Spelling suggestions: "subject:"speech act.""
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Aspects du sujet dans la philosophie du langage ordinaire / Aspects of the subject in the Ordinary Language Philosophy.Boutevin-Bonnet, Valérie 28 June 2012 (has links)
De quelle notion de sujet avons-nous besoin rendre compte de nos pratiques et notamment de notre pratique du langage ? Cette question du sujet et de la subjectivité se pose à nouveaux frais dans le cadre de la philosophie du langage ordinaire et tout particulièrement à partir de la théorie des actes de parole de J.L. Austin. En effet, si le langage n’a de signification qu’en tant que parole, et même qu’en tant qu’acte d’un sujet qui prend la parole, le langage ne saurait être un processus sans sujet. Un acte nécessite un agent et si cet acte est un acte de parole, il faut un agent capable de comprendre la signification de ce qui est dit, en d'autres termes, il semble bien qu’il faille un sujet pensant, un sujet psychologique. C’est dans cette voie que s’engagèrent les premières interprétations d’Austin. Les actes de parole donnèrent naissance d’une nouvelle discipline : la pragmatique, où le rôle de l’intention dans la signification est primordial. Or, la philosophie du langage ordinaire se situe dans le projet initial de la philosophie analytique, tel que mené par Frege, Russell et le premier Wittgenstein, qui détachaient la signification de la subjectivité des représentations en la liant à la référence ou dénotation. Le sujet psychologique se trouve alors hors du champ de la pensée et de la vérité. Austin poursuit et radicalise ce projet : dans la théorie des actes de parole, la vérité devient la dimension d’évaluation de certains énoncés à l’intérieur de la catégorie plus générale de la félicité, évaluation qui n’est possible qu’en situant l’énonciation dans son contexte. C’est donc le contexte, et non l’intériorité du sujet parlant qui permet la compréhension. Ainsi, Le sujet des actes de paroles n’est pas le sujet intentionnel du mentalisme. C’est en fait un sujet pensant dont la pensée se lit dans le comportement, un sujet dont la pensée publique se fonde et s’exprime dans des conventions sociales qui le rendent responsables de ses paroles. Le sujet parlant est un sujet social pour qui l’enjeu est de parvenir à trouver et faire entendre sa voix alors même qu’il parle dans les mots des autres, un sujet responsable et mis en position de fragilité car il doit répondre de plus qu’il ne le voudrait. / What kind of a notion of subject do we need in order to account for our practices, and especially our practice of language? The issue of subject and subjectivity is raised anew within the ordinary language philosophy, more particularly within J.L. Austin's speech acts theory. As a matter of fact, if language has a meaning only inasmuch as it is a speech—the speech act of a subject—language cannot be a process devoid of subject. There must be an agent to perform an act, and if the act is a speech act, the agent must be able to understand what is meant, in other words, what seems to be needed is a thinking, psychological subject. Austin's first interpretations actually went down that path. Speech acts gave birth to a new theory: pragmatics, in which intention plays a key role in meaning. Nevertheless, ordinary language philosophy is in continuity with the original project of analytical philosophy as conducted by Frege, Russell and the first Wittgenstein, who separated the meaning from the subjectivity of representations and linked it instead to the reference or denotation. The psychological subject is then excluded from the field of thought and truth. Austin continues and toughens that project. Within the speech acts theory, truth becomes the assessment dimension of some utterances within the more general category of felicity—such an assessment being possible only when the issuing of the utterance is inserted in its whole context. Therefore, what enables comprehension is context, not inwardness. So, the subject of speech acts isn't the intentional subject of mentalism. In fact, it's a subject whose thought is to be read in their behaviour, a subject whose public thought is based on and expressed in social conventions which make them responsible for what they say. The speaking subject is a social subject whose issue is to find their voice and make themselves heard, although they speak in other people's words, a responsible subject in a vulnerable position as they must answer for more than they care for.
