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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A interface entre a garantia do direito ? conviv?ncia familiar e comunit?ria e a prote??o social b?sica

Morais, Suzana Assis Brasil de 22 January 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 446636.pdf: 733438 bytes, checksum: 2ba74a771b2778779581cb4b4b2e400f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-01-22 / The right to family and community life of children and adolescents is discussed in this work from his relationship with the Basic Social Protection of the Social Assistance System Unified (Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social - SUAS). The primary intention of this paper is to present and discuss the guidelines of the National Plan of the Right of Children to Family and Community (Plano Nacional de Conviv?ncia Familiar e Comunit?ria) as well as Working Group Pro-Family and Community, articulating in the same manner with the research data. Thus, it is intended to describe some relationships between these normative instruments and Social Assistance Policy, which indicates that the right as objective to be achieved through public policy. By the actors directly involved with this daily deprivations and violations of basic human rights the interface between the Basic Social Protection with the family life and community still lacks understanding and seizure.The field research was conducted through focus groups, in two Reference Centers for Social Welfare (Centro de Refer?ncia de Assist?ncia Social - CRAS) in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and participated in each of them, seven technicians from each service. The data of this research are exposed throughout the work, demonstrating the limits and possibilities that are made from the historical moment in which we operate. It was found that the National Plan Promotion Defense and Protection of the Right of Children to Family and Community is still quite unknown to the workers, which indicates the importance of investing in disseminating the existing normative instruments. It is also possible find advances promoted by the deployment of SUAS, as well as the difficulties that accompanying this process. Glimpses the worker of the Social Care as a key in the development of a conpromised public policy and with quality, since they have the necessary conditions to perform their role / O direito ? conviv?ncia familiar e comunit?ria de crian?as e adolescentes ? discutido, neste trabalho, a partir de sua rela??o com a Prote??o Social B?sica (PSB) do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social (SUAS). A principal inten??o do trabalho ? apresentar e discutir as diretrizes do Plano Nacional de Promo??o, Prote??o e Defesa do Direito de Crian?as e Adolescentes ? Conviv?ncia Familiar e Comunit?ria (PNCFC), bem como do Grupo de Trabalho Pr?-Conviv?ncia Familiar e Comunit?ria, articulando as mesmas com os achados de pesquisa. Dessa forma, pretende-se descrever algumas rela??es entre esses instrumentos normativos e a Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social, que apontam esse direito como objetivo a ser alcan?ado atrav?s da pol?tica p?blica. A interface entre a Prote??o Social B?sica e a conviv?ncia familiar e comunit?ria ainda carece de compreens?o e apreens?o pelos atores envolvidos diretamente com esse cotidiano de viola??es e priva??es de direitos b?sicos do ser humano. A pesquisa de campo foi realizada atrav?s de grupo focal, em dois Centros de Refer?ncia de Assist?ncia Social (CRASs) de Porto Alegre, e participaram, em cada um deles, sete t?cnicos de cada servi?o.Os achados desta pesquisa est?o expostos ao longo do trabalho, demonstrando os limites e as possibilidades que est?o postos a partir do momento hist?rico em que estamos inseridos. Foi poss?vel constatar que o PNCFC ainda ? bastante desconhecido pelos trabalhadores, o que indica a import?ncia do investimento em disseminar os instrumentos normativos vigentes. Tamb?m ? poss?vel constatarem-se os avan?os promovidos pela implanta??o do SUAS, bem como as dificuldades que acompanham esse processo. Vislumbra-se o trabalhador da Assist?ncia Social como pe?a fundamental no desenvolvimento da pol?tica p?blica comprometida e de qualidade, desde que o mesmo tenha as condi??es necess?rias para realizar seu papel dessa forma

Territorialidade e prote??o social : um estudo acerca dos avan?os e desafios na implanta??o do SUAS no meio rural

