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Stereotypical Chinese Accent of English in American TV SeriesQu, Dake January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The good, the bad, and the Gypsy : constant positive representation and use of reversed negative stereotypes as ‘sympathy triggers’ in Gypsy cinemaPopan, Elena Roxana 19 March 2014 (has links)
Gypsies or Roma are one of the minorities frequently represented in film, whenever we talk about European or American film; within this context Russian and Eastern European cinema seems to offer the richest palette of portrayals, as in this region Roma represent an important and controversial minority. Film scholars agreed that from the moment when Roma appeared on screen and until the last decades when a shift toward a more realistic approach can be detected, their filmic representations were predominantly stereotypic and highly exoticized. Films from the last decades show more interest in the depiction of poverty, discrimination and marginalization, but stereotypical representation is still present and dominant. The purpose of this paper is to focus on several stereotypes generally perceived as negative stereotypes (theft, drunkenness, vulgar language, falseness, etc.) and to demonstrate that in relation to Gypsy representations on screen, these stereotypes change their function, trying to inculcate upon the viewer sympathetic feelings and accentuating the gap between the Roma cinematic image and the dominant ideology about them in the societies where they live. This thesis will examine negative stereotypes and their function in some of the most representative films of the Gypsy cinema: Skupljaci perja / I Even Met Happy Gypsies (Petrović 1967), Tabor ukhodit v Nebo/ Gypsy Camp Goes to Heaven or Queen of the Gypsies (Loteanu 1976), Ko to tamo peva? / Who’s Singin’ Over There? (Sijan 1980), Dom za vesanje / Time of the Gypsies Gypsies (Kusturica 1988), Gadjo Dillo / The Crazy Stranger (Gatlif 1997), Dallas Pashamende / Dallas among Us (Pejo 2005), and Baklava (Petrov 2007). Special attention will be paid to the relationship between the subjects of representation (Roma), their authors (the directors), and their consumers (the viewers). / text
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När Hulken mötte Barbie : -Pedagogers förhållningssätt till könsstereotypa leksaker i förskolanGrunnlid Takala, Fannie January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how preschool teachers reason about gender stereotypical and gender neutral toys and other material. I would also like to see how the pedagogues reason about gender segregation when it comes to toys. To investigate the issue, I have interviewed three pedagogues from different preschools. The results showed that the work procedures differed a bit from school to school, although they all wanted to achieve the same goal. A goal that our curriculum mention as well: Not to make a difference between boys and girls. It was permeated during the interviews, that the interaction between children as well as between children and adults in the course of play is significant in order to achieve a good preschool environment. One had different approaches to achieve the goal though. I hope that this study will contribute to new ideas and thoughts on what role the pedagogues in preschools play regarding these materials and toys. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur förskollärare resonerar kring könsstereotypiska och könsneutrala leksaker och material. Jag vill också se hur pedagogerna resonerar kring om det finns någon uppdelning mellan pojkar och flickor i förskolan, med fokus på leksakerna. För att undersöka detta har jag intervjuat tre pedagoger på olika förskolor. Utifrån mitt resultat kunde jag se att arbetssättet skiljde sig en del åt mellan de tre förskolorna. Alla ville dock uppnå samma mål. Ett mål som även våra styrdokument nämner att inte göra skillnad mellan pojkar och flickor. Det genomsyrades vid intervjuerna att samspel mellan barn och barn men även mellan barn och vuxna vid leken var betydande för att uppnå en god förskolemiljö. Dock hade man olika tillvägagångssätt för att uppnå detta mål. Jag hoppas att denna studie ska bidra till nya tankar och funderingar hos dig kring vilken roll pedagogerna i förskolan har gällande dessa material och leksaker.
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The Disney Cliché : Relationsdynamik i Disneys animerade filmer från 2000-talet ur ett genusperspektiv / The Disney Cliché : Relationship dynamics in Disneys animated films in the 21st century from a gender perspectiveWinter, Michelle, Persson, Josephine, Prené, Malin January 2014 (has links)
Disney is one of the largest media companies in the world. They have been critizied for portrayting men, women and love relationships with stereotypical behaviours and attributes. This may lead to negative effects on childrens and adolescents perception of reality. The purpose of this study was to investigate how Disney portrays the dynamic between the characters within the love relationship in their movies launched in the 21st century. This study has examined four movies released in the 21st century containing a love relationship between a man and a woman. Movies examined were; Atlantis - The Lost Empire, The Princess and the Frog, Tangled and Frozen. For this study, a quantitative content analysis with qualitative elements was applied to answer the purpose and issue of the study. The study measured the frequency of the characters activities and actions when they are with and without each other, what they are doing together and who is the initiator of classical love actions. The results for this study presented interesting patterns. Both female and male characters were often portrayed with stereotypical behaviuors in Disneys animated movies. However, these patterns differed when the characters were with and without each other. When the characters were together, the female characters tended to be portrayed with more male attributes, whilst the male characterstended to be portrayed with more female attributes. Additionally, Disney tend to portray love relationships in a stereotypical and unrealistic way.
