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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metodik för beräkning av anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till spillvattennätet / Techniques for calculation of impervious surfaces connected to the sewer system

Larsson, Johan January 2010 (has links)
Sveriges avloppsledningsnät förnyas och utvidgas kontinuerligt. Idag finns ett flertal datorprogram för hydraulisk modellering av flöden och uppdämningsnivåer i spill- och dagvattennät. Modellerna kan även användas som planeringsverktyg för att bedöma effekter av planerade åtgärder samt för uppföljning av utförda åtgärder. Vid uppbyggnaden av en modell krävs beräkningsresultat från en hydrologisk avrinningsmodell som indata. Det största arbetet vid modelluppbyggandet ligger just i beskrivningen av hydrologin. För att kunna simulera avrinningsförlopp i samband med nederbörd på ett verklighetsliknande sätt är kännedom om storleken på och fördelningen av anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till ledningsnätet med snabb nederbördsavrinning väsentligt.    Till kalibreringen och valideringen av avloppsmodellen krävs mätdata. Flödesmätningar är dyra att genomföra vilket har skapat ett intresse att hitta metoder som säkert beräknar de anslutna hårdgjorda ytorna redan från de uppgifter som finns på kartor och i databaser. Svenska riktlinjer för beräkning av hårdgjorda ytor tillhandahålls av branschorganisationen Svenskt Vatten som företräder VA-verken och VA-bolagen i Sverige. Beräkningar med dessa riktlinjer ger dock inte alltid den korrekta storleken på de hårdgjorda ytorna. Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att undersöka olika metoder att beräkna anslutna hårdgjorda ytor till spillvattennätet samt att undersöka huruvida det finns ett samband mellan de avrinningsområden där beräkningarna av de hårdgjorda ytorna inte stämmer. Nio befintliga modeller framtagna i modelleringsverktyget MIKE URBAN användes vid undersökningen. Sex av dessa modeller användes till kalibrering och tre modeller användes till validering.   Undersökningen visade inget samband mellan ytavrinning (reduktionsfaktor) och lutning. Fördelningen av mätpunkter mellan olika jordartskategorier var väldigt ojämn vilket gjorde det svårt att studera huruvida det finns ett samband mellan avrinning och jordart. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att avrinningskoefficienter bör delas upp efter typ av ledningsnät i avrinningsområdet. Metoden med olika avrinningskoefficienter för olika typer av ytor visar på bra resultat för tätbebyggda områden. Metoden med sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter för olika bebyggelsetyper visar relativt bra resultat med tanke på att det är en överslagsberäkningsmetod.   För tätbebyggda områden bedöms metoden med avrinningskoefficienter för olika typer av ytor fungera bra. Vid mindre tätbebyggda områden ökar osäkerheten. Metoden med sammanvägda avrinningskoefficienter för olika bebyggelsetyper bedöms fungera väl för överslagsberäkningar då den är mindre tidskrävande än den andra metoden. Ingen av de undersökta metoderna bedöms kunna ersätta flödesmätningar. / Sweden’s sewage systems are continuously being maintained and expanded. Several computer programs are today available for hydraulic modeling in sewage and storm water systems. The models can also be used as a planning tool to evaluate effects of planned interventions and to follow up performed interventions. Input data from a runoff model is required at the model build-up. Most of the work in model build-up lies at the description of the hydrology. In order to simulate runoff processes in connection with precipitation, understanding of the size and distribution of impervious surfaces with fast response runoff are essential.   Measurements are required for the calibration and validity check of the model. Unfortunately, flow measurements are expensive to perform. This has created an interest to find methods that safely calculate the connected impervious surfaces already from the information that can be found in maps and in databases. The Swedish guidelines for calculation of impervious surfaces are provided by the Swedish Water and Wastewater Association. Calculations with these guidelines do not always give the true size of the impervious surfaces. The aim of this master thesis was to examine various methods to calculate impervious surfaces connected to the sewage system and whether there is a correlation between drainage areas where the calculations do not agree. Nine existing models developed in the computer program MIKE URBAN were used in this study. Six of these models were used in the calibration and three models were used in the validity check of the methods.   The study did not show any correlation between runoff (reduction factor) and slope. The distribution of datum points between different soil types varied so much that it made it difficult to study whether there was correlation between runoff and soil type. The result from the study showed that the runoff coefficients should be divided after type of sewage system in the drainage area. The method with runoff coefficients for different types of surfaces showed fairly good results for highly urbanized areas. The method with weighted runoff coefficients for different types of habitations showed relatively good results considering that it is a method for rough calculations.   The method with runoff coefficients for different types of surfaces is considered well-functioning for highly urbanized areas. In less urbanized areas, this method showed shorter results. The method with weighted runoff coefficients for different types of habitations is considered well for rough calculations when it is less time consuming than the other method. None of the examined methods are considered able to replace flow measurements.

