Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sjukvården.""
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Helsingborg – Ängelholm, en jämförelse mellan kommunernas friskvårdsarbete för sina läraranställda.Johansson, Marie, Rahl, Johanna January 2006 (has links)
Abstract Author Johanna Rahl and Marie Johansson. Title Helsingborg-Ängelholm, a comparison of the work of the municipalities regarding self generated health care activities for employed teachers. Content Today you pay more and more attention to self generated health care. Political decisions affect the social development and thereby also conditions for people to feel healthy. As the municipalities are working with its inhabitants they are an important part of the self generated health care activities. The most part of our life we spend in school or at work and this is the reason why these places are the most suitable to create healthy people. From these thoughts we created the following aim of the study: “The aim of this study is to investigate what kind of work regarding self generated health care that is performed by the municipalities of Helsingborg and Ängelholm towards the employed teachers and how the teachers apprehend this work. Beside we will compare the municipalities and the selected schools and look for differences and similarities. Using actual knowledge about self generated health care we will support with thoughts how to develop the work for better self generated health care.” To answer the aim we have done 20 interviews of teachers, headmasters, responsible for human resources in the municipality, project leader for “Hälsovägen” as well as responsible for Child and Youth committee, all working within Helsingborg and Ängelholm municipalities. Our result shows that there is an ongoing work regarding self generated health care in both municipalities, even though it is different. In Ängelhom there is a policy regarding self generated health care, including 1000 SEK as a subsidy for these kinds of activities, among a lot of other things for the employees. The municipality also arrange special health congresses and other projects regarding self generated health care. In Helsingborg the subsidy is 2000 SEK a year, together with a health care card with discounts. The municipality in Helsingborg also has a well developed team work with “Hälsoborgen”, the towns` answer to the company’s health care. This is missing in the municipality of Ängelholm, who instead has progressed a lot more regarding the self generated health care activities for the employed teachers. The most used part is the subsidy of the self generated health care activities; however this part must be paid by the schools themselves. This will lead to the schools reducing both the number of employees as well as materials to the pupils. Theories regarding self generated health care and health focus on the importance to affect people physical, psychological and social. The municipalities we have compared are still working more on the physical part. It is not enough to have a good physique if you don’t feel good both psychologically and socially. This is something to think about for both of the municipalities, when they evaluate their self generated health care work. Helsingborg and Ängelholm need to enlarge their views concerning self generated health care, through learning from each other. Key words Helsingborg municipality, Ängelholm municipality, employed teachers, ill-health, health and self generated health care.
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Anhörigvårdarnas upplevelser i hemmet vid livets slutskede, med hjälp av palliativa teametBengtsson, Anette, Lyckström, Marie January 2008 (has links)
Idag ökar den palliativa omvårdnaden i hemmet. För att den sjuke ofta har en önskan om att få dö hemma. Det ställer krav på anhörigvårdarna som är dem som kommer att bli dem primära vårdarna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka anhörigvårdarnas upplevelser av att vårda hemma, i livets slutskede, med hjälp av det palliativa teamet. Studien genomfördes som en systematisk litteraturstudie. Genom litteraturstudien fick man fram de positiva och negativa upplevelserna från anhörigvårdarna som vårdat den sjuke i hemmet. Studien visade att anhörigvårdarna skulle välja att vårda den sjuke i hemmet igen med hjälp av det palliativa teamet. Detta trots att flera negativa upplevelser kom fram. Anhörigvårdarna ville vara mer delaktiga i omvårdnadsarbetet och detta gjorde att anhörigvårdarna upplevde en större tillfredställelse av själv, genom att kunna ge något tillbaka till den sjuke. Anhörigvårdarna önskade mer stöd från vårdpersonalen eftersom de ansåg sig ha bristande kompetens om medicinteknik, kroppens hälsa, sjukdomen, dess symptom, behandling, och prognos etc.
