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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att använda storytelling i reklamfilm - bra eller dåligt? : Unga konsumenters uppfattning av reklamfilm med storytelling / Storytelling in commercials - good or bad? : Young consumers perception of commercials with storytelling

Larsson, Johanna, Parwén, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Storytelling är ett sätt att utforma reklam på där en historia berättas i syfte att förbättra konsumenters uppfattning av ett företag eller varumärke. Storytelling möjliggör för företag att skapa en helhetsbild av sitt koncept, gestalta sitt varumärke och ge sina konsumenter en upplevelse. Teorier om storytelling tar upp många fördelar men belyser få nackdelar. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur storytelling i reklamfilmuppfattas av unga konsumenter. För att göra detta har semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med unga konsumenter som tillhör generation Y. Med generation Y menas personer som är födda på 1980- och 1990-talen. Totalt intervjuades 10 studenter på Uppsala Universitet Campus Gotland. Den teoretiska referensramen innehåller teorier om hur reklamfilmer med storytelling bör vara uppbyggda, samt vilken påverkan storytelling har på unga konsumenter inom generation Y. Viktiga byggstenar som bör finnas med i storytelling är bland annat budskap, konflikt, rollfördelning och handling. En lyckad reklamfilm med storytelling väcker känslor, är intresseväckande och skapar en positiv bild av det bakomliggande varumärket. Detta kan leda till en djupare och gynnsam relation mellan konsument och företag. Konsumenter tolkar reklamfilmer olika, bland annat utifrån upplevelser, preferenser och ekonomiska förhållanden. Denna studie visar att unga konsumenter ofta har en mer positiv inställning till reklamfilmer med storytelling jämfört med traditionella reklamfilmer. Detta beror bland annat på att de uppfattar storytelling som roligare och mer intressant. Hur en reklamfilm uppfattas kan dock skilja en hel del mellan olika individer. Storytelling har inte enbart positiva effekter, till exempel finns det en risk att varumärket blir otydligt och missas i berättelsen. Det är även möjligt att det blir ett överflöd av reklamfilmer med storytelling, då de allra flesta företag använder sig av detta idag. Unga konsumenter tittar mer sällan på TV och kommer därför inte i kontakt med reklamfilmer på samma sätt som tidigare, vilket kan skapa nya utmaningar för marknadsförare. / Today, consumers are constantly exposed to advertising and therefore companies are forced to stand out. One way to do this is to make commercials that contain storytelling. Storytelling is a way of designing commercials, where a story is told in order to improve consumer perception of a company or brand. Theories about storytelling address many advantages but highlight very few disadvantages. The purpose of this study is therefore to explore how storytelling in commercials is perceived by young consumers. In order to do this, interviews were conducted with young consumers (generation Y). The theoretical frame of reference contains theories about how commercials with storytelling should be constructed, as well as the impact storytelling has on young consumers. This study shows that young consumers often have a more positive attitude towards commercials with storytelling than traditional commercials, as they perceive storytelling as more fun and more interesting. However, how a commercial is perceived can differ a lot between different individuals. Storytelling does not only have positive effects, for example, there is a risk that the brand becomes unclear and lost in the story. There is also a possibility that there will be an abundance of commercials with storytelling, as most companies use this today.

O universo narrativo de Latitudes: um estudo de caso das estratégias de transmidiação em uma produção ficcional brasileira / The narrative universe of Latitudes: a case study of transmediation strategies in one Brazilian fictional production

