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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Återindustrialiseringen av Norrland : en kompetensförsörjningsfråga med samverkan i fokus

Nordmark, Maja, Jakobsson, Nilla January 2022 (has links)
As in many other western countries, urbanization and globalization has had an impact on the labor market in many rural areas in Sweden, which has led to lost job opportunities and decreased population. In recent years there has been a new wave of industrialisation establishments in the northern parts of Sweden which are now creating thousands of jobs. In this study the company Northvolt in Skellefteå and H2 Green Steel in Boden municipalities are studied. This “re- industrialisation of Norrland” is considered a welcomed focus shift to the northern part of Sweden but it is also creating complex requirements of competence since there is not any large unemployment in these areas. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the private and public sectors work together to meet these needs, with a starting point in sustainable societal development. The study involved semi-structured interviews, two from the industries and three from the municipal organizations. A thematic analysis was used to analyze the result. The results show that the requirement of competence in these organizations are very extensive. The actors work with a wide range of questions, including education, housing, place branding and employer branding, to name a few. Partnership with many and different actors in the society enables the requirement of competence, but the issue is complex and requires in turn a very good partnership at all levels of the society, not just between the industries and municipalities in the study.

Illegal and welcome : How school policy practice of secrecy generates conditional schooling opportunities for undocumented children in Sweden

Niklasson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Children who live in Sweden without a legal residence permit have the right to go to Swedish school. Students are thereby welcomed at the same time as they are considered illegal in society at large. In this qualitative study based on interviews, I rely on an explorative approach towards Swedish Compulsory School policy practice and the way it affects the schooling opportunities of undocumented children. Findings include how policy interpretation and enactment involves secrecy and socially compensatory acts. The school policy practice of secrecy is primarily enabling schooling opportunities for undocumented children. However, it also conditions these opportunities as participation presupposes concealment and self-restraint in order for the undocumented student to remain incognito. This ambivalence is identified on macro, meso, and micro-levels, as the ambiguous state policies are built into the school organization and reproduced on the school floor. Schools’ social compensatory support is partly expressed through challenges and resistance against unjust policy practices, and partly through civil commitment. The result show that schools’ social support relies widely on the arbitrariness of individual school agents; a commitment that stems from a situationally emerging ethical responsibility to aid undocumented students. It is thereby recognized as vulnerable, as the social support for undocumented students depends on individual agents.

"Oj, jag måste fixa maten!" : En kvalitativ studie om gränsdragning mellan arbetsliv och privatliv vid distansarbete

Bylund, Lina January 2022 (has links)
Pandemin Covid-19 har förändrat arbetslivet eftersom distansarbete som arbetssätt har utvecklats i rekordfart, vilket har medfört både positiva och negativa erfarenheter för bådeföretag och dess anställda. Forskning under pandemin Covid-19 har bland annat synliggjort attbalans mellan arbetsliv och privatliv vid distansarbete varit en svår gränsdragning. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka en utvald organisation inom den offentliga sektorn i Norrbotten, för att få en djupare förståelse för dess medarbetares upplevelser avseende gränsdragningmellan arbetsliv och privatliv vid distansarbete. Följande frågeställningar har legat till grund för att uppfylla syftet: Hur upplever medarbetarna balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv vid distansarbete? Tenderar medarbetarna att arbeta mer eller mindre vid distansarbete än om arbetet utförs på primärarbetsplatsen? Hur ser normer och kulturer ut kring gränsdragning inom organisationen? Hur påverkar det individens gränsdragning? En kvalitativ forskningsansats har använts och genom elva semistrukturerade intervjuer med informanter från samma organisation har det empiriska materialet samlats in. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av begrepp som förklarar hur informanterna förhållit sig till gränsdragning mellan arbetsliv och privatliv vid distansarbete. Resultatet visade att majoriteten av informanterna i studien hade en positiv grundinställning till distansarbetet. Det förekom varierade upplevelser kring huruvida balansen uppfattades som antingen positiv eller negativ. Majoriteten ansåg att balansen mellan arbetsliv och privatliv var bättre vid distansarbete än när arbetet utfördes på arbetsplatsen på grund av flexibiliteten. Alla kunde dock uppleva positiva aspekter av distansarbetet. Det förekom tendenser till ett gränslöst arbete i form av att informanterna överskred både de tidsmässiga och rumsliga organisatoriska gränserna, men trots detta verkade informanterna inte anse att arbetet tog för stor del av tiden som ska fördelas mellan arbetsliv och privatliv. Slutligen kunde det inte konstateras att varken normer eller en arbetsplatskultur där informanterna uppmanades att tänja på sina gränser och ständigt finnas tillgängliga för andra existerade inom denna organisation. Informanternav erkade huvudsakligen nöjda med detta och de allra flesta hade fungerande gränsstrategier.

