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O teatro de situações de Jean-Paul Sartre / The theatre of situations of Jean-Paul SartreAlves, Igor Silva 20 June 2006 (has links)
Esta dissertação busca mostrar as questões envolvidas no teatro de Sartre. Para tanto, partese de uma descrição da consciência em geral para atingir uma caracterização da consciência imaginante - é esta consciência que toma o objeto estético como tal, posto que tal objeto é um objeto imaginário. A partir dessa caracterização da obra de arte em geral, busca-se descrever a especificidade da obra de arte teatral, de forma a mostrar a formulação do gênero teatral proposto por Sartre, o teatro de situações, a maneira como sua descrição sobre o evento teatral lhe serve como recusa do teatro burguês e para a crítica da produção dramatúrgica de sua época, e como o teatro opera uma descrição da vivência humana concreta que a filosofia descreve de forma estrutural. / This dissertation aims at opening up questions involved in Sartre\'s theatre. Firstly, beginning with a description of the consciousness in general one comes to a characterisation of the imaging consciousness - the one that takes into account the aesthetic object as such, given that this is an imagined object. Secondly, considering this characterisation of the work of art in general one intends to point out the characteristics of the theatrical work of art. The elaboration of the theatrical genre proposed by Sartre, i.e., the theatre of situations, is a description of the theatrical event that allows him to refuse the bourgeois theatre and to criticise the dramaturgical production of his period. For the French philosopher, the theatre operates a description of the concrete human lived experience that philosophy can only describe in a structural way.
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A relação entre liberdade e situação em Merleau-Ponty, sob uma perspectiva ontológica / The relation between freedon and situation in Merleau-Ponty, under an ontoligical perspectiveMoura, Alex de Campos 21 June 2006 (has links)
Nossa pesquisa pretende mostrar a relação entre liberdade e situação presente na primeira fase da filosofia de Merleau-Ponty, especialmente na Fenomenologia da Percepção. Nosso objetivo é indicar que ela se apoia em uma dimensão ontológica, cuja característica principal é a recusa da tradicional separação entre ser e nada, e cujo fundamento encontra-se na temporalidade. / Our research intends to show the relation between freedon and situation present at the begining of Merleau-Ponty\'s philosophy, especially at Phénoménologie de la Perception. Our objective is to indicate that it is suported by an ontoligical dimension, whose main caracteristic is the refuse of the traditional separation between \"being\" and \"nothingness\", and whose fundament is found at the temporality.
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O paradoxo da liberdade: Psicanálise e História em Sartre / The paradox of freedom: Psychoanalysis and History in SartreBelo, Renato dos Santos 19 June 2006 (has links)
Logo após a sua publicação, 1943, a obra O Ser e o Nada de Sartre foi alvo de comentários críticos que apontavam seu caráter idealista. Essas leituras enfatizavam a incompatibilidade entre a afirmação sartriana de uma liberdade absoluta do homem e as condições históricas que acabariam por determiná- lo. Quando Sartre publicou em 1960 a sua Crítica da Razão Dialética (\"encontro\" com o marxismo), tudo se passou como a confirmação do idealismo presente em O Ser e o Nada, a ponto de se operar a divisão de seu pensamento em antes e depois da Crítica. Sartre, no entanto, ao defender o absoluto da liberdade afirma também que não há liberdade sem situação. Tentaremos enfatizar essa difícil relação entre liberdade e situação a partir da apresentação da concepção sartriana de liberdade, bem como pelo exame da proposta psicanalítica de Sartre. / Right after its publication in 1943, Sartre\'s Being and nothingness has received critical commentaries that pointed out its idealistic character. These lectures emphasized the incompatibility between Sartre\'s assertion of man\'s absolute freedom and the historical conditions which would determine it. When Sartre publishes, in 1960, his Critique of dialectic reason (\"encounter\" with Marxism), everything is seen as the confirmation of the idealism of Being and nothingness, overcoming the division of his thought in before and after the Critique. However, when Sartre defends the absolute of freedom he also affirms that there is no freedom without situation. We will try to emphasize this difficult relation between freedom and situation through the presentation of Sartre\'s concept of freedom, as well as through the examination of his psychoanalytic proposal.
