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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Utan mina nära och kära hade jag inte varit här idag” : En kvalitativ studie om sociala relationer vid psykisk ohälsa / ”Without my loved ones I would not have been here today” : A qualitative study of social relations at mental illness

Olsen, Joakim January 2023 (has links)
Psykisk ohälsa är i dagsläget otroligt vanligt där det ökar i alla åldrar. Sociala relationer har visats vara en nyckel för majoriteten för att motverka detta problem. I takt med att samhället blivit både mer avancerat och krävande rent mentalt så har detta gjort att den psykiska ohälsan också blivit mer utsträckt. Detta är en följd av att det samhälle vi lever i idag i större grad accepterar problem med den psykiska hälsan där allt fler vågar söka vård och vara öppna kring sina problem. Men många förstår fortfarande inte riktigt vad det innebär eller vad de som lider av psykisk ohälsa faktiskt behöver. Sociala relationer har visat sig spela en viktig roll för dessa individer men varför är de egentligen så viktiga? Denna studie ämnade att beskriva relationers roll vid psykisk ohälsa. Studien består av 6 intervjuer och med hänsyn till studiens karaktär antogs en socialpsykologisk ansats genom teoretiska utgångspunkter såsom den sociala utbytesteorin, rättviseteorin och symbolisk interaktionism. Resultaten från studien visade bland annat på att en förståelse för de som lider av psykiska ohälsa och dess problem var viktigt. Det var lätt att de som led av psykisk ohälsa kände sig oförstådda vilket ofta förvärrade deras mående och gjorde att de drog sig tillbaks socialt. Men resultatet visade också att stödet från nära familj och vänner var det som betytt mest under perioden av psykisk ohälsa. Väldigt ofta i form av ett emotionellt stöd där de bara behövde någon att prata med eller att människor bara fanns där för dem. Speciellt viktigt var stödet från de som är eller varit i samma situation eftersom de hade en bättre förståelse för deras mående och för vad de behövde. Förhoppningen är att studiens resultat ska ge de som har människor runt omkring sig som lider av psykisk ohälsa en bättre förståelse för dessa personers situation. Samt visa på att det räcker en lång väg med att lyssna eller prata med de personer som lider av psykisk ohälsa. / Mental illness is currently incredibly common, where it both increases in all ages. Social relationships have proven to be a key for the majority to help counter this problem. With society becoming more advanced and mentally demanding, the increase in mental illness has also become more common. This is a consequence of that today’s society in a larger degree accepts mental health problems, with a lot more people seeking help and being more open about their problems. But manypeople still don't really understand what it means to suffer from mental illness or what those that suffers from it actually needs. The importance of social relationships has proven to play an important role in working against mental illness, but why is it so important? This study aimed to describe the role of relationships in mental illness. The study consists of 6 interviews and regarding the nature of the study, a social psychological approach was adopted through theories such as the social exchange theory, the justice theory and symbolic interactionism. The results from the study showed that understanding those who suffer from mental illness and its problems was important for them. Those suffering from mental illness often felt misunderstood, which aggravated their condition and caused them to withdraw socially. But the results also showed that close family and friends support was what had mattered the most during their mental illness. This usually came through people offeringemotional support in form of talking or spending time with them. The support from those who’d been in the same situation proved to be especially important, since their understanding of what they needed and of their condition was better. The hope with this study is that the results will help to increase the understanding for those who suffers from mental illness and what they need from people around them. As well as showing that listening or talking to the people who suffer from mental illness goes a long way.

"Not Fit to Occupy Space" : Conceptualising Spaces of Social Relations in Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation

Holm, Mette Marit Tjelle January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores social relations in Ottessa Moshfegh’s My Year of Rest and Relaxation (2018) through Doreen Massey’s conceptualisation of space. With the assumption that social relations are formed through and by space, the thesis analyses the protagonist’s interactions with space in the novel. It is explored how the protagonist navigates space through unconscious actions, blurring imagined public/private distinctions, as well as how occupying space may be an alienating experience, pointedly sensed as a growing distance between body and mind. Continuing, the thesis examines the protagonist’s attempts to negotiate space and problematises the effectiveness of these attempts against the ubiquity of space. Following this is a reflection on the limitations of Massey’s theory, along with concluding remarks concerning potential shortcomings and opportunities for further research.

