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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Socialt arbete i skolan : En fenomenografisk analys av skolpersonals uppfattningar kring behovet av skolsocialt arbete / Social work in school : A phenomenographic analysis of school employees’ perceptions of the need for school social work

Berneklint Stenberg, Julia, Sjödén, Petronella January 2023 (has links)
Tidigare forskning visar att allt fler barn och unga rapporterar psykisk ohälsa. Trots detta har forskning kring en utökad och utvecklad elevhälsa fått lite utrymme och arbetsbelastningen hos skolpersonal ökat. Syftet med studien är att undersöka skolpersonals uppfattningar kring behovet av det skolsociala arbetets funktioner och eventuella behov av ytterligare eller utökade funktioner. Studien har använt sig av en kvalitativ design med kombinerad intervjumetod i form av enskilda, par- och fokusgruppsintervjuer. Fem intervjuer genomfördes med skolkuratorer, speciallärare och rektorer. Materialet analyserades med hjälp av en fenomenografisk analys. Resultatet visar att det finns ett behov av det skolsociala arbetets funktioner för att möta de utmaningar som finns i skolan, både hos den enskilda eleven och inom organisationen. Det finns även ett behov av utökade och ytterligare funktioner i form av mer kunskap och nya professioner såväl som samverkan.

"Jag är inte homofob, men rör mig inte och prata inte om det" - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om normkritiskt skolsocialt arbete

Gunnarsson, Stina January 2012 (has links)
This is a qualitative study based on interviews with teachers, social workers and school counselors – with aim to analyze how norm critical social work is in schools. Gender and sexuality norms are in focus which is analyzed in a intersectional and queer theoretical perspective. The study shows that what is defined as a norm in the society varies both socially, historically and culturally. School is a reflection of its society and therefore also reflects its norms, such as heteronormativity and gender roles. The making of norms also makes it possible to categorize people, often by using stereotypes. As a member of the society, we’re a part of several different categories – e g depending of gender, sexuality, class and ethnicity. This categorizing is affecting our conditions, but also other people expectations and views of each other. To generalize and to use stereotypes is making the complex easy – but at the same time it’s power structures that maintain inequality and oppression if you’re not aware of them. The study shows how this is transferred into schools and how teachers and other school professions design their work to be more critical and aware of norms and power structures.

”Ett slag i ansiktet, här kom verkligheten” : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om ungdomars upplevelse av livsfasen och det skolsociala stödet / ”Here comes reality” : a qualitative interview study on youths experience of current phase of life and of school social support

Jevrell, Fredrika, Söderberg, Hanna January 2020 (has links)
Statistiken visar att den psykiska ohälsan hos ungdomar ökar. Rapporter, teorier och tidigare forskning pekar på att övergången mellan barn och vuxen är skör och att skolan har en stor betydelse för individen. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka ungdomens upplevelser av nuvarande livsfas samt av det skolsociala stödet. Studien har tillämpats en kvalitativ ansats med semistrukturerade intervjuer för att besvara syftet. Åtta ungdomar från Stockholm i åldern 18–19 år intervjuades. Empirin analyserades med hjälp av flertalet teorier: moderniteten och individen, livsloppsperspektivet samt ett utvecklingsekologiskt perspektiv. Resultatet indikerar att ungdomar står inför en mängd val som genererar press och stress. Sociala medier är vidare ett fenomen som ungdomen pekar ut som en stor del av livet som genererar en stor del stress och press. Det finns dock en positiv aspekt med sociala medier, ungdomen menar på att plattformarna utgör möjligheter att känna samhörighet. Vänner, familj och lärare utgör det största stödet för ungdomen. Ungdomen anser att lärarna är den profession som i skolan omfattar det största skolsociala stödet. Skolkuratorn är mångt och mycket en främling på skolan och borde enligt ungdomen vara en mer involverad profession i skolans dagliga arbete. / Statistics show that the mental health of adolescens is increasing. Reports, theories and present research indicates that the transitions between child and adult is fragile and that schools are of great importance for the adolescens. This study aims to investigate the youth’s perspective on the current phase of life and the experience of school social support. The study used a qualitative strategy with semistructured interviews to answer the purpose. Eight youths in the ages 18–19 from Stockholm were interviewed. The result was analysed using several theories: modernity and the individual, the lifecourse perspective and a developmental ecological perspective. The result indicates that adolecents are facing a variety of choices that generate pressure and stress. Furthermore, is social media a phenomenon that the youths pointed out as a major part of their life. Although it also generates a great deal of stress and pressure there is a positive aspect with social media. The youth believes that the platforms makes opportunities to feel connected with others.  Friends, families and teachers are the greatest support for the adolecents. They think that teachers are the profession that make most of the school social support at school. The school counseling, is by large, a stranger and according to the youth, should be a more involved profession in the school’s daily work.