Close Air Support i moderna operationer

Nellsjö, Jonas January 2008 (has links)
De svenska insatsförbanden anpassas för de konflikter som är normgivande idag. Konceptuellt innebärdetta att doktriner och metoder måste utvecklas för att möta utvecklingen på dagens stridsfält. Denkonceptuella utvecklingen är förhållandevis billig jämfört med den tekniska, vilket innebär attförmågeutvecklingen mer anpassas till de materiella förutsättningarna som råder. Plattformar för CloseAir Support symboliserades under 80- och 90-talet av tungt beväpnade och särskilt anpassade flygplanoch helikoptrar som verkade i nära anslutning till markförbandens strid. Idag representeras dessaplattformar av andra flygsystem som sedan tidigare är utvecklade utifrån andra kravprofiler. Dennaobservation ligger till grund för undersökningen och formulerar därmed uppsatsens problem.Har innebörden av konceptet Close Air Support på senare tid förändrats och på så vis öppnat förandra typer av flygsystem att utöva detta koncept?Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur Close Air Support tillämpats under tre moderna operationer föratt därmed finna orsaker till hur konceptet utvecklats till vad det representerar idag. Dessutom syftaruppsatsen till att klarlägga begreppets innebörd och därmed bidra med kunskap inom konceptet förClose Air Support.Undersökningen analyserar Close Air Support historiska ursprung och teorierna bakom kombineradevapen. Denna analys lägger grunden till den fallstudie som omfattar tre militära operationergenomförda efter 1990. Studien fokuseras mot samordning, plattformar och operativ och taktisk effekt.Avslutande diskussion påvisar att samordning av Close Air Support tillämpats olika under de studeradeoperationerna. De förutsättningar som råder för dagens konflikter möjliggör att användningsområdenför olika vapensystem kan utökas. Detta är en av förklaringarna till varför andra typer avstridsflygsystem idag utnyttjas för Close Air Support. Studien har visat att CAS som koncept inteförändrats. Däremot har Close Air Support tillämpats olika beroende på de operativa förutsättningarnasom rådde inför respektive operationUppsatsen föreslår tre områden inom ämnet som kan vara föremål för djupare analys. / The Swedish Armed Forces are transforming to be able to conduct military operations in today’sstandard conflicts. To meet the demands that the new type of conflict represents the transformationrequires a development of new doctrines and tactical manuals. .Developments of new weapon systems are proportionately much more expensive than conceptualdevelopments. The armed forces’ combat capability must be adapted to existing military technologicalconditions. During the 1980s and 1990s Close Air Support aircrafts were represented by heavily armedand armoured fixed- and rotary-wing aircrafts which carried out CAS missions in close proximity tofriendly forces. These CAS platforms are today, more or less, represented by traditional fighter andstriker aircrafts. This observation will form the basis of this research and thereby formulate thescientific question.Has the significance of Close Air Support been changed and is it therefore made it possible to useother combat aircrafts for Close Air Support missions?The purpose of this thesis is to examine how Close Air Support has been put in practise in threemodern operations and to ascertain how this has developed the concept to what it is today.Furthermore the thesis will also clarify the significance of the concept and thereby contribute withknowledge to the concept of Close Air Support.The research will analyze the concept’s historical origin and the theory behind combined arms. Thisanalysis will form the basis for the following case studies, which comprise three military operationscarried out after 1990. The research will focus on coordination, platforms and operational and tacticaleffects.The final discussion will show that coordination of CAS has been executed differently during the threestudied operations. Today’s conflicts make it possible to use weapon systems in an extended role. Thiswill explain why different combat aircraft could be used in a CAS role. The research shows that theCAS concept hasn’t changed. However, CAS has been performed in different ways depending on theoperational circumstances within each operation.The thesis suggests three new research areas within the subject that could be appropriate for furtherexaminations. / Avdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps. Hylla: Upps. ChP 06-08

Application of Integrated Watershed Management Modeling on Non-point Source Pollution Evaluation for the Ai-Liao River Basin