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Analýza vybraných stereotypií u koní / The analysis of selected stereotypies in horsesLISCOVÁ, Veronika January 2014 (has links)
This work is aimed for the most common stereotypical behaviour of horses - cribbing and weaving. It deals not only with the description of their expression but also with detailed analysis of their duration and frequency during the day. It compares their occurrence in regard to different age, sex, breed and also type of stabling. 8 horses from 5 different places were chosen for the observation. The monitoring was performed by the direct observation and by 24-hours video recordings.
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Bråkiga pojkar och känslosamma flickor : En kvalitativ studie om förskolepersonalens föreställningar kring genus / "Rowdy boys and emotional girls"Gustavsson, Jessica, Säfström, Caroline January 2013 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur genus skapas och upprätthålls hos barn i ung ålder som går i förskolan. Vi har valt att fokusera på två olika förskoleavdelningar för att analysera hur personalen talar med barnen, men även hur barnen kommunicerar i leken. Två avdelningar på samma förskola, som arbetar med barn i åldrarna tre till fem år, observerades och intervjuer utfördes med fyra förskolepersonaler. De centrala delarna i undersökningen är hur det biologiska könet upprätthåller könsrollerna, och den konflikt som då uppstår mellan de olikheter som det biologiska könet bär med sig och arbetet kring könsneutraliseringen. Undersökningen syftar även på hur pojkar och flickor kategoriseras in i olika roller och hur dessa isärhålls och hur ojämlikheten upprätthålls, men också hur den hierarkiska ordningen ser ut samt om dessa stereotypa könsroller går att motverka. En slutsats som kunde dras av studien var att personalen ville ha en jämställd avdelning, vilket endast har uppnåtts till en viss del. Detta visar på att de stereotypiska könsrollerna fortfarande exiserar i förskolans miljö och att det finns svårigheter med att ta sig ur och motverka dessa. I diskussionen tas problematiken upp angående dubbelheten mellan att bemöta könen utifrån deras biologiska skillnader och behandla pojkar och flickor lika. Det blir även tydligt hur dessa två tankesätt kan användas i förskolan liksom i det sociala arbetet. / The purpose of this study was to examine how gender is created and maintained among children at a young age who attend preschool. We have chosen to focus on two different departments, at the same preschool, to analyze how the staff is talking to the children, but also how the children communicates while they are playing. The two departments are working with children aged three to five years. We observed the departments and performed interviews with four staff members. The most essential in this study is to show how the biological sex sustains gender roles, and the conflict that arises between the differences that the biological sexes is carrying around and the work around gender neutralization. Also how boys and girls are categorized into different roles and how these are separated depending on the gender, and how inequality is maintained. But also to see what the hierarchy looks like and if these stereotypes can discourage. A conclusion that could be drawn from this study was how the staff wanted a gender equal department, and that they have partly achieved this. This indicates that the stereotypical gender roles still exists in the preschool environment and that it is very difficult to think and act gender neutral and counteract these gender roles. In the discussion it was brought up how the duality between treating the sexes by their biological differences or treating boys and girls the same can be problematic. It also becomes clear how these two ways of thinking can be used in preschools and in social work.
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Könsstereotyp, ett hinder för kvinnornas framgång? : Hur påverkas kvinnornas karriärambitioner i organisationen av stereotypiska hot inom ledarskap? / Gender stereotyping, a barrier for women's success?Eriksson, Karin, Olsson, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att skapa en djupare förståelse för hur stereotypiska hotet mot kvinnors karriärambitioner uppfattas påverka deras framgång i organisationen. Metod: I studien används en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med en hermeneutisk forskningsansats. I studien genomfördes tio semi-strukturerade intervjuer som analyserats enligt en tematisk analys. Slutsats: Studiens slutsats överensstämmer med tidigare forskning vad gäller de tre huvudkonsekvenserna från stereotypiska hot. Kvinnor upplever låga karriärmöjligheter, separerad identitet och ökad oro. Studien påvisar även stress som en konsekvens av en längre tids upplevelse av separerad identitet, vilket tidigare forskning inte funnit. Konsekvenserna gav oss en djupare förståelse av hur kvinnornas framgång iorganisationen påverkas av stereotypiska hoten. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: För att få en ännu djupare förståelse föreslår vi till fortsatt forskning att undersöka hur stereotypiska hot påverkar en organisation under en längre tid, genom att använda longitudinell metod. Uppsatsens bidrag: Studien bidrar till en djupare förståelse hur stereotypiska hotet mot kvinnors karriärambitioner påverkar deras framgång i organisationens. / Aim: The aim of the study is to create a deeper understanding of how stereotypical threats for women's career ambitions perceived influence their success in the organization. To understand the women and the organization we designed research questions for this purpose; How does gender stereotypes in leadership impact women's idea of leadership? How does the stereotypical threat impact women's career aspirations to climb in the organization? How do women experience that their success is influenced by stereotypical threat in leadership? Method: The study used a qualitative research with a hermeneutic research approach. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted, analyzed with a thematic analysis. Conclusions: The study's conclusion is consistent with previous research regarding the three main consequences of stereotypical threat. Women experience low career prospects, separate identity and increased anxiety. The study also found stress as a consequence of a longer experience of separate identity, which previous research has not found. Consequences gave us a deeper understanding of how women's success in the organization is influenced by stereotypical threats. Suggestions for future research: To get an even deeper understanding, we suggest further research to investigate how stereotypical threat affects an organization for a long time, using the longitudinal method. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to a deeper understanding of how the stereotypical threat to women's career ambitions affect their success in the organization.