Kommunikation eller resultat : En kvalitativ studie om synen på kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap inom verkstadsindustrin / Communication or results : A qualitative study focusing on the view on female and male leadership in the manufacturing industry

Gustafsson, Sandra January 2022 (has links)
I debatten om ökad jämställdhet på arbetsmarknaden diskuteras möjligheten till att nå ledande positioner, endast 32 % av ledande poster i den privata sektorn fylls av en kvinna. Människors uppfattningar och normer skapar tillsammans organisationskulturen vilket har stor påverkan på ett företags utveckling. Genom detta väcktes det ett intresse av att studera synen på kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap inom verkstadsindustrin. Studiens syfte var att studera och analysera synen och skillnaden av densamme gällande kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap såg ut utifrån ett medarbetarperspektiv, och studera organisationskulturens eventuella påverkan på synen av ledarskap. För att besvara syftet och studiens frågeställningar som bestod utav tre forskningsfrågor, genomfördes sex kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med medarbetare inom det valda verkstadsindustriföretaget. I det teoretiska avsnittet presenteras relevanta sociologiska begrepp och teori inom ramen för studiens fokusområde, därefter presenteras tidigare forskning med hjälp av artiklar. Studiens resultat visade att synen på kvinnligt ledarskap i verkstadsföretaget grundar sig i stereotypa uppfattningar om att kvinnliga ledare har bättre kommunikativa förmågor och utvecklar sin omgivning. Synen på manligt ledarskap i verkstadsföretaget grundar sig även den i stereotypa uppfattningar, att manliga ledare är mer “hårda”, rakt på sak och resultatinriktade. Gällande medarbetare anställda som tjänstemän utanför produktionen, tycks skillnaden i syn på kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap av olika anledningar börjar att suddas ut, vilket kan kopplas till en ökad andel kvinnor i ledande positioner utanför produktionen.  Slutligen visade det sig att den kultur som finns inom verkstadsindustriföretaget påverkar ledare att agera mer utifrån manliga ledarstilar då det är en mansdominerad bransch och att den gamla industrikulturen återfinns mer inom produktionen. Det visade även på att synen på kvinnligt och manligt ledarskap tycks förändras inom verkstadsföretaget, att den gamla traditionella ”hårda” kulturen utmanas av den nya inkluderande kulturen. Studiens resultat visar på vikten av att våga utmana normer och ifrågasätta strukturer. / In the debate regarding equality on the labor market, the opportunity to reach managing positions is often brought to the table, only 32 % of managing positions in the private sector are occupied by women. A company’s development is greatly affected by the organizational culture which is built upon people’s perceptions and collective norms. Through this, an interest aroused to study the view on female and male leadership within the manufacturing industry. The purpose of this study was to create an understanding regarding the view of female and male leadership from an employee perspective and to study the possible impact of organizational culture on the view of leadership. To answer the purpose for the study and the three connected research questions, six qualitative semi-structured interviews was conducted with actors within the selected manufacturing industry. The theoretical section presents relevant sociological definitions and theories connected to the area of focus, additionally, previous research consisting of scientific journals are presented.  Results shows that the view on female leadership in the selected manufacturing industry are based on stereotype perceptions where female leaders have better communicative and coaching abilities. The view on male leadership in the selected manufacturing industry is also based on stereotype perceptions, that male leaders is expected to be ”tougher”, direct, and result oriented. Among white-collar employees outside the production, the difference in view of female and male leadership styles seems to fade. This may be the result of a higher female representation in managing positions among the white-collar employees.  Results show that the culture at the selected manufacturing company seems to affect leaders to operate towards male leadership styles due to the male-dominated industry. This affects the view on female and male leadership styles. Furthermore, the view and perception towards female and male leadership seems to be changing, due to that the traditional industrial culture is challenged by the new inclusive culture. The study’s results show the importance of challenging norms and dispute structures.

