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Handläggning & Kunskap : En kvalitativ studie om barnhandläggares kunsakpsanvändning i handläggning av LVU-ärenden. / Handling & Knowledge : A Study of children administrator's knowledge use in the management of child welfare cases.Nensén, Camilla, Svegart, Ellen January 2015 (has links)
The focus of this thesis is on social workers’ knowledge in assessing and making decisions in child welfare cases. The primary aim is to identify what skills or knowledge social workers find most useful within child welfare agencies in Swedish municipalities. Six different types of knowledge, social policy and the approach of child welfare cases are perspectives considered in the analysis. The interviews with social workers were held in three agencies in southern Sweden, in 2014. Main results: social workers’ think it is very important to have different kinds of knowledge and skills in order to perform such professional work as possible. They value peer support where they can exchange experiences and knowledge with each other. The importance to specialize after the bachelor’s degree in social work was also revealed in the results, due to the social work supplementary course only represented undergraduate studies. The approach of child welfare cases it was found that there are many different ways to manage them, but the main thing is to manage the cases with great respect and always strive to apply volunteer efforts where it’s possible. Another point is the political importance which we not counted on.
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Socialinių paslaugų vaikų dienos centruose efektyvumo vertinimas. Širvintų rajono Vileikiškių vaikų dienos centro Lašelis atvejis / Evaluation of effectiveness of social services at children’s day centers. The case of children’s day center Lašelis in Vileikiškiai, Širvintos districtBagočiūnienė, Andželika 05 September 2014 (has links)
Ugdymo sociologijos magistro baigiamojo darbo tema yra aktuali, nes staigūs socialiniai pokyčiai Lietuvoje padarė įtaką daugelio žmonių gyvenimui. Atsirado disfunkcinių, socialinės rizikos šeimų, kurios dažnai tampa įvairių neigiamų reiškinių priežastimi. Pagausėjo skyrybų arba šeimų, kurių nariai nuolatos išgyvena konfliktus, smurtą, prievartą ir panašiai. Tokiose šeimose augantys vaikai patys linkę smurtauti, nesugeba sutvardyti pykčio, sunkiai adaptuojasi kolektyve, turi mokymosi problemų, dažniau linkę į savižudybę. Vaikų dienos centrai – tai įstaigos, kurios teikia dienos globos, prevencines, informavimo, konsultavimo, maitinimo organizavimo bei materialinės paramos paslaugas sunkiai prisitaikiusioms prie socialinių ir ekonominių Lietuvos pokyčių šeimoms su vaikais. Šių paslaugų teikimo esmė – daryti tai, kas įmanoma, kad žmogus galėtų gyventi savarankiškai, tinkamai rūpintis savo vaikais, kad vaikai nepakliūtų į valstybines globos įstaigas ir turėtų tinkamas sąlygas gyventi biologinėse šeimose.
Lietuvoje veikiantys VDC nėra unikalūs. Daugelyje Europos valstybių įvairios paskirties atviri vaikų ir jaunimo dienos centrai veikia ir yra sukaupę didžiulę patirtį. Vienus iš pavyzdinių vaikų dienos centrų veiklos modelių galima pamatyti Belgijoje, Vokietijoje ar Norvegijoje. Nuo Lietuvos centrų jie skiriasi tuo, kad daugumoje užsienio valstybių jie yra atviri visuomenei, t. y. bet kuris valstybėje gyvenantis vaikas gali jį lankyti su vaiko teisių specialistų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sudden social changes in Lithuania have affected the lives of many people that is why the topic of this final piece of master’s studies of sociology of education is relevant these days. Dysfunctional and At-Risk families, which usually bring many negative experiences, started appearing. A number of divorces and the number of families that constantly experience conflicts, violence and constraint has increased. Children who grow up in such families incline using violence themselves, find it more difficult to control anger, have trouble learning at school, have difficulties adapting to new environment, and are also more likely to think about suicide. Children’s day centers are institutions that provide day care, consultation, food, prevention and material support for the families with children, which have difficulties adapting to new social and economic changes. The reason for these services is to do everything to help people live independently, to help and teach them to take care of their children properly, so children could stay in their biological families, and not be sent to the state orphanages.