Bothnian Disparity Routes : A qualitative study on travel patterns between Umeå and Vaasa

Schulman, William January 2024 (has links)
Finland and Sweden share a common history that dates back to the 12thcentury, when the two countries were one. Sweden has throughout time, for numerous reasons, been a more well-developed country and has had a larger economy than Finland, which has made moving and travelling to Sweden amongst Finns a rather common demographic feature. The effects of this historical relationship, and of these events, still to this day influencethe travel patterns between the two countries; More Finns visit Sweden than Swedes visit Finland.Throughout this thesis I analyse and describe the uneven passenger transportation patterns between the Swedish city of Umeå and the Finnish city Vaasa. By analysing inhabitants personal background together with the motives for travelling to-, the knowledge about-, and the perceived mental distance between Umeå and Vaasa of inhabitants in both cities, I strive to find answers to the Bothnian disparity routes. The results of the study points towards social bonds, various cultural factors, possession of knowledge, and perceived mental distance playing asignificant role in shaping the travel patterns between the two cities. Furthermore, the result of the study also provides a perspective on how geography is not just a physical structure but also a significant factor in understanding human mobility and interaction in cross-border contexts.

Mäns sociala relationer inomidrotten : En kvalitativ studie om idrottsstuderandemäns upplevelser angående betydelsen avidrott för sociala relationer / Men's social relationships in sports : A qualitative study of sportsstuding men's experiences regarding the importance of sports for socialrelationships

Dahlqvist, Hampus, Sjö, Erik January 2024 (has links)
The public health is detected to become worse and a lot can be connected to social issues among the population. Sports is believed to be a positive place and a measure to prevent different sorts of social issues such as social isolation. Should social politics consider the sports arena as a solution for problems like social isolation? Previous research depicts in high degree that the answer is yes in that question but the topic is discussed through different aspects. Some say that these are old anecdotes and praises while others say that a lot of research does not have trueworthy results. This is the main reason why we want to investigate social relationships in sport communities. This study has restricted the selection against men since research and statistics demonstrate that they are more lonely in higher degrees than women.The chosen method for this study is of qualitative approach and includes semi-structured interviews with eight men with sports backgrounds. We interviewed men with sports backgrounds to gain detailed answers from men that are familiar with and knows how it works in reality. The result shows that the old anecdotes and praises are mostly correct. Although there are some negative aspects in the result. For example we are talking about macho culture that will not allow men to talk freely about feelings. Another negative aspect is if you are not good at the sport it will be more difficult to create social relationships in sports communities. Even though there are some negative understandings from the results, the positive effects on social relationships in sports are much more. In sports communities both shallow and deep connections can be made, the trainer can be decisive when it comes to learning social skills from the sports world and gain skills that are valuable also when you left the sports.

Les relations entre catholiques et hindous chez les Tamouls sri lankais à Montréal et la notion de syncrétisme : l’exemple des pèlerinages et de la dévotion mariale

Bouchard, Mélissa 05 1900 (has links)
Dans cette étude, l’auteure décrit les relations entre des catholiques et des hindous chez les Tamouls originaires du Sri Lanka qui ont immigré à Montréal. Ce faisant, elle accentuera son étude sur les perspectives des catholiques tamouls, et ce particulièrement au cours de pèlerinages et à travers la dévotion mariale. Les relations entre catholiques et hindous sont ainsi codifiées par des normes sociales et culturelles. De plus, l’auteure démontre que la migration, de même que la société d’accueil, influence les interactions entre ces deux groupes. Dans ce contexte, la notion de syncrétisme devient un concept secondaire qui est principalement étudié en lien avec les normes sociales tamoules. Finalement, l’auteure démontre, à travers les pèlerinages et la dévotion mariale, que les catholiques entretiennent des rapports contradictoires avec les hindous. / In this study, the author discusses relations between Catholics and Hindus among Sri Lankan Tamils living in Montreal. By doing this, the author puts forward the prospects of Tamil Catholics through Catholic pilgrimages and Marian devotion. Thus, relations between Catholics and Hindus appear to be codified by social and cultural standards. Also, religious interactions seem to be transformed partly by migration and by the host society. In this context, « syncretism » becomes a secondary concept that is primarily studied in relations with Tamil social standards. Finally, through pilgrimages and Marian devotion, the author argues that Tamil Catholics maintain contradictory relations with Hindus.

