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A subjetivação da criança escolar : um estudo sobre o tempo de latênciaDrügg, Angela Maria Schneider January 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa consiste num estudo sobre o processo de constituição psíquica da criança em idade escolar a partir do conceito tempo de latência, buscando articulá-lo ao processo de escolarização da infância. Situa o conceito no conjunto da obra freudiana desde seus primeiros trabalhos sobre as neuroses e a sexualidade infantil, passa pelo período de formulação da teoria das pulsões, localiza-o no contexto da teoria estrutural e, igualmente, nas reflexões de Freud acerca das relações entre natureza e cultura. Em sucessão, verifica os desdobramentos que o conceito tem na obra de reconhecidos psicanalistas que se dedicaram à análise de crianças, como Melanie Klein, Anna Freud, Donald Winnicott, Charles Sarnoff e Françoise Dolto, culminando com uma leitura do tempo de latência como um tempo lógico a partir do enfoque lacaniano. Enquanto tempo lógico infere que a latência não decorre de um processo natural, desencadeado pelo organismo, e sim pela demanda do Outro. Nesse sentido procura vinculá-lo às transformações culturais da modernidade, entre estas o processo de escolarização da infância. Sustenta que a escolarização favorece a constituição do tempo de latência, na medida em a escola se organiza como o espaço social destinado à criança, distanciando-a do ambiente familiar sem, no entanto, incluí-la no mundo adulto, ao mesmo tempo em que possibilita formas de sublimação. Entendendo o tempo de latência como uma produção do laço social, cogita que novas transformações na cultura podem extingui-lo enquanto tempo constitutivo. Aponta que fraturas na sustentação do trabalho psíquico deste tempo constitutivo aparecem em algumas formações clínicas, como a inibição intelectual e a fobia escolar. / The research consists of a study on the process of psychic constitution of the child in school age from the concept of latency time, searching the education process of infancy. It points out the concept in the set of the Freudian workmanship since the first works on the neuroses and the infantile sexuality, passes for the period of formularization of the drive theory, still locates it in the context of the structural theory and in the reflections of Freud about the relations between nature and culture. To leave of this, it verifies the unfoldings that the concept has in the workmanship of recognized psychoanalysts who had dedicated themselves to analyze of children as Melanie Klein, Anna Freud, Donald Winnicott, Charles Sarnoff and Françoise Dolto, culminating with a reading of the latency time as a logical time from the lacanian approach. While logical time understands that the latency does not elapse of a natural process, unchained for the organism, and yes for the demand of the Other. In this direction it searches to tie it to the cultural transformations of modernity, between these the education process of infancy. It supports that the education favors the constitution of the latency time, in the measure where the school is organized as the social space destined to the child, distancing itself of the familiar environment without, in meanwhile include them in the adult world, at the same time where it makes possible subliming forms. Understanding the latency time as a production of the social bow, it cogitates that new transformations in the culture can extinguish it while constituent time. It points that breakings in the sustentation of the psychic work of the latency appear in some clinical formations as the intellectual inhibition and the pertaining to school phobia.
