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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De framgångsrika skrivinstruktionernas gemensamma mönster : en textanalys med särskilt fokus på språkhandlingar och textaktiviteter / The common patterns of successful writing-instructions : A text analysis with a particular focus on speech acts and text activities

Pettersson, Eleonor January 2024 (has links)
This study investigates how six writing-instructions aimed at third-year students in upper secondary school, resulting in high student performance, are designed. The aim was to identify common patterns of speech acts and text activities in the writing-instructions and to examine how clearly these communicate what is expected of students. To address this, a qualitative analysis of the six writing-instructions was conducted using tools from systemic-functional grammar: speech act and the concept of text activity. The analysis results show that the writinginstructions primarily communicate through the speech acts of statement and command. The speech act statement is used to provide information about the requirements and expectations of the task, while the speech act command structures the instructional part. The congruent use of speech acts demonstrates that all writing-instructions clearly convey their message. The framing text activity of explanation is used in all writing-instructions, providing a clear guidance, and writing frameworks, and is clarified and reinforced by the embedded text activity of description. The study results suggest that writing-instructions that clearly communicate expected content, structure, and writing frameworks correlate with higher student performance. Further research could expand this study with either a larger sample or in combination with an interview study.

“The United States stands with the people of Israel.” : A Political Discourse Analysis of Joe Biden's Posts from the Platform X

Lundberg, Felicia January 2024 (has links)
Through recent years social media has become a useful platform for politicians to share their political ideologies with their followers. An example of such a platform is X(formerly Twitter) where politicians regularly post statements for their followers. Donald Trump, the former American president, particularly stands out for his memorable “fake news” statements. Numerous studies have been done on the correlation between X and political discourse. This study will further this research by looking at the political discourse of American President Joe Biden on his official X account, @POTUS. This study will look at posts from Joe Biden regarding the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. The study aims to gain a better understanding of how Biden represents himself and The United States through his discourse. The analytical tools for this analysis will be speech acts per the Speech Act Theory, as defined by John Searle and George Yule, and personal deixis. 116 posts were saved from Biden ́s account, where 73 posts containing only text were chosen for analysis. The results from the analysis showed a tendency to use assertive, commissive, and expressive strategies and a high frequency in personal deixis wherein the pronouns “I” and “we” were used the most. The results showed that Biden ́s discourse helped represent himself and The United States as proactive, empathetic, and engaged actors in the war. Biden conveyed a strong stance in support of Israel while also expressing concern for Palestinian civilians.

The Acquisition of Pragmatic and Intercultural Communicative Competences through Telecollaboration