Kraemer, Luciane 28 August 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 451891.pdf: 2804426 bytes, checksum: 3e465c4d66b9a9276b5023ff0e96b707 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-08-28 / This thesis presents as main theme the rural socio-territorial relations, in different aspects and periods, at the investigation of manifestations that cross the territory, trying to show the forms of inequality and the resistance strategies of the population in access to rights, goods and services produced socially, in the current stage of the capitalist system, with special interest to those existing in the field of non-contributory social protection, in the scope of Single System of Social Assistance (SUAS). From the resumption of the main changes that occurred during the transition period feudal-capitalist, sets up the opposition between city-field as the central explanatory thesis contradiction that precedes the social-capitalist economic formation. In the brazilian reality, the historical marks of inequality and resistance related to the origins of colonization, from the division of the territory into large properties, slavery and the power of rural oligarchies that define unequal conditions of life for the population of the country. Actually, at the present stage of the capitalist system, it s observed that the conditions and the life way of people reflects an inequal socio-territorial scenery to the rural population, that affects the securities provided in the scope of SUAS. With the advent of SUAS, from the guideline of territoriality, the deployment of services and recognition of the demands are occurring so closely linked to the population and its territories. With the research, through the construction of indicators, it was possible to identify the low coverage of SUAS in rural municipalities surveyed, specially in reference to living security, and unequal conditions between rural and urban areas, which materialize in land concentration, rural poverty and other forms of vulnerabilities that are expressed in the conditions of life at the field. Still, it identifies advances from the strategies of the population in accessing their rights of citizenship, expanded from the Single System of Social Assistance. / A presente tese apresenta como tem?tica central as rela??es socioterritoriais existentes no meio rural, em diferentes contextos e tempos hist?ricos, na investiga??o das manifesta??es que atravessam o territ?rio, buscando desocultar tanto as formas de desigualdade, quanto as estrat?gias de luta e de resist?ncia da popula??o no acesso aos direitos, bens e servi?os socialmente produzidos e reproduzidos, notadamente no campo da prote??o social n?o contributiva da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social e Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social (SUAS). A partir da retomada das principais transforma??es que ocorreram durante o per?odo de transi??o feudal-capitalista, define-se a oposi??o cidade-campo, como categoria explicativa central da tese, contradi??o que precede a forma??o econ?mico social-capitalista. Na realidade brasileira, as marcas hist?ricas revelam formas de desigualdade e de resist?ncia relacionadas ?s origens da coloniza??o, a partir da divis?o do territ?rio em grandes propriedades, da escravid?o e do poder das oligarquias rurais que definem condi??es desiguais de vida ? popula??o do pa?s. Contemporaneamente, no atual est?gio do sistema capitalista, observa-se que as condi??es e o modo de vida da popula??o refletem um cen?rio de desigualdade socioterritorial para a popula??o rural, que tem impacto nas seguran?as afian?adas no ?mbito do SUAS. Com o advento do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social, a partir da diretriz da territorialidade, a implanta??o dos servi?os e o reconhecimento das demandas passam a ocorrer, de forma intimamente vinculada ? popula??o e a seus territ?rios. Com a pesquisa e atrav?s da constru??o de indicadores, foi poss?vel a identifica??o da baixa cobertura do SUAS no meio rural dos munic?pios pesquisados, especialmente no que se refere a seguran?a de conv?vio, al?m de condi??es desiguais entre meio rural e urbano, que se materializam na concentra??o da terra, na pobreza rural e outras formas de vulnerabilidades que se expressam nas condi??es de vida do campo. Ainda assim, identificam-se avan?os, a partir das estrat?gias da popula??o no acesso aos seus direitos de cidadania, ampliados a partir do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social.

Sistema ?nico n?o significa sistema igual : a contradit?ria participa??o das organiza??es da sociedade civil na pol?tica de assist?ncia social

Reis, Patr?cia Lane Ara?jo 18 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 454062.pdf: 1864220 bytes, checksum: 71f0ce675e14671a6df2ace9d1e7d310 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-18 / The central theme of this dissertation is to analyze the configuration of the Civil Society Organizations in the city of Porto Alegre, after the implementation of Unified Social Assistance System, with a view of their participation as a political actor in the effectiveness of social assistance rights. For a further development it was necessary to discuss the category Civil Society and the appropriation of this concept considering the classic and modern conceptions, culminating in the Gramscian analysis, which is the conceptual option of this research. We discuss the trajectory of the Social Assistance Policy in Brazil and the historical role of the Civil Society Organizations in the execution of the social assistance services. After that, we consider the trajectory of the Social Assistance in the city of Porto Alegre and its interface with the collective of organizations that deals with the public policy in the city, highlighting the impact of these organizations in the execution of the services, programs, projects and benefits. This study was based on a qualitative exploratory research, anchored in critical dialectical method. The study had as research subjects‟ twelve leaders of Civil Society Organizations and four coordinators of reference center for social assistance, approached through semi - structured interviews. The analysis was the textual discursive, based on the study of Moraes (2003). The results indicates a predominance of the execution of the Civil Society Organizations in the implementation of social Assistance services in the city, as well as a weakening in the implementation of Unified Social Assistance System taking into consideration the infrastructure, human resources and popular participation in the construction of the policy. About the relationship between reference center for social assistance and Civil Society Organizations, the research shows a tension in the territories and a search for a more dialogic and horizontal relationship between the actors. The results also highlights the dumping of the user in the implementation process as well as the need to strengthen social control spaces, in particular the regional commission on social assistance and city council social assistance. We conclude that there is a process outsourcing Civil Society Organizations intensified after the implementation of Unified Social Assistance System in the municipality of Porto Alegre, the construction of spaces of contention for hegemony and a new corporate design that radically democratize public space being required for a real possibility of overcoming this condition by the Civil Society Organizations. / O tema central do presente estudo ? analisar a configura??o das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil no munic?pio de Porto Alegre, ap?s a implementa??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social, com vistas a sua participa??o como ator pol?tico na efetiva??o dos direitos socioassistenciais, sendo necess?ria a discuss?o da categoria Sociedade Civil e a apropria??o deste conceito ? luz das concep??es cl?ssicas e modernas, culminando na an?lise Gramsciana, op??o conceitual da pesquisa. Discute-se a trajet?ria da Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social no Brasil e o papel hist?rico das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil na execu??o dos servi?os socioassistenciais. Ap?s, aborda-se a trajet?ria da Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio de Porto Alegre e sua interface com o coletivo de entidades que atuam na pol?tica p?blica na cidade, destacando o impacto destes entes na execu??o dos servi?os, programas, projetos e benef?cios. Este estudo se constituiu numa pesquisa qualitativa de car?ter explorat?rio, ancorada no m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico. A pesquisa tem como sujeitos doze dirigentes de Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil e quatro coordena??es dos Centros Regionais de Assist?ncia Social, abordados atrav?s de entrevistas semiestruturadas. A an?lise ? a textual discursiva, baseada no estudo de Moraes (2003). Os resultados da pesquisa apontam para uma predomin?ncia de execu??o das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil nos servi?os socioassistenciais no munic?pio, bem como uma fragiliza??o na implementa??o do sistema nos quesitos estrutura f?sica, recursos humanos e participa??o popular na constru??o comum da pol?tica. No que tange ? rela??o Centros Regionais de Assist?ncia Social e Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil, a pesquisa assinala uma tens?o nos territ?rios e a busca de uma rela??o mais dial?gica e horizontal entre os atores. Destaca-se, tamb?m, o alijamento do usu?rio no processo de implementa??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social, assim como a necessidade de fortalecer os espa?os de controle social, em especial a Comiss?o Regional de Assist?ncia Social e o Conselho Municipal de Assist?ncia Social. Conclui-se que existe um processo de terceiriza??o das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil intensificado ap?s a implementa??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio de Porto Alegre, sendo necess?ria a constru??o de espa?os de disputa de hegemonia e de um novo projeto societ?rio, que democratize de forma radical o espa?o p?blico, para uma real possibilidade de supera??o desta condi??o por parte das Organiza??es da Sociedade Civil.