Tomaz Affonso Penner 27 October 2016 (has links)
A dissertação ora apresentada teve como objetivo central identificar e sistematizar as estratégias de transmidiação desenvolvidas no âmbito da produção da obra ficcional Latitudes (2013, 2014), um projeto transmídia veiculado em três plataformas diferentes: YouTube, televisão e cinema e, respectivamente, em três formatos: websérie, série de TV e longa metragem. Trata-se de pesquisa que utiliza a técnica de estudo de caso para analisar o surgimento de obras ficcionais produzidas para distribuição em diversas plataformas O trabalho discute o surgimento de novos gêneros e formatos relacionando-os ao contexto da hipertelevisão (Scolari, 2014) e da distribuição de conteúdos em multiplataformas, que marca a experiência estética audiovisual na contemporaneidade, proporcionando novas formas de produção, consumo e fruição. Também são discutidos modelos de negócio na cultura da convergência (Jenkins, 2008), nomeadamente no YouTube - repositório para a websérie Latitudes -, a partir da distribuição e consumo cada vez mais pautados em plataformas streaming, que ganham espaço frente à grade horária tradicional televisiva, no modelo broadcast. Apoiados nos estudos de linguagem de Bakhtin (2003) e em discussões sobre gêneros feitas por Barthes (2009), Eco (1994) e Mungioli (2012), os resultados das análises sugere uma aproximação entre os gêneros ficcional e documental na versão seriada exibida na televisão. Em termos de estratégias de transmidiação desenvolvidas em Latitudes, a análise revelou que a obra incorpora modelos de distribuição e consumo que se apresentam como tendências atuais na produção audiovisual brasileira. Quanto à construção narrativa, observamos como principais resultados o uso das estratégias de propagação (Fechine, 2013) e de reassistibilidade (Mittel, 2011) para o estabelecimento da transmidiação em Latitudes. Também incorporamos às discussões a análíse de estratégias de product placement, a partir de inserções roteirizadas, como modelo de capitalização eficaz em produtos audiovisuais que contam com a internet como principal veículo de distribuição. / The present study aims to identify and systematize transmediation strategies developed by the producers of the series Latitudes (2013, 2014), a project distributed in three different platforms: internet (YouTube), television and cinema (so, in three formats: webseries, TV series and film). The work discusses the emergence of new genres and formats relating them to the context of hipertelevision (Scolari, 2014) and the multi-platform content distribution, which marks the audiovisual experience in contemporary culture and ensures more autonomy and agency to the audiences (Castells, 2009). We also discuss the new business opportunities in the convergence culture (Jenkins, 2008), particularly on YouTube, which works as a repository for the webseries Latitudes, with the distribution and consumption increasingly guided by streaming platforms, that are gaining ground against the traditional television broadcast model. It was also possible to see that these new dynamics, supported by the Internet, create new production processes. Based on the Language theory of Bakhtin (2003) and reflections on genres using Barthes (2009), Eco (1994) and Mungioli (2012). Through these analyzes, we see a connection between the fictional and documentary genres in the television version of our empirical object. After these advances, we reach the stage of systematization of transmediation strategies developed in Latitudes, realizing that it incorporates different kinds of distribution and consumption that are presented as trends in the Brazilian audiovisual production. As main results, we identified propagation strategies (Fechine, 2013), and the use of rewatchability (Mittel, 2011) for the establishment of transmidiation in Latitudes. We also add to the discussion the strategy of product placement (Miller, 2014), through scripted insertions, as an effectively capitalization model for audiovisual products that rely on the internet as a primary vehicle of distribution.