Di Sarno García, Sofia 26 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] El estudio presentado en esta tesis gira en torno a la implementación de proyectos de telecolaboración para la adquisición de la competencia pragmática y la competencia comunicativa intercultural (CCI) de estudiantes hispanohablantes. En particular, el objetivo es demostrar cómo estas competencias están inextricablemente relacionadas, y una no puede ser adquirida sin la otra. Por esta razón, los participantes del estudio aquí presentado fueron estudiantes de ingeniería aeroespacial, ya que es probable que participen en diálogos interculturales en sus futuras vidas profesionales. La falta de estas dos competencias podría resultar en malentendidos culturales que a su vez podrían afectar su carrera profesional. Para fomentar la competencia pragmática y la CCI de los participantes, se coordinaron tres proyectos telecolaborativos de seis semanas cada uno. El primero fue con hablantes del inglés como primera lengua (L1) o hablantes expertos de la Universidad de Bath (Reino Unido), el segundo con hablantes del inglés como L1 o hablantes expertos de la Universidad de Hawái (EE. UU.), y el tercero con hablantes del inglés como L1 de la Universidad de Morgan State (EE. UU.). Para probar la validez de la implementación de estos tres proyectos se estableció un grupo de control que no participó en ningún encuentro telecolaborativo. Los participantes de los tres intercambios interculturales participaron tanto en sesiones síncronas como asíncronas. En las primeras, los estudiantes realizaron una serie de juegos de rol centrados en el acto de habla de las disculpas, desarrolladas a través de Zoom. Por otra parte, las segundas consistieron en dos debates culturales llevados a cabo en la red social MeWe. Los estudiantes del grupo de control realizaron los juegos de rol con sus compañeros y compañeras de clase en un entorno tradicional, cara a cara, pero no participaron en ningún debate cultural. Los datos se recogieron a través de estas tareas, por medio de pre- y post-test sobre las disculpas, un cuestionario de final de proyecto, y una presentación final que prepararon los tres grupos experimentales. Se adoptó un enfoque de métodos mixtos. Los resultados demuestran que los tres grupos de estudiantes que participaron en los proyectos de telecolaboración excedieron a aquellos del grupo de control en cuanto a la adquisición de disculpas. A pesar de que los resultados pragmáticos no fueron estadísticamente significativos, los estadísticos descriptivos revelaron que los tres grupos mejoraron de pre- a post-test. En particular, el primer grupo obtuvo mejores resultados que los demás. Además, se identificaron ejemplos de desarrollo de la CCI. Los resultados también demuestran que existe una relación empírica entre los logros obtenidos en cuanto a competencia pragmática y CCI, demostrando así la fuerte unión existente entre estas dos competencias. / [CA] L'estudi presentat en aquesta tesi gira al voltant de l'aplicació de projectes telecol·laboratius i l'adquisició de la competència pragmàtica i la competència comunicativa intercultural (CCI) d'estudiants hispanoparlants. En concret, l'objectiu és demostrar com aquestes dues competències estan inextricablement relacionades, i una no pot ser adquirida sense l'altra. Per aquesta raó, els participants de l'estudi presentat ací eren estudiants d'enginyeria aeroespacial, ja que és probable que participen en diàlegs culturals en les seues futures vides professionals. La manca d'aquestes dues competències podria resultar en malentesos culturals que, alhora, podrien afectar les seues carreres professionals. Per a fomentar la competència pragmàtica i la CCI dels participants, es van coordinar tres projectes telecol·laboratius de sis setmanes cadascun. El primer va ser amb parlants d'anglès com a primera llengua o parlants experts de la Universitat de Bath (Regne Unit), el segon amb parlants d'anglès com a L1 o parlants experts de la Universitat de Hawaii (EE.UU.), i el tercer amb parlants d'anglès com a L1 de la Universitat de Morgan State (EE.UU.). Per a testar la validitat de la implementació d'aquests tres projectes, es va establir un grup de control que no va participar en cap encontre telecol·laboratiu. Els participants dels tres intercanvis interculturals van participar tant en sessions síncrones com asíncrones. En les primeres els estudiants van realitzar una sèrie de jocs de rol centrats en l'acte de parla de les disculpes, i es van desenvolupar a Zoom. D'altra banda, les segones consistien en dos debats culturals realitzats a la xarxa social MeWe. Els estudiants del grup de control van realitzar els jocs de rol amb els seus companys i les seues companyes en un entorn tradicional cara a cara, però no van participar en cap discussió cultural. Les dades es van recollir a través d'aquestes tasques, així com pre- i post-test sobre les disculpes, un qüestionari de final de final de projecte, i una presentació final que van preparar els tres grups experimentals. Es va adoptar un enfocament de mètodes mixts. Els resultats demostren que els tres grups d'estudiants que van participar en projectes de telecol·laboració van excedir els del grup de control quant a l'adquisició de disculpes. Encara que els resultats pragmàtics no siguen estadísticament significatius, els estadístics descriptius revelen que els tres grups de control van millorar de pre- a post-test. En concret, el primer grup va obtindre millor resultats que els altres. A més, es van identificar casos de desenvolupament de la CCI. Les troballes també demostren que existeix una relació empírica entre els guanys obtinguts quant a competència pragmàtica i CCI, la qual cosa demostra la forta connexió entre aquestes dues competències. / [EN] The study presented in this dissertation revolves around the application of telecollaboration projects for the acquisition of Spanish-speaking students' pragmatic competence and intercultural communicative competence (ICC). In particular, it aims to demonstrate how these two competences are inextricably interrelated, and one cannot be acquired without the other. For this reason, participants of the study presented here were aerospace engineering students since they are likely to engage in intercultural dialogue in their future professional lives. Lack of these two competencies could result in cultural misunderstandings which could, in turn, affect their professional careers. In order to foster participants' pragmatic competence and ICC, three different six-week telecollaboration projects were coordinated. The first was with first language (L1) or highly proficient English speakers from the University of Bath (UK), the second with L1 or highly proficient speakers from the University of Hawai'i (US), and the third with L1 English speakers from Morgan State University (US). In order to test the validity of the implementation of these three projects, a control group which did not take part in any telecollaborative encounter was set. Participants of the three intercultural exchanges engaged in both synchronous and asynchronous sessions. In the former students carried out a series of role-plays centred on the speech act of apologies, and were held on Zoom. On the other hand, the latter consisted of two cultural discussions conducted on the social network MeWe. Students in the control group carried out the role-plays with their classmates in a traditional face-to-face setting but did not engage in any cultural discussions. Data was gathered through these tasks, as well as pre- and post-test on apologies, a final project questionnaire, and a final presentation carried out by the three experimental groups. A mixed-methods approach was adopted. The results demonstrate that the three groups of students who participated in the telecollaboration projects outperformed those in the control group in terms of apologies acquisition. Although pragmatic results were not statistically significant, the descriptive statistics revealed that the three groups improved from pre- to post-test. In particular, the first group obtained better results than the others. Besides, instances of ICC development were identified. The findings also demonstrate that there is an empirical relationship between the gains obtained in terms of pragmatic competence and ICC, thus showing the strong connection between these two competences. / Di Sarno García, S. (2023). The Acquisition of Pragmatic and Intercultural Communicative Competences through Telecollaboration [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198860

