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Stressade gymnasietjejer : en kvantitativ jämförelsestudie med utgångspunkt från statens offentliga utredning SOU 2006:77 om ”Ungdomars syn på en stress, orsaker och åtgärder”.Liljegren, Gabriella January 2017 (has links)
Psykiska problem har blivit betydligt vanligare bland ungdomar de senaste två decennierna. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning gymnasietjejer på tre studieförberedande- och tre yrkesförberedande program upplever stress och vilka psykosomatiska uttryck denna stress medför. Ytterligare syfte är att undersöka vad som upplevs stressande för eleverna och om det skiljer sig mellan högskole- och yrkesförberedande program. Till sist vill jag även se om resultaten i min egen studie korrelerar med en liten tätort i Götaland i statens offentliga utredning SOU 2006:77. Jag har valt att begränsa mig till att undersöka gymnasietjejer i årskurs två och jag har även valt att begränsa mig till att jämföra en liten tätort i Götaland i statens offentliga utredning SOU 2006:77 med min egen studie. Utifrån denna undersökning kan man se att stress gällande skolarbete är ett stort problem för dagens unga tjejer då nästan 8 av 10 elever upplever stress dagligen eller flera gånger i veckan och detta tar sig främst i uttryck genom trötthet, svårt att koppla av, koncentrationssvårigheter och huvudvärk. Det som upplevs stressande är bland annat att studera saker man inte förstår, att hinna med skolarbetet, att inte veta vad lärarna kräver för ett visst betyg och att lärare tolkar betygskriterierna utifrån sitt eget tyckande, att inte ha tillräckligt med tid för fritid och oro inför framtiden. Jag har inte kunnat se någon skillnad mellan studie- och yrkesförberedande program. Read more
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”Ett nationalromantikens ’wonderland’” : Användandet av autenticitetsbegreppet i samband med ombyggnationen av NationalmuseumHolmbom, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to investigate how the meaning of the concept of authenticity has been used in arguments about the reconstruction of Nationalmuseum in Stockholm, Sweden. The museum, which opened for the first time in 1866, was closed for restoration, renovation and other engagements during 2013-2018. After the reopening, a debate took place in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet. In the debate there were people who argued that the reconstruction had erased the museum’s history and replaced it with modern design. Other people argued that the reconstruction had made the building more true to its history as older reconstructions had distorted the original building. The main source material for the present study consists of a final report of the project made by the National Property Board, selected debate articles from the debate on the reconstruction in Svenska Dagbladet, and an interview and two mail conversations that have been made with persons involved in the project. Through argumentation analysis, arguments from the final report, the debate in Svenska Dagbladet, the interview and the mail conversations have been analyzed. The arguments selected from the source material are arguments that either indicate that the authenticity has been preserved or that the authenticity has not been preserved. The thesis does not intend to determine whether the reconstruction of Nationalmuseum has preserved the authenticity or not, it is the argumentation about this issue that is to be investigated. The reason is that the perception differs between different people, different contexts and different views. The analysis shows that the arguments claiming that the authenticity has not been preserved above all relate to the building's younger reconstructions with its additions that were removed during the current reconstruction. Some debaters argue that the building's younger history also has a value that should be protected. In the end it comes down to what kind of authenticity one intends to preserve. In the project, the experience values have been prioritized before the material values, which indicates that the authenticity from a material perspective may have decreased while the functional authenticity of the building has increased. The arguments that favour that the authenticity has been preserved are primarily based on the view that great emphasis has been placed on the preservation of the building's cultural-historical value. During the project one has also been inspired by the building's original drawings made by the building's architect Friedrich August Stüler, which indicates that the authenticity of the original building has been strengthened. The thesis ends with a final discussion where the result of the analysis is presented in relation to the theoretical framework of the thesis. This is done in order to answer the research questions. The main research question for the thesis has been; "How has the meaning of authenticity been presented in the final report, in the debate and by people who have worked with the reconstruction of Nationalmuseum?”. Read more
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Bildandet av Konstnärernas riksorganisation : Konstnärlig representation och sakkunskap 1936-1946Märak Leffler, Björn January 2020 (has links)