VINICIUS FREIRE NETO 12 May 2017 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a aplicação de storytelling pela liderança e compreender o papel desta ferramenta na disseminação e internalização dos valores organizacionais. A partir da revisão da literatura de storytelling, cultura e liderança organizacional foi realizado um estudo de caso de uma empresa privada do segmento marítimo, portuário e logístico. A pesquisa qualitativa coletou dados secundários referentes a história da organização e dados primários a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com quinze líderes escolhidos por conveniência e acessibilidade. Identificamos que todos os líderes entrevistados utilizam o storytelling - em maior ou menor proporção - entretanto, a grande maioria não o faz de forma consciente ou estruturada. As principais utilizações do storytelling, no estudo de caso, foram para modificação de práticas ou comportamentos, internalização de valores organizacionais e motivação da equipe, utilizando-se de histórias reais seja da própria pessoa, seja de algum gestor de nível hierárquico superior e ferramentas de apoio, tais como vídeos e fotos. Verificou-se, também, que: (1) os gestores de negócio contam histórias relativas a própria organização enquanto os gestores do corporativo utilizam histórias pessoais ou de experiências passadas e que (2) mesmo em uma organização com um passado rico e um longo caminho de histórias organizacionais, muitos dos líderes não as conhecem ou não as utilizam em suas narrativas para com seus seguidores. Por fim, recomendou-se a instrução dos principais agentes de mudança, os líderes, sobre a ferramenta de storytelling e suas melhores formas de aplicação. / [en] The present work s purpose is to analyze the application of storytelling by leaders and to comprehend the role of this tool in the dissemination and internalization of organizational values. A case study of a private company in the maritime, port terminals and logistics industries has been done considering a detailed study regarding storytelling, organizational culture and leadership. The qualitative research had collected secondary data regarding the company s history and primary data from semi-structured interviews with fifteen leaders chosen for convenience and accessibility. We identify that all interviewed leaders use storytelling - to a greater or lesser extent - however, most of them do it so in an unconscious or structured way. The interviews have showed that the reasons mentioned for using storytelling are behavioral and practices change, internalization of organizational values and team motivation, and that the stories used are mostly based on facts, like their own stories, their superior s stories or other resources (inspirational videos and photographs). It was also found that: (1) business managers tell stories about the company itself while corporate managers tell personal stories or past experiences and (2) even in an organization with vast selection of stories itself, many of the leaders do not know them or use them in their narratives. Finally, this work ends its purpose with a recommendation for the company that was to train the main agents of change, the leaders, about the tool of storytelling and its best ways of application.

Projets urbains et imaginaires de la mobilité, les nouveaux récits de la fabrique métropolitaine : le cas du mégaprojet Bordeaux Euratlantique / Urban projects and imaginaries of mobility, new narrativization of metropolitan manufacturing : The case of Bordeaux Euratlantique megaproject

