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När ryktet avgör : En kvalitativ fallstudie om online reputation management i svenska destinationsbolagEliasson, Emmy January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines corporate reputation and reputation management online, where destinations were selected as an example of a reputation-dependent industry with special terms. The aim of this study is to examine how Swedish destinations strategically manage their reputation online. Furthermore, the thesis sees into six destinations in Sweden using a theoretical approach on how companies work with their reputation to prevent and nurture their reputation online from a public relations perspective. The result showed that the destinations work actively online to maintain their reputation. Their primary critical stakeholders are politicians and their visit nutrition, their secondary stakeholders are in the long term their own residents. The result also showed that the digitalization has led to both challenges and opportunities. There is thus, an internal challenge in finding resources and an external challenge to compete globally. The destinations determinedly work to measure and monitor their reputation online, but see management as complex today. This study concludes that some areas of online reputation management are found to be applicable for companies in general, but mainly Swedish destinations. In conclusion the study presents a model on how companies proactively can manage their reputation from a public relations point of view.
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Strategisk kommunikation i ideella organisationer : En retorisk analys av hur Världsnaturfonden WWF kommunicerar förtroende i olika kommunikationskanaler / Strategic communication in non-profit organizations : A rhetorical analysis how Världsnaturfonden WWF communicates trust in various communication channelsAdolfsson, Linda, Nilsson, Emelie January 2020 (has links)
This study has aimed to examine how Världsnaturfonden WWF communicates trust in various communication channels. We also wanted to see if there are any differences in the different channels on how WWF communicates trust. It is a qualitative study that uses critical rhetoric analysis as method. We choose to analyze the communication channels sponsored facebookposts, personalized letters and two sites from WWF:s website. The empirical data has been analyzed with the aid of theories of strategic communication, non-profit organizations, rhetoric and media specificity. The results show that WWF uses various communication strategies to communicate trust in all of the examined channels. The most important aspects of trust is communicated through presenting what WWF:s collected money has contributed to, that the organization appears to be knowledgeable and engaged in the various areas they work for. In all of the channels we have examined, we have also seen that WWF uses a personal address to the reader. In the sponsored facebookposts and in the personalized letters, we find that WWF communicates more trust than on the website by using more emotions. WWF express more gratitude for donors and more concern for the various animals and the environment affected. Other differences we have seen between the channels are that they differ in how they are designed, but these differences are mainly due to different norms relating to the specific channels. This study has contributed with knowledge of how a non-profit organization such as WWF rhetorically communicates trust to different target groups through different communication channels. This study has also contributed to knowledge of the differences and similarities regarding how WWF communicates trust through the three different communication channels.
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The Influence of Visual Art in the Brand Communication of Exclusive Streetwear BrandsSoybelli, Tugba 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Skomakarens barn i kommunikationsbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om relationsskapande i sociala medier genom strategisk kommunikation för byråer i kommunikationsbranschen. / The shoemaker's children in the communications industry : A qualitative study on relationship building in social media through strategic communication for agencies in the communications industry.Funeland, Ida, Johansson, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse för hur utvalda praktiker i kommunikationsbranschen i Karlstad upplever anpassningen av sociala medier och dess roll för relationsskapande genom strategisk kommunikation. Huvudfrågeställning: Hur upplever de utvalda praktikerna i den bransch som borde vara i framkant inom kommunikation anpassningen av det strategiska skiftet som sociala medier medfört? o Hur upplever praktikerna sociala mediers roll i den strategiska kommunikationen för relationsskapande?o Hur kan praktikernas upplevelser av relationsskapande genom sociala medier som kommunikationsväg förklaras genom Social Information Processing Theory?o Hur kan praktikernas upplevelser av relationsskapande genom sociala medier som strategisk kommunikation förklaras genom Relationship Cultivation Strategies? Teorier: Social Information Processing, Relationship Cultivation Metod: I denna studie har vi använt oss av metoden kvalitativa intervjuer och genomfört undersökningen på nio praktiker verkande i byråer inom kommunikationsbranschen. Praktikerna hittades genom Karlstads företagsregister och kontaktades sedan via mejl vid rekrytering. Efter att vi genomfört intervjuerna bearbetades materialet i NVivo där vi med hjälp av resultatet kunde kategorisera olika teman. Genom resultatet analyserade och diskuterade vi fram slutsatser. Slutsats: Inledningsvis kan vi efter våra kvalitativa intervjuer dra slutsatsen att sociala medier möjliggör för olika syften vilket resulterar i att rollen i den övergripande kommunikativa strategin skiljs åt beroende på praktikernas skilda upplevelser. Vi kan även dra slutsatsen att sociala medier främst upplevs som en kommunikationsväg för att intensifiera och integrera relationer, snarare än att initiera relationer, vilket betyder att upplevelserna till viss del kan förklaras genom Social Information Processing Theory. Vi kan också dra slutsatsen att praktikernas upplevelser av relationsskapande i sociala medier kan förklaras genom de flesta kommunikativa insatserna från Relationship Cultivation Strategies, med ett undantag (networking). Dock