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Assessing the impact of Migration and Integration on the Health of African : An in-depth interview conducted in the city of Linköping with African immigrants who have lived in Sweden for between 5 to 20 years and moreMarie Aimee Nyampame Umutesi, Isis January 2005 (has links)
There is an on going debate in academia on the health of immigrants in their host countries. Many studies have indicated that immigrants tend to have poor health as compared to the native born population. Researchers in this field however hold divergent views on the causes of the poor health of immigrants. One school of thought attributes poor health of immigrants to premigration period. The contenders of this theory argue that during this period immigrants experience and are subjected to hardships which will affect their health later on in their lives. On the other hand, some researchers view post migration period as an ultimate determinant of the poor health of immigrants in their host country. These researchers ascertain that during this period immigrants are faced with many challenges of adaptation and most often lack good integration in their host countries which hampers their health. The aim of this study is to explore and describe the impact of migration and integration on the health of African immigrants in the Swedish society. A combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods was used to collect and analyze data with the help of the “triangulation “technique. A structured questionnaire was used as a guideline to the in-depth interviews conducted with African immigrants who have lived in Sweden for a period of five to twenty years and plus. Twentyfive African immigrants from fourteen African countries took part in this research. This study was conducted in the city of Linköping in Sweden. Results from this study revealed that majority of African immigrants self rated their health as being good. Many affirm to be in good health. However, a majority of African immigrants reported psychosomatic symptoms such as stress, fatigue, and other illnesses such as high blood pressure, and diabetes. It was also observed that African immigrants hardly seek medical help except when necessary. Health as defined by immigrants is “a combination of physical and mental well being”,” health is ” happiness and joy”, health is “self realization and self esteem”, health is “vitality”, Health is a “sine qua non condition to good life”. However mastery of the Swedish language, and flexible opportunities, which will enable immigrants to access the labor market and be self-sufficient, may improve the immigrants health condition. Also integration of immigrants’ health professionals in the Swedish health care system may be a vital tool to encourage immigrants to seek health attention and improve their health condition.
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En språklig studie av barnbilderböcker om sjukvård 1966-2007 : - en spegling av samhällsutvecklingen / A linguistic study of children's picture books on health care 1966-2007. : A reflection of society.Knutsson, Barbro January 2011 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att belysa hur samhällsutvecklingen avspeglas i barnbilderböcker och hur barn och vuxna inom sjukvården framställs. De barnböcker som ingår i undersökningen är När Lasse Larsson åkte ambulans av Ann Mari Falk och Tord Nygren (1966), Emma hos doktorn av Gunilla Wolde (1977), Malin på besök hos doktorn av Bengt Fahlström (1983), Aj! eller när jag hamnade på sjukhus av Ann Forslind (1994) och Händiga Hanna lagar pappa av Titti Knutsson & Lisen Adbåge (2007). Utifrån metoden och teorin kritisk diskursanalys belyses böckerna, och textanalyserna kompletteras med analys av bild och grafisk form. Resultatet visar att budskapet framförs allt mer i bilderna. Olika former av påverkan från medier i det omgivande samhället, och samverkan mellan bild, text och grafisk form blir tydligare än i de tidigare böckerna. Det omgivande samhället och dess värderingar avspeglas i barnböckerna genom tidstypiska familjekonstellationer, hemmiljöer och arbetslivsskildringar och i relationen mellan barn och vuxna i sjukvården.