O atendimento ?s medidas socieoeducativas no ?mbito do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social (SUAS)

Ventura, Tatiane Andrade 13 January 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-04-14T13:20:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 455740.pdf: 3527462 bytes, checksum: d53809cf6a1a5cf8797b734f2129f6bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-01-13 / This dissertation has as its object of study the attendance to the socio-educational measures under the SUAS (Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social). The main objective is to know how it is developed the attendance to adolescents in conflict with the law, through the service of attendance to the socio-educational measures, in particular the measures in an open environment, carried out by the Reference Specialized Centers for Social Assistance (Centros de Refer?ncia Especializado de Assist?ncia Social CREAS). Therefore, the socio-historical aspects of the process of fulfillment for social rights advocated in PNAS/SUAS, ECA, and SINASE were considered from the perspective of socio-education and its repercussions in the area of Social Assistance. The first chapters consist of the theoretical elaboration of the introduction and the developed methodology. The method of study that guided this research is the dialectical-critical method with a mixed approach. For the data collection, it was applied the technique semi-structured interviews. The subjects for the research were the coordinators of Reference Specialized Centers for Social Assistance and workers from FASC in the city of Porto Alegre. In the second chapter, there was the questioning regarding the role of the State and its relation to the System of Social Protection; in the third chapter, the advances in the field of fulfillment of social rights were addressed, from the overcoming of the irregular situation of the previous code for minors to the new paradigm of the doctrine of Integral Protection, analyzing, thereby, how the CREAS accomplishes the assistances to the adolescents in conflict with the law and the recognition of these adolescents as a legal person. The main results refer that most of the subjects recognized that the working conditions experienced in everyday services at CREAS do not allow the fulfillment of integral protection of the adolescent. They state further that the lack of human resources, qualifications, and methodological alignment make not feasible the implementation of rights, especially in regard to socio-education. The understanding of this framework was clarified through the mediation of categories and concepts, such as: Full Protection and adolescence, accessibility to participation in spaces for qualification, working conditions, working process, means and instruments of labor, and violation of rights / Esta disserta??o tem como objeto de estudo o atendimento ?s medidas socioeducativas no ?mbito do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social (SUAS). O objetivo ? conhecer como se desenvolve o atendimento ao adolescente em conflito com a lei, atrav?s do servi?o de atendimento ?s medidas socioeducativas, em especial as medidas em meio aberto, executadas atrav?s dos Centros de Refer?ncia Especializados em Assist?ncia Social (CREAS). Para tanto, foram considerados os aspectos s?cio-hist?ricos do processo de efetiva??o dos direitos sociais preconizados na PNAS/ SUAS, ECA, SINASE, sob a ?tica da socioeduca??o, e suas repercuss?es no campo da Assist?ncia Social. Os primeiros cap?tulos de elabora??o te?rica constituem-se na introdu??o e na metodologia desenvolvida. O m?todo de estudo que norteou esta pesquisa foi o dial?tico-cr?tico com enfoque misto. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada a t?cnica de entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os sujeitos participantes da pesquisa foram nove coordenadores dos CREAS, trabalhadores da Funda??o de Assist?ncia Social e Cidadania (FASC), no munic?pio de Porto Alegre. No segundo cap?tulo, foi realizada uma problematiza??o sobre o papel do Estado e sua rela??o com o sistema de prote??o social. No terceiro cap?tulo, foram abordados os avan?os no campo da efetiva??o dos diretos sociais, a partir da supera??o da situa??o irregular do antigo c?digo de menores para o novo paradigma da doutrina da prote??o integral, analisando, desse modo, como o CREAS realiza os atendimentos aos adolescentes em conflito com a lei e o reconhecimento destes como sujeitos de direitos. Os principais resultados d?o conta de que a maioria dos sujeitos da pesquisa reconhece que as condi??es de trabalho vividas no cotidiano dos servi?os dos CREAS n?o possibilitam a efetiva??o da prote??o integral ao adolescente. Os participantes afirmam que a falta de recursos humanos, de qualifica??o e de alinhamento metodol?gico inviabilizam a materializa??o dos direitos, em especial no que se refere ? socioeduca??o. A apreens?o deste referencial foi explicitada atrav?s da media??o entre categorias e conceitos, como por exemplo: prote??o integral, adolesc?ncia, acesso ? participa??o em espa?os para qualifica??o, condi??o de trabalho, processo de trabalho, meios e instrumentos de trabalho e viola??o de direitos