kan vi också se att strategierna inte alltid appliceras i relationsskapande syfte utan kan grundas i andra motiv. Avslutningsvis kan vi antyda att praktikernas verkan inom kommunikationsbranschen (som bör vara i framkant gällande strategisk kommunikation för relationsskapande) inte förhindrar att praktikerna tampas med att efterleva det de själva predikar. / Purpose: The purpose of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of how selected practitioners in the communications industry in Karlstad experience the adaptation of social media and its role for relationship building through strategic communication. Research question: How do the selected practitioners in the industry who should be at the forefront of communication experience the adaptation of the strategic shift that social media has brought about? o How do the practitioners experience the role of social media in the strategic communication for relationship building? o How can the practitioners experiences of relationship building through social media as a means of communication be explained through Social Information Processing Theory? o How can the practitioners experiences of relationship building through social media as strategic communication be explained through Relationship Cultivation Strategies? Theories: Social Information Processing, Relationship Cultivation Method: In this study, we have used the method of qualitative interviews and conducted the survey on nine practitioners working in agencies in the communications industry. The interns were found through Karlstad's business register and were then contacted via email when recruiting. After we conducted the interviews, the material was processed in NVivo, where we could use the results to categorize different themes. Through the result we analysed and discussed our way to conclusions. Conclusion: Initially, after our qualitative interviews, we can conclude that social media enables different purposes, which results in different roles in the overall communicative strategy depending on the different experiences of the practitioners. We can also conclude that social media is primarily perceived as a communication path to intensify and integrate relationships, rather than initiating relationships, which means that the experiences can to some extent be explained through Social Information Processing Theory. We can also conclude that practitioners' experiences of relationship building in social media can be explained by most communicative efforts from Relationship Cultivation Strategies, with one exception (networking). However, we can also see that the strategies are not always applied for relationship building purposes but can be based on other motives. In conclusion, we can suggest that the practitioners' occupation within the communication industry (which should be at the forefront of strategic communication for relationship building) does not prevent practitioners from struggling to live up to what they preach.
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Blå dunster och gröna skogar : en multimodal diskursanalys av filmer från Svenska SkogenEnbom Burreau, Klara January 2020 (has links)
Genom att att beskriva hur ett strategiskt urval av information formar dessa filmer syftar uppsatsen dels undersöka hur skogsbruket porträtteras i Svenska Skogens filmer men även vilka diskurser som inkluderas. Vidare ämnar studien att via en kritisk ansats öka förståelse för de maktförhållanden som materialet signalerar och hur de förhåller sig till de risker som skogsindustrin i skapar. Materialet som studeras är filmer producerade av Svenska Skogen mellan 2017-2019 ovh metoden som används är multimodal kritisk diskursanalys. Studiens visar att filmerna förmedlar en identitet av produktion, miljömedvetenhet och medelklass. De har humor och är lättillgängliga för den urbana människan i Sverige. Den diskurs som präglar dessa filmer är miljöinriktad, men förmedlas på premisserna av produktion. Det är mycket som utelämnas från båda dessa diskursers klassiska utgångspunkter vilket gör att de genom konvergerande begrepp skapar en ny diskurs, här och i tidigare forskning kallad ekologisk modernitet.
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En funktionsdryck somkommunicerar SMART : En kvalitativ studie om betydelsen en unik visuell identitet kan ha för att kommunicera effektivt till studenter / A functional drink that communicates SMART : A qualitative study of the importance a unique visual identity can have for communicating effectively to studentsLundqvist, Alfred, Ivarsson, Christian January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med det här projektarbetet är att undersöka betydelsen en unik visuell identitet kan ha för att kommunicera effektivt till målgruppen studenter, samt att formge den visuella identiteten. För att ge kontext till syftet utformades den visuella identiteten som ett fiktivt funktionsdrycksvarumärke. Projektet utfördes med hjälp av designprocessen samt en intervjustudie med tre fokusgrupper där totalt nio intervjupersoner deltog. Det första resultatet visade på att intervjupersonerna upplever att det i dagsläget inte finns någon funktionsdryck som är inriktad mot just studenter, något vi hade en hypotes om från projektets start. Därefter togs fyra prototyper fram som den andra fokusgruppen fick dela sina åsikter kring. Resultatet av detta visade att andra fokusgruppens upplevda samhörighet med varumärket var av stor vikt. Målet med den strategiska kommunikationen var att utstråla egenskaperna samhörighet, kunskap och att behålla koncentrationen genom den visuella identiteten. Den visuella identitet som blev mest uppskattad var illustrationer av olika universitet runt om i Sverige. Detta är unikt, skapar samhörighet med målgruppen och kommunicerar på ett sätt som inget annat varumärke gör. Den slutgiltliga feedbacken från den tredjefokusgruppen kunde också styrka att den framtagna visuella identiteten är ett bra koncept att kommunicera till studenter. Resultatet visade även på att studenter lätt lägger sin lojalitet mot andra varumärken åt sidan när en annan väl utformad unik visuell identitet som strategiskt kommunicerar konnotationer går i linje med deras egna värderingar. Genom användningen av designprocessen och med hjälp av att strategiskt kommunicera det fiktiva varumärket utifrån redan etablerade varumärken, samt resultaten från de tre fokusgrupperna, har en unik visuell identitet skapats som effektivt kommunicerar till studenter. / The purpose of this project