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Erfarenheter av den sexuella hälsan hos individer som lever med stomi – en litteraturbaserad studie / Experiences of sexual health in individuals living with a stoma – a literature based studyKarlsson, Cornelia, Wallin, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: En stomioperation genomförs vid olika indikationer i avseende till att avlasta tarmen. Att leva med stomi innebär ett egenvårdsansvar. Egenvård innebär att patienten utför hälso- och sjukvårdsåtgärder helt eller delvis självständigt. Den sexuella hälsans betydelse är en balans mellan individens mentala, sociala, känslomässiga tillstånd och kroppsliga välbefinnande i relation till sin sexualitet. Att leva med stomi kan innebära ett lidande för individen. Begreppet livskvalitet innefattar bland annat individens upplevelse av lycka och tillfredsställelse med livet. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva erfarenheter av den sexuella hälsan hos individer som lever med stomi. Metod: Studien utfördes som en litteraturbaserad studie, med tolv kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Två teman identifierades; en omställning i livet på ett personligt plan och rädsla för intimitet på grund av bristande information från hälso- och sjukvården. Under temat en omställning i livet på ett personligt plan har tre subteman identifierats. Konklusion: Slutsatsen av examensarbetet är att stomin inte enbart är en påse på magen. Individer upplever att den sexuella relationen påverkas negativt och därav är det av stor vikt att sjuksköterskor är medvetna om detta och vågar prata om ämnet. Den sexuella hälsan är ett känsligt ämne att prata om för individer med stomi. / Background: A stoma operation is performed to relieving the intestine. Living with a stoma involves self-care for the person. Self-care means that the patient performs health care measures independently. The importance of sexual health is a balance between the individual's mental, social, emotional state and bodily well-being in relation to their sexuality. Living with a stoma can be a suffering for the individual. The concept of quality of life includes the individual's experience of happiness and satisfaction with life. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe experiences of sexual health in individuals living with a stoma. Method: The study was conducted as a literature based study, with including twelve qualitative scientific articles. Findings: Two themes were identified; a personal adjustment in life and fear of intimacy due to lack of information from healthcare. Under the theme personal changes in life was three subthemes identified. Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is that the stoma is not just a bag on the stomach. People feel that the sexual relationship is negatively affected and therefore it’s of great importance that nurses are aware of this and dare to talk about the subject. Sexual health is a vulnerable topic to talk about.
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A Scoping Review to Assess Sexual and Reproductive Health Outcomes, Challenges and Recommendations in the Context of Climate Migrationvan Daalen, Kim Robin, Dada, Sara, Issa, Rita, Chowdhury, Maisoon, Jung, Laura, Singh, Lucy, Stokes, Diarmuid, Orcutt, Miriam, Singh, Neha S. 16 January 2024 (has links)
Background: As growing numbers of people may be forced to migrate due to climate
change and variability, it is important to consider the disparate impacts on health for
vulnerable populations, including sexual and reproductive health (SRH). This scoping
review aims to explore the relationship between climate migration and SRH.
Methods: We searched PubMed/MEDLINE, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, Web of Science,
Scopus, Global Health and Google for peer-reviewed and gray literature published before
2nd July 2021 in English that reported on SRH in the context of climate migration.
Data were extracted using a piloted extraction tool and findings are reported in a
narrative synthesis.
Results: We screened 1,607 documents. Ten full-text publications were included
for analysis: five peer-reviewed articles and five gray literature documents. Reported
SRH outcomes focused on maternal health, access to family planning and antiretroviral
therapy, sexual and gender-based violence, transactional sex, and early/forced marriage.
Recommendations to improve SRH in the context of climate migration called for
gender-transformative health systems, education and behavior change programmes,
and the involvement of local women in policy planning and programme implementation.
