially - the individual to whom it may have belonged. Despite this, jewellery is an approach to establishing human identity that has yet to be explicitly investigated from the perspective of either forensic science or jewellery design. The aim of this research has been to explore the potential of jewellery and highlight its significance within this context, through employing the processes and approaches of design. Informed by my own background in both jewellery and service design; I sought to co-design the interdisciplinary proposition of Forensic Jewellery as an extension of my own personal design practice, in addition to a broader hybrid methodology through which the dualistic perspective(s) of both forensic science and jewellery design may come to be mutually explored. By centring my methodology upon my practice, the research serves to document and reflect upon my auto-ethnographic experiences in inadvertently ‘prototyping’ my emergent new role as a Forensic Jeweller – a jewellery designer engaged within, or whose work pertains to, the field of forensic science. Through a range of forensic-based fieldwork, I sought to immerse myself within various communities of forensic practice by way of considering how a design practitioner may come to add value to this otherwise polarised field - a highly subjective and interpretive framework that has remained wholly unconsidered within forensic science. In simultaneously considering the impact of the perspective of forensics upon the broader field of jewellery design, I came to capture some of the otherwise restricted narratives of Forensic Jewellery emerging from the developing research context through a series of theoretically-informed design ‘reconstructions’: objects, concepts, and scenarios (representational, propositional, and metaphorical); educational material, and series of public engagement activities. The research thus culminates in a unique portfolio of practice – written, conceptual, and visual – with relevance to both forensic science and jewellery design history, theory, and practice. Original contributions to knowledge are demonstrated through the direct study of jewellery within real-world forensic settings through combined theory and practice, while the theoretical and conceptual debates surrounding identity, death, and the human body present within the field of jewellery design are simultaneously extended through the inclusion of forensics as a perspective. The research additionally demonstrates how the visual and tangible sensibilities of design can help to attend to otherwise challenging, emotional, or difficult subjects, capture and communicate tacit knowledge or anecdotal evidence, and ultimately contribute to the development of new and emergent research contexts.

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