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Haptic Shape-Based Management of Robot Teams in Cordon and PatrolMcDonald, Samuel Jacob 01 September 2016 (has links)
There are many current and future scenarios that require teams of air, ground or humanoid robots to gather information in complex and often dangerous environments, where it would be unreasonable or impossible for humans to be physically present [1-6]. The current state of the art involves a single robot being monitored by one or many human operators [7], but a single operator managing a team of autonomous robots is preferred as long as effective and time-efficient management of the team is maintained [8-9]. This is limited by the operator's ability to command actions of multiple robots, be aware of robot states, and respond to less important tasks, while accomplishing a primary objective defined by the application scenario. The operator's ability to multi-task could be improved with the use of a multimodal interface, using both visual and haptic feedback. This thesis investigates the use of haptic feedback in developing intuitive, shape-based interaction to maintain heads-up control and increase an operator's situation awareness (SA) while managing a robot team.In this work, the autonomous behavior of the team is modeled after a patrol and cordon scenario, where the team travels to and surrounds buildings of interest. A novel approach that involves treating the team as a moldable volume is presented, where deformations of this volume correspond to changes in team shape. During surround mode, the operator may explore or manipulate the team shape to create custom formations around a building. A spacing interaction method also allows the operator to adjust how robots are spaced within the current shape. Separate haptic feedback is developed for each method to allow the operator to "feel" the shape or spacing manipulation. During travel mode, the operator chooses desired travel locations and receives feedback to help identify how and where the team travels. RoTHSim, an experimental robot team haptic simulator, was developed and used as a test bed for single-operator management of a robot team in a multitasking reconnaissance and surveillance scenario. Using RoTHSim, a human subject experiment was conducted with 19 subjects to determine the effects of haptic feedback and task demand difficulty on levels of performance, SA and workload. Results from the experiment suggest that haptic feedback significantly improves operator performance in a reconnaissance task when task demand is higher, but may slightly increase operator workload. Due to the experimental setup, these results suggest that haptic feedback may make it easier for the operator to experience heads-up control of a team of autonomous robots. There were no significance differences on SA scores due to haptic feedback in this study.
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Threat Intelligence in Support of Cyber Situation AwarenessGilliam, Billy Paul 01 January 2017 (has links)
Despite technological advances in the information security field, attacks by unauthorized individuals and groups continue to penetrate defenses. Due to the rapidly changing environment of the Internet, the appearance of newly developed malicious software or attack techniques accelerates while security professionals continue in a reactive posture with limited time for identifying new threats. The problem addressed in this study was the perceived value of threat intelligence as a proactive process for information security. The purpose of this study was to explore how situation awareness is enhanced by receiving advanced intelligence reports resulting in better decision-making for proper response to security threats. Using a qualitative case study methodology a purposeful sample of 13 information security professionals were individually interviewed and the data analyzed through Nvivo 11 analytical software. The research questions addressed threat intelligence and its impact on the security analyst's cognitive situation awareness. Analysis of the data collected indicated that threat intelligence may enhance the security analyst's situation awareness, as supported in the general literature. In addition, this study showed that the differences in sources or the lack of an intelligence program may have a negative impact on determining the proper security response in a timely manner. The implications for positive social change include providing leaders with greater awareness through threat intelligence of ways to minimize the effects of cyber attacks, which may result in increasing business and consumer confidence in the protection of personal and confidential information.
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Formulation of Error Structures Under Non-Orthogonal SituationsSeely, Justus Frandsen 01 May 1965 (has links)
To gain an appreciation or understanding for the title of this study we must first understand what the phrases "non-orthogonal" and "error structure" mean. With an understanding of these terms the title of this study will become clear.
To obtain an understanding of the term non-orthogonal, consider an experiment where differing treatments are applied to groups of experimental units in order to observe the differential treatment responses. If an equal number of experimental units are in each group, then we say we have an orthogonal situation. This means that when equal numbers exist among the experimental units, that the variability associated with the individual sources of variation can be orthogonally partitioned, such that the sources of variability add to the total source of variation. However, if unequal numbers exist among the experimental units, then we say we have a non-orthogonal situation. This implies that we can no longer obtain a completely orthogonal partition, and that the sources of variability associated with the individual sources of variation do not add to the total source of variation.
The phrase, error structure, can best be described with reference to the statistical technique known as the analysis of variance. For any typical analysis of variance, there exists a one to one correspondence between the mean squares and the recognized sources of variation in the underlying model.