En komplex funktion : En litteraturstudie om skolkuratorns roll i arbetet mot mobbning

Faour, Ahmad January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka skolkuratorns roll i arbetet mot mobbning. Systematisk litteraturgenomgång samt användande av innehållsanalys tillämpades för att besvara litteraturstudiens syfte och frågeställningar. Rollteori samt tidigare forskning utgjorde underlag för analys av resultat. Resultatet visade att begreppet mobbning av skolkuratorer kan tolkas olika och medför därav en syn på mobbning som är mångtydig. Skolkuratorer kan i sin förklaring av hur de ser på mobbning utgå ifrån ett eller flera perspektiv. Mobbning kan betraktas ur ett allmänorienterat, individorienterat eller miljöorienterat synsätt. Ett allmänorienterat synsätt utgår ifrån en helhetssyn kring eleverna. Ett individorienterat synsätt betraktar att elevers individuella svårigheter, kroniska tillstånd eller funktionsnedsättningar ger upphov till inblandning i mobbningsincidenter. Ett miljöorienterat synsätt innefattar en psykosocial syn där norm, kultur, familj, lärare samt klasskamrater betraktas som bidragande till involvering i mobbning. Arbetet mot mobbning betecknar en komplex funktion där skolkuratorns roll består av flera aktiviteter. Exempel på ett urval av aktiviteter involverar initiativ som individuella samtal, stödgrupper, medling samt samarbete med familj och skolpersonal. / The purpose of the study was to investigate the role of the school counselor in the work against bullying. A systematic review of literature and use of content analysis were applied to answer the aims and questions of the literature study. A role-theoretical framework and research provided the basis for analysis of results. The result showed that the concept of bullying by school counselors can be interpreted differently, and thus entails a view of bullying that is ambiguous. In their explanation of how they view bullying, school counselors can start from one or more perspectives. Bullying can be viewed from a general, individual or environmental view. A general-oriented view is based on a holistic view of the students. An individual-oriented view considers that students' individual difficulties, chronic conditions or disabilities give rise to involvement in bullying incidents. An environment-oriented view includes a psychosocial view where norm, culture, family, teachers and classmates are considered contributing to involvement in bullying. The work against bullying represents a complex function in which the role of the school counselor consists of several activities. Examples of a selection of activities involve initiatives such as individual discussions, support groups, mediation and collaboration with family and school staff.

Elevvård i grundskolan : Resurser, organisering och praktik / Pupil welfare in Swedish schools : Resources, organization and practice

Backlund, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse the organization, resources and practice of pupil welfare work in municipal compulsory schools. In one study, telephone interviews with head masters from a random sample of 100 municipal compulsory schools have been carried out. A second study is based on material from two case studies, where the work of the pupil welfare team members and the everyday organizing of pupil welfare, are scrutinized.</p><p>The distribution of special pupil welfare resources varied considerably. Almost one-third of the variation could be explained by organizational and structural variables included in a regression analysis. Practically all schools in the sample had a school nurse, while school social workers and in particular school psychologists, were available to a lesser extent. Regarding the latter two professions, the results indicate that these resources are allocated to pupils of different age groups. The involvement of different kinds of municipal service in pupil welfare work is becoming a common form of organization. The case studies show that these service units can become influential actors in the organizing of local pupil welfare work. </p><p>School nurses appear to be an institutionalized resource, with regard to their presence in schools and the content of their work. The school social worker lacks a specific technology of her own that distinguishes her work from other professions. School social work is performed by several professions and for some tasks domain conflicts can arouse. These conflicts can to a certain degree be rooted in the enhanced consultative role of the pupil welfare specialists, which affects the division of labour between the actors. The pupil welfare meetings studied in the case studies where characterized by asymmetrical relationships, where little space were given for pupils and their parents to be actively involved in the decision-making process. </p>

Elevvård i grundskolan : Resurser, organisering och praktik / Pupil welfare in Swedish schools : Resources, organization and practice