O financiamento da pol?tica de assist?ncia social no contexto do SUAS: tend?ncias e particularidades do munic?pio do Natal-RN

Dantas, Maria Francisca M?ximo 23 September 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:46:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaFMD_DISSERT.pdf: 2073723 bytes, checksum: 689d7589075fd822110e54c97420bb01 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-09-23 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This dissertation analyzes the configuration of the financing of Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN in the context of their particular expressions of the problematizando municipal budget against neoliberal adjustment macroeconomic policy. The current trends of "disclaimer" and "desfinanciamento" of social protection by the State, in the context of contemporary capitalism, bring strong implications for Social Security, especially through the redirection of public resources to the international capital, which highlights the overlapping economic interests on social needs. Whereas the changes and innovations occurring in connection with the financing of Social assistance policy, the goal of this documentary research is to identify the characteristics and trends of funding this policy in Natal-RN, from the secondary data analysis from the City of Natal, the Ministry of Social development and hunger and Portal of transparency. In the light of the theoretical, research now presented, shows trends of investment in Social assistance in the municipality of Natal-RN, in the period 2005 to 2009, which are: the tiny role membership (08) Social assistance in the municipal budget; the dispersion and fragmentation of the resources of Social assistance in other organs and/or secretariats of municipal administration; the participation of just 47.5% in expenditure from own organ Manager; the low percentage of implementation of resources foreseen in the Annual Budget Laws; the low allocation of resources in Municipal Social Assistance Fund (FUMAS), which contradicts the national policy for Social Assistance-PNAS/2004; and the predominance of government transfers in the composition of the resources of Social assistance in the municipality. The results of this research suggest that the process of financing of Social assistance in Natal is distant from the principles and guidelines pointed by PNAS/2004. In addition to the effort to understand the complexity of the financing of Social assistance in Natal, this work seeks to contribute to a political analysis in the direction of strengthening social control and the struggle for the expansion of investment in social spending / A presente disserta??o analisa a configura??o do financiamento da Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio do Natal RN, no contexto do SUAS, problematizando as express?es particulares do or?amento municipal frente ? pol?tica macroecon?mica de ajuste neoliberal. As atuais tend?ncias de desresponsabiliza??o e desfinanciamento da prote??o social pelo Estado, no contexto do capitalismo contempor?neo, trazem fortes implica??es para a Seguridade Social, especialmente atrav?s do redirecionamento de recursos p?blicos para o capital internacional e nacional, o que evidencia a sobreposi??o dos interesses econ?micos ?s necessidades sociais. Considerando as mudan?as e inova??es ocorridas no ?mbito do financiamento da pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social, o objetivo desta pesquisa ? identificar as caracter?sticas e tend?ncias do financiamento desta pol?tica em Natal RN. Do ponto de vista metodol?gico o estudo privilegiou fontes documentais a partir da an?lise de dados das Leis Or?ament?rias Anuais, Comparativos de despesas, Resumos Financeiros e Resumos dos Balan?os Or?ament?rios, oriundos da Prefeitura Municipal do Natal, Minist?rio de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ? Fome e Portal da Transpar?ncia. ? luz do referencial te?rico, a investiga??o ora apresentada, revela tend?ncias do investimento na Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio do Natal - RN, no per?odo de 2005 a 2011, quais sejam: a participa??o da Fun??o (08) Assist?ncia Social no or?amento municipal; a dispers?o e pulveriza??o dos recursos da Assist?ncia Social em outros ?rg?os e/ou secretarias da administra??o municipal; o percentual de execu??o dos recursos previstos nas Leis Or?ament?rias Anuais; a baixa aloca??o dos recursos no Fundo Municipal de Assist?ncia Social (FUMAS), o que contraria a Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social - PNAS/2004; e a predomin?ncia das transfer?ncias governamentais na composi??o dos recursos da Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio. Os resultados desta investiga??o apontam, ainda, que o processo de financiamento da Assist?ncia Social em Natal est? distante dos princ?pios e diretrizes apontados pela PNAS/2004. Para al?m do esfor?o de compreender a complexidade do financiamento da Assist?ncia Social em Natal, este trabalho busca contribuir para uma an?lise pol?tica na dire??o do fortalecimento do controle social e da luta pela amplia??o do investimento nos gastos sociais

Psicologia e Assist?ncia Social: reflex?es sobre a atua??o no terceiro setor, ? luz da psicologia cr?tica / Psychology and Social Work: reflections on the role the third sector , the light of critical psychology