Children’s day centers in Lithuania are not unique; such institutions with diverse purposes are working in many European countries, have a lot of experience, and are open to all children. The best examples of these children’s day centers are seen in Belgium, Germany and Norway. They are different from the day centers in Lithuania in openness, in these countries every child can... [to full text]
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"De blir mer som en bifigur" : Familjehemssekreterares resonemang och agerande gällande biologiska barn i familjehem / “They will become more like a subordinate” : Reasoning and actions of the family home secretary regarding biological children in the family homeEgerbo, Maria January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the study was to understand how the family home secretary reasons and thinks and how they express themselves in their actions towards the family home’s biological children. The method used is qualitative semi-structured interviews, involving six family home secretaries from four different municipalities. The results were analyzed with the help of two theories – the theory of grassroots bureaucracy and the sociology of childhood theory. From the collective views of all informants, the biological children’s attitude towards the family home mandate is considered important. However, participation from the biological children is limited. Education and guidance is directed solely towards the family home parents, without any active involvement from the biological children in these efforts. Some of the informants stress that they as professionals must be better at paying attention to the biological children than what prevails today. The collective results show that family home parents are expected to take great responsibility for their biological children as well as their participation and well-being within the family home mandate.
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Šokio ir judesio terapijos kaip socialinės paslaugos poreikis neįgaliajam ir jo šeimai / The need for dance and movement therapy as a social service for a person with disabilities and his familyRudaitienė, Rasa 23 July 2014 (has links)
Straipsnyje aptariama šokio ir judesio terapija kaip socialinė paslauga šeimoms, auginančioms neįgalų vaiką. Šia socialine paslauga siekiama pagerinti šeimų socialinę situaciją, padėti sėkmingai integruotis, patirti teigiamų emocijų. Atliekant šokio ir judesio terapijos, kaip socialinės paslaugos poreikio tyrimą, buvo atliktas kombinuotas tyrimas. Buvo atlikta anketinė apklausa, kurioje dalyvavo 64 šeimos, auginančios neįgalų vaiką. Paaiškėjo, jog šeimoms trūksta įvairių socialinių paslaugų, tarp jų ir šokio ir judesio terapijos paslaugos. Taip pat tyrimo metu buvo atliktas pusiau struktūruotas interviu su Lietuvos šokio ir judesio terapijos asociacijos vadove – eksperte A. Laurinaityte. Tyrimas atskleidė informacijos trūkumą apie šią socialinę paslaugą, taip pat buvo nustatytas neįgalų vaiką auginančių šeimų poreikis užsiimti šia veikla kaip socialinės situacijos gerinimo galimybe. / This paper discusses the dance and movement therapy as a social service to the person with disability and his family. The social service aims to improve the social situation of families, to help successfully integrate, to experience positive emotions. The dance and movement therapy as a social services needs assessment study was carried out in combination. It was carried out a survey, which included 64 families with a disabled child. It revealed the lack of various social services, including dance and movement therapy services. Also the study was carried out semi-structured interview with Lithuanian Dance and Movement Therapy Association Guide - expert A. Laurinaitytė. The study revealed a lack of information about the social service has also been established families with disabled children need to engage in this activity as a social situation improvement.