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Överviktiga människors erfarenheter av värdighet i vården : En litteraturöversikt / Overweight peoples´s experiences of dignity in Health Care : - A literature reviewJohansson, Anne Göril January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>Övervikt och fetma är ett ökande problem i samhället och i världen. Diskrimminering och negativa attityder mot överviktiga människor är vanligt. Upprätthållande av patienternas värdighet är fundamentalt för god omvårdnad. Syftet med denna studie har varit att belysa och sammanställa forskning som beskriver överviktiga människors erfarenheter av värdighet vid behandling och vård inom Hälso- och Sjukvården. Elektroniska sökningar har gjorts i två databaser tillsammans med manuell sökning för att finna referenser. Åtta artiklar granskades och inkluderades i studien. I resultatet framkom följande områden, att mötas av respekt, att inte mötas av respekt, att inte få plats med sin kropp, att välja att lämna över kontrollen, att bli sedd och tagen på allvar och att inte bli sedd och tagen på allvar. Det som framkommer i denna studie är att många överviktiga människor upplever att de inte blivit respektlöst behandlade av personalen på grund av sin övervikt. Däremot känner överviktiga människor att de ibland blir respektlöst bemötta för den hjälp som de får för sin övervikt. Det visade sig också att utrustning och sjukhusmiljöer sällan var adekvata för deras storlek. Slutsatsen av resultatet visar att överviktiga människor känner värdighet när personalen behandlar dem respektfullt, ser dem som en individ och att de blir tagna på allvar.</p><p> </p><p> </p> / <p>Overweight and obesity are an increasing problem in the society and in the world. Discrimination and negative attitudes towards obese people are common. Maintenance of patient´s dignity is fundamental for good care. Aim for this review was to illuminate and relate research who describes overweight people´s experiences of dignity with treatment and care in Health Care. Electronic searches were carried out on two databases along with hand-searching of references. Eight studies met the inclusion criteria. The findings revealed following areas, be faced by respect, not be faced by respect, not get location with his body, choose to hand over the control, be seen and taken seriously and not be seen and taken seriously. Findings revealed that many overweight people experienced that they have not been treated disrespectfully by the professionals because of their weight but they are sometimes treated disrespectfully by health care professionals for the care they received for their obesity. It turned out that the equipment and the environment in hospitals seldom were adequate for their size. The conclusion of the result shows that overweight people feel dignified if the nurses treat them with respect, see them as a person and they are taken seriously.</p>
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Assessing the impact of Migration and Integration on the Health of African : An in-depth interview conducted in the city of Linköping with African immigrants who have lived in Sweden for between 5 to 20 years and moreMarie Aimee Nyampame Umutesi, Isis January 2005 (has links)
<p>There is an on going debate in academia on the health of immigrants in their host countries. Many studies have indicated that immigrants tend to have poor health as compared to the native born population. Researchers in this field however hold divergent views on the causes of the poor health of immigrants. One school of thought attributes poor health of immigrants to premigration period. The contenders of this theory argue that during this period immigrants experience and are subjected to hardships which will affect their health later on in their lives. On the other hand, some researchers view post migration period as an ultimate determinant of the poor health of immigrants in their host country. These researchers ascertain that during this</p><p>period immigrants are faced with many challenges of adaptation and most often lack good integration in their host countries which hampers their health.</p><p>The aim of this study is to explore and describe the impact of migration and integration on the health of African immigrants in the Swedish society. A combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods was used to collect and analyze data with the help of the “triangulation “technique. A structured questionnaire was used as a guideline to the in-depth interviews conducted with African immigrants who have lived in Sweden for a period of five to twenty</p><p>years and plus. Twentyfive African immigrants from fourteen African countries took part in this research. This study was conducted in the city of Linköping in Sweden.</p><p>Results from this study revealed that majority of African immigrants self rated their health as being good. Many affirm to be in good health. However, a majority of African immigrants reported psychosomatic symptoms such as stress, fatigue, and other illnesses such as high blood pressure, and diabetes. It was also observed that African immigrants hardly seek medical help except when necessary. Health as defined by immigrants is “a combination of physical and</p><p>mental well being”,” health is ” happiness and joy”, health is “self realization and self esteem”, health is “vitality”, Health is a “sine qua non condition to good life”. However mastery of the Swedish language, and flexible opportunities, which will enable immigrants to access the labor market and be self-sufficient, may improve the immigrants health condition. Also integration of immigrants’ health professionals in the Swedish health care system may be a vital tool to</p><p>encourage immigrants to seek health attention and improve their health condition.</p>