Forging urban culture : modernity and corporeal experiences in Montreal and Brussels, 1880-1914

Kenny, Nicolas January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

La rationalité paysanne dans le Québec préindustriel : une approche historiographique

Laramée, Marc-André 07 1900 (has links)
La question de la rationalité socioéconomique propre aux paysans canadiens-français occupe dans l'historiographie canadienne du Québec rural préindustriel une place de choix, ayant été invoquée tour à tour pour glorifier ou condamner une population aux pratiques jugées à bien des égards différentes de celles des société anglo-saxonnes nord-américaines. Néanmoins, aussi importante soit-elle, cette problématique a rarement été abordée de front par les historiens, qui ont plutôt choisi de l'inclure en filigrane d'interprétations plus ciblées de réalités connexes. Dans cette optique, nous nous proposions dans ce mémoire de dégager, par le biais de l'analyse critique d'un échantillon de productions historiques représentatives des courants plus généraux dont elles sont issues, les principales représentations de la rationalité socioéconomique paysanne véhiculées par les historiens canadiens (tant francophones qu'anglophones) depuis 1960, de les expliquer à la lumière des particularités des contextes dans lesquels elles ont été produites ainsi que d'en retracer le parcours historiographique. Cette démarche nous a permis de constater clairement l'existence de trois paradigmes interprétatifs ayant successivement dominé le discours historique sur la question depuis 1960. Cette évolution, si elle s'accorde bel et bien au rythme du progrès méthodologique de la science historique, présente toutefois plusieurs originalités fermement ancrées dans les particularités du contexte dans lequel elle s'est déroulée, dont les principales sont la question nationale, la dichotomie ethnolinguistique de l'historiographie canadienne et la portée sociale significative des interprétations proposées. / The issue of French-Canadian peasants' socio-economic rationality holds a place of choice in the Canadian historiography of rural Quebec, having been used both to glorify and condemn the behavior of a population considered to be in many respects different from its Anglo-Saxon neighbors. However, as important as it may be, this subject has rarely been addressed directly by historians, who instead chose to study it indirectly as part of more targeted interpretations of its related realities. We therefore aim in this study to identify, through the critical analysis of a number of historical productions we believe to be representative of the broader currents from which they derived, the main representations of the French-Canadian peasants' socio-economic rationality conveyed by Canadian historians (both anglophones and francophones) since 1960, to explain them in the light of the particular contexts in which they were produced , as well as to trace their historiographical fate. This approach allow us to clearly see the existence of three interpretative paradigms that have successively dominated the historical discourse on the issue since 1960. This trend, even though it indeed follows the rhythm of methodological progress in history, is also firmly rooted in the peculiarities of the context in which it took place, the main ones being the omnipresence of the national debate, the ethnolinguistic dichotomy of Canadian historiography and the significant social impact of the proposed interpretations.

An ethnographic investigation of lifestyle change, living for the moment, and obesity emergence in Nauru