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A subjetivação da criança escolar : um estudo sobre o tempo de latênciaDrügg, Angela Maria Schneider January 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa consiste num estudo sobre o processo de constituição psíquica da criança em idade escolar a partir do conceito tempo de latência, buscando articulá-lo ao processo de escolarização da infância. Situa o conceito no conjunto da obra freudiana desde seus primeiros trabalhos sobre as neuroses e a sexualidade infantil, passa pelo período de formulação da teoria das pulsões, localiza-o no contexto da teoria estrutural e, igualmente, nas reflexões de Freud acerca das relações entre natureza e cultura. Em sucessão, verifica os desdobramentos que o conceito tem na obra de reconhecidos psicanalistas que se dedicaram à análise de crianças, como Melanie Klein, Anna Freud, Donald Winnicott, Charles Sarnoff e Françoise Dolto, culminando com uma leitura do tempo de latência como um tempo lógico a partir do enfoque lacaniano. Enquanto tempo lógico infere que a latência não decorre de um processo natural, desencadeado pelo organismo, e sim pela demanda do Outro. Nesse sentido procura vinculá-lo às transformações culturais da modernidade, entre estas o processo de escolarização da infância. Sustenta que a escolarização favorece a constituição do tempo de latência, na medida em a escola se organiza como o espaço social destinado à criança, distanciando-a do ambiente familiar sem, no entanto, incluí-la no mundo adulto, ao mesmo tempo em que possibilita formas de sublimação. Entendendo o tempo de latência como uma produção do laço social, cogita que novas transformações na cultura podem extingui-lo enquanto tempo constitutivo. Aponta que fraturas na sustentação do trabalho psíquico deste tempo constitutivo aparecem em algumas formações clínicas, como a inibição intelectual e a fobia escolar. / The research consists of a study on the process of psychic constitution of the child in school age from the concept of latency time, searching the education process of infancy. It points out the concept in the set of the Freudian workmanship since the first works on the neuroses and the infantile sexuality, passes for the period of formularization of the drive theory, still locates it in the context of the structural theory and in the reflections of Freud about the relations between nature and culture. To leave of this, it verifies the unfoldings that the concept has in the workmanship of recognized psychoanalysts who had dedicated themselves to analyze of children as Melanie Klein, Anna Freud, Donald Winnicott, Charles Sarnoff and Françoise Dolto, culminating with a reading of the latency time as a logical time from the lacanian approach. While logical time understands that the latency does not elapse of a natural process, unchained for the organism, and yes for the demand of the Other. In this direction it searches to tie it to the cultural transformations of modernity, between these the education process of infancy. It supports that the education favors the constitution of the latency time, in the measure where the school is organized as the social space destined to the child, distancing itself of the familiar environment without, in meanwhile include them in the adult world, at the same time where it makes possible subliming forms. Understanding the latency time as a production of the social bow, it cogitates that new transformations in the culture can extinguish it while constituent time. It points that breakings in the sustentation of the psychic work of the latency appear in some clinical formations as the intellectual inhibition and the pertaining to school phobia.
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Repeating Despite Repulsion: The Freudian Uncanny in Psychological Horror GamesJespersdotter Högman, Julia January 2021 (has links)
This thesis explores the diverse and intricate ways the psychological horror game genre can characterise a narrative by blurring the boundaries of reality and imagination in favour of storytelling. By utilising the Freudian uncanny, four video game fictions are dissected and analysed to perceive whether horror needs a narrative to be engaging and pleasurable. A discussion will also be made if video game fictions should be considered in the literary field or its own, and how it compares to written fiction in terms of interactivity, engagement, and immersion.
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Zrcadlo reality v obrazech snů 19. a 20.století. Tvůrčí individualita versus chaos doby / The Mirror of Reality in the Imagery of Dreams of the 19th and 20th Centuries. Creative Individuality versus the Chaos of the TimeŠmejkalová, Adriana January 2018 (has links)
ANNOTATION: The work The Mirror of Reality in the Imagery of Dreams of the 19th and 20th Centuries - Creative Individuality versus the Chaos of the Time is based on the assumption that dreams are inseparably linked to the concept of existence in human life (Michel Foucault). The study touches on the ways in which dreams are depicted in visual culture that does not coincide with chronologically organized historical events, but is an expression of a free alliance between artists in the European space and centuries of common experience. These works are generally socially critical, exposed to unimaginable pressure from public censorship. The artist must pretend it is only an innocent game, a crazy idea, a whim. At the same time, these paintings are not an expression of boundless imagination, but they are subject to the firm rules of spatial construction of the painting. This is due to the traditional delimitation of dark depths - the underworld of Virgil's Saturn myth of pre-Roman culture, alternating with the vertically felt open heavens as variants of the original Plato's The Myth of Er, which in the 20th century paintings is replaced by the idea of an open landscape with illumination on the low horizon. The work deals with the work of Albrecht Dürer, his copperplate Melancholia I (1514) and his so-called...