work is to investigate the importance a unique visual identity can have for communicating effectively to the target group of students, as well as to shape the visual identity. To give context to the purpose, the visual identity was designed as a fictitious functional beverage brand. The project was carried out with the help of the design process and an interview study with three focus groups in which a total of nine interviewees participated. The first result showed that the interviewees feel that at present there is no functional drink that is aimed at students, something we had a hypothesis about from the start of the project. Subsequently, four prototypes were developed that the other focus group could share their views on. The result of the second focus group showed that the perceived affiliation with the brand was of great importance. The goal of the strategic communication was to radiate the qualities of belonging, knowledgeand to maintain concentration through the visual identity. The visual identity that was most appreciated were illustrations by various universities around Sweden. This is unique, creates belonging with the target group and communicates in a way that no other brand does. The final feedback from the third focus group couldalso prove that the developed visual identity is a good concept to communicate to students. The results showed that students easily put their loyalty to other brands aside when another well-designed unique visual identity strategically communicates connotations that aligns with their own values. Through the use of the design process and with the help of strategically communicating the fictitious brand based on already established brands, as well as the results from the three focus groups, a unique visual identity has been created that effectively communicates to students.
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Att försvara sin existens på sociala medier : En kvalitativ studie om hur Voi Technology kommunicerar externt för att uppfattas som en legitim aktörBlennå, Anna, Jansson, Linnéa January 2022 (has links)
In the past few years, the number of e-scooter rental services has rapidly increased in Sweden and across Europe. The increased usage of e-scooters has created problems, for example with accessibility on sidewalks and traffic safety. Consequently, the e-scooter industry has become a highly debated topic. This case study examined how Voi Technology communicate to profile themselves as legitimate, based on Max Weber’s principles of legitimation and Mark C. Suchman’s legitimation strategies. Three research questions were formulated to be able to fulfill the aim of the study: 1) Which of Suchman’s strategies to maintain legitimacy can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 2) Which of Suchman’s strategies to repair legitimacy can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 3) Which of Weber’s principles of legitimation can be distinguished in Voi Technology’s external communication? 30 posts from Voi’s social media accounts on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin were analyzed with a qualitative content analysis and a semiotic analysis. The results showed that Voi are using the strategies “protect accomplishments” and “perceive change” to maintain legitimacy and the strategies “normalize” and “restructure” to repair legitimacy. The study did also find the legal-rational and charismatic principles of legitimation in Voi’s communication. The traditional principle of legitimation could not be found. Instead, Voi often presented themselves as non-traditional and innovative. This study contributes with more knowledge about how organizations can communicate to get legitimacy, when an organization or market is being questioned.
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From Coffee Breaks to Communication Breakthroughs : A Quantitative Study of a Fika Campaign: Shaping Strategic Communication in the Digital Age / Från kafferast till kommunikations-genombrott : En kvantitativ studie av en Fika kampanj: Formande av strategisk kommunikation i den digitala eranElwin Segolsson, Annie January 2023 (has links)
This research paper investigates the effectiveness of a campaign conducted by me and SJ to recruit new members on board trains, focusing on the interplay between strategic communication, demographic factors and technology use. With the increasing majority of online platforms and the pervasiveness of smartphones, the study recognizes the significance of mobile media and technologies like QR codes in shaping everyday experiences. By examining the campaign's outcomes and reach, this study evaluates the effectiveness of the campaign in attracting new members. Additionally, the study investigates the influence of background factors such as gender, and geographic affiliation on recruitment outcomes and target audience responses. Moreover, it analyses how technology usage impacts users' navigation through the campaign, the recruitment process onboard trains, and their responses to SJ´S email communication. A reference group of self-initiated members within SJ´s loyalty program is incorporated to compare the behaviour and engagement of campaign members and self-initiated members. Through this analysis, the paper sheds light on the dynamics of strategic communication in the digital age and provides insights into the role of technology and demographic factors in shaping campaign effectiveness and user engagement. The result of the structured observation study showed that the campaign has effectively recruited new members, with technology usage patterns influenced by age, gender, and geographic factors to some extent. Women demonstrate a higher level of receptiveness to email communication from SJ, as indicated by their greater tendency to interact with emails. In contrast, men display a lower probability of opening emails. Moreover, older age groups exhibit higher levels of campaign participation and demonstrate better navigation skills.
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"Everything is Just Starting": (Re)presenting the Tuol Sleng Museum of Genocidal Crimes as a Post-Justice Site of MemoryCychosz, Elizabeth K. 10 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Social Media Comment Sections and Their Effect on Message Framing: Implications for Political Communication and Public RelationsKrieger, Andrew 04 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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