Janiake, Etienne 11 December 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Etienne Janiake.pdf: 893829 bytes, checksum: adf272b07e40efe76554b6960534c855 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12-11 / This paper reflects on the introduction of Psychology in the services and programs of the National Social Assistance, conducted by non-governmental entities socioassistenciais the "third sector". The specific objectives of the study are: to expose a critical overview of the development of the National Social Assistance; explain the reasons for the policy, opposing the guidelines expressed in legal frameworks, with observed reality programs and services operating in the country; reflecting on the role historically played by psychology in relation to the social question; introduce Critical Psychology as a perspective that points crucial to professional action on this policy. Based on the methodology Historical Materialist Dialectics, this theoretical work includes the following methodological steps: review of the legal framework underlying the policy of social assistance and predict the performance of psychologists in this policy; literature review of published scientific papers related to the introduction of Psychology in System Unified Social Assistance; reflection and professional practice performed on non-governmental organization. It is observed as a result, the impact of increasing privatization process this policy failures in process support, training, monitoring and control of services provided by the "third sector", by the government. Furthermore, we identified the lack of a theoretical and practical psychologists for this insertion, the result of the fragility own science and profession of psychology, that by placing the individual as the object of study and performance focus, historically brought few contributions understanding the dynamics of social exclusion. We conclude by pointing to the need for strengthening of a new ethical-political project for Psychology, that starting from a critical perspective, and constant liaison with existing public policies, encompassing understanding of the contradictions existing in society and the profession itself, resulting in a practice effectively committed to the transformation of social reality. / O trabalho reflete sobre a inser??o da Psicologia nos servi?os e programas da Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social, realizados por entidades socioassistenciais n?o governamentais do terceiro setor . Apresenta como objetivos espec?ficos: expor um panorama cr?tico do desenvolvimento da Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social; explicitar os fundamentos dessa pol?tica, contrapondo as diretrizes expressas nos marcos legais, com a realidade observada nos programas e servi?os em funcionamento no pa?s; refletir sobre o papel desempenhado historicamente pela Psicologia na rela??o com a quest?o social; introduzir a Psicologia Cr?tica, como uma perspectiva que aponta elementos fundamentais para a atua??o profissional nessa pol?tica. Baseado na metodologia Materialista Hist?rica Dial?tica, esse trabalho te?rico contempla as seguintes etapas metodol?gicas: revis?o dos marcos legais que fundamentam a pol?tica de assit?ncia social e prev?em a atua??o dos psic?logos nessa pol?tica; revis?o bibliogr?fica de trabalhos cient?ficos publicados, relacionados ? inser??o da Psicologia no Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social; e reflex?o de pr?tica profissional executada em organiza??o n?o governamental. Observa-se, como resultado, o impacto do crescente processo de privatiza??o dessa pol?tica, com falhas no processo de suporte, capacita??o, acompanhamento e controle dos servi?os prestados pelo terceiro setor , por parte do poder p?blico. Al?m disso, identificou-se a car?ncia de um embasamento te?rico e pr?tico dos psic?logos para essa inser??o, fruto da fragilidade pr?pria da ci?ncia e profiss?o da Psicologia, que ao colocar o indiv?duo como seu objeto de estudo e foco de atua??o, historicamente trouxe poucas contribui??es ? compreens?o da din?mica social da exclus?o. Conclui-se, apontando para a necessidade de fortalecimento de um novo projeto ?tico-pol?tico para a Psicologia, que partindo de uma perspectiva cr?tica, e constante articula??o com as pol?ticas p?blicas vigentes, abarque a compreens?o das contradi??es existentes na sociedade e na pr?pria profiss?o, resultando em uma pr?tica efetivamente comprometida com a transforma??o da realidade social.

Psicologia no Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social: reflex?es cr?ticas sobre a??es e dilemas profissionais / Psychology in the Unified Social Assistance System: critical reflections about professional actions and dilemmas