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Politika, média, manipulace. Politické zpravodajství, publicistika a pragmatická lingvistika. / Politics, media and manipulation: politics news and pragmaticlinguisticsZicháčková, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
The master's thesis Politics, Media and Manipulation: Political Journalism and Pragmatic Linguistics examines contemporary Czech publicized political communication using pragmatic analysis. It focuses on topics like power, ideology and self-presentation of the political participants in the media. It is also concerned with the framing of media communication and with the communication strategies that the political participants and journalists use. The research was conducted with the use of quantitative pragmatic analysis. Each sample was examined from many different angles. In this thesis, pragmatic phenomenon are examined like the function of the statements, speech acts, intertextuality, conversational maxims, the use and violation of speech etiquette, presupposition, conversational implicatures, deixis, and reference. The semiotic analysis and the examination of the context, from which the analyzed media texts originated, is involved as well. Journalistic texts from different types of media from the time of the first Czech direct presidential election have been chosen as samples for the analysis. The goal of the thesis is to design a complex pragmatic analysis and describe the used communication strategies of the participants.
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Le débat réglé et argumenté comme dispositif d’apprentissage et d’action. : L’exemple de débats menés à propos de l’environnement et du développement durable. / Debate and argued as set device learning and action. : The example of differents debates about the environment and sustainable development.Giral, Jacky 19 March 2013 (has links)
A l'occasion de deux recherches menées autour de la question de l'éducation à l'environnement et au développement durable nous avons pu observer que ce champ était exposé à des controverses de tous ordres : scientifiques, éthiques, politiques, techniques, etc… autant que piégé par toutes sortes de représentations sociales fondées ou erronées. Le corollaire pratique de ces controverses a été le recours au débat comme moyen de mieux comprendre les enjeux en présence, de dépasser les représentations « automatiques » ou « aveugles » de la réalité afin de prendre des décisions raisonnables. Notre problématique porte sur l'identification des conditions d'efficacité du débat réglé et argumenté, et sur l'observation des mécanismes qui permettent au débat de servir de cadre pour l'apprentissage à la mise en problème, à la co construction de savoirs et à l'éducation à la citoyenneté dans et hors l'école, mais aussi dans les organisations, depuis les associations jusqu'aux entreprises. Notre thèse est qu'il existe, dans la forme même des débats et plus largement des échanges langagiers, une articulation génératrice d'apprentissages et de volonté d'agir, entre d'une part les types d'arguments élaborés et exposés par les locuteurs et d'autre part la manière dont s'effectuent les échanges. Autrement dit, il existe une relation d'ordre cognitif entre effort de rationalisation au niveau des argumentations et effort de communication au niveau des interactions langagières. / On the occasion of two researches around the issue of environmental education and sustainable development we have seen that this field was exposed to all kinds of controversy: scientific, ethical, political, technical, etc. as well as trapped by all kinds of social representations based or erroneous. The practical corollary of this controversy was the use of debate as a means to better understand the issues at stake, beyond the representations of "automatic" or "blind" to reality in order to make reasonable decisions.Our problem concerns the identification of the conditions of efficiency and reasoned debate settled, and observation mechanisms that allow the debate to provide a framework for learning the setting problem, the co-construction of knowledge and citizenship education in and out of school, but also in organizations, from associations to businesses. Our work will focus on describing these conditions and lead to the development of a typology of debates according to criteria of greater or lesser efficiency in terms of problematization, co-construction of knowledge and effective action. Our thesis is that there exists, in the form of debates and more broadly language exchanges, generating a joint learning and willingness to act, on the one hand between the types of arguments developed and presented by the speakers and secondly how to perform the exchange. In other words, there is a relationship between cognitive rationalization at the level of argumentation and communication efforts at linguistic interactions.