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Socialt arbete 2.0 : Om medborgares attityder till socialtjänsten digitala tjänst Socialrådgivning på nätet / Social work 2.0 : Citizens attitudes toward social services advising line on the internetLund, Caroline, Ginsburg, Linus January 2013 (has links)
Att större delen av befolkningen använder internet och att användandet ökar medför att allt fler tjänster flyttat ut på den digitala arenan, nu även inom det sociala arbetet - i offentlig regi. Då möjligheter till utveckling av det sociala arbetet på internet upptäcktes har Stockholm stad lanserat ytterligare en e-tjänst som kan underlätta kontakten med kommunen. Socialrådgivning på nätet som den digitala tjänsten heter, är tänkt att bland annat ge en ökad tillgänglighet till stadens medborgare. E-tjänsten är tänkt att nå ut till “alla” medborgare inom staden, vilket medför att det är av vikt att undersöka i vilken utsträckning invånarna är intresserade av att använda e-tjänsten samt vilka attityder som riktar sig till densamma. Tidigare forskning har visat att det finns digitalt resursstarka respektive digitalt resurssvaga grupper i samhället, vilket för med sig att de som redan befinner sig i en socialt exkluderad grupp i och med den tekniska utvecklingen riskerar att hamna än mer utanför samhället - i detta fall informationssamhället. Syftet är således att genom att undersöka medborgare i Stockholm stads avsikter att använda och attityder till Socialrådgivning på nätet, få en ökad förståelse av medborgarnas inställning till Socialrådgivningen på nätet. Studien genomförs genom en kvalitativ metod. Den insamlade empirin består av fem fokusgruppintervjuer med fyra till fem deltagare i vardera, vilka utförts tillsammans med en semi-strukturerad intervjuguide. Undersökningen består av en explorativ samt en deskriptiv ansats. Resultaten visade att det generellt sett fanns mer eller mindre positiva attityder till e-tjänsten Socialrådgivning på nätet mellan grupperna, men även inom. De grupper som står närmst informationsteknologins centrum i samhället tangerar att vara mer positiva till rådgivningstjänsten, medan attityderna varierar bland de grupper som står längre bort. Mest negativ attityd till Socialrådgivningen på nätet gick att finna hos de medborgare som står längre bort, i periferin av det moderna informationssamhället. Attityder korrelerade till stor del med viljan att använda e-tjänsten då majoriteten av medborgarna i den här undersökningen valde att inte använda sig av e-tjänsten. De informanter som kan tänka sig använda Socialrådgivning på nätet bestod främst av medborgare i grupper som stod närmare centrum och främst i dess mitt. Den utökade tillgängligheten kan bidra till både positiva och negativa konsekvenser. Några av de positiva aspekter som medborgarna i samtliga grupper var överens om var att som ett komplement till redan etablerade kontaktvägar, var Socialrådgivning på nätet ett bra alternativ som även ökade tillgängligheten. De medborgare som stod närmre det moderna it-samhällets centrum upplevde sig mer mottagliga för en ökad digitalisering, medan de som stod längre bort, i periferin, upplevde sig bli mer marginaliserade. Det traditionella sociala arbetet är ofta förknippat med det personliga mötet. Värdet av att mötas är en del av essensen i arbetet med människor. Det finns en oro över att en digital kontakt kan orsaka en distans där individer går miste om det viktiga fysiska mötet. Även om socialt arbete 2.0 idag, än så länge finns i begränsad utsträckning, fanns det föreställningar bland studiens deltagare om att den digitala rådgivningstjänsten, trots ökad tillgänglighet kanske inte når ut till de som är i störst behov - de socialt utsatta. Om e-tjänsten går att anpassas till den målgrupp densamma i första hand vänder sig till, ökar chansen att medborgare upplever sig nöjda med den digitala tjänsten, vilket i förlängningen även kan verka för ökad legitimitet av myndigheten.
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Det osynliga kopplet : Om samverkan mellan socialtjänst och polis i sociala insatsgrupper / The invisible leash : Collaboration between police and the social services in Community Intervention TeamEkberg, Henrik, Martínez, Andrea January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie har fokus legat på sociala insatsgrupper i fyra områden i Stockholms län. Sociala insatsgrupper är en strukturerad samverkan på individnivå mellan i första hand socialtjänst, polis och skola som syftar till att förhindra nyrekrytering av ungdomar till kriminella grupperingar samt underlätta avhopp från kriminella grupperingar. Studiens övergripande syfte är att undersöka hur samverkan mellan socialarbetare och poliser ser ut inom projektet sociala insatsgrupper. Studien fokuserar på socialarbetarnas och polisernas yrkesroller samt stöd- och kontrollaspekter. Studiens resultat visar att sociala insatsgrupper uppfattas som ett framgångsrikt projekt, men också att det råder ett spänningsförhållande mellan en behandlingslogik och en straffrättslig logik som polis och socialarbetare måste förhålla sig till i samverkan kring ungdomen. Studiens resultat visar även att stöd och kontroll inte kan skiljas från varandra, något som kan härledas till en övergripande så kallad normaliseringslogik som delas av socialarbetarna och polisen i arbetet med ungdomen. För att belysa och problematisera resultaten har studien främst hämtat inspiration från den nyinstitutionella teoribildningen som riktar fokus på samverkansprocesser i organisationer. / Community Intervention Team [social insatsgrupp] is a structured collaboration between social services, police, and schools. It is a project that aims to prevent new recruitment of youth into criminal groups, but also to facilitate defections from criminal groups. The study's main aim is to investigate the collaboration between social workers and police officers within the framework of the community intervention teams. The study focuses on the roles of socialworkers and police officers, and the their aspects of support and control. The results show that community intervention teams is perceived as a successful project, but there is also a visible tension between the logics of treatment and the logics of punishment, that both social workers and police officers have to deal with as a part of their collaboration. The study also shows that support and control cannot be separated from one another; which can be attributed to the over all logics of normalization shared by social workers and police officer's in their work with young people. In order to highlight and to problematize the results, the study has mainly been inspired by the new institutional theory that focuses on collaborative processes in organizations.