Ribeiro, Maisa Elena 09 December 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Maisa Elena Ribeiro.pdf: 1061000 bytes, checksum: 0209ac8e3d06179f092b339c2cfbc3bd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-12-09 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / After the National Policy of Social Assistance (PNAS) approval in 2004 and the implementation of the Unified Social Assistance System (SUAS), the psychologist became a technical team member for this public policy services, launching officially a new work field. With this participation, the psychologist deals with the popular class demands, demanding from Psychology as science and profession new conceptions and practices that can contribute in an effective way for social change and better quality of life for the target users of these services. The aim of this research was to question the psychologist presence and work in the SUAS, to reflect and discuss critically about the actions, problems and dilemmas faced by the professional in this context. It is a qualitative research based on the principals of Dialectical and Historical Materialism, where analyses of the following sources of information were carried through: technical references from the Federal Psychology Council (CFP); field diaries composed by the researcher with reflections about the participation in public events on this theme (seminars, forums, debates, etc.). The analyses of these materials showed the contradictions between what is proposed by the PNAS and the CPF orientations, with what is carried through and experienced by the professionals practice. The research results revealed that although the SUAS participation presents a new work field for the psychologist, these professionals still reproduce old practices. This affirmation is due to the identification of actions that maintain a traditional psychology perspective that tend to focus in individual and subjective aspects to understand people s problems. In addition, the professionals complained about their education and the lack of a space for discussions about their practice, what often results in actions that don t achieve their intended goals. Apart form the education problem, which doesn t encompass this new context and field of work, the professional encounters in the SUAS services problems such as: inadequate work conditions due to the lack of physical infrastructure required for the services operation, also precarious working attachments. However despite the problems, the research also identified practices that converge with the SUAS demands such as: community participation and group works with a collective and participative bias. Furthermore, it was identified some strategies to overcome problems and dilemmas through collective organization and political participation of some professionals, for example, the SUAS workers forum. / A partir da aprova??o da Pol?tica Nacional de Assist?ncia Social (PNAS) em 2004 e implementa??o do Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia social (SUAS), o psic?logo comp?e as equipes t?cnicas dos servi?os dessa pol?tica p?blica, inaugurando oficialmente um novo campo de atua??o. Com essa inser??o, o psic?logo lida com demandas das classes populares, o que exige da psicologia, como ci?ncia e profiss?o, novas concep??es e pr?ticas que possam contribuir de forma efetiva para mudan?a social e melhoria da qualidade vida do p?blico-alvo destes servi?os. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi problematizar a inser??o e atua??o do psic?logo no SUAS, para refletir e discutir criticamente sobre as a??es, problemas e dilemas enfrentados pelo profissional nesse contexto. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa fundamentada no Materialismo Hist?rico Dial?tico, em que foram realizadas an?lises das seguintes fontes de informa??o: Refer?ncias T?cnicas do Conselho Federal de Psicologia (CFP); e Di?rios de Campo constru?dos a partir das reflex?es da pesquisadora durante a participa??o em eventos p?blicos sobre o tema (semin?rios, f?runs, debates etc.). As an?lises desses materiais explicitaram as contradi??es entre o que ? proposto pela PNAS e nas orienta??es do CFP com o que ? realizado e vivenciado pelos profissionais na pr?tica. Os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que apesar da inser??o no SUAS representar um novo espa?o de atua??o para o psic?logo, os profissionais ainda reproduzem velhas pr?ticas. Tal afirma??o deve-se ? identifica??o de a??es que mant?m a perspectiva de uma psicologia tradicional que tende a deter-se apenas aos aspectos individuais e subjetivos para a compreens?o dos problemas das pessoas. Ademais, os profissionais queixaram-se da sua forma??o e da falta de espa?o para discutir sua pr?tica, o que, muitas vezes, faz com que a repercuss?o de suas a??es n?o atinja os objetivos almejados. Al?m do problema da forma??o, que n?o atende a esse novo contexto de atua??o, o profissional ainda encontra nos servi?os do SUAS diversas outras dificuldades como por exemplo: condi??es inadequadas de trabalho devido ? falta de infraestrutura f?sica para funcionamento dos servi?os e v?nculos de trabalho precarizados. No entanto, a pesquisa identificou tamb?m pr?ticas convergentes com as demandas do SUAS como: a inser??o na comunidade e trabalhos em grupos com um vi?s mais participativo e coletivo. Foram ainda identificadas algumas estrat?gias de supera??o dos problemas e dilemas por meio da organiza??o coletiva e da participa??o pol?tica de alguns profissionais, como por exemplo, os f?runs de trabalhadores do SUAS.

O poder de agir de trabalhadoras da assist?ncia social no contexto neoliberal / The power to act of social assistence workers in the neoliberal context

Galbiatti, Fabiano 26 May 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-04T18:28:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FABIANO GALBIATTI.pdf: 953117 bytes, checksum: 46929cc6b53b293c05e9beb393178beb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-26 / Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas / This dissertation, situated in the line of Research and Prevention Psychological Intervention from the Graduate Program stricto sensu of the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas, intends to investigate the ?power to act? in workers of the Social Assistance Specialized Reference Center (CREAS). For this purpose, a brief historical review of social assistance policies was produced in order to understand the current scenario, marked by neoliberal reforms. The study, from an ethnographic inspiration, there was basically through three stages. At first, the researcher followed meetings with the CREAS team. For each meeting it was developed a Field Diary. In the second, the researcher conducted reflexive interviews with four workers. The third and last, was developed the interpretation, analysis and discussion of the collected material in the previous steps. This process revealed the constant changes that the work in public service suffers according to Social Assistance policies in the municipality and its relationship with neoliberal processes in the broadest sense. If, on the one hand, despite this context, the workers have the capacity to also turn on and organize their activities, giving new meanings, collectively, on the other, it was observed that the mental strain is present in their daily lives. It seems to be associated to the numerous impediments to the realization of the work activity raised by management, as well as the workload related to the nature of services to families who have suffered violations of their rights. To handle these situations, the workers take more individual tactics rather than a collective organization. / A presente disserta??o, situada na linha de Pesquisa Preven??o e Interven??o Psicol?gica do Programa de P?s-gradua??o Stricto Sensu da Pontif?cia Universidade Cat?lica de Campinas, busca investigar o poder de agir de trabalhadoras do Centro de Refer?ncia Especializado de Assist?ncia Social (CREAS) de um munic?pio do interior do estado de S?o Paulo. Para tanto, realizou-se um breve resgate hist?rico das pol?ticas de assist?ncia social, a fim de entender o atual cen?rio, marcado pelas reformas neoliberais. O estudo, de inspira??o etnogr?fica, deu-se, basicamente, atrav?s de tr?s etapas. Na primeira, o pesquisador acompanhou reuni?es junto ? equipe do CREAS. Para cada reuni?o foi desenvolvido um Di?rio de Campo. Na segunda, o pesquisador realizou entrevistas reflexivas com quatro trabalhadoras. Na terceira e ?ltima, realizou-se a interpreta??o, an?lise e discuss?o do material levantado nas etapas anteriores. Este processo revelou as constantes mudan?as que o trabalho nesse servi?o p?blico sofre de acordo com as pol?ticas de Assist?ncia Social no munic?pio e sua rela??o com processos neoliberais mais amplos. Se, por um lado, apesar desse contexto, as trabalhadoras possuem relativa capacidade de tamb?m transformar e organizar suas atividades, atribuindo novos sentidos, coletivamente, por outro, observou-se que o desgaste mental est? presente no seu cotidiano. Ele parece estar associado aos in?meros impedimentos para a realiza??o da atividade de trabalho colocados pela gest?o, bem como pela carga de trabalho relacionada ? natureza do atendimento a fam?lias que sofreram viola??es de seus direitos. Para lidar com essas situa??es, as trabalhadoras se valem mais de t?ticas individuais do que de uma organiza??o coletiva.

