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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cosmopolitique d’un espace public mondial. Projet de paix perpétuelle et transformation des relations internationales / Cosmopolitical of a worldwide public space. Project of perpetual peace and transformation of international relations

Nahon, John-David 09 December 2013 (has links)
Comment transformer la structure des relations internationales ? La structure des relations internationales se définit par l’absence de détenteur de la force légitime condamnant les nations à vivre dans un état semi-anarchique composé par le cycle de la guerre et de la paix.Pour résoudre ce problème, problème de la guerre et de la paix parmi les nations, nous convoquerons le modèle de la cosmopolitique, ancêtre de la sécurité collective, union des États et idéal d’une paix perpétuelle légitime et légale. En raison des failles de la cosmopolitique kantienne, et après une étude des grandes théories du cosmopolitisme contemporain – soit la démocratie cosmopolitique, le cosmopolitisme libéral et le cosmopolitisme républicain – nous tâcherons de défendre un projet d’union fédérale cosmopolitique formée par une Assemblée mondiale et une Cour de justice afin d’étendre la légalité, la publicité et la civilité – les trois principes de l’espace public – aux relations internationales. Comment faire émerger, dans le respect de la pluralité des nations, de la liberté des peuples, un espace public mondial grâce à une union cosmopolitique afin de matérialiser l’idéal de la paix perpétuelle ?Mots clés : cosmopolitisme, cosmopolitique, nationalisme, nation, État, État-nation, souveraineté, citoyenneté, espace public, légalité, publicité, civilité, mondialisation, modèle westphalien, sécurité collective, ONU, justice globale, société civile, fédéralisme, guerre et paix / How can the structure of international relations be transformed? The structure of international relations is defined by the absence of legitimate force and centralized executive power, which constrains nations to live in a semi-anarchical state characterized by a cycle of war and peace.To confront this problem – the problem of war and peace among nations – we will resort to the cosmopolitical model, the forerunner of collective security. Cosmopolitical is a union of States, the purpose of which is a legitimate and legal perpetual peace. Because of a number of flaws in kantian cosmopolitanism, and after a review of the main, contemporary theories in cosmopolitanism – cosmopolitan democracy, liberal cosmopolitanism and republican cosmopolitanism – we will defend a project of a federal, cosmopolitan union based on a worldwide Assembly and a Court of justice. Our goal is to adapt legality, publicity and civility – the three main principles of a public space – to international relations.How can we create – thanks to a cosmopolitan union – a worldwide public space, respectful of the liberty and plurality of people and nations, in order to make the project of perpetual peace happen?Key words : cosmopolitanism, cosmopolitical, nationalism, nation, state, nation-state, sovereignity, citizenship, public space, publicity, civility, globalization, westphalian model, collective security, United-Nations, global justice, federalism, war, peace

Szenarien des Dritten Weltkriegs: Ausnahmesituationen und souveräne Akteure im Film

Koch, Lars, Nanz, Tobias 08 July 2019 (has links)
Der Beitrag untersucht die Filme WarGames (USA 1983), Krieg und Frieden (BRD 1982) und Der Dritte Weltkrieg (BRD 1998) als Dokumente aus der letzten Phase des Kalten Krieges. Die Filme behandeln Ausnahmesituationen, in denen jeweils die Grenzen souveräner Entscheidung in einer lebensbedrohlichen Krise verhandelt werden. Sie entwerfen eine mögliche Zukunft ebenso wie einen kontrafaktischen Verlauf der Geschichte. Ihre Dynamik beziehen die zwar fiktionalen, aber denkbaren Erzählungen aus der Spieltheorie, aus Simulationen und aus der Kraft der historischen Imagination.

Movimentos sociais como produtores de conhecimento: a Soberania Alimentar no Movimento de Pequenos Agricultores (MPA). / Social Movements as Knowledge Producers: The Food Sovereignity in the Small Farmers Movement (MPA).