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Pobreza e serviço social: diferentes concepções e compromissos políticos / Poverty and social service: different conceptions and politic commitmentsLuana de Souza Siqueira 11 August 2011 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente tese tem por objetivo analisar o trato teórico dado à categoria pobreza pelo Serviço Social. Para tanto, após caracterizar os fundamentos do fenômeno em questão, discutimos as diferentes concepções nas diversas perspectivas teórico-metodológicas e suas propostas de enfrentamento. Sustentados nessa análise, estudamos a abordagem da pobreza no debate do Serviço Social, partindo da hipótese que as formas de concepção da pobreza e seu enfrentamento vinculam-se às perspectivas e compromissos que os profissionais têm assumido. Organizamos o trabalho em três partes. A primeira que trata brevemente dos fundamentos do Modo de Produção Capitalistas e das determinações da sua fase imperialista/monopolista, considerando as particularidades da industrialização no Brasil, para entender a gênese da pobreza e suas manifestações nesse contexto. A segunda parte apresenta as perspectivas teórico-metodológicas liberal, marxista, pós-moderna , através de alguns autores que são referências para a compreensão do fenômeno; a partir do qual analisamos o que entendemos como equívocos nessa discussão. Finalmente, na terceira parte, nos dedicamos ao estudo das formas com que se debate a pobreza e seu enfrentamento no Serviço Social. A análise da produção do Serviço Social foi realizada a partir de um duplo caminho. No primeiro consideramos a bibliografia produzida no âmbito da profissão, onde a pobreza é vinculada a conceitos como: subalternidade, carência, exclusão, popular, risco social, cidadania (invertida, ou não-cidadania), ou referênciada na Lei Geral da Acumulação Capitalista. No segundo caminho analisamos os 235 artigos que tratam da questão da pobreza, na Revista Serviço Social & Sociedade (da Cortez Editora). Por fim, reforçamos a importância de repor o debate sobre a pobreza no Serviço Social como resultado da contradição inerente à sociedade capitalista: socialização da produção e apropriação privada da riqueza produzida. Trata-se de uma resistência à substituição dessa categoria, dessa relação e desses fundamentos, por conceitos como a exclusão, subalternidade, vulnerabilidade e risco. Contudo, mesmo considerando que estes ampliam as determinações diversas das manifestações da pobreza, reafirmamos que não esclarecem os fundamentos e causas daquela. / This thesis aims to analyze the theoretical treatment given to poverty category by Social Services. For this purpose, after characterizing the foundations of the phenomenon in question, we discussed the different conceptions in the various theoretical and methodological perspectives and their proposals of confrontation. Supported in this analysis, we studied the approach of poverty in the discussion of the Social Service, assuming that the forms of the poverty conception and its confrontation are linked to the perspectives and commitments that the professionals have assumed. Therefore, we organized our work into three parts. The first treats briefly about the foundations of the Capitalist Way of Production and the stipulations of its imperialist/monopolist phase, considering the particularities of industrialization in Brazil, to understand the genesis of poverty and its expressions in this context. The second part presents the theoretical and methodological perspectives liberal, Marxist, post-modern through a number of authors who are references to the understanding of the phenomenon, from which we analyze what we understand as misunderstanding in this discussion. Finally, the third part, we dedicated to the study of the ways in which are discussed poverty and its confrontation in the Social Service. The production analysis of the Social Service was carried out using a double way. At first we consider the literature produced within the profession, where poverty is linked to concepts such as subaltern, lack, exclusion, popular, social risk, citizenship (inverted or non-citizens), or referenced in the General Law of Capitalist Accumulation. In the second approach we analyzed the 235 articles that address the issue of poverty in the journal Social Work & Society (from Cortez Editora). Finally, we reinforce the importance of restoring the discussion on poverty in the Social Service as a result of the contradiction inherent to the capitalist society: socialization of the production and private appropriation of wealth produced. It is about a resistance to the replacement of this category, of this relationship and of these foundations, for concepts such as exclusion, subalternity, vulnerability and risk. However, even considering that they extend the determinations of the various poverty manifestations, we reaffirm that they do not explain poverty fundamentals and causes.