Institutional critique : a philosophical investigation of its conditions and possibilities

Morariu, Vlad V. January 2014 (has links)
'Institutional critique' is a term that refers to a range of diverse artistic practices and discourses that emerged at the end of the 1960s and that continue in the present. In spite of their differences, they all share a concern with the institutional conditioning of artists and artworks. Various historicizations of institutional critique (Alberro and Stimson, 2009; Raunig and Ray, 2009; Welchman, 2006) concur that one could distinguish two 'phases': artists of the 1960s and 1970s allegedly investigated the possibilities of an escape towards an 'outside' of the art institution, whereas those of the 1990s analysed the ways in which the artistic subject reproduced the structures of the art institution. Since the beginning of the 2000s various artists and authors have revisited the histories and legacies of institutional critique. This growing interest was triggered by the perceived intensification of a process that began at the end of the 1960s; it refers to the recuperation and neutralization of artistic types of critique by what Boltanski and Chiapello (2005) have called the 'new spirit' of capitalism. In this context, the Austrian philosopher Gerald Raunig and the members of the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies have proposed the hypothesis that 'a new phase' of institutional critique was to emerge. However, this proposition was based less on empirical evidence, than on a 'political and theoretical necessity to be found in the logic of institutional critique' (Raunig, 2009, 3). This thesis is a response to this set of circumstances. By asking 'what are the conditions and possibilities of institutional critique?' it investigates the categories of institutional critique's logic. My main argument is that a 'phase change' of institutional critique could and should be understood through the apparatus of Derridean deconstruction. This implies a criticism of the idea that one needs to escape the art institution in order to respond to urgencies stemming from the social, economic, and political realms (Truth Is Concrete Platform, 2012). At the same time, I will also refute the idea that institutional critique is trapped in the art institution (Fraser, 2009a). Institutional critique works on the remainder and rest that necessarily escapes the instituting will and intention of defining and describing in an exhaustive manner the whatness of what (art) is (Boltanski, 2011). I show that between critique and the art institution there is an irreducible relation of symbiosis and cohabitation, and that the deconstructive logic of institutional critique allows it to be both partner and adversary, at the same time, of the art institution.