Discussion: While the disparate impacts of climate change and migration are
well-established, primary data on the scope of impact due to climate migration is
limited. The SRH outcomes reported in the literature focus on a relatively narrow range
of SRH domains, emphasizing women and girls, over men. Achieving holistic and
equitable SRH in the context of climate migration requires engaging all genders across
the range of SRH outcomes and migration contexts. This review highlights the need
for further empirical evidence on the effect of climate migration on SRH, with research
that is context-specific and engages communities in order to reflect the heterogeneity of
outcomes and impact in the climate-migration-SRH nexus.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa efter bröstcancerbehandling : En litteraturöversikt med kvalitativ design / Women's experiences of sexual health after breast cancer treatmentRosén, Hanna, Ahlstedt, Lisette January 2023 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen som drabbar kvinnor. Behandling utav bröstcancer kan vara kirurgisk, farmakologisk och radiologisk. Fysiska och psykiska besvär kan uppkomma till följd av behandling, vilket kan påverka sexuell hälsa. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa efter bröstcancerbehandling. Metod: Studien var en kvalitativ litteraturöversikt med utgångspunkt i 13 vetenskapliga artiklar, varav 12 hade kvalitativ metod och en hade mixad metod där endast kvalitativa delen använts. Databaser som användes för artikelsökning var CINAHL, MEDLINE och PsycINFO. Artiklarna analyserades enligt Fribergs femstegsstruktur. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras i två huvudteman och fyra underteman. Det första huvudtemat var En förändrad kropp med underteman Att uppleva kroppsliga besvär och Att uppleva ett förändrat utseende. Det andra huvudtemat var Social påverkan med underteman Förändringar i relationer samt Bristande information från hälso- och sjukvården. Slutsats: Efter genomgången bröstcancerbehandling drabbades många kvinnor av psykiska och fysiska besvär som påverkade den sexuella hälsan. Sexuell dysfunktion och förändrad relation till sin kropp förekom hos kvinnor. Förändringar i partnerrelationer upplevdes av kvinnor kunna påverka den sexuella hälsan. Många kvinnor upplevde brist på information och kommunikation av hälso- och sjukvården kring sexuell hälsa. / Summary Title: Women's experiences of sexual health after breast cancer treatment. Background: Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women. The treatment given during breast cancer can be surgical, pharmacological and radiological. Physical and psychological discomfort can appear, which can affect sexual health. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe women's experiences of sexual health after breast cancer treatment. Method: The study was a qualitative literature review based on 13 articles, 12 articles had qualitative method and one had mixed method, where only the qualitative part was used. Databases used for search was CINAHL, MEDLINE and PsycINFO. The articles were analysed by Fribergs five-step structure. Results: The results are presented in two main themes and four sub-themes. The first main theme was A changed body with sub-themes Experiencing bodily discomfort and Experiencing a changed appearance. The second main theme was Social impact with the sub-themes Changes in relationships and Lack of information from health care professionals. Conclusion: After undergoing breast cancer treatment, many women suffered from physiological and physical problems that affected their sexual health. Sexual dysfunction and a changed relationship to one's body occurred in women. Changes in partner relationships were experienced by women to affect their sexual health. Many women experienced a lack of information and communication from the healthcare system regarding sexual health.
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No description available.