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Förändring under motstånd. : En explorativ studie om socialsekreterares och enhetschefers syn på sin och socialtjänstens roll i arbetet mot radikalisering och våldsbejakande extremism. / Change under opposition. : An exploratory study about the role that social services have in preventing radicalization and violent extremism and what views social service workers and managers have regarding their involvement in this work.Żelechowski, Jan, Turesson, Ludwig January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine what judicial and profession related obstacles and difficulties that arise due to the role that social services have in preventing radicalization and violent extremism and what views social service workers and managers have regarding their involvement in this work. Specifically, the aim of the paper was to explore the understanding social services professionals have about the phenomenon that is radicalization and violent extremism and how this impacts the service they provide to individuals. Furthermore, the study wanted to investigate what methods and actions are carried out in order to detect and prevent individuals from becoming radicalized. Six separate semi-structured interviews were carried out consisting of four social services workers and two managers. The participants were selected from four different municipalities. After conducting the interviews four main themes regarding radicalization and violent extremism were identified, namely; understanding and reasoning, preventive and active measures, obstacles and difficulties, social services in a changing world. New institutionalism theory was applied to the result in order to improve the understanding of the role social services have regarding this issue. The studies main findings were that social workers and managers view radicalization as a process. This process can be carried out alone or as a member of a group. Radicalized individuals are hard to detect and therefore social services struggle to identify them. Fieldwork officers working together with school personnel have the best chance of detecting radicalization at an early stage. There is no method especially adapted to radicalization and violent extremism being used by the social services. Many participants describe being uncertain as to what their role should be with directives and regulations leaving room for interpretation and misunderstanding.
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"När det är som jävligast borde det finnas ett system" : Socialtjänstens klienters erfarenheter av samverkan / "When it's really bad there should be a system" : Social service clients’ experiences of collaboration between human service organizations.Blomgren Øvergaard, Jannci, Eriksson, Annika January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka klienters uppfattningar av samverkan inom socialtjänsten samt mellan socialtjänsten och andra aktörer inom det människobehandlande området. Detta gjordes med en kvalitativ metod där sex stycken halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med klienter vars barn var aktuella inom individ och familjeomsorgen hos socialtjänsten i en mellanstor kommun. Resultaten belyser att informanterna uppmärksammar andra faktorer av betydelse i samverkansprocesser än vad professionella gör. Informanterna berättar att samverkan behövs men att det upplevs svårt och tidskrävande ju fler aktörer som är inblandade. Informanterna i studien har i huvudsak beskrivit sig som drivande och hjälpsökande. Studiens resultat visar att de har många viktiga roller i samverkansprocesserna vilket ofta förbises av både dem själva och av professionella. Socialsekreteraren och dennes relation till informanten upplevdes spela en viktig roll och de kunde avlasta klienten genom att fungera som exempelvis informationsspridare. För framtida forskning vore det intressant att undersöka andra klientgruppers erfarenheter av samverkansprocesser. / The purpose of this study was to investigate clients' perceptions of collaboration within the social service and between social services and other actors in human service organizations. A qualitative method was used and six semi-structured interviews were conducted with clients whose children were involved with social services. The results highlight that clients pay attention to other factors in the collaborative processes than professionals do. The interviewed clients expressed that collaboration is needed, but becomes difficult and time consuming the more actors involved. They described themselves as having a strong driving force and being help-seeking, as well as having many important roles in the collaborative processes that are often overlooked by both themselves and professionals. The results show that the relationship between social workers and clients play an important role where the social worker can relieve the client by acting as a disseminator of information.
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Varje familjehem är unikt : En kvalitativ studie av familjehemsföräldrars stressfaktorer, stärkande faktorer och behov av stöd från socialtjänsten / Every foster family is unique : A qualitative study of foster parents' stressors, strengthening factors and needs of support from the social servicesBranchetti Hallberg, Cajsa, Mellström, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
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