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Évaluation de la communication chez l'enfant en termes d'actes de langage : stratégies multimodales d'interaction utilisées par l'enfant face à l'adulte / Evaluación de la comunicación del niño en términos de actos de habla : estrategias multimodales de interacción utilizadas por el niño en situación de comunicación con el adulto / Evaluation of the child's communication in terms of speech acts : multimodal interaction strategies used by the child at communicating with adultsBarraza Bizama, Jéssica 30 November 2015 (has links)
Parler une langue ou communiquer avec des gestes signifie adapter un comportement déterminé par des règles complexes dans une situation de communication donnée. Notre recherche porte l'intérêt sur l'occurrence de trois gestes conventionnels: pointage, affirmation et négation gestuels et la possibilité de distinguer leurs différentes fonctions en prenant en compte la combinaison de ces gestes et les actes de langage en tant que vecteurs de la direction de l'intention, à partir de la classification de Searle et Vanderveken (1985). Nous serons spectateurs du passage de l'étape pré-linguistique à l'étape linguistique et nous observerons comment l'enfant mobilise toutes ses capacités communicatives pour manifester ses états mentaux et atteindre ses objectifs en utilisant différentes stratégies en interaction avec l'adulte. Le cadre théorique sur lequel nous nous basons pour analyser les aspects étudiés s'appuie sur les travaux de Searle et Vanderveken (1985), Bernicot (1992, 1998), Bruner (2002), Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2001) et Guidetti (2003). Ce travail utilise une méthodologie qualitative et quantitative pour l'analyse de données. On travaille en deux temps, d'abord on fait une analyse transversale, ainsi on observera la production de ces éléments dans les interactions de six enfants entre dix-huit mois et six ans. Le corpus est composé de deux tranches d'âge. Dans un deuxième temps, on fera l'analyse d'une étude de cas pour rendre compte de l'évolution diachronique des éléments étudiés. / To speak a language or communicate with gestures means adapting a behavior determined by complex rules in a given communication situation. This research focuses on the occurrence of three conventional gestures: pointing, gestures of affirmation and negation. Using the classification of Searle and Vanderveken (1985), it also takes into account combinations of those gestures and speech acts that help the speaker convey their intention, combinations which also enable us to distinguish the gestures' various functions. The shift from the pre-linguistic to the linguistic stage has been under scrutiny, and we'll study how children use all their communicative abilities to express their mental state and reach their objectives by using different strategies in their interactions with adults. The theoretical frame on which this study is based relies on the works of Searle and Vanderverken (1985), Bernicot (1992, 1998), Bruner (2002), Kerbat-Orecchioni (2001) and Guidetti (2003). For this work, the data has been analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. There have been two phases in this work: first, we make a transversal analysis to observe the production of these elements in the interactions of six children aged between 18 months and six years old. The corpus has been divided into two age groups. Second, we've analyzed a case study to account for the diachronic evolution of the studied elements. / Hablar una lengua o comunicarse a través de gestos significa adaptar un comportamiento determinado por reglas complejas en una situación específica. Nuestra investigación se centra en la ocurrencia de tres gestos convencionales : la señalización (pointage), la afirmación y negación gestuales, y la posibilidad de distinguir diferentes funciones, tomando en cuenta la combinación de estos gestos y los Actos de Lenguaje como vectores de la dirección de la intención, a partir de la clasificación de Searle y Vanderveken (1985). Seremos espectadores de la transición de la etapa pre-lingüística a la etapa lingüística, y observaremos cómo el niño moviliza todas sus capacidades comunicativas para manifestar sus estados mentales y logra sus objetivos utilizando diferentes estrategias en las interacciones con los adultos. El marco teórico para el análisis de los aspectos estudiados se apoya en los trabajos de Searle y Vanderveken (1985), Bernicot (1992, 1998), Bruner (2002), Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2001) et Guidetti (2003). Este trabajo utiliza una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa para el análisis de datos. Expondremos una análisis transversal, de esta manera observaremos la producción de estos elementos en las interacciones de 6 niños entre 18 meses y 6 años. El corpus esta compuesto por dos segmentos etarios. Luego se realiza el análisis de un estudio de caso para dar cuenta de la evolución diacrónica de los elementos estudiados.