Från hemmafru till karriärskvinna : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie mellan kvinnliga 90-talisters och 60-talisters upplevelser av karriär och utbildning samt hur normer och förväntningar påverkar den unga kvinnan i samhället / From housewife to career women : A qualitative comparative study between female 90’s and 60’s experiences of career and education and how norms and expectations affect young women in the society

Engfors, Teresia, Valentinsson, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to get a deeper appreciation of young women’s experiences based on choice of education and career after completing high school. Furthermore the study is based on mothers born in the 60's and daughters born in 90’s in the same family to be able to make a comparison and try to identify why womens stress level is so high today. The methodological approach used in this study is a qualitative method based on ten individual life stories. Moreover the material in this essay has been developed through an analytical induction. Theoretically, this study has used Pierre Bourdieu's cultural sociological perspective and the concepts of habitus, capital and social field in order to be able to identify what shapes women's life choices. An additional theoretical basis used in this study is Beverley Skeggs respectability and the concept of subject positions which is used to describe the different visions constructed based on how women should act in contexts linked to gender and class. This essay has concluded that norms and expectations from society have changed between the generations. The majority of women today feel that there are expectations of studying a post-secondary education at the same time as they have to invest in the family. Additionally, this study summarizes that people born in the 90’s have experienced more or less stress related to education and career, than people born inte 60’s. Furthermore, this essay has concluded that starting a family and family background, in one way or another affect women's attitudes towards education and career.