A intersetorialidade : contradi??es e desafios na pol?tica de assist?ncia social

Le?o , Karen L?gia 16 January 2019 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Servi?o Social (servico-social-pg@pucrs.br) on 2019-03-12T14:24:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Karen L?gia Le?o.pdf: 1096450 bytes, checksum: 7ad99419b218c039c16fbd554e2dc608 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2019-03-21T12:17:09Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Karen L?gia Le?o.pdf: 1096450 bytes, checksum: 7ad99419b218c039c16fbd554e2dc608 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-21T12:40:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Karen L?gia Le?o.pdf: 1096450 bytes, checksum: 7ad99419b218c039c16fbd554e2dc608 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2019-01-16 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The present dissertation systematizes the results of the research developed during the Master's Degree in Social Work in the Postgraduate Program of the Humanities School of PUCRS, whose main purpose was to analyze how the intersectoriality in the Social Assistance Policy in the Region of the Vale do Ca?, in order to contribute with subsidies for its improvement. To carry out the study, a qualitative, mixed-focus research based on the dialectical-critical method was undertaken, having as sample three municipalities of the Ca? Valley Region that is composed of twenty municipalities. The data collection was carried out through interviews with three managers and three social workers from each municipality, as well as the documents related to the social assistance policy in them. The main results of the study are the incipience of intersectoral practice in the municipalities / locus of the research. Thus, even with the notes made by managers and social workers on the relevance of intersectoral praxis, there is a vast path to be followed, full of contradictions and challenges. Thus, it is concluded that the intersectoriality must be understood as a management model that has as fundamental value the totality of the subjects and the families, in order to have effective access to the offer of public services and to legally guaranteed social rights. / A presente disserta??o sistematiza os resultados da pesquisa desenvolvida durante o Curso de Mestrado em Servi?o Social no Programa de P?s-Gradua??o da Escola de Humanidades da PUCRS, que teve por intuito principal analisar como vem se materializando a intersetorialidade na Pol?tica de Assist?ncia Social na Regi?o do Vale do Ca?, com vistas a contribuir com subs?dios para seu aprimoramento. Para realiza??o do estudo, empreendeu-se uma pesquisa qualitativa, de enfoque misto, alicer?ada no m?todo dial?tico-cr?tico, tendo como amostra tr?s munic?pios da Regi?o do Vale do Ca? que ? composta por vinte munic?pios. A coleta de dados realizou-se atrav?s da realiza??o de entrevistas com tr?s gestores e tr?s assistentes sociais de cada munic?pio, bem como foram analisados os documentos relacionados ? pol?tica de assist?ncia social nos mesmos. Como principais resultados do estudo, se destaca a incipi?ncia da pr?tica intersetorial nos munic?pios/l?cus da pesquisa realizada. Destarte, mesmo com os apontamentos feitos pelos gestores e assistentes sociais sobre a relev?ncia da pr?xis intersetorial, se evidencia um vasto caminho a ser trilhado, repleto de contradi??es e desafios. Assim, se conclui que a intersetorialidade deve ser compreendida como um modelo de gest?o que tem como valor fundamental a totalidade dos sujeitos e das fam?lias, para que se tenha acesso efetivo quanto ? oferta dos servi?os p?blicos e aos direitos sociais garantidos legalmente.

O trabalho das (os) psic?logas (os) no SUAS : materializando a assist?ncia social enquanto pol?tica social p?blica