Interaction goals in political accounts in isiXhosa

Mokapela, Sebolelo Agnes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (African Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / This study deals with research that has been conducted within three government departments (Education, Health and Social Development) that form part of the social needs cluster in the Province of the Eastern Cape. Five portfolio committee members were interviewed in each department (six in the department of Health). Reproaches (failures and challenges of service delivery and policy implementation) were developed using information obtained from the “policy and budget speeches” of the afore-mentioned departments. In response to these reproaches, committee members had to give accounts (responses, explanations and/or reason-giving). Four types of accounts (concession, excuse, denial and justification) which are typical political accounts have proved to be quite popular and focus has been given to them in the analysis. The focus on the analysis of the accounts was given to effectiveness, argumentation (reasons or arguments that are tendered in support of the accounts to establish the amount of persuasiveness) and politeness. The conclusions of the findings in the interviews were focused on three elements: 􀂃 The interviewee: The analyses of the interviewees were discussed with regard to the accounts together with the number of arguments given. Each reproach was analyzed within an overview of the type of account with regard to three criteria: effectiveness, argumentation and politeness. The analyses of the interviewees were discussed individually with the help of tables of each interviewee. The focus was on the accounts of justification and excuses. The interview was judged on two parameters: i. The number of accounts each interviewee has used with regard to the three criteria above. ii. A comparison was made to establish the relative merit of the interviewees among themselves. 􀂃 The reproach: various reproaches in the three departments were discussed separately with regard to the number of accounts and arguments in each reproach. The focus was mainly on the accounts of justification and excuse. A summary was given of the various reproaches with the four major types of accounts. The same criteria of effectiveness, argumentation and politeness were used. Judgment was given on the reproach or reproaches which have shown the most attention in the interviews with regard to the total number of accounts which have been used. 􀂃 The account: various justifications and excuses which have been used in the interactions were discussed with regard to effectiveness, argumentation and politeness. The judgment was made as to which type of account was mostly favored by the interviewees. Implications of the research were discussed with regard to a comparative overview of the political accounts in reproaches with specific attention to the type and frequency of the account as well as possible reasons for this type of preferred account. Four types of accounts have been used consistently in the interviews and among these four types, justifications (36.6%) and excuses (46.1%) are generally favored by all politicians who were involved in the interviews. These accounts are quite popular among politicians because they work in their favor as they are employed to reframe the consequences of the act with the ultimate aim of changing negative perceptions about the policies of the department and/or government (justifications) and to deny any responsibility and/or causal link between the politician and the undesirable outcome of the policy and thereby implying that there is no need for reproach (excuse).

A Unified Framework for e-Commerce Systems Development : Business Process Pattern Perspective

Jayaweera, Prasad M. January 2004 (has links)
<p>In electronic commerce, systems development is based on two fundamental types of models, business models and process models. A business model is concerned with value exchanges among business partners, while a process model focuses on operational and procedural aspects of business communication. Thus, a business model defines the what in an e-commerce system, while a process model defines the <i>how</i>. Business process design can be facilitated and improved by a method for systematically moving from a business model to a process model. Such a method would provide support for traceability, evaluation of design alternatives, and seamless transition from analysis to realization. This work proposes a unified framework that can be used as a basis to analyze, to interpret and to understand different concepts associated at different stages in e-Commerce system development. In this thesis, we illustrate how UN/CEFACT’s recommended metamodels for business and process design can be analyzed, extended and then integrated for the final solutions based on the proposed unified framework. Also, as an application of the framework, we demonstrate how process-modeling tasks can be facilitated in e-Commerce system design. The proposed methodology, called BP<sup>3</sup> stands for Business Process Patterns Perspective. The BP<sup>3</sup> methodology uses a question-answer interface to capture different business requirements from the designers. It is based on pre-defined process patterns, and the final solution is generated by applying the captured business requirements by means of a set of production rules to complete the inter-process communication among these patterns.</p>