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A Pragmatic Analysis of WISH ImperativesRyo Nomura (6630887) 14 May 2019 (has links)
<p>A word or
a linguistic construction can mean various things depending on the context. The
imperative is a representative example of such a construction and can express a
variety of illocutionary forces such as COMMAND, REQUEST, ADVICE, and more
(Quirk et al., 1985, Huddleston et al., 2002). </p>
although there are many studies that comprehensively deal with the imperative
or individual illocutionary forces of it (e.g. Lakoff, 1966, Ljung, 1975,
Davies, 1986, Wilson & Sperber 1988, Han, 2000, Takahashi, 2012, Jary &
Kissine, 2014), there is no such study that shows a possible overall process of
how we would interpret an imperative to reach a certain illocutionary force
when it is uttered. Without such a shared process, we cannot explain why we can
communicate using imperatives without misunderstandings. Thus, this process
needs to be investigated. </p>
problem regarding imperatives is the treatment of non-directive uses of
imperatives such as “Have a good day”. The illocutionary force of this
imperative would be called GOOD WISH and regarded as a conventional use of
imperatives (Davies, 1986). However, it has not been clearly explained why we
would choose the imperative construction to express wishes. If this kind of
wishes expressed in the form of the imperative are actually a use of
imperative, then there should be some reason and motivation for it. </p>
<p>The main purposes of this study are to
provide (1) a schema of how one would typically reach the interpretation of
WISH when hearing an imperative and (2) an account of such use of imperatives
as WISH. In this study, examples of imperatives in two non-cognate languages
are used for the analysis in the hope to substantiate the credibility of the
schema and the account: Japanese and English. Based on the analyses on the
imperative and individual illocutionary forces that have been presented in the
literature combined with my own analysis, a schema is proposed that illustrates
how one would typically reach PRIVATE WISH, the state of affairs of which is
deemed to be desirable mainly for the speaker, and GOOD WISH, the state of
affairs of which is deemed to be desirable mainly for the addressee. Then, an
account for the use of PRIVATE WISH and GOOD WISH is provided. Specifically,
the use of imperatives as WISH is an analogous use of prototypical imperatives;
people would use the imperative construction to express their strong
desirability, and to build and maintain a good relationship with others.</p>
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La transmission du savoir pragmatique dans l’enseignement du français langue étrangère en contexte japonais / Teaching pragmatics to Japanese learners of French as a foreign languageHarada, Sanae 20 March 2012 (has links)
Dans une communication exolingue, les échecs pragmatiques ne sont pas aussi aisément reconnaissables que les erreurs grammaticales ou phonétiques et de ce fait, ils risquent de mener à des malentendus sans qu’il y ait de tentative de réparation. Comment identifier et expliquer ces difficultés pragmatiques aux apprenants ? Quels sont les moyens possibles pour la transmission du savoir pragmatique ? Cette étude vise à répondre à ces questions en coordonnant, d’une part, les problèmes rencontrés dans les interactions réelles entre Français et Japonais et, d’autre part, ceux qui apparaissent dans les situations d’enseignement du français langue étrangère au Japon. Autour de deux actes de parole (l’excuse et de la réfutation), les différences entre Français et Japonais sont examinées à l’appui de corpus variés : témoignages écrits (livres et blogs) des personnes ayant connu les deux cultures, ouvrages de savoir-vivre ou encore, extraits de films. L’étude se tourne ensuite vers les trois composantes de l’enseignement : le manuel, l’enseignant et l’apprenant. Après une analyse des manuels de français langue étrangère édités au Japon, le travail a été enrichi par des entretiens avec des enseignantes, ainsi que par des questionnaires menés auprès d’apprenants japonais. Cette étude a permis de mettre à jour les possibilités et les difficultés de l’enseignement de la pragmatique, telles que le maniement des stéréotypes, les différences entre enseignant natif et non-natif ou encore la capacité d’observation chez les apprenants même débutants. / In communication between native and non-native speakers, pragmatic failures are not as easily recognizable as grammatical or phonetic errors, and therefore, they risk to lead to misunderstandings; generally speakers have no chance to repair ommunication problems. How do foreign language teachers identify and explain these pragmatic difficulties to the learners ? What are the possible means to teach pragmatics ? This study aims at answering these questions by associating the problems in the real interactions between French and Japanese speakers and those in the situations of teaching French as a foreign language in Japan. Concerning two speech acts (apology and refutation), the differences between French and Japanese are examined using various corpuses: books and blogs written by those who experienced both cultures, French and Japanese literature on manners and etiquette, and some sequences from movies. The study then deals with the three components of education : the textbook, the teacher and the learner. After an analysis of French textbooks published in Japan, interviews were conducted with teachers of French, and questionnaires were administered to Japanese learners. This study made clear the possibilities and the difficulties of teaching pragmatics, such as the way of incorporating stereotypes, the differences between native and non-native teachers, and the learners’ ability to be aware of pragmatic features even at beginner level.