McLennan, Amy Kathleen January 2013 (has links)
The Republic of Nauru, a small Pacific island nation, has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. Obesity emerged rapidly in Nauru during the 1970s, a period characterised by political independence and unprecedented economic growth resulting from lucrative phosphate mining. In the mid-1970s, the Nauruan population was one of the first in the world in which obesity, diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease – co-morbidities associated with obesity – were identified as significant public health concerns. Such ‘lifestyle diseases’ continue to have debilitating effects on the Nauruan community. Obesity is generally understood to result from an energy imbalance; that is, people eat and drink more calories over time than they expend. This biomedical paradigm is implicit in the majority of research relating to obesity, such that the lifestyle to which obesity is attributed is limited to diet and activity. Yet in practice, lifestyle is much more than this. The lifestyle of a particular group is related to political, legal, religious, economic and value systems, modes of education, communication, transport and healthcare, and styles of art, music and entertainment. In this thesis I draw on ethnographic participant observation carried out in the Republic of Nauru during 2010-11, life history interviews, and diverse historical materials to answer three questions. First, what characterises the Nauruan lifestyle? Second, in what ways did the Nauruan lifestyle change over the second half of the twentieth century, the time period during which obesity and diabetes rapidly escalated? Finally, how might these changes be linked to the emergence and persistence of ‘lifestyle diseases’ in Nauru? I focus on one characteristic that stood out prominently in many different aspects of Nauruan life: ‘island time’, or the suggestion that there is ‘No Action Unless Really Urgent’. In theorisation of obesity, such living for the moment has been interpreted as laziness, pleasure-seeking or lack of self-control. However, a deeper analysis reveals that island time emerged gradually in the latter half of the twentieth century as Nauruans incorporated market-derived moral values into their everyday lives. This has led to profound changes in the way people feel when engaged in social exchanges, and is linked to temporally-shorter and more spatially dispersed social networks. I thus recast living for the moment as representative of a social trend rather than individual self-interest, and obesity as a phenomenon associated with the space between bodies rather than within each one. This leads me to consider more closely the links between social relationships and health. In Nauru, as in many societies, it is difficult to disentangle the biological and the social; the same feeling of unhealthiness, for example, is associated with being clinically ill and having a fight with a loved one. Yet many activities that are associated with tightening social networks, and which are prominent in the lifestyle characterised by island time – eating, drinking, or sitting and gossiping, for example – are also associated with obesity emergence. As a result, being biomedically healthy and feeling healthy are now somewhat incompatible in Nauru. In concluding, I argue that the adoption of economic rhetoric into everyday life has re-shaped moral values, everyday social relationships, and the demographic health profile on Nauru.

The 'social' in Piaget's genetic epistemology

Court, Jennifer 04 April 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Education, 1999. / In opposition to the historically accepted view that Piaget failed to theorise the ‘social’ in his theory of cognitive development this research report shows that the ‘social’ is central to his genetic epistemology and that his conceptualisation of the ‘social’ has interesting implications for educational thinking. Specifically, the report shows that not only did Piaget include the social dimension in his genetic epistemology but that his understanding of the role of the ‘social’ in the development of cognition raises interesting possibilities for future psychological and educational research.


DIEGO DE SOUZA ARAUJO CAMPOS 04 March 2008 (has links)
[pt] Nesta dissertação, procurar-se-á compreender a escravidão por meio de análise histórica de sociedades escravocratas para, só então, partir para o caso brasileiro. Elucidar-se-á que a hierarquia social constitui a chave para a compreensão da instituição escravocrata através da História. A análise da escravidão desde a antiguidade bíblica mostra que ao longo do tempo a instituição moldou-se a diferentes culturas e povos, trazendo sempre uma característica basilar: a hierarquia social como legitimadora do controle de algumas pessoas sobre outras. O caso brasileiro não foi diferente, mas com nuanças notórias. No Brasil, paralelamente à hierarquia, o amálgama das três raças permitiu que a miscigenação fosse inserida no código social brasileiro, com fortes ramificações após o fim da sociedade escravocrata. Na sociedade brasileira, fortemente hierarquizada, a mestiçagem serviu para dissolver, ou melhor, aproximar as camadas sociais, mantendo diferenciações originais que são de grau e não de qualidade. Sendo assim, para o melhor entendimento das relações raciais pós - abolição, o estudo das heranças e particularidades da escravidão torna-se substancial. / [en] This dissertation seeks to study slavery through an analysis of the institution of slavery in history and then focuses on the Brazilian slavery system. The work explains that social hierarchy constitutes the key to understand slavery through history. Ever since biblical time, slavery was forged in a number of different cultures and societies with the same characteristic: social hierarchy as the element that legitimated the control of a few by others. The Brazilian case was not different but had significant particularities. In Brazil, parallel to social hierarchy, the amalgam of the three races permitted miscegenation to be inserted in the Brazilian social code, with strong ramifications even after emancipation. In Brazilian society, miscegenation served to dissolve, that is to say, to bring together social groups, maintaining original differences based on social level rather than on quality. Therefore, to best understand Brazilian race relations, the heritage and particularities of the institution in Brazil will be discussed in this dissertation.

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