Behind Doors : En kvalitativ studie om kulturell psykiatri

Malik, Tuba January 2021 (has links)
Abstrakt   Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa är ett fenomen som har existerat sedan tidens början. Ett perspektiv på psykisk ohälsa i sin helhet som då är grundad på kulturella värderingar/uppfattningar kallas i den moderna kontexten för, kulturell psykiatri. Liksom hur psykisk ohälsa rent generellt (ingen specifik psykisk sjukdom) tolkas/uppfattas, bearbetas och inte minst vilka tillvägagångssätt det finns för att behandla olika psykiska sjukdomar beror helt enkelt på bland annat vilka kulturella uppfattningar en individ/grupp besitter. Härmed ligger fokuset på att ta upp vissa av dessa kulturer och undersöka deras synsätt på psykisk ohälsa i sin helhet. Några avgränsningar som har gjorts under arbetet är bland annat att ta upp vissa av kulturerna som existerar i andra delar av världen än inom västvärlden då författaren själv befinner sig där. Det för att uppmärksamma läsarna om hur vissa andra kulturer av världen tolkar psykisk ohälsa. Syfte: Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka vilka sociala faktorer spelar roll i hur psykisk ohälsa uppfattas och bearbetas i vissa kulturer. Centrala begrepp: Några upprepade centrala begrepp i uppsatsen är bland annat kultur och stigma som har definierats i ett avsnitt. Teorier: I uppsatsen har författaren använt sig av tre teorier. Den första teorin är av Cecil G Helman (2015) som presenterar de fyra olika sociala beteenden utifrån ett kulturellt perspektiv. De andra teorin av Erving Goffman och den tredje teorin av både  Bruce & Pilan (2011), diskuterar begreppet stigma och ställer den i relation till kulturell psykiatri. Metod: Den metodik som har använts för att undersöka syftet och samla in data är kvalitativ litteraturstudie. All information presenterat i arbetet är framtaget av både primära samt sekundära källor såsom, vetenskapliga artiklar och dokumentärer. Resultat & Slutsats: Ett väldigt upprepande begrepp som har nämnts från början av arbetet till dess slut är nämligen termen “stigma”. Ett tydligt resultat av arbetet påvisade att stigma och tabu kring psykisk ohälsa existerade i alla kulturer till en viss grad. Några bakomliggande orsaker till detta var bland annat de redan existerande  traditionella och kulturella värderingarna som präglade till en stor del av synen på psykisk ohälsa. De intervjuade i dem olika dokumentärerna, förklarade hur de har blivit kallade olika namn såsom exempelvis “dum”, och “galen”, men även hur deras egna familjer på grund av vissa extrema värderingar och den redan existerande stigman vände ryggen mot dem. Bra att observera är att både resultatet och slutsatsen inte går att generalisera till en hel kulturs och lands uppfattning kring psykisk ohälsa. / Abstract   Background: Mental illness is a phenomenon that has existed since the beginning of time. A perspective on mental illness in its entirety, which is then also based on cultural values ​​/ traditions, is called in the modern context, cross cultural psychiatry. It shows how mental illness in general is interpreted / perceived, processed and at last what kind of approaches are made to treat various mental illnesses. It simply depends on, among other things, what cultural values one does possess. Therefore this essay’s purpose is to address some of these cultures and examine their views on mental illness in its entirety. Some delimitations that have been made during this essay include addressing only some of the cultures that exist in other parts of the world than in the western world. This is to draw readers' attention to how certain other cultures in the world interpret mental illness. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate which social factors play a role in how mental illness is perceived and processed in certain cultures. Key words: Some of the most repeated key words in this essay include culture and stigma that have been defined in a seperate section.Theories: In the essay, the author has used three theories. The first theory is by Cecil G Helman (2015) who presents the four different social behaviors from a cultural perspective. The second theory by Erving Goffman and the third theory by both Bruce & Pilan (2011), discuss the concept of stigma and place it in relation to cross cultural psychiatry. Method: The methodology that has been used to investigate the purpose and collect data is qualitative literature study. All information presented in the work is produced by both primary and secondary sources such as scientific articles and documentaries. Results & Conclusion: A very repetitive concept that has been mentioned from the beginning of the work to its end is namely the term “stigma”. A clear result of the work showed that the stigma and taboo surrounding mental illness existed in all cultures to a certain degree. Some of the underlying reasons for this were, among other things, the already existing traditional and cultural values ​​that characterized a large part of the view of mental illness. They interviewed individual in various documentaries, explained how they have been called different names such as "stupid", and "crazy", but also how their own families due to certain extreme values ​​and the already existing stigma turned their backs on them. It is good to note that both the result and the conclusion cannot be generalized to an entire culture or a country's perception of mental illness.

Lojalitet förr och nu : En kvalitativ studie om hur synen på att byta arbete har förändrats över tid / Loyalty then and now : A qualitative study on how the views on changing jobs have changed over time

Ullman, Edwin January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to see if the tendency to change from one job to another bigger or lesser than it was about 30-50 years ago. Also what may potentially cause this. The study also aims to find out if, and if so, how there are connections to changing jobs and loyalty. To achieve greater understanding on the view on loyalty and if this has changed with time is also a goal that I am hoping to achieve with this study. Theory on loyalty will be presented and used to connect the results from the respondents. The empiric data was achieved through six qualitative interviews with people between the ages of 55-70 who are, or have been working. The result shows that the general view on changing jobs indeed is more allowing than it was before. The respondents explains this with reasons such as a modernisation of society within areas such as communication and increased mobility in general.The respondents also say that part of the reason is that young people with in working ages are quick to get in debt, and that that may contribute to a certain mobility on the job market.  The study shows that loyalty is indeed related to changing jobs, but that it isn't necessarily disloyal to change jobs, it all depends on how one does so.