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Learning how to make requests in English : Pragmatic input in Swedish EFL textbooks / Att formulera uppmaningar på engelska : Lärdomar om pragmatik i svenska läromedel i engelskaKarlsson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching should not only aim at providing learners with the linguistic resources to communicate in English, but also develop learners’ pragmatic competence in order for them to be able to use language efficiently and appropriately for different purposes. The present study examines what pragmatic input learners receive from two Swedish EFL textbook series regarding the speech act of request. The analysis was conducted by identifying all instances of requests and all metapragmatic information about the specific speech act. In addition, the present study also focused on finding exercises that provide learners with the opportunity to practice making requests. The findings show that the two examined EFL textbook series differ in terms of which directness levels are most frequently used, and both series lack explicit information about requests that may increase students' understanding of this speech act. Moreover, request exercises are few and practicing requests is rarely the main learning objective. Consequently, teachers will need to use supplemental material and exercises in order for learners to develop their pragmatic competence in the case of requests. / Engelskundervisning bör inte bara syfta till att ge elever de språkliga resurser som krävs för att kommunicera på engelska, utan även utveckla elevernas pragmatiska kompetens så att de lär sig att använda språket effektivt och lämpligt för olika ändamål. Det som undersöks i den här studien är i vilken utsträckning språkhandlingen uppmaning förekommer och lärs ut i två olika läromedel i engelska för högstadiet. Analysen utfördes genom att identifiera alla exempel av uppmaningar och all metapragmatisk information om den specifika språkhandlingen. Utöver detta fokuserade den här studien även på att hitta övningsuppgifter som ger eleverna möjlighet att öva på språkhandlingen uppmaning. Resultaten visar att de två läromedlen skiljer sig åt vad gäller fördelningen av direkta och indirekta uppmaningar. Dessutom saknar båda läromedlen explicit information som kan öka elevers förståelse för denna språkhandling. Övningsuppgifterna är få och fokuserar inte på att utveckla elevers förmåga att formulera uppmaningar i första hand. Följaktligen behöver lärare använda kompletterande material och övningsuppgifter för att elever ska kunna utveckla sin pragmatiska kompetens vid uppmaningar.
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Poetry of the blues: the lyrics of Robert Johnson & Blind Lemon Jefferson.January 1999 (has links)
Thesis submitted in: Dec. 1998. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 103-[105]). / Abstract also in Chinese. / Chapter Chapter One: --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1. --- Signifying: An African American Speech Act --- p.1 / Chapter 2. --- Brief Background of Robert Johnson and Blind Lemon Jefferson --- p.4 / Chapter 3. --- Blues Craze --- p.5 / Chapter Chapter Two: --- Blues Genre --- p.8 / Chapter 1. --- Defining' the Blues --- p.8 / Chapter 2. --- Interpretations of the Blues Genre --- p.12 / Chapter 3. --- Three Downhome Blues Singer's Interpretations of the Blues --- p.15 / Chapter 4. --- """You wanta signifyin' like" --- p.18 / Chapter Chapter Three: --- Signifying and the Blues --- p.20 / Chapter 1. --- Signifying --- p.21 / Chapter 2. --- Implicature --- p.24 / Chapter 3. --- Face Threatening Acts --- p.34 / Chapter 4. --- Off Record FTAs --- p.35 / Chapter 5. --- Off Record FTAs and Signifying --- p.36 / Chapter 6. --- Off record FTA and Signifying in Blues --- p.39 / Chapter 7. --- Signifying and Call-and-Response --- p.42 / Chapter 8. --- Signifying and the Guitar --- p.47 / Chapter 9. --- Signifying and T in Blues Recordings --- p.51 / Chapter 10. --- Signifying and Spirituals --- p.54 / Chapter Chapter Four: --- Robert Johnson and Blind Lemon Jefferson --- p.60 / Chapter 1. --- Robert Jonhson (1911-1938) --- p.60 / Chapter 2. --- Blind Lemon Jefferson (1897-1929) --- p.81 / Chapter Chapter Five: --- Conclusion --- p.98 / Bibliography --- p.103