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"Re/membering": Articulating Cultural Identity in Philippine Fiction in English/"Re/membering": l'articulation de l'identité culturelle en littérature philippine anglophoneMartin, Jocelyn 09 March 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines how Philippine (or Filipino) authors emphasise the need for articulating or “re/membering” cultural identity. The researcher mainly draws from the theory of Caribbean critic, Stuart Hall, who views cultural identity as an articulation which allows “the fragmented, decentred human agent” to be considered as one who is both “subject-ed” by power but/and one who is capable of acting against those powers (Grossberg 1996 [1986]: 157, emphasis mine). Applied to the Philippine context, this writer argues that, instead of viewing an apparent fragmented Filipino identity as a hindrance to “defining” cultural identity, she views the “damaged” (Fallows 1987) Filipino history as a the material itself which allows articulation of identity. Instead of reducing the cultural identity of a people to what-they-could-have-been-had-history-not-intervened, she puts forward a vision of identity which attempts to transfigure these “damages” through the efforts of coming-to-terms with history. While this point of view has already been shared by other critics (such as Feria 1991 or Dalisay 1998:145), the author’s contribution lies in presenting re/membering to describe a specific type of articulation which neither permits one to deny wounds of the past nor stagnate in them. Moreover, re/membering allows one to understand continuous re-articulations of “new” identities (due to current migration), while putting an “arbitrary closure” (Hall) to simplistic re-articulations which may only further the “lines of tendential forces” (such as black or brown skin bias) or hegemonic practices.
Written as such (with a slash),“re/membering” encapsulates the following three-fold meaning: (1) a “re-membering”, to indicate “a putting together of the dismembered past to make sense of the trauma of the present” (Bhabha 1994:63); as (2) a “re-membering” or a re-integration into a group and; as (3) “remembering” which implies possessing “memory or … set [ting] off in search of a memory” (Ricoeur 2004:4). As a morphological unit, “re/membering” designates, the ways in which Filipino authors try to articulate cultural identity through the routes of colonisation, migration and dictatorship.
The authors studied in this thesis include: Carlos Bulosan, Bienvenido Santos, N.V.M. Gonzalez, Nick Joaquin, Frank Sionil José, Ninotchka Rosca, Jessica Hagedorn, and Merlinda Bobis. Sixty-years separate Bulosan’s America is in the Heart (1943) from Hagedorn’s Dream Jungle (2003). Analysis of these works reveals how articulation is both difficult and hopeful. On the one hand, authors criticize the lack of efforts and seriousness towards articulation of cultural identity as re/membering (coming to terms with the past, fostering belonging and cultivating memory). Not only is re/membering challenged by double-consciousness (Du Bois 1994), dismemberment and forgetting, moreover, its necessity is likewise hard to recognize because of pain, trauma, phenomena of splitting, escapist attitudes and preferences for a “comfortable captivity”.
On the other hand, re/membering can also be described as hopeful by the way authors themselves make use of literature to articulate identity through research, dialogue, time, reconciliation and re-creation. Although painstaking and difficult, re/membering is important and necessary because what is at stake is an articulated Philippine cultural identity. However, who would be prepared to make the effort?
Cette thèse démontre que, pour les auteurs philippins, l’articulation ou « re/membering » l'identité culturelle, est nécessaire. Le chercheur s'appuie principalement sur la théorie de Stuart Hall, qui perçoit l'identité culturelle comme une articulation qui permet de considérer l’homme assujetti capable aussi d'agir contre des pouvoirs (cf. Grossberg 1996 [1986]: 157). Appliquée au contexte philippin, cet auteur soutient que, au lieu de la visualisation d'une identité fragmentée apparente comme un obstacle à une « définition » de l'identité culturelle, elle regarde l’histoire philippine «abîmée» (Fallows 1987) comme le matériel même qui permet l'articulation d’identité. Au lieu de réduire l'identité culturelle d'un peuple à ce qu’ ils auraint pû être avant les interventions de l’histoire, elle met en avant une vision de l'identité qui cherche à transfigurer ces "dommages" par un travail d’acceptation avec l'histoire.
Bien que ce point de vue a déjà été partagé par d'autres critiques (tels que Feria 1991 ou Dalisay 1998:145), la contribution de l'auteur réside dans la présentation de « re/membering » pour décrire un type d'articulation sans refouler les plaies du passé, mais sans stagner en elles non plus. De plus, « re/membering » permet de comprendre de futures articulations de « nouvelles » identités culturelles (en raison de la migration en cours), tout en mettant une «fermeture arbitraire» (Hall) aux ré-articulations simplistes qui ne font que promouvoir des “lines of tendential forces” (Hall) (tels que des préjugés sur la couleur brune ou noire de peau) ou des pratiques hégémoniques.