Motta , Roberta Fin 19 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Setor de Tratamento da Informa??o - BC/PUCRS (tede2@pucrs.br) on 2015-11-24T11:21:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 476411 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 722906 bytes, checksum: 986b895e283eb864bc2aa49dbaf05144 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-24T11:21:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 476411 - Texto Parcial.pdf: 722906 bytes, checksum: 986b895e283eb864bc2aa49dbaf05144 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / This thesis brings up the insertion of Psychology in the public social assistance politics, particularly in Social Work, and more specifically, in the process of building the processes of the job that affects directly on the daily routine of the psychologists who work at SUAS (Social Assistance Care System), especially those who work at the CRASs (Social Assistance Reference Centers) connected to the FASC (Social Assistance and Citizenship Foundation) of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. This thesis is organized in three sections. The first section consists of a study about published academic production about Psychology in the Social Work in Brazil, with emphasis in its relationship with the CRASs. This draws a possibility to analyze the historical evolution of the researcher?s preoccupation regarding this issue, as well as observation of some basic characteristics of the productions. For this, a study took place inspired on a narrative review proposal with consultation of the electronic databases. In the second section, there is an attempt to characterize and discuss the work of the psychologists within the SUAS, more specifically of those working at the CRASs.This study parts from the premise that the psychologists are employed in the Social Assistance System, essential to the engineering and weaving of the politics, as well as being necessary to the users to warrant access to their social rights. The third and last section debates about the work processes and the practices of the psychologists. These last two studies are based on research analysys done with 27 professionals connected to CRASs, where data was collected through interviews and analysed with the help of Fundametal Theory (FT). The results obtained indicate that in the last years there has been an important involvement and investment in the Social Assistance area. Moreover, Social Assistance has been helping in the expansion and interiorization of the profession and in the development of practices different from the traditional. It is identified that the workers are working under adverse conditions that can be made explicit in the areas of formation and work relations, showing itself from the ways of hiring up to the development of routine activities in the SUAS.It is also highlighted, due to the field being new and in expansion, that its materialization as a source of reference of help to the social needs of the population still needs mediations for it to take place. The characterization of the psychologists workers of SUAS in Porto Alegre shows there are countless challenges in order to build a professional make that is commited with social rights. At last, even with the advances, implementation and regulation of SUAS is still not a complete reality in the daily work of professionals at CRASs. It is pointed out, especially, the challenge of the formation that, according to the interviewees, is still poor when it comes to prepare for working in the social sphere, lacking both references and techniques to complement the knowledge already instilled in the profession. / A presente Tese aborda a inser??o da Psicologia nas Pol?ticas Sociais P?blicas, particularmente a Assist?ncia Social, mais especificamente, o processo de constru??o dos processos de trabalho que repercutem diretamente no cotidiano das (os) psic?logas (os) que atuam no Sistema ?nico de Assist?ncia Social (SUAS) e, especialmente, nos Centros de Refer?ncia da Assist?ncia Social (CRASs), vinculados ? Funda??o de Assist?ncia Social e Cidadania (FASC), da cidade de Porto Alegre, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Esta Tese est? organizada em tr?s se??es. A primeira se??o consiste num estudo sobre a produ??o acad?mica publicada da Psicologia na Assist?ncia Social brasileira, com especial ?nfase na sua rela??o com os CRASs. Tal desenho possibilita a an?lise da evolu??o hist?rica da preocupa??o das (os) pesquisadoras (es) a respeito deste tema, assim como a observa??o de algumas das caracter?sticas fundamentais desta produ??o. Para tanto, foi realizado um estudo inspirado em uma proposta de revis?o narrativa com consulta ?s bases de dados eletr?nicas. Na segunda se??o procura-se caracterizar e discutir o trabalho da (o) psic?loga (o) no ?mbito do SUAS, especificamente das (os) trabalhadoras (es) que atuam nos CRASs.Tal estudo parte da premissa de que a (o) profissional da Psicologia ? uma (um) trabalhadora (or) da Assist?ncia Social, fundamental para a engrenagem e a tecelagem da pol?tica, assim como necess?ria (o) para a garantia do acesso das (os) usu?rias (os) ao direito social. A terceira e ?ltima se??o debate os processos de trabalho e as pr?ticas das (os) psic?logas (os). Estes dois ?ltimos estudos est?o alicer?ados em an?lise de pesquisa realizada com 27 profissionais vinculadas (os) aos CRASs, sendo que os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas e analisados com o apoio na Teoria Fundamentada (TF). Os resultados alcan?ados indicaram que nos ?ltimos anos h? um envolvimento e um investimento importantes da ?rea em rela??o ? Assist?ncia Social. Al?m disso, a Assist?ncia Social tem colaborado para a expans?o e interioriza??o da profiss?o e para o desenvolvimento de pr?ticas diferentes das tradicionais.Identifica-se, que as (os) trabalhadoras (es) est?o submetidas a condi??es adversas que podem ser explicitadas no campo da forma??o e das rela??es de trabalho, aparecendo desde o modo de contrata??o at? o desenvolvimento das atividades rotineiras do trabalho no SUAS.Destaca-se ainda que, por ser este um campo novo e em expans?o, sua materializa??o como atendimento ?s necessidades sociais da popula??o ainda carece da constru??o de media??es para a sua realiza??o. A caracteriza??o das (os) trabalhadoras (es) psic?logas (os) do SUAS em Porto Alegre aponta in?meros desafios para a constru??o de um fazer profissional comprometido com os direitos sociais. Por fim, apesar dos avan?os, a regula??o e a implementa??o do SUAS ainda n?o s?o uma completa realidade no cotidiano de trabalho das (os) profissionais nos CRASs. Ressalta-se, especialmente, o desafio da forma??o que, conforme apontam as (os) entrevistadas (os), ainda ? prec?ria no que tange ao preparo para a atua??o no ?mbito social, carecendo tanto de referenciais como de t?cnicas que complementem os fazeres e saberes j? institu?dos na profiss?o.

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