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InterActua: análise de ações de mediação pedagógica em ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem baseada em registros padronizadosSchwarz, Gustavo 03 July 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2015-10-26T15:21:56Z
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Previous issue date: 2015-07-03 / CNPQ – Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Os ambientes de Ensino a Distancia (EAD) estao cada vez mais presentes no dia-a-dia de professores e alunos, seja no formato exclusivamente a distancia (e-learning) ou como uma ferramenta de apoio ao ensino presencial (b-learning). Apesar do aumento de sua utilizacao, o uso dessas ferramentas nao deve representar somente um meio digital de armazenamento e compartilhamento de dados. Elas tambem devem ser uteis tanto para o aluno quanto para o professor no processo de mediacao do aprendizado. Neste contexto, o monitoramento das atividades nessas ferramentas e de grande importancia para tornar o seu uso mais eficiente. Apenas coletar e sumarizar os registros das atividades dos alunos de forma quantitativa – numero de acesso, por exemplo – para posteriormente condensa-los em relatorios, pode nao fornecer informacoes suficientes para justificar o uso desses ambientes. E importante tambem avaliar questoes qualitativas, identificando caracteristicas que possibilitem personalizar o ensino. Outro problema encontrado e que para cada um desses ambientes existentes, os registros das atividades sao armazenados numa estrutura e num formato proprios de cada software. Isso, por sua vez, acaba por dificultar a criacao de ferramentas padronizadas de analise. Nos trabalhos relacionados apresentados no capitulo 3 e possivel verificar que, apesar de utilizar a mesma base teorica (teoria socio-historica) para fundamentar as interações educacionais, todos os trabalhos analisam de forma qualitativa somente ferramentas de comunicacao, tais como forum chat, mensagens, e-mail, ignorando o restante dos recursos existentes nos AVAs. Entretanto, as interacoes educacionais tambem ocorrem atraves de outras tecnologias, por exemplo: ao disponibilizar um arquivo pdf ou uma pagina com conteudo para o aluno, o professor estara interagindo com esse estudante, mesmo que de forma assincrona. Outro exemplo pode ser representado por uma atividade, que ao ser entregue pelo aluno, podera receber um feedback do professor.
Ainda com relacao ao processo de mediacao online, outro ponto que foi considerado, e que em ambientes online alguns alunos talvez nao utilizem as ferramentas de comunicacao, ou as utilizem em pouca frequencia, mas ao mesmo tempo esse mesmo apresenta boas notas e acessa os recursos disponibilizados pelo professor. Neste caso, o acompanhamento do processo de mediacao por parte do professor fica comprometida se ele visualizar somente registros de ferramentas de comunicacao. No entanto, ao visualizar as interacoes do aluno no restante dos recursos o professor podera ter um panorama mais completo sobre o estado do aluno. Com base no que foi citado acima, para o presente trabalho serao utilizadas como base teorica a Abordagem Socio-historica e a Teoria dos Atos da Fala. Uma vez fundamentado o processo de interacao com base na primeira teoria, sera apresentado um modelo de classificacao dos atos ilocucionarios para as interacoes dos usuarios em ambientes de EAD, ou seja, sera identifiada a intencionalidade de uma acao realizada pelo usuario. Para isso, o modelo fara o uso de tecnlogias da Web Semantica, padroes de registros educacionais e rede bayesiana para classificacao dos atos da fala. Sendo que ao final do trabalhos são apresentados os resultados dos experimentos realizados para tal modelo. Alem disso, para trabalhos futuros projeta-se a utilizacao do presente modelo na identificacao da categoria de
mediacao que o aluno encontra-se, isso sera realizado partindo-se do pressuposto de que os atos da fala classificados no presente trabalho sirvam de base para tal proposta (o que e justificado no capitulo 4.1 “Analise comparativa entre a TAF e a TSH”). O texto inicialmente aborda a Teoria Socio-historica, a Teoria dos Atos da Fala, Ambientes Virtuais de Aprendizagem e Registros Padronizados de Interacao, assim como a