Shen, Wei-Lin 23 August 2006 (has links)
In Taiwan, non-point source (NPS) pollution is one of the major causes of the impairment of surface waters. NPS pollutants, which are associated with stormwater runoff from agricultural land uses can be quite diffuse and difficult to treat. The I-Liao Creek Basin, located in southern Taiwan, flows through approximately 90-km and drains towards the Kaoping River. It is one of the major sub-basin in the Kaoping River watershed, which is the largest and the most intensively used watershed in Taiwan. Field investigation results indicate that the main water pollution sources in the I-Liao Creek Basin are domestic wastewater and NPS pollutants from agricultural activities. In this study, an Integrated Watershed Management Model (IWMM) was applied for simulating the water quality in the I-Liao Creek watershed. The model includes a global atmosphere module, a land module, a human impact module, a canopy module, and a global ocean module. Those modules can be linked and managed by a graphic user-interface. The model was calibrated and verified with field data, and was used to investigate potential NPS pollution management plans. Moreover, the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) was used to verify the accuracy of the simulated results of flow and water qualities. Results from this study show that geographical information system (GIS) is an important mean for land-use identification and waste load estimation in the catchment. Linking the information of land utilization with the NPS pollution simulation model may further provide essential information of pollution potential of NPS pollution for all sub-regions in the river basin. Results and experience obtained from this study will be helpful in designing the watershed management and NPS pollution control strategies for other similar river basins.

The calibration and sensitivity analysis of a storm surge model for the seas around Taiwan

Pai, Kai-chung 10 August 2009 (has links)
The topographical variations of the seas around Taiwan are great, which make the tides complicated. Taiwan is located in the juncture of the tropical and subtropical area. Geographically, it is located within the region of northwestern Pacific typhoon path. These seasonal and geographical situations causing Taiwan frequently threaten by typhoons during summer and autumn. In addition to natural disasters, the coastal area is over developed for the last few decades, which destroys the balance between nature and man. Storms and floods constantly threaten the lowland areas along the coast. An accurate and efficient storm surge model can be used to predict tides and storm surges. The model can be calibrated and verified with the field observations. Data measured by instruments at the tidal station constituting daily tidal variations and storm surge influences during typhoons. The model can offer both predictions to the management institutions and to the general public as pre-warning system and thus taking disaster-prevention measures. This study implements the numerical model, developed by Yu (1993) and Yu et al. (1994) to calculate the hydrodynamic in the seas around Taiwan. The main purpose of this study is to make a calibration and sensitivity analysis of the model parameters. Tidal gauge data around Taiwan coastal stations collected from June to October 2005 are used for the analysis and the comparison between the modeled data and the observations. Two steps have been taken for the model calibration and sensitivity analysis. First step is to calibrate the model for accurate prediction of the astronomical tide, and then the compound tide with meteorological influences. For the calibration of the astronomical tides, sensitivity analysis has been carried out by adjusting the horizontal diffusion coefficient and the bottom friction coefficients used in the model. The sensitivity of the time-step size used in the model and model grids fitted to coastlines are also checked. A depth dependent Chézy numbers are used in the model to describe bottom friction. The model has a better result when the Chézy value varied within 65 to 85. Modifying grids fitted to the coastline has improved the model results significantly. By improving the dynamic phenomenon brought about by the land features, the model calculation fits the real tidal phenomenon better. The analysis has shown that the model is less sensitive to the horizontal diffusion coefficient. Data from 22 tidal stations around Taiwan have been used for the comparisons. The maximum RMSE (root-mean-square error) is about 10 cm at WAi-Pu, whereas the minimum RMSE is about 1 cm for the stations along eastern coast. The calibration of the compound tide is divided into three cases. The first case is to calibrate the forecasted wind field. This has been done by comparing the forecasted wind field from the Central Weather Bureau with the satellite data obtained from QuikSCAT¡XLevel 3. The satellite wind speed has been applied to adjust the forecasted wind speed. The adjusted forecast wind field has shown improvement to the model predictions in the tidal stations south of Taichung, slightly improved in the eastern coast. The second case is tuning the drag coefficient on sea surface used by the hydrodynamic model. Several empirical formulas to describe the sea surface drag have been tested. The model result has shown little influence using various drag formulations. The third case is to single the influences by the meteo-inputs, i.e. the wind field and the atmospheric pressure. The tidal level is more sensitive to the variation of the atmospheric pressure through out the tests carried out during typhoon periods. The model simulation for 2006 using the best selected parameters has shown that the model is consisted with good stability and accuracy for both stormy and calm weather conditions.