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Madicken ur ett genusperspektiv -En analys av könsroller och relationer i Astrid Lindgrens MadickenWelander, Julia January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to analyze Astrid Lindgren's work Madicken (1960) from a gender perspective. The analysis is based on analyzing how the characters are presented and what role the characters' relationship plays. The presentation is based on the characters' appearance, personality and in relation to each other. At the end of the essay, it is also discussed how the book can be used in Swedish teaching to highlight gender. The end result of analysis and discussion shows, in particular, how the main character Madicken deviates from the girl ideal and how the side characters both follow and do not follow the stereotypical norms for how girls and boys should look and behave. The characters possess both female and male characteristics, which contributes to certain characters deviating from the norm. In the analysis it appears that the book can be used in Swedish teaching to highlight gender.
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Campaigning for Real Beauty or Reinforcing Social Norms? An Analysis of the Correlation of the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty and Advertisements in Fashion MagazinesRoedl, Sara J. 01 December 2010 (has links)
Since 2004, the Dove personal care product brand has received much praise for widening the definition and discussion of beauty through the use of nontraditional models in its Campaign for Real Beauty advertisements. This study examined the content of the Campaign for Real Beauty ads and the content of ads in magazines that ran Campaign for Real Beauty ads. This textual analysis of a series of five Campaign for Real Beauty billboards, commonly referred to as the Dove Vote Ads, sought to determine whether the message of the Dove Vote Ads was consistent with the Campaign for Real Beauty's stated mission of societal change and widening the societal definition of beauty. The content analysis portion of this study examined 785 female models in fashion magazine advertisements in a longitudinal analysis spanning the five years surrounding the introduction of the campaign. While the textual analysis questioned whether there were conflicting messages inherent in the Dove Campaign for Real Beauty advertisements, the content analysis sought to determine whether there was a measurable change in the appearance of stereotypical beauty ideals and gender role portrayals after the introduction of the advertising campaign. This was accomplished through an examination of the 785 female models that appeared in the September 2004 and 2008 issues of Cosmopolitan and Glamour, the highest circulation fashion magazines. This mixed-method study addressed two research questions and seven hypotheses. The manifest message of each advertisement, which encourages the audience to rethink standard notions of beauty, is contradicted by the latent themes. The five years between 2003 and 2008 saw a significant increase in diversity of the female models shown in advertisements. Additionally, women were shown as more powerful in 2008 using a variety of techniques. These shifts, if sustained over time, will serve as evidence of the social and cultural influence of advertising campaigns.
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Stereotypa normer och normöverskridningar i bilderboken : En bilderboksanalys av sex bilderböcker i förskolan / Stereotype norms and norm breaking in picturebooks : An analysis of six picture books in preschoolJohansson, Angelica, Bergstrand, Christel January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bilderboken är något som finns närvarande för många barn under deras uppväxt. Simonsson (2006) hävdar att det finns ett stort behov att producera ny kunskap kring bilderboksanvändandet i förskolan. Odenbring (2015) förklarar i sin forskning att bilderböcker med karaktärer som överskrider normer har blivit allt mer framträdande. Det var därför intresseväckande att analysera bilderböcker i dagens förskola utifrån stereotypa normer och normöverskridningar. Syfte: Syfte med studien är att undersöka stereotypa normer och normöverskridningar i bilderböcker i relation till förskollärarens bokurval. Frågeställningar: Våra frågeställningar är: På vilka sätt framställs normer och normöverskridningar i de bilderböcker som läses på förskolan? Hur förklarar förskollärarna sitt bokurval utifrån stereotypa normer och normöverskridningar? Metod: Bilderboksobservation utfördes för att fastställa tre förskolors bokutbud. Bilderboksanalys utfördes på sex bilderböcker. Nikolajevas (2004) abstrakta schema för manligt och kvinnligt användes för att synliggöra stereotypa normer och normöverskridningar i bilderboken. Intervju med fyra förskollärare genomfördes för att fastställa medvetenheten om stereotypa normer och normöverskridningar i förskolan. Resultat: Bilderböckerna i deltagande förskolor för studien erbjöd barnen både stereotyp och normöverskridande barnlitteratur. Intervjuerna visade att förskollärarnas bokurval styrdes av barnens behov, tematiskt arbete och eget intresse. Normöverskridningar var ingen faktor som styrde bokurvalet. Samtliga förskollärare bekräftade att bokbussen fanns tillgänglig att ta kontakt med för att specificera sitt bokurval.
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