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Le monopole de fait / The "monopole de fait"Philippe, Alice 03 December 2018 (has links)
Le monopole de fait est consacré au neuvième alinéa du Préambule de la Constitution du 27 Octobre 1946, selon lequel : « tout bien, toute entreprise, dont l’exploitation a ou acquiert les caractères d’un service public national ou d’un monopole de fait, doit devenir la propriété de la collectivité ». Sous une apparente clarté, la formulation n’en est pas moins énigmatique pour le juriste. Si cette disposition a semblé justifier les nationalisations (ce qui explique le caractère ponctuel des études qui lui sont portées), la condamnation du monopole de fait relève d’une logique intemporelle : celle de la concordance des mécanismes de marché avec la réalisation de l’intérêt général. C’est notamment ce que font sourdre les origines, tout à la fois économiques et politiques, du monopole de fait ; cet euphémisme utile pour mieux désigner les féodalités économiques et la défaillance de marché. Le monopole de fait est une menace, et lorsqu’il sévit il empêche la réalisation d’une démocratie économique et sociale. Faut-il mentionner ces entreprises qui, disposant d’un pouvoir de marché d’envergure, optent pour des stratégies d’entreprise agressives. Les GAFA, les banques et les assurances, les opérateurs historiques dans les secteurs de réseaux, les géants de l’agroalimentaire, sont autant d’exemples flagrants de monopole de fait. C’est donc sans détour qu’il faut le condamner par l’appropriation collective. Notion qui se meut aux confins du droit et de l’économie, le monopole de fait constitue la pierre angulaire de ce que l’on pourrait qualifier de droit du marché. Ce droit qui viendrait pallier, mutatis mutandis, aux défaillances de marché. Rien de plus nécessaire, alors, que de caractériser le monopole de fait. Or en la matière, les différentes situations possibles présentent toutes une même caractéristique et tendent toutes au même résultat : il s’agit de l’exercice abusif d’un pouvoir de marché, aboutissant à la constitution d’une rente de situation, à la confiscation d’une rente de situation. Ce sont ces deux aspects combinés qui permettent d’identifier le monopole de fait, en droit. Fort de cette première découverte, la sanction par l’appropriation collective ne peut qu’être redéfinie. L’approche purement propriétaire qui prévalait permettait en substance l’appropriation collective (parce que les propriétés publiques sont, plus que les autres, tenues par l’intérêt général). Mais elle est reléguée, dans cette étude, à une place subsidiaire, au profit d’une analyse plus pragmatique mettant l’accent sur les différentes parties en présence, le déséquilibre de pouvoir existant entre elles, et les intérêts lésés par le monopole de fait. Pour faire écho au neuvième alinéa du Préambule de 1946, on pourrait dire que le régime applicable au monopole de fait doit permettre aux parties prenantes de de pouvoir se constituer en véritable contre-pouvoir vis-à-vis des entreprises qui, abusant elles-mêmes de leur pouvoir de marché, heurtent leurs intérêts. / The "monopole de fait" is promoted in the French Constitution’s 9th preambular paragraph of October 27, 1946, according to which: "any good, any enterprise, whose exploitation has or acquires the characteristics of a national public service or a "monopole de fait", must become the property of the collectivity". In apparent clarity, the wording is nonetheless enigmatic for the jurist. While this policy seemed to justify nationalization (which explains the punctual nature of the studies that are made to it), the condemnation of the "monopole de fait" is a timeless logic: that of the participation of the market to the realization of the public interest. This is what the origins of the "monopole de fait", both economic and political, leads to. This euphemism, is useful to precisely designate economic feudalism and market failure. The "monopole de fait" is a threat, and when it is rife it prevents the realization of what the French scholars called an economic and social democracy. Should we mention those companies which, having a large market power, opt for aggressive corporate strategies; GAFA, banks and insurance companies, the incumbent operators in the network sectors, the agribusiness giants, are all flagrant examples of "monopole de fait". It is therefore straightforward that we must condemn it by collective appropriation. Notion that moves to the confines of law and economics, the "monopole de fait" is the cornerstone of what could be called market law. This branch of law would mitigate, mutatis mutandis, market failures. Nothing morenecessary, then, than to characterize the "monopole de fait". In this field, the different situations all have the same characteristic and all tend to achieve the same result: it is an abusive exploitation resulting in a rent situation. It is these two aspects combined that make possible the identification of "monopole de fait", in law. Strong of this first step, the sanction through collective appropriation must be redefined. The purely proprietary approach that prevailed allowed, in part, collective appropriation (because public property is, more than the others, held by the public interest). But it is neglected in this study in favor of a more pragmatic analysis focusing on the various parties involved and the legitimate interests harmed by "monopole de fait". To echo the 1946’s 9th preambular paragraph, it could be said that the de facto monopoly regime must enable stakeholders to assert their right (s) against companies.