Connection between Severe Weather and Intense Lightning

Yandulska, Kateryna 17 February 2010 (has links)
This Thesis researches, explains and provides conclusions for the question of correlation between data and criteria used by Environment Canada (EC) and Lightning Studies Research Group (LSG) of University of Toronto. The necessity of such correlation arises from the question of common criteria between severe weather, as it shown in graphical data from EC, and intense lighting storms, recorded by LSG, despite deep differences in area, time scale and object of observation used by those two organizations. The objective of the Thesis is not only to compare those two, very different sets of data and criteria and find out the common ground between them, but also to provide in-depth explanation of criteria, used by Lighting Studies Research Group, along with revisiting and establishing some of them. Eight storm cases, taken from years 2005-2008 provide cases for practical research, which affects intermediate Greater Toronto Area.

Snöoväder i Sverige 2004-2014 : En statistisk sammanställning samt en utvärdering av tidningsartiklar som källa / Blizzards in Sweden 2004-2014 : A statistical compilation using newspaper articles as a source

Östling, Gustav January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Connection between Severe Weather and Intense Lightning

Yandulska, Kateryna 17 February 2010 (has links)
This Thesis researches, explains and provides conclusions for the question of correlation between data and criteria used by Environment Canada (EC) and Lightning Studies Research Group (LSG) of University of Toronto. The necessity of such correlation arises from the question of common criteria between severe weather, as it shown in graphical data from EC, and intense lighting storms, recorded by LSG, despite deep differences in area, time scale and object of observation used by those two organizations. The objective of the Thesis is not only to compare those two, very different sets of data and criteria and find out the common ground between them, but also to provide in-depth explanation of criteria, used by Lighting Studies Research Group, along with revisiting and establishing some of them. Eight storm cases, taken from years 2005-2008 provide cases for practical research, which affects intermediate Greater Toronto Area.

Modeling urban stormwater disposal systems for their future management and design

Stovold, Matthew R January 2007 (has links)
[Truncated abstract]This thesis investigates aspects of urban stormwater modeling and uses a small urban catchment (NE38) located in the suburb of Nedlands in Perth, Western Australia to do so. The MUSIC (Model for Urban Stormwater Improvement Conceptualisation) model was used to calibrate catchment NE38 using measured stormwater flows and rainfall data from within the catchment. MUSIC is a conceptual model designed to model stormwater flows within urban environments and uses a rainfall-runoff model adapted to generate results at six minute time steps. Various catchment scenarios, including the use of porous asphalt as an alternative road surface, were applied to the calibrated model to identify effective working stormwater disposal systems that differ from the current system. Calibrating catchment NE38 using the MUSIC model was attempted and this involved matching modeled stormwater flows to stormwater flows measured at the catchment drainage point. This was achieved by measuring runoff contributing areas (roads) together with rainfall data measured from within the catchment and altering the seepage constant parameter for all roadside infiltration sumps. ... The MUSIC model generated future scenario outcomes for alternative stormwater disposal systems that displayed similar or improved levels of performance with respect to the current system. The following scenarios listed in increasing order of effectiveness outline future stormwater disposal systems that may be considered in future urban design. 1. 35% porous asphalt application with no sumps in 2036 2. 35% porous asphalt application with no sumps in 2064 3. 68% porous asphalt application with no sumps in 2036 4. 68% porous asphalt application with no sumps in 2064. Future scenarios using the current stormwater disposal system (with roadside infiltration sumps) with porous asphalt were also run. These scenarios reduced stormwater runoff and contaminant loading on the catchment drainage point however the inclusion of a roadside infiltration sump system may not appeal to urban designers due to the costs involved with this scenario. Climate change will affect the design of future stormwater disposal systems and thus, the design of these systems must consider a rainfall reducing future. Based on the findings of this thesis, current stormwater runoff volumes entering catchment drainage points can be reduced together with contaminant loads in urban environments that incorporate porous asphalt with a stormwater disposal design system that is exclusive of roadside infiltration sumps.

Understanding space the conceptualization and evaluation of display in Dia:Beacon /

Pitman, Krista Chandler. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007. / Description based on contents viewed Feb. 4, 2008; title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references (p. 69-73).

The application of integrated environmental management to improve storm water quality and reduce marine pollution at Jeffreys Bay (South Africa) /

Seebach, Rudi Dieter. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M. Sc. (Environmental Science))--Rhodes University, 2006.

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