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Reconstructing Sexuality and Identity through Dialogue: The Muntada's Actions for Palestinian Arab Citizens of IsraelFlaherty, Elizabeth 30 December 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa i samband med bröstcancer : en litteraturöversikt / Women's experiences of sexual health in connection with breast cancer : a literature reviewAhlén Bergman, Ulrika, Lignercrona, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund Idag överlever ungefär 90 procent av de kvinnor som drabbats av bröstcancer 10 år efter diagnos. Kvinnor som drabbas av bröstcancer påverkas negativt både psykiskt och socialt av att den fysiska kroppen förändrats i samband med behandling. Studier har visat på att kvinnor undviker att diskutera sin sexuella hälsa med vårdpersonal på grund av osäkerhet om hur det ska tas emot och önskar att vårdpersonal tar upp ämnet. Då sexualitet och sexuell hälsa är ett tabubelagt ämne och anses vara en privat angelägenhet, gör att problem som hade kunnat förebyggas förblir olösta till följd av bristande kommunikation. Syfte Syftet var att belysa kvinnors upplevelser av sexuell hälsa i samband med bröstcancer. Metod En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt genomfördes med metoden för en integrerad dataanalys. Resultatet baserades på 15 vetenskapliga originalartiklar som togs fram genom databassökningar i PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat Många kvinnor upplever sexuell dysfunktion i samband med bröstcancer. De sexuella problem kvinnorna rapporterat om har handlat om bland annat minskad vaginal lubrikation, smärta i samband med samlag och penetration samt minskad sexuell lust och upphetsning. För många kvinnor bidrog de fysiska förändringarna i samband med bröstcancerbehandlingen till att deras kroppsuppfattning, identitet och självkänsla påverkades negativt. Slutsats En stor andel av kvinnor med bröstcancer upplever att den sexuella hälsan försämras. Det har framkommit att en del kvinnor haft enklare att hantera de kroppsliga förändringarna i samband med behandling för bröstcancer genom att de utvecklat särskilda copingstrategier. I tidigare studier har det framkommit att vårdpersonal inte berör patienters sexuell hälsa på grund av bristande kunskaper inom ämnet. Genom att vårdpersonal undviker att lyfta kvinnors sexuella hälsa i samband med bröstcancerbehandling orsakar det ett onödigt vårdlidande för patienten. / Background Today, close to 90 percent of women survive 10 years after a breast diagnosis. Women who suffer from breast cancer are negatively affected both mentally and socially by the physical changes in connection with breast cancer. Studies have shown that women avoid discussing their sexual health and want healthcare professionals to address the topic. The fact that sexuality and sexual health are a taboo subject and are considered a private matter means that problems that could have been prevented remain unresolved as a result of poor communication. Aim The purpose was to shed light on women's experiences of sexual health during breast cancer. Method A non-systematic literature review was performed using the method for an integrated data analysis. The results were based on 15 original scientific articles produced through database searches in PubMed and CINAHL. Results Many women experience sexual dysfunction in connection with breast cancer. The sexual problems the women have reported on have included reduced vaginal lubrication, pain in connection with intercourse and penetration, and reduced sexual desire and arousal. For many women, the physical changes associated with breast cancer treatment contributed to a negative impact on their body image, identity, and self-esteem. Conclusions A large proportion of women with breast cancer experience that their sexual health deteriorates.It has emerged that some women have found it easier to cope with the physical changesassociated with treatment for breast cancer by developing special coping strategies. Previousstudies have shown that healthcare professionals do not address patients' sexual health due tolack of knowledge in the subject. Because healthcare professionals avoid promoting women'ssexual health in connection with breast cancer, it causes unnecessary suffering for the patient.