In an effort to understand the formation of the artist’s role in society from the perspective of the artists in relation to the founding of the State Art Council (Statens konstråd) during the period 1936-1946, this thesis studies the formation process and central problems of the Swedish Artists’ Association (Konstnärernas riksorganisation, K.R.O.). Using the analytical concept of representation as a base for the methodological framework, the thesis explores material including meeting protocols, letters, transcribed debates and the union members’ journal Medlemsbladet, as well as several Swedish daily newspapers. While the role and importance of K.R.O. in the 1930s and 1940s have been treated parenthetically in most prior historical writing regarding the relationship between artists and the welfare state, this thesis argues that the first decade of K.R.O’s history can shed light on important themes in the historiography. It argues also that several common assumptions about the organization need to be reconsidered, including the notion that K.R.O. was constituted with the primary task of proposing candidates for the State Art Council. The need for an artists’ union had existed prior to the formation of the State Art Council, and K.R.O. should be regarded in light of a longer history of attempts to organise artists on a national level. These prior experiences informed the artists’ considerations about how representation, in the political sense of the concept, should and could be achieved for the organisation’s claims to legitimacy towards the state and the Swedish artists. Likewise, the legitimacy of the state’s initiative hinged on the success of the organization’s claims to representativity. By analysing two central problems connected to the state’s and other actors’ involvement in the Swedish cultural life and social reformist claims - wartime taxation of artworks and the system of art exhibitions - this thesis argues that the commitment and enthusiasm regarding the changed structures within Swedish cultural life, which usually is ascribed to the artists during the period, has been inordinate. Whereas the state’s new involvement and the formation of K.R.O. can be seen as initiating the process of professionalizing the occupation of artist, the experiences of other actors not heeding their claims of expert knowledge during the organization’s first ten years highlighted the need for the artists to advance their social position. Read more
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SiS ungdomar- offer och förövare : En diskursanalys av hur ungdomar placerade inom Statens institutionsstyrelse framställs i svensk media. / SiS youths- victims or perpetrators : A discourse analysis of how young people placed within the State Board of Institutions is prsented in Swedish media.Kling, Anna, Hallinder, Ann-Christin January 2020 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i tidningsartiklar är syftet med denna studie att finna framträdande diskurser kring ungdomar som är placerade inom Statens institutionsstyrelse särskilda ungdomshem, SiS. Tidningsartiklarna som användes i studien är hämtade från dagstidningarna Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet samt kvällstidningarna Aftonbladet och Expressen. Med hjälp av den foucauldianska diskursanalysen har 38 tidningsartiklar från åren 2015 till 2019 analyserats. I analysen har makt, subjektpositioner, det underförstådda och utestängningsprocedurer varit i fokus och två framträdande diskurser har identifierats. Den ena är ”Offer för samhällsvård” som framställer SiS ungdomar som offer och att vården är otillräcklig. Den andra är ”SiS ungdomar som farliga förövare” som framställer att SiS ungdomar är farliga förövare både inom institutionsvården och i samhället. Hur vi talar om och vilka diskurser som får företräde i samhället är viktig kunskap för alla verksamma som arbetar inom socialt arbete, både för att öka den kritiska medvetenheten men också utöka kunskapen om den makt språket besitter. / Based on nationwide newspapers, the aim of this study is to find predominant discourses about young people who are placed within the State Institutional Board's special youth homes. The newspaper articles used in the study are taken from the newspapers Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet as well as the evening newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen. By using a Foucauldian discourse analysis, 38 newspaper articles from the years 2015 to 2019 were analyzed. In the analysis, power, subject positions, the implicit and rules of exclusion have been explored and discovered. Two prominent discourses have been identified. The first one is “Victims of community care” which states that SiS care is insufficient. The second is “SiS youths as dangerous perpetrators”, which states that SiS youths are dangerous perpetrators both in institutional care and in society. To have knowledge about how we talk about a phenomenon, and which discourses that take precedence in society, are important for professionals in social work, since this can raise critical awareness and increase the understandings of the power of language. Read more
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Folkberedskapens ombudsverksamhet : och korporatismens roll under beredskapstidenEnglund, Emil January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen undersöker Statens informationsstyrelses fyra sammanställningar av folkberedskapens orts- och länsombuds årliga rapporter 1941-1944. Syftet är att ta reda på mer om vilken roll icke-statliga organisationer hade för roll i det kulturella folkberedskapsarbetet på lokal nivå runt omkring i Sverige under beredskapstiden. Genom kvalitativ textanalys lyfter studien fram vilka kopplingar Folkberedskapen (SIS) hade till icke-statliga organisationer och vilken verksamhet av folkberedskapskaraktär dessa organisationer bedrev. Resultatet visar att de redan etablerade icke-statliga organisationerna hade en mycket omfattande och tämligen autonom roll i arbetet.