Carolina Burle de Niemeyer 15 December 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente tese adota uma perspectiva cognitiva e epistêmica para o estudo dos movimentos sociais, tendo como objeto de estudo a Soberania Alimentar no Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores: MPA. Defendemos a ideia que, através de sua atuação prática e discursiva, os movimentos sociais estão travando uma luta que, além de política e cultural, é também cognitiva e epistêmica e que essa dinâmica social é geradora de novas formas de conhecimento, como a Soberania Alimentar. Neste trabalho, a Soberania Alimentar é entendida como um programa social de conhecimento que vem sendo desenvolvido pela rede transnacional de movimentos sociais Via Campesina e as suas organizações constituintes (dentre as quais o MPA), articulados com entidades parceiras em redes de solidariedade transnacionais e transculturais e em oposição aos seus adversários, em relação a distintos contextos e escalas de ação. Apoiados nessa ideia e na perspectiva adotada, pretendemos revelar aspectos da multidimensionalidade e da multiespacialidade da dinâmica constitutiva da Soberania Alimentar, a partir do estudo das correlações entre o local e o global, o particular e o geral e as dimensões prática e intelectual da produção de conhecimento por movimentos sociais. / This thesis adopts a cognitive and epistemic perspective to the study of social movements, taking the Food Sovereignty in the Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores: MPA (Small Farmers Movement) as its object of study. We defend the idea that through their practice and discursive action, social movements are waging a struggle that besides political and cultural, is also cognitive and epistemic and that this social dynamics generate new forms of knowledge, such as Food Sovereignty. In this work, food sovereignty is understood as a social program of knowledge that has been developed by the transnational network of social movements Via Campesina and its constituent organizations (among which the MPA), articulated with partner organizations in transnational and transcultural solidarity networks, in opposition to their adversaries and in relation to different contexts and scales of action. Supported by this idea and by the adopted perspective, we focus on the correlations between the local and the global, the particular and the general, and the practical and intellectual dimensions of the prodution of knowledge by social movements, with the intention to achieve our main objective, namely, to reveal aspects of the multidimensionality and multiespaciality of the constitutive dynamics of Food Sovereignty.

Movimentos sociais como produtores de conhecimento: a Soberania Alimentar no Movimento de Pequenos Agricultores (MPA). / Social Movements as Knowledge Producers: The Food Sovereignity in the Small Farmers Movement (MPA).

Carolina Burle de Niemeyer 15 December 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A presente tese adota uma perspectiva cognitiva e epistêmica para o estudo dos movimentos sociais, tendo como objeto de estudo a Soberania Alimentar no Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores: MPA. Defendemos a ideia que, através de sua atuação prática e discursiva, os movimentos sociais estão travando uma luta que, além de política e cultural, é também cognitiva e epistêmica e que essa dinâmica social é geradora de novas formas de conhecimento, como a Soberania Alimentar. Neste trabalho, a Soberania Alimentar é entendida como um programa social de conhecimento que vem sendo desenvolvido pela rede transnacional de movimentos sociais Via Campesina e as suas organizações constituintes (dentre as quais o MPA), articulados com entidades parceiras em redes de solidariedade transnacionais e transculturais e em oposição aos seus adversários, em relação a distintos contextos e escalas de ação. Apoiados nessa ideia e na perspectiva adotada, pretendemos revelar aspectos da multidimensionalidade e da multiespacialidade da dinâmica constitutiva da Soberania Alimentar, a partir do estudo das correlações entre o local e o global, o particular e o geral e as dimensões prática e intelectual da produção de conhecimento por movimentos sociais. / This thesis adopts a cognitive and epistemic perspective to the study of social movements, taking the Food Sovereignty in the Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores: MPA (Small Farmers Movement) as its object of study. We defend the idea that through their practice and discursive action, social movements are waging a struggle that besides political and cultural, is also cognitive and epistemic and that this social dynamics generate new forms of knowledge, such as Food Sovereignty. In this work, food sovereignty is understood as a social program of knowledge that has been developed by the transnational network of social movements Via Campesina and its constituent organizations (among which the MPA), articulated with partner organizations in transnational and transcultural solidarity networks, in opposition to their adversaries and in relation to different contexts and scales of action. Supported by this idea and by the adopted perspective, we focus on the correlations between the local and the global, the particular and the general, and the practical and intellectual dimensions of the prodution of knowledge by social movements, with the intention to achieve our main objective, namely, to reveal aspects of the multidimensionality and multiespaciality of the constitutive dynamics of Food Sovereignty.

Nové chápání korupce a legitimity EU / New understanding of corruption and EU legitimacy

Tudjarovska Gjorgjievska, Emilija January 2021 (has links)
This research aims to investigate the causal linkages between the EU democratic legitimacy and the crises of representative democracies in the field of anti-corruption. The threats of corruption to the EU democratic legitimacy and the approach in handling this negative phenomenon is seen as a symptom of a more profound crisis of the EU integration project. The mutual interdependence between the EU and it is member states in delivering the standards of democracy, it's values and principles is seen through legitimation as an act of actual justification. This actual exercise of the EU indirect legitimacy in normative terms is translated into action through the key actors of representative democracies on a national level, the national parliaments and the political parties. However, the role of the parliaments and the party democracy in the broader EU context, especially evident in Central-East Europe (CEE), has been challenged and weak, suggesting hollowness of democracy. This status has been also challenged by the misuse of political power for private gains, as a general understanding of corruption, also adopted by the EU. However, the mutual reinforcement of corruption and the hollowness of democracy have remained under-acknowledged in the broader neoliberal context. The reasons behind are few:...