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Att tala om sexualitet med patienter - vad hindrar sjuksköterskan?Hjalmarsson, Emma, Rinander, Kajsa January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sexualitet och sexuell hälsa berör flera områden hos en människa, både fysiska, emotionella, mentala och sociala. Sjuksköterskans ansvarområde omvårdnad sträcker sig även det över dessa delar då patientens basala och specifika omvårdnadsbehov ska tillgodoses. Samtal om sexualitet ingår i sjuksköterskans arbete, men trots detta visar forskning att väldigt få sjuksköterskor tar upp ämnet sexualitet med sina patienter. Studier visar även att det är ett ämne som patienter gärna hade pratat mer om. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa orsaker till varför sjuksköterskor inte samtalar med patienter om sexualitet. Metod: En litteraturstudie med viss systematik baserad på kvalitativa och kvantitativa artiklar genomfördes. Databaser som användes för artikelsökning var PubMed, Cinahl samt PsycINFO. En granskning av artiklarna utfördes vilket resulterade i tio artiklar med god kvalitet. Dessa lästes noga igenom och likheter och skillnader i resultaten som sva¬rade på arbetets syfte identifierades. Resultat som enligt författarna var av samma typ bildade teman. Resultat: Många faktorer som hindrar sjuksköterskor att prata om sexualitet identifierades, och de rörde sig över många olika områden. Det visade sig att många tyckte att ämnet var komplext och obekvämt att tala om. Bristen på både kunskap och utbildning i ämnet utgjorde tydliga hinder. Även miljön på arbetsplatsen spelade in på olika sätt, ett högt arbetstryck och tidsbrist var några faktorer som nämndes. Det framkom dessutom oklarheter vems ansvar samtal om sexualitet var, trots att tidigare studier visat att de flesta sjuksköterskor menade att ansvaret var deras. / Background: A person’s sexuality and the sexual health extend over several levels, both physically, emotionally, mentally and socially. Nurse's responsibility area, nursing care, also extends over these parts when the patient's basic and specific needs are met. Conversations about sexuality are included in the nurse's duty, despite this very few nurses are talking about sexuality with their patients according to research. Patients would like to talk more about this topic with nurses which are shown in many studies. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to elucidate reasons why nurses do not talk with patients about sexuality. Methods: A literature study with some structure was conducted, based on qualitative and quantitative articles. The databases PubMed, CINAHL, and PsycINFO were used for the search of articles. A review of the articles was conducted which resulted in ten articles with good quality. These were read carefully and the similarities and differences in the results which responded to the purpose of the work were identified. Results that the authors meant were of the same type were formed to themes.Results: Several factors that prevent nurses from talking about sexuality with patients were seen, which extended across different areas. It became clear that the topic was seen as very complex and uncomfortable to talk about. The lack of both knowledge and training regarding the topic was clear obstacles. The environment at the working place also included obstacles for this type of conversations, a high working load and time constraints were some of which were mentioned. Uncertainties of whose responsibility it was to have the conversations about sexuality occurred, despite previous studies which had showed that most nurses believed it was their responsibility.
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A Global Snapshot of Sexual Health Education: Insights from International Students at BGSUBunner, Kristen Elizabeth 21 April 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services by secondary school adolescents in MochudiNgomi, Kayenda Bruce 11 1900 (has links)
The study sought to establish the utilisation of the available adolescent sexual
and reproductive health services/facilities by Mochudi secondary school
The intent of the study was to determine the level of awareness among
adolescents of the existing Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health
Services/ Facilities in Mochudi and to determine those factors that affect
utilisation of sexual and reproductive health services/facilities.
A self administered questionnaire was used by the researcher to collect data
from the respondents. Data analysis began with studying and coding of the responses from the questionnaires and was analysed using a copy of Excel
The inferences made from this study are that secondary school adolescents in
Mochudi indulge in pre-marital sex and most of them are aware of the presence
of sexual and reproductive health services/facilities. However, the majority of the
adolescents do not use the services/facilities either due to shyness,
inaccessibility of clinics, lack of privacy, unfriendly staff, long waiting time or for
others because they are not sexually active.
The feedback from the adolescents is an indication of the inappropriateness of
service delivery system pertaining to adolescent sexual and reproductive health
in Mochudi. / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)
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Fertility intention and use of contraception among women living with HIV in Adama Hospital Medical College, Ethiopia.Bogale, Yenealem Reta 24 March 2013 (has links)
This study assessed the intentions with regard to fertility and use of contraception by women living with HIV/AIDS. The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study on a sample of 362 HIV-positive women in the ART follow-up unit in Adama Hospital Medical College. Large numbers of HIV-positive women with no income, housewives, illiterates and women in the age group of 28-32 years declared their intention to fall pregnant. The most prevalent family planning method among the HIV-positive women before their HIV diagnosis was injectables. After wards the most popular method of contraception was the condom. The results suggest that the counselling about condom use that is offered to HIV positive women yields results, as more women adopt this method of contraception. This is important in view of prevention of HIV infections and re-infections. / Health Studies / M. A. (Public Health)
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