Backlund, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe and analyse the organization, resources and practice of pupil welfare work in municipal compulsory schools. In one study, telephone interviews with head masters from a random sample of 100 municipal compulsory schools have been carried out. A second study is based on material from two case studies, where the work of the pupil welfare team members and the everyday organizing of pupil welfare, are scrutinized. The distribution of special pupil welfare resources varied considerably. Almost one-third of the variation could be explained by organizational and structural variables included in a regression analysis. Practically all schools in the sample had a school nurse, while school social workers and in particular school psychologists, were available to a lesser extent. Regarding the latter two professions, the results indicate that these resources are allocated to pupils of different age groups. The involvement of different kinds of municipal service in pupil welfare work is becoming a common form of organization. The case studies show that these service units can become influential actors in the organizing of local pupil welfare work. School nurses appear to be an institutionalized resource, with regard to their presence in schools and the content of their work. The school social worker lacks a specific technology of her own that distinguishes her work from other professions. School social work is performed by several professions and for some tasks domain conflicts can arouse. These conflicts can to a certain degree be rooted in the enhanced consultative role of the pupil welfare specialists, which affects the division of labour between the actors. The pupil welfare meetings studied in the case studies where characterized by asymmetrical relationships, where little space were given for pupils and their parents to be actively involved in the decision-making process.

Skolkuratorns betydande roll : En kvalitativ studie om hur skolkuratorer arbetar med sexualitet och sexuell hälsa / The important role of the school counselor : A qualitative study on how school counselors work with sexuality and sexual health

Sandin, Matilda January 2023 (has links)
De första 18 åren av en människas liv präglas av fysiska förändringar som bidrar till nya mentala tankeprocesser kring sex, sexualitet och relationer. Denna förändringsprocess som människan går igenom skapar en nyfunnen medvetenhet om sin egen och andras sexualitet. I en tid som definieras av förändringar på denna nivå är det inte ovanligt att privata och intima frågor dyker upp och det kan då vara skönt att ha en opartisk vuxen att prata med. Denna opartiska vuxen kan vara skolkurator.  Denna studie ämnar att, med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer, få en ökad förståelse för hur ett urval av skolkuratorer i Sverige väljer att arbeta med frågor kring sexualitet och sexuell hälsa. Studien avser även att undersöka om samtalet kring sexualitet och sexuell hälsa bör ske i en skolmiljö och om det är relevant för skolkuratorns yrke. Resultaten visar att skolkuratorerna som deltagit i studien har olika syn på relevansen av sexualitet och sexuell hälsa för deras arbete. Det framkom finnas ett samband mellan tidigare yrkeserfarenheter och hur en skolkurator väljer att utforma sitt arbete. En annan slutsats som kom fram i denna studie var att skolkuratorernas arbetsbeskrivning inte anger några tydliga ramar kring vad som ska ingå i arbetet, vilket ger yrkesutövaren stort utrymme att forma sina egna arbetssätt. / The first 18 years of a human being's life is characterized by physical changes that contribute to new mental thought processes concerning sex, sexuality and relationships. This process of change that the human goes through creates a newfound awareness of one’s own and others’ sexuality. In a time that is defined by changes on this level, it is not uncommon for private and intimate questions to arise and it can be nice to have an impartial adult to talk to. This impartial adult can be the school counselor.  The aim of this study is to, with the help of qualitative interviews, gain an increased understanding of how a selection of school counselors in Sweden choose to work with issues surrounding sexuality and sexual health. The study also intends to investigate whether the conversation regarding sexuality and sexual health is supposed to take place in a school environment and whether it is relevant to the school counselor's profession. The results show that the school counselors who participated in the study have different views on the relevance of sexuality and sexual health to their work. There seemed to be a correlation between previous professional experiences and how a school counselor chooses to design their work. Another conclusion that was reached in this study was that the school counselors' job description does not specify any clear framework around what should be included in the work, which gives the professional a lot of room to mold their own working methods.

"Vi måste våga lyfta på locket" : Skolkuratorers arbete med hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck / "We must dare to lift the lid" : School counselors' work with honor-related violence and oppression