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Rekryteringsannonser för första linjens chefer : Undersökning av perioden 1971 – 2007 inom Landstinget i Jönköpings län / Advertisement and Recruitment of First Line Executives in Medical Care : An investigation between 1971 and 2007 in the county council of JonkopingCarlsson, Johan, Siljehult, Mats January 2008 (has links)
<p>What are the competencies and qualifications required by employers concerning the first line executives in medical care? In this paper we aim to scrutinise this question by analysing the significance of terms reproduced by employers in advertisements between 1971 and 2007.</p><p>Our survey concerns 93 advertisements and two interviews with knowledgeable authorities on personnel administration in the county council of Jönköping municipality, Sweden. Using a theoretical framework developed by Ellström our results point out how the demands of the employer have changed starting in the 1970’s. We set fore, as a way of conclusion, the setting of competency and qualifications required by the employer have not only increased but appears much more comprehensive and far more complex than ever before.</p> / <p>Arbetsgivaren söker en första linjens chef, vilket yrkeskunnande är det man menar, vilken kompetens och kvalifikationer är det man efterfrågar?</p><p>Vår uppsats syftar till att kartlägga, analysera och diskutera rekryteringsannonser som används för första linjens chefer inom Landstinget i Jönköpings län, från år 1971 fram till 2007.</p><p>Vi har undersökt hur värdeord i annonser speglar arbetsgivarens krav och efterfrågan, samt hur de har förändrats över tid. För detta har använts Per-Erik Ellströms teoretiska ram och begreppsförklaring från år 2004 som modell till att granska dessa annonser. Vi har som empiri kartlagt 93 stycken rekryteringsannonser samt djupintervjuat två expertpersoner från Landstinget i Jönköpings län.</p><p>Vår kartläggning och analys visar på hur arbetsgivarens krav och efterfrågan på första linjens chefer ökat från 1970-talet fram till idag. Den ram av kompetens och kvalifikationer som arbetsgivaren efterfrågar är idag större och mer komplex i sitt innehåll än tidigare.</p>
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Är handdatorer säkra nog för hälso- och sjukvården? / Are handheld computers secure enough to be used in the health- and medical care?Larsson, Sandra January 2002 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to discuss computer security in handheld computers and to find out the appropriate security level that must be implemented to be able to use handheld computers within the Swedish healthcare system. Most healthcare centers are using some kind of electronic journals for their patient´s data today, but there are still a number of clinics that are usingthe old paper-system. </p><p>On a few places in Sweden the use of handheld computers at the clinics has already started, but in the United States the use of handheld computers in the medical area is already widespread and from this we can see a lot of different situations where it is useful and effective to work with handheld computers. </p><p>The security demands on patient´s journals are high and regulated in both Swedish law and regulations from the National Swedish Board of Health and Welfare. The law does not have any substantial demands, but states that there should be an adequate security level based on the nature of the information and the costs. The conclusions of this report is that this level of security can be achieved in handheld computers if additional software is installed and used in combination with the security features in the operating system. It is also necessary to have a good method for user identification that is adjusted to fit the situation in the clinic.</p>
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Ett vårdinformationssystem i vårdens frontlinje : En fallstudie om Cambio Cosmic på en vårdcentral i Landstinget KronobergAndersson Nazzal, Lena, Ryberg, Agneta January 2007 (has links)
<p>In healthcare there is a rapid development towards introducing and implementing a wide range of information technology (IT) to aim for higher quality and more effective care. A common health information system (Cambio Cosmic) has been implemented in Landstinget Kronoberg. Clinical microsystems are the frontline units where staff and pa-tient meet. When the conditions in the microsystems are changed, it is interesting to de-scribe and analyse the consequences.