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Fastighetsutveckling : Utveckling av projektprocessen i tidiga skeden / Property development : Development of the project process in early stagesAndersen, Sarah, Kuznecova, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Statens fastighetsverk (SFV) är en förvaltarmyndighet som har i uppdrag att förvalta, vårda och utveckla det statliga kulturhistoriska arvet. SFV är i dagsläget inne en utvecklingsprocess efter att en omorganisation har ägt rum. Ett av utvecklingsområdena är byggprojekt inom fastighetsutveckling och där projektprocessen är under pågående utredning. Syftet med rapporten var att utreda hur SFV kan effektivisera projektprocessen med avgränsning till tidiga skeden. Under utredningen användes metoden benchmarking på övriga fastighetsverksamheter: Locum, Akademiska Hus, SISAB, Vasakronan, samt Fortifikationsverket, i syfte att erhålla kunskap som kan anpassas till SFV för att kunna utveckla verksamhetens befintliga arbetsmetoder. Under studien har det konstaterats att det finns utvecklingspotential hos SFV. Införande av en behovsanalys och rutiner kring denna samt implementering av strategisk styrning i tidiga skeden, är några av rapportens slutliga rekommendationer som kan leda SFV till att bli en mer proaktiv verksamhet. / The national property Board (SFV) is a managing authority which is responsible to manage, nurture and develop the State cultural and historical heritage. SFV is currently in a process of development after reorganization has taken place. One of the developments is building projects in property development and where the project process is under current investigation. The purpose of the report was to examine how SFV could streamline their project process with demarcation to the crucial early stages. During the investigation the benchmarking method was used on other real estate organizations: Locum, Akademiska Hus, SISAB, Vasakronan, as well as the Swedish fortifications Agency, with the purpose of obtaining knowledge that can be adapted to the SFV in order to develop the company's existing practices. Through benchmarking, it has been confirmed that there is potential for development in SFV. Introduction of a needs analysis, its’ surrounding procedures and the implementation of strategic management in the early stages, are some of the report's final recommendations that can lead SFV to become a more proactive organization. Read more
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Föräldrar spelar roll : En innehållsanalys av hur tvångsvårdade ungdomar skildrar och förstår sina föräldrarelationers inverkan i deras liv / Parents matter : A content analysis of how youths in compulsory care depict and understand the impact of the parent-child relationship in their livesMayunda, Naomi January 2021 (has links)
Statens institutionsstyrelse (SiS) tar emot omkring 1 000 ungdomar till sina 23 särskilda ungdomshem varje år. Ungdomarna som kommer till SiS har fått beslut om tvångsvård enligt LVU eller LSU, eller i vissa fall enlig frivilliga insatser i SOL. Behandlingen på SiS är främst inriktad mot ungdomarnas eget beteende och det läggs inget större fokus vid ungdomarnas föräldrarelationer. Ändå är detta någonting som verkar vara av stor vikt för många av ungdomarna. Detta framkommer av de böcker som av SiS skolverksamhet årligen ges ut. Böckerna består av texter skrivna av frivilligt medverkande ungdomar på SiS ungdomshem. Många av texterna involverar deras föräldrarelationer. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur tvångsvårdade ungdomar skildrar och förstår sina föräldrarelationers inverkan i deras liv. En analys sker utifrån Bowlby och Ainsworth anknytningsteori och risk- och skyddsfaktorer. Tre teman som sticker ut är följande: föräldrar som är närvarande eller stöttande, föräldrar som brister i sitt föräldraskap eller i sin omsorg, och föräldrar som avlidit. Det framkommer tydligt att många av ungdomarna relaterar sina föräldrarelationers inverkan i deras liv till både deras dåvarande, nuvarande och även tänkbara framtida omständigheter i livet. Och även till deras fysiska och psykiska hälsa. Således är slutsatsen att en förälders roll, oavsett vilken kategori den faller inom, är viktig för tvångsvårdade ungdomar när de själva reflekterar över sina liv, omständigheter, utveckling och hälsa. Detta bekräftar även den vikt som ovanstående teorier lägger vid barn och ungas relationer till sina föräldrar. / The State Institution Board receives about 1 000 youths to its 23 different Youth Homes every year. Youths coming to live in these homes are there due to decisions on compulsory care according to LVU or LSU or in certain cases according to voluntary efforts in SOL. The treatment in these Youth Homes targets primarily the youth ́s own behaviour while there is no major focus on the parent-child relationship.Yet this particular relationship seems to be of greater importance to many youths. This emerges when you read the annual publication of texts voluntarily written by the youths themselves, published by the State Institution Board. Many stories involve the parent-child relationship. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how youths in compulsory care depict and understand the impact of the parent-child relationship in their lives. The analysis is done from Bowlby ́s and Ainsworth ́s attachment theory and risk- and protective factors. The following three themes stand out: Present or supportive parents, parents lacking in care or parenthood, and deceased parents. It is obvious that many youths relate the impact of their parent-child relationship to their circumstances of life, now, before and in a possible future as well as on their physical and mental health. And thus the conclusion is that a parent’s role, no matter what category it falls into, is important to youths in compulsory care when they themselves reflect upon their lives, circumstances, development and health. This is confirmed by the importance the above theories give the parent-child relationship. Read more