Rédigé en tant que telle (avec /), « re/membering » comporte une triple signification: (1) une «re-membering », pour indiquer une mise ensemble d’un passé fragmenté pour donner un sens au traumatisme du présent (cf. Bhabha, 1994:63); (2) une «re-membering» ou une ré-intégration dans un groupe et finalement, comme (3)"remembering", qui suppose la possession de mémoire ou une recherche d'une mémoire »(Ricoeur 2004:4). Comme unité morphologique, « re/membering » désigne la manière dont les auteurs philippins tentent d'articuler l'identité culturelle à travers les routes de la colonisation, les migrations et la dictature.
Les auteurs inclus dans cette thèse sont: Carlos Bulosan, Bienvenido Santos, NVM Gonzalez, Nick Joaquin, Frank Sionil José, Ninotchka Rosca, Jessica Hagedorn, et Merlinda Bobis. Soixante ans séparent America is in the Heart (1943) du Bulosan et le Dream Jungle (2003) du Hagedorn. L'analyse de ces œuvres révèle la façon dont l'articulation est à la fois difficile et pleine d'espoir. D'une part, les auteurs critiquent le manque d'efforts envers l'articulation en tant que « re/membering » (confrontation avec le passé, reconnaissance de l'appartenance et cultivation de la mémoire). Non seulement est « re/membering » heurté par le double conscience (Du Bois 1994), le démembrement et l'oubli, en outre, sa nécessité est également difficile à reconnaître en raison de la douleur, les traumatismes, les phénomènes de scission, les attitudes et les préférences d'évasion pour une captivité "confortable" .
En même temps, « re/membering » peut également être décrit comme plein d'espoir par la façon dont les auteurs eux-mêmes utilisent la littérature pour articuler l'identité à travers la recherche, le dialogue, la durée, la réconciliation et la re-création. Bien que laborieux et difficile, « re/membering » est important et nécessaire car ce qui est en jeu, c'est une identité culturelle articulée des Philippines. Mais qui serait prêt à l'effort?
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Re/membering: articulating cultural identity in Philippine fiction in English / Re/membering: l'articulation de l'identité culturelle en littérature philippine anglophoneMartin, Jocelyn S. 09 March 2010 (has links)
This dissertation examines how Philippine (or Filipino) authors emphasise the need for articulating or “re/membering” cultural identity. The researcher mainly draws from the theory of Caribbean critic, Stuart Hall, who views cultural identity as an articulation which allows “the fragmented, decentred human agent” to be considered as one who is both “subject-ed” by power but/and one who is capable of acting against those powers (Grossberg 1996 [1986]: 157, emphasis mine). Applied to the Philippine context, this writer argues that, instead of viewing an apparent fragmented Filipino identity as a hindrance to “defining” cultural identity, she views the “damaged” (Fallows 1987) Filipino history as a the material itself which allows articulation of identity. Instead of reducing the cultural identity of a people to what-they-could-have-been-had-history-not-intervened, she puts forward a vision of identity which attempts to transfigure these “damages” through the efforts of coming-to-terms with history. While this point of view has already been shared by other critics (such as Feria 1991 or Dalisay 1998:145), the author’s contribution lies in presenting re/membering to describe a specific type of articulation which neither permits one to deny wounds of the past nor stagnate in them. Moreover, re/membering allows one to understand continuous re-articulations of “new” identities (due to current migration), while putting an “arbitrary closure” (Hall) to simplistic re-articulations which may only further the “lines of tendential forces” (such as black or brown skin bias) or hegemonic practices.<p><p>Written as such (with a slash),“re/membering” encapsulates the following three-fold meaning: (1) a “re-membering”, to indicate “a putting together of the dismembered past to make sense of the trauma of the present” (Bhabha 1994:63); as (2) a “re-membering” or a re-integration into a group and; as (3) “remembering” which implies possessing “memory or … set [ting] off in search of a memory” (Ricoeur 2004:4). As a morphological unit, “re/membering” designates, the ways in which Filipino authors try to articulate cultural identity through the routes of colonisation, migration and dictatorship. <p><p>The authors studied in this thesis include: Carlos Bulosan, Bienvenido Santos, N.V.M. Gonzalez, Nick Joaquin, Frank Sionil José, Ninotchka Rosca, Jessica Hagedorn, and Merlinda Bobis. Sixty-years separate Bulosan’s America is in the Heart (1943) from Hagedorn’s Dream Jungle (2003). Analysis of these works reveals how articulation is both difficult and hopeful. On the one hand, authors criticize the lack of efforts and seriousness towards articulation of cultural identity as re/membering (coming to terms with the past, fostering belonging and cultivating memory). Not only is re/membering challenged by double-consciousness (Du Bois 1994), dismemberment and forgetting, moreover, its necessity is likewise hard to recognize because of pain, trauma, phenomena of splitting, escapist attitudes and preferences for a “comfortable captivity”. <p><p>On the other hand, re/membering can also be described as hopeful by the way authors themselves make use of literature to articulate identity through research, dialogue, time, reconciliation and re-creation. Although painstaking and difficult, re/membering is important and necessary because what is at stake is an articulated Philippine cultural identity. However, who would be prepared to make the effort?<p>------<p><p>Cette thèse démontre que, pour les auteurs philippins, l’articulation ou « re/membering » l'identité culturelle, est nécessaire. Le chercheur s'appuie principalement sur la théorie de Stuart Hall, qui perçoit l'identité culturelle comme une articulation qui permet de considérer l’homme assujetti capable aussi d'agir contre des pouvoirs (cf. Grossberg 1996 [1986]: 157). Appliquée au contexte philippin, cet auteur soutient que, au lieu de la visualisation d'une identité fragmentée apparente comme un obstacle à une « définition » de l'identité culturelle, elle regarde l’histoire philippine «abîmée» (Fallows 1987) comme le matériel même qui permet l'articulation d’identité. Au lieu de réduire l'identité culturelle d'un peuple à ce qu’ ils auraint pû être avant les interventions de l’histoire, elle met en avant une vision de l'identité qui cherche à transfigurer ces "dommages" par un travail d’acceptation avec l'histoire. <p><p>Bien que ce point de vue a déjà été partagé par d'autres critiques (tels que Feria 1991 ou Dalisay 1998:145), la contribution de l'auteur réside dans la présentation de « re/membering » pour décrire un type d'articulation sans refouler les plaies du passé, mais sans stagner en elles non plus. De plus, « re/membering » permet de comprendre de futures articulations de « nouvelles » identités culturelles (en raison de la migration en cours), tout en mettant une «fermeture arbitraire» (Hall) aux ré-articulations simplistes qui ne font que promouvoir des “lines of tendential forces” (Hall) (tels que des préjugés sur la couleur brune ou noire de peau) ou des pratiques hégémoniques.<p><p>Rédigé en tant que telle (avec /), « re/membering » comporte une triple signification: (1) une «re-membering », pour indiquer une mise ensemble d’un passé fragmenté pour donner un sens au traumatisme du présent (cf. Bhabha, 1994:63); (2) une «re-membering» ou une ré-intégration dans un groupe et finalement, comme (3)"remembering", qui suppose la possession de mémoire ou une recherche d'une mémoire »(Ricoeur 2004:4). Comme unité morphologique, « re/membering » désigne la manière dont les auteurs philippins tentent d'articuler l'identité culturelle à travers les routes de la colonisation, les migrations et la dictature. <p><p>Les auteurs inclus dans cette thèse sont: Carlos Bulosan, Bienvenido Santos, NVM Gonzalez, Nick Joaquin, Frank Sionil José, Ninotchka Rosca, Jessica Hagedorn, et Merlinda Bobis. Soixante ans séparent America is in the Heart (1943) du Bulosan et le Dream Jungle (2003) du Hagedorn. L'analyse de ces œuvres révèle la façon dont l'articulation est à la fois difficile et pleine d'espoir. D'une part, les auteurs critiquent le manque d'efforts envers l'articulation en tant que « re/membering » (confrontation avec le passé, reconnaissance de l'appartenance et cultivation de la mémoire). Non seulement est « re/membering » heurté par le double conscience (Du Bois 1994), le démembrement et l'oubli, en outre, sa nécessité est également difficile à reconnaître en raison de la douleur, les traumatismes, les phénomènes de scission, les attitudes et les préférences d'évasion pour une captivité "confortable" .<p><p>En même temps, « re/membering » peut également être décrit comme plein d'espoir par la façon dont les auteurs eux-mêmes utilisent la littérature pour articuler l'identité à travers la recherche, le dialogue, la durée, la réconciliation et la re-création. Bien que laborieux et difficile, « re/membering » est important et nécessaire car ce qui est en jeu, c'est une identité culturelle articulée des Philippines. Mais qui serait prêt à l'effort? <p> / Doctorat en Langues et lettres / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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