Web Semantica e Redes Bayesianas. No capitulo seguinte sao vistos os trabalho que fazem uso da Teoria Socio-historica e sua relacao ao processo de mediacao nos ambientes virtuais de ensino. No capitulo 4 e apresentado o Modelo de Interacoes Pedagogicas assim como informacoes sobre o prototipo desenvolvido. O capitulo 5 descreve os experimentos e os resultados alcancados. O trabalho e finalizado com a apresentacao das consideracoes finais a proposta de trabalhos futuros. / The Distance Learning environments (EAD) are becoming more present in the daily lives of teachers and students, either solely in the distance format (e-learning) or as a support tool to presencial teaching (b-learning). Despite the increase in its use, the use of these tools should not only represent a digital storage mean and data sharing. They should also be useful for both the student and the teacher in the learning mediation process. In this context, monitoring of activities in these tools is very important to make its use more efficient. Just collecting and summarizing the logs of the student's activities in a quantitative manner - e.g access number - to further condense them in reports, may not provide enough information to justify the use of these environments. It is also important to assess qualitative issues, by identifying characteristics that enable personalized learning. Another problem found is that for each of these existing environments, the activities logs are stored in their own format and structure of each software. This, in turn, makes it difficult to create standardized analysis tools. In the papers related described in Chapter 3 it is possible to check that, despite using the same theoretical base (socio-historical theory) to support educational interactions, all works analyze qualitatively only communication tools such as forum chats, messages, e-mail, bypassing the rest of the existing resources in AVAs. However, educational interactions also occur through other technologies; for example by providing a PDF file or page content to the student, the teacher will be interacting with this student, even asynchronously. Another example can be represented by an activity which when delivered by the student he may receive feedback from the teacher. Still regarding the online mediation process, another point that was considered is that in online environments, some students may not use the communication tools, or use it in low frequency, but at the same time, it presents good grades and access features made available by the teacher. In this case, monitoring of the mediation process by the teacher is compromised if he sees only records of communication tools. However, by seeing the interactions of students in the rest of the resources the teacher can have a more complete overview on the state of the student. Based on what was mentioned above, the present study will use as a theoretical basis the socio-historical approach and the Theory of Speech Acts. Once the interaction process is grounded based on the first theory, it will be presented a classification model of the illocutionary acts to the interactions of the users in EAD environments, in other words, it will be identified the intentionality of an action performed by the user. For this, the model will make use of Web Semantic technologies, educational standards of records and Bayesian network for classification of speech acts. At the end of the study, it will be presented the results of the experiments performed to such model. Also, for future work it is foreseen the use of this model to identify the category of mediation that the student is found; this will be done starting from the assumption that speech acts classified in this study is used as a basis for such proposal (which is explained in Chapter 4.1 "Comparative analysis between TAF and the TSH"). The text initially addresses the socio-historical theory, the Theory of Speech Acts, Virtual Learning Environments and Interaction of Standardized Records, as well as, the Web Semantic and Bayesian networks. In the next chapter are seen the work that makes use of socio-historical theory and its relation to the mediation process in virtual learning environments. In Chapter 4, it is presented the Pedagogical Interaction Model as well as information on the developed prototype. The paper ends with the presentation of the final considerations on the proposal for future work.