Ambal, Julie 07 November 2019 (has links)
Notre propos est d’interroger la place qu’elle tient dans les imaginaires des projets urbains exprimée en particulier dans leur mise en récit, formulée par les outils du marketing urbain et du storytelling. Notre hypothèse principale est qu’il y a une dialectique entre imaginaires de la mobilité, individuels et collectifs dans les projets urbains ; dialectique qui accompagne l’émergence de nouvelles manières de se déplacer et l’abandon de modèles marqués entre autres par l’usage de l’automobile. La mise en récit innovante et le déploiement des imaginaires, sont saisis au travers d’une étude de cas, le mégaprojet Bordeaux Euratlantique, nouvelle étape de la transformation de la métropole bordelaise. Opération d’Intérêt National, conduite par une maîtrise d’ouvrage ad hoc, elle est un laboratoire expérimental qui préfigure la mobilité de demain et qui en reconfigure les imaginaires. S’y articulent l’idée de vitesse (hypermobilité, connexion, réseau) et de lenteur (proximité et recherche de sobriété énergétique), combinaison soutenue par les experts et une partie des habitants. Le projet révèle aussi des imaginaires individuels, progressivement sédimentés à partir des pratiques et des expériences de chacun, que nous qualifions sous la forme de quatre figures, « opportuniste », « optimisé », « smart », « vertueux » : elles incarnent les tendances contemporaines de la mobilité. Selon nous, l’imbrication de ces imaginaires offre un angle original d’appréhension de la fabrication urbaine en soulignant l’importance des représentations et des discours pour tracer le futur des villes. D’un point méthodologique, notre thèse mobilise une variété de méthodes qualitatives : entretiens collectifs, entretiens individuels, revues de presse, analyse documentaire, figurative et archivistique, observations directes des sites de projet ; participation aux réunions de concertation.Notre démonstration s’organise en trois parties. La première synthétise un état de l’art qui cadre notre thématique et affine nos choix analytiques. La lecture d’une littérature pluridisciplinaire associe sociologie, science politique, urbanisme, géographie et paysage, pour montrer la valeur du concept de projet urbain et de l’idée de mise en récit centrée sur le thème de la mobilité. Nous précisons notre grille d’analyse sur la base d’une discussion de la notion d’imaginaire. Dans la deuxième partie, nous analysons l’expérience bordelaise et le mégaprojet Euratlantique, porteur d’une approche renouvelée de la mobilité. Dans la troisième partie, nous confrontons imaginaires individuel et collectif en œuvre dans le projet urbain pour saisir la dynamique complexe du changement des imaginaires. Nous détaillons en annexes les dispositifs d’enquête, le corpus iconographique et nous situons les projets et opérations citées via des documents cartographiques. / The mobility of men and women is a major issue in the manufacturing of contemporary territories. Long linked to technical issues and to the efficiency of public and individual transport, it becomes the basis for a redefinition of social and spatial practices in a context of metropolisation and shared values on the protection of the environment. In local public policies and urban projects, the organization of mobility, technical systems and services is a key element in the national and international attractiveness of cities to populations and businesses. It is also the significant support for daily change in lifestyles and aspirations.Our purpose is to question the place it holds in the imaginations of urban projects expressed in their narrative, formulated by the tools of urban marketing and storytelling. Our main hypothesis is that there is a dialectic between the imaginary of mobility, individual and collective, in urban projects; dialectic that accompanies the emergence of new ways of moving and the abandonment of models marked among others using the automobile. The innovative narrativization and unfolding of imaginaries are captured through a case study, Bordeaux Euratlantique megaproject, a new stage in the transformation of the Bordeaux metropolis. Operation of National Interest, led by an ad hoc project management, is an experimental laboratory that foreshadows the mobility of tomorrow and reconfigures the imaginary. There is the idea of speed (hypermobility, connection, network) and slowness (proximity and search for energy sobriety), a combination supported by experts and some of the inhabitants. The project also reveals individual imaginaries, gradually sedimented by the practices and experiences of each, that we qualify in the form of four figures, "opportunistic", "optimized", "smart", "virtuous": they embody the tendencies contemporary mobility. In our opinion, the interweaving of these imaginaries offers an original angle of apprehension of urban manufacturing, emphasizing the importance of representations and discourses to chart the future of cities. From a methodological point of view, our thesis mobilizes a variety of qualitative methods: collective interviews, individual interviews, press reviews, documentary, figurative and archival analysis, direct observations of project sites; participation in consultation meetings.Our demonstration is organized in three parts. The first synthesizes a state of the art that frames our theme and refines our analytical choices. The reading of a multidisciplinary literature combines sociology, political science, urbanism, geography and landscape, to show the value of the concept of urban project and the idea of narrative centered on the theme of mobility. We specify our analysis grid based on a discussion of the notion of imaginary. In the second part, we analyze the Bordeaux experience and the Euratlantique megaproject, which brings a renewed approach to mobility. In the third part, we confront imaginary individual and collective work in the urban project to grasp the complex dynamic of the change of the imaginary. We detail in appendices the survey devices; the iconographic corpus and we situate projects and operations mentioned via cartographic documents.

Searching for milk hares : Evaluating a web-based tool for location-based storytelling within cultural heritage

Dristig, Niclas January 2020 (has links)
This report details an attempt to create an interactive Location-based storytelling-experience for mobile devices using QR-codes, and an investigation into the feasibility of such an approach. The underlying purpose of the study is to explore web-based methods of developing interactive Location-based story-telling experiences as a cost-efficient alternative to mobile app-development. A secondary goal of the study was to inform the development of a future Location-based game within a public cultural heritage project directed at children.