英語間接請求語的回應:台灣高中生外語語言行為研究 / A Cross-cultural Study on EFL Responding to Indirect Requests

樊可瑜, Fan, Ko Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文主要在探索間接請求語的回應策略,針對以英語為外語的台灣高中生做討論。共有120位受試者,分為3組,即以英語為母語的(Native American)高中生,以中文為母語的(Native Chinese)高中生,及以英語為外語的(Learning English as a Foreign Language)高中生。每組均有40位受試者,且男女數目相同。主要的實驗工具是「完成對話問卷」(DCT),設計上有12個真實生活的情境,並以請求語的種類(傳統間接請求、非傳統間接請求)作為變因。所有回應策略被分成四類。策略(一)僅有是否、(S1 yes/ no alone)、策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action)、策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)及策略(四)其他(S4 others)。本研究量化方面以卡方檢定來辨別三組間是否有顯著差異,並輔以質性研究作為進一步的分析以求更全盤瞭解各策略的使用。 結果發現,普遍來說,台灣高中生在語用能力上仍顯不足。第二點、三組受試者在回應間接請求語上有不同的表現。以英文為母語的受試者偏好使用策略(二)是否加上資訊或動作(S2 yes/ no plus information or action),而以英語為外語的高中生和以中文為母語的高中生卻都較偏愛使用策略(三)資訊或動作(S3 information or action)。第三點、以英文為外語的高中生在英語的使用上雖然有受到外語文化的影響,但其母語(即中文)對於其第二語言的使用影響更深遠。此外,三組受試者對於不同形式(CID, NCID)的間接請求語,在回應上採用不同的策略。再者,本研究顯示社會文化在請求語及其回應上扮演著重要的角色,在某個文化中被接受的語言使用可能在另一個文化中是不恰當的。最後,根據本文的探討,提出一些在英語學習與教學及日後研究的應用與建議。 / This study aims to explore and discuss the strategy use of EFL senior high school students in Taiwan when they respond to indirect requests. One hundred and twenty senior high school students participated in this study. They were divided into 3 groups--- native Americans (NA), native Chinese (NC), and EFL (English as a Foreign Language). There were 40 participants in each group, and the number of males and females were the same. The main instrument in this study was Discourse Completion Task (DCT), designed with 12 real life situations. One variable in the DCT was the different types of indirect requests--- Conventional Indirect (CID) and Non-conventional Indirect (NCID). The participants’ responses were divided into four exclusive categories, namely, S1 (yes/ no alone), S2 (yes/ no plus information or action), S3 (information or action) and S4 (others). To provide the quantitative results, Chi-square was employed to test the presence of statistically significant difference existing across the three groups. In addition, qualitative analysis was conducted to fully understand the employment of each strategy. The result showed that high school students in Taiwan generally had deficient pragmatic competence. Second, the three participant groups performed differently when responding to indirect requests. It was found that the NA group tended to select Yes/ no plus information or action (S2) whereas the NC and EFL groups preferred to employ Information or action (S3). Third, the performance of the EFL group heavily followed their L1’s cultural norms, although some of their behavior was influenced by the culture of their target language. In addition, participants among three groups tended to use different respondent strategies when encountering different indirect requests, namely, CID and NCID. Furthermore, this study also found that cultural norms play a crucial role in responses to requests. The influence of cultural norms should never be neglected because an acceptable behavior in one culture may be very inappropriate in another. At last, according to the findings, this study hoped to give some suggestions and implications for English learning and teaching as well as the future research.