Biopolitik / Biomacht

Folkers, Andreas, Rödel, Malaika 27 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In den gender studies verweist der Begriff Biopolitik zumeist auf die Arbeiten von Michel Foucault, in denen er untersucht, wie in der Moderne die Organisation von und die Sorge um Leben sowie der menschliche Individualkörper ins Zentrum der Politik rücken. Ergänzend bestimmt er Biomacht als im Gegensatz zu früherer, repressiver Macht, produktiv und auf Lebenssteigerung ausgelegt. Entsprechend impliziert Biopolitik eine ambivalente, ebenso fürsorgliche wie kontrollierende Form der Machtausübung.

L'Union européenne et la reconstruction post-conflit de l'Etat : contribution à la formation d'un droit international de la reconstruction de l'Etat / The European Union and post- conflict reconstruction of the State : contribution to the formation of an international law of the reconstruction of the State

Martineau, Jean-Luc 04 September 2014 (has links)
La reconstruction post-conflit de l’Etat est un enjeu majeur et actuel des relations internationales. L’Union européenne, sous les auspices des Nations Unies contribue à restaurer ou instaurer un ordre étatique qui doit donner sa chance à une paix durable fondée sur des valeurs respectueuses des droits de l’homme. Toutefois, l’Union européenne reste maitre de ses interventions. Il n’existe pas véritablement pour les Etats post-conflits un droit à la reconstruction. Un complexe d’acteurs institutionnels européens décide et organise la réponse européenne à la déliquescence des Etats au sortir des conflits. Cette réponse n’est pas isolée, elle s’inscrit dans un ensemble de partenariats.L’organisation régionale déploie un ensemble de mécanismes juridiques ou opérationnels, militaires ou civils de gestion du relèvement des Etats en sortie de conflit. L’engagement européen peut prendre des formes très intrusives, et s’apparente parfois à une tutelle européenne sur des Etats victimes de conflits. Au final, l’Union européenne participe à la définition et à la réalisation d’un droit international de la reconstruction de l’Etat. Elle consacre des normes et des standards internationaux. Elle inaugure des normes et des standards européens adaptées au relèvement des Etats. De ce point de vue, l’offre européenne en matière de reconstruction post conflit de l’Etat est globale. C'est-à-dire que l’Europe propose de reconstruire l’Etat sous ses trois composantes traditionnelles : la population, le territoire et l’appareil d’Etat. / In the framework of International Relations, Post Conflict Reconstruction of the State is a major and actual stake. European Union under the auspices of United Nations, supports all initiatives to restore or build a state order which give a chance for a stable peace based on human values. Nevertheless, European Union defines his interventions in function of his own interests. Post-conflicts States don’t have a right to reconstruction. A mix of european institutional actors decide and design the european response dedicated to failed Post-conflict States. This response is not isolated, she is included in a network of parternship.After a conflict, the regional organization set up a mix of legal or operational mechanisms, and military or civilian capacities. The european activism in this domain can be very strong. Sometimes, it seems as a trusteeship of EU on Post conflicts States. Consequently, European Union contributes to design and implement the international law of the State reconstruction. EU promotes norms and international standards. It initiates european norms and standards dedicated to the recovery of states. Consequently, European Union possess global capacities in the matter of post-conflict reconstruction. That is to say that Europe is proposing to rebuild the state in its three traditional components: population, territory and state apparatus.

Biopolitik / Biomacht

Folkers, Andreas, Rödel, Malaika 27 April 2017 (has links)
In den gender studies verweist der Begriff Biopolitik zumeist auf die Arbeiten von Michel Foucault, in denen er untersucht, wie in der Moderne die Organisation von und die Sorge um Leben sowie der menschliche Individualkörper ins Zentrum der Politik rücken. Ergänzend bestimmt er Biomacht als im Gegensatz zu früherer, repressiver Macht, produktiv und auf Lebenssteigerung ausgelegt. Entsprechend impliziert Biopolitik eine ambivalente, ebenso fürsorgliche wie kontrollierende Form der Machtausübung.

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