Kvinnlig Könsstympning i Afrika : En Komparativ Studie av Kvinnlig Könsstympning / Female Genital Mutilation in Africa : A Comparative Study of Female Genital Mutilation

Lewitz, Ebba, Solbrekke, Emma January 2021 (has links)
This study examines how development phases such as education, economy and living in urban or rural areas have an impact on the phenomenon female genital mutilation. A comparative study was made on the three African countries Sudan, Somalia and Sierra Leone. The study is written with information from sociological theories, surveys from the database MICS and established research in order to make an analysis. The purpose of this study is to make a contribution to the already made research on the topic of female genital mutilation. The question of the issue of the study is to analyse and describe how development can have an impact both positive and negative on the phenomenon of female genital mutilation. Furthermore, we want to investigate and understand to what extent living in urban and rural areas make a difference in female genital mutilation. How much of a difference does having a better education make whether mothers mutilate their daughters or not? Is having a better economy a difference or not? Using a quantitative method consisting of data collected from the database MICS we made Binary logistic regressions in order to answer the question of the study. The data consisted of already made surveys on the subject female genital mutilation in the countries Sudan, Somalia and Sierra Leone. The result from the analysis was that in the countries Somalia and Sierra Leone having a higher education makes a difference in whether a woman has heard of female genital mutilation or not. It also showed in these two countries that actually having a higher education increased the risk for women to be mutilated. In Sudan it showed that a having lower education also increased the risk of female genital mutilation. With the economy it showed that in all three countries having a higher economy increases the chances of being mutilated. The analyse also showed that if a family lives in urban areas the changes of the daughter being exposed to female genital mutilation decreases. The conclusion of the study is that the urbanisation that is happening in Africa today will make a big difference in the attitudes and the continuation of female genital mutilation. And having the chance of gaining a better education will also change the attitudes and the continuation of the phenomenon. Having a better economy will develop the family and especially the women to chance their belief of female genital mutilation.

Förstagångsledare : En studie om övergången från medarbetare till ledare / First-time leader : A study of the process of going from employee to leader

Olsson, Veronica, Cecilia, Lidén January 2021 (has links)
When an individual goes from employee to leader, they are forced to go through a role-formation process. The first-time leader faces new challenges from both employees and organizations that he or she mustdeal with. The first-time leader may either need to create a new relationship with the employees or already have a relationship which changes during role formation. The aim is to highlight, through interviews with seven first-time leaders in Sweden, the factors that are relevant to role formation and the challenges the leader faces.The empirical material is analyzed through Pierre Bourdieu's sociological theory and Hersey ochBlanchard's leadership theory. The concepts of Symbolic Perspective and Role Exit are also central to the study. The results show that experiences, culture and values are factors that can influence individuals in the formation of a new role. It also shows that the leadership style is both shaped by role formation but also helps to create the role. Furthermore, the analysis shows that the first-time leader needs self-awareness to identify development opportunities and meet the requirements and expectations that exist.

#kroppskamp : En netnografisk undersökning om kroppsaktivisters budskap på Instagram

Johansson, Gustav January 2021 (has links)
I takt med att sociala medier tagit en större plats i människor liv har fler ungdomar börjat måsämre över att de jämför sig med andra personer på sociala medier. Som svar till detta såönskar fler att ungdomar ska få sunda förebilder. Kroppsaktivismen idag är en rörelse somkämpar för att sprida budskapet att man duger som man är, oavsett vad andra säger. Idag haraktivismen flyttat in på sociala medier där kroppsaktivister går i bräschen för att ifrågasätta desamhälleliga normerna gällande utseende. Syftet med uppsatsen är att få en förståelse förvilka budskap kroppsaktivister förmedlar på Instagram utifrån individualisering, könsrolleroch stereotyper. För att få en uppfattning om vilka budskap kroppsaktivister förmedlargenomfördes en netnografi där fem framstående svenska kroppsaktivister observerades.Resultatet visar att kroppsaktiviserna publicerar inlägg med flertalet olika budskap.Kroppsaktivisterna beskriver att det finns otydligheter i begreppet kroppspositivism som oftafeltolkas av omgivningen, någon som de ofta får bemöta och reda ut. Det förekommer ävenbudskap som är kritiska mot de kroppsnormer som de anser finns i samhället idag.Kroppsaktivisterna beskriver även hur de får motta kommentarer från deras omgivning när dehar på vissa sorters kläder, att det inte passar att visa upp sig på ett visst sätt om man äröverviktig eller gammal.

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