Why So Serious?—LINE圖戰的溝通實踐分析 / The communicative practice of LINE stickers

陳可嘉, Chen, Ke Chia Unknown Date (has links)
「一張圖勝過千言萬語」,這句話在LINE貼圖的使用上更是如此。貼圖在使用者互動的過程中不知不覺被「玩」出新意,一連串的貼圖不再只是雙方為了得到共識而進行的溝通,反而從中得到樂趣。這種「圖戰」的互動方式彰顯人類的遊戲(play)本質,以及長期在溝通中被人們所忽略的「遊戲」性質。 究竟貼圖圖戰為何讓圖戰玩家如此著迷?圖戰是如何鑲嵌在玩家的日常生活中?為何他們願意花費大量時間、金錢進行貼圖消費?本研究納入遊戲人(homo ludens)及de certeau的行人言談行動,研究者以LINE圖戰玩家為研究對象,採用深度訪談法、文本分析以及基本問卷來探究圖戰玩家如何玩貼圖,以及其圖戰的遊戲樣貌。 本研究的研究發現有三點,第一,圖戰玩家在圖戰的過程,完全就是「Just for fun」,LINE的使用情形與圖戰規則流動多變,對話框的切換以及不同情境都會有所改變,不同群組的圖戰風格也截然不同。第二,儘管多數玩家都喜歡諷刺、戲謔型的貼圖,但在貼圖使用、消費面貌上還是展現殊異特性。第三,圖戰的展演屬於一種關係性展演。LINE社群是奠基於現實世界的人際關係,,互動對象會影響貼圖的使用以及圖戰的樣貌,使用者透過互動形構出自我,已經不單單是反身性或是自戀的問題。

Les stratégies de manipulation par le discours dans le discours politique : l’exemple de la campagne présidentielle de 2007 en France / Strategies of manipulation by the discourse in political speech : example of the 2007 presidential campaign in France

Vidak, Marko 06 December 2011 (has links)
La manipulation suscite un intérêt croissant dans tous les domaines de la communication humaine. Elle se réalise pleinement et principalement à travers le langage, que celui-ci soit combiné ou non avec d’autres moyens de communication. Or, le peu de travaux de recherche réalisés sur le sujet sont pratiquement inexistants en linguistique.La manipulation par le discours est une solution d’efficacité pour réaliser une communication qui semble compromise lorsque la tension est extrême entre les objectifs du locuteur d’une part, et les moyens dont il dispose et les contraintes du contexte de l’autre. La stratégie de manipulation par le discours s’apparente à la rhétorique tout en la détournant car elle doit garder secrets ses objectifs et ses moyens de réalisation. Même si elle peut se servir de l’argumentation, le plus souvent, elle l’évite.Le discours politique est l’un des meilleurs exemples de cette tension extrême qui est à l’origine de la manipulation. À ce titre, la campagne présidentielle de 2007 en France est le modèle le plus adapté et le plus récent d’étude de la manipulation par le discours.Cette recherche a pour objectif de rendre compte des moyens langagiers de réalisation des stratégies de manipulation dans une approche globale de l’analyse du discours. Elle procède par l’examen détaillé de ses différents supports formels : variations sémantiques, organisation syntaxique et discursive, jeux sur les incidences entre constituants, rôle de la répétition, implicite etc. Compte tenu de l’importance majeure du contexte dans sa réalisation, l’approche pragmatique, avec la théorie de l’implicite et celle des actes de langage, s’est ici révélée la plus appropriée. Elle a permis de rendre compte du fonctionnement du macro-acte de langage manipulatoire à travers de nombreux exemples tirés d’un corpus de 195 discours politiques, et d’élaborer une théorie globale de la manipulation par le discours. / The interest in manipulation is growing in all areas of human communication. It is fully realised mainly through the language, whether combined or not with other means of communication. However, in linguistics, studies conducted on this subject are virtually non-existent.Manipulation by the discourse is an effective solution for realising the communication that seems compromised when the tension is extreme between the goals of the speaker on the one hand, and the means available including constraints of the context, on the other hand. The strategy of manipulation by the discourse is similar to rhetoric, while diverting it, because manipulation must keep secret its objectives and its means of realisation. Although it may use argumentation, most often, it avoids it.Political discourse is one of the best examples of this extreme tension which is necessary to the manipulation. The 2007 presidential campaign in France is the most recent and perhaps most suitable model for the study of the manipulation by the discourse.This research aims to report on linguistic means of achieving manipulation strategies in a global approach of discourse analysis. It proceeds by a detailed examination of its various formal supports: semantic variations, syntactic and discourse organization, interactions between the constituents, the role of the repetition, the implication etc. Given the importance of the context in its realization, the pragmatic approach, with the theory of the speech acts, turned out to be the most appropriate choice. Through many examples based on a corpus of 195 political speeches, it helps explain how the macro-speech act of manipulation functions, and it helps develop a global theory of manipulation by the discourse.