</p><p>The purpose of this study is to describe how health care staff uses a health information sys-tem and how they experience its functionality in their patient work. Initially, a literature re-view about the use of health information system was undertaken, followed by a qualitative case study based on interviews about how healthcare staff describes their reality. In March 2007 general practitioners, district nurses and practical nurses at the health care center in Markaryd were interviewed. The results were analysed using a modified microsystem the-ory. The analysis showed that the health care staff in Markaryd used Cambio Cosmic for medical record, time planning, cash handling, laboratory examinations and results, and medications. Apart from Cosmic, they used several other information systems IT- or pa-perbased.</p><p>The staff experienced that Cosmic did support their patient work, but technical deficiencies impeded use. The staff required a more rapid system, integration of systems and more per-sonal adaptations. A common health information system was seen as a strength in the care process. Co-operation between staff and with other caregivers was facilitated and Cosmic contributed to a more efficient work pattern. The patients could receive improved service and information. In general, the staff thought that they had access to the right information for the care of the patient, but improvements were needed for access to information at the right point of time. Cosmic was not used to improve work at the health care center. The staff expressed a positive attitude towards working with and in Cosmic. Based on the re-sult, improvements at both micro- and macrosystems levels are recommended.</p> / <p>Inom sjukvården sker en snabb utveckling med att implementera allt mer informationstek-nik (IT) i syfte att höja kvalitet och effektivitet inom sjukvården. Ett gemensamt vårdin-formationsssystem (Cambio Cosmic) har införts i Landstinget Kronoberg. Den plats i vår-dens frontlinje där patienter och vårdpersonal möts är ett kliniskt microsystem. När förut-sättningarna ändras i ett system är det intressant att analysera och beskriva konsekvenserna.</p><p>Syftet med denna rapport är att beskriva hur vårdpersonal använder ett IT-baserat vårdin-formationssystem och hur de upplever att det fungerar i patientarbetet. En litteraturstudie gjordes om användning av vårdinformationssystem. En fallstudie med intervjuer användes med en kvalitativ ansats för att samla in data om hur vårdpersonalen beskriver sin verklig-het. I mars 2007 intervjuades distriktsläkare, distriktsköterskor och undersköterskor på vårdcentralen i Markaryd, totalt 6 intervjuer, två av varje kategori. Resultatet analyserades utifrån en modifierad microsystemsteori. Vårdpersonalen i Markaryd använde Cambio Cosmics moduler för vårddokumentation, tidbokning, kassafunktion, provtagning och lä-kemedel. Utöver Cosmic användes även flera andra IT-stöd och papperssystem i patientar-betet.</p><p>Vårdpersonalen upplever att Cosmic fungerar som stöd i patientarbetet, men att tekniska brister är ett hinder i användningen och de efterfrågade ett snabbare system, systemintegre-ring och mer personliga anpassningar. I vårdprocessen upplevdes tillgången till en lands-tingsgemensam journal som en styrka. Samverkan mellan vårdpersonal och med andra vårdgivare underlättades och Cosmic bidrog till ett effektivare arbetssätt. Patienten kunde ges en förbättrad service och information. Överlag ansåg vårdpersonalen att de hade till-gång till rätt information för patientens vård, men för att ha tillgång till information i rätt tid behövdes förbättringar. Cosmic användes inte i förbättringsarbete på vårdcentralen. Vårdpersonalen på Markaryds vårdcentral gav uttryck för en positiv inställning till arbetet i Cosmic. Utifrån resultatet rekommenderas förbättringar på både micro- och macrosys-temsnivå.</p>
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Finns det evidens för munvård? : -en jämförelse mellan litteraturen och Handboken för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalDanielsson, Hilda, Lindgard, Helena January 2008 (has links)
<p>Handboken för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal är ett webbbaserat hjälpmedel för att sjukvårdspersonal lätt ska ha tillgång till uppdaterad kunskap som bygger på vetenskapliga och beprövade metoder. Syftet med studien var att undersöka evidensen bakom de riktlinjer för munvård som anges i Handboken för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ ansats använts, vilket benämns metodtriangulering. Författarna har funnit evidens för samtliga riktlinjer i Handboken för hälso- och sjukvårdspersonal. Riktlinjerna för hur munvård bör utföras har delats in i kategorierna tandborstning, rengörning av munhålan och behandling av uttorkad munslehinna. Bevisvärdet i artiklarna, expertutlåtandena och SBU rapporten har bedömts som stark till begränsat bevisvärde. Merparten av evidensen bedömdes som begränsat bevisvärde, främst på grund av att arbetena saknade tydliga metodbeskrivningar. Trots det begränsade bevisvärdet och det faktum att det inte framkommit några fakta som motsäger riktlinjerna anser författarna att handbokens riktlinjer bör följas. Författarna anser att studien kan bidra till ett ökat kritiskt tänkande hos sjuksköterskan. Vårdpersonalen blir medveten om vikten av att alltid ha ett kritiskt förhållningssätt gentemot den kunskap och de riktlinjer vi har att följa. Ett kritiskt förhållningssätt gentemot kunskap leder till kvalitetssäker vård, där patienten kan förlita sig på att vården bygger på evidens. Det leder till ökad trygghet för patienten.</p>
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