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O Império das Palavras: um estudo da parole teatral em Valère Novarina / The Empire of Words: a study of theatrical word of Valère Novarina.Oliveira, Lígia Souza de 25 June 2018 (has links)
A presente tese pretende discutir a construção da palavra na obra dramatúrgica do franco-suíço Valère Novarina. Considerado um dos maiores dramaturgos em atividade na França, ele também é encenador, pintor e desenhista. Sua obra, dividida em proposições teóricas, puramente teatrais e o teatro utópico, é construída a partir do preceito de que a palavra deve romper com a comunicação cotidiana e se ligar a sua corporificação no ator. Para dar conta dessas perspectivas, dois aspectos são analisados neste estudo: a ideia de jogos de linguagem cunhada por Ludwig Wittgenstein, aqui utilizada para desenvolver a ênfase novarinesca na palavra desarticulada; e a ideia de vocalidade desenvolvida por Paul Zumthor, que remete às noções corpóreas e fisiológicas construídas na obra de Valère Novarina. Esse estudo teórico é finalizado com uma análise acerca da teoria dos atos de fala de John Austin e sua intersecção com a obra do dramaturgo. Para tanto, analisou-se a produção textual recente de Novarina. Com a prática de republicar textos após a sua encenação, Novarina exalta as transformações realizadas pela cena. Com isso, esta tese se dedicou à análise de três textos do dramaturgo, dos quais dois já estão publicados. Primeiramente foi realizada uma comparação entre os textos Le Vivier des Noms e Entrée Perpértuelle, - este último, versão cênica do livro que foi publicado em 2015. Esse capítulo foi a base para a análise das transformações encontradas no texto escrito, que reverberam as realizações cênicas. Num segundo momento, analisou-se o texto L\'homme hors de lui, ainda não publicado. O texto analisado é uma espécie de arquivo das transformações textuais decorrentes do processo criativo cênico, o qual pode-se acompanhar em 2017, e que deu suporte para indicar como as modificações textuais advém da encenação. Por fim, o estudo finaliza com a apresentação do trecho Les quatre états du Texte, presente no livro Lumières du Corps para traçar paralelos entre o processo criativo de Novarina e o texto que tem base na construção da linguagem no espaço. Seguem-se algumas proposições que aprofundam e reforçam os diversos processos criativos a que o texto de Novarina é vinculado, dando dimensão da riqueza do trabalho do dramaturgo e principalmente da condição performativa de seus textos, mesmo que no papel. / The present thesis intends to argue the construction of the word in the dramaturgical work of the Franco-Swiss Valère Novarina. Recognized as one of the greatest playwrights in activity in France, he is also director, painter and drawer. His work - divided into theoretical propositions, purely theatrical and utopian theater - is built from the precept that the word must break with daily communication and link its embodiment in actor. To account these angles, two aspects are analyzed in this survey: the idea of language games minted by Ludwig Wittgenstein, used here to develop the Novarina\'s emphasis on the disjointed word; and the vocality idea developed by Paul Zumthor, which alludes to corporeal and physiological concepts constructed in Valère Novarina work\'s. We conclude this theoretical study with an analysis of John Austin\'s theory of speech acts and his intersection with the playwright\'s work. For this, was reviwed the recent Novarina\'s textual production. With the practice of republishing texts after performance season, Novarina exalts the transformations made by the scene. Thus, this thesis engaged to analysis three playwright\'s texts, two of which are already published. Firstily we compare the texts Le Vivier des Noms and Entrée Perpértuelle, - the latter, the book\'s scenic version that was published in 2015. This chapter was the basis for the analysis of the transformations found in the written text, which reverberate the scenic achievements. In a second moment, was analyze the text L\'homme hors de lui, not yet published. The text analyzed is kind of archive of the textual transformations resulting from the scenic creative process, which can be followed in 2017, and which gave support to indicate how the textual modifications come from the performance. Finally, the study ends with the presentation of the excerpt Les Quatre États du Texte, present in the book Lumières du Corps to draw parallels between the creative process of Novarina and the text that is based on the construction of language in space. These are followed by some thesis that deepen and reinforce the sundry creative processes to which Novarina\'s text is linked, giving a dimension of playwright work\'s tichness and mainly of the performative condition of his texts, even if on paper.
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