Berätta för att lära : Tell to Learn / Tell to Learn

Danckwardt-Lillieström, Ebba, Johansson, Steffanie January 2021 (has links)
Berättelser har funnits i urminnes tider där de använts för underhållning samt ett sätt att förmedla lärdomar. Alla berättelser bygger på någon typ av storytelling som innefattar en rad olika principer för att lyckas fånga mottagaren på olika sätt. Genom att fånga mottagarens intresse via text, ljud eller bild kan skaparen formulera ett budskap på ett fängslande sätt. Berättelser vill i många fall förklara verkligheten, stärka den moraliska kompassen eller väcka känslor inom oss. Att väva in lärdomar i berättelser kan leda till väckt empati och med stor sannolikhet nya beteenden om berättelsen lyckas fånga mottagarens uppmärksamhet. Syftet med denna studie var att utforma en visuell berättelse om en tomats livscykel anpassad till barn i åldern 2-6 år, för att på ett underhållande sätt öka medvetenhet kring livsmedlets resa till tallriken. / <p>Examensarbetet är utfört vid Institutionen för teknik och naturvetenskap (ITN) vid Tekniska fakulteten, Linköpings universitet</p>

Storytelling hos hjälporganisationer : en växande bransch / Storytelling for aid organisations : a growing industry