Lagerborg, Andréa, Muslija, Jasmina January 2023 (has links)
Honor-related violence and oppression is a societal problem that needs to be addressed. Previous research has primarily been focused on defining honor as a term, which has contributed to the schools’ important role in working with honor-related issues being neglected. The essence of this study is not only to create awareness and an understanding of school counselors work with honor-related issues, but it will also account for analyzes of difficulties they have encountered during their time of work. The study is based on six semi-structured interviews with school counselors in one of Sweden's largest cities. The data that is presented in this study is obtained by previous research, articles and reports - as the basis of the study is to deepen the understanding of the school counselors' work with the subject in question. The data gathering of empirical material indicates that honor-related problems are a prevailing phenomenon in Swedens’ schools. The school counselors emphasize a number of dilemmas they are encountered with or have encountered in their profession. The ambivalence is distinctive where there is a clearly expressed fear of appearing xenophobic or risking someone falling through the cracks. The results of the study observes and emphasizes how segregation and the professionals' own attitudes and knowledge can appear as an obstacle to the preventive work with honor-related issues. The study has led to an understanding that in-depth research is of fundamental importance for school professionals’ ability to notice and assist the children and young people who grow up in home conditions characterized by standards of honor. The results of the empirical data are analyzed in relation to selected relevant theoretical frames of reference for the study, symbolic interactionism, segregation and profession theory. / Hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck är ett samhällsproblem som behöver uppmärksammas. Tidigare forskning har till större del haft sitt fokus i att definiera heder som ett begrepp vilket har bidragit till att skolans viktiga roll i arbetet med hedersrelaterade frågor gått förlorad. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa en förståelse kring skolkuratorers arbete med hedersrelaterade frågor samt analysera de hinder som skolkuratorerna upplever i sitt vardagliga arbete. Studien baseras på sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med skolkuratorer i en av Sveriges storstäder. Studiens ändamål har grundat sig i strävan efter en mer djupgående förståelse av skolkuratorernas arbete med dessa komplexa frågor, därav har tidigare forskning, artiklar och rapporter legat till grund för analysen av insamlat empiriskt material. Datainsamlingen av empiriskt material indikerar att hedersproblematik är ett rådande fenomen i Sveriges skolor. I arbetet med studien betonar skolkuratorerna ett flertal dilemman de bemöter eller har bemött i yrket. Ambivalensen är stor där det tydligt uttrycks en rädsla för att framstå som främlingsfientlig eller missa att någon faller mellan stolarna. Resultatet av studien anmärker och poängterar hur segregation och de yrkesverksammas egna inställningar samt kunskaper kan komma att bli ett hinder för det förebyggande arbetet med hedersrelaterade frågor. Studien har föranlett till en förståelse om att djupgående forskning är av fundamental betydelse för att yrkesverksamma inom skolan ska kunna uppmärksamma alla barn och unga som växer upp i hemförhållanden präglade av hedersnormer. Resultatet av empiriskt material analyseras i förhållande till valda relevanta teoretiska referensramar för studiens syfte, symbolisk interaktionism, segregation och professionsteori.

Det skolsociala arbetet med problematisk skolfrånvaro : - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolkuratorers och skolsocionomers upplevda handlingsutrymme / The school social work with problematic school absenteeism : - A qualitative interview study of school counselors´ and school social workers experienced discretion

Emilsson, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to describe and understand how school counselors and school social worker experience and perceive their discretion related to the work with problematic school absenteeism in elementary school. My study is based on six qualitative interviews where the professional roles each made half of the total number, which has been analyzed using qualitative content analysis. I wanted to describe and understand the discretion of school counselors and school social worker based on their role and function as that are not sufficently defined and specified, this associated with work on problematic school absenteeism. The conclusions of this study are that some of them felt limited regarding confidentiality, while some were positive about laws and guidelines. Also, that other actors within school or BUP, their working conditions and resources influenced the school counselors´and school social workers own work performance. The managers gave them freedom to shape their professional role within the organization´s framework. The possibility of resistance was also expressed. Also, that there is bigger experience of obscurity than clarity regarding the job description, which can be based on cooperation and the opportunity to take place. Collaboration and cross-border work as well affected the discretion of the professional role. School councelors and school social worker also have different opportunities in their preventive practical work to meet and manage absenteeism.

Violence in sibling relationships: abuse or par for the course? : A qualitative interview study on the perspective of school counsellors on sibling violence / Våldsamhet i syskonrelationer: våld eller norm? : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om skolkuratorers perspektiv på syskonvåld

Al-Jumaah, Eleanor January 2022 (has links)
This study aims to explore the perspective of school counsellors on sibling violence, focusing on their understanding of the phenomenon through their professional experiences and their perceptions of their own abilities in addressing it. The study was conducted through a qualitative approach, where six school counsellors working with teenagers aged thirteen years and up were interviewed using a semi-structured interview method. The findings of this study suggest that school counsellors play an important role in identifying, responding, and promoting change in cases of sibling violence within the school system. Furthermore, their observations indicate that the family environment can be significant to the occurrence of sibling violence through the normalisation and perpetuation of the violence, be it directly or through a general culture of violence in the family. Additionally, the occurrence of sibling violence has also been observed to have some potential consequences for persons experiencing it, such as anxiety, low self-esteem, and mistrust of others.

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