Comunicação performativa do corpo: fazer-dizer da contemporaneidade / Performative communication of the body: the contemporary being-in-action

Setenta, Jussara Sobreira 27 July 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T18:15:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JUSSARA SOBREIRA SETENTA.pdf: 649922 bytes, checksum: d7bd5508dd00387cf9c1ced55b86b620 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-07-27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In public communication, the body currently encounters a kind of overexposure by the media that can be seen as a frame to be confronted if the principle intent is to not participate in the media process as such. Although it may seem to a averagely attentive person that we live in a time where the body has become one of the most explored of subjects, those who reflect upon contemporary culture call attention to the fact that this highly exposed, mediated body is always behind the same type of filters. In certain cultural areas, the body chooses other forms of communication and, in challenging the hegemonic images of mass culture, is by them confined to peripheral niches. Contemporary dance is one such peripheral niche. The hypothesis that resulted in the research herein presented as a doctoral dissertation was developed out of the speech acts theory of J. L. Austin, regarding verbal language, which was extended to body language by placing its formulations in dialogue with the corpomídia [body-media] theory developed by Katz & Greiner (1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005), as well as with works of critics of culture such as Negri (2004, 2005) and Foucault. Proposing that the body is corpomídia of contemporaneity in installing other forms of behavior, the hypothesis is that this happens when its saying initiates its doing. This doing-saying distinguishes human and institutional bodies. Based on the theoretical frame here presented, this dissertation investigates the relationship between the Dance School of the Federal University of Bahia and the dance companies it produced. Could they be considered as corposmídia of the institution that created and supported them? The research also deals with the question of the visibility/ invisibility of contemporary dance itself, understood here as a sub-product of the cultural journalism practiced in Brazil / Para se comunicar publicamente, o corpo hoje enfrenta um tipo de superexposição midiática que se torna uma moldura a enfrentar quando não deseja fazer parte do processo em curso. Embora pareça aos menos atentos que vivemos em uma época na qual o corpo tornou-se um dos assuntos mais explorados, aqueles que refletem sobre a cultura contemporânea chamam a nossa atenção para o fato de que esse corpo hiper-exposto nas mí¬dias está sempre atrás de um mesmo tipo de filtro. Em certos segmentos da cultura, o corpo optou por outra forma de comunicação e, por ferir as suas imagens hegemônicas da cultura de massa, é por elas detido em nichos periféricos. A dança contemporânea é um deles. A hipótese que resultou na pesquisa aqui apresentada sob a forma de uma tese de doutorado partiu da teoria dos atos de fala de J. L. Austin a respeito da linguagem verbal e a estendeu para a linguagem corporal, pondo as suas formulações em diálogo com a teoria corpomí¬dia, desenvolvida por Katz & Greiner (1999, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2005) e com a bilbiografia de crí¬ticos da cultura como Negri (2004, 2005) e Foucault. Propondo que o corpo é corpomídia da contemporaneidade quando instaura um outro modo de atuar, a hipótese é a de que isso se dá quando o seu dizer inaugura o seu fazer. Esse fazer-dizer distingue corpos humanos ou institucionais. A partir do arcabouço teórico aqui apresentado, a tese propõe-se a investigar a relação da Escola de Dança da Universidade Federal da Bahia com os grupos que produziu. Seriam eles corposmí¬dia da instituição que os gerou e abrigou? A pesquisa deparou-se ainda com a questão da visibilidade/ invisibilidade da própria dança contemporânea, que entendeu como um sub-produto do jornalismo cultural praticado no Brasil

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