Jonasson, Jennifer, Levinsson, Carolina January 2020 (has links)
Det finns i dagens samhälle en uppåtgående trend när det kommer till att ta socialt ansvar – hos såväl privatpersoner som organisationer. Att agera hållbart är sålunda ett omtalat ämne som debatteras nu mer än någonsin tidigare. Ett sätt att agera hållbart är att konsumera second hand. Andrahandsförsäljningen har till följd av samhällets diskussioner ökat drastiskt under de senaste åren. I och med att second hand-branschen är aktuell är branschen i sig av intressantkaraktär. Vi har sålunda valt att studera branschen utifrån teorier kring storytelling. Det finns i dagsläget inte mycket tidigare forskning kring storytelling kopplat till just second hand och välgörenhet – vilket ökar denna studies relevans. Forskning inom detta område kan således bidra med ökad förståelse och kunskap inom ett fält som än så länge inte har applicerats i vidareutsträckning. Studiens framtagna kunskap kan exempelvis användas för branschens förståelseför hur de med hjälp av att bygga en stabil röd tråd kring sina berättelser kan bygga sittvarumärke. Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka tre verksamma hjälporganisationer i Göteborgsområdet – Erikshjälpen, Reningsborg och Myrorna – som samtliga har en secondhand-butik vars mål är att göra världen en aning bättre. Studien undersöker dessa trehjälporganisationer ur ett storytellingperspektiv för att dels se huruvida deras berättelser på olika varumärkeskontaktpunkter är koherenta eller inte, dels för att jämföra skillnader och likheter mellan de olika hjälporganisationerna. Frågeställningarna som ställdes var: 1. Vilket innehåll och berättelser kommunicerar hjälporganisationerna ut och är dessa koherenta? 2. Vad finns det för likheter respektive skillnader hos hjälporganisationerna i deras kommunicerade innehåll? För att svara på studiens frågeställning har studien antagit en kvalitativ ansats där det genomförts tre fallstudier med ett komparativt inslag. Studien inleddes med en mer omfattandeobservation i vardera butik där butiken granskades utifrån förutbestämda teman. Observationer har även genomförts online på organisationernas hemsidor samt sociala medier för att få enklarare bild över organisationernas kommunicerade innehåll. Sedermera genomfördes tvåintervjuer hos vardera organisation – en intervju med en högre anställd, till exempel en butikschef, samt en medarbetare. Målet med studien var att få en tydlig bild över vilket innehåll de olika organisationerna väljer att kommunicera ut och hur de resonerar kring studiens frågor. Studiens empiri indikerar att det finns en betydelse av att ha en stark koherent berättelse kring varumärket då det ökar organisationens trovärdighet och transparens. Genom att inneha en tydlig kommunikation kring organisationens mål och även till exempel vart pengarna går tillför olika ändamål underlättar detta för organisationens medarbetare då det finns en tendens att kunderna vill ta del av denna information. Gällande studiens tre studieobjekt har samtliga en koherent berättelse, men med en viss skillnad över hur berättelsen förstärker varumärket eller inte. Studien indikerar även att det finns flera likheter samt skillnader mellan de olika organisationerna. Erikshjälpen och Reningsborg upplevs vara mer lika då de både arbetar på ett likartat sätt. Myrorna särskiljer sig till stor del både i arbetssätt men även i vilket innehåll de väljer att kommunicera ut. / In society, today there is an upward trend when it comes to taking a bigger social responsibility for both private individuals and organisations. Acting sustainably is a hot topic that is being debated more than ever before, and one way to act sustainably is to consume second hand products. Second hand sales have increased dramatically in recent years as a result of community discussions about the environment. As the second-hand industry is more than ever current the industry itself is of interesting character. Thus, we have chosen to study the industry based on theories of storytelling. There is currently very little previous research on storytelling linked to just second-hand products and charity which increases the relevance of this study. Research in this area could contribute to increasing the understanding and knowledge in a field that has so far not been widely applied. The study's acquired knowledge can, for example, be used for the industry's understanding of how they can build their brand by building a stable red thread around their stories. The main purpose of the thesis is to investigate three active aid organisations in the Gothenburg area - Erikshjälpen, Reningsborg and Myrorna - all of which opened second hand shops whose main aim were to make the world a little better, thereby benefitting everyone. The study examines these three aid organisations from a storytelling perspective to see whether their stories from different brand contact points are coherent, understandable and feasible if put into use and partly to compare the differences and any similarities between the different aid organisations. This essay will be written in Swedish and the questions this study examines are: 1. What content and stories do the aid organisations communicate and are they coherent? 2. What are the similarities and differences of the aid organisations in their communicated content? In answering the study's questions, the study has adopted a qualitative approach where three case studies with a comparative element have been carried out. The study began with a more comprehensive observation, where each store’s examination was based on pre-determined themes. Online observations were also conducted on the organisations websites and social media to gain a clearer picture of the organisations communication content. Subsequently, two interviews were conducted with each organisation - an interview was held with a high positioned employee, i.e. a store manager and also an employee. The aim of the study was to obtain a comprehensive overview over what type of content the organisations choose to communicate, and how they resonate with the research questions. The study's results indicate that it is very important to have a strong, coherent story built around the brand as it increases the organisation's credibility, benefits and transparency by having clear communications about the organisation's goals and also where the money is spent for various purposes. This helps the organisation's employees and customers to recognise their credibility and sends a clear-cut message as there is a tendency for customers wanting to share this information. Regarding the three organisations they all have a coherent story, but with some differences over how the story increase the brand value or not. The study also indicates that there are several similarities and differences between the different organisations. Erikshjälpen and Reningsborg are perceived to be more similar as they both work in a similar way whereas Myrorna differ to a great extent both in the way they work but also in what content they choose to communicate.

Storytelling a jeho využití ve výuce VO a OSZ / The method of storytelling and its application in the Civics

Schneider, Benjamin January 2022 (has links)
This master thesis focuses on topics of narrativity, stories and the art storytelling, while fixing the biggest attention on the storytelling method - as a narratively-dramatical field of arts. The storytelling method stands in the very focal point of this thesis and its potentiality in the field of didactics and education are being examined - concerning specifically the school subject of the Civics. In this master thesis, two chapters have been designed - a philosophical one, and a didactics-concerning one. In the first chapter, narrativity has been analysed as an anthropological and philosophical phenomenon and viewed from the phenomenological perspective. In this part of the master thesis, the essential significance of narrativity, stories and storytelling for the human life, human experience and the capabilities of education have been expressed and emphasized. In the second chapter, the variety of narrative forms has been outlined and the storytelling method has also been introduced. The methodology has been presented and the process of the preparations for a storytelling performance has been described in this part of the master thesis. As a follow-up to this, a possible application of the storytelling mehtod in the education process has been analysed, while focusing specifically on the Civics....