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New Urban Monuments: Critical Urbanism as Curatorial PracticePersson, Sophia January 2020 (has links)
New Genre Public Art was originally defined by Suzanne Lacy in 1991 as an activist approach to the public; it was a type of public art that was often created outside the institutional structure which brought the artist into direct engagement with the audience, while addressing social and political issues. In 1993, the public art exhibition ’Culture in Action’, curated by Mary Jane Jacob, marked a conceptual shift from static to dynamic public art. The exhibition is considered a landmark event in the development of public art as it was among the first projects to frame communities as the structure and content of its art.During the past decade (2010–2020), urban development has become incorporated as an integral part of the work of the Public Art Agency Sweden, and the agency have established their own curatorial department in order to curate and produce their own public art exhibitions. As Public Art Agency Sweden is a State agency, their work is largely determined by official policies formulated by the Swedish government. This thesis analyzes the contemporary policies of urban public art by conducting an interdisciplinary critical discourse analysis that merges art history, curatorial– and urban studies, in order to trace the influence of discourse to how Public Art Agency Sweden has operated within this intersection during the last decade––ultimately to discuss what the Swedish policies on public art strive to achieve and the risks, ethics and responsibilities of the emerging field of urban, context-based curatorship. Read more
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Beställningsfilm som arkivdokument : En jämförande diskursanalys mellan svenska och amerikanska arkiv / Non-theatrical Film as Archival Document : A Comparative Discourse Analysis between Swedish and American ArchivesOlsson, Nanna January 2023 (has links)
The subject of non-theatrical films is an understudied topic in archival science. This paper shows how the different approaches to censorship measures that were in play during the 1920s have affected the archiving of non-theatrical films. In the advent of technical and artistic advancement of the film medium, non-theatrical film production had become a prolific business in both the USA and Sweden during the 1920s. At this point in time, filmmaking had become sophisticated enough to tackle more ambitious narratives, while non-fiction filmmaking was still in its gestational period before the 1930s when documentary filmmaking started to be regarded as an art form. As two major film nations of the 1920s, American and Swedish lobbying groups had different views on censorship legislation. In 1911, Sweden founded the first federal censorship bureau in the world, Statens biografbyrå. In America on the other hand, the National Board of Review vehemently opposed any federal attempts to legislate the contents of film. Instead, the National Board of Review implemented a different tactic to sanitize film by incentivizing high quality filmmaking through different strategies that were based on film producers’ voluntary cooperation. Through comparative critical discourse analysis of two case studies, this study found that the archival findings from Tullbergs film and Baumer films were symptomatic of being created during the evidence paradigm, as defined by Terry Cook, where the most useful documentation could be found in state institutions exerting control over film. Read more
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Holocaust Child Survivors in Sweden : Organisation and Policies for Rehabilitation of Jewish Child Survivors in Sweden, 1945-1949Dahlmann, Katharina January 2022 (has links)
This Master thesis is a historical case study of the rehabilitation process of Jewish children who came to Sweden at the end of the Second World War and shortly afterwards. Using a contextual approach, this thesis addresses a lacuna in Holocaust research about rehabilitation of child survivors in the context of refugee aid provided by Sweden after the Second World War. The work analyses different types of primary sources, taken from different archives. The group to be studied includes children aged 0-16 years. The focus of the analysis is on the motives and goals of organisations concerning the education and rehabilitation of child survivors. This is done by applying organisational theory. The main actors considered at the national level are the Swedish authority, the Statens Utlänningskommission (State Commission for Foreigners, SUK), and the local Jewish communities, in particular the Jewish Community of Stockholm (MFST). The paper fills an empirical gap in providing a statistic of all surviving children registered with the SUK, which was previously not available. An assessment of the rehabilitation efforts on the surviving children is analysed on an individual level. The thesis concludes that the children to different degrees, varying on the form of accommodation and education were placed in different institutions based on age and, at the beginning, nationality and that the focus was on strengthening of Jewish identity, preparation for emigration, and integration into society. This was approved by the SUK and directed and supervised by the established Rabbi Council. Read more
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