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Att vara cool : När pojkar och flickor gör maskulinitet / Being cool : When boys and girls do masculinityHultman, Marcus January 2009 (has links)
<p>I denna kvalitativa studie undersöks hur en grupp skolbarn tolkar begreppet <em>cool</em> som personbeskrivande uttryck, samt huruvida detta förhållande får konsekvenser för den pedagogiska situationen. För att åstadkomma detta har jag genomfört en enkätundersökning och en gruppintervju, varefter jag analyserat resultaten i förhållande till tidigare genus- och maskulinitetsforskning. Min studie visar att begreppet har flera kontrasterande betydelser och på många sätt är nära förbundet med manliga könsnormer – såväl när det beskriver pojkar som flickor. Vidare verkar det finnas anledning att tro att elevers förhållningsätt till <em>cool</em> har vissa konsekvenser för den pedagogiska situationen.</p>
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La situation économique au temps de "Germinal" - une étude comparative de la condition des mineurs et de la situation de la compagnie minière dans le roman aussi bien que dans la réalitéAhlberg, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen behandlar den ekonomiska situationen i "Germinal" av Émile Zola. Det är mycket i romanen som handlar om ekonomi, t.ex. gruvarbetarnas ekonomiska situation och krisen i industrin. Jag har undersökt gruvarbetarnas ekonomiska situation, deras arbetsförhållanden och boendeförhållanden, liksom borgarnas situation. Uppsatsen behandlar också den övergripande ekonomiska situationen och hur denna påverkar industri, gruvarbetare och borgare. Bokens händelser och gruvarbetarnas och borgarnas reaktioner på dessa granskas i uppsatsen, liksom gruvbolagets ekonomi och organisation. Jag har också studerat motsvarande situationer i verkligheten och gjort en jämförelse.</p><p>Le mémoire traite la situation économique dans «Germinal» par Émile Zola. Une grande partie du roman tourne autour de l’économie, soit l’économie des mineurs, soit la crise industrielle. J’ai examiné la situation économique des mineurs, leurs conditions de travail et leur mode de logement aussi bien que la situation des employeurs, la situation économique en </p><p>gros et comment celle-ci influence l’industrie, la bourgeoise et les mineurs. La série d’évènements et la réaction des employeurs et des mineurs est prise en considération ainsi que l’organisation et la situation économique de la Compagnie des Mines de Montsou. J’ai étudié les situations correspondantes dans la réalité aussi, par exemple la situation économique des mineurs, les conditions de travail et la situation des mines de charbon. Une comparaison entre roman et réalité a également été faite.</p>
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Vänskap i förändring? – en studie huruvida en TV- serie förändrasKarlsson, Rickard, Källman, Pär January 2008 (has links)
<p>Titel: Friends – Vänskap i förändring? En studie huruvida en TV- serie förändras</p><p>Författare: Pär Källman och Rickard Karlsson</p><p>Dokument: C- uppsats</p><p>Utbildning: Medie- och kommunikationsvetenskap, höstterminen 07</p><p>Institution: Sektionen för Hälsa och Samhälle </p><p>Högskola: Högskolan i Halmstad</p><p>Handledare: Eva-Lotta Frid</p><p>Examinator: Malin Nilsson</p><p>Sammanfattning:</p><p>Vi har gjort en utvecklingsstudie i syfte att ta reda på om dramaturgi, dialog och karaktärsdrag, i TV-serien Vänner förändrats under de tio år som den producerades. Utifrån en kvalitativ hermeneutisk utgångspunkt har vi gjort en textanalys av serien. Vi har hämtat inspiration från diverse c-uppsatser från tidigare år och från narratologin och hermeneutiken.</p><p>I vår frågeställning vill vi veta om dramaturgin, dialogen, och karaktärerna på något sätt utvecklats eller förändrats under seriens lopp. Vi fördjupade oss i tre avsnitt ur serien, ett från första säsongen, ett från femte, samt ett från den tionde och sista. </p><p>Resultatet av vår analys visar att serien utifrån våra forskningsperspektiv består, snarare än förändras. Vi hade en teori om att serien på något sätt förändrats för att kunna ligga rätt i tiden och kunna behålla sin publik men i huvudsak skedde ingen större utveckling.</p>
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