Environmental storytelling i escape rooms : Hur historiska narrativ kan fungera i escape rooms / Environmental storytelling in escape rooms : How historical narratives can work in escape rooms

Blomquist, Sanna, Molander, Elin January 2022 (has links)
Detta arbete handlar om hur ett historiskt narrativ kan presenteras i ett escape room genom environmental storytelling. En artefakt bestående av ett fysiskt escape room har skapats för att undersöka frågeställningen hur det presenteras och sedan förstås. Arbetet grundar sig primärt i Nicholsons forskning om escape rooms, Caillois speldefinition samt Fernandez-Varas definition av environmental storytelling. Testerna har genomförts med dataspelsutvecklingsstudenter och visat mycket positiva resultat på hur rummet och narrativet kan förstås, men att det är lätt att små saker blir villospår. Det finns dock fortfarande mycket mer att utforska inom ämnet av escape rooms.

Studenters syn på tågturismupplevelser genom Interrail

Sae-Ung, Naruepenat, Ramirez, Patricia January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to study the concept of Interrail and its importance for students' train journeys when it comes to students' portraits of train tourism. The empirical data has been collected through a qualitative method. The implementation of the method has been done through semi-structured interviews with college/ university students. The theoretical material is based on Lena Mossberg and Monica Hanefors (2007) reasoning on Storytelling, as well as Scott A. Cohen, Girish Prayag and Miguel Moital (2013) reasoning on consumer betting.  The results show that the Interrail concept is based on six steps which is 1, freedom. 2, flexibility. 3, value. 4, connection. 5, comfort. 6, support. Interrail offers an adventure element but also at the same time a safety element. The traveler knows that they have their ticket, they know where it is valid and for how long. If the traveler's intention is to travel around several countries, Global Pass is the best option. On the other hand, if the traveler only wants to visit a particular country, One Country Pass is the best option. Train tourism gives students the chance to experience different landscapes and villages, something that air travel does not provide the opportunity for. In addition, train tourism gives students an option to leave everyday life aside and have more freedom. Trains as a travel option give students the chance to experience Europe in a new way. By visiting several different cities, cultures and enjoying different landscapes, train tourism creates an educational experience for young people to reflect on their life. / Denna studie syftar till att studera konceptet med Interrail och dess betydelse för studenters tågresor när det kommer till studenters porträtt av tågturism. Det empiriska datamaterialet har samlat in genom en kvalitativ metod. Genomförandet av metoden har skett genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med högskola/ universitet studenter i åldrarna 22 till 25 år. Det teoretiska materialet bygger på Lena Mossberg och Monica Hanefors (2007) resonemang om Storytelling samt Scott A. Cohen, Girish Prayag och Miguel Moital (2013) resonemang om konsumentbeteende.  Resultatet visar på att Interrail koncept bygger på sex steg vilket är 1, frihet. 2, flexibilitet. 3, värde. 4, anslutning. 5, komfort. 6, support. Interrail erbjuder ett äventyrselement samtidigt som det ger ett säkerhetselement. Resenären vet att de har sin biljett, de vet var den är giltig och hur länge. Om resenärens avsikt är att åka runt i flera länder, är Global Pass det bästa alternativet. Å andra sidan om resenären bara vill besöka ett visst land, är One Country Pass det bästa alternativet. Tågturismen ger studenter möjlighet att uppleva olika landskap och byar något som flygresor inte ger möjligheten till. Dessutom ger tågturismen studenter ett alternativ att lämna det vardagliga livet åt sidan och ha mer frihet. Tåg som resealternativ ger studenter chansen att uppleva Europa på ett nytt sätt. Genom att besöka flera olika städer, kulturer och njuta av olika landskap skapar tågturism en lärorik upplevelse för ungdomar att reflektera över sitt liv.

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